Noriaki Kakyoin/fr

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< Noriaki Kakyoin
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Template:Character Info/fr

SPOILER WARNING: Part 3 spoiler details may follow.
Je m'appelle Noriaki Kakyoin! Pour venger mon ami Avdol et pour que la sœur de mon ami Polnareff soit en paix ... tu paieras de ta vie!
—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6

Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明, Kakyōin Noriaki) est un allié majeur dans la troisième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders.

Kakyoin est un étudiant japonais qui a subi un lavage de cerveau par DIO lors d'un précédent voyage en Égypte et qui est envoyé pour tuer Jotaro Kujo. Après avoir été libéré de l'influence de DIO, il décide de rejoindre Jotaro dans sa quête en Egypte pour sauver la mère de Jotaro et laver son honneur. Kakyoin est un manieur de Stand et manie Hierophant Green, un Stand de longue portée.



Kakyoin est un jeune homme de taille moyenne à supérieure à la moyenne et apte à une construction élancée. Il est généralement vu portant un gakuran/tsume-eri (uniform de lycée) coupé slim. On sait aussi que durant l'introduction de Death Thirteen, il porte un pyjama rayé verticalement. Dans l'anime, il porte le même pyjama quand il est admis à l'hôpital.

Kakyoin garde des cheveux de longueur moyenne, caractérisés par une grosse frange torsadée suspendue devant son visage. Il porte des boucles d'oreilles en forme de cerise: chacune est une longue et fine arche, surmontée de petites sphères.

Il est considéré comme beau et on peut le voir attirer l'attention des femmes à l'occasion. L'une des admiratrices de Jotaro a commenté son apparence et lors de la rencontre Tower of Gray, il a faire s'évanouir deux hôtesses.

Plus tard, Kakyoin acquiert deux fines cicatrices traversant verticalement les deux yeux. Il cache ses yeux avec une paire de lunettes de soleil foncées.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
(Uniforme vert avec dessous gris clair, boucles d'oreilles et accessoires dorés et chaussures marron clair)
(Uniforme vert foncé avec accessoires rouge-orange et boucles d'oreilles orange)
(Uniforme vert avec dessous gris et accessoires dorés, boucles d'oreilles orange, chaussures noires)

(Kakyoin sans peur)

Lunettes(Noir avec des reflets bleu foncé)
(Uniforme vert olive avec dessous gris et accessoires dorés, boucles d'oreilles orange, chaussures noires)
(Uniforme vert avec accessoires dorés, boucles d'oreilles orange, chaussures noires)
(Uniforme vert avec dessous blanc et accessoires jaunes, chaussures orange)
Cheveux(Rouge rosé)
(Uniforme vert avec dessous beige, accessoires dorés, boucles d'oreilles cerise, chaussures marron)
Cheveux(Vermillon rougeâtre)
(Uniforme vert avec dessous vert-gris, accessoires dorés, boucles d'oreilles magenta, chaussures marron)


Noriaki Kakyoin est d'abord présenté comme un adolescent maléfique et cruel à cause du lavage de cerveau de DIO. Ainsi, il attaque sans pitié des civils non apparentés et a une philosophie de "la raison du plus fort".[1] Cependant, il se révèle comme un individu juste, quoique brutal. Kakyoin est impitoyable avec ses ennemis mais fidèle à ses compagnons.

Sa raison de rejoindre le Groupe Joestar est à la fois pour combattre le mal, car il reflète les propres explications de Jotaro qui lui avait sauvé la vie,[2] et bien sûr un sentiment de dette envers Jotaro pour lui avoir sauvé la vie. Ainsi, Kakyoin est également un individu courageux, participant volontairement au dangereux voyage en Égypte, et est également capable de garder ses nerfs même dans les situations les plus sombres comme avoir été frappé par The World.

Kakyoin est noté par Araki comme "un étudiant d'honneur",[3] et peut donc être décrit comme hautain et quelque peu introverti. Bien qu'il garde normalement un comportement poli et quelque peu formel, Kakyoin est un homme plutôt froid et fier. Il déteste se prosterner ou devoir flatter. L'humiliation d'avoir été assez faible pour s'incliner devant DIO était une partie de sa motivation pour vouloir laver son honneur et la vengeance pendant Stardust Crusaders.[4]

Un coup de coude à Polnareff comme réconciliation

Kakyoin mentionne qu'il ne pourrait jamais avoir de relations avec les gens en raison de son pouvoir surnaturel et n'a donc jamais souhaité de se faire des amis pendant la majeure partie de sa vie.[4] Il pense aussi qu'il ne peut être ami qu'avec des personnes respectables.[5] Le groupe Joestar est le seul groupe auquel il s'est attaché, mais il se soucie beaucoup d'eux. Araki lui-même mentionne que sans leur Stand, Kakyoin et Jotaro n'auraient pas été amis.[6] Kakyoin a montré qu'il était plus jovial avec Polnareff, partageant à l'occasion des blagues avec lui. D'un autre côté il peut très brutal et vindicatif, ayant également donné un coup de coude Polnareff comme une "réconciliation".[7] Son attitude est aussi très belliqueux avec ses ennemis, qu'il menace et insulte fréquemment, et pendant ses combats, il est très impitoyable contre eux. À la fois en tant que héros et antagoniste, Kakyoin est particulièrement violent car il tue sans pitié tous ses adversaires (déchirant Tower of Gray en pièces sans scrupule[8]), arguant qu'ils étaient mauvais au-delà de la rédemption; en outre, il prend vicieusement sa revanche sur Mannish Boy en le forçant à manger ses propres excréments,[9].

Kakyoin a déclaré que s'il tombait amoureux, il tomberait amoureux de quelqu'un comme Holy, qui dégage le sentiment que tout ira bien et peut calmer le cœur de n'importe qui, ce qui le met à l'aise.[2]

Pouvoir et compétences

Main article: Hierophant Green

Le Stand de Kakyoin est Hierophant Green, un Stand à longue portée qui est capable d'étendre des membres ressemblant à des tentacules ou de se défaire dans une mesure modeste; ainsi que tirer un barrage de projectiles durs (un "Emerald Splash"). Il est souvent vu crier son attaque de signature (comme le Emerald Splash) au combat.


Puisqu'il posséde Hierophant Green depuis la naissance, Kakyoin est capable de l'utiliser de façon compétente. Bien qu'il soit surtout considéré comme un Stand humanoïde, Kakyoin déclare que sa vraie forme est celle d'un tas de tentacules fines comme des fils; en tant que telle, l'une de ses tactiques clés consiste à démêler secrètement les tentacules de Hierophant Green tout en gardant le corps principal comme distraction. Grâce à cela, Kakyoin peut infiltrer les corps de ses ennemis, éviter soudainement des attaques en démêlant son Stand, utiliser les cordes comme des cordes et même effectuer des attaques perçant. Cependant, le Emerald Splash de Hierophant Green ne se prête pas à l'imagination puisque c'est une attaque très simple.



Un jeune Kakyoin et son Stand

Quand Kakyoin était enfant, il avait du mal à se faire des amis car il sentait que personne ne pouvait le comprendre puisque personne qu'il rencontrait ne pouvait voir Hierophant Green. Un jour, un de ses professeurs a même dit à sa mère qu'il était inaccessible et ne semblait tout simplement pas vouloir se faire des amis même si les autres enfants ne le détestaient pas particulièrement. Sa mère, attristée, a admis que même elle ne savait pas grand-chose sur son propre fils ou ne comprenait pas pourquoi il était si introverti.

Kakyoin séduit par DIO

Environ deux à trois mois avant le début de Stardust Crusaders, DIO a rencontré Kakyoin alors que ce dernier voyageait en Égypte avec sa famille. DIO, ayant senti les pouvoirs de Stand de Kakyoin, a lavé son cerveau et a implanté son germe de chair dans sa tête avant de lui demander de tuer Jotaro Kujo. Kakyoin est retourné au Japon et a fréquenté la même école que Jotaro.

Stardust Crusaders (1988-1989)

Combat contre Jotaro

Kakyoin vs Jotaro

Traquant Jotaro sur le chemin de l'école, Kakyoin tente une première attaque contre Jotaro en se coupant la jambe au moment où Jotaro descend un escalier. Jotaro chute mais parvient à se rattraper sur une branche d'arbre pour adoucir sa chute. Ensuite, Kakyoin s'approche ouvertement de Jotaro et lui offre un mouchoir pour appuyer contre sa blessure, sur lequel Kakyoin a écrit un message déclarant qu'il tuerait Jotaro. Plus tard à l'infirmerie de l'école, Kakyoin manipule l'infirmière de l'école avec Hierophant Green, l'utilisant pour attaquer Jotaro et protéger son Stand. Cependant, Jotaro extrait Hierophant Green de l'infirmière de force, l'infirmière est alors blessée. Hierophant Green utilise son Emerald Splash sur Star Platinum. Cependant, la vue de l'infirmière blessée met Jotaro en colère et il se bat sérieusement. Star Platinum endure le Emerald Splash facilement, attrape Hierophant Green par le cou et le tabasse. Kakyoin est mis KO et Jotaro le ramène chez lui. Les héros découvrent que Kakyoin est sous l'influence de DIO à cause d'un bourgeon de chair contrôlant son cerveau et Jotaro utilise Star Platinum pour retirer l'implant de DIO de la tête de Kakyoin malgré le risque que le germe de chair pose pour les deux. Kakyoin est libéré du contrôle de DIO. En conséquence, il décide d'aider les héros. Kakyoin confirme que DIO se cache en Égypte et rejoint Jotaro, Joseph Joestar et Mohammed Abdul dans leur voyage en Égypte pour combattre DIO.

Asie du Sud-Est

Kakyoin combat Tower of Gray

Au début du voyage, le groupe est attaqué par Gray Fly, dont le Tower of Gray s'avère être plus rapide que Star Platinum et donc intouchable. Kakyoin intervient car que ses pouvoirs plus subtils permettront d'endommager l'avion. Tower of Gray vole facilement à travers les Emerald Splash et transperce presque la bouche de Hierophant Green avec sa langue pointue. Cependant, Kakyoin tend une embuscade au Stand ennemi en révélant des tentacules qu'il a caché dans des sièges d'avion. Les tentacules empalent Tower de Gray et l'ennemi est vaincu. Cependant, Gray Fly a tué les pilotes de l'avion. Alors que Joseph essaie d'effectuer un atterrissage d'urgence, Kakyoin présente ses excuses aux hôtesses pour la grossièreté de Jotaro. Le groupe est contraint de se rendre à Hong Kong.

À Hong Kong, le groupe se rend dans un restaurant et discute de leur prochain plan. Soit dit en passant, Kakyoin montre l'étiquette du thé local à Jotaro. Kakyoin est alors témoin de la bataille entre Mohammed Abdul et le Français Jean Pierre Polnareff, un manieur de Stand également contrôlé par DIO. Polnareff est vaincu par Abdul puis libéré, et rejoint également les héros pour rechercher le tueur de sa sœur.

Strength apparaît

Le Groupe Joestar prend ensuite la route maritime à bord d'un navire piloté par des membres de la Fondation Speedwagon. L'équipage découvre une clandestine qui plonge dans la mer infestée de requins, et Jotaro plonge dans l'eau pour la sauver d'un requin. Cependant, un autre Stand ennemi se cache dans l'eau. Heureusement, Kakyoin utilise Hierophant Green pour ramener Jotaro et la fille sur le navire. Jotaro démasque le Faux Capitaine Tennille et le bat finalement. Cependant, le navire est saboté et les héros et l'équipage doivent s'enfuir dans des canots de sauvetage. Le groupe Joestar rencontre alors un navire étrange, dépourvu de vie à l'exception d'un orangutan. Kakyoin fouille le navire avec Hierophant Green mais ne trouve personne. Bientôt, le navire se révèle comme étant le Stand de l'orang-outan et la coque vivante du navire écrase presque Kakyoin avec ses compagnons. Heureusement, Jotaro bat le singe.

À Singapour, Kakyoin reste en dehors des combats contre Devo the Cursed et Rubber Soul. Bien que Hermit Purple de Joseph affirme qu'il faut se méfier de "Kakyoin", on révèle ensuite que le véritable ennemi est Rubber Soul se faisant passer pour Kakyoin. Rubber Soul tente d'assassiner Jotaro. De retour dans le groupe, Jotaro raconte ensuite à Kakyoin la bataille et son imitateur. Pendant qu'ils traversent la Malaisie en train, Kakyoin prend une cerise dans l'assiette de Jotaro et la lèche.

Inde et Pakistan

Lorsque le Groupe Joestar arrive à Calcutta, Kakyoin subit le choc culturel avec la tumultueuse métropole. Quelqu'un vole notamment son portefeuille. Plus tard, Jean Pierre Polnareff est attaqué par Hanged Man, le Stand du tueur de sa sœur. Pendant que Hanged Man se retire rapidement, Polnareff décide de se séparer du groupe pour trouver le meurtrier seul. Le groupe se met pourtant à sa recherche. Kakyoin arrive juste à temps pour voir Abdul être apparemment tué par Hol Horse et J. Geil. Choqué par la mort d'Abdul, Kakyoin rejoint le combat et conseille à Polnareff de rester calme. Hanged Man nargue Polnareff pour le pousser à l'attaque mais Hierophant Green utilise le Emerald Splash pour le mettre à l'écart. Kakyoin prend un camion et les deux fuient loin de Hol Horse.

Kakyoin et Polnareff combattent J. Geil

Pendant le sursis, Polnareff s'excuse pour son comportement et Kakyoin lui pardonne avec un coude au visage. Polnareff affirme que Hanged Man attaque de l'intérieur des miroirs, mais Kakyoin réfute cette affirmation car le monde à l'intérieur des miroirs n'existe pas. Soudain, Hanged Man apparaît sur le volant, forçant le camion à s'écraser. Polnareff découvre alors que Hanged Man est un Stand de lumière qui passe de surface réfléchissante en surface réfléchissante. Bien qu'un garçon porte alors involontairement Hanged Man et continue de regarder les héros alors qu'il essaie de les aider, Polnareff lui donne du sable dans les yeux et piège Hanged Man dans son propre oeil. De plus, Silver Chariot a réussi à le couper en plein air et le cri de douleur de l'ennemi peut être entendu. Kakyoin et Polnareff sont pris en embuscade par J. Geil, qui appelle les mendiants autour et entoure les héros avec eux, ce qui permet à Hanged Man de frapper sous tous les angles. Cependant, Kakyoin sort une pièce brillante, sur laquelle tous les mendiants concentrent leur attention, et la lance haut dans les airs. Cela permet à Polnareff de frapper du sable dans l'œil de l'hôte de Hanged Man, puis de le couper en deux alors qu'il est obligé de voler vers la pièce. Polnareff en finit alors avec J. Geil. Plus tard, les héros affrontent Hol Horse mais le cow-boy parvient à fuir grâce à l'intervention de sa petite amie Nena. Kakyoin est plus tard informé de la survie d'Abdul et garde le secret.

Après avoir quitté Bénarès, la voiture du Groupe Joestar est harcelée par un conducteur inconnu. Soupçonnant qu'il est un ennemi, le groupe suit la voiture mais est leurrée vers une falaise et la voiture ennemie réapparaît derrière pour les pousser vers le bord. Heureusement, Kakyoin et Jotaro combinent leurs Hierophant Green et Star Platinum pour sauver la voiture tout en jetant la voiture ennemie dans la falaise. Cependant, la voiture est révélée en tant que Wheel of Fortune, un Stand. Wheel of Fortune remonte la falaise et s'avère être exceptionnellement puissant, forçant le groupe à battre en retraite. L'ennemi tue apparemment Jotaro mais Jotaro réapparaît et le bat. Le conducteur, ZZ, est vaincu et attaché à un rocher.

Kakyoin et Polnareff envoient leurs Stand dans le cerveau de Joseph

Plus tard au Pakistan, le groupe arrive dans un village brumeux. Enya apparaît et fait semblant d'être propriétaire d'un hôtel, accueillant le groupe dans son hôtel. Finalement, Jotaro la démasque et la bat. Le groupe amène avec eux Enya (alors inconsciente) à Karachi, où ils rencontrent Steely Dan. Steely Dan active un bourgeon de chair dans le cerveau d'Enya, la tuant. Cependant, le groupe est incapable de le combattre. Le Stand de Dan, Lovers, est entré dans le cerveau de Joseph et toute douleur ressentie par Dan sera retournée à Joseph qui pourrait mourir du choc. Joseph, Kakyoin et Polnareff battent en retraite et utilisent un téléviseur pour regarder à l'intérieur du cerveau de Joseph. Kakyoin et Polnareff envoient ensuite Hierophant Green et Silver Chariot dans le cerveau de Joseph où ils se battent Lovers. Lorsque Lovers utilise de nombreux clones de chair, l'Emerald Splash semble inutile, mais Kakyoin déploie discrètement ses tentacules pour vérifier tous les clones, trouvant le véritable Stand ennemi. Lovers est blessé et s'enfuit, mais avec les tentacules de Hiérophante encore attachées. Le tentacule le lie, empêchant Dan d'utiliser une fille comme otage. Jotaro tabasse ensuite Steely Dan.

Arabie et la Mer Rouge

Le groupe rencontre Sun

Le groupe atteint Abu Dhabi. Joseph décide d'utiliser des dromadaires pour atteindre leur prochaine destination mais, au milieu du désert, les héros remarquent que c'est le soir et que le Soleil est toujours levé. Ils s'imaginent que c'est un Stand ennemi mais ils ne voient personne autour d'eux. Kakyoin envoie Hierophant Green pour vérifier à quelle distance le Soleil se trouve d'eux, seulement pour être blessé lorsque le Soleil tire des rayons laser sur Hierophant Green. L'attaque est si puissante et intense que le groupe doit se cacher sous un rocher dans la chaleur torride. Kakyoin finit par éclater de rire après avoir compris la ruse de l'ennemi bien que Joseph pense qu'il devient fou. Jotaro dispose alors rapidement de l'ennemi.

Kakyoin encounters the Death Thirteen Stand

Later, the heroes reach Yarpline. Kakyoin has a dream where he is in a deserted amusement park, accompanied only by a dog. Suddenly, the Death tarot card appears, and he is attacked by its image, the Stand Death Thirteen, killing the dog, before Polnareff wakes him up to tell him that they are on the way out of town. Kakyoin becomes concerned when he finds his hand has been cut in his sleep, and more so when he spots the dog he saw in his dreams, killed in the same manner as he saw in the dream. The heroes then take off on a Cessna, accompanied by a sick baby. However, the baby is Mannish Boy, one of DIO's agents. While in flight, both Kakyoin and Polnareff fall asleep and find themselves at the amusement park, again.Kakyoin tries to warn Polnareff that he was attacked in his dreams by a Stand, using the dead dog as proof, but Polnareff does not seem to pay much attention, until Death Thirteen makes itself known once more, attacking the two of them. They find that in their dreams they cannot summon their Stands to fight back, but before Death Thirteen lands a mortal blow on Polnareff, Joseph wakes him up to have him change the baby's diaper, leaving Kakyoin on his own.

Baby Stand

As Death Thirteen is revealed to be the Stand of Mannish Boy, Kakyoin cuts his own arm, as he thrashes about in his sleep, causing Joseph to crash the plane. As the team sets up camp to prepare for rescue, Kakyoin sees that he has cut the words "Baby Stand" into his arm, leading him to realize that the child they have been taking with them is their attacker. He tries to warn the others, but they do not believe him, as Mannish Boy is pleased that his plans to kill the group are succeeding. While Joseph prepares a dinner for the baby, Kakyoin sees the baby kill a scorpion that had crept into his basket and begins to openly accuse him of being the enemy. However, the baby manages to hide the evidence so that the others do not believe him. After failing to convince everyone with the message on his arm, Kakyoin attempts to attack Mannish Boy, but he is knocked out by Polnareff, who believes he has gone insane.

Hierophant defeats Death Thirteen

Jotaro, Joseph, and Polnareff end up in the dream amusement park. Fortunately for them, Kakyoin, who had summoned Hierophant Green before he was knocked out, is able to bring him into the dream world to fight against Death Thirteen. Mannish Boy attempts to use the dream world to his advantage and slice Hierophant Green in half, but Kakyoin manages to instead send his Stand into Death Thirteen's ear, forcing Mannish Boy to heal his wounds and accept defeat. The next morning, as everyone else forgets what happened in the dream, Kakyoin decides to spare Mannish Boy and leave him in a nearby town, making sure that he does not dare try anything again by mixing the child's feces into his food that Joseph later feeds him.

As the group crosses the Red Sea, Joseph makes a detour towards an island to meet Muhammad Avdol's father, who is simply Avdol in disguise. The Joestar Group eventually gathers to take a submarine across the Red Sea.

In the Red Sea, Kakyoin serves coffee for everyone, but it seems that there are six cups. One of them is revealed to be High Priestess, a Stand that can turn into anything inorganic. It wounds Joseph and sabotages the submarine. Worse it is extremely nimble and stealthy, and Star Platinum cannot capture it. The heroes are forced to use scuba diving equipment to escape the submarine. During their preparation, Kakyoin and Polnareff have a bit of fun with call signs. As the heroes exit the submarine, High Priestess enters Polnareff's mouth but thankfully Hierophant Green and Hermit Purple extract it. Even then, High Priestess eventually fuses with the sea bed and turns into a giant head that swallows the heroes. This only allows Jotaro to smash its teeth from the inside, with takes out the enemy Stand User. The group finally reach Egypt.

In Egypt

Kakyoin gets his eyes slashed by Geb
Soon after the group's arrival in Egypt, the group meet with Iggy, a stray dog brought by agents of the Speedwagon Foundation whose sand Stand, The Fool, may prove useful in the battle against DIO, however, Iggy has a bad personality. Soon after, the group sees the crash site of the Speedwagon Foundation's envoys. They are attacked by N'Doul's Stand Geb and Kakyoin is slashed across the eyes and put out of commission for a while. While the rest of the group travels up the Nile, Kakyoin must rest in Aswan.

Genesis of Universe Ch. 1

"The Genesis of Universe: One-Way Trip from Desert To Hell"

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Even with his injured eyes, getting worse with the sun, Kakyoin manages to save Avdol from Absalom's Satanic Coupler.

In Cairo

Playing a video game with Telence T. D'Arby

Kakyoin eventually goes to Cairo and finds a nearly dead Iggy recovering from his fight against Pet Shop. He then regroups with the heroes just before they reach DIO's Mansion and is the first to face Telence T. D'Arby, the butler of the mansion. After showing off in front of Jotaro, Telence drags Jotaro into a black hole alongside Joseph and Kakyoin and find themselves in an island where Telence challenges them to a video game competition.

D'Arby requests that Kakyoin is the first to challenge him to a video game of his choosing, to which he agrees as he himself is quite talented at them. Thus, Kakyoin chooses F-Mega, a racing game. On the starting line, Kakyoin forgets to mash the acceleration button that gives the cars a boost. D'Arby is now slightly ahead and is confident that he will keep his advantage but Kakyoin purposefully spins his car and crashes it against Telence's, making things even; still, Kakyoin is at a slight disadvantage. As D'Arby praises Kakyoin for resisting his fear, Kakyoin internally thinks about the moment he met and fell to DIO, which was the most terrifying, reassuring and humiliating moment of his life. Determined to erase the dishonor of having been brainwashed, Kakyoin is determined to win this race.

Kakyoin cannot defeat Telence at video games

At the sixth corner of the race track, both players expect to enter a shortcut tunnel, but the tunnel is only large enough to fit one car. Due to his spinning, Kakyoin's car has less energy and is pushed aside by Telence's but he then expertly makes his car drive on the wall of the tunnel. The cars enter the shortcut's most dangerous area where they cannot see the car yet must avoid the mines and a cannon. The suspense rises until both cars emerge from the tunnel and D'Arby is shown to still have the lead. At the exit of the tunnel, D'Arby's car is still ahead of Kakyoin's car and the butler declares his victory. Determined to win, Kakyoin exploits the fact that D'Arby has now less energy on his car to spin and make it fly out off the tracks while he lands safely. Kakyoin has accomplished his plan, but D'Arby was prepared: he purposefully let himself get knocked aside to gain an insurmountable advantage for the race. At the revelation, Kakyoin subconsciously recognizes defeat and Atum steals his soul. D'Arby adds Kakyoin to his collection but Jotaro and Joseph eventually cooperate to defeat Telence.

The trio then see the traces of a Stand Battle and wander further inside of the mansion where they encounter the Vampire Nukesaku. Jotaro easily defeats Nukesaku and the group forces him to be their guide.

Le Monde de DIO

Sun sets in Cairo

Jotaro, Joseph and Kakyoin break through a wall and interrupt DIO in the middle of attacking Polnareff. DIO retreats in the shadows. Polnareff uses this reprieve to inform of one of the effects of The World but also informs them that Avdol and Iggy have died to save him. Kakyoin reminds the group that the sun is setting and thus they continue to go further in the mansion, with Nukesaku as their guide. The Vampire leads them to the top of the tower and they find a room with a coffin at its center. Taking some time to think about the stakes, the group surrounds the coffin and forces Nukesaku to open the coffin. Suddenly, Nukesaku is now inside the coffin and has been cut to pieces, taking everyone by surprise. Sensing trouble, the Joestar Group jumps out of the window and already understands that DIO's ability is extremely powerful. The sun is setting and DIO's hour of power is coming soon. While Joseph advises to retreat and let DIO pursue them to learn about his Stand but Polnareff wants to confront him. Thus the group splits in two: Joseph and Kakyoin will flee and try to harass DIO while Jotaro and Polnareff remain in hiding until they can pursue him.

Hierophant Green experiences The World's ability

Night has fallen and Joseph purchases a truck to flee. Soon enough, DIO wanders in the streets and hijacks the limousine of a certain Wilson Phillips, an American senator. DIO catches up to Joseph's truck, allowing Kakyoin to summon Hierophant Green and attack him. DIO easily deflects the Emerald Splash and then summons The World, which sucker-punches Hierophant Green. Thankfully, Hierophant was out of range and is merely thrown away. Injured, Kakyoin still notes that The World is a close-range Stand with a reach of 10 meters and that it lacks projectile attacks. Still, DIO makes the truck crash when he throws Phillips at Joseph's truck. When the Vampire looks inside, Joseph and Kakyoin have already fled to the roofs of Cairo and Kakyoin has devised a plan to reveal the power of The World.

File:Kakyoin's death.jpg
Kakyoin's dies after being punched through the abdomen by The World

Kakyoin reminisces his very lonely youth as he had no friends and his parents couldn't understand him, because he was unique with his Hierophant Green whom no one save him could see. However, he also remembers the Joestar Group and how they've become friends and comrades-in-arms sharing their unique power. Determined to make DIO reveal his power, Kakyoin plans to use Hierophant's original ability.He lures DIO into a net of Hierophant Green's tentacles that shoot Emerald Splashes from all sides. Kakyoin reveals himself and plans to shoot DIO from all directions while Joseph observes but as the 20-meter Emerald Splash approach DIO, the Vampire summons The World. DIO stops time, approaches Kakyoin has The World punch him through the guts, sending him flying into a water tank. Agonizing, Kakyoin cannot move or talk and spares a thought for his parents back in Japan. However, he then thinks about how DIO ripped his barrier in an instant. He finally understands DIO's power but cannot directly inform Joseph. Using the last of his strength, Kakyoin fires a final Emerald Splash into a nearby clock tower, destroying it. Kakyoin finally expires. Thanks to Kakyoin's efforts, the group is able to defeat DIO once and for all.



  • Jotaro Kujo: Like with Avdol, Jotaro's relationship with Kakyoin begins with a fight. After defeating him, Jotaro takes Kakyoin to his house to remove DIO's flesh bud and release him from DIO's control. Jotaro and Kakyoin later develop a strong friendship, discovering a mutual interest in sumo, and Kakyoin being one of the few people Jotaro smiles at. Kakyoin sacrificed his life to give Jotaro an advantage against Dio and Jotaro mourns his death along with Joseph and Polnareff. In the JOJONIUM special interviews, Araki comments that without their power, Jotaro and Kakyoin probably wouldn't have become friends.
  • Joseph Joestar: Having joined them on their journey to Egypt, Kakyoin got along well with the rest of the group. While his interactions with Joseph specifically were minor, Joseph usually went to him to crack jokes and express his comedic nature (due to Kakyoin being able to tolerate it the most). Towards the end of the series, Kakyoin's last act before dying was shooting the clock tower with his Emerald Splash, in order to help Joseph discover the secret behind The World's ability to stop time. Joseph, whilst hiding his grief, responds by treating the message with utmost importance and swearing that Kakyoin's death would not be in vain.
  • Jean Pierre Polnareff: The two worked well together in battles such as Hanged Man and The Lovers. The two did have a brief falling out when Mannish Boy attacked the gang with Death Thirteen and Polnareff didn't believe Kakyoin when he said the baby was the stand user, believing the journey had taken its toll on Kakyoin and made him crazy. However, upon learning that Kakyoin was right, he genuinely apologized and the two have gotten along since. Kakyoin notes that it is thanks to Polnareff knocking him out while he had his Stand out is what let him save the day. While in a sinking submarine, the two were still able to joke around with each other and do a manly handshake. At the end of their journey, Polnareff mourned his comrades, including Kakyoin.


  • DIO: Having met DIO on a holiday in Egypt with his family and then put under his control with a Flesh Bud, Kakyoin was loyal to him and would do anything he wanted. However, upon having the bud removed by Jotaro and seeing the harm DIO was causing towards the innocent Holy Kujo, who had shown him kindness as he was recovering at the Kujo residence, Kakyoin decided to go with Joseph, Jotaro, and Avdol to Egypt to defeat DIO.


Quote.png Quotes

    Chapitres / Episodes

    Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
    Chapters in order of appearance

    TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
    Episodes in order of appearance

    Jeux Vidéos

    Famicom Jump II

    Kakyoin appears as a supporting character for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure world, where the player can talk to him in order to obtain some information.

    JoJo RPG (SFC)

    Kakyoin is one of the six main playable characters. Much like the manga, the events from Kakyoin's debut makes him appear as an antagonist and fight against Jotaro (first using the School Nurse to attack Jotaro and then fighting by himself). After the battle Kakyoin joins the group and can be used as a playable character. During a fight, Kakyoin uses Hierophant Green's elasticity to attack the opponents and its Emerald Splash as a super attack.

    Unlike in the source material, one can keep Kakyoin alive all throughout the game, even avoiding his death at DIO's hands depending on if he has HP left after the battle.

    Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)

    Kakyoin appears as a playable character in the Capcom game, and his gameplay is primarily designed for defense.

    It is noteworthy that even in the video games (excluding the Super Famicom RPG), especially in the fighting game made by Capcom, Kakyoin's fate in his own storyline is to apparently die, whereas other characters have more pleasant endings (except Midler, who also dies, but by DIO's hands). However, because of how the dialogue was done in the game, some may argue that it could be open-ended, suggesting a possibility of his survival.

    The ending seems to imply that Kakyoin died on the trip home inside the airplane, due to the wounds he suffered in the battle with DIO (he unleashes a barrage of knives and one of them hits Kakyoin before DIO himself is decimated from the crossfire), and him keeping quiet about it. This could be otherwise explained as fainting or severe weakening, in the absence of solid illustration that he did die. On the other hand, New Kakyoin's storyline in the game confirms his death, just as it occurred in the original storyline from the manga.

    The endings where Kakyoin survives the adventure are in Iggy's and Avdol's storylines. This is because DIO attacks Iggy or Avdol before going after Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Joseph.


    • Emerald Splash: Best used as part of a combo. It has shorter range without the Stand activated but reaches full screen with the Stand activated. The only downside is that the move cannot be integrated into combos in the way 2 in 1 attacks are performed. New Kakyoin's version of this move is reduced in terms of range, reflecting his eye injury in the story.
    • 20m Radius Emerald Splash: The powered-up version of "Emerald Splash." If the opponent doesn't have an active Stand, this inflicts massive chipping damage. Done with the Stand active, the emerald's spread can be controlled, either for a more-focused attack (best for mystic trap victims) or to widen the attack radius of the emeralds (for keep-away and nullifying projectiles).
    • Tie Wrap Snake: Used for both offense and defense, this is one of Kakyoin's lesser-known but most feared moves. Without his Stand activated, he can join in and punch the enemy, but with his Stand activated, buttons can be pressed repeatedly to fire emeralds. Expert players can inflict massive damage from just this move alone.
    • Mystic Trap: Likely inspired by the appendages he casted to try to capture DIO in his final battle, the move is a snare that can be deployed at will. It can't be sensed until unleashed, by releasing the button used. It can be hit with another Stand attack, but some realize the position of the traps too late. With this technique used in conjunction with specials or super moves, Kakyoin wears down an enemy very quickly, even though the damage is limited. In the newer Heritage for the Future version, being hit by the trap causes an instant Stand Crash, forcibly dismissing the enemy's active Stand.
    • Oshioki no Jikan (Time for Punishment): Demonstrates Hierophant Green's ability to enter an enemy's body, an attack he once used as an antagonist, and against Death Thirteen. This move is executed similar to Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon), but inflicts damage from within the body, instead of it attacking the opponent's spirit, just like the former. While the damage it inflicts fares lower, the fact that it cannot be blocked and can be incorporated into combos provides a pressure tactic in battle. Unlike with the SGS aka. Raging Demon, players can jump in with the attack easily for an unexpected hit. His Stand must be kept active for the move to be available.
    • India's Arm: Hierophant Green's arms can be steered by the player to attack at unique angles and directions. Done without an active Stand, the arms instead do predefined patterns depending on the button combinations used. (eg. QCB + LA & MA have patterns different from QCB + MA + HA) The move can be used right after a Mystic Trap to juggle an enemy upwards.
    • Hierophant Finish: A combination of Emerald Splashes from different directions that end with a 20m Emerald Splash. The effectiveness of the attack depends on where the enemy is when the move connects. A standing enemy can yield more hits as compared to an enemy juggled by this move.
    • New 20m Emerald Splash: A move only available to New Kakyoin, Mystic Traps appear everywhere, that upon connecting, holds the enemy in place as Kakyoin moves far to the background where he strafes the victim with Emerald Splashes. This move is likely a recreation of his trap-like attack that he could've unleashed against DIO, an idea later revisited in All Star Battle.


    Easily one of the most powerful and mindgame-rich character, Kakyoin can take almost anyone on, provided he can properly zone, bait and punish. This allows him to provide a serious challenge to powerful characters like Jotaro and DIO. He has limited options up close, but is a very dangerous character played with range.

    With the Stand activated, he can dash and double jump in the air. He also has one of the longest reaches in terms of physical attacks - particularly with his Stand attack. His command throws likewise inflict significant damage depending on button presses. His most powerful ability is the Mystic Trap, which can easily pick out careless opponents for a consistent punishing, especially with his 20m Radius Emerald Splash.

    Players using Kakyoin must remember, even though this makes him quite an unfair character, that distance is the key. He has plentiful techniques for striking back, punishing or even ticking.

    In the arcade version, he has considerable offense power but is slightly slow. This was changed in the PlayStation port and the updated arcade version, but at the price of losing damage strength. He also gained a new super move that helped him in his offensives. Additionally, his appearance with sunglasses (a result of his encounter with N'Doul) is named New Kakyoin or 恐怖を乗り越えた花京院 (lit. "Kakyoin who overcame his fears") in the Japanese version of the game, having different attack methods and physics offsetting him from the original. New Kakyoin loses his mobility, some moves, and some range, making him substantially inferior in comparison to his original self.

    Jump Super Stars (DS)

    Kakyoin appears as a special attack for Jotaro's 5-KOMA, where he shows up on the screen, ahead Jotaro and attack the enemies with Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash.

    Jump Ultimate Stars (DS)

    Kakyoin returns as Jotaro 5-KOMA's special attack. But he also appears during the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure world intro, along with the others Part 3: Stardust Crusaders protagonists.

    All Star Battle (PS3)

    Kakyoin, voiced by Kōji Yusa, returns as a playable character in the PS3 title.

    Most of his attacks are similar to those from the Capcom game (Heritage for the Future). As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Kakyoin can turn Hierophant Green on/off, changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand.

    During a fight, Kakyoin can use several different attacks that were featured in Stardust Crusaders.

    • Throw - No match for my Stand!: Kakyoin hits the opponent away before Hierophant Green's tentacles come out of the ground to whip and trip them into the air.

    While Hierophant Green is off:

    • Let's shake on it.: Kakyoin elbows the opponent in the face. Every single one of Kakyoin's skills can be performed instantly following this move. (Comboable)
    • Emerald Splash (Normal): Kakyoin summons Hierophant Green to fire a number of homing Emeralds. Depending on the attack button inputted, the homing capabilities are altered. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • Hierophant's Barrier: Kakyoin generates a net of tentacles at specific distances depending on the attack button inputted. Only two may be out at once. If the opponent walks, runs, or is otherwise pushed into a net, it will explode as Emeralds fly in all directions. This move is unblockable on the initial trigger. (Comboable)
    • How's this!: A Throw. Hierophant Green flies forward before having its tentacles jut out of the ground at specific distances depending on the attack button inputted. If the tentacles hit the opponent, they will wrap around them before squeezing and crushing them.

    While Hierophant Green is on:

    • Emerald Splash (Stand): Hierophant Green fires a number of Emeralds. Depending on the attack button inputted, the number of projectiles is altered. A Stand Rush skill that Kakyoin can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing.
    • Didn't you notice?: Hierophant Green sends a tendril along the ground, going an extremely long way if the attack button is held. If it comes in contact with the opponent, it wraps around them before Hierophant Green fires a point-blank Emerald Splash that sends them flying. This move is also a low attack along with a Throw, requiring the opponent to jump in order to evade it.
    • You're already in my grasp!: Hierophant Green's tendrils quickly spike out of the ground at specific distances depending on the attack button inputted. If the tendrils hit the opponent, they will whip them before flinging them high into the air. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

    Kakyoin's normal attacks are different from others in that they can also attack at medium and long ranges. Medium attack summons Hierophant Green to strike with its tentacle in a straight line, hitting at medium-long range and acting as a form of anti-air if performed while in mid-air. His Heavy attack sends out a short-ranged Emerald Splash, splays tentacles downward while in mid-air, or uses tentacles to knock the opponent upward while crouching.

    Kakyoin's HHA, "Time for your punishment!", has Hierophant Green shoot out its tentacles from a high point at a downward angle. If it connects, Hierophant Green will enter the enemy's mouth and damage them internally with enough strength to force them into the air (similar to his assault on Death Thirteen).

    Kakyoin's GHA is his "20m Radius Emerald Splash". Hierophant Green fires a large number of Emeralds covered in its tentacles. If they hit the opponent, Kakyoin deploys a 20m radius barrier field around them made of Hierophant Green's tentacles. The opponent is promptly sent bouncing around the field in all directions by a combination Hierophant Green's Emerald Splashes and its tentacles' slingshot properties, before being strung up. Hierophant Green takes this chance to charge an immensely powerful Emerald Splash and fires it at point-blank range (showing the ability's functions had DIO not stopped time and avoided it during the final battle of Part 3).

    Kakyoin's battle introduction is him lowering his sunglasses before raising them back up (similar to his re-introduction to the group after his recovery from the hospital, minus the visible scars across his eyes). Kakyoin possesses an alternate costume based on his first appearance in the manga (with his hair slicked further back and him wearing his scarf).

    Kakyoin is also a character who made an incredible achievement in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle League, being eliminated in the F Group. He was the character most voted to rejoin the League, coming back into G Group (notably composed of only antagonists) and won the battle afterward, making his way to the finals.

    Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

    Kakyoin's Metal Striker appears as one of the several available Part 3 Metal Strikers characters. His FINISH move causes Hierophant Green to appear and unleash an Emerald Splash on the defeated opponent.

    Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

    Kakyoin was one of the first confirmed characters for the game (alongside Part 2 Joseph, Caesar, Stroheim, Jotaro, Josuke and Diego).

    As a Stand User, Kakyoin is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle. Since most of the game's animation and attacks were re-used from All Star Battle, Kakyoin's moveset remains the mostly the same: A distanced character who utilizes many long-ranged attacks and can set traps with Hierophant Green's Barrier.

    A unique characteristic of Kakyoin is that he is one of the only two characters in the game whose Normal Attacks consists entirely of projectiles, the other being Johnny Joestar, enforcing his projectile-focused playstyle. With Kakyoin, he can string together minor Emerald Splashes with finite range, both on the ground and in mid-air.

    • Style Action - Hierophant's Barrier!: Hierophant Green extends its arm and deploys a thinly visible net of tentacles as traps. If the initiating button is held, the attack's range can be extended indefinitely. A maximum of three can be out at any time, with a Barrier Icon displaying how many Kakyoin can place, and placing any more than the max will simply undo the oldest barrier. All deployed tentacles are undone if they are used, or if Kakyoin is knocked down, even by soft knockdown that he techs. If an opponent or opponents touch any barrier, the barriers will explode into unblockable emeralds that knock them back. If at least two barriers are deployed when one is tripped, the opponent is instead sent flying straight into the nearest one, provided that there is a direct path between the two. This can potentially send opponents flying long distances around the stage if set up properly. The barriers also have special properties in response to Kakyoin's other skills.
    • Didn't you notice?: Hierophant Green deploys a thick cluster of tentacles as temporary traps. Opponents that trip the trap are paralyzed, bound by the tentacles and open to further attacks. Any of Hierophant's Barriers that are deployed will also transform into the cluster traps.
    • Eat this!: Hierophant Green fires a larger Emerald Splash with infinite range and some homing capability. Any of Hierophant's Barriers that are deployed will also unleash emeralds, and will be sent flying towards Kakyoin's target if he is locked on, otherwise scattering in all directions.
    • Noriaki Kakyoin contemplates Hierophant Green!: Kakyoin grabs hold of Hierophant Green as the Stand extends a tentacle at specific points in the stage to pull him to, represented by anchor icons. This allows for quick escapes and inversely can be used to get closer to the opponent just as quickly. Certain types of environmental objects, such as lampposts, allow Kakyoin to stand on them, granting him the ability to recuperate or attack from out of reach of close-ranged attacks. Kakyoin may also lock onto any of Hierophant's Barriers to use as anchors, though doing so will undo the selected barrier.
    • When it rips things apart, it writhes—with euphoria!: Hierophant Green sends tentacles into the ground, appearing at an opponent's feet to skewer them and send them flying with multiple hits. If the initiating button is held, the attack will continue in intervals until it succeeds at the expense of stamina. The attack will target whatever Kakyoin is locked onto, otherwise, the tentacles will attack the nearest opponent.
    • EX - When it rips things apart, it writhes—with euphoria!: Kakyoin is invincible upon activation and recovers from the skill faster.
    • EX - Eat this!: Kakyoin is invincible upon activation.
    • When it rips things apart, it writhes—with euphoria!: Kakyoin must connect "When it rips things apart, it writhes—with euphoria!" 3 times. (200 Points)
    • I know I am.: Kakyoin must use "Noriaki Kakyoin contemplates Hierophant Green!" 3 times. (200 Points)
    • You won't be able to hide a single movement from me now!: Kakyoin must send an opponent into all three of Hierophant's Barriers in a single chain. (300 Points)
    • I don't like this either!: Kakyoin must survive the first 15 counts of the battle timer without taking damage. (500 Points)
    • Noriaki Kakyoin doesn't fall for mind games!: Kakyoin must survive the first 30 counts of the battle timer without taking damage. (800 Points)
    Dual Heat Attacks
    • Solo - 20m Radius Emerald Splash: The GHA uses a different, "upgraded" animation compared to All Star Battle: The target bounces around the barrier at extremely fast intervals, and the attack ends with Kakyoin turning around (having faced his back to the opponent) and summoning a massive Emerald Splash from behind him directly at them (rather than Hierophant Green firing at point-blank range).
    • With Jotaro - Use the edge of the ringjust like sumo.: Kakyoin holds the opponent in place with Hierophant Green, allowing Jotaro and Star Platinum to pull them in by Hierophant Green's tail and unleash a barrage of punches that sends them flying. Kakyoin appears once more behind the enemy mid-air to deliver an Emerald Splash. Throughout the whole attack, Jotaro and Kakyoin converse about Sumo, referencing the events in the Wheel of Fortune chapters.

    In the game's first demo, Kakyoin is Jotaro's default partner, with the latter being the only player-controlled fighter in the first demo.

    Jotaro and Kakyoin are the only two characters who have appeared in both demos. Kakyoin is the only returning character in the game whose appearance in the anime has not affected his general color scheme coming from All Star Battle, due to the anime using a very similar color scheme.


    In the game's parallel continuity, Kakyoin, along with Avdol and Iggy, is resurrected from death under mysterious circumstances. Introduced along with the crusader's own revived enemy, N'Doul, he attacks Jotaro, Joseph and Polnareff on the rooftops of Cairo. After being defeated, Kakyoin's alignment is restored by a time-travelling Robert E. O. Speedwagon through use of the Saint's Corpse. Upon awakening, Kakyoin warns the group of DIO's weakness despite Jotaro having already defeated the vampire. Once he and the group learn of Speedwagon's origins, and the recent phenomenon caused by the corpses' appearance through the time and space, they decide to help Speedwagon to retrieve the corpse parts and recruit allies from various timelines.

    At the end of Part 4's chapter, Kakyoin and the group meet up to discuss the true culprit behind the phenomenon. They are shocked to learn that it was DIO, deeming impossible for him to be revived and masterminding this event.

    Because of the new reality introduced by the game, Kakyoin and his injured allies survive the fight against the godly foe and live on, though hospitalized for a while.


    He is paired with Pannacotta Fugo in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Pet Shop and Kars.

    In the semifinals, Kakyoin returns to the tournament, paired with Jotaro. However, they are eliminated by Kars and Pet Shop in the first round.

    JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

    Bursting Emerald ver.
    Skill: Emerald Splash
    Replaces panels in a checkerboard pattern with Kakyoin panels
    Skill Lv 1
    # of Replaced Panels: 8
    Cooldown: 85
    Skill Lv 2
    # of Replaced Panels: 12
    Cooldown: 85
    Skill Lv 3
    # of Replaced Panels: 12
    Cooldown: 80
    Skill Lv 4
    # of Replaced Panels: 16
    Cooldown: 80
    Skill Lv 5
    # of Replaced Panels: 16
    Cooldown: 75
    Lonely Fight Against Nightmares ver.
    Skill: It's time for punishment, baby
    Replaces panels in the bottom left and right corners with partner panels and then erases the panels on the top center
    Skill Lv 1
    # of Replaced Panels: 4
    Cooldown: 85
    Skill Lv 2
    # of Replaced Panels: 6
    Cooldown: 85
    Skill Lv 3
    # of Replaced Panels: 6
    Cooldown: 80
    Skill Lv 4
    # of Replaced Panels: 8
    Cooldown: 80
    Skill Lv 5
    # of Replaced Panels: 8
    Cooldown: 75

    Last Survivor (Arcade)

    Kakyoin was one of the characters first confirmed during the game's announcement.



    • Selon une interview dans JoJonium Vol. 11, le prénom de Kakyoin était à l'origine destiné à être "Tenmei" et est toujours utilisé par Araki lui-même, bien qu'il soit officiellement "Noriaki". Ce changement est le résultat d'une mauvaise communication entre Araki et son éditeur car les kanjis pour son prénom peuvent être lu dans les deux sens. Ce nom peut également être vu dans le registre des hôtels d'Enya, où Kakyoin a écrit "Tenmei Kakyoin".[6]
    • Mitsuaki Madono double Kakyoin dans Heritage for the Future (avec plusieurs autres personnages dans les révisions du jeu) et Josuke Higashikata (partie 8) dans All Star Battle.
    • Pour une raison inconnue, on voit Kakyoin porter les boucles d'oreilles de Polnareff tout au long de la partie 3. Cela comprend les chapitres 160, 164, 172, 182, 183.
    • Kakyoin est le seul personnage dont la palette de couleurs dans tous les jeux dans laquelle il est apparu n'a eu aucun changement significatif, ayant une teinte constamment rougeâtre pour ses cheveux et des teintes vertes pour son uniforme.


    1. Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2
    2. 2.0 2.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named C122
    3. JoJonium/Special Interview
    4. 4.0 4.1 Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7
    5. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named C133
    6. 6.0 6.1 JoJonium Vol. 11 - Special Interview
    7. Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4
    8. Chapter 123: Tower of Gray
    9. Chapter 173: Death Thirteen, Part 6


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