Rohan Kishibe (岸辺 露伴, Kishibe Rohan) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Takahiro Sakurai reprises his role from the Diamond is Unbreakable anime, replacing Hiroshi Kamiya. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Rohan were either added or re-recorded.
Rohan has 1000 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Heaven's Door, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

Unlocked by default
Rohan's attire in Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming! (Story Arc) and cover of Volume 40

All-Star Battle Mode: Vento Aureo Diavolo vs. Rohan Extra Battle Win with a Great Heat Attack
Rohan's attire in Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 16: At a Confessional

All-Star Battle Mode: Diamond is Unbreakable Rohan vs. Narciso Anasui Extra Battle Win with a Great Heat Attack
Rohan's attire in Cheap Trick (Story Arc) and cover of Volume 44

Season Pass exclusive
Rohan's attire in Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House (Story Arc)

Buy from Medal List 2800 G
Spine of Volume 35 & Volume 36 and Adventure Battle Card J-219

Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Panel from Chapter 320: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 3

Unlocked by default
Panel from Chapter 321: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 4 flipped

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Panel from Chapter 324: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 7 flipped

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Panel from Chapter 320: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 3

Unlocked by default
Cover of Chapter 371: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 1

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover A of Chapter 321: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 4

Rohan's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Rohan's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Did you think the great Rohan Kishibe drew manga just for money or praise?! (この岸辺露伴が金やちやほやされるために マンガを
描 いてると思っていたのかァーーーーーッ!!)” - “How pedestrian! It's like something from the stone age! (今どきいるのか! こんなやつって感じだよ………)”
- “I mean, it'd be fun if I could take 30,000 yen from you. (君から「3万円」を取り上げるのが 『おもしろそうだ』って意味だぜ)”
- “Ah! What a perfect pained expression! (いいぞ! その苦しそうな表情…)”
- “Stop with all the lies! (ウソッぽい事はやめてくれ)”
- “I want to draw so much! I must keep drawing! (
描 きたくて描 きたくてしょうがない!! どんどん描 きたい!!)” - “Shut up! Just try me! (うるせーなあ~~~~~~。やってみろ!)”
- “Let's see how this tastes. (味もみておこう)”
- “Let me make a sketch. (スケッチしとこう)”
- “I'll turn you into a book! A book depicting your life itself! (君たちを「本」に変える! 君たち自身の人生が
描 かれた「本」にね)” - “This experience... it's amazing! (なんてことだ……最高だッ!)”
- “No way readers would like this guy if I put him in my manga. (こんなヤツをマンガに
描 いても読者に好かれるハズがない)” - “I'm afraid I can't use you. (おまえは使えんな…)”
- “Ha ha ha ha ha! (フハハハハハハハハーーッ)”
- “I can't wait to taste your reality! (早く次の「
体験 」がほしいんだッ!)” - “You'd make excellent material for me! (君も「資料」にしとかなくてはな!)”
- “If I were the hero of a manga story, what would I do here? (もしぼくがマンガの主人公ならこの場合どうするか?…)”
- “Ka ha ha ha! (カッハッハッハーーーーッ)”
- “Don't screw with me! (ふざけてんじゃあないぞッ!)”
- “I won't let a cretin like you underestimate the great Rohan! (きさま程度のスカタンに この露伴がなめられてたまるかァーーーッ!!!)”

- “Reality is the energy that drives a story. It is the purest form of entertainment! (『リアリティ』こそが作品に
生命 を吹き込むエネルギーであり、 『リアリティ』こそがエンターテイメントなのさ)” - “You know what the hardest thing is? Well listen up: it's surpassing oneself! (もっとも『むずかしい事』は! いいかい! もっとも『むずかしい事』は! 『自分を乗り越える事』さ!)”
- “Like hell I will! I love saying no to people who think they're so tough! (だが断る。この岸辺露伴が最も好きな事のひとつは、 自分で強いと思ってるやつに「NO」と断ってやる事だ…)”
- “My ability, Heaven's Door, can open the door to your heart. (わたしの能力… 『
天国への扉 』によって心の扉は開かれる)” - “Reading your memories gives me new, fresh ideas to put into my work! How exhilarating! (君の人生や体験をわたしが読むことによって、 わたしの作品のため「リアル」なアイデアを提供してくれる ということになるんだよ…)”
- “People think manga is all made up. But no! It's only good if it's based on real experience! (『マンガ』とは想像や空想で
描 かれていると思われがちだが 実は違う! 自分の見た事や体験した事、感動した事を描 いてこそ おもしろくなるんだ!)” - “Rohan Kishibe isn't gonna listen to some amateur! (ど素人がこの『岸辺露伴』に意見するのかねッ!)”
- “How does a spider feel before it dies? I need to know, so I can keep creating realities! (腹をさかれたクモは死ぬ前にどんな風に苦しみもがくのかとか…… 『リアリティ』のために知っていなくてはならないのだよ)”
- “Don't worry. It won't kill you. (
生命 に別状はないから心配しなくていいよ)” - “It's so fun looking into other people's lives, no matter how average they seem. (たとえ平凡でも人の人生を見るのはおもしろい…………)”
- “I've got the best material a manga artist could ever dream of! (ぼくはマンガ家として最高のネタをつかんだぞッ!)”
- “I draw manga because I want people to read them! The hell with everything else! (ぼくは『読んでもらうため』にマンガを
描 いている! 『読んでもらうため』ただそれだけのためだ。 単純なただひとつの理由だが、それ以外はどうでもいいのだ!)” - “You'd never know what it feels like to get a world-class idea for a story! (「傑作」が
描 けるという最高の「題材 」をつかんだ時の 気分は君らにはわからんだろうッ!)” - “I'm drawing a masterpiece right now! (ぼくは今『傑作』を
描 いているッ!)” - “Show me the next page! With each one I tear off, you lose a little more weight... but you don't mind, do you? After all, you'll get to live forever as one of my masterpieces! (次のページをみせてくれッ! ページをとればとるほど君の体重は 減っていくけどかまいやしないだろう? 君は『傑作』となって いつまでも生きつづけられるんだからねェーーーーーーーッ)”
- “I'm on the rise! As a manga artist, and as a Stand user! (ぼくは成長しているッ! 『マンガ家』としても! 『スタンド使い』としてもッ!)”
- “I just experienced something amazing. I'm so happy. (実にスゴイ体験させてもらったよ。うれしいなあ~~)”
- “What a rare experience this is! I must integrate it with my work somehow! (こんな体験…めったにできるもんじゃあないよ。 これを作品に生かせば………グフフフ…と…得したなあ………)”
- “Winning gives you the right to look down on someone like this. Deal with it. (『勝つ時』っていうのは… こんな風に相手を見下しながら『勝つ』もんだ)”
- “Nice! I like this! Everyone loves an action-packed story. (いいねぇ~~っ! 気に入ったぞ。 ぼくはそういう『まるで劇画』っていうような根性を持ってる ヤツにグッとくるんだ)”
- “Fast fact: If yakuza catch you cheating on dice, they gouge your eyes with two of them. (関西のヤクザの間では、もしこの『チンチロリン』で イカサマをした者を見つけたら、そいつの『目玉の中』に サイコロ2個を埋めこんで、川に流したという………)”
- “Where's the third one? Well, they stab you 21 times before disposing of your body. (残りの『1個』はどうしたか? そう! そいつを死体にする前に 全身に「21」の風穴をあけたのさ………)”
- “Add up the 6 sides of a die, and you get 21. That's where the last die went. (サイコロは1から6までたすと合計21だからね… 残りの1個ってわけさ)”

- “Let's see how this tastes. (味もみておこう)”
- “What a great story! What an amazing experience! I'm so very pleased! (いい話だなあ~~~~。それに…実にスゴイ体験させてもらったよ。うれしいなあ~~)”
- “Like hell I will! (だが断る)”
- “Winning means being able to look down at your opponent like this! (『勝つ時』っていうのは…こんな風に相手を見下しながら『勝つ』もんだ)”
- “Rohan Kishibe isn't gonna listen to some amateur! (ど素人がこの『岸辺露伴』に意見するのかねッ!)”
- “Heaven's Door can open the door of your heart. (『
天国への扉 』によって心の扉は開かれる)” - “How pedestrian! You call this cutting-edge material?! (ダサイねェ!! 今どきいるのか! こんなやつって感じだよ…)”
- “I draw manga because I want people to read them! (ぼくは『読んでもらうため』にマンガを
描 いている!)” - “I bet all my readers are going to love your shining personality! (君の性格………
読者からもきっと好かれると思うよ )” - “I won't let a cretin like you underestimate the great Rohan! (きさま程度のスカタンにこの露伴がなめられてたまるかァーッ!!!)”

- “I've got the best material a manga artist could ever dream of! (ぼくはマンガ家として最高のネタをつかんだぞッ!)”—Round Win 1
- “I'm on the rise! As a manga artist, and as a Stand user! (ぼくは成長しているッ! 『マンガ家』としても! 『スタンド使い』としてもッ!)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Rohan's pained expression references his when he is decisively punched by Crazy Diamond.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Rohan grimaces as he puts a fist to his own cheek, as he does when Boy II Man forces him to punch himself after it steals Heaven's Door's right arm.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Koichi Hirose or Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) ("Mr. Jotaro!"), Rohan calls out his ally's name. If summoned by Josuke Higashikata, Rohan declares, "I don't have time for this." (ぼくは暇じゃあない).
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Rohan has unique dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Do you know what makes for an interesting manga? (『おもしろいマンガ』というものは どうすれば
描 けるか知ってるかね?)”—Default dialogue - “Here I am. What's going on? Is this some sort of Stand trickery?! (ぼくがいるぞ。何が起きてるんだ? まさかスタンド攻撃か?)”—Rohan Kishibe (Player 1)“Another one of me? If this were a manga, what a trite story it would make for! (もう一人の「ぼく」だと…? 漫画なら手垢のつきまくった くだらないストーリーというところだが…)”—Rohan Kishibe (Player 2)
- “Don't turn your face... At least say hello to me. I'm older than you, Josuke Higashikata. (なに顔そらしてんだよ……あいさつぐらいしろよな。 少なくともぼくは君より年上なんだぜ、東方仗助)”—Rohan Kishibe“Whoa, what the hell?! Rohan Kishibe?! Talk about rotten luck! (うわ~なんてこったよォ~~~ッ。『岸辺露伴』かよ~っ。 やなとこで会ったな~)”
- “Help me practice Heaven's Door a little! Sound good to you? (ヘブンズ・ドアーの訓練に付き合ってくれよなッ! 決めたね?)”—Rohan Kishibe
- “You know, Rohan, I always think that you look like someone I know. But who? (いつも思うんだけどよぉー。 露伴先生って、誰かに似てんだよなぁー。誰だっけかなぁー)”“Do I really have to deal with your crap? Did I lose some kind of bet? (君のくだらない雑談につきあわなくちゃあならんのか? なにかの罰ゲームか?)”—Rohan Kishibe
- “I've always wanted to give you a read, Jotaro. (承太郎さん、前々からあなたのことは「読んで」みたいと 思ってたんだ)”—Rohan Kishibe“Rohan Kishibe... If you want to read me, you're gonna have to work for it. (岸辺露伴…簡単に読ませてやるつもりはないぜ…)”
- “Oh, you're Yukako Yamagishi! How have you been? How's Love Deluxe? (おやっ! 君は山岸由花子くん……元気? 『ラブ・デラックス』調子いい?)”—Rohan Kishibe“You're awful... Just when I finally got Koichi all to myself! (最低よ…せっかく康一くんと2人っきりで過ごしていたのに…!)”
- “*sniff sniff sniff* I can smell your awful mood from here. (クン、クンクン…… スゲー不機嫌な「臭い」がプンプンするぜェ~~~ッ)”“No way readers would like this guy if I put him in my manga. (こんなヤツをマンガに
描 いても読者に好かれるハズがない)”—Rohan Kishibe - “Dear me, a lad with poor taste has arrived at my doorstep! (む! 趣味の悪そーな奴が来たぞ…)”—Rohan Kishibe“Can I get your autograph? Write it out to "My main man, Otoishi!" (サインしてもらっていいスかあ? 音石くんって書いてください)”
- “You murderer! I'm taking your reality! (殺人鬼め。お前の「リアリティ」を奪ってやる!)”—Rohan Kishibe
- “Bingo! Finally found you! Kosaku Kawajiri is really Yoshikage Kira! (大当たりだッ! ついに見つけたぞ! 『吉良吉影』は川尻浩作だッ!)”—Rohan Kishibe“I'll detonate anyone who dares follow my trail... (この『吉良吉影』を探り回ってる者………………… 必ず爆死させる)”
- “Do you know what makes for an interesting manga? (『おもしろいマンガ』というものは どうすれば
描 けるか知ってるかね?)”—Rohan Kishibe“If I replayed you, I bet one hell of a comic would come out of it. (お前を再生 すれば『おもしろいマンガ』は描けそうだな)”

- “Well, that was an unusual experience. I must make a note on it. (珍しい経験だったな。メモに残しておこう)”—Rohan Kishibe (Player 1)“That was a pretty lame story, but I better write it down just in case. (くだらないネタだが、今の出来事、一応メモしておこう)”—Rohan Kishibe (Player 2)
- “To be perfectly frank, I never liked you from the start. (はっきり言おう…ぼくは以前から君の事が嫌いだ)”—Rohan Kishibe“Come on, knock it off! You hate me, don't you? Can't we just call a truce? (頼むよォ~。いいかげんにしてくれよ~~。 あんたオレの事、嫌いなんだろ? ほっといてくんねーかなあ~お互いよォ~~~)”
- “Guess my training's helped you improve a bit. (君に鍛えられてちょっとは成長したってことかな)”—Rohan Kishibe
- “I just remembered an errand. I'm leaving. (用事を思い出した。帰る)”—Rohan Kishibe“Now I know where I've seen ya! You look just like that chick from the Mona Lisa painting. (わかった! 「モナリザ」だよ! 先生… あのダ・ヴィンチのモナリザに顔が似てるよ。 なぁ、先生)”
- “Now, time for me to read about everything that's happened to you! (さて…読ませてもらいますよ、あなたのこれまでの「体験」をッ)”—Rohan Kishibe
- “Looks like I'm in superb form today. (…どうやら絶好調みたいだな)”—Rohan Kishibe
- “Want my autograph? I already got one for you. Special thanks! (サインならもうすでに
描 いたよ。SPECIAL THANX !)”—Rohan Kishibe - “You're not fit to be in my manga! (お前は異常過ぎて漫画のネタにはできないな…)”—Rohan Kishibe“I guess this means that I'm not going to be able to read your latest work... (これで君の新作は二度と読めなくなったってわけだな…)”
- “So this is how it ends for the murderer, then. (これが殺人鬼の最期か…)”—Rohan Kishibe“Hmph. Thinking that you can't draw manga anymore right now, aren't you? (フフフ…『もう「漫画」が描けないな…』なんて事を 考えているのかな…?)”

- “Did you think the great Rohan Kishibe drew manga just for money or praise?! (この岸辺露伴が金やちやほやされるために マンガを
描 いてると思っていたのかァーーーーーッ!!)”—Rohan Kishibe, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Rohan as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Diamond is Unbreakable
Golden Wind
Rohan's theme is Pink Dark Boy (ピンクダークの少年, Pinku Dāku no Shōnen), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "This is the end!" skill as Diavolo in All-Star Battle Mode's Diavolo vs. Rohan Extra Battle.
Its name is taken from the name of Rohan's manga, Pink Dark Boy.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 323: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 6, page 15
(extended the left side of the head)

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Jump SQ 2008 Issue #1 - Title Page of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 2: Mutsu-kabe Hill

Update History

- "Your power will be destroyed." skill (
Decreased damage except for when used against shorter opponents.
- "What would I do if I were a manga hero?" skill
Changed the input command from
- "Safety Lock!" Status Effect
Fixed the issue where the sealed status effect would be removed if the opponent became afflicted with a damage over time (DOT) status effect (e.g. poisoned, burned).
Fixed the issue where the sealed status effect would be removed if the opponent damaged themselves.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased launching force when hitting airborne opponents.
Increased recovery time.
Increased damage.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Decreased recovery time.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Stand On]
This normal now launches opponents.
- "Your power will be destroyed." skill
Increased damage.
Fixed an issue where the
versions had throw damage scaling applied to them, causing them to deal less damage to regular sized characters.[a]
- "Your body will fly backwards at 70km/h!" skill
Added ability to Flash Cancel.
Increased damage.
- "I think I'll put you out of commission." skill
Increased the amount of the opponent's Heart Heat Gauge that is drained when this move connects.
- "Safety Lock" Normal Attacks
Fixed so "Safety Lock" attacks no longer activate the following counters:
- Old Joseph Joestar's "Cunning Tactician"
- DIO's "I'll give you one chance."
- Diavolo's "Time has been erased..."
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Fixed a bug where the attack could not be canceled if it hurt at a certain timing.
- "Your power will be destroyed." skill
This skill now decreases the opponent's HH gauge by one stock when it connects.
- "Heaven's Door" GHA
This GHA will now reduces the opponent's HH gauge by two stocks when it connects.
- Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.
- ↑ This reverts a change made in Patch 1.3.0, though that change was not listed in the official patch notes, suggesting the initial change was unintentional.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Rohan ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 324: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 7
- ↑ Chapter 373: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 3
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