All-Star Battle R ★ Ikuro Hashizawa

Ikuro Hashizawa (橋沢 育朗, Hashizawa Ikurō) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's Part 4, 6, & 8 Reveal Trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Koki Uchiyama reprises his role as Ikuro from the original All-Star Battle. With Ikuro being unable to speak in his Baoh form, most of his dialogue consists of narration by Toru Okawa, also returning from the original All-Star Battle. As with a majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Ikuro were either added or re-recorded.
Ikuro has 850 health and uses the Baoh Armed Phenomenon (バオー
True to his role, however, Ikuro is fragile and his defense is poor. His Saber Phenomenon, his main combo starters, can easily be punished if he whiffs or gets blocked. Baoh also doesn't have any way to escape pressure other than using his Saber Off reversal, which leaves him extremely vulnerable if it is blocked or whiffed. He can also evade attacks using the Stylish Guard, but using this mechanic is also extremely risky. His "This is Baoh!" Style may activate fast and give him invulnerability to force his way through enemy attacks, but in the face of an aggressive opponent, Baoh won't get the chance to activate it without getting hit in response.
As a whole, Ikuro is a fickle and difficult combatant to wield. He rapidly overwhelms and defeats anyone who is unfamiliar with his powers, but may easily become the one being overwhelmed in turn. Nonetheless, with good execution and strong momentum in his favor, Ikuro can very quickly capture victory before his opponent has a chance to regain control over the battle and retaliate.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
This section requires expansion.
General Changes
- Baoh's increased block stun on hit has been removed. Infamously, blocking attacks as Baoh in the original game was extremely punishing, as the opponent could keep attacking him while he was stunned, trapping Baoh until his guard gauge ran out.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: JoJolion Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) vs. Ikuro Boss Battle Win with a Dramatic Finish
Inside Illustration of Baoh Volume 2
Ikuro's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Ikuro's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Barubarubarubarubaru! (バルバルバルバルバルバル!)”
- “Baoh's senses have detected a new scent... One he couldn't detest more! (「バオー」の触覚に
にお ってきた! 彼の嫌いな『におい 』がッ!)” - “"I will shut you down... forever!" (『
こいつらのすべてを止めてやる ッ!』)” - “Baoh is beginning to get irritated at the sound of his opponent's voice! (「バオー」は相手の発する声にも嫌悪を感じたッ!)”
- “"No! This is not the scent I seek!" (『ちがうッ! この「におい」ではないッ!』)”
- “Rrrrrrrnnngh... (ウォォォォォォーム)”
- “Ikuro's latent consciousness and Baoh's parasite mind are united in their wills! (育朗の潜在の意識と「寄生虫バオー」の命令が一致したッ!)”
- “There is no sense of sight, or hearing, or smell. There is only Baoh! (視覚も聴覚も嗅覚も「バオー」には関係ない!)”
- “Baoh's senses have discovered a new scent! (彼の触覚は今、新たな「
におい 」を感じとったのだッ!)” - “"This isn't right!" Thought Baoh. "His scent should be gone by now!" (「バオー」は思った。『おかしい!』 『こいつの「
におい 」がまだ消えないッ!』)” - “Still! Still, your wicked scent pervades this place! (邪悪な「
におい 」がまだ消えないッ!)”

- “This is... Baoh! (これがッ! これがッ! これが『バオー』だッ!)”
- “The war has only begun... Now, I'm gunning for you! (『宣戦布告だ! 行くぞ! おまえたちの所にッ!』)”
- “I thought I housed a monster within me... but now, I know how to harness it! (ぼくの体に宿る得体の知れない「力」。化け物の「力」。 邪悪な「力」。今まではそうだった…… しかし、この「力」を
逆手 にとろうッ!)” - “"I think I can do this... I have to survive!" (『
やれるかもしれない ッ!やらなければならない ッ!』)” - “"Come on out, you monster! Show yourself! Or are you nothing but a murderer?!" (『化物の「力」よ、出現してみろッ! 出てみろッ!』 『おまえは人を殺すだけかッ! 現れろッ! 出てこいッ!』 『出てみろッ!』『 怪物めッ!』)”
- “If... if I can find a way to control this power of mine... (ああ…! この「力」を 自分の意志でコントロールできるなら…………………!)”
- “I can't afford to die! I have to survive this! (『死ぬわけにはいかない! 生き残らねばならない!』)”
- “There's some kind of weird power within my body... and now I have to fight with it. (ぼくの体にはなにか得体の知れない 大きな力が宿っているらしい… ならば、この力で…闘おう……)”
- “"Hey! Whoever you are inside my body! I'm in danger here! Aren't you gonna rescue me?!" (『さあ! ぼくの中の「力」よ! 危険がせまっているぞッ! 助けようとしないのかッ!』)”
- “I have grasped the power within myself... Could this be my unknown strength? (ぼく自身の意識の中で能力を発揮したぞ…… こ…これがぼくの得体の知れない「力」なのか……)”
- “I want to disappear! I don't want to see anyone, and I don't want to be seen! (姿を消そう! 誰にも会わず、誰にも見られず……………)”
- “Get the hell out of my way! (ぼくの邪魔をするなーーっ!!)”
- “"I'm not giving up hope! I am the strongest life form to ever exist!" (『望みは捨てない! 自分は最強の生命力を持った生物なのだ!』)”

- “Barubarubarubarubaru! (バルバルバルバルバルバル!)”
- “Rrrrrrrnnngh... (ウォォォォォォーム)”
- “Barubaru... (バルルバルル)”
- “Baohhhh! (バオオオオオォー!!)”
- “The slightest contact will seal your doom! This is Baoh! (そいつに触れることは死を意味する! これが! バオーだッ!!)”
- “If Baoh could cry, he'd definitely be crying right now! (「バオー」が泣けるとしたなら、彼は今まちがいなく泣いていた!)”
- “Baoh Armed Phenomenon! (『バオー
武 装 現 象 』!)” - “Your scent betrays you, you fiend! The scent of pure evil! (敵のにおいだッ! 悪いのはこの「生き物」だッ!)”
- “Baoh Melting Acid Phenomenon (『バオー・メルテッディン・パルム・フェノメノン』)”
- “There is no sense of sight, or hearing, or smell. There is only Baoh! (視覚も聴覚も嗅覚も「バオー」には関係ない!)”
- “Baoh Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon! (バオー・ブレイク・ダーク・サンダー・フェノメノン!)”
- “Ikuro's latent consciousness and Baoh's parasite mind are united in their wills! (育朗の潜在の意識と「寄生虫バオー」の命令が一致したッ!)”
- “Baoh Hardened Saber (バオー・リスキニハーデン・セイバー・フェノメノン)”
- “Still! Still, your wicked scent pervades this place! (邪悪な「
におい 」がまだ消えないッ!)” - “I can't afford to die! I have to survive this! (『死ぬわけにはいかない! 生き残らねばならない!』)”

- “I have to unleash the phenomenon in me! (「バオー」の
武 装 現 象 はまだとけないッ!)”—Round Win 1 - “Rrrrrrrngh... (ウオオオム)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Ikuro's expression mirrors his when driving a motorcycle in the rain after escaping Dress Organization.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Ikuro poses as he does when approaching Sumire's containment room after his first battle with Walken.[4]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Ikuro has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing himself in a mirror match.

- “This is Baoh! Even the slightest contact will seal your doom! (
そいつに触れることは死を意味する ! これが! バオーだッ!!)”—Default dialogue - “Dress! They've sent someone to kill me! (「ドレス」がぼくを殺しに追ってきた!)”—Ikuro Hashizawa (Player 1)“You... You're a Dress assassin! (「ド……ドレス」の殺し屋だッ!)”—Ikuro Hashizawa (Player 2)

- “I can use this power to fight... to take on Dress. (この力で…闘おう……「ドレス」と……………)”—Ikuro Hashizawa (Player 1)“Baaaaoooohhhhh! (バァァァオオォォォォォォーッ!!)”—Ikuro Hashizawa (Player 2)

- “Barubarubarubarubaru! Baoh shuddered in horror... (バルバルバルバルバルバル! バオーは戦慄した…)”—Ikuro Hashizawa, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “Baoh has detected the scent of his foe's hairstyle... And he doesn't like it one bit! (バオーは相手の髪の毛の発する
におい を触覚で感じ… そのにおい が大嫌いだった)”—All-Star Battle R, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Ikuro as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Ikuro's theme is Baoh, The Final Weapon (最終兵器バオー, Saishū Heiki Baō), and can be unlocked in-game by triggering a Stage Gimmick in All-Star Battle Mode's Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) vs. Ikuro Boss Battle.
Its name is taken from the title of Chapter 1 of Baoh the Visitor, Baoh, the Ultimate Weapon.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode: JoJolion Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) vs. Ikuro Extra Battle Land a counterattack
Cover of Baoh Volume 2 and the Cover of the OVA.

Baoh the Visitor Chapter 1: Baoh, the Ultimate Weapon and Baoh the Visitor Chapter 3: Baoh, the Invincible Body
Update History

- Crouching Medium Attack
Increased size of hitbox.
- Throw Escape
Adjusted to standardize character advantages and disadvantages when being throw escaped.
- Easy Beat Combo
Changed the skill that is used in the Easy Beat Combo from the
variant of "Baoh Hardened Saber" to the
- Jumping Heavy Attack
Sped up startup.
Increased attack duration.
- "This is Baoh!" style
Increased action speed.
- "Astonishing Leap" special
Revised animation.
Adjusted forward and backward jump distance.
- "Baoh Hardened Saber" skill
Increased forward motion of
Changed so that the final hit of the
variant will not occur if the move is blocked.
Increased the forward move distance of the final hit of the
- Easy Beat Combo
Changed the skill that is used in the Easy Beat Combo from
variant of "Baoh Hardened Saber" to the
- This fixes an unintentional change made in 1.4.0.
- "Get the hell out of my way!" throw
Adjusted the hitbox of forward throw to align with the hitbox of back throw.
- "This is Baoh!" style
Shortened the Super Armor period for skills so that it disappears on the first active frame of the skill.
- "Baoh Melting Acid" skill
Increased landing recovery time when guarded.
- "Baoh Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon" skill
Enlarged hitbox so it can hit opponents who dodge at point blank range.
- "Baoh Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon" skill
Made it so the character faces toward the opponent.
Added a pull effect to the initial hit's hitbox.
- Assault Assist
Baoh is now affected by "This is Baoh!" while attacking, causing him to have Super Armor.
- ↑ These include Baoh Parasite, Gomamitsu Dango, Soft & Wet, Dress, Ikuro Hashizawa, Joshu Higashikata, Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion), and Yasuho Hirose.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Bandai Namco Entertainment America [@BandaiNamcoAmerica] (2022, July 1), "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Part 4, 6, & 8 Reveal Trailer", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Ikuro ASBR page
- ↑ Baoh the Visitor Chapter 2: The Extermination Order!
- ↑ Baoh the Visitor Chapter 9: Demon Walken
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