Funny Valentine (ファニー・ヴァレンタイン, Fanī Varentain) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the full name of Valentine's Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, is localized as the phrase "Filthy acts, at a reasonable price.", as it was in the original All-Star Battle.
Yasuyuki Kase reprises his role from the original All-Star Battle. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Valentine were either added or re-recorded.
Funny Valentine has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon or withdraw his Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
As a Steel Ball Run character, three parts of the Saint's Corpse will slowly appear on the ground as Valentine fights. He can pick up these parts to receive progressively better blessings that can boost his performance in combat. If Valentine battles Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Diego Brando, Parallel World Diego, or another Valentine, both combatants will have to fight over the same three parts.
This section requires expansion.
Command List

Attack type: High
Damage: 14

Attack type: High
Damage: 23

Attack type: High
Damage: 36

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Attack type: Low
Damage: 21

Attack type: Low
Damage: 28

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40

Valentine will slowly spin around with a flag in-hand, swapping places with an alternate version of himself from a parallel world. This completely and instantly restores his health to full. If Valentine is low on health and has activated Rumble Mode, then it and its boons will persist into his transition, resulting in him having Rumble Mode engaged at full health.
The drawback of this ability, however, is that Valentine will drop all of the Saint's Corpse parts and his Heart Heat Gauge will be disabled for the rest of the match. The three stocks of Heart Heat are also immediately consumed upon attempting this skill regardless if Valentine succeeds or not, rendering it a heavy loss if he is interrupted.
If struck by Kosaku Kawajiri's Great Heat Attack, "Bites the Dust", after having used this skill successfully, Valentine's HHG will be restored once time has looped backward.

- Guard Gauge will not go down as quickly.
- Defense power increases, reducing the amount of damage Valentine takes by 10%.
- "D4C -Love Train-" triggers.

Attack type: High
Damage: 8 × 2 (16) /
8 × 4 (32) /
8 × 6 (48)

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 55

- Light (
): Valentine jumps straight up.
- Medium (
): Valentine jumps diagonally up and forward.
- Heavy (
): Valentine jumps diagonally up and backward.
If Valentine is knocked down with a non-HHA/GHA, he can enact this skill at the cost of one bar of the Heart Heat Gauge, which is particularly useful for holding onto the Saint's Corpse part he would normally lose in that situation. If an opponent is in the air during a combo, this skill will continue to juggle them. (Comboable when hitting a previously launched opponent)
Attack type: High
Damage: 10

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 100

Attack type: High
Damage: 14

Attack type: High
Damage: 21

Attack type: High
Damage: 34

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Attack type: Low
Damage: 21

Attack type: Low
Damage: 28

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 38

Valentine will slowly spin around with a flag in-hand, swapping places with an alternate version of himself from another dimension. This completely and instantly restores his health to full. If Valentine is low on health and has activated Rumble Mode, then it and its boons will persist into his transition, resulting in him having Rumble Mode engaged at full health.
The drawback of this ability, however, is that Valentine will drop all of the Saint's Corpse parts and his Heart Heat Gauge will be disabled for the rest of the match. The three stocks of Heart Heat are also immediately consumed upon attempting this skill regardless if Valentine succeeds or not, rendering it a heavy loss if he is interrupted.
If struck by Kosaku Kawajiri's GHA, "Bites the Dust", after having used this skill successfully, Valentine's HHG will be restored once time has looped backward.

- Guard Gauge will not go down as quickly.
- Defense power increases, reducing the amount of damage Valentine takes by 10%.
- "D4C -Love Train-" triggers.

During "D4C -Love Train-", Valentine is invincible from just after activation until the attack begins.
Attack type: High
Damage: 72 /
84 /

- Light (
): D4C only performs the initial downward swinging chop.
- Medium (
): D4C moves into the air to perform a follow-up overhead chop, causing the opponent to crumple to the ground. While the two attacks do not normally combo into each other, they can be made to if the skill is Stand Rushed at the right time after the first hit. They can also combo if the opponent has been launched previously, though the second hit will knock opponents to the ground.
- Heavy (
): D4C moves forward even more to perform a follow-up low kick that launches the opponent into the air. The two attacks do not combo into each other. However, if used in a combo where the opponent has already been launched, these hits will juggle opponents, though the hits are still not guaranteed to combo into one another without being Stand Rushed with proper timing.
During "D4C -Love Train-", the and
variants have a slightly faster startup.
Attack type: High /
High (initial chop) & Middle (follow-up) /
High (initial chop) & Low (follow-up)
Damage: 20 + 35 (55) /
20 + 35 + 25 (80) /
20 + 35 + 30 (85)

Damage is increased if "D4C -Love Train-" is active.
Attack type: High
Damage: 90 (normal) 142 (D4C -Love Train-) /
110 (normal) 170 (D4C -Love Train-) /
130 (normal) 198 (D4C -Love Train-)

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 130

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 220

Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 348 / 417 / 522 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 55
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

General Changes
- Unlike every other character in the game, Valentine's walk speed while in Stand Mode has been noticeably decreased instead of increased. Because his animation speed has not changed, it results in him looking like he is walking in place.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 88: Break My Heart, Break Your Heart, Part 1

Unlocked by default
Steel Ball Run Chapter 69: D4C, Part 4, page 31 (Valentine)
Steel Ball Run Chapter 69: D4C, Part 4 cover (D4C)

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 64: Chocolate Disco, Part 1

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 78: D4C, Part 11 -Love Train-
Valentine's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Valentine's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Tah-dah! (ドジャアア~~ン……………)”
- “The holy corpse has chosen ME! (「遺体」はこのヴァレンタインの事を好いてくれている!!)”
- “I am not acting for my own personal gain. (わたしの行動は「私利私欲」でやった事ではない)”
- “You're gonna pay! (絶対に許されないッ!)”
- “Your stupid little goals matter not to me. (おまえなんかの薄っぺらな「
志 」などどうでもいい事だ)” - “Strong foes add spice to battle! (『試練』は「強敵」であるほど良い…)”
- “Watch yourself. (気をつけたまえ)”
- “Get out of here! (引っ込んでいろォッ!!)”
- “Eager to play the hero, are you? (おまえ、英雄になろうとしているのか?)”
- “I'll see to it you savor the pain. (痛みだけはたっぷり味わってもらうがな)”
- “You're acting strangely. What is it you're trying to do? (「何」か……さっきから不気味だが「何」を
しようと している?)” - “Soon my nation will be a happy one. (わたしの国はこれから「幸せ」になる)”
- “I am about to perform a sacrifice... (これから行われるのは「生贄」だ…)”
- “I'll rip you into more pieces than the Holy Corpse. (遺体の部位以上にバラバラにしてやる)”
- “I cannot forgive this! (許す事は出来ない!)”
- “When I come back, I'll kill you! Ugh! (戻ってすぐに殺してやるッ…!! クッ!)”
- “This is nothing big. (
なんて事はない )” - “Stop looking at things from just one viewpoint. (物事の…………片方の面だけを見るのはやめろ)”

- “My soul is in clear, unclouded tandem with my actions! I am a REAL American hero! (我が心と行動に一点の曇りなし…………! 全てが『正義』だ)”
- “All is going as planned. Soon they will all be mine! (全ては順調だ…いよいよ! 「総取り」の時が来た…)”
- “A whole new level for D4C! (『D4C』のさらなる段階だッ!!)”
- “If someone takes the right napkin first, everyone else must, too. That's how society works. (誰かが最初に右のナプキンを取ったら全員が「右」を
取らざるを得ない 。もし左なら全員が左側のナプキンだ。そうせざるを得ない 。これが「社会」だ)” - “The time has come. Let us head to our final destination! (最後の土地へ向かおう……「地図」の最終地点へ)”
- “The orders I give are part of my battle plan. I am not a murderer. (「作戦」というのだよ。「殺人」ではない…………… わたしが下す「命令」のことはな)”
- “It's like I told you: Filthy acts, at a reasonable price. (『
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap 』 〝いともたやすく行われるえげつない行為")” - “In obtaining the entire body, I shall find justice! (『死体』を手に入れる事が『正義』だ!)”
- “There cannot be two of the same person in this world... Unless you wield my Stand. (「同じ世界」に「同じ2人」が存在する事は どんな者だろうと出来ない……… このわたしのスタンド能力以外はな……)”
- “True peace comes not from a handshake between equals, but from the will of an absolute ruler! (『安定した平和』とは! 平等なる者同士の固い『握手』よりも絶対的優位に立つ者が 治める事で成り立つのがこの『人の世の現実』!!)”
- “Anything that could harm me has flown off to someone else in the world! (『害悪なる』ものは遥か向こうの! どこかの誰かへ!! 吹き飛んだッ!!)”
- “The goddess has been born. The world of mankind shall not be governed by handshakes and smiles, but by the will of the strong! (今…「女神」が生まれたのだ…この人間世界の「平和」と 「幸福」はうぬぼれたバカ者同士の手と手をとり合った平等なんか で治まったりしない。「強い国」がナプキンをとる事で始まる)”
- “So the goddess exists... and she's on my side! (やはり女神は……存在した… わたしに味方してくれる「女神」がな)”
- “A trial is an offering in disguise. The bigger, the better. (試練は「供えもの」だ、りっぱであるほど良い)”
- “This trial will end with the shedding of your blood. (試練は…流される血で終わる……)”
- “My mission as president is to preserve peace for my fellow Americans! That's it! (わたしの大統領としての絶対的『使命』は! この世界のこの我が国民の『安全を保障する』という事! それひとつに尽きるからだ!)”
- “War always occurs at times of great change. The sacrifices of war bear fruit to new advances! (人間の世界では歴史でわかるように劇的変化のある時 必ず戦闘が行われる。逆に言うなら戦いの犠牲が出るからこそ 『大切なもの』が手に入る)”
- “I believe that my actions were just. (わたしの行動にミスはなかったと信じている)”
- “I swore to you, and my word is bond. There are no exceptions. (わたしは「誓う」と言った。わたしは一度口にして誓った事は 必ず実行して来た…………「報復」は決してしない)”
- “I learned about patriotism and filial duty from this handkerchief. It is my touchstone. (このハンカチからわたしは「父の愛」と「愛国心」を学んだんだ。 わたしの原点だよ…)”

- “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. (『
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap 』〝いともたやすく行われるえげつない行為")” - “My soul is in clear, unclouded tandem with my actions! Everything I do is for justice! (我が心と行動に一点の曇りなし…………! 全てが『正義』だ)”
- “Tah-dah! (ドジャアア~~ン……………)”
- “Yes! Yesss! (イエスッ、イエスッ)”
- “I'm a patriot. Everything I've done has been for the sake of my country. (わたしには「愛国心」がある。全てはこの国のために「絶対」と判断したから行動した事…)”
- “It was me! I'm the one who took the napkin first! (このわたしがッ! 最初のナプキンを手にしたぞッ!)”
- “All is going as planned. Soon they will all be mine! (全ては順調だ…いよいよ! 「総取り」の時が来た…)”
- “So... the Goddess does exist... And she's on my side! (やはり女神は…存在した…わたしに「味方」してくれる「女神」がな)”
- “A hindrance to my country! (おまえはこの国の未来への「幸せ」を邪魔している)”
- “Alternate worlds all converging at the same place, at the same time. (同じ場所に隣りの世界を同時に存在させられる)”

- “Soon my nation will be a happy one. (わたしの国はこれから「幸せ」になる)”—Round Win 1
- “It was me! I'm the one who took the napkin first! (このわたしがッ! 最初のナプキンを手にしたぞッ!)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Valentine's expression mirrors his after he barely manages to shield himself from Tusk ACT4's initial burst of energy using D4C Love Train.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Valentine leans over and reaches downward with both of his arms, as he does when first using D4C Love Train to redirect holes created by Johnny Joestar's nail bullets.[5]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Funny Valentine has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Filthy acts, at a reasonable price. (『
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap 』)”—Default dialogue - “Get ready for amber waves of pain! (冬のナマズみたいにおとなしくさせてやる)”—Funny Valentine (Player 1)“Hello, me. Meet the REAL me. (どうしてもやるのか? わたしよ)”—Funny Valentine (Player 2)
- “Battle is a part of every trial, and is always accompanied by bloodshed! (『試練』には必ず「戦い」があり、「流される血」がある)”—Funny Valentine
- “You have to let a horse run free. Let it go where it wants, as if it's thanking the land and sky for letting it be born here. (馬自身が「良い」と思うように走らせろ… 馬自身が………この大地と空の
下 に生まれて来た事を 感謝するように…)”“In the battle to come... just one misstep... a single misstep will decide the victor. And I'm not just talking about us. (ここから先は……戦局でいう所の…「一手」だな… 「一手」見誤った者の敗北という事か…… ジャイロ、おまえの方か…わたしの方ではない がな…………)”—Funny Valentine - “I want to make a deal. I get the corpse, you pay me for it! (オレは取引がしたい。「遺体」を手に入れ、あんたに売る!)”“Don't get cocky, now! I can execute you whenever I wish... (図に乗るな………!! おまえなんか……すぐにでも「処刑」できるんだぞ)”—Funny Valentine
- “Filthy acts, at a reasonable price. (『
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap 』)”—Funny Valentine“That's the Stand you used to bring me here? Pretty wild. (そのスタンドでオレをここに連れて来たわけか。 面白い……)”

- “It is I who will take the napkin first! (ナプキンをとるのはこのわたしだ)”—Funny Valentine (Player 1)“I am the basis of this entire world! (基本は、唯一無二の世界にいるこのわたしだ…)”—Funny Valentine (Player 2)
- “Strong foes add spice to battle! (『試練』は「強敵」であるほど良い…)”—Funny Valentine
- “As always, looks like I am the one on top! (やはり「一手」…上をいったのは……… このヴァレンタインだったようだ)”—Funny Valentine“This is it! The Steel Ball behind 250 years of Zeppeli family history! (これが! ツェペリ一族250年の「鉄球」だぜ!)”
- “You're pretty arrogant for a filthy beggar! (傲慢な性格だな、貧乏人のカスがァ~~~~~)”—Funny Valentine“Just go with it! Make a deal with me! All I'm asking for is Manhattan! (なぁいいだろう! オレと取り引きしようぜ! オレにマンハッタン島をくれッ!!)”

- “The first thing I'm going to do in office is outlaw that ridiculous hairstyle! (なんともひどい髪型だ。 そんなヘアスタイルはわが国民には絶対させない)”—Funny Valentine, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Valentine as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Battle Tendency

2. Land the "You IDIOT!" throw:

3. Land the "Feast your eyes on my Ripple!" skill:

4. Land the "The power of supreme genes!" skill:

Kars: What in the world are you? Where did you come from... And when did you get here?
Stardust Crusaders

2. Land the "Even my bullets are a Stand!" skill:

3. Land the "You're up, J. Geil!" skill:

Valentine: I don't recognize you. Are you in the race?
Diamond is Unbreakable

2. Land the "Ha!" skill:

3. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Valentine: I sensed such power, I couldn't help but stop. I've been through dimension after dimension, but never encountered something like this until now.
Golden Wind

2. Land the "I've got you!" special:

3. Land the "From interrogation to torture" throw:

Bucciarati: ...where did you come from? Can your Stand use Zippers too?
Steel Ball Run

2. Attack the opponent's Stand:

3. Land a Heart Heat Attack:

Valentine: I think it's time you got off that high horse of yours, Gyro Zeppeli.

2. Land a 10-hit combo:

3. Land the "I'll call them Tusks!" skill:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Johnny: Yee hah!
Valentine's theme is All For Justice (全てが『正義』だ, Subete ga "Seigi" da), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Feast your eyes on my Ripple!" skill as Kars in All-Star Battle Mode's Kars vs. Valentine Extra Battle.
Its name is taken from Valentine's last words before his final shootout with Johnny Joestar in Chapter 89 of Steel Ball Run.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Steel Ball Run Chapter 80: D4C, Part 13 -Love Train-, Page 16
(Eyes' direction changed)
Steel Ball Run Chapter 78: D4C, Part 11 -Love Train-, Page 44
(Expanded to reveal sides of head)
Steel Ball Run Chapter 81: D4C, Part 14 -Love Train-, Page 34
(Enhanced shading;modified to reveal parts of hair)

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 64: Chocolate Disco, Part 1 and Steel Ball Run Chapter 81: D4C, Part 14 -Love Train-

Update History

- "Hiding in the next dimension" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "A gift from the other side" skill
Extended recovery time.
Increased damage.
- "I'll dispose of you!" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "A gift from the other side." skill
Added ability to use this skill while airborne.
- "He's gone?!" skill
Reduced startup.
Reduced how long the hitbox is active.
- "Tah dah!" skill
Added the ability to hit downed opponents.
- This skill can only hit downed opponents once.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Adjusted the attack weight value to fix a bug where this attack would Clash with
normal attacks.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Adjusted the attack weight value to fix a bug where this attack would Clash with
normal attacks.
- "A gift from the other side." skill
Fixed a bug where the aerial version of this attack would not hit an opponent when they were in a state that prevented projectiles from hitting (such as "D4C -Love Train-" or "Vapor Barrier").
- "Back from the "other side"" special
Fixed a bug where any status conditions incurred from before this special activated persisted after Valentine revived.
- "A gift from the other side." skill
Fixed a bug where if the Valentine from the other side is guarded or Stylish Guarded, he would still clash with the opponent's projectiles while he was performing his animation to return to his universe.
- This change also applies to the Assault Assist since this is the skill used for it.
- Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.
- ↑ These include Devil's Palm, Wekapipo, Gyro Zeppeli, Sugar Mountain, Johnny Joestar, Scan, Scary Monsters, Steven Steel, Holy Corpse, Tusk ACTs 1-4, D4C, Diego Brando, Funny Valentine, Philadelphia Coastline, Ball Breaker, Pocoloco, Mike O., Ringo Roadagain, Lucy Steel, and Rocky Mountains Village.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Bandai Namco Entertainment America [@BandaiNamcoAmerica] (2022, March 9), "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Name Variants
- ↑ Funny Valentine ASBR page
- ↑ Steel Ball Run Chapter 86: Ball Breaker, Part 4
- ↑ Steel Ball Run Chapter 78: D4C, Part 11 -Love Train-
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