All-Star Battle R ★ Guido Mista

Guido Mista (グイード・ミスタ, Guīdo Misuta) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Mista's Stand, Sex Pistols, is localized as "Six Bullets", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Kosuke Toriumi reprises his role from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Kenji Akabane as Mista and Asami Imai as Sex Pistols. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Mista were either added or re-recorded.
Mista has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style. Unlike most other characters with the Stand Battle Style, Mista's Stand Sex Pistols is active at all times. Instead of summoning or withdrawing his Stand, Mista's Style action instead enhances the power of his bullets, causing various attacks to have more hits and increase his damage output and combo utility. This section requires expansion.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 462: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 1, end pose from JOJO A-GO!GO! inside illustration

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover B of Chapter 464: Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover B of Chapter 475: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 6
Mista's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Mista's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Uno! Due! And you're dead! Let's see you "prepare" for that! (
1 !2 ! じゃあ死ね! 覚悟はして来てんだろ?)” - “Stop screwing with me! (なめてんじゃねーぞッ!)”
- “Human meat... You think it'd taste good if you ate some? (人間の肉ってよォーーー、もし食ったら「うまいのか」? それとも「まずいのか」?)”
- “Now's my chance to kill you! (今しかねえッ!
殺 るのはッ!)” - “I'm taking you down! (こいつは今、始末するッ!)”
- “Don't you get it, you idiot? (知らねーのかッ、マヌケッ)”
- “Hahhhh hah hahhhhh... Ukekekekekeke! (ひゃああひゃひゃああああ。 うけけけけけけけ)”
- “Something bothering you? (何か気にでもさわったか?)”
- “I swear I'll cut you down... with one shot! (おめーには必ずブチ込む! この『一発』をな……)”
- “Hey, what're you doing?! (おい、何のマネだこりゃあ~~!?)”
- “Sorry to say this, but I'd even shoot the pope if he came near this plane! (勝手な事を言わしてもらうが、この飛行機に近づく者は たとえ聖人だろうと射殺させてもらうッ!!)”
- “Okay! That's perfect... Just the right position! (OK! それでいい…………そこの位置がいいッ!)”
- “No escape! (逃がすかあああああああああああ)”
- “You're a riot, you know that? (お…おまえ、おもしろいな!)”
- “I want to eat some strawberry cake! (
イチゴケーキが食いてーんだよ ッ、オレはッ !)” - “Allow me to persuade you. (今、説得するからよ……)”
- “Oops. No good, huh? (おやおや、そうもいかねーか!)”
- “I don't know who you are, but so be it! (どんなヤツかわからねえが、仕方ねえッ!)”
- “I want to settle this here. I'm gonna shoot one straight in your mouth! (ここで決着つけよおってんだな。 口の中狙ってブチ込んでやるぜッ!)”

- “If we're going in order of talent, that makes me next in line to be capo! (実力からいって………次の幹部はオレかな)”
- “Okay, everyone! It's lunch time! (ほォーーーら、みんなぁーーー!! お弁当だぞォーー!! トスカーナのサラミはうまいぞォーーッ!)”
- “That proves it! You could never beat me! You're in a completely lower class! (オレ様の敵じゃあなかったって事だ! はるか「格下」だッ!)”
- “Four shots?! The hell you mean I only got four shots left?! (4発………どういうこったよ、こいつはッ……? 4発
しか ねーぞ、おい! 何で残り『4発』なんだよッ! ええ!? おい!)” - “Ahh! Be gentle, gentle! No, gentler! Don't take off my clothes! Ahh, no, don't! (ああ! もっとやさしく、そこはダメ! ダメッ! ダメッ! ダメッ! ああ! やさしくして、やさしく! 服をぬがさないでッ! 感じる。うああああ、ダメ、もうだめ~ッ!)”
- “All right, Sex Pistols! Time to get back to ammunition form! (セックス・ピストルズ! 全員「弾丸」に戻って来いッ!)”
- “C'mon, guns aren't as loud as they are in the movies. Quit your bitching! (映画みたいにでかい音じゃあなかったはずだが。 でも、もし気にさわったんならよ……………… 今、忙しいんでよォ、苦情は後で聞いてやるぜ!)”
- “If you aren't etched in stone, it's not time for you to die. Not yet. (自分の姿が「石」に彫られて
ねえって ーなら … それはまだ死ぬ時期ではない ってな)” - “The force in my soul is surging! (精神力は絶好調だぜッ!)”
- “I can't guarantee you don't have another hole between your eyeballs now. (その目ん玉と目ん玉の間に、もう1個穴が
増えねえ って 保証はもうどこにもなくなったぜ)” - “Aww yeah, Pistols! You guys are the best! (しかし、でかしたぜッ! 『ピストルズ』)”
- “Why don't you kiss the road, huh? Give it a nice, big, wet one! (
キスでもしてんだな …………スピード がついてる 分だけ、『道路さん』に熱烈なヤツをよォーーーーーッ)” - “I like selecting from out of 5 choices! Not 4! 3 works, too! But bad things happen with 4. (「4つ」のものから、ひとつ選ぶのは縁ギが悪いんだ! 5つのものから選ぶのは
いい ! 3つのものから選ぶのもいい ! だが「4つ」のものから選ぶと良くない事が起こるんだ)” - “You don't want to drink because you don't want to be friends, huh? (仲間になりたくねーから、飲みたくねーんじゃねーの?)”
- “If we didn't eat, we'd never have to work. But these guys got mouths to feed! (メシ食わなきゃみんな働かねーんだ。いや…オレは違うよ~~~。
でも 、こいつらがその習慣覚えちまってよォ ーーーーー)” - “Come on! Quit fighting! Just get along and start chowing down! (またオラァ~~ッ。取り合いはやめろな~~。仲良く食えッ!)”
- “I do my best not to play favorites. (オレはエコひいきしねーように気使うぜ)”
- “Yeah? Heh heh heh. You interested in her "assets," too? Well, so am I! (そーか、そーか、へへへ。 オメーも彼女のアレが気になってしょうがねーのかよォ~~~。 さっきから。オレもなんだよォ~~~~っ)”
- “Which do you want me to use? The glasses, or the fishing line? (おまえ、
どっち使ってほしい ? 『メガネ』と『釣り糸』)”

- “Defeated the boss, huh? Then if we're going in order of skill, that makes me the next in charge. (ボスを倒したのならよォーーーー、実力からいって…………次の幹部はオレかな)”—Guido Mista
- “Unlucky Number 4. (4て数は縁ギが悪い)”—Guido Mista
- “My resolve begins here! Pistols! Show me what you're made of! (真の「覚悟」はここからだッ! 「ピストルズ」! てめーらも腹をくくれッ!)”—Guido Mista
- “Which do you want me to use? The glasses, or the fishing line? (おまえ、
どっち使ってほしい ? 『メガネ』と『釣り糸』)”—Guido Mista - “Why don't you kiss the road, huh? Give it a nice, big, wet one! (
キスでもしてんだな …………スピード がついてる 分だけ、『道路さん』に熱烈なヤツをよォーーーーーッ)”—Guido Mista - “Enough, No. 3! You're making No. 5 cry! (No.3! No.5を泣かせるんじゃあねェーー!!)”—Guido Mista
- “I want to settle this here. I'm gonna shoot one straight in your mouth! (ここで決着つけよおってんだな。口の中狙ってブチ込んでやるぜッ!)”—Guido Mista
- “My Stand's more of the silent-killer type. (おれの
能力 は『暗殺向き』だ)”—Guido Mista - “Things? They're not things! I hate it when people make them sound like pets! (匹?
人 って言えよ! ペットあつかいすると機げんが悪くなる)”—Guido Mista - “Uno! Due! And you're dead! Let's see you "prepare" for that! (
1 !2 ! じゃあ死ね! 覚悟はして来てんだろ?)”—Guido Mista - “Pass, pass, pass! (パスパスパース!)”—Sex Pistols
- “Four shots means bad, bad juju! (4発ッテ数ハ縁起ガ悪イゼーッ)”—Sex Pistols
- “This guy's freakin' me out, man! (コイツハ ヤバスギルウウウウウウウウウウウウーッ)”—Sex Pistols
- “You can't load that many. Nothing good will come of it! (ソンナ数テッポーにこめるなヨーッ。イイ事ナイゼーー)”—Sex Pistols
- “Come oooooon! (キャモオオオーーーーーーーーン!)”—Sex Pistols
- “Aim! Aim, you idiots! (ヤロードモォーッ! 狙エッ!)”—Sex Pistols

- “Right on! That's what I wanna see, Bullets! (よし! 絶好調だぜ、ピストルズ)”—Round Win 1
- “You can wait a little longer for your meal, okay?! (メシはもうちょっと我慢しろって………!!)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Mista's expression mirrors his when he is shot in the head by a bullet reflected by White Album Gently Weeps.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Mista slouches over with gun in hand, as he does when rising to his feet for his final confrontation with Ghiaccio.[3]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jean Pierre Polnareff ("Mr. Polnareff!"), Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, or Trish Una, Mista calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Mista has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Ain't nobody got time for a break! We got work to do! (みんな寝るのは『仕事』が終わってからに してくんねーかなあぁーっ)”—Default dialogue
- “Who the hell are you?! (何者だてめえはッ!)”—Guido Mista (Player 1)“Who're you?! (誰だ! オメー!)”—Guido Mista (Player 2)
- “P-Polnareff?! (ポ…ポルナレフかよッ!!?)”—Guido Mista
“I'll show you who's Stand is all that! (どっちのスタンドが強ぇーか思い知らせてやる!)”—Guido Mista
- “*sniff* A pistol, huh? You're not gonna have time to pull the trigger before Highway Star runs you over! (クンクン……拳銃か…… 引き金引くより先によォー、 ハイウェイ・スターで仕留めてやるぜェ~~~ッ)”“Okay! That's perfect... Just the right position! (OK! それでいい…………そこの位置がいいッ!)”—Guido Mista
- “I'm not going to hold back, Mista. Don't cry to me if you get hurt. (やるからには本気ですよ、ミスタ。 怪我をしても知りませんからね)”“Mess with my Pistols and you mess with me! (オメエ~オレとオレのピストルズを侮辱してんのか?)”—Guido Mista
“If this is what you really want, Bucciarati. (あんたがやれっつーんならやるけどよ…ブチャラティ)”—Guido Mista
- “Why don't we test our Stands against each other? (たまには試してみるか、お互いにスタンドをよー)”—Guido Mista“Ain't no way a pistol could beat a machine gun, idiot! (「拳銃」がさぁー、「機銃」に勝てるわけねぇーんだよ!)”
“I see... So you've turned. (そうかい…お前が次の追手ってわけかい…)”—Guido Mista
“That's what you think of me? That I'm stinky? (オレのことそんな風に思ってたのかよ………くさい?…)”—Guido Mista
- “Human meat... You think it'd taste good if you ate some? (人間の肉ってよォーーー、もし食ったら「うまいのか」? それとも「まずいのか」?)”—Guido Mista
- “There's two of them... But we have to do this! You ready, Pistols? (敵は2人いやがったッ! ……だが、やるしかねぇぞッ! ピストルズ、用意はいいかッ!)”—Guido Mista“Once I touch you directly... It's a one way train to hell! (「
直 」にさわってやるよォ…… テメーがさっさとあの世にいけるようになッ!)” - “You asked me... about my resolve... Well... This is it! (おまえ…このオレに……「覚悟」があんのか…と…言ったが 見してやるぜ)”—Guido Mista“Come on! Try to hit me, I dare you! Come here and let me kill you! (来いッ! 無駄なあがきをしにッ! とどめを刺されによォーーーーッ!!)”
- “Why don't you give me your best shot? Let's see if your Stand will work on me. (試してみるか? おまえのスタンドがオレに通用するかどうか)”“Stop screwing with me! (なめてんじゃねーぞッ!)”—Guido Mista
- “Time to hit your mark, Pistols! (弾丸だァーーーー、ピストルズゥ!)”—Guido Mista

- “Stop moving around like some freak... (妙な動きしてんじゃあねーぜッ…)”—Guido Mista (Player 1)“That isn't an answer to my question, you idiot! (質問の答えになってねェんだよォ~~~。このマヌケが!)”—Guido Mista (Player 2)
- “So that's how Polnareff's stand used to be. (あれがポルナレフの本来のスタンドかよ…)”—Guido Mista“Don't call me by name. I don't know who the hell you are. (気安く呼ぶなよ。おめーのことなんか知らねーぜ)”
- “Ha ha ha! You... You're pretty funny! (わははっ! お…おまえ、おもしろいな!)”—Guido Mista
- “All this means is that you were no match for me! (オメエ~はオレ様の敵じゃあなかったって事だ!)”—Guido Mista
- “Hey, come on! Stop going crazy on me like that! (おい、頼むぜ。無茶しねーでくれよなぁー)”—Guido Mista
- “No machine gun is gonna beat my Pistols! (『機銃』なんか使っててよー、ピストルズに勝てるわけねーだろ)”—Guido Mista
- “Traitors are as good as dead, Fugo... (裏切り者は死ぬんだぜ、フーゴ…)”—Guido Mista
- “Maybe I really do stink... Guess I'll try some cologne. (オレ…やっぱり変な
におい かも…香水つけよーかな)”—Guido Mista“I said some weird stuff back there... I guess I just sort of panicked, but I'm over it now. (なんかさっきは変なこと言っちゃったけど… 必死だったせいか別に気にならなくなったわ)” - “Is it just me, or... Is he scared out of his pants of your aging Stand? (つーかよォ…… そいつ、てめぇの老化するスタンドにビビりすぎじゃあねぇの?)”—Guido Mista“Direct contact is fastest. Touching you is when Grateful Dead is at its full power! (
直 は素早いんだぜ。パワー全開だぁ~ 『グレイトフル・デッド』の『直 』ざわりはよぉぉぉ)” - “You'd better be ready! Get that resolve together! To get smashed right into the ground! (おまえにもしてもらうぜッ!~~~~~~~ ブチ砕かれてあの世に旅立つってェェェェ 「覚悟」をだがなああああああ~~~~~~ッ)”—Guido Mista“Looks like... my resolve... was stronger, Guido Mista... (「覚悟」の強さが……………「上」……なのは… オレの方だぜ…グイード・ミスタ…)”
- “Whether you predicted it or not, I still smashed you! (予測だろうが何だろうが、ぶち込んでやったぜ!)”—Guido Mista

- “Uno! Due! And you're dead! Let's see you "prepare" for that! (
1 !2 ! じゃあ死ね! 覚悟はして来てんだろ?)”—Guido Mista, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction - “I love your hair! You look just like a clown! (おもしれー髪型だぜ)”—Guido Mista, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Mista as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Golden Wind
Mista's theme is Go, Sex Pistols! (行け………『セックス・ピストルズ』ッ!, Ike... "Sekkusu Pisutoruzu"!), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for
1000 G.
Its name is taken from Mista's line after deploying his Stand in Chapter 25 of Vento Aureo.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 513: White Album, Part 5, page 18
(modified to extend head to reveal hat)

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Prosciutto vs. Mista Normal Battle Land a 5-hit combo
Cover of Volume 50

Update History

- "I'll ask the damn questions!" skill
Changed so move can no longer be Flash Canceled.
Changed so that the skill now properly performs its end behavior when it hits or is guarded.
Decreased speed of startup.
Decreased the recovery speed when skill is blocked.
- "Gonna light you up!" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "Pass pass pass!" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- Standing Medium Attack
Reduced pushback on hit.
- Standing Heavy Attack
Reduced recovery time.
- Crouching Medium Attack
Reduced pushback on hit.
- Crouching Heavy Attack
Increased forward movement.
- Jumping Medium Attack
Sped up attack's startup.
- Jumping Heavy Attack
Adjusted hitbox to improve usability in neutral.
Sped up attack's startup.
- "Time to get to work" special
Changed so that move can now be canceled into normal attacks and "Reload" special.
- "Gonna light you up!" skill
Sped up attack's startup for the
Changed damage reaction when Pistols are loaded.
- 4 or 5 Pistols: Launch
- 6 Pistols: Launch resulting in a hard knockdown
Decreased the recovery speed when 1-3 Pistols are loaded even on block.
Decreased the recovery speed on block when 4-6 Pistols are loaded.
- "Time to get to work!" special
Added the ability to use this skill to load Sex Pistols into bullets even if some have already been placed around the stage with the "Places, everyone!" special and vice versa. This will not recall placed Pistols though.
- "Places, everyone!" special
Added the ability to use this skill to place Sex Pistols around the stage even if some have already been loaded into bullets with the "Time to get to work!" skill and vice versa. This will not recall loaded Pistols though.
- This change results in the
input no longer activating this skill, something that could previously be done after the skill had already been used once.
- "Time to get to work!" special
Fixed a bug where it was possible to load Sex Pistols in stopped time after executing a successful Stylish Guard.
- "Pass, pass, pass!" skill
Fixed a bug where the bullet would not fly toward the opponent if this skill was activated directly on a placed Sex Pistol.
Decreased damage.
Fixed Command List description.
- Assault Assist
Fixed a bug where the bullets could be frozen in midair if the assist was called a second time after taking certain steps.
Changed so Mista will now fire six bullets instead of only three.
- Assault Assist
Increased the timing between Mista's shots, accomplishing two things:
- It is more difficult to create an unblockable situation since this change now allows for an opponent to rotate or Stylish Guard the attack during the interval between shots if they block the initial bullet.
- The shots still naturally combo into each other, making it so the shots are now more effective at continuing combos and helping gap close if they hit.
- "Gonna light you up!" skill
Reduced the knockback on hit to help reliability in combos.
- ↑ These include Aerosmith, Ghiaccio, Guido Mista, The Grateful Dead, Sale, Spice Girl, Sex Pistols, Trish Una, Narancia Ghirga, Naples Train Station, Beach Boy, Formaggio, White Album, Melone, Leone Abbacchio, and Rome.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Mista ASBR page
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Chapter 515: White Album, Part 7