Cars ★ Histoire

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Un récit chronologique de la vie de Kars.


Kars utilise le premier Masque de Pierre

Kars est né 102 000 ans avant les événements de Battle Tendency. Son peuple vivait sous terre et se nourrissait l'essence des autres êtres vivants, ne se reproduisant pas souvent en raison de leur longue durée de vie. Bien qu'il vivaient dans une société paisible et bien approvisionnée, Kars était insatisfait; à ses yeux, sa race pourrait facilement régner sur la Terre si seulement ils se libéraient de leur faiblesse mortelle face à la lumière du soleil. Rongé par l'ambition, il a commencé à chercher un moyen pour sa course de "dompter le soleil" et de sortir des cavernes.

Kars massacre sa race

Avec le temps, Kars a créé les Masques de Pierre et a commencé à tester ses effets sur lui-même. Cependant, les épines du masque n'ont pas pu pénétrer son propre crâne suffisamment profondément pour libérer son plein potentiel - au lieu de cela, il a acquis des pouvoirs de manipulation corporelle accrus au prix d'une faim considérablement accrue.

Finalement, sa race a commencé à craindre Kars pour son obsession, car l'augmentation de la faim causée par le masque menacait l'écosystème et leur mode de vie si son utilisation se généralisait. Bientôt, Kars s'est trouvé attaqué par le reste de son peuple, qui a demandé son exécution malgré ses protestations. Incapable de les faire basculer à ses côtés avec des promesses de divinité, il a massacré son peuple lui-même, y compris ses propres parents. Avec Esidisi, l'un des seuls membres de sa race à être d'accord avec ses idéaux, il a emmené deux enfants, qui étaient probablement les hommes du pilier appelés Santana et Wamuu.

Cars a commencé à expérimenter sur les humains, transformant des centaines de milliers d'entre eux en Vampires et se nourrissant d'eux. Cependant, Cars ne pouvait pas utiliser le Masque de Pierre seul pour dompter le soleil. Cars a finalement découvert la Pierre rouge d'Aja et a rapidement découvert qu'elle pouvait concentrer le pouvoir de la lumière pour renforcer les masques. Pourtant, ce n'était pas assez pour les pousser au-delà de leurs limites car les pierres Aja qu'il avait étaient trop petites et imparfaites. Il a développé une version modifiée du masque qui pourrait se combiner avec un "Super Aja" parfait. Laissant Santana derrière lui, Cars et les autres voyageant à travers la mer en Europe. On sait également que les hommes du pilier se sont rendus en Chine. A l'époque de l'Empire romain, Cars a entendu parler d'un Super Aja en possession d'un empereur romain, mais une tribu de manieurs d'Onde consciente du danger que les Hommes du Pilier s'est mis en travers de leur chemin. À un moment donné, Cars a ordonné à Wamuu de tuer un garçon du clan, mais Wamuu était réticent à l'idée de tuer un enfant sans défense. Sachant que ce garçon grandirait et chercherait à se venger, Cars l'a tué avant qu'il ne devienne un obstacle.[1] Tout en réussissant dans la décimation de la tribu, lui et ses camarades ont été contraints d'hiberner sous le Colisée.

Battle Tendency (1938-39)


Les Hommes du Pilier hibernent
Cars est présenté comme le chef des hommes du pilier, attaqué par Wham après avoir marché sur son ombre et s'excuser d'avoir oublié ce trait. Il regarde Wamuu affronter deux nouveaux guerriers de l'Onde, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli et Joseph Joestar. César est facilement vaincu et les hommes du pilier se moquent de sa détermination insensée de venger son camarade. Quand Joseph semble ne pas poser trop de problème non plus, Cars quitte leur caverne. Plus tard, il observe Wham épargner à Joseph d'avoir un meilleur combat un mois après, mais il n'est pas intéressé et part à la recherche de la Super Aja.

Cars et les autres hommes du pilier partirent à la recherche de la Pierre rouge d'Aja, s'installant dans un manoir abandonné à Saint-Moritz en Suisse comme base d'opération en Europe. Ayant trouvé une piste menant à la pierre, AC/DC avait prévu de contacter Cars après l'avoir récupérée, mais a rapidement été vaincu par Joseph. Au moment fixé de l'appel d'AC/DC, Cars se trouve incapable d'atteindre son compagnon et s'inquiète de son sort. Sur le chemin du retour, Cars sauve un chien errant d'une voiture en coupant la voiture en deux, ainsi que ses occupants ivres.

Combat pour la Super Aja

Cars trouve la trace du Super Aja, qui est entre les mains des Nazis. La nuit, Cars s'approche du chalet où les nazis ont établi leur quartier général local. Il choisit une pièce dans laquelle il va entrer et détecte cinq soldats à l'intérieur. À l'aide de sa lame, Cars les tue tous à travers le mur et entre dans le chalet mais se confronte à Rudol von Stroheim, devenu cyborg, ainsi qu'à Joseph Joestar. Il en déduit rapidement que ce dernier était responsable de la mort d'AC/DC, et jure de tuer Joseph en retour une fois qu'il aura sécurisé la pierre rouge d'Aja. Bien que brièvement pris au dépourvu par le nouveau corps cyborg de Stroheim - conçu pour dépasser les hommes du pilier mais basé sur les données de Santana - il reprend rapidement l'avantage et coupe l'allemand, révélant que Santana était de loin le plus faible des quatre. Cars prend le Super Aja des mains de Stroheim mais l'Allemand révèle son oeil laser et force Cars à lâcher la pierre. La Super Aja commence à glisser vers une falaise, provoquant une course entre Cars et Joseph Joestar. Avec sa constitution surhumaine, Cars n'hésite pas à courir vers la falaise et prédit que Joseph essaiera de le frapper quand il ramassera l'Aja. Cars échappe facilement au coup de pied et saisit le Super Aja avec son pied, mais Joseph donne également un coup de pied dans la neige au visage de Cars, lui permettant de reprendre l'Aja. À l'aide de l'une de ses lames de jambe, Cars accroche toujours Joseph et le traîne le long de la falaise. Joseph attrape une stalactite mais Cars le traîne toujours. Il frappe Joseph dans le mur pour le faire rebondir et l'attaquer avec sa lame, mais Joseph utilise ensuite le Super Aja comme bouclier. Joseph utilise ensuite les stalactites qui tombent pour créer une corde de fortune, lui permettant de s'accrocher pendant que Cars tombe au bas de la falaise. En bas, Kars évite délibérément une parcelle de fleurs et reconnaît sa défaite pour l'instant. Il part.

Cars retourne à son hôtel abandonné de Saint-Moritz, où Joseph Joestar et Lisa Lisa finissent par le retrouver. Cependant, il leur tend une embuscade avec une armée de 100 Vampires. Contre les souhaits de Wham, Kars veut tuer les manieurs d'Onde avec le moins de tracas possible. Lisa Lisa prétend alors qu'elle a placé une bombe à retardement près du Super Aja, qui le briserait si les héros ne revenaient pas à temps. Cars est obligée d'accepter sa demande que les Hommes du Piliers et les manieurs d'Onde se battent en tête-à-tête pour décider qui obtiendra le Super Aja. Toutes les parties conviennent de se rencontrer à la Pierre du Talon-squelette pour observer une course de chars entre Wham et Joseph. Kars et Lisa Lisa commentent ensuite la course, étant pour leurs élèves respectifs. À un moment donné, Cars offre sournoisement du poison à Lisa Lisa afin qu'elle puisse se suicider au lieu de le combattre, sûr de la victoire de Wamuu. Cependant, c'est Joseph qui remporte finalement la bataille.

Après la disparition de Wham, Cars intervient enfin et tue trois vampires qui ont insulté Wham après sa mort. Il tue également plusieurs Vampires qui attaquent Lisa Lisa et Joseph contre ses ordres. Cars et Lisa Lisa se battent ainsi dans les ruines du temple Piz Bernina sur une poutre de pierre placée au-dessus du sol. Cependant, Cars trompe finalement Lisa Lisa pendant leur combat en utilisant un vampire déguisé comme leurre et lui vole la pierre, la laissant inconsciente. Cars lance ses vampires à l'assaut de Joseph mais la Fondation Speedwagon et les Nazis interviennent avec des armes anti-vampires pour combattre les Vampires.

Ceci permet à Joseph d'affronter Cars en duel sur le temple. Cependant, Cars utilise Lisa Lisa à son propre avantage. Il perce les pieds de Lisa Lisa et passe une corde à travers les blessures, forçant Joseph à saisir la corde pour l'empêcher de tomber. Un Cars trop confiant s'approche alors que Joseph met le feu à son écharpe et attaque, mais lorsque Cars coupe la corde, celle-ci enserre sa jambe et fait tomber Cars de la poutre. Ceci faisait partie du plan de Joseph: il a attiré l'attention de Cars sur le haut de son corps avec l'écharpe pendant qu'il arrangeait une boucle de corde avec ses pieds, qui l'a incité à entrer dans la boucle et le forçant à garder ses adversaires au-dessus du pointes ci-dessous. Cars affronte Joseph dans une ultime confrontation avec sa lame de bras, mais il est battu à plate couture lorsque l'Onde de Joseph permet à celui-ci de casser sa lame et lui blesse le bras, le faisant tomber de la rambarde et dans les pointes en dessous. Stroheim et ses troupes nazies arrivent avec Speedwagon, Smokey et les forces spéciales de la Fondation Speedwagon. Stroheim jubile sur le sort de Cars avant d'ordonner à ses troupes de donner le coup de grâce à l'Homme du Pilier avec des rayons UV.

L'Etre Ultime

Kars, l'Etre Ultime

Alors que les nazis tirent des rayons ultraviolets sur lui, Cars revêt inopinément un Masque de Pierre modifié avec le Super Aja en place; la lumière active le masque et lui permet d'entrer dans sa forme ultime. Les humains ne peuvent qu'observer horrifiés alors que Cars affiche son nouveau pouvoir en transformant brièvement sa main en un écureuil mangeur de chair, puis en se tenant au soleil tandis que ses serviteurs vampires restants sont instantanément détruits. Pour couronner sa victoire, Cars décide de tuer Joseph. Poussant des ailes, Cars poursuit Joseph, qui utilise un avion pour s'envoler. Cars le poursuit jusqu'à l'Adriatique et tire des plumes durcies sur l'avion. La plume se transforme alors en tentacules de calmar et en piranhas qui ravagent l'avion. Cars voit Joseph sauter avec un parachute et s'approche pour tuer l'homme, mais il remarque troptard que c'est un mannequin. Joseph, qui pilote toujours l'avion, le percute avec l'intention de le plonger dans la lave du volcan. Cars essaie de s'échapper mais Stroheim, qui se cachait également dans l'avion, tire son poing sur Cars. Cars est poussé à l'intérieur du lac de lave.

Kars dans l'espace

A l'intérieur du volcan, Cars essaie de créer une carapace mais elle fond. Alors qu'il s'enfonce dans la lave, Cars crée enfin une armure suffisamment résistante à la chaleur qui lui permet de creuser son chemin hors du cratère. Il prend Joseph par surprise et coupe son bras gauche. Un Joseph désespéré essaie d'utiliser l'Onde pour attaquer, mais Cars développe ensuite sa propre Onde dont l'énergie est suffisamment puissante pour faire fondre la chair humaine. Décidant de l'utiliser pour tuer Joseph hors de la justice poétique, Cars envoie une puissante onde vers Joseph. Joseph se défend inconsciemment en utilisant le Super Aja pour rediriger l'onde de Cars dans le sol, provoquant une éruption qui fait exploser le terrain sur lequel les deux combattants sont. Joseph et Cars sont projeté dans les airs sur une plateforme de roc. Cars tente de s'échapper, mais est brièvement distrait par Joseph, ce qui permet à des débris volcaniques et à l'avant-bras sectionné de Joseph de le percuter et le sonner. Cars sort de l'orbite terrestre.

Cars se prépare à retourner sur Terre après avoir été jeté hors de l'orbite en éjectant l'air accumulé dans son corps, mais l'air gèle en sortant. Son corps commence à geler à cause de la température extrêmement basse et il est piégé dans le vide de l'espace pour l'éternité alors que son corps se transforme en roc pour se protéger. Incapable de mourir même s'il le souhaite, Cars finit par arrêter de penser.


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Kars is a primary ally in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. Throughout the story, he unlocks his own versions of several Stand abilities by adapting his body once he understands how the Stands function.

List of Kars's Stands
U-Boat Ultimate (Uボート・アルティメット)Link to this section
Body Diving, Submarine Utilities, Amplified Sonar
Whitesnake Ultimate (ホワイトスネイク・アルティメット)Link to this section
Disc Creation and Duplication
Dune Ultimate (デューン・アルティメット)Link to this section
Sand Mimicry and Manipulation
The World Ultimate (ザ・ワールド・アルティメット)Link to this section
Stopping Time
C-Moon Ultimate Requiem (Cムーン・アルティメット・レクイエム)Link to this section
Gravity Shift
Ultimate D4C (アルティメット・D4C)Link to this section
Dimensional Travel
Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem (メイド・イン・ヘブン・アルティメット・レクイエム)Link to this section
Time Acceleration

Original Universe Kars


Kars holding The Eyed Balloon

Around 1986, Kars boards a Giotto probe from Halley's Comet to Mars. As the Ultimate Thing, he manages to survive even after the destruction and rebirth of the universe. Now in the second universe, Kars meets an alternate version of himself who underwent the same fate. The universal cycle continues and Kars continues meeting alternate versions of himself on Mars in the subsequent universes. They attempt to go back to Earth twice but don't have enough materials or fuel. On their first try, they pass too far from Earth. On their second try, Kars turns part of his body into fuel in an attempt to enter the atmosphere, but didn't know the correct angle of entry. If he had failed, he calculated that the convection and radiation heat would have vaporized him faster than his cells could regenerate. Thus, Kars creates another plan that would protect himself and calculates that he would have enough extra materials as well as versions of him to turn into fuel only in the 37th universe.

Patiently waiting until the universe looped again, the 37th universe finally arrives. Around 2001, Kars meets Funnier Valentine, an astronaut who helps Kars create a plan for reentry. They negotiate a mutually profitable arrangement in which, in exchange for Funnier's help, Kars agrees to not eat any Americans. Kars accepts his offer, and waits for him to arrive. Meanwhile, the extra Kars turn their bodies into a large sphere while holding the Giotto probes, allowing them to safeguard their materials. Kars spends his time running laps around Mars, holding the sphere like a balloon.

In 2012, Funnier returns to Mars with a team of astronauts. Although Funnier's plan doesn't go as expected, Kars makes his escape from Mars by invading Narancia Ghirga's U-Boat submarine. Kars declares that he can finally go back home but the oxygen in the spaceship will only last them four hours. Kars doesn't need oxygen to survive so he offers to eat the humans as a celebratory feast afterwards. He starts building his own spaceship with the help of the extra versions of him. Kars orders Narancia to shrink the submarine and then he carries it along with Narancia and Jorge Joestar into his new spaceship.[2]


Altering Jorge's height

Kars is disappointed to learn that Jorge's adoptive grandfather, Joseph Joestar, died from cancer two years ago. Kars confesses that he's always dreamed of placing a Stone Mask on Joseph, turning him into a vampire, having him eat other humans, and then finally eating him himself. He explains the function of the Stone Mask and states that tweaking the brains of humans can make them do almost anything. After mocking Jorge for being short compared to Joseph, Kars demonstrates his earlier statement by slipping his fingers into Jorge's brain, causing Jorge's body to contort until he grows twenty centimeters taller. Kars affirms that humans are fascinating and he enjoys their imaginations and creativity. In contrast, his own race lacked ambition, living a life of stagnation. Kars ended up researching, created the Stone Mask, annihilated his own race, and conquered the sun. Jorge wonders how he could deal with an immortal life form like Kars, knowing he can't let a predator like him arrive at Earth.

Kars with his own version of U-Boat

Kars feels Narancia's U-Boat inside himself and pulls it out. He analyzes it by dismantling the whole submarine and examining the individual parts. Noticing the computers in the control room of the submarine had some sort of visual data, Kars plugs the computer's cord into the palm of his hand and opens his mouth. A beam of light shines from his mouth and projects the information from his palm onto the wall across from him. Every image that displays on the wall are naked images of Trish Cicciolina from Narancia's memories, causing Narancia to embarrassingly beg Kars to stop displaying them. Kars asks if human bodies are now capable of making machines, but Narancia goes berserk from his embarrassment and Jorge worries that Kars will kill him. Thus, Jorge answers Kars by saying that it's not a machine, but a Stand. He explains what Stands are and Kars wonders whether he could use one too since he can see and touch them. Jorge assumes it's because Kars is the Ultimate Thing. Kars puts his hand to his chest and a submarine with a different design from Narancia's U-Boat surfaces from within him. Both Jorge and Narancia are speechless at Kars's spontaneous development of a Stand, realizing the hopeless situation they're in now.

Kars and Whitesnake Ultimate
DISCs spilling out of Kars

Experimenting with his new Stand, Kars generates an extremely loud sonar sound from within Jorge and Enrico Pucci's bodies. Kars discovers that Pucci has a Stand as well and drags Whitesnake out of Pucci's back. Pucci has Whitesnake punch Kars, but rather than one or two DISCs emerging, a whole flood of DISCs spill out of Kars's head. Understanding how Whitesnake works, Kars develops his own version, Whitesnake Ultimate. Kars's version has three heads and six arms like a statue of an Asura. Whitesnake Ultimate pulls out Pucci's Stand and memory DISCs. As Kars wonders how Pucci got his Stand, he reveals that he made a Bow and Arrow long ago which in theory could develop special abilities in people, but he had barely used it. He then watches Pucci's memories and sees that the priest got his Stand from the Devil's Palm, a holy spot in America that moves itself from place to place and those that wander into it would either unleash their Stand or die. Kars is disappointed at how dull human memories are and slams the DISC back into Pucci's head. However, he reveals that thanks to Pucci's memories, their six month trip back to Earth will only take four hours.

Jorge explodes

Kars projects an image from Pucci's memories showing a vampire in the sky at the time Pucci's house was destroyed. Kars wasn't the one who threw the metal plate that killed Pucci's family, but instead this vampire did. Wondering what this vampire is plotting, Kars also checks through Jorge's memories. Jorge asks Kars if Kars could heal his body, impressing Kars that the boy could still think and talk despite his memory DISC being taken.

As Kars heals Jorge and restores his original height, Jorge asks him if he could return his DISC as well, but Kars decides to project Jorge's memories on the wall first. Jorge asks Kars if he could borrow his Stand powers. Unable to handle the power, Jorge's body bloodily explodes after shoving the DISCs into his head, though Kars reassembles his flesh again immediately after. After a brief banter, Kars prepares a powered-down copy of his U-Boat for Jorge to use, and the group heads back to Earth.[3]


Body on flames from reentry to Earth

The spaceship of Kars smashes into the Arrow Cross House as Jorge assumes that they all are about to die. However, Kars saves them by transforming his body into a sphere. Falling into Cube House causes them to travel through time to the year 1920 in the original universe's England. Kars returns to his humanoid form, albeit in a damaged state. Pucci notes that Kars's burning flesh smells like fig tarts. Kars thinks that they were short of one extra version of him for a proper landing but Pucci states that 36 should have been enough, believing the number to have holy significance. Narancia asks Kars why he saved them, but the Pillar Man doesn't respond, focused on healing himself. Jorge, Narancia, and Pucci fight off zombies with their Stands. Riding a large U-Boat, they decide to flee to the Joestar mansion and take Kars with them. After arriving at the Joestar mansion, Kars heads to Joseph's crib, interested in seeing his archenemy as a baby. Erina Joestar and Penelope de la Rosa protectively jump in between Kars and Joseph, but Kars declares that he has no intention of harming the baby because history may be altered.

Penelope joins their group and they head to London, where Pucci is greeted by Funny Valentine and Dio Brando. They witnesses Pucci's Stand evolving into C-Moon and Made in Heaven.[4]

Kars vs. Dio

Thrilled about getting closer to his goal of standing on top of the universe, Dio taunts Kars and his enemies. Rather than being irritated, Kars is excited to fight Dio. Curious of each other's immortality, the two begin fighting. Kars charges forward first and immediately explodes from Dio's punch rush, with bits of his flesh flying in all directions. The force from the impact was strong enough that Kars's flesh stabs through Jorge's body, breaking his bones and puncturing his organs. However, Kars's body parts start reforming, healing Jorge as the pieces exit from his body. Dio and Kars constantly explode from each other's attacks. They would regenerate faster each time, enjoying their immortality to the fullest.

Kars and Dune Ultimate

In the sky, Kars has three giant U-Boat Ultimate submarines shooting missiles but Dio would regenerate after each barrage. Kars then uses his own version of Goyathlay Soundman's Dune, swallowing Dio up into a massive whirlpool of sand and rubble. Dio breaks through the sand pillar and laughs along with Kars, realizing that neither of them will win against each other.

Kars vs. Funny

Funny Valentine leaps toward Kars. With assistance from Dio's The World positioning Funny in place, Funny claps his hands on the Pillar Man, attempting to teleport him to a parallel world. However, as time resumes, Kars quickly contorts his body to avoid the clap. Dio continues trying to stop time as Funny attempts to trap Kars between his palms but Kars would rapidly contort his body as soon as time resumes. In the moment that Kars smirks stating that he has figured out Dio's Stand, Funny succeeds in teleporting him away. Jorge notices The Funniest Valentine's hands sticking out of Funny's hands to extend his reach, revealing that The Funniest has the same Stand as Funny, D4C.[5]

Morioh (Parallel World)

Kars and Jorge in Morioh

Kars is teleported to a parallel world version of Morioh in the 37th universe. Jorge also ends up being teleported there, so Kars tells him to think of a way for them to get back to England. He notices they have a guest, an alternate version of Kars belonging to this world. As he prepares to fight the parallel Kars, the other 'Kars's merely dances while scattering variations of light with his Light Mode. Although Kars is confused at first, the parallel Kars gives the original Kars an existential speech, giving the Pillar Man profound thoughts of his immortality.

They find a house at the edge of Morioh, belonging to Kosaku Kawajiri, Shinobu, and Hayato. Seeing Kars, Kosaku desperately screams at Shinobu and Hayato to run away. Kars asks whether he's Yoshikage Kira and Kosaku confirms that he's a serial killer, causing Bites the Dust to explode. However, Kars doesn't smell blood on him and realizes that Kosaku is just being used by Kira. He understands that Kosaku feels guilty for all the indirect deaths he's causing by Bites the Dust. As Kars is immune to explosions, he puts Jorge inside him and travels back in time an hour.[5]

Final Battle

Kars vs. 18 Valentines

Kars and Jorge arrive back at Piccadilly Circus with Funny about to teleport Kars again, but this time Jorge knows what would happen. Jorge yells out to Kars that Funny will clap twice, allowing Kars to instantly react to both claps. Kars sends Funny flying away with a punch but Dio unleashes the next part of his plan. A parallel world version of Dio grabs Kars from behind him, as a group of nine Funny Valentines and nine The Funniest Valentines surround Kars. 36 hands clap down on Kars and he vanishes once more along with the other Dio. Meanwhile, the group of Funnys collides with the group of The Funniests and they disintegrate into Menger sponges. Dio laughs over his victory until Jorge tells him to look at the sky. Kars grins down at him, revealing that he learned how to use his own version of Dio's Stand, The World Ultimate. He had stopped time and escaped from the claps.

Taking Dio's DISC
Kars and Ultimate D4C

Dio's Stand becomes The World Ultimate as well, but Kars fights him with Whitesnake Ultimate. It punches Dio's cheek and shatters the DISC of The World Ultimate, dissolving Dio's Stand. Kars then uses Whitesnake Ultimate on himself, slamming the numerous DISCs flowing out of him into Dio's head. Dio's head and body swells up into a ball of flesh from all the DISCs but he remains confident. With an Arrow, Dio stabs Kars's Whitesnake Ultimate before he explodes into nine parts. Kars attempts to send Dio away with Ultimate D4C but Dio's body parts fly away, managing to take control of Kars's new C-Moon Ultimate Requiem. Lisa Lisa, Jorge, and Narancia attempt to kill the giant Antonio Torres, but Kars warns them not to as they will need him to return England back to its original timeline. Dio manages to achieve Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem and goes inside the giant Antonio, where he uses the Stand to accelerate time for the rest of the world outside England. The Valentines realize that Dio is headed to the past beyond the future, once the universe loops back to the second universe when the first Steel Ball Run race took place.

Kars gets Jorge to comprehend that Jorge is the only one who could surprise Dio, as he had already succeeded in taking him by surprise earlier. Only someone with a Beyond could defeat another with a Beyond, so Jorge gains confidence in himself. He discerns that they could go back in time and outmaneuver Dio by utilizing Kira's Bites the Dust. To prolong the life of the giant Antonio, Kars uses Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem to speed up time for the original Antonio. The original Antonio would constantly create new Antonio clones, and then Penelope would use her Wound to make the clones be absorbed into the dying giant Antonio, slightly repairing him.

Kars ordering Killer Queen to help him

Meanwhile, Bruno Bucciarati captures Kira and sends him to Jorge through Cube House. Kars lectures Kira about how he could never wash the blood away from killing humans, and that's why he's so weak. Kars demonstrates by touching blood on Kira's lip and creating a round, transparent bubble from his fingertip which transforms into a woman's head. Kars then touches Kira with the finger and the woman's head attaches to Kira's body. In time, more and more bubbles surround the head, causing Kira to be covered in several heads of women. Kira screams, trying to shake them off.

Eventually, Kars touches the five metre long chain of heads, causing them to shrink and disappear. Kira goes into a state of shock, with hollow eyes and muttering that he's filthy. Kars pulls Killer Queen out of Kira and the Stand attempts to blow Kars up. It repeatedly tries making Kars into a bomb, but Kars contains the explosions inside him and regenerates. Kars then orders Killer Queen to set Bites the Dust on Kira. Killer Queen obliges and goes inside Kira, shocking Kira that his Stand would betray him. Kira starts crying as Kars grabs his body and flies into the sky. Finally, Kars constantly has Bites the Dust activate and repeatedly explodes to keep going back in time.

Jorge's "party trick"
Jorge 16-120.jpg

They arrive at Trinity Church in the second universe, where Funny leads them to the secret underground facility. After catching Dio off guard with Erina and Lisa Lisa, Jorge then reveals a special party trick, lifting his shirt up and exposing his stomach. Kars jumps out from a parallel world within Jorge's stomach. From there, Funny additionally sends out seven parallel world Kars, each having their own The World Ultimate. They each stop time so that they wouldn't be destroyed and then form a ladder by grabbing each other's hands. The original Kars makes time resume, and at that signal, Jorge quickly runs up the ladder of Kars before they collapse into Menger sponges. Jorge succeeds in his plans and Dio frustratedly accepts his loss, vanishing and wanting nothing to do with the Joestars.

After the battle, Kars uses the exhausted Kira to take everybody back to their respective universes and timelines. Jorge wonders what Kars is up to now, but decides he's better off not knowing.[5]

Alternate Kars

2nd to 37th Universes

The 36 extra Kars on Mars
Main article: The Eyed Balloon

In every universe, each iteration of Joseph Joestar defeats the Ultimate Thing Kars and sends him into space. They eventually land on Mars by riding a Giotto probe from Halley's Comet. From the 2nd universe onwards, each Kars would meet and team up with the former versions of themselves and plan a way to get back to Earth. They understand that only one can rule everyone, and accept the original universe Kars to be the one that survives. They combine their bodies into a large sphere, with each of them holding a Giotto probe to save its parts for the future.

They only gather enough materials necessary to reenter Earth in the 37th universe. Each Kars work together, assembling a futuristic spaceship using their own body parts and the parts from the Giotto probes. The remaining Kars melt themselves into fuel for the ship. Lastly, the original Kars extracts all 36 souls and absorbs them into him.[2] The spaceship burns upon reentry to Earth, destroying the 36 Kars.[3]

Parallel Worlds

Destroying the parallel Funny

Several different Kars exist in parallel worlds, found by the ability of Funny Valentine's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. Parallel versions of Funny have tried multiple times to fight Kars in order to learn how to seal him or send him away, but they are defeated every time.[5]

One parallel world version of Kars is defeated by Dio, who sucks the Pillar Man's blood from his neck. Thus, Dio becomes an Ultimate Thing himself and gains immunity to the sun. Dio brings Kars's body back to a ship and starts feasting on his remains, claiming that Kars is the best meal that he's ever had.[6]

Ladder of Kars

In Monument Valley, a parallel 'Kars's easily tosses his world's 'Funny' aside. D4C flies back to another Funny driving a car, but 'Kars's chases after it, stating he didn't give permission for the Stand to create this world. As 'Kars's chases Funny and Jorge in the car, their car crashes and half of Funny's head gets torn off, but Jorge survives after slamming into a nearby rock.

Seven parallel world versions of Kars with The World Ultimate sacrifice themselves to assist Jorge and Kars with their final plan of catching Dio off guard and defeating him. They form a ladder with each other, stopping time so that they don't disintegrate due to being parallel world versions of each other. When time resumes, Jorge quickly runs on top of them to reach the Saint's Corpse as they crumble into Menger sponges.

Light Dancer Kars
My flesh may not be able to die, but my life is as fragile as it was before, and can be snuffed out so easily! You, who are another me! You are not special! You share the same sadness I feel! But that is a treasure! Rejoice, Kars! You, too, can suffer!
—'Kars', JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II
Kars's dancing light show

In a parallel world of the 37th universe's Morioh, the 'Kars's of this world had also become an Ultimate Thing and been sent to space. He confronts the original Kars at Budogaoka Academy's school yard. The parallel 'Kars's activates his Light Mode, but instead of fighting, he punches the air to create a dancing light show. 'Kars's makes light copies of himself, dancing and scattering variations of light across the school yard.

The original Kars doesn't understand why he isn't stopping, but Jorge believes that it's just something that 'Kars's is doing for himself. 'Kars's spiels that after running on Mars for so long, he understood that despite the immortality of his flesh, his life is fragile and can be extinguished easily. Aware of himself being a fake version of Kars, he had the intention of killing himself by getting close to his original world version but decided to dance instead. His speech puts the original Kars deep in thought.[5]


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