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Skullgirls (スカルガールズ, Sukaru Gāruzu) is a 2D fighting game that was developed by Lab Zero Games[a] and published by Autumn Games.[b] The game was first released in April 2012 with two expansions, Skullgirls Encore and Skullgirls 2nd Encore, being released from 2014 to 2015. A spin-off mobile game, Skullgirls Mobile, was later released in 2017 developed by Hidden Variable Studios.

Despite being created by American game directors Alex Ahad and Mike Zaimont, the game takes heavy inspiration from iconic Japanese fighters. Most notably Darkstalkers, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and JoJo's Venture.



Skullgirls was originally released on April 10, 2012, for the PS3 via PlayStation Network and on Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade. The game features an all-female cast of characters, each with their own unique fighting style and gameplay. It also contains several references to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, mainly due to the game taking inspiration from various fighting games developed by Capcom, including Heritage for the Future. Alex Ahad, the game's creative director and lead artist, describes himself as a huge fan of anime, with his style having been influenced by the likes of FLCL and Gurren Lagann.[1] Before the game was released, Ahad said that his style for Skullgirls—as well as the types of moves and poses that he did for the characters—was influenced by JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, BlazBlue, and Darkstalkers.[1]

Valentine's "Checkmate Incision" attack based on DIO.
Artwork by lead artist for Skullgirls, Alex Ahad.[2]

The first reference to JoJo in the game can be found in one of Peacock's attacks. During her "Shadow of Impending Doom" move, there's a rare chance that a Road Roller will drop on the opponent.[3] When this happens, Peacock's companion, Avery, will scream "WRYYYYYY!" before pummelling the Road Roller while shouting "MUDA MUDA MUDA!".[4] This is a reference to DIO's iconic Road Roller attack from Heritage for the Future. In addition, just like in Heritage for the Future, it's also possible for the Road Roller to miss it's opponent. The second reference to JoJo can be found with the character Valentine, who also has an attack inspired by DIO. Her "Checkmate Incision" move functions and appears almost identical to DIO's Checkmate attack from Heritage for the Future. The only difference is that instead of throwing knives, she throws scalpels.[5] In addition, it's also possible to perform an aerial variation of this attack similar to when using The World. The third reference can be found with Celebella, whose "Diamond Deflector" attack causes her and her hat Vice-Versa to reenact Jotaro Kujo and Star Platinum's win pose from Heritage for the Future. A man who bears resemblance to Jotaro can also be spotted as an NPC in the background of the River King Casino stage.

The K.O. portraits in Skullgirls were inspired by Heritage for the Future

Finishing the match with any Blockbuster attack in Skullgirls will cause the background to change and display a portrait of the defeated character with a pained expression on their face. This is a reference to Heritage for the Future's portrait effect for when a character is retired by a special move. The shaders that Skullgirls uses for its portraits in-game are also internally labeled as JojosDeathPortrait in the game's files.[6]

Skullgirls Encore

Skullgirls Encore was an updated version of Skullgirls, which was released on February 11, 2014, for PlayStation Network and on April 4, 2014, for Xbox Live Arcade. The expansion was developed by Lab Zero Games, which was formed by several members of the original development team from Reverge Labs. It includes several new croud funded DLC characters, including Big Band, who was added on April 22, 2014. One of Big Band's signature attacks, "Satchmo Death Blow," unleashes a devastating flurry of Brass Knuckles similar to Star Platinum⁠. The only difference is that instead of shouting "ORA ORA ORA!," he shouts "TUBA TUBA TUBA!"[7] By winning 26 matches with this attack, you can unlock a hidden "Heavy Metal" palette referencing Jotaro Kujo and Star Platinum's colors from Heritage for the Future. This is further referenced in Skullgirls Mobile, with the same attack being named "Going Platinum" and the quote being "ORAORAORA!" while using the same color palette.[8] In Japanese, Big Band is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita, who also voices Joseph Joestar in the anime. Meanwhile, Daisuke Ono, the voice of Jotaro himself, voices the DLC character Beowulf in Japanese.

List of potential DLC characters for Skullgirls Encore

The next DLC character was chosen through a backer-exclusive poll on March 27, 2013. One of the possible DLC characters was Black Dahlia, a mechanical hitwoman who fights using a hidden arsenal of grenade launchers, tear gas, and knives inspired by Hol Horse,[9] who was eventually revealed as an upcoming character for Skullgirls 2nd Encore on December 5, 2021. There was also Juju, a sniper working for Parasoul who would've been able to ricochet her shots from long range inspired by Hol Horse; however, she was disqualified from the vote due to legal issues.[10] Another possible DLC character was Taliesin, a bard inspired by Alessi who can play anything like a musical instrument, alongside his parasite, Muse. Unlike regular puppet characters, Taliesin would be able to feel his Muse's pain, like a Stand.[9] More possible DLC characters included Regina, an animal tamer who commands her beasts to attack in various ways while she herself applies additional pressure inspired by the Tandem Attack mechanic in JoJo; Beatrix, a magician with a magic cloak that allows her to carry an impossible diversity of weaponry inspired by Chaka; Scythana, a giantess convict who can stretch and expand her limbs during attacks inspired by Jonathan Joestar and Zeppeli's Zoom Punch; and Isaac, an archaeologist with time travel mechanics inspired by DIO.[9] Among the possible DLC character was also Venus, a Trinity goddess of space who wields an otherworldly parasite called Abaddon, which allows her to open holes in space on her body to reveal monstrous mouths inspired by Vanilla Ice and Midler, and finally Aeon, another Trinity goddess of time who wields a parasite called Khronos, which allows her to manipulate timelines and stop time similar to DIO.[9]

Eliza's "Stand Out" color palette referencing DIO.

The DLC character who won the poll was Eliza, who was added to Skullgirls Encore on September 30, 2014. Her additional "Stand Out" color palette, only available in the DLC color palette pack, is a reference to DIO from Heritage for the Future, with her Sekhmet form and servants also referencing The World. While in her Sekhmet form, Eliza is capable of performing a flurry of attacks similar to The World. During her taunt, Sekhmet exclaims "I have no weaknesses!" ( わたしに弱点はない!, Watashi ni jakuten wanai!), which is a reference to Yoshikage Kira. In Skullgirls Mobile, Eliza also references DIO's infamous quote from Part 1, "How many breads have you eaten in your life?"[11] In the reveal trailer for the April Fools character Fukua, Brain Drain asks a dog to leave and says it should come back once it learns how to "manipulate sand or something," which is a reference to Iggy and The Fool.[12] Skullgirls Encore also introduced DLC announcer voice packs, including the "Real Soviet Announcer" voice pack which was released on May 15, 2015 originally voiced by creator Mike Zaimont. While using this voice pack, there is a chance that the announcer will say "Time has stopped" (時よ止まれ, Toki yo tomare) in Japanese when pausing the game, and "And now, time resumes" (そして、時は動き出す, Soshite, toki wa ugokidasue) when unpausing the game. These are both were references to DIO's quotes while stopping time. On June 26, 2023, likely due to the controversy surrounding Mike Zaimont after he was removed from development following allegations of inappropriate behavior,[13] and the "Real Soviet Announcer" voice pack was entirely removed from the game.[14] However, on February 6, 2024, it was added back to the game voiced by Gary Schwartz, who voices the Heavy from Team Fortress 2.[15][16][17]

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore is the enhanced version of Skullgirls Encore, which was originally released exclusively for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on July 7, 2015. In 2021, after Hidden Variable Studios took over development from Lab Zero Games, a season pass was announced for the game which included four additional DLC fighters. The final DLC character Marie was added to Skullgirls 2nd Encore as early access on December 13, 2023. One of her additional color palettes included in the game is a direct reference to Jolyne Cujoh and Stone Free. In English, she's also voiced by Kira Buckland, who voices Jolyne in the English dub for the Stone Ocean anime.[18]

Link to this section Color Palette References

Skullgirls Mobile

Don Passione

Skullgirls Mobile is a mobile port of the game made for Android and iOS devices. On June 26, 2023, for the v5.4.1 update, it was announced that two monthly fighters would be released for each month starting in July of that year.[19] For the v7.1 update, it was announced that a color palette, 'Don Passione', which is based off of Bruno Bucciarati, would be released on November of that year.[20] Initially, the fighter card was available in the catalogue with details on its abilities, but was only playable as a recruitable fighter for the 'Parallel Realms' mode. As of February 1, 2025, Don Passione joined the roster in the "Love at First Fight" Backstage Pass. Her bodyguards have palettes referencing Pannacotta Fugo and Leone Abbacchio, and Sekhmet's palette references Sticky Fingers. Her round start animations and Sekhmet's Blockbusters display the rumbling (ゴゴゴ) SFX, and her victory screen displays the "To Be Continued" arrow in the bottom left.


See also


  1. Previously by Reverge Labs.
  2. Formerly co-published by Konami. Also published by Marvelous and Arc System Works in Japan.


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