Gyro Zeppeli (ジャイロ・ツェペリ, Jairo Tseperi) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] He was 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[3]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Shin-ichiro Miki reprises his role from the original All-Star Battle. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Gyro were either added or re-recorded.
Gyro has 900 health and uses the Mounted (騎乗, Kijō) Battle Style, which allows him to freely mount and dismount his horse, Valkyrie, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. Gyro primarily uses his Steel Balls to attack with the Spin technique, though he is also capable of utilizing the Scan (スキャン, Sukyan) ability. Additionally, in his Great Heat Attack, he is able to briefly manifest Ball Breaker.
As a Steel Ball Run character, three parts of the Saint's Corpse will slowly appear on the ground as Gyro fights. He can pick up these parts to receive progressively better blessings that can boost his performance in combat. If Gyro battles Johnny Joestar, Diego Brando, Parallel World Diego, Funny Valentine, or another Gyro, both combatants will have to fight over the same three parts.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
General Changes
- Skills that use Steel Balls decrease the Spin Gauge less than they did in All-Star Battle.
- The Spin Gauge naturally depletes significantly slower than it did in All-Star Battle.
- If Gyro is hit while a Steel Ball is out, the Steel Ball will now no longer hit the opponent when it returns. The only exception to this is the "Scan" skill and only in the circumstance that the returning Steel Ball is one that was spinning across the ground and never hit the opponent when initially thrown.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Steel Ball Run Gyro Zeppeli vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli Win with a GHA
Cover B of SBR Chapter 95

This section requires expansion.
Gyro's winter outfit in Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Steel Ball Run Chapter 1: The Steel Ball Run Press Conference, page 48

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 36: The Green Tomb, Part 1, page 6

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 4: September 25, 1890 - 3 Hours to Start, page 4
Gyro's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Gyro's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G, excluding "I joined this race to win! My homeland awaits me!", which is unlocked by default.

- “Nyoho! (ニョホ)”
- “Can you keep up? (ついてくるか?)”
- “That's pretty rude of ya. (そこちょっと
失礼 ィィィィィ~~)” - “I'll beat you until there's not a thing left. (『完膚なきまでに勝つ』)”
- “Neither of us can turn back now! (お互い後には引けねえッ!!)”
- “Pizza mozzarella! Pizza mozzarella! Rella rella rella rella... (ピザ・モッツァレラ♪ ピザ・モッツァレラ♪ ♪レラレラレラレラ♪)”
- “Can't help but feel like you're looking down on me. (ずいぶんと上から見下されてる感じがすんだがなああーー)”
- “Pay your respects! (敬意を払え)”
- “I'll etch failure into your very mind! (敗北を脳ミソに『
刻みつけてやる 』!)” - “Did you want my opinion? (オレに意見を求めたのか?)”
- “The race is the most important thing here. (大切なのはあくまでレースだ)”
- “Neither of us is getting out of this. (もうお互い絶対にはずしっこねえぜ)”
- “I'll beat you down... then beat you down again! (ブチのめして…………そしてまたブチのめすッ!!)”
- “Do it, but that's gonna be my signal. (やれ。ただしそれが『合図』になる)”
- “Give me a champagne toast, why don't you?! (シャンペンで祝いでもやってろッ!)”
- “Better get away before I get dragged in any further... (とばっちりこねーよーに離れとっかな)”
- “I don't like this guy... (嫌な野郎だぜ…)”
- “I swear to you! I don't know anything either! (誓っていう! オレにもさっぱりだぜ)”
- “Gah hah hah! Nyoho! (ガハハ、ニョホ)”
- “Get out of here! Now! (こっから失せろッ!! コラァーッ!!)”
- “Damn it! Wait here, you! (てめーーー、待ちやがれッ!!)”
- “Who are you working for?! (おまえら『誰に』
やとわれた !?)” - “I'm done trying to talk with you! (もうてめーとは
絶対 に口はきかねえッ!)” - “This is getting real messed up! I can see so much! (なんつぅーかヤッベェーぜッ!! スゲェー見えるッ!)”
- “No funny business, now... (妙な事はやめろ……)”
- “Hey, don't touch it! It's still spinning! (おい触るな! まだ回転している!)”
- “Show me some guts. (「根性」みせろよ)”
- “You messing with me?! (ナメてんのかッ!)”

- “Now I know what it feels like to win! (『勝利』の感覚が見えて来たッ!)”
- “A man's world sure ain't an easy one! (『男の世界』か……………厳しいな…………)”
- “Grazie to my ancestors! (御先祖様
ありがとう )” - “I need to be convinced. That takes priority! (「納得」は全てに優先するぜッ!!)”
- “Spin along the Path of the Golden Rectangle! Limitless power is there for you... (『黄金長方形の軌跡』で回転せよ! そこには『無限に続く
力 』があるはずだ………)” - “A trade wind serves to save your horse from running wild. That's all it ever was. (『向かい風』ってのは………… 愛馬が走るのを助けるためにあるんだ………… 初めっからな!)”
- “That was okay! Probably. (OK! たぶん)”
- “When the tennis ball hits the net, nobody can say which side it'll fall on. (結局のところネットにはじかれたテニスボールは、 どっち側に落ちるのか誰にもわからない)”
- “So what's the plan? You wanna go again? Huh? Do ya?! (で…どうする? 「再び」か? 再びかァァーーーッ!!)”
- “From now on, you're only allowed to say "I can't do this" four more times. (おまえはこれから「
できるわけがない 」というセリフを…… 4回だけ言っていい)” - “This is the line I walk. A line for just me and Valkyrie. (オレはこのラインでいい………… オレとヴァルキリーだけのラインで……)”
- “You know what kills the most? Mosquitoes, then horse kicks. You planning to change that? (死因のトップは何か知ってるか? 蚊が媒介する伝染病が1位で馬に蹴られて死ぬやつがその次だ。 おまえさんがその順位を入れかえるつもりか?)”
- “Grazie to my ancestors! (御先祖様ありがとう)”
- “Ehhh, what was it again? I forgot. Ha ha ha! (メェーーェ…なんだっけ忘れたァァァ ワハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハッ!)”
- “Domenica Sunday! (『ドメニカ』日曜日)”
- “The long way around was the best shortcut. (『一番の近道は遠回りだった』)”
- “The long way around is the shortest route for me. (『遠回りこそがオレの最短の道だった』)”
- “I joined this race to win! My homeland awaits me! (オレは勝つためにこのレースに来た! 祖国が待っている!)”
- “Come into the light. (「光」の中へ)”

- “Nyoho! (ニョホ)”
- “The long way around is the shortest route for me. (『遠回りこそがオレの最短の道だった』)”
- “I'm trusting you with my real name. Just like we promised, remember? Tell no one! (オレの本名は…約束したよな………誰にも言うなよ)”
- “I joined this race to win! My homeland awaits me! (オレは勝つためにこのレースに来た! 祖国が待っている!)”
- “You have to let a horse run free. Let it gallop over the grass as nature intended! (馬自身が『良い』と思うように走らせろ…馬がこの草の上を自然体で走って喜ぶように………)”
- “I need to be convinced. That takes priority! (「納得」は全てに優先するぜッ!!)”
- “Rella rella rella rella! (レラレラレラレラ)”
- “Pay your respects! (敬意を払え)”
- “That's pretty rude of ya. (そこちょっと
失礼 ィィィィィ~~)” - “A man's world sure ain't an easy one! (『男の世界』か……………厳しいな…………)”
- “Meehhhhh... What was it? I forgot. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (メェーーェ…なんだっけ忘れたァァァワハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハッ!)”

- “Right. Good. Keep it up. (よぉーし、いいぜ。その調子だ)”—Round Win 1
- “I'm still one step ahead of you. (「一手」………オレの方が「上」を行ってるんだぜ)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Gyro's face contorts similarly to when he uses Spin to deflect Fritz von Stroheim's bullets.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Gyro makes a mocking expression while putting both his hands near his face, as he does when gripping his hair while telling a joke to Johnny.[5]
- When hit by Gyro's Great Heat Attack, "Ball Breaker", Valentine attempts to protect himself with D4C Love Train, only for Ball Breaker to penetrate and fly through the dimensional wall. Ball Breaker then zooms past Valentine and D4C's face before violently exploding in a blast of Complete Golden Spin Energy.
- When summoned as an Assist by Johnny Joestar, Gyro calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Gyro has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Right, here goes! (よし、行くぜ!)”—Default dialogue
- “Okay, you just stop there. Don't come any closer! (よォーーーし、そこでとまれェェーーーッ。 それ以上こっちに近づくなッ!)”—Gyro Zeppeli (Player 1)“What the-- me?! Is this the President's trickery at work?! (オレがいるぞ!? まさか…大統領の能力か!?)”—Gyro Zeppeli (Player 2)
- “What do you want to say here? If you're gonna give me a piece of your mind, do it! (何が言いたいんだ? 偉そうにオレに意見をたれるんならハッキリ言え!)”—Gyro Zeppeli“You are the inheritor! You have to starve if you want to win. Starve nobly! (君は『受け継いだ人間』だ! 「飢えなきゃ」勝てない。 気高く「飢え」なくては!)”
“Hey, what gives? (おい、どういう事だい………?)”—Gyro Zeppeli
- “You have to let a horse run free. Let it go where it wants, as if it's thanking the land and sky for letting it be born here. (馬自身が「良い」と思うように走らせろ… 馬自身が………この大地と空の
下 に生まれて来た事を 感謝するように…)”—Gyro Zeppeli“In the battle to come... just one misstep... a single misstep will decide the victor. And I'm not just talking about us. (ここから先は……戦局でいう所の…「一手」だな… 「一手」見誤った者の敗北という事か…… ジャイロ、おまえの方か…わたしの方ではない がな…………)”

- “This is your fault... Coming up to me like some kind of creeper! (お前さんが悪いんだぜ… 怪しいカッコして近づいてくるんだからな)”—Gyro Zeppeli (Player 1)“You mean this ISN'T one of the President's tricks?! (これは大統領の能力ではないのか…?)”—Gyro Zeppeli (Player 2)
- “Maybe you're right... you gotta starve for it! (おまえさんの言うとおりかも… 「飢える必要あり」………か………)”—Gyro Zeppeli“Just keep growing stronger... It'll be the inheritors like you who win in the end. (…少しずつ「生長」すればいいじゃあないか… そうすれば……最後で勝つのは、 君のような「受け継いだ」人間なのに………)”
- “Flaws don't need to be fixed. (
クセなんて直さなくていい )”—Gyro Zeppeli“And what if I told you? You wouldn't be able to change your flaws... Or your fate. (教えたところでどうなる? クセは直らない……宿命のようにな)” - “This is it! The Steel Ball behind 250 years of Zeppeli family history! (これが! ツェペリ一族250年の「鉄球」だぜ!)”—Gyro Zeppeli

- “Your name must be whack-a-mole, because I want to stomp your silly looking head down! (変な頭だ、踏みつけてやりたいね…)”—Gyro Zeppeli, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Gyro as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Battle Tendency
Steel Ball Run
Gyro's theme is GO! GO! ZEPPELI (GO! GO! ZEPPELI, Gō! Gō! Tseperi), and can be unlocked in-game by landing a Heart Heat Attack in All-Star Battle Mode's Gyro vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli Extra Battle.
Its name is taken from the phrase printed on Gyro's golden teeth, as seen in Chapter 1 of Steel Ball Run.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Tailpiece from Steel Ball Run Chapter 21: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 2
Steel Ball Run Chapter 73: D4C, Part 6, page 39
(modified to extend hat and remove speech bubble to reveal hair)
Steel Ball Run Chapter 28: Scary Monsters, Part 1, page 21
(modified to remove shoulders and extend hair and hat)
Steel Ball Run Chapter 31: Scary Monsters, Part 4
(modified to remove the Corpse eye and extend the hair)

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Gyro Extra Battle Land a 10-hit combo
Cover of SBR Volume 4 and Steel Ball Run Chapter 35: The World of Man, Part 3

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Steel Ball Run Chapter 84: Ball Breaker, Part 2

All-Star Battle Mode: Steel Ball Run Gyro vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli Extra Battle Land a 10 hit combo
UJ 2006 Issue #1 and the cover of Steel Ball Run Chapter 55: The Victor's Qualifications
Commemorative Giveaway

In commemoration of the release of Parallel World Diego as the 4th paid DLC character for ASBR, the Japanese ASBR Twitter account hosted a giveaway of 20 sets of 3 ASBR Steel Ball Run badges,[6] although only to be delivered to addresses in Japan.[7] The badges in question contained the ASBR render images of Gyro, Parallel World Diego, and Johnny Joestar respectively.
The campaign started on June 16, 2023, and lasted until July 2 at 11:59pm JST. To enter the giveaway lottery, users only had to:
- Follow the @jojo_games_jp Twitter account.
- Retweet the tweet that announced the giveaway.
However, Twitter accounts set to private were ineligible for the giveaway. Unfollowing the ASBR Twitter account before the end of the giveaway also deemed users ineligible. Furthermore, attempting to join the giveaway with multiple accounts disqualified all of the associated accounts from the giveaway.[7]
The giveaway was directly implemented by Bandai Namco themselves, with no third-party involvement, and the winners of the giveaway were notified via Twitter DMs. Said winners were announced sometime towards the end of July 2023. The gifts were delivered in mid-August 2023.[7]
Update History

- Dodge [Mounted] (Background and Foreground)
The activation of move has been standardized for all characters.
- "Run wild, run free!" skill
Reduced the time it takes for the hurtbox to disappear, fixing the issue where the hurtbox would misalign under certain circumstances.
- "Scan" skill
Trap changed to disappear when Stylish Guarded.
- Spin Gauge
Reduced the speed at which the gauge decreases over time.
Reduced the amount of gauge used for each steel ball thrown.
- Standing Medium Attack [Dismounted]
Increased forward movement.
Increased knockback.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Dismounted]
Increased forward movement.
Increased knockback.
Increased the amount of time the hurtbox is present.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Dismounted]
Increased the amount of time the hurtbox is present.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Dismounted]
Sped up time it takes for hitbox to appear.
- "Spin, spin!" skill [Dismounted]
Increased the duration of Super Armor when Gyro has 2 or more Holy Corpse parts.
- "Scan" skill
Increased size of the projectile-erasing hitbox.
- "Scan" skill [Follow-up]
Eased the combo restrictions.
- "Run wild, run free!" skill
Increased hitstop of the final hit.
- "Raaaaugh!" skill
Increased the duration of Super Armor when Gyro has 2 or more Holy Corpse parts.
Reduced the initial travel distance.
- Standing Medium Attack [Dismounted]
Fixed camera movement.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Dismounted]
Decreased forward movement.
Increased recovery time.
- Steel Balls
Changed so if Gyro is hit while the Steel Ball is returning after a skill, its hitbox will disappear.
Changed so if Gyro is hit while the Steel Ball is spinning on the ground, it will lose its hitbox and immediately return.
When possessing two or more Holy Corpse parts, the point when Super Armor applies has been delayed.
- This change is to allow moves that throw Steel Balls to keep their effectiveness in neutral at long and medium ranges while nerfing its effectiveness against opponents attempting to attack on wake-up.
- "Scan" skill
Adjusted the firing position to fix the issue where the second hit would not connect with opponents directly in front of Gyro.
- "Raaaaugh!" skill
Fixed issue where the tornado portion of the skill would remain even after the move was Stylish Guarded.
Increased recovery time.
- "One moooore shot!" HHA
Capped the damage reduction adjustment at 50%.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Dismounted]
Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs to fix an issue where this attack would clash with skills.
- "Raaaaugh!" skill
Fixed a bug where the Steel Balls would still have a hitbox when returning to Gyro if he'd been hit or was guarding, a change made in Patch 1.6.0.
Fixed a bug where the second hit of a deployed Steel Ball could be repeated within a certain interval as long as the opponent was on top of the Steel Ball.
- Mounted Mode
Fixed a bug where, after jumping and not performing an aerial attack, the landing recovery while Mounted was much shorter than intended.
- Standing Light Attack [Mounted]
Fixed so the attack will deal Chip Damage like Mounted normals are supposed to.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Mounted]
Fixed so the attack will deal Chip Damage like Mounted normals are supposed to.
- "Mounting" Style
Adjusted so that Gyro is never considered to be airborne while mounting.
- This change is intended to make punishing this ability more consistant since Gyro could easily drop out of combos due to how low to the ground he was while performing this ability.
- "Spin" special
Increased the rate at which this special fills the Spin Gauge.
- "Winds from Mexico" skill
Fixed a bug where Gyro and Valkyrie would slide in the wrong direction when they were hit by an opponent's attack that draws them in at the end of this skill's animation.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Bandai Namco Entertainment America [@BandaiNamcoAmerica] (2022, March 9), "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Gyro ASBR page
- ↑ JoJo News: ASBR EVO 2022 Demo
- ↑ Steel Ball Run Chapter 25: Tusk, Part 1
- ↑ Steel Ball Run Chapter 63: Seven Days in a Week
- ↑ ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 オールスターバトル R [@jojo_games_jp] (2023, June 16), "4th Paid DLC "Parallel World Diego" Participation Commemorative Campaign Held!", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 "4th Paid DLC Parallel World Commemorative Campaign!", Bandai Namco, 2023, June 16.
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