All-Star Battle R ★ Ghiaccio

Ghiaccio (ギアッチョ, Giatcho) was revealed as a new playable character for All-Star Battle R on August 24, 2022, during the game's Part 5 Reveal Trailer.[1] However, Ghiaccio was accidentally revealed earlier when a Japanese YouTuber uploaded two videos that showed photos of the back of the game box.[3]
Having neither previously appeared in All-Star Battle nor Eyes of Heaven as a playable character, he has an original moveset based on his appearance in Vento Aureo.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Ghiaccio's Stand, White Album, is localized as "White Ice", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Nobuhiko Okamoto reprises his role from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Tatsuhisa Suzuki.
Ghiaccio has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand White Album, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. Unlike most other characters using the Stand Battle Style, Ghiaccio wears his Stand rather than using it as a separate entity. As such, White Album is not dismissed when Ghiaccio is knocked down while it is active, except during special knockdowns such as Throws, HHAs, or GHAs. Also, when wearing White Album, Ghiaccio's movement speed is increased and he can run in both directions. When combined with his strong ability to force opponents to guess how to react on wake-up (vortex), Ghiaccio makes for an effective rushdown character.
Command List
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Ghiaccio vs. Hol Horse Extra Battle Land the "What the hell! What the hell! Are you serious?" throw

Either complete all "JoJolion" campaign online missions or buy from Medal List 5600 G

Taunts & Victory Poses

Ghiaccio's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Ghiaccio's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Leave no stone unturned? Take a leaf out of their books? You have to turn over stones, but what's a leaf doing in a book? Who says that? That pisses me off! (『根掘り葉掘り』ってよォ~~『根を掘る』ってのはわかる…… だが「葉掘り」って部分はどういう事だああ~~っ!? この言葉ァ超イラつくぜぇ~~ッ!!)”
- “You thought you could get away from me? (逃がすわけねえーだろォーー)”
- “Got you! (
とらえ たッ!)” - “What the hell's going on here? (どういうこったよこれは?~~~~)”
- “Whoa! This might finally be a challenge! (うほっ!! ついに戦うのが難儀になってきたようだな)”
- “Hello? Anybody home? (もしもし聞いてんのかァ~~~~~~)”
- “You'll never get to your destination! (おまえはこの先の目的地に到着する事は決してありえねーッ)”
- “You think you can get past me? Just try, moron! (やれるもんならやってみやがれってんだ! チクショーーッ)”
- “I don't get this at all! (オレはぜーんぜん納得いかねえ……)”
- “You're pretty fast on your feet, huh? Let's see if you're faster than my ice! (おめーの走りが早いか… オレの氷が早いか賭けてみるのも悪くねーーーーッ)”
- “Sucks to be you... (残念だったなーーッ)”
- “What the hell do you think you're doing? (
なんの ………………つもり …なんだァアアアアア )” - “Hey, what's your game here? (あ!? なにやってんだあああ~~~~~~~~)”
- “You won't understand White Album's power no matter how much it's explained to you, huh? You're just too stupid, right? (『ホワイト・アルバム』の能力…… 解説した事を理解してねえようだな…どーゆう事かをよォ~~~ え!? おい)”
- “How's that resolve of yours looking? (おい~~~~~~~~覚悟はできてんだろうなああああああああ)”
- “Huh? (ああ?)”
- “What did you think that sad little attack would do? (おまえの非力な攻撃でどうにかなると思ってんのかあぁぁ?)”
- “Just try to move in the world of absolute zero! (超低温の世界で動けるものなら動いてみるんだなッ!)”

- “At absolute zero, the world is still... It's a world where nothing can move! Everything stops! (超低温は「静止の世界」だ…… 低温世界で動ける物質はなにもなくなる全てを止められる!)”
- “My White Album freezes the moisture in the air around me to absolute zero to form an armor around my body! (オレの能力『ホワイト・アルバム』は 極低温で空気中の水分を凝結させて装甲のように身にまとっている)”
- “You still don't get it? Any form of attack stops cold when it hits my ultracold temperatures! (まだ理解しねーのかッ! どんな攻撃だろーと『超低温』は触れればストップできるッ!)”
- “I'm not going to keep telling you! At absolute zero, everything stops! (すでに説明したはずだッ! 『超低温は全てを止める』! となッ!)”
- “At negative 210 degrees Celsius, air freezes solid! Can you see the solid air? Look closer! (『空気』はマイナス二一〇℃で『固体』となって凍り始めるッ! 見えないか?
止まった空気 が見えないか? よく見ろよ!)” - “I can even stop a runaway tank! I can stop the raging waves! I can stop anything at will! (暴走する機関車だろうと止められる! 荒巻く海だろうと止められる! その気になりゃあなあーーーッ)”
- “I'll shatter you! (ブチ…
われな …)” - “Will you lay off? I keep telling you, no attack will do a thing to me! (くどいぜ!ーーーッ!! 攻撃はなんだろうと無駄だっていうのがまだわからないのかッ!)”
- “In the world of absolute zero, nothing can move! Gas turns into liquid, and then liquid freezes solid! (超低温の世界では動く物質は何もなくなる! 動く『気体』は流れる『液体』となり 『液体』は全て止まって『固体』になるという事だッ!)”
- “I did it! Now I can reveal the boss's identity! (やったぞッ! これでオレたちが『ボスの正体』をあばきに行けるぜッ!)”
- “It's over! (終わったぜ!)”
- “I win! (勝ったァーーーッ!!)”
- “Now tell me everything you know! (知っていることを全て話してもらうぜぇッ!)”
- “What did you think my resolve was? (オレの「覚悟」を甘く見るんじゃあねえ!)”
- “Hey, Melone! Answer me! Bucciarati isn't here! He's already made his escape! (おいメローネ! もしもし。 ブチャラティどもはどこにもいねーぜ。 すでにトンズラこいたあとだぜッ!)”
- “You can't fire a single shot more at me! (これ以上オレに向かってブッ放すことはもう
できない !)” - “I'll be the one to get the thing in front of the station! (駅前にある『品物』はこのギアッチョが必ず手に入れる…………)”
- “You won't understand White Album's power no matter how much it's explained to you, huh? You're just too stupid, right? (『ホワイト・アルバム』の能力…… 解説した事を理解してねえようだな…どーゆう事かをよォ~~~~ え!? おい)”
- “It's just not going to work. Give it up. Your attacks just won't work, get it? (無駄な足掻きをしやがって… いい加減おまえの攻撃は通用しねえって理解しやがれ)”

- “What the hell's that supposed to mean! Don't get clever with me, damn you! (葉掘りってどういう事だッ! ナメやがって、クソッ! クソッ!)”
- “You really piss me off, you know that?! How dare you try to make me look like a fool! Graah! (チクショオーーー、ムカつくんだよ! コケにしやがって! ボケがッ!)”
- “Nothing can keep on moving in my freezing world. Everything grinds to a halt! (低温世界で動ける物質はなにもなくなる。全てを止められる!)”
- “Why isn't it called "Death in Venezia," huh? Whyyyy?! (なんで『ヴェネツィアに死す』ってタイトルじゃあねえーんだよォオオォオオオーーッ)”
- “You smack-talking me? Really? Me?! Speak Italian, you dope! Italiano! (なめてんのかァーーーーーッ、このオレをッ! イタリア語で呼べ! イタリア語で!)”

- “There must be something at Venezia Station! (ヴェネツィアの駅に何かあるなッ!)”
- “How many times do I have to tell you, your bullets can't get through my armor! (てめーの弾丸ごときでは撃ち抜けねェーッて言ってるだろーがよォー)”
- “Any form of attack stops cold when it hits my ultracold temperatures! (どんな攻撃だろーと「超低温」は触れればストップできるッ!)”
- “Come on! Try to hit me, I dare you! Come here and let me kill you! (来いッ! 無駄なあがきをしにッ! とどめを刺されによォーーッ!)”
- “I did it! Now I can reveal the boss's identity! (やったぞッ! これでオレたちが「ボスの正体」をあばきに行けるぜッ!)”

- “Hello? Melone? I've got eyes on the target! (もしもしよォ~~~メローネ? ターゲットを見つけたぜ)”—Round Win 1
- “I'm actually struggling... Consider me impressed... (ここまで…オレを追い込んだのは…敬意を表してやる…)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Ghiaccio's furious stare mirrors his after being wounded by Mista's bullets via Gold Experience's ability.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Ghiaccio rubs his face with both hands, as he does when attempting to clean Mista's blood from his suit's visor.[5]
- If summoned as an Assist by Prosciutto, Ghiaccio declares, "You called, Prosciutto?" (呼んだが、プロシュット).
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Ghiaccio has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “You won't escape... (逃がさねえ……………)”—Default dialogue
- “Who the hell are you? Are you making fun of me? That pisses me off! (誰だあ!? オレの猿真似してるヤツはああぁぁ!? イラつくぜぇ~!)”—Ghiaccio (Player 1)“An impostor! What the hell? Who the hell? Are you serious? Are you mocking me or something? Get out of here! (オレの偽物だと!? どういう事だ! どういう事だよッ! クソッ! ナメやがってクソッ! クソッ!)”—Ghiaccio (Player 2)
“Whoa! That bird's got a power just like mine! (ああ!? この鳥、オレと似たような能力を持ってるのか?)”—Ghiaccio
“That's Giorno Giovanna, the new Stand user Melone mentioned... (あれがメローネから報告の入った「新入りのスタンド使い」 ジョルノ・ジョバァーナか…)”—Ghiaccio
- “More goons here too?! You're after us as well, aren't ya? (こんなところにも「敵」が! オレたちを追って来ているのか!!)”“I wasted so much time, I thought I'd lost sight of you. (時間がかかったぜ。もう見失ったかと思ったが………)”—Ghiaccio
- “You asked me... about my resolve... Well... This is it! (おまえ…このオレに……「覚悟」があんのか…と…言ったが 見してやるぜ)”“Come on! Try to hit me, I dare you! Come here and let me kill you! (来いッ! 無駄なあがきをしにッ! とどめを刺されによォーーーーッ!!)”—Ghiaccio
- “Found you! Trish is in that turtle, isn't she? (見つけたぜえ! それがトリッシュの隠れている「亀」か?)”—Ghiaccio“Yikes, that guy's tough as hell... W-Was he a Stand user? (やばい、こいつやばいぞ…… ス…スタンド使いだろうか?)”
- “I can stop anything with my cold, even your Stand's virus! (細菌をあやつるスタンドだろうと、 オレの『超低温は全てを止める』!)”—Ghiaccio“Well, then let's just see. Are you sure you can stop Purple Haze? (じゃあ試してみましょうか? 本当にパープルヘイズを止められるのか)”
“Melone's tip paid off! I found the boss's daughter! (メローネの情報通りだったな。いたぜ! ボスの娘!)”—Ghiaccio
- “You thought you could get away from me? (逃がすわけねえーだろォーー)”—Ghiaccio“You traitor! Scum like you is better off out of my sight! (裏切りものがよォ…… オレたちの邪魔してんじゃあねーぞッ!)”
- “Hello? Anybody home? (もしもし聞いてんのかァ~~~~~~)”—Ghiaccio“Yes, I heard you. You're going to Venezia after Bucciarati's gang, right? (ああ、聞こえている。 ブチャラティたちを追って、ヴェネツィアに行くのだろう?)”
- “I finally found out who the boss really is! (ついにとらえたぜ! ボスの正体!)”—Ghiaccio

- “This is absolute zero! You can't move one inch! (これが本物の「超低温」だ! 動く事が出来たかあ!?)”—Ghiaccio (Player 1)“That cold's like a sunny day to me! (その程度の冷気でオレを止めるなんざ無理な話だぜぇッ!)”—Ghiaccio (Player 2)
- “Cold air or not, you're just a bird! Let's see how you like it when I freeze you solid! (鳥風情の冷気がオレの超低温に勝てるわけねぇだろおおおぉぉぉ)”—Ghiaccio
- “Hey, where'd that turtle go! Where's the turtle Trish is hiding in? (ム! 「亀」はどこだ? トリッシュが隠れている「亀」はどこにいる!)”—Ghiaccio
- “Once you're out of my way, Trish is all mine! (邪魔者は始末したッ! 残るは『トリッシュ』だッ!)”—Ghiaccio“I wonder if Mista and Giorno are getting the discs... (ミスタとジョルノは順調に『DISC』をゲットしているんだろうか)”
- “Looks like... my resolve... was stronger, Guido Mista... (「覚悟」の強さが……………「上」……なのは… オレの方だぜ…グイード・ミスタ…)”—Ghiaccio“You'd better be ready! Get that resolve together! To get smashed right into the ground! (おまえにもしてもらうぜッ!~~~~~~~ ブチ砕かれてあの世に旅立つってェェェェ 「覚悟」をだがなああああああ~~~~~~ッ)”
- “Let's have a good look at this Trish! (どれ、トリッシュの姿を拝ませてもらおうかあああ)”—Ghiaccio“Aw man, that armor's hard enough to deflect Aerosmith's machine gun fire? (エアロスミスの機銃を弾くなんてとんでもねー装甲だぜ…)”
- “The deadliest virus can't do a thing if it's on ice! (どれだけ強力な細菌だろうが、 凍っちまったら意味ねぇよなああああああ!)”—Ghiaccio
- “Hello, Melone? I've got Trish. (もしもしメローネ? トリッシュを確保したぜぇ…)”—Ghiaccio
- “I did it! Now I'm the boss! (やったぞ…! これでオレたちが組織のトップだ!)”—Ghiaccio“Make the world as silent as you like. I'll simply skip past it. (「静止の世界」だろうが時を飛ばせば意味はあるまい)”

- “Leave no stone unturned? Take a leaf out of their books? You have to turn over stones, but what's a leaf doing in a book? Who says that? That pisses me off! (『根掘り葉掘り』ってよォ~~『根を掘る』ってのはわかる…… だが「葉掘り」って部分はどういう事だああ~~っ!? この言葉ァ超イラつくぜぇ~~ッ!!)”—Ghiaccio, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “Your ridiculous hair really pisses me off! (テメーのそのふざけた髪型、イラついてしょうがねぇぜ!)”—Ghiaccio, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Ghiaccio as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Stardust Crusaders
Golden Wind
Stone Ocean
Steel Ball Run
Guide Character
In addition to his role as a playable character, Ghiaccio appears as the guide character for the JoJo Glossary sub-mode in the Shop & Gallery Mode.

- “Hey jerkface, welcome to the JoJo Glossary! (ここはジョジョ辞典だぜ…)”—Entering the JoJo Glossary
- “So you wanna check out the JoJo Glossary, huh, chump?! (てめー、ジョジョ辞典を読みてぇのかよ? ああー!?)”—Entering the JoJo Glossary
- “How come I'm in charge of the JoJo Glossary? What a load of crap! (なんでオレがジョジョ辞典の担当なんだぁー! それって納得いくかァ~?)”—Entering the JoJo Glossary
- “Enjoy some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure trivia? What kind of loser would do that?! (ジョジョの豆知識を楽しみやがれ。ボケがッ!)”—Entering the JoJo Glossary
- “You're starting to piss me off, punk! (超イラつくぜぇ~ッ!!)”—Exiting the JoJo Glossary
- “Hurgh! (うほっ!!)”—Exiting the JoJo Glossary
- “What?! (なんだァ~!?)”—Exiting the JoJo Glossary
- “I'll knock some respect into ya, punk! (敬意を表してやる…)”—Exiting the JoJo Glossary
Ghiaccio's theme is Freezing Temperatures Can Make The Entire World Stand Still! (超低温は「静止の世界」だ, Chōteion wa 'Seishi no Sekai' da), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for
1000 G.
Its name is taken from a line Ghiaccio says in Chapter 73 of Vento Aureo while chasing after Guido Mista.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Ghiaccio vs. Hol Horse Extra Battle Land a 5 hit combo
Chapter 509: White Album, Part 1
Update History

- Wake-up
Fixed wake-up behavior to match with other characters. (unintended bug)
- Are you friggin' mocking me?! skill
Increased pushback on hit so that it can no longer be comboed off of when move is used as a Guard Cancel and is Flash Cancelled.
- Assault Assist
Changed to use
version of the attack. (
version's use was unintended)
- Reversal Assist
Increased stocks from one to two.
- Wake-up with Stand On
Fixed bug where Ghiaccio couldn't act on frame 1 of his wake-up after being knocked down when his stand was on.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Increased recovery time.
- "Will you lay off?" special
Increased recovery time.
- "And now you're frozen solid!" skill
Decreased recovery time.
- "Will you lay off?" special
Removed ability to Flash Cancel.
- "You won't escape..." special
Removed ability to Flash Cancel.
- "Are you friggin' mocking me?!" skill
Added a darkening visual effect when used as a Guard Cancel to make it more obvious when the skill is used as such.
- Visuals
Fixed a bug where Ghiaccio would be in the wrong position during a successful Throw animation against certain characters while in Stand Mode.
- "White Album Gently Weeps!" HHA
Fixed a bug where projectiles would not be deflected when this HHA was active and Ghiaccio was guarding.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Extended hitbox inward.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Extended hitbox inward.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Bandai Namco Entertainment America [@BandaiNamcoAmerica] (2022, August 24), "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Part 5 Reveal Trailer", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Ghiaccio ASBR page
- ↑ ASBR Roster Leak
- ↑ Chapter 513: White Album, Part 5
- ↑ Chapter 514: White Album, Part 6
- ↑ White Album (Story Arc)
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