JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game)

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険, JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken) is a PlayStation game developed by Capcom based on the third part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders. The game serves as a port of JoJo's Venture with elements taken from the game's revision, Heritage for the Future.

The game combines Capcom's trademark anime-inspired graphics, as seen in the Darkstalkers series, with the colorful characters and events of Hirohiko Araki's creation, resulting in a highly stylized and detailed visual style. It features many of the gameplay mechanics seen on previous Capcom fighting games, such as the use of power gauges for super moves, as well as a brand-new Stand Mode: a character's Stand can be summoned or dismissed at will by the player, resulting in variations in the character's move list and abilities.

The most significant addition present in the PlayStation port is Super Story Mode, an overarching campaign mode that incorporates battles, mini-games, and quick-time event stages to adapt every fight in Stardust Crusaders. Other additions include the new characters and storylines from Heritage for the Future, a Training Mode where the player can practice strategies, and two extra modes that provide bonus content as the player gains points in Super Story Mode.


The basic gameplay mechanics are those of a standard fighting game: one-on-one battles consisting of a series of rounds, in which the goal is to deplete the adversary's Vitality Gauge using regular attacks and character-specific special and super moves. Special and super moves require the input of button combinations and/or accumulated energy, which is displayed in a Super Combo Gauge that increases every time damage is dealt or taken.

The game uses a simplified four-button control scheme, consisting of three attack buttons (light, medium, and heavy) and a Stand button, which switches the character's Stand Mode on or off. Pressing all three attack buttons triggers a invulnerable forward dodge; pressing the three buttons while blocking pushes the opponent back a set distance. Depending on which button is used to select a character, a different color palette will be used for that character.

Two single-player modes are available: Super Story Mode, which follows the plot of Stardust Crusaders beat-for-beat and incorporates special gameplay modes, and Arcade Mode, which functions identically to Heritage for the Future's Story Mode. In addition, there is a two-player VS Mode and a Training Mode to practice moves and combos in. As the player clears stages in Super Story Mode, they can earn up to fifty JoJo Ability Points for each stage; as the player earns more JoJo Ability Points, additional playable characters and extras in Gallery Mode and Book Mode are unlocked.

Stand Mode

Fighting with Stand Mode on enhances a character's offensive and defensive abilities; these improvements heavily depend on the character and Stand, but the most common benefits are double jumping, absorbing residual damage when blocking special attacks, and more powerful special moves.

Stands themselves are physical extensions of their users, and thus damage and attack effects inflicted upon one carries over to its user. Like avatar/puppet-based characters in other fighting games, Stands are able to act independently of their users, allowing for several offensive gimmicks.

Most of the game's unique mechanics derive from the introduced Stand Mode. Many special moves and attacks send a combatant's Stand away from its user, making it more difficult to protect both at the same time; each character's orientation is based on their position towards their opponent, and not necessarily the opponent's Stand. If a character is damaged while their Stand is far away, the damage received is doubled. On top of the Vitality Gauge and Super Combo Gauge, there is a third gauge, the Stand Gauge, which decreases when a character's Stand is damaged and refills when Stand Mode is switched off. If this gauge is depleted, a Stand Crash occurs, leaving the character paralyzed and open to attack for a moment.

Another feature of Stands is Tandem Attack, which can be executed once a character has one stock of the Super Combo Gauge to expend. During the extended startup flash, inputs can be provided for the character's Stand; the Stand will then perform these button inputs on their own as a Program Attack, leaving the user free to do as they please and attack simultaneously. Controlling the Stand directly by performing a special move will cancel the Stand's predetermined onslaught early, however. Weapon Stand users such as Hol Horse and Joseph Joestar, who are unable to separate their Stand from themselves, can instead perform a Real Time Attack, in which most of their moves can be chained into one another until the stock is emptied.

Some characters lack the ability to enter Stand Mode, such as Mariah and Evil Incarnate Dio; these Passive Stand Users introduce their own complex and specific mechanics into the game. Several nonplayable characters (Gray Fly, Enya the Hag, Death Thirteen, Judgement, and N'Doul) are either present in Stand form only or move completely independently of their Stand.

The mechanics of each Stand create strong differences between the game's characters, and force different offensive approaches for each one. This "character-dependent gameplay" style would inspire several subsequent fighting games, such as the latter entries of the Guilty Gear series (which, interestingly enough, also contains rock and pop music references).


If certain attacks of the same strength and intensity occur at the same time and collide, clashing occurs. This only happens with characters with an Active Stand. It is hard to see this system in action as it happens very infrequently. This mechanic would later be incorporated into future JoJo games, such as All-Star Battle.

In some cases, when two certain opposing special moves are performed at the very same time, a Blazing Fists Match can occur. When this happens, both combatants are prompted to rapidly tap the attack buttons to win the duel and decide who will receive damage, a feature first seen in Samurai Shodown. This feature has since been adopted and expanded in All-Star Battle.

Bonus Stages and Special Battles

In some battles in Arcade Mode, special rules are applied in order to reenact certain chapters of the original manga that were unable to be adapted into the normal circumstances of the 1v1 battles.

  • N'Doul is not fought directly; instead, the player character finds himself on a corridor level and must reach N'Doul at the end of the level. Throughout the stage, Geb will attack, and the player must avoid the Stand's attacks by jumping or dashing.
  • Mannish Boy (or rather, Death Thirteen) can only be fought in Arcade Mode if the player clears the first five stages without using continues and while playing as one of the heroes. His attacks exploit the dream-like nature of his stage, as well as the absence of his user. Whether the player wins or loses against Death Thirteen, they are allowed to continue Arcade Mode.

Changes from JoJo's Venture

Every character from JoJo's Venture is available from the get-go, along with five new characters: Hol Horse, Anubis Dual-Wielding Polnareff, Mariah, Pet Shop, and a newly-playable Vanilla Ice. The names of Young Joseph (若ジョセフ) and Shadow DIO (影DIO) were changed to Proud Lineage Joseph (誇り高き血統ジョセフ) and Evil Incarnate Dio (邪悪の化身ディオ!!) respectively. In addition, four new hidden characters have been added, these being Rubber Soul, Khan, Hol Horse & Boingo, and Fearless Kakyoin. Additional palettes for each character have also been added to be used with the Stand button. Less significantly, Vanilla Ice's boss AI has been toned down, and Proud Lineage Joseph now wears his tank top from Battle Tendency.

Venture's menu systems have been mostly redesigned. Sound effects throughout the game have been added or changed, and the startup animations for super moves and Tandem Attacks have been altered. The Super Combo Gauge now resets to one stock after every round, unlike in Venture where it would keep energy between rounds. A save system has been added, and an in-game Option Mode allows you to adjust several game settings.


Playable Characters from JoJo's Venture

Super Story Mode

Stages in Super Story Mode can take one of three forms: a VS Mode stage, which uses the traditional gameplay of JoJo's Venture; a Mini-Game stage, which can come in a variety of forms; or an Adventure stage, essentially a dialogue-based cutscene where the player must occasionally dodge an incoming obstacle. After the stage, the player will be graded on their performance: fifteen points each can be earned from remaining time and health, ten can be earned from a variety of special bonuses, and the remaining ten is earned by completing the stage's Secret Factor objective. Each category is saved individually, so the player does not need to gain all of a stage's points at once. After the player beats Super Story Mode once, four extra stages are unlocked, adapting various characters' encounters with Evil Incarnate Dio.
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The Magician of Fire
(炎の魔術師 Honō no Majutsushi)

Near the Canary Islands, a strange coffin is lifted from the bottom of the sea. Some time later, a teenager named Jotaro Kujo locks himself in a Tokyo jail cell, convinced that he has been possessed by an evil spirit. At his mother Holy's request, Jotaro's grandfather Joseph Joestar visits Japan and attempts to coerce him out of his cell. When Jotaro refuses, Joseph asks his friend Muhammad Avdol to remove him by force. After the fight, Joseph explains to Jotaro that the appearance of his "evil spirit", later named Star Platinum, is caused by the Joestar family's enemy DIO, who has reawoken after a hundred years.
Secret Factor: So you got me out of the cell? (牢屋の外、してやられたというわけか)

End the fight with Jotaro outside the cell and Avdol inside.
The 21st Tarot Card (Extra)
(21番目のタロットカード Nijuuichibanme no Tarotto Kādo)

Avdol decides to tell Jotaro about his meeting with DIO in Cairo around four months ago, and the battle begins as a flashback. After the fight, Avdol ran without a second thought and managed to narrowly avoid falling under DIO's control.
Secret Factor: I didn't even think about fighting him. (戦おうなどとは考えもしなかった)

End the fight via Time Over.
Who Will Be the Judge?!
(裁くのは誰だ!? Sabaku no wa Dare da!?)

At his high school, Jotaro comes across an enemy Stand user named Noriaki Kakyoin. Summoning his Stand, Hierophant Green, Kakyoin reveals that he was sent by DIO to eliminate the Joestars. After the fight, Jotaro removes a flesh bud made of DIO's cells from Kakyoin's brain, freeing him of DIO's influence. When Holy's own Stand begins to weaken her, the Joestars and their allies board a plane to Egypt in order to kill DIO.
Secret Factor: Ora-ora! My Stand will be the judge! (オラオラ裁くのは俺のスタンドだッー)

End the fight with Jotaro's Puttsun Ora super move.
DIO's Curse (Extra)
(DIOの呪縛 DIO no Jubaku)

Kakyoin remembers his meeting with DIO, who approached him and asked to test his unique ability. After the fight, DIO implanted a flesh bud into Kakyoin's brain, influencing him into pledging his undying loyalty to DIO.
Secret Factor: That's a flesh bud made of DIO's cells. (それはDIOの細胞からなる「肉の芽」)

Have Evil Incarnate Dio use his Charisma! super move.
Strange Insect Attack!
(奇虫襲撃! Kichū Shūgeki!)

On the plane to Egypt, an enemy Stand named Tower of Gray suddenly begins ripping out the other passengers' tongues. Though the enemy proves to be faster than Jotaro's Star Platinum, Kakyoin steps up to eliminate it himself. After the fight, the Stand's user is revealed to be an old man named Gray Fly. However, Tower of Gray has already killed the pilots, causing the plane to begin crashing. As Gray Fly dies, Joseph is forced to take control of the plane, remarking that this is the third plane crash he's been in.
Secret Factor: I already extended Hierophant's tentacles... (すでに法皇の触脚がのびていたのだ)

End the fight with Kakyoin's Independent Arm super move.
The Knight's Code
(騎士のおきて Ishi no Okite)

The Joestar group arrives in Hong Kong's Tiger Balm Garden, where an enemy named Jean Pierre Polnareff challenges Avdol and predicts that his own Stand will overcome him. As the fight will take place in a wide-open space, Avdol prepares to use his Stand's full power. After the battle, Polnareff accepts his fate of burning to death, leading Avdol to deduce that Polnareff has been implanted with a flesh bud as well. Jotaro removes the flesh bud, and (to his dismay) Joseph cracks a joke.
Secret Factor: Can you dodge my Cross Fire Hurricane Special? (C・F・H・Sかわせるかッー)

End the fight with Avdol's Cross Fire Hurricane Special super move.
The Man with the Star Birthmark (Extra)
(星のアザをもつ男 Hoshi no Aza o Motsu Otoko)

Polnareff recounts his meeting with DIO one year ago. DIO offered to relieve Polnareff of the memories that were troubling him, and implanted a flesh bud within him after battling him. Polnareff was then ordered to dispose of the Joestar group.
Secret Factor: The flesh bud influenced him to side with him. (肉の芽で仲間に引き込まれていた)

Have Evil Incarnate Dio use his Charisma! super move.
A Maritime Trap?! (Adventure)
(海路のワナ!? Kairo no Wana!?)

Polnareff tells the Joestar group that he is searching for a man with two right hands, who was responsible for his sister Sherry's killing; suspecting that his target is allied with DIO, Polnareff joins the Joestar group as they board a ship to Singapore. In the middle of the voyage, a little girl is discovered to have stowed onto the ship; the girl jumps overboard to escape the sailors, but is grabbed by the underwater Stand Dark Blue Moon, forcing Jotaro to save her. When the ship's Captain Tennille appears on deck to apprehend the girl, Jotaro tricks him into revealing that he is an impostor and Dark Blue Moon's user. The fake Tennille grabs the girl and pulls her into the water; Jotaro saves her again, but is pulled underwater by Dark Blue Moon's barnacles. Though the Stand creates a whirlpool to trap Jotaro, Star Platinum extends its finger and slices its head.
Secret Factor: Seems you're the one who became sashimi. (やっぱりてめーだ刺し身になったのは)

Complete the stage without missing a single quick-time event.
The Empty Ship and the Ape (Mini-Game)
(無人船と猿 Mujinsen to Saru)

The group disembarks the now-captainless ship using one of the lifeboats. While at sea, they encounter and board a large freighter named Strength. The ship is devoid of life save one orangutan, whom Jotaro suspects to be a Stand user. The battle with the orangutan, Forever, plays out as a whack-a-mole-style shooting game: Forever appears at one of nine spots, and the player must shoot him and any debris he throws to win. Occasionally, the stowaway girl will appear; shooting her or being hit with debris will cause Jotaro to take damage. After the battle, Jotaro realizes that the entire ship is a Stand, and the group escapes the ship on the lifeboat they arrived in.
Secret Factor: This is a bit heavy for a little girl! (女の子にゃあきつすぎるぜ)

Complete the stage without hitting the stowaway girl.
Unleash Your Vengeance!
(恨みをぶちまけろ! Urami o Buchimakero!)

The group arrives in Singapore and checks into a hotel. Polnareff senses an enemy hiding in his room, who emerges from the room's minifridge and introduces himself as Devo the Cursed. Though Polnareff wastes no time attacking him, Devo announces that Polnareff will be cursed by his grudge, and his Stand Ebony Devil possesses a nearby doll. After the battle, Polnareff interrogates Ebony Devil about the man with two right hands; Devo refuses to respond, inciting Polnareff to slice the doll apart.
Secret Factor: I'll have to slice him up real good! (メッタやたらに突くしかねえ)

End the fight with Polnareff's Million Split special move.
The Man-Eating Temperance
(人喰いテンパランス Hitokui Tenperansu)

In the city of Singapore, Kakyoin punches Jotaro and laughs it off as a prank, leading Jotaro to suspect that something is influencing him. In an attempt to wake him up, Jotaro punches Kakyoin, only to discover that Kakyoin's form itself is a Stand ability. The enemy, Rubber Soul, reveals his true form beneath his Stand Yellow Temperance's disguise before further taunting Jotaro with his supposed good looks. After the fight, Jotaro interrogates Rubber Soul, who reveals that four more Stand users are after the group: Death Thirteen, Empress, Hanged Man, and Emperor. Jotaro turns to leave and tell Polnareff, but Rubber Soul attacks from behind; unfazed, Jotaro pummels him and knocks him out.
Secret Factor: Rero rero rero rero rero... (レロレロレロレロレロレロ)

Have Rubber Soul perform a taunt.
The Wandering Emperor
(さすらいの皇帝(エンペラー) Sasurai no Enperā)

The group arrives at Calcutta, where Polnareff is challenged by gunslinger Hol Horse. As Hol Horse fires at him, Polnareff summons his Stand Silver Chariot to cut the bullet, only to watch as it dodges his sword: in actuality, Hol Horse's gun and bullets are part of his Stand, Emperor. Avdol arrives in the nick of time and knocks Polnareff out of the bullet's path, but another Stand appears in the reflection of the puddle beneath him, distracting him and Polnareff long enough for the bullet to enter his forehead. As Kakyoin arrives on the scene, Hol Horse and the reflection Stand, Hanged Man, taunt a distraught Polnareff, who realizes that the latter Stand belongs to the man who murdered his sister. After the fight, Kakyoin and Polnareff track down Hanged Man's user, J. Geil. J. Geil hides Hanged Man in the eyes of a crowd of people to attack. However, Kakyoin throws a coin in the air, allowing Polnareff to split the Stand apart as it travels to its destination. With J. Geil defenseless, Polnareff seizes the opportunity to slice him up. J. Geil's body lands upside-down on a nearby fence; as Kakyoin points out, he is now a hanged man himself.
Secret Factor: Bastard! You're running away?! (野郎!逃げる気かッ)

End the fight via Time Over.
Leeching Off a Parent's Arm! (Adventure)
(親の腕かじり! Oya no Ude Kajiri!)

After defeating J. Geil, the group heads for Varanasi, where Joseph sees a doctor regarding a strange lump on his arm. The doctor attempts to remove Joseph's arm to prevent further infection, but is instead cut up himself. The lump, speaking aloud, reveals itself to be the Stand Empress, which has bonded itself to Joseph's arm. When a nurse comes in to check on the doctor, Empress confesses to the murder, causing the nurse to believe Joseph did the deed. Now wanted by the police, Joseph runs desperately through the city in search of a way to defeat Empress, which is steadily growing in size and assuming a humanoid form. Joseph eventually finds a barrel of coal tar, which he dips his arm into; though the tar fails to suffocate Empress, it succeeds in hardening the Stand. After revealing that he created a map of the city with his Stand Hermit Purple, Joseph uses his Stand to slice Empress apart.
Secret Factor: Next you'll say, "Stop! Anything but that!" (おまえは「やめてそれだけは」という)

Complete the stage without missing a single quick-time event.
Passing Towards Death (Adventure)
(死への追い越し Shi e no Oikoshi)

On a mountain road to Delhi, a car passes the Joestar group and blocks their way. When the unseen driver of the car signals them to go ahead, the group is nearly hit by a truck. The group pursues the car down a dead-end cliffside path, but the car appears behind them and tries to push their own car off a cliff. Luckily, Kakyoin is able to grab the car's wire-winch, throwing the enemy car off the cliff while saving their own. The car reforms itself and begins driving up the cliff; the driver, ZZ, reveals his car to be a Stand named Wheel of Fortune. The car spills gasoline on Jotaro, which ZZ ignites with an electric spark. Though he seemingly burns to death, Jotaro manages to dig a tunnel and leave his coat to burn as a decoy. Jotaro pummels Wheel of Fortune, knocking ZZ out of his vehicle and revealing him to be a scrawny man with muscular arms.
Secret Factor: A road is something you have to carve out yourself. (道というものは自分で切り開くものだ)

Complete the stage without missing a single quick-time event.
The Puppeteering Justice (Mini-Game)
(あやつり正義(ジャスティス) Ayatsuri Jasutisu)

The Joestar group arrives at Multan, where they check into a hotel run by an elderly woman. Soon after, Polnareff goes missing. Jotaro confronts the hotel's owner over Polnareff's disappearance; when she refers to him by his real name, Jotaro reveals that he signed the hotel's guest book with a fake name, outing her as an enemy. The hotel owner, Enya Geil, reveals her mist-controlling Stand Justice, which has already possessed the town's inhabitants. The fight with Enya plays out as an altered version of the normal battle system: the player, as Jotaro, must face an endless horde of Justice's zombies. After defeating thirty of her minions, Enya herself will appear and begin attacking with Justice; depleting Enya's health ends the mini-game. After the battle, Jotaro announces his intention to finish off Enya before she can take another breath. Enya attempts to prove him wrong, but finds she cannot exhale; Star Platinum is inhaling her Stand, soon causing her to pass out.
Secret Factor: Ora-ora-ora-ora-ora! (おらおらおらおらおらおらあっ)

End the mini-game with Jotaro's Ora-Ora move.
The Terrifying Lovers (Mini-Game)
(恐ろしき恋人 Osoroshiki Rabāzu)

The group travels to Karachi. An enemy Stand, Lovers, infiltrates Joseph's body, forcing Kakyoin and Polnareff to shrink their own Stands and fight it from the inside. The fight against Lovers takes the form of a sidescrolling shooting game. Silver Chariot can be used to directly attack obstacles in all directions, while Hierophant Green can shoot Emerald Splash in front of itself and use its tentacles to draw shapes that attack any obstacles within them. Power-ups that increase Chariot's range and the power of Hierophant's Emerald Splash can be obtained from defeated enemies. After the battle, Jotaro finds Lovers's user, Steely Dan. Steely Dan withdraws his Stand and begs for forgiveness, and Jotaro promises that if they meet again he'll be on the receiving end of a beatdown. As soon as Jotaro turns his back, however, Steely Dan pulls out a knife, only to find that he cannot move; Kakyoin has tied Hierophant's tentacle around Lovers, paralyzing it. Steely Dan offers Jotaro the down payment DIO hired him with, but Jotaro refuses the offer and delivers the promised beatdown, incapacitating him.
Secret Factor: You don't know your enemy very well, do you? (おまえは敵を知らなすぎたようだな)

Use Hierophant's Tentacles in the second Lovers encounter.
The Desert Sun (Mini-Game)
(砂漠の太陽 Sabaku no Taiyō)

While crossing the desert to Abu Dhabi, the Joestar group realizes that the sun is still up despite their watches showing that night should have fallen. The group is struck with horror at the realization that the sun itself is a Stand, but Jotaro calmly suggests finding the Stand's user. The battle with Sun takes the form of a hidden-object game: a mirrored version of the user's location is shown at the botton-right of the screen, and the player must find that location and throw a rock at it four times to win. If the player attacks the wrong location, Sun will counterattack with rays of light, causing the temperature to increase; if the temperature fills the thermometer at the top of the screen, the player loses. After the battle, Sun dissipates, leaving the Joestar group to ponder the foolishness of its user, Arabia Fats.
Secret Factor: Now let's continue to our next destination. (さぁ次の目的地に行きましょう)

End the mini-game within thirty seconds.
Death Thirteen of Dreams
(夢のDEATH13 Yume no Desu Sātīn)

En route to Egypt, the group finds themselves in a strange amusement park. A Stand named Death Thirteen appears and explains that they are within its nightmare world, only to be caught off-guard by the appearance of Hierophant Green; Kakyoin, having activated his Stand before falling asleep, prepares to fight the Stand. After the battle, Kakyoin finds the Stand's user, a baby named Mannish Boy, and scoops its feces into his food.
Secret Factor: It hasn't been severed! Its torso turned into string... (切断されてないッ!胴体を紐状に)

Attack out of a special Stand summon (QCF+Stand).[3]
The Magic Lamp (Mini-Game)
(魔法のランプ Mahō no Ranpu)

While crossing the Red Sea, the group stops on an island, where Polnareff comes across a lamp; as he inspects the lamp, he accidentally releases the Stand Judgement hiding within it. Judgement gives Polnareff three wishes; still wary, Polnareff wishes to revive his sister and Avdol. Though the Stand seemingly fulfills his wish, the clay replicas he creates are half-formed; desperate to be completed, they begin feeding on Polnareff. However, a second Avdol appears and burns the clay replica: Avdol had faked his own death in Calcutta, and has now returned to save Polnareff. The battle against Judgement plays out in a similar manner to the Justice battle, albeit with Avdol instead of Jotaro. As clay replicas of Avdol and Sherry attack the player, Judgement floats in the air, often dropping down to attack or reviving destroyed replicas; once Judgement's health is depleted, the mini-game ends. After the battle, Judgement runs away. Avdol and Polnareff find a pipe sticking out of the ground; at Avdol's suggestion, the two urinate into the pipe until the user, Cameo, surrenders. Magician's Red then burns him, putting him out of commission.
Secret Factor: My third wish is to make you cry out in regret! (第3の願いは「後悔の泣き声」だッ!)

Destroy both of Judgement's clay replicas at least once.
Diamond Molars
(ダイヤモンドの奥歯 Daiyamondo no Okuba)

After arriving at Jiddah, the group takes a well-deserved coffee break. However, the group soon realizes they are holding six cups instead of five, and Joseph is taken out by a Stand within the extra cup named High Priestess. As the Stand can possess metal objects, the group deduces that the Stand is hiding underground and splits up. Soon after, Jotaro finds the Stand's user, Midler. After the fight, Jotaro narrowly dodges an attack from High Priestess, who claims that its teeth are as hard as diamond; Jotaro proceeds to smash the Stand's teeth, soundly defeating it.
Secret Factor: Those teeth were hard, but I knocked them all out. (硬い歯だったがたたき折ってやったぜ)

End the fight with Jotaro's Ora-Ora special move.
The Earth God Geb (Mini-Game)
(大地の神ゲブ Daichi no Kami Gebu)

Having finally reached Egypt, the Joestar group meets up with the Speedwagon Foundation at Abu Simbel. The Foundation delivers an ally Stand user: Iggy, a dog who wields the sand-manipulating Stand The Fool. As it departs, the Foundation helicopter suddenly crashes; a few seconds later, Kakyoin is attacked by a water-like Stand, putting him out of commission. The Stand prepares to attack Polnareff, but Jotaro rushes off to find the Stand's user, using Iggy's nose as a compass. The battle with the water Stand, Geb, plays out the same way as in JoJo's Venture: the player must navigate a long stretch of desert to reach the user, N'Doul, who can be defeated in a single hit. Along the way, the player must avoid Geb as it lunges, blocks, and creates pitfall traps. After the battle, Jotaro tries to interrogate N'Doul about DIO, but N'Doul kills himself with his own Stand to avoid betraying him.
Secret Factor: He's not moving... He's keeping still. (動いていないじっとしているぞ)

End the mini-game with Jotaro's Puttsun Ora super move.
The Prediction Is Always Right! (Adventure)
(予言は必ずあたる! Yogen wa Kanarazu Ataru!)

The group rushes to Aswan to drop Kakyoin and an injured Avdol off at a hospital. Following them are Oingo, user of the disguise Stand Khnum, and his brother Boingo, wielder of the future-predicting book of Thoth. Though Avdol's injuries are light, Kakyoin will have to be left behind due to his serious wounds. For now, the three active heroes stop at a cafe, where Oingo disguises himself as a waiter and poisons their tea. The group drinks the poison, but Iggy interferes and causes them to spit it out. Undiscouraged, the brothers continue following the party, attacking an ugly man on the way for no reason. The two brothers catch up to the Joestar group as they prepare to drive to the hospital. Oingo, disguised as Jotaro, plants a bomb in an orange inside the car, only to be blown up himself. As the Joestar group drives off, the ugly man returns with a gang behind him to assault the two brothers, hospitalizing them.
Secret Factor: The brothers were retired without a fight. (兄弟は仲良くリタイアしてしまいました)

Complete the stage without missing a single quick-time event.
The Sword of Anubis
(アヌビスの剣 Anubisu no Tsurugi)

The Joestar group takes a boat to Kom Ombo, where Polnareff crosses paths with an enemy named Chaka, wielder of the sword Anubis. After the fight, Polnareff lets Chaka live, albeit out of commission, and decides to take his sheathed sword.
Secret Factor: This rapier is Chariot's secret. (この剣針はチャリオッツの奥の手だぜ)

End the fight with Polnareff's Last Shot super move.
Be Careful When Shaving
(ヒゲ剃りに御用心 Higesuri ni Goyōjin)

Jotaro and Polnareff visit a barber named Khan, Polnareff still carrying Chaka's sword. Polnareff gives Khan the sword and asks it to place it down somewhere; upon unsheathing the sword, the barber announces himself to be Anubis and attacks. After the fight, the barber praises Jotaro's Star Platinum before passing out, and the two heroes realize the sword can possess people.
Secret Factor: Impossible... He caught the blade! (まさか・・・白刃取りをやるとは)

Perform Jotaro's Guard Cancel (QCF+Attack).
Anubis + Chariot
(アヌビス+チャリオッツ Anubisu Purasu Chariottsu)

Polnareff tries to pick up the unsheathed Anubis, but the blade possesses him as well. After the fight, Jotaro shatters the sword, waking Polnareff from its spell. The largest shard of the sword possesses a young boy, who tries to throw the shard at Jotaro; however, the boy trips on Iggy and misses, accidentally throwing Anubis into a river.
Secret Factor: But now I've learned that, too. (しかしそれももう覚えた)
Have Anubis Dual-Wielding Polnareff counter Jotaro's Ora-Ora special move or Puttsun Ora super move.

The group stays in a hotel at Luxor after Anubis's defeat. While there, Joseph is shocked by a power outlet. The next morning, Jotaro and Polnareff set off as Joseph sleeps in. The player must choose between following Joseph or Polnareff, leading them to Stage 23 or Stage 24 respectively.
A Woman with Wonderful Legs
(脚がグンバツの女 Ashi ga Gunbatsu no Onna)

Joseph is affected by Bastet's magnetism ability. The user, Mariah, reveals herself and brags about Bastet's inescapable ability before herself escaping Avdol. Joseph warns Avdol about the Stand's electric outlet, but Avdol has already touched one; thus, the two agree to split up and act individually. After the fight, Joseph and Avdol corner Mariah as their bodies begin to be crushed by the metal they've attracted. The two exploit their magnetism to crush Mariah between themselves, knocking her unconscious and nullifying her ability.
Secret Factor: Can you stop the force of magnetism? (この磁力を止めてくれないのか?)

Touch Mariah's power outlets seven times.
I Don't Want to Be Young Again
(若がえりは御免 Wakagaeri wa Gomen)

Polnareff senses an enemy following him, but is too slow to react and is temporarily turned into a child by his Stand, Sethan. The enemy, Alessi, gloats about how much he loves to bully little boys. After the fight, Jotaro confronts a wounded Alessi, who manages to turn him into a child. However, even without a Stand, the young Jotaro manages to beat Alessi up; once the ability is lifted, a restored Jotaro and Polnareff waste no time finishing him off.
Secret Factor: You've become a kid agaaaain! (子供になっちまってるウウウ)

Have Alessi turn Polnareff into a child at least once.
Shooting DIO?! (Extra)
(DIOを撃つ!? DIO o Utsu!?)

Meanwhile, Hol Horse meets with DIO in Cairo to report the defeats of his latest minions. DIO dismisses Hol Horse's report and urges him to battle the Joestars directly, inciting Hol Horse to attack him. After the fight, Hol Horse puts his gun to DIO's head, but DIO somehow appears behind him. Praising his tenacity, DIO leaves Hol Horse to contemplate the overwhelming power of his Stand.
Secret Factor: How did he get behind me...? (どうやっておれの背後へ・・・?)

Attack Evil Incarnate Dio during his The Scale of Fear special move.
The Soul-Stealing Gamble (Mini-Game)
(魂を奪うギャンブル Tamashī o Ubau Gyanburu)

The Joestar group travels to Giza, where a gambler named Daniel J. D'Arby challenges Polnareff to see which of two pieces of meat a cat will eat first. Polnareff guesses incorrectly, and D'Arby takes his soul with his Stand Osiris, incidentally revealing that the cat is his. In order to save Polnareff, Joseph bets his soul on a game involving dropping coins in a glass of water; whoever drops the coin that makes it spill loses. D'Arby cheats at the game and drops more coins than the glass should handle, causing Joseph to mentally surrender and forfeit his soul. Fed up with D'Arby's antics, Jotaro challenges the gambler to his favorite game, poker. Should the player choose to bluff, Jotaro chooses not to look at his cards before betting Avdol's soul, as well as his mother's. D'Arby, unable to know if Star Platinum looked at or swapped his cards, goes insane under the pressure and folds, putting him out of commission.
Secret Factor: I'd have been horrified if I knew. (もし知っていたらゾッとしたぜ)

Win either the cat or coin mini-game, or win the poker mini-game by bluffing.
The Predictions are Absolute
(予知は絶対 Yochi wa Zettai)

The group finally arrives in Cairo, where the newly-formed team of Hol Horse and Boingo is waiting for them. Polnareff notices Hol Horse and holds him at swordpoint, but is distracted by Boingo from beneath a box. After the fight, Boingo escapes despite Hol Horse being retired. Boingo realizes that revenge isn't a cause worth living for and kicks his box away, declaring his intention not to live in fear anymore; the box hits Iggy, who attacks and hospitalizes Boingo, destroying his newfound confidence.
Secret Factor: I missed! What's going on here?! (ハズレたァッ!どういうことだ!?)

End the fight without being hit by any of Hol Horse's bullets.
The Ice Bird
(氷の鳥 Kōri no Tori)

The Joestar group hires an informant to find DIO's mansion. As Iggy is wandering through town, he watches as the informant is crushed by a giant icicle in front of the building he seeks. The culprit is a Stand-using bird named Pet Shop, wielder of the ice Stand Horus. Despite Iggy's better judgement, he engages the bird knowing it cannot let him get away. After the battle, Iggy gloats over his victory but realizes it means an end to his carefree life without battle. For now, Iggy decides to tell the group where DIO's mansion is, as an act of revenge against his foe.
Secret Factor: I- I'll just hide in here for a while... (し、しばらくここに隠れていよう)
Block an attack at least ten times.

The Joestar group finally arrives at DIO's mansion. Telence T. D'Arby, Daniel's younger brother, greets them at the door and effortlessly dodges a punch from Star Platinum. An illusory Stand creates a hole in the mansion's floor, which Telence drags Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin into. As they are sucked in, Joseph commands Avdol to burn the mansion if they do not return in ten minutes; after ten minutes pass, the remaining three heroes decide to enter the mansion themselves. The player must choose between following Polnareff or Jotaro, leading them to Stages 28 and 29 or Stage 30 respectively.
Undetectable (Mini-Game)
(探知不能 Tanchi Funō)

The battle against the illusory Stand, Tenore Sax, is largely a repeat of the battle against Sun. The player must again find the location shown at the bottom-right of the screen; this time, target Kenny G. moves against an Escher-esque backdrop, making the task of finding him quite difficult. Thankfully, the player has a trick up their sleeve: Avdol's fire can be used three times to point in the direction of Kenny G. Once the player hits Kenny G. four times, the mini-game ends. After the battle, the labyrinth inside the mansion disappears, exposing its true layout.
Secret Factor: It all happened so fast... (あっという間だったな)

End the mini-game within forty seconds.
The Dark Void's Trajectory
(暗黒空間の軌跡 Ankoku Kūkan no Kiseki)

With both Avdol's flames and Iggy's nose on their side, Avdol is certain that nothing can sneak up on the group. Just then, a Stand appears behind Avdol out of thin air. Avdol pushes Polnareff and Iggy out of the Stand's way, but immediately vanishes. The Stand's user, Vanilla Ice, declares Avdol dead, as he has disappeared into his Stand Cream's void. Though Polnareff refuses to believe Avdol's death, Vanilla Ice declares his intent to scatter the entire group's atoms inside his void. After the fight, a weakened Polnareff sacrifices himself for a severely-wounded Iggy, only for the dog to use the last of his energy to save him instead. Polnareff stabs Vanilla Ice to death, but he immediately recovers; realizing his enemy is a vampire, Polnareff slices open a wall, exposing him to sunlight and disintegrating him. After briefly seeing Avdol and Iggy's souls ascending, Polnareff resolves to move deeper into the mansion toward DIO.
Secret Factor: Too slow, Vanilla Ice! (のろいぜヴァニラ・アイス)

End the fight with Polnareff's Throw.
A Video Game of Souls (Adventure)
(魂のTVゲーム Tamashī no Terebi Gēmu)

The three abducted heroes find themselves on a strange island with Telence. At Telence's request, Kakyoin steps up to challenge the younger D'Arby brother in the racing game F-Mega. Both of their cars take off at the same speed, and manage to stay neck-in-neck through the first six curves. D'Arby's car gains the lead in an acceleration tunnel, but Kakyoin uses his car's energy to knock D'Arby off the track... onto a farther section of the course. Kakyoin internally admits defeat, and Telence's Stand Atum removes his soul. After Telence warns the Joestars that killing him means killing Kakyoin, Jotaro challenges D'Arby to a game of Oh! That's A Baseball!. Though Jotaro scores four home runs in his first inning at-bat, D'Arby scores three consecutive home runs, leading Jotaro and Joseph to suspect Atum can read minds. To counter this ability, Jotaro begins announcing the direction of his pitches in advance. Telence confirms Jotaro's forecasts are accurate, but is completely dumbfounded when the pitches change direction regardless. In his shock, Telence releases his grip on Kakyoin's soul. After learning that Joseph had been using Hermit Purple to play the game for Jotaro, Telence begs for forgiveness; reading Jotaro's mind, he realizes that the answer is a firm "Ora-Ora".
Secret Factor: Is it the "Ora-Ora" thing, perhaps?! (もしかしてオラオラですかーッ!?)
Complete the stage without missing a single quick-time event.

Regardless of whether the player chose Jotaro or Polnareff, the group reunites soon after Vanilla Ice's defeat, with Kakyoin bringing a weak vampire named Nukesaku as a guide. The group reaches DIO's coffin and asks Nukesaku to open it, only for Nukesaku himself to be revealed inside. The heroes, mortified, quickly escape the mansion; with the sun now setting, however, DIO is prepared to hunt them down. Joseph and Kakyoin decide to retreat, but Polnareff goes off alone to face DIO head-on; Jotaro follows Polnareff, stating that the group will be attacking DIO from both sides. The player must choose between following Kakyoin or Jotaro, leading them to Stages 31 and 32 or Stages 33 and 34 respectively.
The Threat of The World
(世界(ザ・ワールド)の脅威跡 Za Wārudo no Kyōi)

DIO notices that the heroes are trying to surround him. Narrowly dodging an attack from Hierophant Green, DIO realizes that he is already surrounded by Hierophant's tentacles. Though Kakyoin intends to use Hierophant's tentacles to reveal DIO's Stand ability, DIO declares him a fool and summons his world-conquering The World. After the fight, DIO stops time and impales Kakyoin through the chest in front of Joseph. Kakyoin fires a final Emerald Splash at a clock tower before passing away, giving Joseph a clue to the Stand's true power.
Secret Factor: Hierophant's Field! (「法皇」の「結界」!)

End the fight with Kakyoin's Hierophant's Field special move.
The Stand That Rules the World
(世界を支配するスタンド Sekai o Shihai Suru Sutando)

While running from DIO, Joseph realizes the meaning of Kakyoin's message: The World's true ability is to stop time. DIO goes in for the kill, but stays his hand, as Joseph is protecting himself with the sunlight Ripple energy passed down from his grandfather. After the fight, Joseph encounters Jotaro, and barely has enough time to warn him of DIO's true power before DIO stops time. Remembering his Stand's gradual development, DIO overcomes Joseph's Ripple by throwing a knife at his throat. Time resumes, Joseph falls dead, and DIO announces that Jotaro will be the next to die.
Secret Factor: Energy of the sun, Ripple! (太陽のエネルギー「波紋」ッ)

End the fight with Joseph's Hermit Web special move.
The Same Type of Stand!
(同じタイプのスタンド! Onaji Taipu no Sutando!)

Despite Joseph's warning, Jotaro approaches DIO and confronts him head-on. The adversaries test their Stands' speed; The World comes out on top, managing to scrape Jotaro's leg. Unfazed, Jotaro complains about his pants' ripped fabric. After the fight, Jotaro is seemingly killed. Wary of the Joestars' luck, DIO grabs a signpost and moves to cut off his head.
Secret Factor: Comparing the speed of our rushes? (突き(ラッシュ)の速さ比べか)

Initiate a Blazing Fists Match with Jotaro's Ora-Ora special move or Puttsun Ora super move.
Make Sure He's Dead
(完全なるとどめ Kanzen Naru Todome)

Polnareff suddenly attacks DIO from above, managing to stab his head. However, DIO simply stops time and punches Polnareff in the head, knocking him to the ground. After the fight, DIO states his intention to finish off Jotaro first and bring the Joestar Egypt Tour Group to an end.
Secret Factor: Go straight to hell, DIO! (くたばりやがれッ!DIO)

End the fight with Polnareff's Shooting Star special move.
The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends
(遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo)

After confirming that Jotaro has no heartbeat, DIO prepares to cut off his head. Suddenly, Star Platinum attacks and Jotaro gets up, having stopped his own heartbeat. DIO, wounded by the attack, tries to escape, but Jotaro pummels him and sends him flying. However, DIO is thrown to the very same place he was trying to escape toward: the resting place of Joseph Joestar's body. Draining Joseph's blood, an invigorated DIO prepares to end the battle once and for all.
Secret Factor: I stopped time... (おれが時を止めた・・・)
Have DIO stop time, then end the fight after his Super Combo Gauge runs out by using Jotaro's Star Platinum The World super move.


After the fight, DIO performs a last-ditch kick attack with The World. Star Platinum punches The World's leg, shattering the Stand and thus destroying DIO's head. Joseph and DIO's bodies are recovered by an ambulance, and Joseph is revived through a blood transfusion between the two bodies. The next morning, Jotaro and Joseph place DIO's remains under the sunlight, permanently ending DIO's menace. At an airport in Cairo, the Joestars bid farewell to Polnareff, remarking on the bizarre yet enjoyable experience they shared together. Meanwhile, in Japan, a fully-recovered Holy senses the return of her father and son.

JoJo Ability Unlockables

Tower of Gray fight available in Book Mode.
Strength mini-game available in Book Mode.
Rubber Soul unlocked as a playable character.
Tarot Card Reading mini-game available in Book Mode.
Effect Test available in Gallery Mode.
Newly-Drawn Images available in Gallery Mode.
Justice mini-game available in Book Mode.
Lovers mini-game available in Book Mode.
Sun mini-game available in Book Mode.
Death Thirteen fight available in Book Mode.
Judgement fight available in Book Mode.
Stage Design available in Gallery Mode.
N'Doul fight available in Book Mode.
Sound & Voice Test available in Book Mode.
Character Design available in Gallery Mode.
Khan unlocked as a playable character.
Sound Design available in Gallery Mode.
Secret File available in Gallery Mode.
D'Arby's cat mini-game available in Book Mode.
D'Arby's coin mini-game available in Book Mode.
D'Arby's poker mini-game available in Book Mode.
Hol Horse & Boingo unlocked as a playable character.
Pet Shop fight available in Book Mode.
Tenore Sax mini-game available in Book Mode.
Fearless Kakyoin unlocked as a playable character.
Rare Item available in Gallery Mode.

Differences from the Manga

  • In Super Story Mode, many of the scenes surrounding the battles are either altered or cut:
  • Avdol relating his meeting with DIO has been moved to immediately after his battle with Jotaro.
  • Kakyoin's flashback to his meeting with DIO has been moved to immediately after his battle with Jotaro.
  • Jotaro's first meeting with Kakyoin outside school has been cut, and Jotaro extracts his flesh bud at the hospital rather than at the Kujo household in both Super Story Mode and Arcade Mode.
  • The group's first meeting with Jean Pierre Polnareff at a restaurant has been cut.
  • Most of the Strength arc has been cut, leaving only the battle with Forever and its aftermath.
  • Joseph using Hermit Purple to reveal Kakyoin as a traitor has been cut.
  • Polnareff's first encounter with Hanged Man has been cut, and Hanged Man merely distracts Avdol rather than stabbing him.
  • Nena's role has been cut from the story altogether, though she appears in one of Hol Horse's battle intros and a special Time Over animation with Polnareff.
  • Hol Horse's and Polnareff's fights with Justice have been cut; Enya's death and Lovers entering Joseph also occur offscreen.
  • Most of Jotaro's scenes with Steely Dan have been cut, and Steely Dan's beatdown is remarkably shorter than in the manga and anime.
  • The Sun fight's ending is cut down to two lines.
  • All events in the Death Thirteen arc prior to the final dream sequence have been cut.
  • Avdol posing as his own father and Polnareff learning that the group hid Avdol's survival from him have been cut.
  • The High Priestess arc has been entirely reworked to take place on land rather than at sea, making a confrontation between Jotaro and the Stand's user possible.
  • The group meeting Iggy has been cut.
  • Boingo's encounter with a tourist and most of Oingo's antics with the orange bomb are cut.
  • Chaka killing his father and one of his father's friends has been cut.
  • Rather than being assaulted by a policeman, Polnareff becomes possessed by Anubis simply by picking up the blade.
  • Much of the Bastet arc, notably Joseph's antics with an elderly woman, has been cut.
  • Much of the Sethan arc, notably the woman who takes in a small Polnareff, has been cut.
  • D'Arby's collection of souls has been cut.
  • Much of Hol Horse and Boingo's antics, including punching a woman to save her from a scorpion, have been cut.
  • Chibi and Buchi have been cut along with their owner, and thus Iggy nearly drowning is also cut.
  • Polnareff considering and refusing escape from DIO's mansion has been cut.
  • Telence's doll collection has been cut.
  • The car chase between Joseph and DIO, including Wilson Phillips's entire appearance, has been cut.
  • Jotaro moving in DIO's stopped time is cut; as such, he cannot do so until Chapter 35, and only if the player activates his Star Platinum The World super move.
  • Joseph's prank on Jotaro has been cut, as has Joseph and Jotaro's offer to take Polnareff to Japan with them.
  • Much of each character's story in Arcade Mode is not logically explained. One example is in Kakyoin's storyline: after encountering Jotaro, his story immediately jumps to Devo without introducing his victim Polnareff in Hong Kong first.
    • Many character-altering injuries were downplayed or outright cut, such as with Polnareff and Iggy.
  • The playable villains have very different storylines from the manga in Arcade Mode. Most minor villains turn on Dio in their Arcade Mode storylines, while Dio himself must face a surviving Avdol and Iggy in his storyline.
    • New scenarios were also written for Fearless Kakyoin, explaining his lengthy hospital stay as a result of Mannish Boy's revenge, and Proud Lineage Joseph, explaining his appearance as a result of Alessi's Stand ability.
  • Midler is seen with a new character design as the result of a collaboration between Araki and Capcom. She has been drawn by Araki with this new design ever since.
  • DIO's explosive death is less violent in the game, as he merely flies offscreen to his doom. In the manga and anime, DIO's head explodes; in the arcade and HD versions, his upper body explodes with it.
  • While D'Arby's cat mini-game is rigged against the player the first time it is played in Super Story Mode, it is possible to win the mini-game legitimately by replaying it in Super Story Mode or Book Mode.


The game's English localization changes the names of several characters to avert possible legal issues. Most of these localized names have never been used since.

  • Proud Lineage Joseph (誇り高き血統ジョセフ) was shortened to JoJo (inadvertently making him the titular character).
  • Evil Incarnate Dio (邪悪の化身ディオ!!) was renamed to Shadow DIO.
  • Anubis Dual-Wielding Polnareff (アヌビス二刀流ポルナレフ) was renamed to Black Polnareff.
  • Fearless Kakyoin (恐怖をのり越えた花京院) was renamed to New Kakyoin.
  • Iggy was renamed to Iggi.
  • Devo the Cursed was renamed to D'bo, the Cursed One.
  • Vanilla Ice was renamed to Iced.
  • Chaka was renamed to Chaca.
  • Alessi was renamed to Alessy.
  • Mariah was renamed to Mahrahia.
  • Oingo and Boingo were renamed to Oing and Voing.
  • Rubber Soul was renamed to Robber Soul.
  • Khan was renamed to Kan.
  • N'Doul was renamed to N'Dool.
  • Holy Kujo was renamed to Holley Kujo.
  • J. Geil was renamed to J. Gale.
  • Enya was renamed to N-Yah.

In addition, the blood in the game is colored white, and DIO's defeat in Story Mode is changed to him being sent flying off-screen (where he presumably dies). Near the start of N'Doul's bonus stage, an animation of Geb reacting to the dead helicopter pilot's watch alarm and cutting off his hand has been removed,[4] and the blade of Chaka's sword is changed to a wooden brown color in every sprite it appears in. Unlike in all other versions, these changes apply to the Japanese edition of the PlayStation version as well.


JOJO POKE on the PocketStation.
Unlockable character portraits in JOJO POKE.

JOJO POKE (ジョジョポケ) is a game for the Sony PocketStation, a memory card peripheral for the PlayStation. The device was only released in Japan in 1999, as a response to the Sega Dreamcast's VMU peripherals. The PocketStation requires physical connection to a PlayStation's memory card slot to utilize its storage functionality, but it is also capable of running standalone software; this software was typically included as bonus content on the discs of compatible PS1 games. By connecting the PocketStation to the PlayStation version of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the player can download JOJO POKE to the portable system. JOJO POKE features seven mini-games themed after Stardust Crusaders, and has its own unlockables in the form of character portraits.[5] Unsurprisingly, JOJO POKE (along with all PocketStation functionality) was cut from versions of the game released outside Japan.

Gameplay Modes

The eight gameplay modes in JOJO POKE.
  1. Independent Arm (インディーズアーム): The player controls Hierophant Green's arm and moves around a playing field, avoiding walls and collecting gems. Collecting the gems in the numbered order shown before gameplay greatly increases the player's score. The gameplay itself bears a resemblance to Snake.
  2. Flip Over the Tarot! (タロットをめくれッ!): A memorization game that involves the player flipping over tarot cards in the correct order.
  3. Speed! (スピード!): The player must align the reticle with the moving arrow and press the large button at the right time in order to catch Lovers with Star Platinum.
  4. Find the Coffee Flavor! (コーヒー味をさがせッ!): A Shell game variant where the player must watch three moving pieces of flavored gum and select the correct one afterward.
  5. Oh... Bravo!! (おお…ブラボー!!): A game that requires the player to stab falling coins with Silver Chariot in time to the background music. Four difficulty options are available, with each having its own music and coin pattern.
  6. Run, Joseph! (走れッ! ジョセフ): A vertically scrolling game where the player, as Joseph, must run and jump over obstacles in one of four stages.
  7. Adventure Mode (冒険モード): A game that encompasses the other six mini-games. Players progress forward on a "Travel Trail" map from Japan to Cairo in real-time. Occasionally, characters will halt the player's progress and challenge them to a mini-game; completing the challenge will unlock their character portrait, while failing it will reset the player's progress on the map. Each time Adventure Mode is cleared, a hidden character in the PS1 game is unlocked and can be accessed by linking the PocketStation to the game.[6]
  8. Travel Tracks (旅の軌跡): A gallery mode in which the player can view their unlocked character portraits and clear rewards.





Loading Screens

Promotional Material




English Instruction Manual


Concept art of unused characters
  • In the game's Secret File, there is concept artwork of Roses, Kars, Wamuu, Esidisi, Wired Beck, and Stroheim from Battle Tendency, indicating that they may have been set to appear in the game during development.
  • While some of its sound effects have been borrowed from the Darkstalkers series, the unique sound effects used in this game have been recycled several times in other titles from Capcom, including Capcom vs. SNK 2, Capcom Fighting Evolution, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and even the Street Fighter series.
    • Regarding the Darkstalkers series, Evil Incarnate Dio uses a voice filter similar to that used by one of the games' characters, Jedah Dohma (from Vampire Savior). In addition, Dio is voiced by the same voice actor as Jedah (Isshin Chiba) in this game. This adaptation is the only time Dio's voice is rendered with a filter; in all other adaptations, he speaks without any notable filters or distortions.
  • Some of the visual effects used in this game (particularly the sparks, dust, and super sparks) have been borrowed from Capcom's Marvel vs. series.
  • DIO’s Road Roller super move, which has him pummel a road roller repeatedly until it explodes, mirrors the 1993 OVA where the tank truck DIO uses explodes after he pummels it. In the manga and anime, the road roller does not explode.
  • GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, another JoJo game developed by Capcom, has its own versions of Super Story Mode and Gallery Mode, with the same names and functions. As such, the game's scoring and progression system also borrows heavily from this game, with GioGio Points standing in for JoJo Ability Points. The game also features an orchestral rendition of Polnareff's theme as the background music for Chapter 11-1; in addition, some cutscenes use a remixed version of the villain intro theme from this game's single-player modes.
  • The underlying mechanics of All-Star Battle (and by extension, Eyes of Heaven) borrow heavily from this game. In addition, All-Star Battle has two DLC costumes for Jotaro and Polnareff based on promotional material for this game.[7]
  • Iggy's Sand Storm super move is a reference to the Shun Goku Satsu move used by Akuma in the Street Fighter series. This is further evidenced in the game's debug mode, where an unused graphic shows the kanji for the word dog (, inu) stylized in a similar manner to Akuma's kanji for heaven (, ten).
  • Five of the game's voice actors return to voice different characters in All-Star Battle: Mitsuaki Madono (Kakyoin), Hōchū Ōtsuka (Proud Lineage Joseph), Sho Hayami (Vanilla Ice), Wataru Takagi (Cameo), and Toru Okawa (Joseph Joestar). Madono voices Part 8's Josuke, Hōchu voices Hol Horse, Hayami voices Enrico Pucci, Takagi voices Okuyasu Nijimura, and Okawa voices Weather Report.
  • The game's English logo became the de facto English logo of the JoJo franchise's games after its release, as All-Star Battle adapted the style of this game's logo. The logo for 2016's Eyes of Heaven uses the style introduced by Crunchyroll, but All-Star Battle's 2022 remaster All-Star Battle R retains the original game's logo.


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