All-Star Battle R ★ Trish Una
Trish Una (トリッシュ・ウナ, Torisshu Una) was informally shown to be in All-Star Battle R via a screenshot posted to the game's official Japanese website on the day the game was announced, showing her HUD portrait. She was officially announced as a playable character alongside Prosciutto & Pesci and Ghiaccio on August 24, 2022 during the Part 5 Reveal Trailer.[1]
Her moveset is similar to that of her Eyes of Heaven appearance, with modifications and new aspects added to better fit her in with All-Star Battle R's different style of gameplay.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Trish's Stand, Spice Girl, is localized as "Spicy Lady", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Having voiced Trish in the Golden Wind anime, Sayaka Senbongi reprises her role in this game. As Sayaka Senbongi replaces Trish's Eyes of Heaven voice actress, Nao Toyama, voice lines for Trish were added and re-recorded.
Trish has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows her to freely summon and withdraw her Stand Spice Girl, dynamically changing her moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Trish vs. Diavolo Boss Battle Win with a Great Heat Attack
Trish's initial Vento Aureo attire

Either complete all "Golden Wind" campaign online missions or buy from Medal List 17,000 G
Cover of Volume 57

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Trish vs. Akira Otoishi Extra Battle Land a Great Heat Attack
Title Page of WSJ 1998 Issue #9

Either complete all "Battle Tendency" campaign online missions or buy from Medal List 5600 G
JOJO-D Chapter 486: Express Train to Florence, Part 1 and onward
Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 469: Capo Bucciarati; The First Order from the Boss

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 469: Capo Bucciarati; The First Order from the Boss

Trish's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in her Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Trish's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “I know exactly what I'm doing! (あたしったら自分で何をやってるのかわかっているの!!)”
- “Why can I suddenly see all these bizarre things? What's going on?! (なぜ最近急に奇妙な物が見えるようになったの? 何よこれは!?)”
- “Alright, you piece of trash! (良しッ! くそ野郎ッ!!)”
- “Perhaps you would be so kind as to answer my very silly question. (もしよければゴクくだらない質問に答えていただけるのかしら)”
- “Why are they after me?! I don't even know my father! Tell me already! (なぜあたしは知らない父親のために追われるのよッ!! 答えなさいッ!)”
- “I'll make sure you talk... no matter what... (どうしても………答えてもらうわ………)”
- “I'm finally getting this whole Stand thing. (「スタンド能力」の事がわかりかけて来た…)”
- “So what? (どうってことないわ)”
- “I can't let you... My heart is telling me there's no excuse for what you've done... (あたしの心にもこいつは許してはいけないと感じるわ……………)”
- “I-I can't even make sense out of what you're saying. (な…なんかあたし、何を言ってるのか理解できないんだけど)”
- “You have no right to attack me. (あんたに攻撃をされるスジ合いはないわ)”
- “Is your name "Public Restroom?" (あんたの名前「公衆トイレ」……?)”
- “Can I... go to the bathroom? (トイレ…行っても?)”
- “You... I don't understand you at all. (あなたのこと、わたしには…理解できないわ)”
- “That may have been... a little harsh. (少し……冷酷すぎるわ……)”
- “Who said what now? (誰がなんですって…?)”
- “Why don't you buy me a drink? (ねえ、飲み物買って来てくれる?)”
- “What are you trying to do? (なんの…つもり…?)”

- “Arrivederci! (アリーヴェデルチ(さよならよ))”
- “This is your power! (コレガアナタノ能力ッ!)”
- “I... I know... I've already realized... (もうすでに………理解しているもの……さっきから…)”
- “I can... go over... (あたしも………乗り越えるわ………………)”
- “This is my power: Spice Girl! (これがあたしの能力! 『スパイス・ガール』!)”
- “Waaannaaabeee! (
WAAAAAAAANNABEEEEEEEEEE )” - “I did it! I won! Finally! (あたしなのねっ! 勝ったのはっ! ついにっ!)”
- “I can't let you... My heart is telling me there's no excuse for what you've done... (許してはいけないわ………… あたしの心にも、こいつは許してはいけないと感じるわ……………)”
- “Now leave me alone. (これ以上あたしに付きまとわないで)”
- “Just another wannabe. (あら、大したことなかったわね)”
- “See? I can fight too! (どうッ? あたしだって戦えるのよッ)”
- “Something tells me he's still alive! I have to make sure! (あたしにはまだヤツが生きてるって感じるわッ! 確認しないと安心できないッ!!)”
- “I climbed above you... I've won out against fate! (登り切ったわ…あたしたちは勝ったのよ、「運命」にッ)”
- “Good! You finally understand now! (よかったッ! わかってもらえたようねッ!)”
- “I just have to know! What kind of man brought me into existence! (あたしはどうしても知りたい! 自分が何者から生まれたのかをッ!)”
- “I can't believe it... Why did I do that? I don't know... (信じられない…自分の行動が…とても信じられないわ…)”
- “Get your ass to hell and stay there! (テメェーッ サッサトあの世ヘ行キヤガレェェェェ コノクソガアアアァァ)”
- “No more hesitation. (不安は解消したわ)”
- “Now let's get back under the radar so we can figure out the boss's identity. (さあ…姿をくらましてボスの正体を探しに行きましょう)”
- “Where do I start looking? I don't know the first thing... (何を探せばいいのか……あたしにもわからない…)”

- “Why are they after me?! I don't even know my father! (なぜあたしは知らない父親のために追われるのよッ!!)”
- “I just have to know what kind of man brought me into existence! (あたしはどうしても知りたい! 自分が何者からうまれたのかをッ!)”
- “I know exactly what I'm doing! (あたしったら
自分で何をやってるのかわかっているの!! )” - “I finally understand it... You're me! (「
あんたがあたし 」だって事は理解して来た!!)” - “Dammit! Stay back until I get this door closed! (チクショオッ! このドアを閉めるまで! 来るんじゃあねーわよッ!)”
- “All it does is make things softer! It's taking all I have to evade these attacks! (「柔らかくする」って身をかわすだけが
せいいっぱい だわッ!)” - “I see... That's a fitting name... (そう……一味………違うのね………)”
- “If I do something as lame as moving slow, it's going to catch up to me anyway! (ゆっくり動くなんてスットロい事やってたら、いずれ追いつかれるわよどっちみち!)”
- “Arrivederci! (アリーヴェデルチ(さよならよ))”
- “The boss can't get their hands on that arrow, no matter what! (「ボス」なんかにはもう「あの矢」を手にすることなんか絶対にできないッ!)”

- “I'm the one that did you in! (あたしがこいつをやっつけたのよね!!)”—Round Win 1
- “Well... That's certainly got some flavor to it... (一味………違うのね………)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Trish's expression mirrors hers when baiting Notorious B.I.G into attacking the chair next to her.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Trish puts both of her hands to her head, as she does when sensing Diavolo's presence in front of the Colosseum.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jean Pierre Polnareff ("Mr. Polnareff!"), Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, or Pannacotta Fugo, Trish calls out her ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Trish has unique interaction dialogue for both her match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “I'm not gonna turn tail and run! (あたしはビクついて逃げたりなんかしない…!)”—Default dialogue
- “There's another me?! (あッ…あたしが…もう1人!?)”—Trish Una (Player 1)“Stay back! Who are you?! (こないでッ! あんた何者!?)”—Trish Una (Player 2)
- “Y-You're... Are you... Polnareff? (あ、あなたはッ…! まさか…ポルナレフさん?)”—Trish Una
- “The organization must have sent you after me! (あんたも組織の追手ってわけね!)”—Trish Una
“Show you? You want me to fight you, Giorno? (「見せる」ってことはつまり…ジョルノ、あなたと戦うってことね)”—Trish Una
- “I have a question I'd like you to answer... (聞きたい事があるんだけれど…答えてもらえるのかしら?)”—Trish Una
- “I can smell that B.O. from here! (すごくワキガ臭いわあーッ!!)”—Trish Una
- “Hey, Trish, you're a Stand user now too, right? Can I see? (トリッシュも「スタンド」使えるようになったんだってなーッ! 見せて見せて!)”“Perfect timing, Narancia. I was looking for a sparring partner. (ちょうどよかったわ、ナランチャ… 練習相手を探しているところだったの)”—Trish Una
- “Listen, can you take your shirt off? It's not because I want to see you shirtless. (ちょっとその上着、ここで脱いでいただける? 別にあなたの裸がみたいってわけではないのよ…)”—Trish Una
- “I'm not gonna turn tail and run! (あたしはビクついて逃げたりなんかしない…!)”—Trish Una“Wait, is that... It's a Stand ability! Trish, when did you... (こいつは!? スタンド能力か…… トリッシュ、いつの間に)”
“There's no turning back now! (もう
やるしか ないッ!)”—Trish Una - “Huh? Did it just get cold? (何? 急に冷えてきたわ…)”—Trish Una
“I'm not gonna turn tail and run! (あたしはビクついて逃げたりなんかしない…!)”—Trish Una
- “I'm not going to get scared or run from the fate I inherited from you! (あんたから受け継いだ…「運命」にビクついて 逃げたりもしない…!!)”—Trish Una

- “What just happened? Did a Stand do this? (なんだったの…これも「スタンド」の影響…?)”—Trish Una (Player 1)“That looks pretty real for an illusion... (幻覚…にしてはハッキリしすぎだわ…)”—Trish Una (Player 2)
- “But Polnareff, I thought your soul was inside the turtle... Why are you here? (ポルナレフさんの魂はいま、亀の中にいるはず…どうして?)”—Trish Una
- “He changed his bullet's trajectory! Maybe his ability works like Sex Pistols? (…弾丸の軌道を曲げた…ッ! ピストルズと似たような能力なのッ?)”—Trish Una“I don't know the details, but relax. I'm always gentle with women... (事情は知らねェが…安心しな、オレは女には優しいんだ…)”
- “Well? This is my Spice Girl! (どう? これがあたしの「スパイス・ガール」よ)”—Trish Una
- “It's me! Just who are you? (あたし! いったい『何者』なの?)”—Trish Una
- “I said some weird stuff back there... I guess I just sort of panicked, but I'm over it now. (なんかさっきは変なこと言っちゃったけど… 必死だったせいか別に気にならなくなったわ)”—Trish Una
- “Well? I'm pretty strong, aren't I? (どう? あたし、結構強いでしょッ?)”—Trish Una“Yeah, I win! I'll help you practice any time you want! (よっしゃ、オレの勝ちー! 練習くらいなら、また付き合ってやってもいいぜーッ)”
- “I'm missing my handkerchief, so go buy me one. Oh, and new stockings and some mineral water. And it'd better be French. I'd die before I drank any other kind. (ハンカチないからハンカチ買って来てね。 それとストッキングのかえとミネラルウォーター。 フランス製じゃあなきゃ死んでも飲まない事にしてるのあたし)”—Trish Una“She's using someone's jacket as a handkerchief... How rude! (人の上着をハンカチ代わりに…なんて女だ…)”
- “Aging people? That's a terrifying power! I'm getting chills just imagining it! (老化させるなんて、恐ろしい能力ね 考えただけでもゾッとするわ)”—Trish Una“All right, tell us the boss's secret. Everything you know. (さあ、ボスの秘密をしゃべってもらおうか… 知っていることを全て話せ)”
- “I can't take this cold. I have to warm up. (寒くて仕方ないわ。早く温まらないと)”—Trish Una
- “If you intend to stand in my way, I'll just climb above you! (それが邪魔なら……なおさら登り切ってやる)”—Trish Una

- “I know exactly what I'm doing! (あたしったら自分で何をやってるのかわかっているの!!)”—Trish Una, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “What is that hairstyle? That's so lame! It's the lamest thing I've ever seen! (なによその頭ーーッ!! ダッ、ダサいッ! すごくダサいわあーッ!!)”—Trish Una, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Trish as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Golden Wind
Stone Ocean
Trish's theme is First Order From The Boss (ボスからの第一指令, Bosu kara no Daichi Shirei) and can be unlocked in-game by using the "I've turned it soft!" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Trish vs. Diavolo Boss Battle.
Its name is taken from the title of Chapter 30 of Vento Aureo, Capo Bucciarati; The First Order from the Boss.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Trish vs. Akira Otoishi Extra Battle Land a 30 hit combo
Cover of Volume 57

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Trish vs. Diavolo Boss Battle Call 3 Assists in a single round
Cover of Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6
Chapter 499: The Grateful Dead, Part 12 and Chapter 516: The Boss's Last Orders
Update History

- "I've turned it soft!" skill
Trap changed to disappear when Stylish Guarded.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Fixed timing of Quick Stand ON activation to eliminate the issue where Quick Stand ON could be activated before the move's hitbox appeared.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased float amount on airborne opponents.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased float amount on airborne opponents.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Extended hitbox to correct the problem of move not hitting when in close proximity to the opponent.
- "Spice Girl!" skill
Increased speed of startup on final attack.
- "Nobody's getting taken out today." skill
Increased forward movement.
Increased float amount on airborne opponents.
Reduced recovery time.
- "Something soft is even more unbreakable than diamond!" skill
Increased pushback on hit so that it can no longer be comboed off of when move is used as a Guard Cancel and is then Flash Cancelled.
- "Nobody's getting taken out today." skill
Changed so Spice Girl will no longer teleport to Trish's location during the Stand Rush if Stand Rushed during the startup.
- "Something soft is even more unbreakable than diamond!" skill
Changed so the wall disappears when Stylish Guarded it to prevent characters from getting stuck on the edge of the stage in certain situations.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
This skill no longer causes the opponent to be knocked down, instead causing normal hitstun.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Increased number of hits.
Made hitbox appear faster.
Increased damage.
- "With the force of a vise!" special
This skill now launches opponents, even if the opponent is downed when hit.
Move can now be Flash Canceled.
Increased damage.
Increased number of hits.
- "Spice Girl!" skill
The last hit of this skill will now launch the opponent.
Increased damage.
Increased number of hits.
Increased amount of hitstop on last hit.
- "Something soft is even more unbreakable than diamond!" skill
Increased number of hits.
Added damage to hits.
- While damage has been added to this skill, this move cannot KO opponents.
Increased launch force when hitting an airborne opponent.
Decreased recovery time.
The move can no longer be canceled into HHA or Flash Canceled.
- "Crush!" skill
Made hitbox appear faster.
- "Nobody's getting taken out today." skill
Made hitbox appear faster.
- This also affects the "Assault Assist" as this is the skill the assist uses.
- "Make any material soft!" HHA
Fixed an issue where if interrupted by a Reversal Assist, Spice Girl would not return to the proper position.
- "With the force of a vise!" special
Shortened duration of the attack.
- "Something soft is even more unbreakable than diamond!" skill
Added a darkening visual effect when used as a Guard Cancel to make it more obvious when the skill is used as such.
Fixed a bug where if this skill was activated right as time was stopped, it would continue to reflect projectiles in stopped time.
- "Nobody's getting taken out today." skill
Fixed a bug where Spice Girl's hurtbox would extend downward when activating this skill if the player held an upward input command.
- "With the force of a vise!" special
Added icon that indicates this move can be used on a Downed opponent in the Command List.
- "Crush!" skill
Fixed a bug where Spice Girl would be summoned slightly more forward of where it should be when "Stand On" was activated if this skill was Flash Canceled or if Trish took damage during this move.
- Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.
- ↑ These include Aerosmith, Ghiaccio, Guido Mista, The Grateful Dead, Sale, Spice Girl, Sex Pistols, Trish Una, Narancia Ghirga, Naples Train Station, Beach Boy, Formaggio, White Album, Melone, Leone Abbacchio, and Rome.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Bandai Namco Entertainment America [@BandaiNamcoAmerica] (2022, August 24), "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Part 5 Reveal Trailer", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Trish ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 537: Notorious B.I.G, Part 5
- ↑ Chapter 568: His Name is Diavolo, Part 1
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