All-Star Battle R ★ Non-Playable Characters
This page lists all non-playable characters in All-Star Battle R and their respective functions.
Part 1: Phantom Blood
Aztec Chief
The Aztec Chief returns from All-Star Battle in All-Star Battle R to appear as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled The Mysterious Stone Mask (神秘の石仮面, Shinpi no Ishi Kamen), costing 900G, and increasing the attack and defense of the player who applies it.
The panel used for the Support Effect's image is from the Aztec Tribe's sacrifice of a young woman for the Stone Mask.[1]
Erina Pendleton
Erina Pendleton is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 50 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Aah... I wish today would never end! (ああ……今日という日が永遠に続きますように…)”
- “Erina Joestar will die by your side. (エリナ・ジョースターは…あなたと
伴 に死にます)” - “Oh my! What a romantic...! (ああ! う…美しすぎます!)”
- “The person who Jonathan Joestar was... has vanished into the void. (ジョナサン・ジョースターの人生は、忘却の彼方に消え去りました―――――)”
- “That's a dark secret of history that nobody in the world knows anything about. (それは世の中の人びとには決して知られることのない影の歴史です…)”
- “You won't hear people on the street talking about him. About what a proud man he was. But... (彼の生きた誇り高き人生の物語は世間に聞こえることは決してありませんが…)”
- “His descendants will tell the stories. (彼の子孫には聞こえるでしょう…)”
- “And when the time comes... I'm sure the new life within me will tell the stories, too. (あの時…わたしの体内に宿りつつあった新しい
生命 にはきっと…聞こえるでしょう)”
George Joestar I
George Joestar I is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 40 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Just think to yourself, "Okay, he may as well have it." (「あげちゃってもいいさ」と考えるんだ)”
- “What's up, JoJo? Danny won't drop that toy gun? (なにジョジョ? ダニーがおもちゃの鉄砲をくわえてはなさない?)”
- “It's because you're trying to force it away from him, JoJo. (ジョジョ、それは無理矢理引き離そうとするからだよ)”
Wang Chan
Wang Chan appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for the Shop & Gallery Mode's Gallery Shop (ギャラリーショップ, Gyararī Shoppu).
His UI uses his initial appearance from Phantom Blood when he first meets Dio Brando.[4]
- “Welcome! (いらっしゃい…)”—Entering the Gallery Shop
- “I'll get the cash out of you, one way or another. Ah ha ha ha! (ひともうけ してやるね、ウヘェェヘヘヘヘヘ)”—Entering the Gallery Shop
- “Great timing! Come spend your cash! (お客さん、よく来たね)”—Entering the Gallery Shop
- “What are you after? (何をおのぞみか?)”—Entering the Gallery Shop
- “Heh heh heh! (ヒヒヒ!)”—Opening a purchase prompt
- “Wah ha ha hah! (ウェヘヘヘヘ!!)”—Opening a purchase prompt
- “Hyah ha hah! (デェヘヘヘヘ)”—Purchasing an item
- “Oh, thank you! Heh heh! (ありがとうのことよ。ヒヒ…)”—Purchasing an item
- “Ah, just forget about it! (気にしない、気にしない)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “Oh. (おッ)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “Hmph! (フェッ)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “You're leaving? (やめるあるか…)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “Come again, won't you? (また来るよろし)”—Exiting the Gallery Shop
- “Don't be a stranger! (毎度ありね)”—Exiting the Gallery Shop
- “I gotta pay the bills, you know. Come back soon! Ah ha ha ha! (もうけさせてほしいね。デェヘヘ)”—Exiting the Gallery Shop
- “You're always welcome here. Always. Heh heh! (いつでも大歓迎ね。ウェヘヘ)”—Exiting the Gallery Shop
Dire is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 70 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Gotcha, sucker! (かかったなアホが!)”
- “My name is Dire! (我が名はダイアー)”
- “My special move, Thunder Split Attack! (必殺!
稲 妻 空 烈 刃 !!)” - “Thunder Cross Split Attack! (
稲 妻 十 字 空 烈 刃 !)” - “The thorns of this Hamon-laden rose will have you writhing in agony! (フフ……は…波紋入りの薔薇の
棘 は、い、痛か……ろう………フッ)”
Part 2: Battle Tendency
Messina & Loggins
Messina & Loggins appear in All-Star Battle R as the guide characters for the Practice Mode (プラクティスモード, Purakutisu Mōdo).
Their UI is taken from their training montage with Joseph and Caesar.[8]
- “I've been waiting for you. Welcome to Practice Mode! (待っていたぞ。ここはプラクティスモード)”—Messina, entering Practice Mode
- “Training's the only way to toughen yourself up! (強くなりたくば特訓あるのみ!)”—Messina, entering Practice Mode
- “We'll soon turn you into a true warrior! (おれたちがおまえを一人前の戦士にしてやる)”—Loggins, entering Practice Mode
- “You're here. Welcome to Practice Mode. (来たか。ここはプラクティスモード)”—Loggins, entering Practice Mode
- “We'll pound the moves into your memory. (ここでバトル中の操作方法を徹底的にたたきこんでやる)”—Messina, entering the stage menu
- “This is where you'll learn how to battle. (ここでバトル中の操作方法を覚えるのだ)”—Loggins, entering the stage menu
- “Tsk! (ケッ!)”—Messina, exiting the stage menu
- “Hurry up! (早くせんか!)”—Messina, exiting the stage menu
- “Hmph, I see. (フーンそうかい)”—Loggins, exiting the stage menu
- “Hngh! (フン!)”—Loggins, exiting the stage menu
- “Training is never truly over. (修行とは常に続くものだ)”—Messina, exiting Practice Mode
- “Set your sights higher! (もっと高みを目指せィ)”—Messina, exiting Practice Mode
- “Come back anytime you need further tempering. (いつでも鍛え直してやるぞ)”—Loggins, exiting Practice Mode
- “Don't neglect your training! It's your life! (精進を怠るな)”—Loggins, exiting Practice Mode
Both characters also have a Tag Line (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen) each. Both can be unlocked by completing 80 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Learn how to breathe ten times a second! (一秒間に、10回の呼吸ができるようになれ!!)”—Messina
- “Inhale for 10 minutes! Exhale for 10 minutes! (10分間息をすいつづけて、10分間はきつづけろッ)”—Loggins
Vampire Horses
The Vampire Horses from Battle Tendency appear in All-Star Battle R as both a Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) and Situation Finish (シチュエーションフィニッシュ, Shichuēshon Finisshu) for the stage The Battlefield (闘技場, Tōgijō).
As a Stage Gimmick, they circle around the Battlefield an unlimited number of times, charging through players. As a Situation Finish, they gallop up to the downed opponent, brutally trampling them.
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Devo the Cursed
Devo the Cursed, localized as "Soul Sacrifice" in international releases of the game, is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 150 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “They call me Devo the Cursed. My Stand is the tarot card, the Devil. (おれの名は呪いのデーボ…スタンドは「
悪魔 のカード」の暗示…)” - “The ruin of your cursed spirit! Your fall from grace! That's what it means! (呪いにふりまわされ精神状態の悪化! 不吉なる墜落の道!を意味する)”
- “How did you know I was in the refrigerator? (なぜおれが冷蔵庫の中にいることがわかった?)”
Enya the Hag
Enya the Hag, localized as "Enyaba" in international releases of the game, is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 110 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Justice will prevail! (『
正義 』は勝つ!)” - “It's just like a pencil lead snapping in two! Of course it's going to happen! (HBの鉛筆を指でベキッ! とへし折る事と同じようにッ! できて当然と思うことですじゃ!)”
- “I want to see how you live. That's all it is. (あなたの人生を見てみたい! それだけですじゃ…)”
- “Oh my sorrow! I'm going to kill you for this! Gyahahahahaha! (悲しいよぉおおおおお~!! ブチ殺すッ! ヒヒヒヒヒケケケーーーッ)”
Cameo is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen), represented by his Stand, Judgement. They are unlocked by completing 160 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Hail 2 U! (
Hail 2U !(君に幸あれ!))” - “Three! Three, got it? I'll grant you any three wishes you want! (3つ! 3つだッ! 叶えてやろう! お前の望むものを3ついえ!)”
- “No waaaaaaaaay! (いやだよおォォォォ~んンンンンン)”
- “When a human wishes something from the bottom of his heart, it always reveals his greatest weakness! (人間は心の底から願うことに最大の弱点全てがあらわれる)”
Oingo & Boingo
Oingo & Boingo, localized as "Zenyatta & Mondatta" in international releases of the game, appear in All-Star Battle R as the duo guide character for the Shop & Gallery Mode's Art Viewer (アートビューア, Āto Byūa).
- “Yo, I'm Oingo! I'm here to help you get your art on! (オレの名はオインゴ。 ここでは『絵』を見せてやる)”—Oingo, entering the Art Viewer
- “We're the Oingo Boingo Brothers! Our cards are Tohth, God of Reading, and Khnum, God of Life! (おれたちのカードは書物の神「トト」、 創造の神「クヌム」! オインゴ ボインゴ
兄 弟 !)”—Oingo, entering the Art Viewer - “I'm, er... Boingo. I, er... I'm supposed to be showing you some pictures, I guess. (ぼく…ボインゴ。こ…ここは…… 『絵』を見れます…ハイ)”—Boingo, entering the Art Viewer
- “Right. (おう)”—Oingo, opening an image
- “This one? (こいつか)”—Oingo, opening an image
- “Uh-huh... (うう…)”—Boingo, opening an image
- “O-Okay... (は…はい…)”—Boingo, opening an image
- “Hmph... (ふん…)”—Oingo, exiting an image
- “Hmm... (むう…)”—Oingo, exiting an image
- “What? (え?)”—Boingo, exiting an image
- “That's the end of that, then... (戻り…ます…)”—Boingo, exiting an image
- “Ain't no one gonna beat us, right bro? (弟よ。おれたちは無敵の兄弟だなっ)”—Oingo, exiting the Art Viewer
- “Keh-heh-heh! (ウクックックッ)”—Oingo, exiting the Art Viewer
- “My Stand, Tohth, God of reading, sees all! (ぼくの「スタンド」「書物の神トト」の予言は必ずあたる)”—Boingo, exiting the Art Viewer
- “Hip hip hooray! (ウケッ、ウケッ、ウケコッ、ウコケ)”—Boingo, exiting the Art Viewer
Both characters also have their own respective Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). Oingo's is unlocked by completing 90 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode, whereas Boingo's unlocks at
- “We're the Oingo Boingo Brothers! Our cards are Tohth, God of Reading, and Khnum, God of Life! (おれたちのカードは書物の神「トト」、創造の神「クヌム」! オインゴ ボインゴ
兄弟 !)” - “Ain't no one gonna beat us, right bro? (弟よ。おれたちは無敵の兄弟だなっ)”
- “Good idea! (グッドアイデア~ッ)”
- “Ab-so-lute-ly, one-hundred per-cent, YES! (絶!! …対! ひゃくパーセントです、ハイ)”
- “A new page is appearing... look! (あ…新しいページが…………あらわれた……ゾ)”
- “My Stand, Tohth, God of Reading, sees all! (ぼくの「スタンド」「書物の神トト」の予言は必ずあたる)”
- “Hip hip hooray! (ウケッ、ウケッ、ウケコッ、ウコケ)”
- “Yup, it's fate alright. The book never lies! (運命なんです、ハイ。予知は絶対です)”
![ASBR Support Effect](
Khan, wielding the Stand Anubis, returns from All-Star Battle in All-Star Battle R to appear as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Master Wielding Anubis (アヌビス神で達人化, Anubisu-shin de Tatsujin-ka), costing 500G, and increasing the attack of the player who applies it.
![ASBR Support Effect](
Sethan, Stand of Alessi, returns from All-Star Battle in All-Star Battle R to appear as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Sethan's Reverse Aging (子どもに戻すセト神, Kodomo ni Modosu Seto-shin), costing 500G, and decreasing the defense of the opponent of the player who applies it.
Daniel J. D'Arby
Daniel J. D'Arby, along with his cat, appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for the Customize Mode (カスタマイズモード, Kasutamaizu Mōdo) and its sub-modes. However, in the localized versions of the game, his name is displayed simply as "Darby Elder".
- “Ho ho ho ho... (ウフフフフフフ)”—Entering Customize Mode
- “My name is Darby. You'll remember it in due time. (わたしの名はダービー。 D'.A.R.B.Y。Dの上にダッシュがつく…)”—Entering Customize Mode
- “What shall we do today, hmm? (どうするんです?)”—Entering Customize Mode
- “So, what's it to be? (何をしようというのかね)”—Entering Customize Mode
- “There's no greater joy than viewing one's prized collection! (自慢のコレクションは、いつ眺めても楽しいものだ…)”—Selecting Medal List
- “If you want to gaze at your collection of medals, be my guest. (手持ちのメダルを確認したいのならこちらをどうぞ)”—Selecting Medal List
- “These medals belong to you. Enjoy them to your heart's content. (あなたのメダルだ。こころゆくまで観賞したまえ)”—Selecting Medal List
- “Come, look at your list of medals. (メダルリストを見ることができますよ)”—Selecting Medal List
- “This is the place to customize your character. (ここではキャラクターのカスタマイズができるのだ)”—Selecting Edit Character
- “Have a long, hard look at the medals you own, then decide how to use them. (手持ちのメダルをよおーく見てカスタマイズの 決断をしてほしいな)”—Selecting Edit Character
- “You can apply your medals to whatever character you please. (メダルを用いて好みのキャラクターに設定したまえ)”—Selecting Edit Character
- “This is where you set up your Player Card. (ここではプレイヤーカードの設定ができる)”—Selecting Player Cards
- “Select this if you want to thumb through your Player Card. (プレイヤーカードを触りたいのならここを選びたまえ)”—Selecting Player Cards
- “So you'd like to check your Player Card, then? (プレイヤーカードを確認したいのかな?)”—Selecting Player Cards
- “Think long and hard about what details you include on your Player Card. (よおーく思案して自己紹介の設定をしてくれよ)”—Selecting Player Cards
- “Okay! (OK!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Very nice! (おもしろい!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Oooh... (ニヤリ!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Good! (グッド!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Oh! (おっと!)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “Hngh! (フン!)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “As you wish! (GO AHEAD!)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “Make up your mind! (早くしたまえッ!)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “Well, then. (こいつはまあ……)”—Exiting Customize Mode
- “This has been quite the memorable encounter! (お会いできて楽しかったですよ)”—Exiting Customize Mode
- “Come back anytime. Ho ho ho... (またどうぞ。フフフ)”—Exiting Customize Mode
- “Come see me again sometime. (いつでもおいでなさい)”—Exiting Customize Mode
D'Arby also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 130 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Good! (グッド!)”
- “This is my cat, by the way. (ところでこいつはわたしの猫さ)”
- “There's nothing like the thrill of a good wager. I can't resist it. (わたしは賭け事が大好きでね。くだらないスリルに目がなくってやみつきってやつでして……)”
- “Being unable to see a trick for what it is, is the honest man's downfall. (イカサマを見抜けなかったのは見抜けない人間の敗北なのです)”
- “I'll tell you now, I'm the best gambler in the world! (ヒイイイイイイイイ言ってやるゥゥゥゥおれは最強のバクチ打ちだァァァァァァ)”
Telence T. D'Arby
Telence T. D'Arby appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for the Shop & Gallery Mode's Model Viewer (モデル ビューア, Moderu Byūa). However, in the localized versions of the game, his name is displayed simply as "Darby Younger".
- “The name's Darby. Darby Younger. (ダービーと申します。 テレンス・T・ダービー)”—Entering the Model Viewer
- “Feast your eyes on my... collection. 御覧にいれましょう。私の
コレクション を…”—Entering the Model Viewer - “When you show someone your prized collection, you expect a few words of praise. (まあ自慢のコレクションというものは 他人に見せて賛辞の言葉を聞きたいと思うものです)”—Entering the Model Viewer
- “Good! (グッド!)”—Entering the Model Viewer
- “Heh heh, good! (グッド(ニヤリ))”—Selecting a model
- “YES! YES! YES! (YES! YES! YES!)”—Selecting a model
- “YES! (YES!)”—Selecting a model
- “Heh heh heh... (フフフ)”—Selecting a model
- “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! (NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!)”—Exiting a model
- “NO! (NO!)”—Exiting a model
- “Well then. (おやおや…)”—Exiting a model
- “Something wrong? (いかがなされました?)”—Exiting the Model Viewer
- “What a pity. (残念残念…)”—Exiting the Model Viewer
- “Suit yourself. (かまわないのですよ)”—Exiting the Model Viewer
- “Mwa ha ha ha! (フフフフフ)”—Exiting the Model Viewer
T. D'arby also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 140 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Exactly! (
Exactly (そのとおりでございます))” - “I'm a natural at gaming! You'll never beat me! (オレはゲームの天才だ…負けるハズがない。オレはゲームの天才だ……負けるハズはない……)”
- “Don't tell me... you're going to ORA ORA me?! (もしかしてオラオラですかーッ!?)”
- “Grrrrrrrrrrr! (クキクウウウ~~~~~ゥゥ)”
- “When you show someone your prized collection, you expect a few words of praise. (まあ自慢のコレクションというものは他人に見せて讃辞の言葉を聞きたいと思うものです)”
Nukesaku appears as the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the DIO's Mansion (ディオの館, DIO no Yakata) stage. He jumps down and attacks the players, returning an unlimited number of times.
Nukesaku also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 150 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “It... was me inside... Even though I was the one who opened the lid! (な…………中にいたのは…………おれだったァーーー。今フタを開けたのにィ~~)”
- “I can't hold on to the "in your face!" laugh that's welling up inside me right now! (腹の底から「ザマミロ&スカッとサワヤカ」の笑いが出てしょうがねーぜッ!)”
- “"Loser?!" I am not a loser! (こ…この、て…てめー、ヌケサクと呼んだな…なめるなよ~~)”
- “May I ask you something? How did you know they call me "Loser?" (ひとつ聞いてもいいですか? どうしてわたしのアダ名が「ヌケサク」ってわかったんですか?)”
Wilson Phillips
Wilson Phillips appears as the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the Cairo Streets (カイロ市街, Kairo Shigai) stage. His car drives through the players on DIO's orders. This Stage Gimmick will not occur if DIO is one of the combatants, however.
Phillips also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 90 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “I am Senator Wilson Phillips, damn it! (わしは…ウィルソン・フィリップス上院議員だぞーーーッ)”
- “Wh-Who are you? Do you really think you're going to get away with doing this to me? (き…きさま何者だァーーッ。わしにこんなことして、ゆるされると思っちょるのか!?)”
- “Save meeeeee! I'm a senatooor! (わたしの命はッ! この上院議員の命だけは助けてくれますよねェェェェ~~~~~ッ!?)”
Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable
Tamami Kobayashi
Tamami Kobayashi is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 160 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “I'm the boss man, Tamami. You want guts? I got 'em! (玉美のタマはキモッ玉のタマだッ! 根性みせてやるぜッ!)”
- “I'll slap on my lock and get that guilty heart to pay its dues in a jiffy! (キッチリと! 迅速に……この心にかかる『錠前』で『取り立て』させていただきやす)”
- “Let me carry your bag to school for you! (学校までカバン持たせていただきます…!)”
Toshikazu Hazamada
Toshikazu Hazamada is featured in All-Star Battle R with a couple of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 170 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Stand users will always be drawn to other Stand users. (『スタンド使い』は『スタンド使い』といずれひかれ合う)”
- “What makes you so much better than me, huh? (てめーとオレはどこがちがうってんだよぉ~)”
Tonio Trussardi
Tonio Trussardi, localized as "Tonio Trendy", is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 170 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode. He is voiced by Tokuyoshi Kawashima who is also his voice actor in the Diamond is Unbreakable anime.
- “There you go! Eat up! (さっ! めし上ってみてクダサイ)”
- “I can't let that slide! I suggest you prepare yourself! (ただじゃあおきませンッ! 覚悟してもらいマスッ!)”
- “Ho capito. (オ・カピートォ)”
- “What do you think you're doing here?! You... You saw me! (そこで何をしている~~~ッ、見タナァ~~~~っ)”
His Stand, Pearl Jam, also appears in the game as a Support Effect and an additional Tag Line.
Reimi Sugimoto
Reimi Sugimoto appears in All-Star Battle R as a Situation Finish (シチュエーションフィニッシュ, Shichuēshon Finisshu) for the stage Morioh Town (杜王町, Moriō-cho). In it, the defeated player find themselves in Ghost Girl's Alley, confusedly looking around as Reimi says from off-screen, "Do you even realize what's happened to you?" (気づいてないの? 自分に何が起こったのか?). The camera then slowly rotates around the player's head, revealing an image of Reimi behind them who says, "The time of your judgment is at hand!" (裁いてもらうがいいわッ!) as ghostly hands appear and reach out toward the camera.
She also appears as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Reimi Sugimoto's Warning (杉本鈴美の警告, Sugimoto Reimi no Keikoku), costing 500G for the player who applies it to start a match with the Heart Heat Gauge filled to 2 bars.
Furthermore, Reimi has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 130 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “That killer's got to be brought to justice! (一日も早く犯人を止めなきゃいけないのよッ!)”
- “Rohan! N-No! (ろ…露伴ちゃんッ!! そ…そんなッ!)”
- “I'll show you that you're already dead! (気づかせてあげるわッ! すでに
自分が死んでしまっているという事を !!)” - “The time of judgment is at hand, Yoshikage Kira! (裁いてもらうがいいわッ! 吉良吉影)”
Yoshihiro Kira
Yoshihiro Kira appears in All-Star Battle R as a Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the Kira Estate (吉良邸, Kira-Tei) stage. He swings a knife as he floats across a designated curving path through the room, knocking back anyone he hits. Afterwards, he floats up and away, disappearing.
Hayato Kawajiri
Hayato Kawajiri appears in All-Star Battle R as part of Kosaku Kawajiri's Great Heat Attack, "Bites the Dust (バイツァ・ダスト, Baitsa Dasuto)".
Kosaku pulls Hayato into frame by the head, throwing him forward with Killer Queen attached to the boy, causing Hayato to run forward and away from Kosaku out of fear. If he bumps into the opponent however, he will fall down and Bites the Dust will be activated. Hayato screams as Killer Queen appears in the center of the screen, zooming increasingly closer towards the camera before blowing the opponent up. After this, Hayato is no longer seen. If the opponent manages to avoid Hayato's initial collision, the boy will sprint the other direction, disappearing.
Hayato also appears in the panels of the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the Morioh Town (杜王町, Moriō-cho) stage, depicting when Rohan Kishibe investigated Hayato with Heaven's Door while Bites the Dust was active.
Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam appears in All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Get Comfy With Pearl Jam (パール・ジャムで快適に, Pāru Jamu de Kaiteki ni) (localized as "Get Comfy with Pole Jam"), costing 2000G to automatically regenerate the health overtime of the player who applies it.
The Stand also has a single Tag Line (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen) which can be unlocked by completing 190 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Aw yeah! (メッシャアーーッ)”
Ken Oyanagi
Ken Oyanagi appears in All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Boy II Man Steals the Advantage (長所を奪うボーイ・II・マン, Chōsho o Ubau Bōi Tsu Man) (localized as "Boys Man Man Steals the Advantage"), costing 750G to 'seal' the opponent's Heart Heat Gauge, preventing it from filling up.
Ken also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 200 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “I'll never lose! I've got luck on my side! (今のぼくはぜんぜん負ける気がしないッ! ぼくは強運で守られているッ!)”
- “Wanna play rock, paper, scissors? (ジャンケンがしたいんだよ…ねッ?)”
- “You're... going down! (あんたは今…勝負の『
下 り坂』にいるンだッ!!)”
Terunosuke Miyamoto
Terunosuke Miyamoto is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 200 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode. In the localized versions of the game, he referes to his Stand, Enigma, as "Misterioso".
- “Once I see what makes you scared, you're mine! You'll be consumed by Misterioso's attack! (そして恐怖のサインを見つけた時、我がエニグマは、絶対無敵の攻撃を完了するッ!)”
- “No one's immune to it. When they're scared, they give away a little telltale sign. (どんな人間だろうと『ビビった時』無意識の『サイン』を出すものなんだ)”
- “You know, that's really not a smart move. (おまえが 今…やっている事は「賢い行い」ではない)”
Mikitaka Hazekura
Mikitaka Hazekura has a JoJo Glossary entry in All-Star Battle R. However, he does not appear in the game outside of this entry, and it likely only appears due to the character's previous inclusion in All-Star Battle as a Support Effect.
Part 5: Vento Aureo
Kraft Work
Kraft Work appears in All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Keep Tapping With Kraft Work's Finger (クラフト・ワークの指で連打, Kurafuto Wāku no Yubi de Renda) (localized as "Keep Tapping With Arts & Crafts' Finger"), costing 1000G to automatically, progressively fill the Heart Heat Gauge of the player who applies it.
Formaggio and his Stand, Little Feet, appear in All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Little Feet Shrinks Its Opponents (相手を縮めるリトル・フィート, Aite o Chijimeru Ritoru Fīto) (localized as "Tiny Feet Shrinks Its Opponents"), costing 500G to decrease the attack of the opponent.
Melone appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for the Options Mode (オプションモード, Opushon Mōdo).
- “This is Options Mode. (ここはオプションモードだ…)”—Entering Options Mode
- “Having fun's the main thing. Set your options for maximum enjoyment! (オプションモード設定をする時というのは 楽しんでやらなくちゃあいけない)”—Entering Options Mode
- “It's important to set things up the way you like them. (重要なのは、設定に対する君の好みだ)”—Entering Options Mode
- “What settings do you desire? (君はどんな設定が好みなんだい?)”—Entering Options Mode
- “Bellissimo! Wonderful! (すごく……ベリッシモ(とても)……いい…)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Di molto, di molto bene! Excellent! (ディ・モールト、ディ・モールト(非常に非常に) 良いぞッ!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Di molto bene! Superb! (ディ・モールトよしッ!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “The way you handle your controller... such skill! (君のコントローラーを握る手つきがスゴクいい!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “What?! (ん~~!?)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “What's wrong? (どうしたんだ?)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “Just relax! (あわてるな…)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “Don't be in such a hurry. Relax. Take your time. (早まるなよ~ッ。落ち着くんだ!)”—Exiting a sub-mode
- “Ciao. (ペロリ)”—Exiting Options Mode
- “Come back any time. I'll be here! (いつでも来てくれ! 待ってるよ!)”—Exiting Options Mode
- “Never underestimate the importance of Options Mode. (オプションモードは…スゴク大切なんだよ…)”—Exiting Options Mode
- “You can always change your options. As many times as you like. (何度でも設定しなおせるぞ!)”—Exiting Options Mode
Melone also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 210 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Di molto, di molto bene! (ディ・モールト、ディ・モールト(非常に 非常に)、良いぞッ!)”
- “There's clearly nothing wrong with your physical condition if you can dish out a beating like that! (こういう元気なビンタをくり出せるんなら君の健康状態はまちがいなく『良好』だ!)”
Vinegar Doppio
Vinegar Doppio appears as part of Diavolo's character in All-Star Battle R, primarily in the animations for Diavolo's match entrance, round win, and victories. Consequently, he also has some dialogue.
Cioccolata is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 220 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Three? You want three lumps of sugar, you greedy little scamp? (3個か!? 甘いの3個欲しいのか? イヤしんぼめ!)”
- “YadaaaaaaAAAAABAAAAAAAAAA (ヤッダーバァアァァァァアアアアア)”
- “Nothing feeds the spirit more than curiosity. (『好奇心』は…精神の成長において最も大切なものだ)”
- “Y-You j-just said... if I d-didn't move... you wouldn't hurt me... (さ、さっき、じ…じっとしてれば…な…にもしないって、い…言ったくせに………)”
Secco appears as the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the Rome Streets (ローマ市街, Rōma Shigai) stage. He uses Oasis dive into the ground and liquefies it, damaging players in the designated areas. This occurs an unlimited number of times.
Secco also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 220 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Doesn't colosseo (colosseum) sound like "koroseyo" (kill them) in Japanese? (ところでコロッセオってさあ、『殺っせよ』ォォって聞こえない? なあ~?)”
- “What, did you think I'd be sad? You... You're nothing to me now that you've lost! (悲しむ………と…思うか? あんたのこと…………負けちまってよオオオオオオオオオオ)”
- “I was getting there! What, are you my professor now?! Aaargh! (知ってんだよオオォォッ!! 国語の教師か、うう…うう…うおお、おっ、おっ、オメーはよォォォォ)”
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Part 5)
Jean Pierre Polnareff from Vento Aureo appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for both Arcade Mode (アーケードモード, Ākēdo Mōdo) and the Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) menu in All-Star Battle Mode (オールスターバトルモード, Ōru Sutā Batoru Mōdo).
- “I don't have data on you, but I believe in you! (君のデータはないが、信用する!)”—Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “See, I've... been waiting for you. (オレは……待っていたのだからな…)”—Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “When did you get this close? (いつの間にこんな近くに…!!)”—Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “The prelude is over. The real show's just begun. (プレリュードは終わり本編が始まった)”—Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “This is... a gamble... (これは…「賭け」…だ…)”—Selecting Challenge Battle
- “It'll start for everyone alike soon. (まもなく平等にみんなに始まる)”—Selecting Challenge Battle
- “Let's go... to the Colosseum... (行こうか……コロッセオに……)”—Selecting Challenge Battle
- “You have to master the power. There's no other way... (君が
力 を使いこなすしか方法はない…)”—Selecting Challenge Battle - “This will never end without you! (君が来なくては終わる事はない!)”—Selecting Endless Battle
- “This is just a struggle for me, but for you... there's hope. (私にとっては困難だが君なら『希望』がある)”—Selecting Endless Battle
- “The power is leading somewhere... Somewhere even beyond this! (
力 には先があるッ! 今よりもさらに先がなッ!)”—Selecting Endless Battle - “Even I don't know how this will end... (わたしにも見当がつかない)”—Selecting Endless Battle
- “There's no point if you don't win! (「勝者」とならなくてはなんの意味も持たない!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “They're still coming! They're going to attack again! (奴はまた来るぞッ!すぐにまた攻撃してくるッ!)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “It'll take luck to survive that attack. (攻撃を防げるかは運次第)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “You are hope. (君は『希望』だ)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “How ironic... (皮肉なものだ…)”—Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “Where'd he go?! (ヤツは、どこへ行ったーっ!?)”—Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “We have to keep the hope alive, no matter what. (なんとしても『希望』だけは守らなくては)”—Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “I couldn't see where this would lead... (わたしには先を見る事はできなかった…)”—Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
- “I've been waiting for someone like you! (待っていたぞッ! 君のような者が現れるのをッ!)”—Entering the Support Effect menu
- “Now you just need to figure out how to win! (あとは倒す方法を見つけるだけだ!)”—Entering the Support Effect menu
- “Choose your Support Effect. (サポート効果を選ぶといい)”—Entering the Support Effect menu
- “Support Effects are your last resort. (サポート効果はたったひとつの最後の手段なのだ)”—Entering the Support Effect menu
- “This one? (これだな?)”—Opening a purchase prompt
- “Made your choice? (決まったか?)”—Opening a purchase prompt
- “Let me share some hidden knowledge with you. (秘められた叡智を教えよう)”—Purchasing a Support Effect
- “I've given you a chance. (君に可能性を渡したぞ)”—Purchasing a Support Effect
- “Hmm. (ふむ…)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “There's still time. (時間はある)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “Choose carefully. (慎重に選べ)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “I see... (そうか…)”—Canceling a purchase prompt
- “All I can do is wait. (オレにできることは待つだけだ)”—Exiting the Support Effect menu
- “Come again anytime. (また来るといい)”—Exiting the Support Effect menu
Part 5 Polnareff also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 230 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “They are hope... When they and this arrow come together... (「希望」は………この「矢」と出会う『彼ら』なのだ…)”
- “The one who can fully control this arrow... will control this world! (あの『矢』を完全に制する者が………この世を制する者となる………!!)”
- “The arrow is not an enemy... But nor is it an ally! (「矢」は敵ではない! だが味方でもないッ!)”
- “There is something beyond the power of a Stand! Something beyond even this! (スタンド
力 には先があったのだッ! 今よりもさらに先がなッ!)” - “This is the duty of a survivor... (それが生き残った者の役目だ………)”
Chariot Requiem
Chariot Requiem appears in All-Star Battle R as both a Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) and Situation Finish (シチュエーションフィニッシュ, Shichuēshon Finisshu) for the stage Colosseum (コロッセオ, Korosseo).
As a Stage Gimmick, it appears and puts both combatants to sleep, granting them increased attack strength once they wake up.
As a Situation Finish, if hit towards the entrance gates, the loser is sent flying, landing near Chariot Requiem's severed arm and the Arrow. Requiem picks up the Arrow, reattaches its arm, and exits the Colosseum.
Part 6: Stone Ocean
Emporio Alnino
Emporio Alnino appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for both All-Star Battle Mode (オールスターバトルモード, Ōru Sutā Batoru Mōdo) and Shop & Gallery Mode (ショップ&ギャラリーモード, Shoppu ando Gyararī Mōdo).
- “This is All-Star Battle Mode. (ここはオールスターバトルモードだよ)”—Entering All-Star Battle Mode
- “You're going to face some harsh trials here... (あなたはここで、困難に立ち向かうことになると思う……)”—Entering All-Star Battle Mode
- “If you feel a panel drawing you in, as if by gravity, select it without hesitation. (引力みたいに引かれ合うパネルがあるなら、 迷わず選んでいいと思うよ)”—Entering All-Star Battle Mode
- “Some rewards you can only get here. They'll be yours, not a dream. (ここでしか手に入らない報酬があるよ。 夢じゃあない、あなたのものになるんだ)”—Entering All-Star Battle Mode
- “Follow me. (ついてきて)”—Opening a panel
- “This way. (こっちだよ)”—Opening a panel
- “Go ahead. (さあ、どうぞ)”—Opening a panel
- “This, right? (これだね?)”—Opening a panel
- “You're stopping? (止めちゃうの?)”—Exiting a panel
- “Think it over. (ゆっくり考えて)”—Exiting a panel
- “No need to rush. (焦らなくていいよ)”—Exiting a panel
- “Did you forget something? (忘れもの?)”—Exiting a panel
- “That one looks strong. (手強そうな相手だね)”—Viewing a panel
- “Did you see a reward you want? (目当ての報酬は見つかった?)”—Viewing a panel
- “This encounter must be fate. (この出逢いはきっと運命だ)”—Viewing a panel
- “Try the Secret Missions, too. (シークレットミッションにも挑戦してみてね)”—Viewing a panel
- “Your Support Effects will be a big help. (「サポート効果」はきっとあなたを助けてくれる)”—Entering a battle
- “I'll wait for the good news. (良い報告を待っているよ)”—Entering a battle
- “I'm rooting for you. (応援しているよ)”—Entering a battle
- “Don't let fate get the best of you. (運命に負けないで)”—Entering a battle
- “Congratulations. You did amazing. (おめでとう、大活躍だったね)”—After winning a battle
- “Looks like you've achieved satisfactory results. (満足のいく結果を得られたみたいだね)”—After winning a battle
- “You're doing great. Keep taking them on. (いい調子だね、どんどん挑戦していこうよ)”—After winning a battle
- “Victory isn't the only thing you've obtained. (得られたものは、勝利だけじゃあない)”—After winning a battle
- “Are you having trouble? Make good use of your Support Effects. (苦戦しているの? 「サポート効果」を上手く使ってみてね)”—After losing a battle
- “That was close. (惜しかったね)”—After losing a battle
- “I can feel it. Your heart isn't broken yet. (ぼくにはわかるよ。あなたの心はまだ折れてない……)”—After losing a battle
- “You can gain things from failure, too. (敗北がもたらすものも、あるはずだよ)”—After losing a battle
- “Look, you've unlocked a Boss Panel! (見て、ボスパネルが解放されたよ!)”—After unlocking a Boss Panel
- “Be careful. A strong enemy has appeared. (用心して、強敵が現れたみたいだ)”—After unlocking a Boss Panel
- “There's still hope... You can do this! (希望はあるよ、あなたならきっとやれる……!)”—Viewing a Boss Panel
- “I'm glad to see you're okay! But it's not over yet. You have to keep going. (よかった、無事に戻ってきたんだね! でもまだ、終わり じゃあない。あなたは先に進まなくちゃあいけないんだ)”—After winning a Boss Battle
- “Y-You did it! You've finished every Boss Battle! I can't believe it, but... You did it! (や、やった……! 全てのボスバトルをクリアした! 信じられないけど……あなたはやり遂げたんだ!)”—After winning every Boss Battle
- “Welcome back. But All-Star Battle Mode isn't over yet. There must be more unknown encounters left for you. (お帰り。でも、オールスターバトルモードは終わりじゃあ ない。きっと、まだ知らない出逢いがあるはずだよ)”—After viewing the Staff Credits
- “I think a new page just got unlocked. (新しいページが解放されたみたいだよ)”—After unlocking the Stone Ocean extra page
- “I've got a bad feeling about this place... The battles will only get harder from here... (ここは……嫌な予感がする。 これまで以上に厳しい戦いになると思う……)”—Selecting the extra Stone Ocean page
- “Congratulations! You've completed every panel in this part! (おめでとう! パートのパネルを全てクリアしたんだね)”—After clearing every panel on a page
- “That was great. Now do the next part like that! (いい調子だね。次ぎのパートもがんばってね!)”—After clearing every panel on a page
- “You've probably done 30% of the panels now, huh? We got a long way to go... (いまクリアしたパネルで、全体の3割かな? 先はまだ長そうだね……)”—After clearing 30% of all panels
- “I think you've done about half the total panels now? You're over the hump now. (いまクリアしたパネルで、全体の5割かな? やっと折り返しだ)”—After clearing 50% of all panels
- “With that, you must be through 80% of the panels... You've come a long way. (いまクリアしたパネルで、全体の8割かな? ずいぶん遠くに来たような気がするよ)”—After clearing 80% of all panels
- “Wow... Incredible! You've just completed every single panel in All-Star Battle Mode! (スゴイ……ッ、すごいよ! たったいま、あなたはオール スターバトルモードの全てのパネルをクリアしたんだ!)”—After clearing all panels
- “You've done 30% of the Secret Missions. Seems like they're worth doing, huh? (いまシークレットミッションの達成率は、全体の3割くら いかな? やり甲斐は、ありそうだよね)”—After clearing 30% of all Secret Missions
- “It looks like you're through half the Secret Missions. Yep, you're making real progress. (いまシークレットミッションの達成率は、全体の5割くら いかな? うん、着実に前に進んでいると思う)”—After clearing 50% of all Secret Missions
- “That must make it 80% of the Secret Missions, right? The end is finally in sight. (いまシークレットミッションの達成率は、全体の8割くら いかな? コンプリートに希望が見えてきたね……!)”—After clearing 80% of all Secret Missions
- “Wait... You're done? Really? Wow... It has to be fate. Accomplishing a feat like this... It must have been your fate! Be proud! (やった、の? 本当に? ううん……きっと、運命だ。 あなたは偉業を成し遂げる、そういう運命だったんだ! さあ、胸を張って!)”—After clearing all Secret Missions
- “I'll wait right here. (ぼくはここで待っているよ)”—Exiting All-Star Battle Mode
- “We'll meet again, right? (また、会えるよね?)”—Exiting All-Star Battle Mode
- “I can't guide you any further. (案内できるのはここまでなんだ……)”—Exiting All-Star Battle Mode
- “Come back any time. (いつでも戻ってきてね)”—Exiting All-Star Battle Mode
- “Welcome to a remembrance of things past. This is the Shop and Gallery Mode. (ここは『過去のものの中』… ショップ&ギャラリーモードだよ)”—Entering Shop & Gallery Mode
- “My name is Emporio. I've been hiding here for a very, very long time. (ぼくの名はエンポリオ… ずっとここに隠れて住んでいる)”—Entering Shop & Gallery Mode
- “I've arranged for some people here to show you the gallery. (ここにいる人たちにギャラリーの中を 案内してもらうといいよ)”—Entering Shop & Gallery Mode
- “As more goods become available, you'll be sure to find hope someday. (もっと物が増えれば…きっと希望が見えてくる)”—Selecting the Gallery Shop
- “This is the model viewer. (モデルビューアーだよ)”—Selecting the Model Viewer
- “You can have a good look at all the characters in here. (ここではみんなの姿を鑑賞できるよ)”—Selecting the Model Viewer
- “Head on in if you want to check everyone out! (みんなの姿を見たいなら、ここを選んで)”—Selecting the Model Viewer
- “Check out the characters of the game from all angles! (いろんな角度からみんなの姿を見ることができるよ)”—Selecting the Model Viewer
- “This is the sound test mode. (サウンドテストだよ)”—Selecting the Sound Test
- “I used to be in a music room, myself. There was a piano and everything. (ぼくが前いた部屋は音楽室だったな… ピアノがあったよ)”—Selecting the Sound Test
- “This is the artwork viewer. (アートビューアーだよ)”—Selecting the Art Viewer
- “There's plenty of stuff that you can only see here. (ここでしか見られない貴重な資料が たくさんあるよ)”—Selecting the Art Viewer
- “The place is chock-full of storyboard pictures from the game. (ゲームの設定資料がここにつまってる)”—Selecting the Art Viewer
- “With my power, I can find all of the best parts from the game! (ぼくの能力ならゲームの資料を探り出せる…)”—Selecting the Art Viewer
- “This is the JoJo Glossary. (ジョジョ辞典だよ)”—Selecting the JoJo Glossary
- “More entries will be added to the Glossary as you play through the game! (ゲームを進めていくと、辞典がどんどん完成していくよ)”—Selecting the JoJo Glossary
- “The blanks will get filled in as you progress through gameplay. (辞典の空白は、ゲームをプレイすると埋まっていくよ)”—Selecting the JoJo Glossary
- “See if you can fill up the whole Glossary! (辞典の完成をめざしてがんばろう)”—Selecting the JoJo Glossary
- “Don't just hang about. Go on in. (さ、早く。中へ入って…)”—Selecting the Staff Credits
- “Sure. (いいよ)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Got it! (わかった)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Just a sec... (少し待って…)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “This, right? (これだね)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “I'm afraid I can't leave with you. (ぼくはここまでだ…)”—Exiting Shop & Gallery Mode
- “Come again, won't you? There's bound to be more to see next time. (また来てね… そのときには物が増えてるだろうから)”—Exiting Shop & Gallery Mode
- “If there's anything I can do for you, just give me a shout. (ぼくにできることがあれば、何でも言ってね)”—Exiting Shop & Gallery Mode
Emporio also appears in the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) panels for the Kennedy Space Center (ケネディ宇宙センター, Kenedi Uchū Sentā) stage, screaming as gravity shifts.
Furthermore, Emporio has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 250 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “I'm... Emporio. (ぼくの名前はエンポリオです)”
- “This is the DISC Jolyne asked me to hang on to! (徐倫おねえちゃんがぼくに持っててくれって授けてくれたDISCだァァーーーーーーッ)”
- “You'll meet a fate even more unfortunate than death. (死ぬ事以上に不幸な事が起こるんだよ)”
- “The thread of fate becomes heavier each time people meet... and that's one "string" you can't cut! (人の出会いも「重力」! あんたは因縁が切れなかった!)”
Thunder McQueen
Thunder McQueen appears in All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Take The Highway To Hell (ハイウェイ・トゥ・ヘルで道連れ, Haiwei Tu Heru de Michizure) (localized as "Take The Freeway Thru Hell"), costing 500G to slightly reduce the health of the opponent.
Steven Steel
Steven Steel is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 260 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “That can't be the end! You just got here! (こんなもんで、ああ~~イイッすかねェェェェ~~~~と)”
- “What "rules?" I AM the damn rules! (『ルール』はこのわたしだ!)”
- “There are no losers in this race. An Adventurer is the only thing you can be! (このレースに失敗なんか存在しないッ! 存在するのは冒険者だけだッ!)”
He also appears in the background of the Along the Philadelphia Coastline (フィラデルフィアの海岸沿い, Firaderufia no Kaigan-zoi) stage, writhing in pain.
Lucy Steel
Lucy Steel appears in the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the Along the Philadelphia Coastline (フィラデルフィアの海岸沿い, Firaderufia no Kaigan-zoi) stage, allowing D4C Love Train to function with her Ticket to Ride.
Pocoloco is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 280 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Pocoloco's on his game! (ポコロコ絶好調ォォーーーッ)”
- “2 BAD 4 U! (
2 バッドだよなあぁ~)” - “I'm a lucky guy! A million-to-one luck-sucking leech! Oh yeah! (オレは50億分の1のラッキー・ガイだッ! UH! OHHH!)”
Ringo Roadagain
Ringo Roadagain appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for both Versus Mode (バーサスモード, Bāsasu Mōdo) and Online Mode (オンラインモード, Onrain Mōdo).
- “Your host for today's Versus Mode battle is... Me! Ringo Roadagain! (バーサスモードを案内させていただく……… 名は……『リンゴォ・ロードアゲイン』)”—Entering Versus Mode
- “Fighting fair separates the men from the boys. (公正なる『果し合い』は未熟な者を 人間的に生長させてくれる)”—Entering Versus Mode
- “A fair fight drives the doubts from your mind. (公正なる闘いは内なる不安をとりのぞく)”—Entering Versus Mode
- “Welcome... to the real man's world! (ようこそ………『
男の世界 』へ……………)”—Entering Versus Mode - “There's your path. Take it. (それが進むべき道)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “How amusing. (おもしろいぞ)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Right! (よし)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Very good. (いいだろう)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “That's fine... (それでもかまわない…)”—Exiting a sub-mode or the stage menu
- “What will it be? (どうする?)”—Exiting a sub-mode or the stage menu
- “Hmph... (ふん…)”—Exiting a sub-mode or the stage menu
- “I see... (そうか…)”—Exiting a sub-mode or the stage menu
- “Pick an arena. (ステージを選びたまえ)”—Entering the stage menu
- “Pick an arena. And make it fair! (「
公平 」に………ステージを選択しろ)”—Entering the stage menu - “What arena are you gonna play? (どのステージにする?)”—Entering the stage menu
- “Pick an arena you wanna play. (好きなステージを選べ…)”—Entering the stage menu
- “Single Battle eh? That's your path to walk. (シングルバトル… それが進むべき道)”—Selecting Single Battle
- “A true test of skill, 1-on-1 combat. (バトルをするのは…… ひとりずつにしたい)”—Selecting Single Battle
- “A fighter must have a pitch black will lurking in their heart. (バトルをしていいのは 「漆黒の意志」が心の中にある者だけだ)”—Selecting Single Battle
- “Make sure it's a fair fight. (「公正(フェア)」なバトル… そう認識していただきたい)”—Selecting Single Battle
- “Team Battle eh? That's your path to walk. (チームバトル… それが進むべき道)”—Selecting Team Battle
- “Bringing friends to your fight, are you? I suppose so. (仲間と共に挑むか… それでもかまわない…)”—Selecting Team Battle
- “To be victorious, you must become a real man. (「男の価値」が必要だ… それはここにある…)”—Selecting Team Battle
- “I hope that you will follow the shining path. (「光輝く道」に辿り着け… オレはそれを祈っているぞ)”—Selecting Team Battle
- “Tournament eh? That's your path to walk. (トーナメント… それが進むべき道)”—Selecting Tournament
- “Progress through the ranks, and always remember the shining path. (トーナメントを進んでそれを確認しろ…… 「光輝く道」を…)”—Selecting Tournament
- “Trying your hand at a tournament? You just might win. (トーナメントに挑むか… 君なら可能性はある)”—Selecting Tournament
- “You wont make it through with the same old orthodox defense. (こびりついた「正統なる防衛」では勝ち残れない)”—Selecting Tournament
- “There's only one right path. (正しい道はひとつだ)”—Exiting Versus Mode
- “You've gotta make up your mind and go for it. (心を決めなくてはならない)”—Exiting Versus Mode
- “You can give up if you want. It's your call. (やめるのは自由)”—Exiting Versus Mode
- “There's no room for passiveness here! (受け身の『対応者』はここでは必要なし)”—Exiting Versus Mode
- “Your host for today's Online Mode battle is... Me! Ringo Roadagain! (オンラインモードを案内させていただく… 名は…『リンゴォ・ロードアゲイン』)”—Entering Online Mode or a lobby
- “Fighting fair separates the men from the boys. (公正なる『果し合い』は未熟な者を 人間的に生長させてくれる)”—Entering Online Mode or a lobby
- “A fair fight drives the doubts from your mind. (公正なる闘いは内なる不安をとりのぞく)”—Entering Online Mode or a lobby
- “Welcome... to the real man's world! (ようこそ………『
男の世界 』へ……………)”—Entering Online Mode or a lobby - “There's your path. Take it. (それが進むべき道)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “How amusing. (おもしろいぞ)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Right! (よし)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “Very good. (いいだろう)”—Entering a sub-mode
- “A Player Match... This will uplift us to the holy land. (プレイヤーマッチ…聖なる領域へと高めてくれる)”—Selecting Player Match
- “Choose your conditions... You'll never leave this place! (条件を決めろ…ここからは絶対に出て行けないッ!)”—Selecting Player Match
- “Taking on a Player Match? You've gotta make up your mind and go for it. (プレイヤーマッチに挑むか…心を決めなくてはならない)”—Selecting Player Match
- “Online Battle... It's trying to respond. (オンラインバトル…それに『対応』しようとしている)”—Selecting Player Match
- “A Ranked Match... This will uplift us to the holy land. (ランクマッチ…聖なる領域へと高めてくれる)”—Selecting Ranked Match
- “The Real Man's World is just ahead. (『男の世界』はこの先にある・・・)”—Selecting Ranked Match
- “Taking up a Ranked Match? Thank you so much. (ランクマッチに挑むか…感謝いたします)”—Selecting Ranked Match
- “Well? The decision is yours. (どうする? 決めるのは君だ…)”—Selecting Ranked Match
- “Rankings... Truly the Real Man's World. (ランキング…まさに『男の世界』・・・)”—Selecting Rankings
- “The names of those who have followed the Shining Road are engraved here. (ここには「光輝く道」に辿り着いた者たちの名が刻まれて いる)”—Selecting Rankings
- “There's society's values, and then there's your values as a real man. (『社会的な価値観』がある そして『男の価値』がある)”—Selecting Rankings
- “Your name could be here if you weren't a passive responder. (君が受け身の『対応者』で無ければ ここに名前があるかもな)”—Selecting Rankings
- “Online Missions... Some things in life were made to be overcome. (オンラインミッション… 乗り越えなくてはならないものがある)”—Selecting Online Mission
- “This mission's going to be interesting. (おもしろいぞこのミッション)”—Selecting Online Mission
- “Trying a mission? That's also correct. (ミッションに挑むか… それも正しい)”—Selecting Online Mission
- “Someone who merely copes with the situation will never complete this mission. (このミッションは受け身の『対応者』ではクリアできない)”—Selecting Online Mission
- “Set battle conditions. (バトル条件を設定したまえ)”—Opening Custom Match settings
- “Set battle conditions... but always be fair. (「
公平 」に………バトル条件を設定しろ)”—Opening Custom Match settings - “What conditions will it be? (どんな条件にする?)”—Opening Custom Match settings
- “Let's get the conditions set. (条件を設定しろ…)”—Opening Custom Match settings
- “This is a Real Man's World! (これが「男の世界」…………)”—Entering a Custom Match
- “That look in your eye... That's the look of a real man! (いい「眼光」になったッ!!)”—Entering a Custom Match
- “Look around. See where you're heading. Follow the path of light. (確認しろ……「光り輝く道」を…)”—Entering a Custom Match
- “I hope you come out unscathed. (健闘を祈っているぞ)”—Entering a Custom Match
- “Time to make a decision. (いずれ決断しなくてはならない)”—Leaving or failing to find a Custom Match
- “Hmph. People are losing their values. They're always looking for the easy way out. (今の時代………価値感が『甘ったれた方向』へ 変わって来ているようだな…)”—Leaving or failing to find a Custom Match
- “Time to leave. (ここを出て行くがいい…)”—Leaving or failing to find a Custom Match
- “Real men are strangers in our modern society. Tsk! (「男」と「社会」はかなりズレた価値観になっている…)”—Leaving or failing to find a Custom Match
- “There's only one right path. (正しい道はひとつだ)”—Exiting Online Mode or a lobby
- “You've gotta make up your mind and go for it. (心を決めなくてはならない)”—Exiting Online Mode or a lobby
- “You can give up if you want. It's your call. (やめるのは自由)”—Exiting Online Mode or a lobby
- “There's no room for passiveness here! (受け身の『対応者』はここでは必要なし)”—Exiting Online Mode or a lobby
Ringo also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 270 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “Welcome... to the real man's world! (ようこそ………『
男の世界 』へ……………)” - “And so... we meet again. (改めて………よろしくお願い申し上げます)”
- “It's called Mando. Don't forget it. (能力名は『マンダム』。そう認識していただきたい)”
- “To travel the path to true victory, you need to be a real man. (『真の勝利への道』には『男の価値』が必要だ…)”
- “There's no room for passiveness here! (受け身の『対応者』はここでは必要なし)”
Wekapipo is featured in All-Star Battle R with a list of Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They are unlocked by completing 280 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “The Wrecking Ball of the Neapolitan Imperial Guard--Sinistral Ataxia! (ネアポリス護衛鉄球―『左半身失調』!)”
- “You've been chosen. A "power" somewhere chose you. (君は選ばれたんだ…「何かの力」があんたの方を選んだ…)”
- “That's better. Now I feel... clean. (これでオレの気分もけっこう………清らかだ)”
Part 8: JoJolion
Yasuho Hirose
Yasuho Hirose appears in both the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) and Situation Finish (シチュエーションフィニッシュ, Shichuēshon Finisshu) for the Wall Eyes (壁の目, Kabe no Me) stage.
In the Stage Gimmick panels, she activates Paisley Park, but Joshu Higashikata appears brandishing a stone to knock back combatants he collides with.
In the stage's situation finish, Yasuho screams as the loser is hit towards her. Joshu, out of envy-fueled rage, brings a rock down at the opponent's head, finishing them.
Yasuho also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 300 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “The Sesame Honey Dumpling is the trademark of Morioh, produced since 1906. (杜王町名物の創業明治36年ごま蜜団子ってお菓子よ)”
- “This is a story about lifting a curse... (これは「呪い」を解く物語――)”
- “You have to take the first bite in the back of your mouth. Chew it with your molars. (ひと口めを口の奥でね…奥歯で噛むのよ)”
- “He had four, I'm sure of it. Four balls... (『4つ』あったのよ……確かに『タマ』が…)”
- “If you don't mind me saying so, you sure look like a "Josuke" to me! (勝手なこと言わしてもらうと、あなた「ジョースケ」ってイメージよ)”
Joshu Higashikata
Joshu Higashikata appears in both the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) and Situation Finish (シチュエーションフィニッシュ, Shichuēshon Finisshu) for the Wall Eyes (壁の目, Kabe no Me) stage.
In the Stage Gimmick, Joshu appears and runs across the stage in a curved path, brandishing a stone to knock back combatants he collides with.
In the stage's situation finish, Yasuho Hirose screams as the loser is hit towards her. Joshu, out of envy-fueled rage, brings a rock down at the opponent's head, finishing them.
Joshu also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 290 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.
- “N-Not my Yasuho... How could you?! (お…オレの康穂に……よ…よくも)”
- “You're finished! (てめえ終わりだああああああああ)”
- “This is "Shakedown Road", right? Guess someone's gonna get shook down. (この道は『カツアゲロード』。誰かが『カツアゲ』される)”
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Chapter 1: Prologue
- ↑ Youth with Dio (Story Arc)
- ↑ Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio (Story Arc)
- ↑ Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past, Part 2
- ↑ The Three from a Faraway Land (Story Arc)
- ↑ Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa (Story Arc)
- ↑ Caesar: A Lonely Youth (Story Arc)
- ↑ Chapter 75: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 5
- ↑ The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu (Story Arc)
- ↑ Devil (Story Arc)
- ↑ Lovers (Story Arc)
- ↑ Judgement (Story Arc)
- ↑ "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo (Story Arc)
- ↑ Hol Horse and Boingo (Story Arc)
- ↑ "Sethan" Alessi (Story Arc)
- ↑ D'Arby the Gambler (Story Arc)
- ↑ D'Arby the Player (Story Arc)
- ↑ DIO's World (Story Arc)
- ↑ Koichi Hirose (Echoes) (Story Arc)
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable (Story Arc)
- ↑ Enigma Boy (Story Arc)
- ↑ Sex Pistols Appears (Story Arc)
- ↑ Narancia's Aerosmith (Story Arc)
- ↑ Baby Face (Story Arc)
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 "Green Day" and "Oasis" (Story Arc)