Tower of Saviors (神魔之塔, Shén Mó Zhī Tǎ) is a free mobile game for Android and iOS developed by Mad Head Limited. On December 28, 2023, a collaboration with the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation was announced. The collaboration started on January 1, 2024 and ended on January 28, 2024.[1]
Tower of Saviors combines match-3 gameplay and RPG elements, featuring characters from various mythologies, cultures, and anime crossovers. Set in a fantasy world, players assume the role of "Summoners," collecting and utilizing monster cards. The plot involves "Enochian Tower", a building which humans built to reach heaven. Players battle against demons by seeking help from the gods.[2] Gameplay involves aligning runestones to power up monsters for battle, with each card having unique attributes and skills. Players progress through stages, facing monsters, and managing energy levels. The game also includes guilds, special events, and a currency system for evolving and upgrading cards.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Collaboration
On December 28, 2023, a collaboration with the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation was announced. The event started on January 1, 2024 and ended on January 28, 2024, being exclusive to Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.[3][4] During the event, the "Anthem of Humanity" Drawing Machine would let players draw for up to nine JoJo characters, including Jonathan Joestar, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Jotaro Kujo, Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, and Iggy.[5]
Furthermore, players could complete different special missions, including Challenge Stages, a Horror Stage, and Ultimate Stage. Upon successfully completing one of the stages, players would receive a "JoJo Coin" which can be exchanged for items and rewards at the JoJo Shop. There was also the "Women of the Joestar Family" item-collecting event, in which player could use JoJo Coins in the "Golden Spirit" Drawing Machine to obtain the character Erina in ther first week, and the character Lisa Lisa in the second week.[6] In addition, players can also exchange JoJo Coins for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Diamond Seal series exclusive Dragonwares in the JoJo Shop.
Phantom Blood
Battle Tendency
Stardust Crusaders
Event | Description
Tower of Saviors will hold a brand-new crossover event named “A Bizarre Journey in the Tower” with the animated series, “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”.
Summoners may summon 9 characters of the “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” Diamond Seal series in the “Anthem of Humanity” Drawing Machine. Now, let’s take a look at the skills of the three rare characters—“Jotaro Kujo & Star Platinum ”, “Jonathan Joestar”, and “Joseph Joestar”.
The Skill Level of the “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” Diamond Seal series characters can be increased by using “Bizarre Encounter – Sphinx”. When “Bizarre Encounter – Sphinx” is used as a Level-up Material, the accumulated Battle Rounds of the “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” series characters will increase by 600; while that of other characters will increase by 50. To help Summoners accelerate the characters’ Skill Level, there will be 60 "Bizarre Encounter – Sphinx" on sale in the Shop following the start of the crossover event!
During the crossover campaign, there will be a new Item-collecting event, “Women of the Joestar Family”. By clearing specific crossover stages, Summoners can get the crossover exclusive item “JoJo Coins”, which can be used in the “Golden Spirit I” Drawing Machine. In the Drawing Machine, Summoners may get different Materials or the event character “Erina” in the first week. Each draw requires 200 JoJo Coins. 1 exclusive crossover character will be guaranteed for every 10 draws in the Drawing Machine!
Summoners may also challenge “Will Anthonio Zeppeli ”, who is an excellent Hamon user and Jonathan’s mentor, in the new “Passing the Spirit” Challenge Stage! Summoners can get “Will Anthonio Zeppeli ” x1 upon each clearance of the stage!
Summoners may challenge “Dio Brando”, a virtuous young man who is actually cold-hearted, calculating, and ambitious, in the new Ultimate Stage named “Evil Ambition”. Upon each clearance of the stage, Summoners can get “Dio Brando” x1.
During the crossover campaign, there will be a new Item-collecting event, “Women of the Joestar Family”. By clearing specific crossover stages, Summoners can get the crossover exclusive item “JoJo Coins”, which can be used in the “Golden Spirit II” Drawing Machine. In the Drawing Machine, Summoners may get different Materials or the event character “Lisa Lisa” in the second week. Each draw requires 200 JoJo Coins. 1 exclusive crossover character will be guaranteed for every 10 draws in the Drawing Machine!
Summoners may challenge “Wamuu”, one of the Pillar Men and a natural-born fighter, in the new Challenge Stage called “The Terrifying Wind Mode”. Summoners can get “Wamuu” x1 every time they clear the stage!
Summoners may challenge another Pillar Man, “Esidisi”, who can raise and manipulate the temperature of the blood flowing within his body, in another new Challenge Stage titled “The Man Who Manipulates Flaring Blood”! Summoners can get “Esidisi” x1 upon each clearance of the stage!
Summoners may challenge “Kars”, the leader of the Pillar Men, in the new Ultimate Stage named “The Horror of the Pillar Men”! Summoners can get “Kars” x1 upon each clearance of the stage.
“Joseph Joestar & Hermit Purple”, who showcases a seasoned fighting style by combining the Ripple techniques he learned in the past, will bring Summoners a new Challenge Stage called “Wisdom of the Aged Strategist”. There will be a stage entrance restriction: only "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure" Members are allowed in the Team. Summoners can get “Joseph Joestar & Hermit Purple” x1 upon each clearance of the “Wisdom of the Aged Strategist Lv.1” floor and the character-exclusive Dragonware “Joseph’s Camera” (random mode) x1 upon each clearance of the “Wisdom of the Aged Strategist Lv.2” floor.
“Hol Horse & The Emperor”, a ladies’ man who possesses a Stand called the Emperor, which combines a gun and bullets into one entity, will make his debut in the realms with a new Challenge Stage, “The Charming Marksman”. There will be 2 floors in the stage. The Lv.1 floor can be challenged three times a day only. Summoners can get “Hol Horse & The Emperor” x1 upon each clearance of the “The Charming Marksman Lv.1 / Lv.2” floors.
“Pet Shop & Horus”, the falcon and the Stand that has the power to manipulate cold air, will also reveal themselves in the realms, setting up a new Challenge Stage named “Freezing Wings”. The stage will include 2 levels. Only Beasts are allowed to enter the stage. Summoners can get “Pet Shop & Horus” x1 every time they clear the “Freezing Wings Lv.1 / Lv.2” floors.
Summoners can challenge “Cool Ice & Cream”, a loyal subordinate of DIO who possesses a Stand that can engulf and eliminate objects within the dark void, leaving only itself and its user, in the new Horror Stage “Inescapable Void”. The stage will have a grading system to test Summoners’ skills! Summoners can get “Cool Ice & Cream” (Skill Lv. 7) x1 by completing the “Inescapable Void – Beginner” floor 3 times! Those who complete the Horror floor and reach 65,000 scores for the first time will be rewarded with “Cool Ice & Cream” (Skill Lv. 10) x1!
Summoners may challenge a new Nightmare Stage “The Overlord of Time” and get the new character “DIO & The World”, who can stop time for a few seconds. Summoners can get “DIO & The World” x1 every time they clear the stage.
- The JoJo collaboration event is internally labelled as
in the game's files, which is likely a reference to Noriaki Kakyoin.
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