All-Star Battle R ★ Rudol von Stroheim
Rudol von Stroheim (ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム, Rudoru fon Shutorohaimu) was officially announced as the second playable DLC character for All-Star Battle R on January 19, 2023,[1] and was released for all to play on February 3. Like the rest of the first four paid DLC characters, he is included in the game's first season pass, and therefore the Digital Deluxe and Ultimate Editions of the game as well; owners of either gained early access to the character on February 1, 2023.[2]
His moveset is similar to that of his Eyes of Heaven appearance, with modifications and new aspects added to better fit him in with All-Star Battle R's different style of gameplay.
Unlike in Eyes of Heaven, Stroheim's default costume is the same in both the Western and Japanese versions of the game, and any direct mention of Nazis or explicit Nazi imagery have been altered or removed.
Having voiced Stroheim in both the Battle Tendency anime and Eyes of Heaven, Atsushi Imaruoka reprises his role in this game as well. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Stroheim were either added or re-recorded.
Stroheim has 1000 health and uses the unique Best Science in the World (世界一の科学力, Sekai Ichi no Kagaku-ryoku) Style, which allows him access to a variety of skills utilizing his cyborg body. Notably, Stroheim is able to switch his primary weapon between a 600 rpm heavy machine gun in his chest and an array of ultraviolet lamps mounted on his shoulders.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Cover B of Chapter 109: Kars the Superbeing is Born, Part 1
Stroheim's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; all ten poses are included with the character's paid DLC, along with the remaining lines of both types as a single set. Stroheim's Tag Lines are also included, excluding several from the original All-Star Battle, which can be unlocked in the base game by completing 80 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.

- “You IMBECILE! (ブァカ者がァアアアア)”
- “Hmph! What a despicable clown! (フン、いまいましいヤツめ)”
- “Very impressive! You are a worthy opponent! (きさま、やるなァァァ! 相手にとって不足なしィィ!!)”
- “German medicine and science are the best in the world! (我がドイツの医学と科学は世界一ィィィ!)”
- “I'll pluck you like a chicken, one square centimeter at a time! (きさまの体を鳥の羽をむしるように、1センチ四方の肉片にしてくれるわッ!)”
- “Come to papa! (かかってこいィィィ!!)”
- “Behold! Standing before you is the prime example of Germany's superior medicine and science! (見て驚けィイイ! 我がドイツの医学と科学の結晶をォォォ!)”
- “I am something more than human! (おれは、すべての人間を越えたのだァアアアアアアアアアアアア!!)”
- “Here I coooome! (いくぞォォォ!!)”
- “What the-- This is a surprise! That you're so unbearably weak! (なんだァーッ! いきなり予想外! きさま弱すぎるではないか!)”
- “This'll whittle you down to size! (弾丸がおまえの体をけずりとるのだ!!)”
- “Feast your eyes on my army's scientific genius! (これぞ我が軍の科学力! とくと見るがいいィィィ!)”
- “You're weakened... Your fate is already sealed! (弱っているッ! もうきさまは終わりだァァァァァーッ!)”
- “Heh heh heh... (フフフ)”
- “What are you so afraid of? (なにを怖がっている?)”
- “That's an odd way of showing your terror! (少しおびえ方が異常じゃないかァ~~~~~~~?)”
- “Stay focused! You're dealing with me, Stroheim! (よそ見をするなァァァ! きさまの相手はこのシュトロハイムだ!)”
- “Feel the might of my army! (我が軍の力ーッ! その身で味わえィィイーーーーッ!)”

- “I am a proud German soldier! (おれはこれでも誇り高きドイツ軍人!)”
- “For the homeland! For eternal glory! (我が祖国よ、永遠なれッ)”
- “Tch! This was definitely a solo job! (チッ! こんな相手、おれ一人で十分だったわッ!)”
- “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! (きた きた きた きた きた きた きた きた きたーーーーーっ!)”
- “I can't tell you how good it feels to finish you myself! (きさまにとどめを刺せるなんて! スカッとするぜーッ!!)”
- “I believe I can handle this! (それぐらいはこのおれにもできることよ!)”
- “And now, this German UV laser will finish you! (我がドイツの紫外線照射装置がとどめをさすゥゥゥゥーッ)”
- “My body! It's the pride of the German people! (おれの体はァァァ!! 我がドイツの誇りなのだァァァ!!)”
- “I am more than human! You had no chance! (人を越えたおれの敵ではないということだァァ!)”
- “My proud new form is the embodiment of the peak of German engineering! (おれの体はァァアアアアアアアーーッ!! 我がゲルマン民族の最高知能の結晶であり誇りであるゥゥゥ!!)”
- “Wah hah hah hah hah! You're nothing, nothing! (わーっはっはははーーッ! ははーッ! きさまでは話にもならんのだァ!)”
- “Simple, all too simple! Are you a caveman? Is your level of intellect that low?単純すぎるぞーっ! まるで原始人だな! 知能が低いんじゃあないのか!?”
- “I have great respect for courageous warriors like you! (わたしはおまえのような勇気ある者に敬意を表す!)”
- “You're just a coward! Courage is what sets me apart from the likes of you! (腰ぬけめがッ! このシュトロハイム、おまえとは根性がちがうのだーーーーッ!!)”
- “I would proudly give a few legs for the sake of the homeland! (祖国のためならァ! 足の二本や三本かんたんにくれてやる覚悟はあるのだーーーーッ!)”
- “You certainly have some mettle. If only you were a soldier for the homeland...おまえ、相当な根性が座っているとみた…… 我が祖国の軍人でないことが悔やまれるな”
- “Right now, victory is the only path for me! (いまのおれにはーーァ、勝利以外はあり得ないィィィーーーーッ!)”
- “All for the homeland! FORWARD! (すべては祖国のためッ、前進あるのみィィイイッ!!)”
- “Peculiar techniques, this one... You! Begin analysis at once! (妙な技を使うヤツだ…… おいッ! そいつのデータを解析しろ!)”

- “This is no time for a drink! (飲んどる場合かーッ)”
- “German science is the best in the world! (我がドイツの科学力はァァァァァァァアアア世界一ィィィイイイイ)”
- “"Courage consists not in hazarding without fear; but being resolutely minded in a just cause." - The words of the ancient Greek historian, Plutarch, of course! (人間の偉大さは――恐怖に耐える誇り高き姿にある――ギリシアの史家プルタルコスの言葉だ)”
- “See how you like this! 600 armor-piercing rounds per minute, Kars! This'll rip through 30mm steel plate! (くらえ! カーズ、一分間に600発の鉄甲弾を発射可能! 30mmの鉄板を貫通できる重機関砲だ!!)”
- “Look at my body! The pinnacle of German brilliance! (おれの体はァァアアアアアアアーッ!! 我がゲルマン民族の最高知能の結晶であり誇りであるゥゥゥ!!)”

- “Ahh, I think the pain is just about gone now. (んーー、痛みがひいてき・た・か…………な!)”
- “We have a saying in Europe: "A town where the old kill themselves is soon to fall." (ヨーロッパの格言にこんなのがある…「老人が自殺する所…その町はもうすぐ滅びる」)”
- “I've come back from hell. (地獄から舞い戻ったぜ)”
- “I'll name him after the Mexican sirocco! Santana! (『メキシコに吹く熱風!』という意味の「サンタナ」というのはどうかな!)”
- “What are you so afraid of? (なにを怖がっている?)”
- “I can't tell you how good it feels to finish you myself! (きさまにとどめを刺せるなんて! スカッとするぜーッ!!)”
- “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! (きた きた きた きた きた きた きた きた きたーーーーーっ!)”
- “Listen up, vampires! You're up against von Stroheim and the German elite! (おのれらッ吸血鬼! このシュトロハイムとドイツ軍精鋭部隊が相手だ!!)”
- “Kars, this plane will be your coffin! (カーズ…この飛行機はきさまの棺桶よ!)”
- “He's a god! He's become a god... Humans can't stand before a god! Submission is our only chance! (「神」だ! やつは「神」になったんだ…! 我われ…人間は、「神」にだけは勝てない! 服従しかないんだ!)”

- “What child fears a grizzly in a cage at the zoo? None at all! (動物園の檻の中の
灰色熊 を怖がる子供がおるか? いなァァァ~~~いッ!)”—Round Win 1 - “I did it! At last! Bwaaaaah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!! (ついにやったぞ! ブワァーーッ、ワァーーーハッハハハッハハッハァーッ)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Stroheim's face contorts in pain, referencing his expression after realizing the secret behind Kars's Light Blades.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Stroheim crouches on the ground and holds his head, as he does after Joseph knocks his hat off.[5]
- When summoned as an Assist by Robert E. O. Speedwagon or Joseph Joestar ("JoJo!"), Stroheim calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Rudol von Stroheim has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters. Notably, new dialogue was only recorded for paid DLC characters and Joseph Joestar.

- “Your opponent is I, Stroheim! (このシュトロハイムが相手だ!)”—Default dialogue
- “ANOTHER ME?! (おれがァァァ! もう一人いるゥゥゥ!?)”—Rudol von Stroheim (Player 1)“Have they started mass producing me?! I didn't hear anything about this... (量産されているだと!? そんな話、聞いていないぞ…)”—Rudol von Stroheim (Player 2)
- “Behold! Eat your heart out, Englishman! Standing before you is the prime example of Germany's superior medicine and science! (おい! そこのイギリス人ン! 見て驚けィイイ! 我がドイツの医学と科学の結晶をォォォ!)”—Rudol von Stroheim
- “Look how fit and healthy you look... Yes, you certainly have matured, Joestar! (
元気そうじゃあないか …………たいした成長ぶりだなジョースター!!)”—Rudol von Stroheim“Stroheim, who I thought was blown to bits in Mexico! (メキシコで木端微塵に爆裂死したはずのシュトロハイムがおれの目の前にいる!)” - “Over here, Kars! I will be your final opponent! (おいカーズ、どこにらんでる!きさまの相手はこのシュトロハイムが最後だ)”—Rudol von Stroheim
“Why are you staring at me so intently? Have I got something on my face? (なんだきさま、人の顔をジロジロと。 おれの顔に何かついているのか?)”—Rudol von Stroheim
- “You're a soldier, huh? A perfect target for my Stand, Bad Company! (おまえ……軍人か? 我がスタンド『バッド・カンパニー』の相手として不足はねぇなァ~~~)”“I don't know what those words mean, but if you want a battle, it would be my pleasure to oblige! (何を言っているのかよくわからんが かかってくるなら容赦はせんぞッ!)”—Rudol von Stroheim
- “You there, suspicious sort! Halt! Explain your skulking about! (む、怪しいやつ……止まれーーーェい! きさま、なにをこそこそやっているッ!)”—Rudol von Stroheim“...There's a loud one. I should eliminate him before he makes too much noise. (……うるさそうなやつだ。騒がれる前に仕留める)”
- “A cowboy? No, a cavalryman? You wish to join my glorious army?! (カウボーイだとォ? いや、騎馬兵かァ? きさまは、我が軍への志願者なのかーーーァ!?)”—Rudol von Stroheim“Who the hell are you? Not a racer, I'm guessing. (なんなんだ、こいつは…… レースの参加者ってわけじゃあ、ないようだが)”
- “Behold! Standing before you is the prime example of Germany's superior medicine and science! (見て驚けィイイ! 我がドイツの医学と科学の結晶をォォォ!)”—Rudol von Stroheim
- “Come to papa! (かかってこいィィィ!!)”—Rudol von Stroheim“A taunt? You're trying to get me to face you? You're not just some loudmouth, are you? (挑発……僕に向かわせようとしている? ただ、うるさいだけの奴じゃあないらしい)”—Toru

- “German technology knows no bounds! Of course they'd waste no time in mass producing me! (さすが我がドイツの科学力! すでに量産がはじまっていたとはァァァ!!)”—Rudol von Stroheim (Player 1)“I think you need a better loadout! (ちょいと整備が足りてないんじゃあないかァァァ?)”—Rudol von Stroheim (Player 2)
- “You're... You're SPEEDWAGON? But you've aged in reverse! (きさま、スピードワゴンだとォォォーーー!? 若返っているゥゥー!?)”—Rudol von Stroheim, against Robert E. O. Speedwagon
- “JoJo, I've come back from hell. (ジョジョ、地獄から舞い戻ったぜ)”—Rudol von Stroheim“S-Should I be happy? He's not exactly a bad guy, but I don't like how he struts around. Still, I'm a bit happy. (フー、よ……喜んでいいのか。人間的には憎めねえやつなんだが……。高慢な態度がありありの野郎だからな。でも、ちょっぴりうれしいかな)”
- “Take this, Kars! It'll whittle you down to size in no time at all! (くらえッ! カァァァズ! 一発一発の弾丸がおまえをけずりとるのだァーーーッ!)”—Rudol von Stroheim, against Kars
- “I remember how you fight! I'd know it even from an old man! You're... JOJO! (その戦い方! 覚えがある! ジジイになってもわかるぞォーー! お前はジョジョだなあーー!?)”—Rudol von Stroheim, against Old Joseph Joestar
- “I'm being attacked, but I can't see by what! Ah... This must be your nation's secret weapon! (攻撃はされるのに姿が見えない! はっ! まさかこれは某国の秘密兵器なのか!?)”—Rudol von Stroheim“Was that all? You're one soldier who can't put his bullets where his mouth is! (もう終わりか? 口ほどでもなかったなァ、軍人さんよォ~~~)”
- “Razors and scissors cannot pierce meeee! (カミソリやハサミじゃあ、おれの体は貫けなィィィイ!!)”—Rudol von Stroheim“You certainly have the skill... but not the kind for assassination. (実力はあるらしい。暗殺には、向いてないようだがな……)”
- “Unfortunately for you, my forces have no need for cavalry! (残念だったな! おれの部隊に、馬は必要ないのだァーーー!!)”—Rudol von Stroheim“I don't follow anyone, and I don't work in groups. All I need is to stand at the top alone! (オレは誰にも従わないし、誰とも群れないぜ。 たったひとりで頂点を取ってやる!)”

- “Uh-hee uh-hee hee hee hee! Your hair is outrageous! (アヒーッ アヒーッ ヒーッヒーッヒーッ なんだ!? その髪型は!)”—Rudol von Stroheim, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
Stroheim's Theme is Number Oneeeeeeee! (世界一ィィィ!, Sekai Ichī!), and is automatically unlocked when purchasing Stroheim's DLC.
Its name is taken from Stroheim's boast in Chapter 41 of Battle Tendency after ripping off a piece of Kars's hand.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 85: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3, page 2
(modified to remove SFX)
Commemorative Giveaway

In commemoration of the release of Stroheim as the 2nd paid DLC character for ASBR, the Japanese ASBR Twitter account hosted a giveaway of 20 sets of 3 ASBR Battle Tendency badges,[6] although only to be delivered to addresses in Japan.[7] The badges in question contained the ASBR render images of Kars, Joseph Joestar, and Stroheim respectively.
The campaign started on February 3, 2023, and lasted until February 19 at 11:59pm JST. To enter the giveaway lottery, users only had to:
- Follow the @jojo_games_jp Twitter account.
- Retweet the tweet that announced the giveaway.
However, Twitter accounts set to private were ineligible for the giveaway. Unfollowing the ASBR Twitter account before the end of the giveaway also deemed users ineligible. Furthermore, attempting to join the giveaway with multiple accounts disqualified all of the associated accounts from the giveaway.[7]
The giveaway was directly implemented by Bandai Namco themselves, with no third-party involvement, and the winners of the giveaway were notified via Twitter DMs. Said winners were announced sometime in early March 2023.[7]
Update History

Early Access | Full Release | ||
European Union (EU) |
Steam | January 31, 11pm UTC | February 2, 11pm UTC |
PlayStation & Nintendo Switch |
February 1, 12am Local | February 3, 12am Local | |
Xbox | February 1, 12am Local | February 3, 12am Local | |
United States (US) |
Steam | January 31, 3pm PST | February 2, 3pm PST |
PlayStation & Nintendo Switch |
January 31, 9pm PST | February 2, 9pm PST | |
Xbox | February 1, 12am Local | February 3, 12am Local |
- "Farewell, you annoying Englishman!" skill
Fixed bug where assists could not be used in the next round if Stroheim was KOed while being sent flying by this skill's explosion.
- "Reversal Assist"
Added application of hit stop on hit to bring it inline with other characters.
- White Damage
Fixed an issue where damage scaling did not apply to white damage.
- UV Laser Mode
Changed so UV attacks will no longer activate counters.
- Standing Heavy Attack [UV Laser Mode]
Increased launch force.
- This change also applies to the Assault Assist as this is the attack used for it.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [UV Laser Mode]
Increased recovery time.
Increased pushback on hit.
- "For the homeland! For eternal glory!" special
Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs to fix an issue where this command normal would clash with skills.
Fixed an issue where the move would do chip damage when guarded.
- "I'll pluck you one square centimeter at a time!" follow-up skill
Increased size of hitbox inward to fix an issue where the skill would sometimes not connect.
- "Grenade Launcher" skill
Increased self-inflicted damage.
Increased amount damage dealt to the guard gauge.
- Reversal Assist
Decreased stocks from two to one.
- "Leave the rest to me, Rudol von Stroheim!" skill
Fixed a bug where the hurtbox could desync when this skill was Flash Canceled at certain points.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Tweet from the official English ASBR Twitter account
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Launch Date RevealJoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R [@jojo_games] (2023, Jan 30), "Rudol von Stroheim Reveal Trailer", on Twitter.
- ↑ Stroheim ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 85: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 50: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 3
- ↑ Commemorative badges giveaway Tweet
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 "2nd Paid DLC Rudol von Stroheim Commemorative Campaign!"