All-Star Battle R ★ Naricso Anasui

Narciso Anasui (ナルシソ・アナスイ, Narushiso Anasui) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, Anasui's name is localized as "Narciso Anastasia", the same name used in Netflix's subtitles and the English dub of the Stone Ocean anime, as well as VIZ Media's English translation of the manga. Additionally, the name of his Stand, Diver Down, is localized as "Diver Drive", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle. In the French version, however, Anasui's name is instead localized as "Narcisso Annasui".
Daisuke Namikawa reprises his role from the Stone Ocean anime, replacing Yuichi Nakamura. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Anasui were either added or re-recorded.
Anasui has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Diver Down, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Stone Ocean Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit (Anasui)

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover B of Stone Ocean Chapter 101: Jail House Lock!, Part 6

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Stone Ocean Chapter 83: F.F. - The Witness, Part 1

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover B of Stone Ocean Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3

Anasui's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Anasui's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “I'll decide what's important. (何が重要かはオレが決める)”
- “Give it up! It's no use. (やめろ…もうムダだ)”
- “Oh, now you messed up! (やってくれたよな……おい……)”
- “Numbskull! (トンチキがッ!)”
- “Make sure the gators don't get you on your way back. (ワニに食われねーように帰ってくれ)”
- “I hope you're ready... Ready to regret the day you were born! (用意をするんだ。 てめーがこの世に生まれて来たことを後悔する用意をだ!)”
- “If you're going to lie face down, do it far away from me! (伏せてるんだ! もっと離れてうつぶせになってるんだッ!)”
- “What do you think you're doing?! (なにをやってるんだッ!!)”
- “Get away from me! (はなれろッ!)”
- “So are you gonna bring it, or what? (どっちなんだよ? したいの? したくないのか?)”
- “Your attacks are lacking in punch. (おまえの攻撃方法が…「何か」なんてどーでもいい…)”
- “Stop it right there! (そこで止まれッ!)”
- “I'll dispose of you! (始末する!)”
- “If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask for it! (おい! オレに意見してんのか?)”
- “You're no better than plankton! (たかがプランクトンがッ!)”
- “Who the hell are you? (おまえ何者だ?)”
- “Jolyne better be safe! (徐倫は今……無事なんだろうな?)”
- “What the hell are you talking about?! (なに言ってんだ、てめー)”
- “I'm tired of your crap! If you're not gonna answer, then pay the price! (やかましいぞ……… 答えになってねえんなら、こうするまでだ)”
- “Move it! Outta my way! (じゃまだッ! どけーーーッ!)”
- “Don't worry about it! (なんでもないっスよ!)”
- “Come on and fight already! (来んのかッ! このヤロウッ!)”
- “Heh heh heh... Ha ha! (ククク……ハハ)”

- “Give me your blessing! I can't get married without it! (祝福しろ。結婚にはそれが必要だ)”
- “Finished! (終わった……!)”
- “It's because I've had such good luck as of late... Right? (最近オレは運がいいからな……そうだろ?)”
- “Make like a frog and hop along, loser! (カエルの気持ちになって、一生追跡して来な……!!)”
- “Don't remember? Take a wild guess. (覚えてないなら推測するんだな……)”
- “Once I'm sure she's safe, I'm gonna make her mine! (彼女を守りきったなら…オレは彼女と結婚する)”
- “She has the purest heart and intentions... She's the light of my life! (清い意志と心は…オレの心の闇を光で照らしてくれている…… 崩壊しそうなオレの心の底をッ!)”
- “From being hit to being saved! (命中した瞬間に「守る」まで!)”
- “I've had enough of your meddling. (よけいなおせっかいしてんじゃあねーぜ)”
- “We're outta here. Hasta. (オレたちは行く。じゃあな)”
- “I'm your protector! I swear it! (オレだよ! おまえはオレが守るッ!)”
- “The papers all called me a murderer. Maybe they're right. (オレは「殺人鬼」と呼ばれている。 少なくとも新聞はそういっていたしオレ自身もかなりそう思う)”
- “Someone once asked me if I'd risk my life for my own parents, and I said no. I'd probably still say the same thing now. They never had a place in my heart. (両親が困った時、命を懸けれるか? と聞かれた時、 「いいや」と答えた。今でもそう答えるかもしれない。 彼らのためにはオレの心は動かなかった)”
- “But I'll put my life on the line for the one who brought me back from death... (だが、死んでいたオレを
生き返らせてくれたもののためには命を懸けれる )” - “If you allow me her hand... I swear I shall not want anything more! (あなたが………許してくれるだけで…… それだけでオレは救われる)”
- “Since leaving prison, my life is all I've had. If I survive, maybe I'll propose to her... Heh heh ha ha... I might just do it! (脱獄してからオレは命だけはツイてる……この勢いで 生き残ったら…その時は…徐倫に結婚でも申し込むとする かなああ。ククク……ハハ…とか言ったりして…ハハ)”

- “Give me your blessing! I can't get married without it! (祝福しろ。結婚にはそれが必要だ)”
- “And... RELEASE! (そして、解き放つ!)”
- “If I manage to survive this... I think I'll propose to Jolyne. Ha ha ha ha ha... (この勢いで生き残ったら…その時は…徐倫に結婚でも申し込むとするかなああ。ククク…ハハ)”
- “Dives into the body itself. (肉体そのものに『潜行』させた)”
- “So are you gonna bring it, or what? (どっちなんだよ? したいの? したくないのか?)”
- “It's because I've had such good luck as of late... Right? (最近オレは運がいいからな……そうだろ?)”
- “Make like a frog and hop along, loser! (カエルの気持ちになって、一生追跡して来な……!!)”
- “I hope you're ready... Ready to regret the day you were born! (用意をするんだ。てめーがこの世に生まれて来たことを後悔する用意をだ!)”
- “From being hit to being saved! (命中した瞬間に「守る」まで!)”
- “Please give me your daughter's hand in marriage! (お嬢さんとの結婚をお許しください)”

- “Jolyne... I'm going to marry you when this is all over. (徐倫…… 全てが終わったら…オレは彼女と結婚する)”—Round Win 1
- “I risk my life for Jolyne, and Jolyne only. (
徐倫のためには命を懸けれる )”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Anasui's expression mirrors his when he summons Diver Down against Pucci while under the effect of Heavy Weather.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Anasui leans over fully as if to crawl along the ground, referencing his body double's attack against Pucci and C-MOON.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jotaro Kujo or Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) ("Mr. Jotaro!"), Foo Fighters ("F.F.!"), or Weather Report, Anasui calls out his ally's name. If summoned by Jolyne Cujoh, Anasui declares, "I'll protect you." (君はオレが守る).
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Anasui has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “I'm gonna destroy you! (ブッ殺すんだぜッ!)”—Default dialogue
- “Huh? Another... Me?! (オレがもう一人…だと?)”—Narciso Anasui (Player 1)“I'm gonna take you apart! (おまえ…分解してやりたくなったぞ)”—Narciso Anasui (Player 2)
- “Oh Jolyne, you are just such a bombshell! I... I... (か……カワイイ…………おお……………… なんて………なんてカワイイんだろう…… 徐倫……)”—Narciso Anasui
- “So you're Jolyne's friend, right? (おまえは…徐倫の友達か…)”—Narciso Anasui“I don't know who you are, but you ARE strong, I'll give you that much... (こいつ、得体のしれない奴だ…でも…強い…)”
- “Freaks like you must be dealt with. (わけのわからない生物は始末しとくべきだ)”—Narciso Anasui
- “Hey, Weather... Just what's your relationship with Jolyne, huh? (おいウェザー…おまえ、徐倫とはどういう関係なんだ…?)”—Narciso Anasui
- “This guy is...! (こいつは! こいつはッ!)”—Narciso Anasui
- “I'm afraid you must die... so that Jolyne can live. (徐倫のために…おまえを始末する…)”—Narciso Anasui

- “This is what it means to kill. (ばらすというのはこうやるんだ)”—Narciso Anasui (Player 1)“Disassembly complete! Now I'll never have to see your stupid face again! (分解は完了したぜ…二度とオレの前に立てないようにな…)”—Narciso Anasui (Player 2)
- “If you've come to your senses... Then I want you to feel how I feel. (目が醒めたなら……このオレの気持ちを………受けとめてほしい)”—Narciso Anasui
- “Don't worry... To me, hurting Jolyne's friends is like hurting Jolyne. (安心しろ…徐倫の友達なら、それ以上の危害は加えない…)”—Narciso Anasui“Did I overestimate your strength? Or underestimate my own? (おまえが強いと思ったのは気のせいだったぜ… それとも、あたしが強すぎるのかな?)”
- “I never asked for your opinion... Get lost, plankton freak! (オレはおまえの意見なんか聞いてないぜ…… ひっこんでなプランクトン)”—Narciso Anasui
- “(There's only one person who can really protect Jolyne. Me!) What? I didn't say anything. ((はっきり言っておくぜ、徐倫を守るのはこのオレだ!!) いや…何でもない)”—Narciso Anasui
- “Look, Jolyne's sad... Now you've really done it... punk. (徐倫が悲しんでるぞ……ええ?…… やってくれたよな…おい……)”—Narciso Anasui
- “I may be a condemned murderer, but at least I don't cling to some silly god. (オレは呪われた殺人鬼だが、おまえの神にすがろうとは思わない)”—Narciso Anasui“You are but a flea on the vast plain of eternity! (おまえはわたしにとって 釈迦の手のひらを飛び回る孫悟空ですらない)”

- “I'll decide what's important. (何が重要かはオレが決める)”—Narciso Anasui, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “I'm going to pluck out your ridiculous hair from the inside out! (そのダサい髪の毛を「内側」からむしり取ってやる)”—Narciso Anasui, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Anasui as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Diamond is Unbreakable
Stone Ocean
Anasui's theme is His Name is Anasui (その名はアナスイ, Sono Na wa Anasui), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Meat and Bone Suspension" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Anasui vs. Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) Extra Battle.
Its name is taken from the name of Chapter 59 of Stone Ocean, His Name is Anasui.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Stone Ocean Chapter 73: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 6, page 18
(modified to extend hair and cap)
Stone Ocean Chapter 136: Heavy Weather, Part 12, page 7
(irises edited to face forward, sweat reversed and extended hair)
Stone Ocean Chapter 77: Birth of the "Green", Part 2, page 13
(modified to remove Jolyne's shoulder from frame)
User Mode
This section requires expansion.
Stand Mode
This section requires expansion.

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui and Stone Ocean Chapter 83: F.F. - The Witness, Part 1

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui and Stats Page
Update History

- "Dive!" skill
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Made hitbox appear sooner.
- Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
Delayed when hitbox appears.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased recovery time.
- Crouching Light Attack [Stand On]
This attack has been swapped with the Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On].
- This results in the attack having reduced reach.
- Couching Medium Attack [Stand On]
This attack has been swapped with the Crouching Light Attack [Stand On].
- This results in the attack having extended reach.
Increased startup.
- "Shut yer trap!" special
Reduced the amount of upward launch power when hitting an airborne opponent.
- "And... RELEASE!" skill
Decreased recovery time at maximum charge.
- The assault assist also has reduced recovery since this is the skill used for it.
- "You're in range!" skill (
Decreased damage.
- "Dive!" skill (
Delayed when hitbox appears.
The rush part of the attack now only triggers when the initial hit either connects or is guarded.
- "Go to hell!" skill
This skill now causes a ground bounce.
Made hitbox appear sooner.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Reduced knockback.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Reduced knockback.
- "Dive!" skill (
Increased number of hits.
Increased damage.
Increased size of hitbox on the later additional hits.
Fixed an issue where Anasui could pass through opponents if he dashed while the opponent was guarding this skill.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Decreased pushback on hit to improve usability in combos.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Adjusted the attack weight value to fix a bug where this attack would Clash with
normal attacks.
- "And... RELEASE!" skill
Added ability to hit Downed opponents.
- This change also affects the Assault Assist as this is the skill it uses.
Made it so when the trap portion of the attack hits a downed opponent, the charged version will also launch them.
Changed so the normal and charged versions of the skill now count towards the Same Move Limit.
Updated the Command List to reflect these changes, including adding the icon that indicates this skill can hit a Downed opponent.
- Jumping Light Attack [Stand On]
Fixed a bug where if Anasui Stylish Guarded at a certain point when landing after performing this attack, his and Diver Down's animation speed would desync, causing Stylish Guard to not function properly.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Fixed a bug where if Anasui Stylish Guarded at a certain point when landing after performing this attack, his and Diver Down's animation speed would desync, causing Stylish Guard to not function properly.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ ASBR Anasui page
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 135: Heavy Weather, Part 11
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 145: C-MOON, Part 5
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