All-Star Battle R ★ Jonathan Joestar

Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター, Jonasan Jōsutā) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] He was one of the four characters playable in the game's first Early Access Demo[3] alongside Jotaro Kujo, DIO, and Jolyne Cujoh. He was also 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[4]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.
As Kazuyuki Okitsu had already voiced Jonathan in the Phantom Blood anime, as well as All-Star Battle, he reprises his role as Jonathan's voice actor in this game too. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Jonathan were either added or re-recorded.
Jonathan has 1000 health and uses the Ripple (波紋, Hamon) Battle Style, which allows him to use the "Ripple Breathing" special to charge his Heart Heat Gauge. He can also draw from his Heart Heat Gauge in order to perform Ripple-enhanced versions of his various skills, increasing their power and utility.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
General Changes
- Jonathan's run speed is much faster than it was in All-Star Battle.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Jonathan vs. Dio Brando Boss Battle Win with a Heart Heat Attack
Cover of Volume 4

All-Star Battle Mode: JoJolion Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) vs. Jonathan Extra Battle Land a Heart Heat Attack
Cover of Volume 3

Buy from Medal List 2800 G
Adventure Battle Card J-534, carried on from All-Star Battle

Taunts & Victory Poses
Jonathan's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Jonathan's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G, excluding "I won't cry over burying you!", which is unlocked by default.

- “How dare you! I'll never allow it! (なっ! 何をするだァーーーーーッ、ゆるさんッ!)”
- “Your soul doesn't burn with the same fire as mine!君らとは闘う動機の「格」が違うんだ!”
- “I'm ready for battle! (戦いの覚悟はできている!)”
- “Give me a break. I don't have time for your bad jokes! (やれやれだ。悪趣味につき合っている時間はない………)”
- “I'll send your evil soul screaming back to Hell! (おまえの骨ひとつとてこの世に残さん! 邪悪な魂を絶ってやる!!)”
- “I shall smite you! (
きさまを殺すのだッ !)” - “I must remain resolute! (強い意志を持ってやらねばならない!)”
- “I'm gonna beat you until you cry! (君がッ、泣くまで、殴るのをやめないッ!)”
- “Come at me! I'll send my Ripple coursing through you!こいッ! たっぷり「波紋」を流し込んでやるッ!!”
- “Zeppeli's first rule: "Think like the enemy!"ツェペリさんの言っていた 戦いの思考その①「敵の立場で考えよ!」”
- “The second: "Own your fear, and your breathing will calm!"思考その② 「恐怖を我が物としろ! その時、呼吸はみだれない!」”
- “You'll pay for this! And I'm not talking about all the horrible things you've done to me ever since you came to live with me! I don't care about myself! (決してゆるさないッ! この家に来てからの君のぼくに対するいやがらせではない! ぼくの事などどうでもいいッ!)”
- “This is my responsibility... I must fight! (ぼくの責任だ…戦わねばならない!)”
- “Don't think you've won! You've made a fatal error! (勝ったと思うな! おまえは今! ミスを犯しているんだッ!)”
- “You'll pay for this! (決してゆるさないッ!)”
- “Evil blood flows in you! (悪意の血液の流れを感じる!!)”
- “Your words are as empty as your soul! (心の奥底まで魂を売り渡したな!)”
- “Now we'll see who emerges victorious! (最後の最後に敗北するのはどちらかーっ。今わかるぞ!!)”
- “You're not worthy of even uttering my noble name! (誇りある我が名を教える必要なし!)”
- “You... You aren't even human any longer, are you?君も…もう人間ではないのか?”
- “C'mon! I'll take you out! (こい! やっつけてやるッ!)”
- “I'm back from hell and ready to fight!地獄からもどって来たぞ”
- “I'll fight you no matter what you do! (君がどう出ようとぼくは戦うぞ!)”
- “For your father's sake, don't make me hurt you!君の父親が悲しむことはしたくないッ!”

- “I have a reason to fight! (ぼくには戦う理由があるッ)”
- “Father... Your strength... Give it to me now!とうさん……… もっと強い気持ちを……与えてください……!!”
- “I'll put an end to your evil ambitions!君の野望、僕が打ち砕く!!”
- “I'll cut you in two with Bruford's Ripple-infused sword of Luck and Pluck! (波紋を込めて! この勇者ブラフォードの
幸運 と勇気 の剣で斬る!!)” - “Into the dustbin of history with you! (歴史の闇に永遠に沈め!)”
- “I will protect my father and the Joestar family! (ぼくは父を守るッ! ジョースター家を守るッ!)”
- “You must be annihilated! (散滅すべし)”
- “No... not Erina...! (エリナ……だけは!……)”
- “Yesss! (うっしゃああああッ)”
- “I feel a strange sort of kinship with you... (奇妙な友情すら感じるよ…)”
- “Farewell... Erina... (
幸 …………わ、せ…に………エリナ)” - “That's fine. All that matters is VICTORY! (これでいいのだ。
やっつけなくてはいけないんだ !)” - “S-Something inside me... Something vital... has snapped! (き…切れた。ぼくの体の中でなにかが切れた… 決定的ななにかが……)”
- “I want to become a true gentleman! There are times when a gentleman must fight on, even when he knows that all is lost! (ぼくは本当の紳士をめざしているからだ! 相手が大きいヤツだからって、負けるとわかってるからって、 紳士は勇気を持って戦わなくてはならない時があるからだぞッ!!)”
- “Don't get Erina involved in this! Anyone but her! (エリナをまき込んではいけない! 彼女だけは決して!!)”
- “I left Erina without a good-bye. I won't say why... but I will return! (エリナになんのあいさつもなしに出てきてしまったな… もっとも理由は話せないけど…でも必ず帰る!!)”
- “The Ripple... I feel it flowing from the wine and through my body! I can feel the pulse of life! This wine is a Ripple detector! (ワインの波紋を感じるッ! グラスを伝わり…腕を伝わり! 体を伝わり! 地面を伝わり! ヤツの
生命 の振動を感じる! このワインは波紋探知機だッ!)” - “What bitter irony! Fate truly is bizarre! (なんという皮肉! なんという奇妙な運命!)”
- “I'll fight until my own life's flame is snuffed out! (この
生命 も燃やし尽くそう!)” - “You won't get away next time! Your fate is sealed! (今度は離さんッ! 君の命運今尽きたッ!)”
- “Father! Grant me your final power! (とうさァアアアアアん、最後の力をォオオオオッ!!)”
- “That power... I won't allow you to unleash it upon the world! (君を! 君のその力を! 世の中に放つわけにはいかない!!)”

- “How dare you! I'll never allow it! (なっ! 何をするだァーーーーーッ、ゆるさんッ!)”
- “I feel a strange sort of kinship with you... (奇妙な友情すら感じるよ…)”
- “Erina... Please, be happy... (―――
幸 …………わ、せ…に………エリナ)” - “I'm gonna beat you until you cry! (君がッ、泣くまで、殴るのをやめないッ!)”
- “My heart resonates! The heat's enough to burn! The beat of my blood is razor-sharp! (ふるえるぞハート! 燃えつきるほどヒート! 刻むぞ血液のビート!)”
- “I'll cleanse the world of your filth! (
浄 めてやるッ。その穢 れたる野望!)” - “I will protect my father and the Joestar family! (ぼくは父を守るッ! ジョースター家を守るッ!)”
- “I won't cry over burying you! (おまえを葬るのに罪悪感なし!)”
- “I'll bear any pain! I'll endure any trial! (どんな苦しみにも耐えます。どんな試練も克服します)”
- “You must be annihilated, Dio! (散滅すべし、ディオ!)”
- “I guess that we were one and the same. (ぼくらはやはりふたりでひとりだったのかもしれないな)”

- “Hah! (はっ!)”—Round Win 1
- “I can feel the pulse of life! (
生命 の振動を感じる!)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When defeated by Dio Brando's Heart Heat Attack, Jonathan attempts to block the laser attack with his hands, as he does in the original story.[5]
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Gold Experience mimics Jonathan's boxing match with Dio by sticking its thumb into Jonathan's eye.[6]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Jonathan wipes his nose with a tissue, referencing his fight with Erina Joestar's bullies.[7]
- When summoned as an Assist by Will Anthonio Zeppeli ("Mr. Zeppeli!") or Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Jonathan calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Jonathan has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Koooohhh! (コオオオ)”—Default dialogue
- “What? Another me? (なんだ? ぼくがもう一人?)”—Jonathan Joestar (Player 1)“This--this can only make me stronger! (こ…これも訓練だ…!)”—Jonathan Joestar (Player 2)
- “Teach me the path of Ripple! I'll bear any pain! I'll endure any trial! (教えてください、波紋の使い方を!! どんな苦しみにも耐えます。どんな試練も克服します)”—Jonathan Joestar“I'll show you the energy that comes from proper breathing! (「呼吸」が起こすエネルギーを見せてあげよう)”
- “I have a goal that's worth losing a measly four fingers over! (ぼくには、指4本など失ってもいい理由がある!)”—Jonathan Joestar
- “Dio! (ディオ!)”—Jonathan Joestar
- “Dio... alive?! It can't be! (ま…まさかッ! そ…そんなバカな! ディオがッ! 生き…)”—Jonathan Joestar

- “Why did this happen? What's the meaning of this?! (どうして? どうなってるのだ!?)”—Jonathan Joestar (Player 1)“I need to learn more about this Ripple energy! (もっと波紋エネルギーを学ばなくては…!)”—Jonathan Joestar (Player 2)
- “I've almost got it... I'm so close to understanding Ripple! (波紋のコツが…わかりかけてきた…)”—Jonathan Joestar“JoJo! Keep the rhythm of your breathing, just as I taught you! (ジョジョォ! 教えた呼吸法のリズムをくるわすなよォ!)”
- “I fight to protect my father, and to protect the Joestar family! Your soul doesn't burn with the same fire as mine! (それは父を守るため! ジョースター家を守るため! 君らとは闘う動機の「格」が違うんだ!)”—Jonathan Joestar“I don't believe it! He wasn't bluffing! He's prepared not just to lose his fingers, but both legs as well! He has the mental fortitude to withstand any manner of fear or pain! (な…なんてやつだ! ハ…ハッタリじゃあねえッ! こいつには指どころか両足だって失ってもいい覚悟があるッ! そして恐怖や痛みに耐える精神力がある!)”
- “You must be annihilated, Dio! (散滅すべし、ディオ!)”—Jonathan Joestar
- “Dio... This will be the end for good... (ディオ…これで本当に最期だ…)”—Jonathan Joestar“My friend... This body will continue to serve me into the future! (友よ…おまえの
肉体 はこれからも我が未来 であり続けるッ!)”—DIO

- “How dare you! I'll never allow it! (なっ! 何をするだァーーーーーッ、ゆるさんッ!)”—Jonathan Joestar, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “What would my Ripple do to that crazy hair of yours? (あの異様な髪に波紋を当てれば……ッ!)”—Jonathan Joestar, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Jonathan as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Phantom Blood
Stardust Crusaders
Jonathan's theme is Luck & Pluck (LUCK & PLUCK, Rakku ando Purakku), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Jonathan vs. Dio Brando Boss Battle.
Its name is taken from the sword which Jonathan receives from Bruford after defeating him, Luck & Pluck.[8]
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 39: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 1, page 18
(modified to add sweat and changed the hair on the left)
Chapter 23: Ripple Overdrive, Part 1, page 17
(modified to adjust shadows, extend the face, and redraw the hair)

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Jonathan vs. Giorno Giovanna Extra Battle Use the "Ripple Breathing" style
Cover of Volume 4 and Ichiban Kuji Anniversary
Update History

- "The Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill
Sped up start-up.
Increased knockback.
- "Scarlet Overdrive" skill
Reduced hurtbox during activation.
Sped up start-up.
version can now be used as part of an aerial combo.
- "Scarlet Overdrive" skill [Ripple version]
Increased damage when the first hit connects.
Adjusted knockback effect.
Increased invincibility period.
If the first hit connects, a camera effect is now triggered.
- Dash Forward
Increased running speed.
- "Sendo Overdrive" skill
Delayed when the projectile spawns.
Reduced recovery time.
Increased pushback on hit.
- "Overdrive Barrage" skill
Increased forward movement.
Reduced recovery time.
Reduced start up.
- "Scarlet Overdrive" skill (
Reduced pushback.
- Assault Assist
Decreased stocks from two to one.
- "The Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill
The final hit of the attack will now automatically orient towards the opponent to avoid it missing due to the stage wall shifting the opponent's position.
The Ripple enhanced variant can no longer be Flash Canceled.
Increased and redistributed the damage of the hits of the Ripple enhanced variant.
Made it impossible to combo off of the final hit of the Ripple enhanced variant.
Changed so the Ripple enhanced variant now causes a hard knockdown rather than a groundbounce.
- Crouching Heavy Attack
Fixed a bug where the attack could not be canceled if it hit an opponent during the later half of its duration.
- "This is my final Ripple!" special
Fixed a bug where, after this special was activated, the getting hit animation would play partway through the following skills when the Ripple variant was used:
- "Scarlet Overdrive"
- "Overdrive Barrage"
- "Scarlet Overdrive" skill
Decreased the amount of horizontal knockback on the first hit of the
- "Scarlet Overdrive" skill
Added a Guard effect to Jonathan's upper body when using the
and Ripple enhanced variants.
- ↑ These include Will Anthonio Zeppeli, George Joestar I, Jonathan Joestar, Dire, Dio Brando, Dio's Castle, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, and Wang Chan.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Jonathan ASBR page
- ↑ ASBR Early Access Demo
- ↑ Vish (July 29, 2022), "EVO 2022 Features New JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Demo", JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia.
- ↑ Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 2: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 1: Prologue
- ↑ Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
- ↑ Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio (Story Arc)