Johnny Joestar (ジョニィ・ジョースター, Jonyi Jōsutā) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] He was featured as 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[3]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Yuki Kaji reprises his role from the original All-Star Battle, in addition to his new role as Koichi Hirose. For the most part, voice lines for Johnny were reused from the original All-Star Battle. However, some brand-new voice lines were added that weren't in the original game.
Johnny has 950 health and uses the Mounted (騎乗, Kijō) Battle Style, which allows him to freely mount and dismount his horse, Slow Dancer, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. In addition, as a Stand user, Johnny is able to make use of his Stand Tusk both on and off his horse.
As a Steel Ball Run character, three parts of the Saint's Corpse will slowly appear on the ground as Johnny fights. He can pick up these parts to receive progressively better blessings that can boost his performance in combat. If Johnny battles Gyro Zeppeli, Diego Brando, Parallel World Diego, Funny Valentine, or another Johnny, both combatants will have to fight over the same three parts.
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
I've got to get there! (あそこまで行かなくては!!)
or +
Johnny spins his nails and forces his lower body off the ground, temporarily 'wheeling' himself forward or backwards. If the opponent is hit, they are knocked into the air. Johnny can cancel this attack into skills, even when whiffed. However, it cannot be canceled into 'Quick Mount'.
Attack type: High Damage: 12 (normal) / 14 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his Heart Heat Gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Johnny moves forward while spinning his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Slow Dancer moves and the more vulnerable Johnny becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
I'll call them Tusks! (これからは「牙」と呼ぶ!)
+ //
Using basic Spin energy, Johnny shoots off his nails like bullets in a salvo forward. The number of nail bullets Johnny shoots increases in order, but so does vulnerability. Unlike Tusk's later Acts, Johnny's basic nails are unlimited as his nails regrow instantly at this stage, but have poor damage and cannot be aimed. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Johnny sends a narrow shockwave forward along the ground, knocking the opponent down on impact. The recovery decreases in order, but the shorter the recovery, the longer the startup.
Johnny attacks the opponent's lower body by spinning his nails and cutting them. His legs then spontaneously jolt to launch him into the air as he fires the nails downward.
Even if my Spin falters, I will never die! (回転は「穴」になっても死なないぞッ!!)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Imbuing the Golden Spin into a nail bullet, Johnny evolves Tusk into ACT2, before firing said nail into the ground. The hole generated by the nail bullet moves along the ground, homing towards the opponent and knocking them into the air if it connects. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit.
Attack type: High (initial bullet) and Low (hole) Damage: 30 + 110 (140) (normal) / 36 + 132 (168) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Even if my Spin falters, I will never die! (回転は「穴」になっても死なないぞッ!!)
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Unmounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Johnny attacks outward with his hand.
Attack type: High Damage: 13 (normal) / 16 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Johnny stabs upward with his hand.
Attack type: High Damage: 21 (normal) / 25 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Heavy Attack
Johnny shifts forward and performs an overhead punch.
Attack type: High Damage: 34 (normal) / 40 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted. It can, however, be partially restored by the "Care for some herbal tea?" special.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
I've got to get there! (あそこまで行かなくては!!)
or +
Johnny spins his nails and forces his lower body off the ground, temporarily 'wheeling' himself forward or backwards. If the opponent is hit, they are knocked into the air. Johnny can cancel this attack into skills, even when whiffed. However, it cannot be canceled into other specials such as 'Quick Mount' or "Care for some herbal tea?".
Attack type: High Damage: 12 (normal) / 14 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Care for some herbal tea? (ハーブティー飲む?)
Johnny quickly drinks a cup of chamomile tea. When he does, his guard gauge is partially restored and his missing nail bullets will instantly be restored. However, if he is hit before this move completes, these effects do not activate.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Tusk Icon (タスクアイコン)
Above Johnny's Heart Heat gauge are 10 icons that display how many nail bullets Johnny has remaining. When a skill that uses nail bullets is used, one of the icons will darken, regardless of how many actual nail bullets the skill uses. Once all 10 bullets have been fired, they will restore automatically, though it will take a bit of time. Their restoration speed will increase while "Care for some herbal tea?" is in effect. The icon only appears after Tusk has been upgraded to Tusk ACT2.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Johnny moves forward while spinning his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Golden Spin Nail Bullets (黄金回転の爪弾)
+ //
Johnny shoots a single nail bullet infused with the Golden Spin, hitting the opponent for more damage than his previous "I'll call them Tusks!" nail bullets. Johnny cannot use this ability if he has no nail bullets currently available. Depending on the attack button inputted, he will shoot at a different angle:
Light (): Johnny fires straight forward.
Medium (): Johnny fires at a upward angle.
Heavy (): Johnny fires a steeper upward angle, almost straight up.
Attack type: High Damage: 79 (normal) / 60 (one Saint's Corpse part)
The hole will attack you. (「穴」が攻撃をする)
+ //
Johnny fires into the ground, and the hole created by the nail bullet moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. The speed and duration of the hole increases in order. The projectile cannot be reflected. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 10 + 45 (55) (normal) / 12 + 54 (66) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up! (ぼくの体が飛び上がった!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Johnny attacks the opponent's lower body by spinning his nails and cutting them. His legs then spontaneously jolt to launch him into the air as he fires the nails downward.
Aiming a Golden Spin Nail Bullet at the side of his head, glaring eyes aflame with Dark Determination, Johnny evolves Tusk into ACT3 as he shoots himself. ACT3 then sends a large hole created by Johnny's nail bullet along the ground with some homing. If it hits the opponent, it will knock them off-balance and continue moving past. Johnny's upper half will then appear out of it as he shoots five Golden Spin nail bullet into them from behind.
Attack type: High Damage: 170 (normal) / 192 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Now I know where to shoot! Now I see. (さっきわかった! 撃つべき場所が… よし見える)
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Unmounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Johnny attacks outward with his hand.
Attack type: High Damage: 13 (normal) / 16 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Johnny stabs upward with his hand.
Attack type: High Damage: 21 (normal) / 25 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Heavy Attack
Johnny shifts forward and performs an overhead punch.
Attack type: High Damage: 34 (normal) / 40 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted. It can, however, be partially restored by the "Care for some herbal tea?" special.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
I've got to get there! (あそこまで行かなくては!!)
or +
Johnny spins his nails and forces his lower body off the ground, temporarily 'wheeling' himself forward or backwards. If the opponent is hit, they are knocked into the air. Johnny can cancel this attack into skills, even when whiffed. However, it cannot be canceled into other specials such as 'Quick Mount' or "Care for some herbal tea?".
Attack type: High Damage: 12 (normal) / 14 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Care for some herbal tea? (ハーブティー飲む?)
Johnny quickly drinks a cup of chamomile tea. When he does, his guard gauge is partially restored and his missing nail bullets will instantly be restored. However, if he is hit before this move completes, these effects do not activate.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Tusk Icon (タスクアイコン)
Above Johnny's Heart Heat gauge are 10 icons that display how many nail bullets Johnny has remaining. When a skill that uses nail bullets is used, one of the icons will darken, regardless of how many actual nail bullets the skill uses. Once all 10 bullets have been fired, they will restore automatically, though it will take a bit of time. Their restoration speed will increase while "Care for some herbal tea?" is in effect. The icon only appears after Tusk has been upgraded to Tusk ACT2.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Johnny moves forward while spinning his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Golden Spin Nail Bullets (黄金回転の爪弾)
+ //
Johnny shoots a single nail bullet infused with the Golden Spin, hitting the opponent for more damage than his previous "I'll call them Tusks!" nail bullets. Johnny cannot use this ability if he has no nail bullets currently available. Depending on the attack button inputted, he will shoot at a different angle:
Light (): Johnny fires straight forward.
Medium (): Johnny fires at a upward angle.
Heavy (): Johnny fires a steeper upward angle, almost straight up.
Attack type: High Damage: 79 (normal) / 60 (one Saint's Corpse part)
The hole will attack you. (「穴」が攻撃をする)
+ //
Johnny fires into the ground, and the hole created by the nail bullet moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. The speed and duration of the hole increases in order. The projectile cannot be reflected. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 10 + 45 (55) (normal) / 12 + 54 (66) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Send me down the hole! (自分の肉体を穴の中に巻き込むッ!)
+ //
Johnny fires a nail bullet into the ground and sticks his forearm in. A second hole will begin quickly moving along the ground, until it reaches a set distance in front of the opponent, before Johnny's forearm appears from it and fires a Golden Spin Nail Bullet. If it hits, the opponent will be knocked off their feet. The variant is a feint and can be used regardless of if Johnny has any nail bullets available. The speed of the projectile decreases in order, but it is not a great decrease. The skill can be canceled at any time during its animation with . This skill consumes two Golden Spin Nail Bullets per use; One to create the hole, and a second to fire in the actual attack. The attack cannot be used if Johnny has no more than a single nail left.
Attack type: High Damage: 102 (normal) / 122 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Where's the upper half?! (上半身はどこだ!?)
+ //
Johnny fires a nail bullet into the ground and sticks his entire upper body into it. Another hole will then move along the ground, either forwards or backwards depending on the attack button inputted, before the rest of Johnny's body is sucked in. He will then reappear on the other side. The longer the button is held, the farther the hole will travel.
Light (): Johnny will appear forwards from his original position.
Medium (): Johnny will appear backwards from his original position.
Heavy (): Johnny will not move.
This skill is useful for quick traversal along the stage unmounted or simply for evasion, but has a delay before the hole begins to move, leaving Johnny's lower half open attack, though his hitbox is smaller than normal, making him harder to hit. It can be canceled at anytime during its animation by pressing , resulting in Johnny not moving.
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up! (ぼくの体が飛び上がった!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Johnny attacks the opponent's lower body by spinning his nails and cutting them. His legs then spontaneously jolt to launch him into the air as he fires the nails downward.
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Unmounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Johnny attacks outward with his hand.
Attack type: High Damage: 13 (normal) / 16 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Johnny stabs upward with his hand.
Attack type: High Damage: 21 (normal) / 25 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Heavy Attack
Johnny shifts forward and performs an overhead punch.
Attack type: High Damage: 34 (normal) / 40 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted. It can, however, be partially restored by the "Care for some herbal tea?" special.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
I've got to get there! (あそこまで行かなくては!!)
or +
Johnny spins his nails and forces his lower body off the ground, temporarily 'wheeling' himself forward or backwards. If the opponent is hit, they are knocked into the air. Johnny can cancel this attack into skills, even when whiffed. However, it cannot be canceled into other specials such as 'Quick Mount' or "Care for some herbal tea?".
Attack type: High Damage: 12 (normal) / 14 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Care for some herbal tea? (ハーブティー飲む?)
Johnny quickly drinks a cup of chamomile tea. When he does, his guard gauge is partially restored and his missing nail bullets will instantly be restored. However, if he is hit before this move completes, these effects do not activate.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Tusk Icon (タスクアイコン)
Above Johnny's Heart Heat gauge are 10 icons that display how many nail bullets Johnny has remaining. When a skill that uses nail bullets is used, one of the icons will darken, regardless of how many actual nail bullets the skill uses. Once all 10 bullets have been fired, they will restore automatically, though it will take a bit of time. Their restoration speed will increase while "Care for some herbal tea?" is in effect. The icon only appears after Tusk has been upgraded to Tusk ACT2.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Johnny moves forward while spinning his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Golden Spin Nail Bullets (黄金回転の爪弾)
+ //
Johnny shoots a single nail bullet infused with the Golden Spin, hitting the opponent for more damage than his previous "I'll call them Tusks!" nail bullets. Johnny cannot use this ability if he has no nail bullets currently available. Depending on the attack button inputted, he will shoot at a different angle:
Light (): Johnny fires straight forward.
Medium (): Johnny fires at a upward angle.
Heavy (): Johnny fires a steeper upward angle, almost straight up.
Attack type: High Damage: 79 (normal) / 60 (one Saint's Corpse part)
The hole will attack you. (「穴」が攻撃をする)
+ //
Johnny fires into the ground, and the hole created by the nail bullet moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. The speed and duration of the hole increases in order. The projectile cannot be reflected. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 10 + 45 (55) (normal) / 12 + 54 (66) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Send me down the hole! (自分の肉体を穴の中に巻き込むッ!)
+ //
Johnny fires a nail bullet into the ground and sticks his forearm in. A second hole will begin quickly moving along the ground, until it reaches a set distance in front of the opponent, before Johnny's forearm appears from it and fires a Golden Spin Nail Bullet. If it hits, the opponent will be knocked off their feet. The variant is a feint and can be used regardless of if Johnny has any nail bullets available. The speed of the projectile decreases in order, but it is not a great decrease. The skill can be canceled at any time during its animation with . (Flash Cancel comboable) This skill consumes two Golden Spin Nail Bullets per use; One to create the hole, and a second to fire in the actual attack. The attack cannot be used if Johnny has no more than a single nail left.
Attack type: High Damage: 102 (normal) / 122 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Where's the upper half?! (上半身はどこだ!?)
+ //
Johnny fires a nail bullet into the ground and sticks his entire upper body into it. Another hole will then move along the ground, either forwards or backwards depending on the attack button inputted, before the rest of Johnny's body is sucked in. He will then reappear on the other side. The longer the button is held, the farther the hole will travel.
Light (): Johnny will appear forwards from his original position.
Medium (): Johnny will appear backwards from his original position.
Heavy (): Johnny will not move.
This skill is useful for quick traversal along the stage unmounted or simply for evasion, but has a delay before the hole begins to move, leaving Johnny's lower half open attack, though his hitbox is smaller than normal, making him harder to hit. It can be canceled at anytime during its animation by pressing , resulting in Johnny not moving.
Who'll be the sacrifice? (『生贄』は……どっちになると思う?)
Johnny fires a nail bullet imbued with ACT4 as it rapidly punches, flying forward a good distance, pushing the opponent away, and knocking them down with the final punch if it lands.
Attack type: High Damage: 98 (normal) / 109 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Chumimin! (チュミミィイイン)
Johnny fires a nail bullet imbued with ACT4 into the ground. ACT4 will immediately reappear in front of the opponent and rapidly punch them, regardless of range or orientation.
Attack type: High Damage: 91 (normal) / 110 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up! (ぼくの体が飛び上がった!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Johnny attacks the opponent's lower body by spinning his nails and cutting them. His legs then spontaneously jolt to launch him into the air as he fires the nails downward.
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Slow Dancer attacks outward with its head while bending one of its front knees.
Attack type: High Damage: 8 (normal) / 9 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer slides forward and Johnny throws a Spin imbued cork at a downward angle. This attack can hit up to three times depending on how close to the opponent Johnny and Slow Dancer are.
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Slow Dancer moves forward while Johnny spins his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits and the distance away the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
I can make it! (「行ける」ッ!)
+ //
Slow Dancer lunges forward, knocking the opponent into the air if they are hit. The distance forward Slow Dancer lunges, amount of damage dealt, and distance the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Johnny and Slow Dancer become. This attack has Super Armor. ( variant comboable; other variants Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 55 (normal) 65 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 65 (normal) 75 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 75 (normal) 85 (one Saint's Corpse part)
I'll call them Tusks! (これからは「牙」と呼ぶ!)
+ //
Using basic Spin energy, Johnny shoots off his nails like bullets in a salvo at a downward angle. The number of nail bullets Johnny shoots increases in order, but so does vulnerability. Unlike Tusk's later Acts, Johnny's basic nails are unlimited as his nails regrow instantly at this stage, but have poor damage and cannot be aimed. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Even if my Spin falters, I will never die! (回転は「穴」になっても死なないぞッ!!)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Imbuing the Golden Spin into a nail bullet, Johnny evolves Tusk into ACT2, before firing said nail into the ground. The hole generated by the nail bullet moves along the ground, homing towards the opponent and knocking them into the air if it connects. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit.
Attack type: High (initial bullet) and Low (hole) Damage: 30 + 110 (140) (normal) / 36 + 132 (168) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Even if my Spin falters, I will never die! (回転は「穴」になっても死なないぞッ!!)
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Slow Dancer attacks outward with its head while bending one of its front knees.
Attack type: High Damage: 8 (normal) / 9 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer slides forward and Johnny throws a Spin imbued cork at a downward angle. This attack can hit up to three times depending on how close to the opponent Johnny and Slow Dancer are.
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted. It can, however, be partially restored by the "Care for some herbal tea?" special.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
Care for some herbal tea? (ハーブティー飲む?)
Johnny quickly drinks a cup of chamomile tea. When he does, his guard gauge is partially restored and his missing nail bullets will instantly be restored. However, if he is hit before this move completes, these effects do not activate.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Tusk Icon (タスクアイコン)
Above Johnny's Heart Heat gauge are 10 icons that display how many nail bullets Johnny has remaining. When a skill that uses nail bullets is used, one of the icons will darken, regardless of how many actual nail bullets the skill uses. Once all 10 bullets have been fired, they will restore automatically, though it will take a bit of time. Their restoration speed will increase while "Care for some herbal tea?" is in effect. The icon only appears after Tusk has been upgraded to Tusk ACT2.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Slow Dancer moves forward while Johnny spins his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits and the distance away the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
I can make it! (「行ける」ッ!)
+ //
Slow Dancer lunges forward, knocking the opponent into the air if they are hit. The distance forward Slow Dancer lunges, amount of damage dealt, and distance the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Johnny and Slow Dancer become. This attack has Super Armor. ( variant comboable; other variants Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 55 (normal) 65 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 65 (normal) 75 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 75 (normal) 85 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Golden Spin Nail Bullets (黄金回転の爪弾)
+ //
Johnny shoots a single nail bullet infused with the Golden Spin, hitting the opponent for more damage than his previous "I'll call them Tusks!" nail bullets. Johnny cannot use this ability if he has no nail bullets currently available. Depending on the attack button inputted, he will shoot at a different angle:
Light (): Johnny fires at a downward angle.
Medium (): Johnny fires at a shallower downward angle, almost straight forward.
Heavy (): Johnny fires at an upward angle.
Attack type: High Damage: 66 (normal) / 79 (one Saint's Corpse part)
The hole will attack you. (「穴」が攻撃をする)
+ //
Johnny fires into the ground, and the hole created by the nail bullet moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. The speed and duration of the hole increases in order. The projectile cannot be reflected. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 10 + 45 (55) (normal) / 12 + 54 (66) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Great Heat Attack (GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Slow Dancer attacks outward with its head while bending one of its front knees.
Attack type: High Damage: 8 (normal) / 9 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer slides forward and Johnny throws a Spin imbued cork at a downward angle. This attack can hit up to three times depending on how close to the opponent Johnny and Slow Dancer are.
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted. It can, however, be partially restored by the "Care for some herbal tea?" special.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
Care for some herbal tea? (ハーブティー飲む?)
Johnny quickly drinks a cup of chamomile tea. When he does, his guard gauge is partially restored and his missing nail bullets will instantly be restored. However, if he is hit before this move completes, these effects do not activate.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Tusk Icon (タスクアイコン)
Above Johnny's Heart Heat gauge are 10 icons that display how many nail bullets Johnny has remaining. When a skill that uses nail bullets is used, one of the icons will darken, regardless of how many actual nail bullets the skill uses. Once all 10 bullets have been fired, they will restore automatically, though it will take a bit of time. Their restoration speed will increase while "Care for some herbal tea?" is in effect. The icon only appears after Tusk has been upgraded to Tusk ACT2.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Slow Dancer moves forward while Johnny spins his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits and the distance away the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
I can make it! (「行ける」ッ!)
+ //
Slow Dancer lunges forward, knocking the opponent into the air if they are hit. The distance forward Slow Dancer lunges, amount of damage dealt, and distance the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Johnny and Slow Dancer become. This attack has Super Armor. ( variant comboable; other variants Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 55 (normal) 65 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 65 (normal) 75 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 75 (normal) 85 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Golden Spin Nail Bullets (黄金回転の爪弾)
+ //
Johnny shoots a single nail bullet infused with the Golden Spin, hitting the opponent for more damage than his previous "I'll call them Tusks!" nail bullets. Johnny cannot use this ability if he has no nail bullets currently available. Depending on the attack button inputted, he will shoot at a different angle:
Light (): Johnny fires at a downward angle.
Medium (): Johnny fires at a shallower downward angle, almost straight forward.
Heavy (): Johnny fires at an upward angle.
Attack type: High Damage: 66 (normal) / 79 (one Saint's Corpse part)
The hole will attack you. (「穴」が攻撃をする)
+ //
Johnny fires into the ground, and the hole created by the nail bullet moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. The speed and duration of the hole increases in order. The projectile cannot be reflected. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 10 + 45 (55) (normal) / 12 + 54 (66) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Send me down the hole! (自分の肉体を穴の中に巻き込むッ!)
+ //
Johnny fires a nail bullet into himself and sticks his forearm in the hole it creates. A second hole will begin quickly moving along the ground, until it reaches a set distance in front of the opponent, before Johnny's forearm appears from it and fires a Golden Spin Nail Bullet. If it hits, the opponent will be knocked off their feet. The variant is a feint and can be used regardless of if Johnny has any nail bullets available. The speed of the projectile decreases in order, but it is not a great decrease. The skill can be canceled at any time during its animation with . This skill consumes two Golden Spin Nail Bullets per use; One to create the hole, and a second to fire in the actual attack. The attack cannot be used if Johnny has no more than a single nail left.
Attack type: High Damage: 102 (normal) / 122 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Complete Golden Spin Energy... (完全なる黄金の『回転エネルギー』)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Johnny evolves Tusk into ACT4 as the new Stand is summoned to advance forward while rapidly punching. The whole HHA does not have to hit in order for it to work; If the opponent is struck, even by just the last punch, they will be knocked to the ground as Tusk ACT4 follows up by pummeling them as they lay. This HHA will remain after Tusk evolves to ACT4, being Johnny's final and highest-damaging HHA.
Attack type: High Damage: 200 (normal) / 251 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Complete Golden Spin Energy... ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA! (完全なる黄金の『回転エネルギー』 オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラ)
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Slow Dancer attacks outward with its head while bending one of its front knees.
Attack type: High Damage: 8 (normal) / 9 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer slides forward and Johnny throws a Spin imbued cork at a downward angle. This attack can hit up to three times depending on how close to the opponent Johnny and Slow Dancer are.
Johnny can summon his horse, Slow Dancer, to mount it, or dismount and send it away, shifting his movement and available abilities. Slow Dancer improves his mobility, attack range, and power. However, he loses the ability to Stylish Guard and will be forcibly dismounted if he is hit by a move that hard knockdowns. To note, Johnny's Guard Gauge will not regenerate while he is Mounted. It can, however, be partially restored by the "Care for some herbal tea?" special.
If the Style input () is chained from normals while unmounted, 'Quick Mount' is triggered at the cost of Heart Heat, whereby Johnny mounts Slow Dancer much faster, and the act of flipping onto his horse can knock the opponent into the air. This provides an easy and quicker method of mounting as well as transitioning Johnny's unmounted combo into a mounted one.
Care for some herbal tea? (ハーブティー飲む?)
Johnny quickly drinks a cup of chamomile tea. When he does, his guard gauge is partially restored and his missing nail bullets will instantly be restored. However, if he is hit before this move completes, these effects do not activate.
Holy Corpse (聖なる遺体)
// while near Corpse Part
Johnny receives a new blessing for every part of the Saint's Corpse he holds. If he is successfully knocked down, however, one Part is knocked away from him, and he loses the associated blessing.
The damage of all of Johnny's attacks is increased by ~20%.
All of Johnny's skills that use Nail Bullets gain Super Armor.
The rate at which Johnny's Heart Heat Gauge fills is increased.
Tusk's Growth (タスクの成長)
Automatically activates when HHA or GHA is used in Acts 1-3
When Johnny activates his HHA, his Tusk Level (shown by the words above his HH gauge) will increase by one. This changes the moves Johnny has access to. Alternatively, when Johnny activates his GHA, Tusk will automatically be upgraded to Tusk ACT4, regardless of what his current level is.
Tusk Icon (タスクアイコン)
Above Johnny's Heart Heat gauge are 10 icons that display how many nail bullets Johnny has remaining. When a skill that uses nail bullets is used, one of the icons will darken, regardless of how many actual nail bullets the skill uses. Once all 10 bullets have been fired, they will restore automatically, though it will take a bit of time. Their restoration speed will increase while "Care for some herbal tea?" is in effect. The icon only appears after Tusk has been upgraded to Tusk ACT2.
Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Johnny falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning! (爪の方が回転してる!!)
+ //
Slow Dancer moves forward while Johnny spins his nails as he swings upwards in a melee attack, knocking the opponent off their feet. The number of hits and the distance away the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the less distance forward Johnny moves and the more vulnerable he becomes. This move doubles as an anti-air and reversal. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 40 (normal) 48 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 25 × 2 (50) (normal) 27 × 2 (54) (one Saint's Corpse part) / 20 × 3 (60) (normal) 28 × 3 (84) (one Saint's Corpse part)
I can make it! (「行ける」ッ!)
+ //
Slow Dancer lunges forward, knocking the opponent into the air if they are hit. The distance forward Slow Dancer lunges, amount of damage dealt, and distance the opponent is launched increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Johnny and Slow Dancer become. This attack has Super Armor. ( variant comboable; other variants Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 55 (normal) 65 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 65 (normal) 75 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 75 (normal) 85 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Golden Spin Nail Bullets (黄金回転の爪弾)
+ //
Johnny shoots a single nail bullet infused with the Golden Spin, hitting the opponent for more damage than his previous "I'll call them Tusks!" nail bullets. Johnny cannot use this ability if he has no nail bullets currently available. Depending on the attack button inputted, he will shoot at a different angle:
Light (): Johnny fires at a downward angle.
Medium (): Johnny fires at a shallower downward angle, almost straight forward.
Heavy (): Johnny fires at an upward angle.
Attack type: High Damage: 66 (normal) / 79 (one Saint's Corpse part)
The hole will attack you. (「穴」が攻撃をする)
+ //
Johnny fires into the ground, and the hole created by the nail bullet moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. The speed and duration of the hole increases in order. The projectile cannot be reflected. If Johnny is close enough to the opponent, the nail bullet he shoots into the ground can hit the opponent, dealing a small bit of damage and an additional hit. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High Damage: 10 + 45 (55) (normal) / 12 + 54 (66) (one Saint's Corpse part)
Send me down the hole! (自分の肉体を穴の中に巻き込むッ!)
+ //
Johnny fires a nail bullet into himself and sticks his forearm in the hole it creates. A second hole will begin quickly moving along the ground, until it reaches a set distance in front of the opponent, before Johnny's forearm appears from it and fires a Golden Spin Nail Bullet. If it hits, the opponent will be knocked off their feet. The variant is a feint and can be used regardless of if Johnny has any nail bullets available. The speed of the projectile decreases in order, but it is not a great decrease. The skill can be canceled at any time during its animation with . This skill consumes two Golden Spin Nail Bullets per use; One to create the hole, and a second to fire in the actual attack. The attack cannot be used if Johnny has no more than a single nail left.
Attack type: High Damage: 102 (normal) / 122 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Who'll be the sacrifice? (『生贄』は……どっちになると思う?)
Johnny fires a nail bullet imbued with ACT4 as it rapidly punches, flying forward a good distance, pushing the opponent away, and knocking them down with the final punch if it lands.
Attack type: High Damage: 98 (normal) / 109 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Chumimin! (チュミミィイイン)
Johnny fires a nail bullet imbued with ACT4 into the ground. ACT4 will immediately reappear in front of the opponent and rapidly punch them, regardless of range or orientation.
Attack type: High Damage: 91 (normal) / 110 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Complete Golden Spin Energy... (完全なる黄金の『回転エネルギー』)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Johnny evolves Tusk into ACT4 as the new Stand is summoned to advance forward while rapidly punching. The whole HHA does not have to hit in order for it to work; If the opponent is struck, even by just the last punch, they will be knocked to the ground as Tusk ACT4 follows up by pummeling them as they lay. This HHA will remain after Tusk evolves to ACT4, being Johnny's final and highest-damaging HHA.
Attack type: High Damage: 200 (normal) / 251 (one Saint's Corpse part)
Complete Golden Spin Energy... ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA! (完全なる黄金の『回転エネルギー』 オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラ)
It was such a long, roundabout path... (本当に本当になんて遠い廻り道………)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Johnny's GHA can only be performed while mounted, but will automatically summon Slow Dancer if inputted while unmounted. This GHA can be used when Johnny has Tusk at any ACT, and executing it will evolve it directly to ACT4 regardless if it succeeds or not.
Johnny launches off of Slow Dancer and fires a singular powerful nail bullet imbued with the power of the Complete Golden Spin Energy as ACT4 appears. If it lands, the nail bullet will drill into the opponent's torso, before ACT4 flies at and rapidly pummels them. ACT4 finishes by spinning and funneling itself into the hole created by the nail bullet. As its head appears from behind the opponent, the entrance of the Stand into their bodies generates a massive pink burst. Throughout Tusk's assault, Johnny calmly and quietly thanks Gyro.
Attack type: High Damage: 319 (normal) 329 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 382 (normal) 394 (one Saint's Corpse part) / 478 (normal) 493 (one Saint's Corpse part) (depending on HH gauge)
It's time for Lesson 5... There! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAH! Thanks, Gyro. That's all I can think of to say. Chumimin! Pretty long for a shortcut! (「LESSON5」はこのために… そこだッ! オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラアッ ありがとう、ジャイロ それしか言う言葉がみつからない… チュミミィイイン 本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A three-stock asssit. Johnny crawls out of a hole in the ground before shooting the ground. The hole his nail bullet creates moves forward, homing towards the opponent and crumpling them if it connects. He then poses before shooting himself with another nail bullet and falling into the hole on the ground that appears.
Attack type: High Damage: 45
Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A one-stock assist. Johnny wheels on screen using his spinning nails to move. He continues across the ground until he reaches the edge of the screen. If he hits the opponent, he'll knock them away. He then poses before shooting himself with another nail bullet and falling into the hole on the ground that appears. Because Johnny does not jump into the stage from the top of the screen like all the other Reversal Assists, it's easy for this assist to whiff, making it less reliable than other characters' assists.
The entire animation for this move is faster than it was in All-Star Battle, making this move less punishable when whiffed. Johnny also moves slightly farther now.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Visually, the cork does not travel as far as it did in All-Star Battle, though the range of the actual attack isn't notably effected.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Unmounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
I've got to get there!
or +
Johnny now always has a hitbox, meaning that if he hits the opponent, he will always do damage, regardless of the distance, unlike in All-Star Battle, where he had to be point-blank to deal damage. To go with this change, the opponent is now knocked into the air when hit instead of suffering normal hitstun. Additionally, Johnny can now cancel this attack into skills. However, that does not extend to other specials.
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
Johnny now moves forward when using this skill. The amount of hits, and therefore damage, now increases in order instead of always hitting three times for the same amount of damage. However, it's worth noting that both the and variants deal less hits and damage than they did in All-Star Battle. Only remains the same between the two games in this regard. When hit, the opponent is now launched higher as well. Because of this, it's more difficult to Flash Cancel combo off of. Furthermore, the variant no longer has invulnerability, and the and variants can no longer be Flash Canceled.
I call them Tusks!
+ //
The knockback on hit is noticeably less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up!
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
The translation for the name of this throw has been changed. Previously it was "My body... it stood!" instead of "My body just leapt up!".
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Unmounted] (通常技)
Standing Heavy Attack
The entire animation for this move is faster than it was in All-Star Battle, making this move less punishable when whiffed. Johnny also moves slightly farther now.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Visually, the cork does not travel as far as it did in All-Star Battle, though the range of the actual attack isn't notably effected.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Unmounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
I've got to get there!
or +
Johnny now always has a hitbox, meaning that if he hits the opponent, he will always do damage, regardless of the distance, unlike in All-Star Battle, where he had to be point-blank to deal damage. To go with this change, the opponent is now knocked into the air when hit instead of suffering normal hitstun. Additionally, Johnny can now cancel this attack into skills. However, that does not extend to other specials.
Care for some herbal tea?
The move's input has been changed. Previously, it was + instead of + . The move also functions differently as instead of only increasing the rate that the nail bullets are restored, they instantly restore them. Because of this, the Tusk Icon no longer glows to show the duration of the increased recovery like it did in All-Star Battle. The amount of guard gauge that is restored by this move is significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Tusk Icon
Once all 10 of Johnny's nail bullets have been used, the nails restore faster than they did in All-Star Battle
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
This skill is no longer an ACT1 exclusive move and can be used in all Acts.
The hole will attack you.
+ //
The variant no longer travels fullscreen, instead only traveling about half-screen.
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up!
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
The translation for the name of this throw has been changed. Previously it was "My body... it stood!" instead of "My body just leapt up!".
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Unmounted] (通常技)
Standing Heavy Attack
The entire animation for this move is faster than it was in All-Star Battle, making this move less punishable when whiffed. Johnny also moves slightly farther now.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Visually, the cork does not travel as far as it did in All-Star Battle, though the range of the actual attack isn't notably effected.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Unmounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
I've got to get there!
or +
Johnny now always has a hitbox, meaning that if he hits the opponent, he will always do damage, regardless of the distance, unlike in All-Star Battle, where he had to be point-blank to deal damage. To go with this change, the opponent is now knocked into the air when hit instead of suffering normal hitstun. Additionally, Johnny can now cancel this attack into skills. However, that does not extend to other specials.
Care for some herbal tea?
The move's input has been changed. Previously, it was + instead of + . The move also functions differently as instead of only increasing the rate that the nail bullets are restored, they instantly restore them. Because of this, the Tusk Icon no longer glows to show the duration of the increased recovery like it did in All-Star Battle. The amount of guard gauge that is restored by this move is significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Tusk Icon
Once all 10 of Johnny's nail bullets have been used, the nails restore faster than they did in All-Star Battle
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
This skill is no longer an ACT1 exclusive move and can be used in all Acts.
The hole will attack you.
+ //
The variant no longer travels fullscreen, instead only traveling about half-screen.
Send me down the hole!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Where Johnny's arm pops out of the hole is different now too. Instead of being different based on what button is inputted, his arm always appears a set distance in front of the opponent instead of being a set distance in front of or behind Johnny. If Johnny only has one nail bullet left, he no longer performs an animation when this attack is inputted.
Where's the upper half?!
+ //
Johnny no longer has invulnerability to High and Middle attacks while he is in the hole. Instead his hitbox is a set size, though, because it is smaller than normal, he is much harder to hit, and some standing normals will still whiff.
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up!
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
The translation for the name of this throw has been changed. Previously it was "My body... it stood!" instead of "My body just leapt up!".
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Unmounted] (通常技)
Standing Heavy Attack
The entire animation for this move is faster than it was in All-Star Battle, making this move less punishable when whiffed. Johnny also moves slightly farther now.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Visually, the cork does not travel as far as it did in All-Star Battle, though the range of the actual attack isn't notably effected.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Unmounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
I've got to get there!
or +
Johnny now always has a hitbox, meaning that if he hits the opponent, he will always do damage, regardless of the distance, unlike in All-Star Battle, where he had to be point-blank to deal damage. To go with this change, the opponent is now knocked into the air when hit instead of suffering normal hitstun. Additionally, Johnny can now cancel this attack into skills. However, that does not extend to other specials.
Care for some herbal tea?
The move's input has been changed. Previously, it was + instead of + . The move also functions differently as instead of only increasing the rate that the nail bullets are restored, they instantly restore them. Because of this, the Tusk Icon no longer glows to show the duration of the increased recovery like it did in All-Star Battle. The amount of guard gauge that is restored by this move is significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Tusk Icon
Once all 10 of Johnny's nail bullets have been used, the nails restore faster than they did in All-Star Battle
Skills [Unmounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
This skill is no longer an ACT1 exclusive move and can be used in all Acts.
The hole will attack you.
+ //
The variant no longer travels fullscreen, instead only traveling about half-screen.
Send me down the hole!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Where Johnny's arm pops out of the hole is different now too. Instead of being different based on what button is inputted, his arm always appears a set distance in front of the opponent instead of being a set distance in front of or behind Johnny. If Johnny only has one nail bullet left, he no longer performs an animation when this attack is inputted.
Where's the upper half?!
+ //
Johnny no longer has invulnerability to High and Middle attacks while he is in the hole. Instead his hitbox is a set size, though, because it is smaller than normal, he is much harder to hit, and some standing normals will still whiff.
The initial nail bullet that Johnny fires can no longer hit the opponent. Tusk ACT4 also appears to deliver its punch barrage much sooner than it did in All-Star Battle. This results in Johnny no longer being able to attack alongside his Stand.
Throw (投げ技)
My body just leapt up!
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
The translation for the name of this throw has been changed. Previously it was "My body... it stood!" instead of "My body just leapt up!".
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a High rather than a Low.
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer moves forward a significantly greater distance than in All-Star Battle.
Standing Heavy Attack
Slow Dancer does not move forward as much as it did in All-Star Battle while attacking.
Crouching Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a Low rather than a High.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Mounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
Slow Dancer now moves forward during this skill. The amount of hits, and therefore damage, as well as how far away the opponent is launched now increases in order instead of staying the same. Furthermore, the variant no longer has invulnerability, and the and variants can no longer be Flash Canceled.
I can make it!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed slightly. Previously, had to be held for a short amount of time (charged) before the rest of the input ( + //) could be inputted. It also now deals increasing damage in order instead of staying the same. Additionally, this attack now has Super Armor.
I call them Tusks!
+ //
When hitting an aerial opponent, the opponent is not knocked back as far as they were in All-Star Battle.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a High rather than a Low.
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer moves forward a significantly greater distance than in All-Star Battle.
Standing Heavy Attack
Slow Dancer does not move forward as much as it did in All-Star Battle while attacking.
Crouching Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a Low rather than a High.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Mounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
Care for some herbal tea?
The move's input has been changed. Previously, it was + instead of + . The move also functions differently as instead of only increasing the rate that the nail bullets are restored, they instantly restore them. Because of this, the Tusk Icon no longer glows to show the duration of the increased recovery like it did in All-Star Battle. The amount of guard gauge that is restored by this move is significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Tusk Icon
Once all 10 of Johnny's nail bullets have been used, the nails restore faster than they did in All-Star Battle
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
This skill is no longer an ACT1 exclusive move and can be used in all Acts.
I can make it!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed slightly. Previously, had to be held for a short amount of time (charged) before the rest of the input ( + //) could be inputted. It also now deals increasing damage in order instead of staying the same. Additionally, this attack now has Super Armor.
The hole will attack you.
+ //
The variant no longer travels fullscreen, instead only traveling about half-screen.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a High rather than a Low.
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer moves forward a significantly greater distance than in All-Star Battle.
Standing Heavy Attack
Slow Dancer does not move forward as much as it did in All-Star Battle while attacking.
Crouching Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a Low rather than a High.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Mounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
Care for some herbal tea?
The move's input has been changed. Previously, it was + instead of + . The move also functions differently as instead of only increasing the rate that the nail bullets are restored, they instantly restore them. Because of this, the Tusk Icon no longer glows to show the duration of the increased recovery like it did in All-Star Battle. The amount of guard gauge that is restored by this move is significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Tusk Icon
Once all 10 of Johnny's nail bullets have been used, the nails restore faster than they did in All-Star Battle
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
This skill is no longer an ACT1 exclusive move and can be used in all Acts.
I can make it!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed slightly. Previously, had to be held for a short amount of time (charged) before the rest of the input ( + //) could be inputted. It also now deals increasing damage in order instead of staying the same. Additionally, this attack now has Super Armor.
The hole will attack you.
+ //
The variant no longer travels fullscreen, instead only traveling about half-screen.
Send me down the hole!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Where Johnny's arm pops out of the hole is different now too. Instead of being different based on what button is inputted, his arm always appears a set distance in front of the opponent instead of being a set distance in front of or behind Johnny. If Johnny only has one nail bullet left, he no longer performs an animation when this attack is inputted.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Normals [Mounted] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a High rather than a Low.
Standing Medium Attack
Slow Dancer moves forward a significantly greater distance than in All-Star Battle.
Standing Heavy Attack
Slow Dancer does not move forward as much as it did in All-Star Battle while attacking.
Crouching Light Attack
This attack no longer hits twice. As such, its damage has been halved. It is also now a Low rather than a High.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Mounted] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Johnny mounts and dismounts Slow Dancer much faster than he did in All-Star Battle, granting him more safety when transitioning from one mode to another as he can act sooner. However, as a trade off, he no longer has Super Armor when he manages to touch Slow Dancer and this move will be canceled unless it fully completes.
Care for some herbal tea?
The move's input has been changed. Previously, it was + instead of + . The move also functions differently as instead of only increasing the rate that the nail bullets are restored, they instantly restore them. Because of this, the Tusk Icon no longer glows to show the duration of the increased recovery like it did in All-Star Battle. The amount of guard gauge that is restored by this move is significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle.
Tusk Icon
Once all 10 of Johnny's nail bullets have been used, the nails restore faster than they did in All-Star Battle
Skills [Mounted] (コマンド技)
My nails are spinning!
+ //
This skill is no longer an ACT1 exclusive move and can be used in all Acts.
I can make it!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed slightly. Previously, had to be held for a short amount of time (charged) before the rest of the input ( + //) could be inputted. It also now deals increasing damage in order instead of staying the same. Additionally, this attack now has Super Armor.
The hole will attack you.
+ //
The variant no longer travels fullscreen, instead only traveling about half-screen.
Send me down the hole!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Where Johnny's arm pops out of the hole is different now too. Instead of being different based on what button is inputted, his arm always appears a set distance in front of the opponent instead of being a set distance in front of or behind Johnny. If Johnny only has one nail bullet left, he no longer performs an animation when this attack is inputted.
The initial nail bullet that Johnny fires can no longer hit the opponent. Tusk ACT4 also appears to deliver its punch barrage much sooner than it did in All-Star Battle. This results in Johnny no longer being able to attack alongside his Stand.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
It was such a long, roundabout path...
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
The translation for the name of this GHA has been changed. Previously it was "Pretty long for a shortcut!" instead of "It was such a long, roundabout path...".
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
NormalSpecial ASpecial BSpecial CSpecial DStand
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Johnny's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Johnny's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding "If I have even the slightest doubt, I won't shoot. But I ain't got no doubts no more.", which is unlocked by default.
Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
You won't see me back down! (降りる気なんてサラサラないよ)
What a joke! (かなり大爆笑!)
I'm ending everything here! (ここで全てを終らせるッ!)
The hell kind of attitude is that?! (どういう性格なんだ……!!)
Not bad! (いいーーねェーー)
Are you a just person? (あんたは「正しい人」なのか?)
So you're just another wannabe faker, huh? (つまらんただの薄っぺらなハッタリ屋だったか)
You see that? My legs... they can move! (見たろ? ………足が動くんだ)
I ain't giving up... (あきらめねーぞ……………)
In a situation like this, I wish I could say something all tough and cool like Gyro. (この状況…ジャイロのように……タフなセリフを吐きたい)
Wanna go back home? Now's your last chance. (国へ帰るなら今が最後だ…)
Make me believe in you! (僕に『信じさせて』みろ!!)
That's crazy! The biggest hit of the year, huh? (…………おったまげたな! 今年最大のヒットじゃないの?)
Lesson 4: Pay your respects. (『LESSON4』………敬意を払え)
You saw how that went. Your injuries will be fatal. Stand down, now! (この間合いだ。必ず致命傷になる。 下がるんだ!)
Now! Try and convince me! (今! ここで僕を説得してみろッ!!)
If you're in range of my nail bullets, it's all over... (……爪弾の『射程』に入ったなら 即!始末してやる…)
That was a joke! Calm down already! (冗談だよ。ウソ…落ちつけよ………)
C'mon, Johnny. Get a grip. You can do this. (そう…落ちつけって……… ……僕の方がな…)
Now it's my turn to attack! (今度追撃するのは僕の番だ!!)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
If I have even the slightest doubt, I won't shoot. But I ain't got no doubts no more. (迷ったなら『撃つな』……………だ! だがもう『迷い』はない)
Life, death... Who's good, and who's evil... None of that matters! (「生きる」とか「死ぬ」とか、 誰が「正義」で誰が「悪」だなんてどうでもいいッ!!)
Thank you for allowing me to be in this race. This is the privilege of a lifetime! (ぼくは感謝したんだ。レースに参加した事を感謝したんだ)
These aren't nails anymore... They're tusks. I'll call them Tusks! (これはもう「爪」を超えた………「牙」だ。 これからは「牙」と呼ぶ!)
Time to go home... (家に帰ろう………)
I have to starve more for it, and starve nobly! (ずっとずっともっと気高く「飢え」なくては!)
Thanks. That's the only thing I want to say. (「ありがとう」…それしか言う言葉がみつからない…)
This is the story of my first step. Not literally, but of my step towards manhood. (この『物語』は、ぼくが歩き出す物語だ。肉体が…… ……という意味ではなく青春から大人という意味で……)
I can use these fingers to cut cheese... I can even twirl spaghetti with them! (この指でチーズを削って…スパゲティ巻いて食べれるぜ)
This is the tale of my rebirth... (――これは『再生の物語』――)
I can't win unless I'm starving for victory. (「飢えなきゃ」勝てない)
Are there any rays of hope to be found here? (希望という「光が存在する」のか―――)
I'm in this race, risking my neck... and that's helped me learn how to live. (このレースに出て、死にかけていたぼくの心は生き始めた…)
If I give up on the corpse, my heart will die all over again. (「遺体」をあきらめたら、きっとぼくの心は再び死ぬ)
I used to be so petty, but now I have a goal in life. I can't tell you how grateful I am. (こんなとるにたらないこのボクに生きる目的が出来た事に、 本当に感謝したんだ)
I want to believe that I'm a good person, but... I feel like I'm doing evil here. (信じたい…もしかして「いい人」なのかも?と…信じたい。 僕の行動の方が「悪」なのかもしれないと… でも「保証」がない……)
The winner... was me. Not you. (勝ったのは…………ぼくだ。君じゃあない…)
Tag Lines
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This is the story of my first step. (この『物語』はぼくが歩き出す物語だ)
Thanks. That's the only thing I want to say. (「ありがとう」…それしか言う言葉がみつからない…)
Guess we should pray, huh? For safe passage across the sea. (『祈って』おこうかな………航海の無事を………)
I'll expose your secret! I'll figure out what this Spin really is! (あばいてやるッ! その「回転」の正体をあばいてやるぜッ!)
I can't win unless I'm starving for victory. (「飢えなきゃ」勝てない)
You sure that was a shortcut? Feels like the longest shortcut I've ever taken! (本当に廻り道だった。本当に本当に、なんて遠い廻り道…)
If I have even the slightest doubt, I won't shoot. But I ain't got no doubts no more. (迷ったなら『撃つな』……………だ! だがもう『迷い』はない)
You can't escape me! I'm the only one who can settle this score! (絶対に渡さない…決着をつける権利はぼくにだけあるッ!!)
I'm still in the red! I just want to break even! (ぼくはまだ「マイナス」なんだッ! 「ゼロ」に向かって行きたいッ!)
Pick it up, President Valentine. (拾ってみろ。ヴァレンタイン大統領)
In a situation like this, I wish I could say something all tough and cool like Gyro. (この状況…ジャイロのように……タフなセリフを吐きたい)
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So I've made it this far... (よくぞ…ここまで走って来た)
—Round Win 1
Maybe I should pray for you... (『祈って』おこうかな………)
—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Johnny's face contorts similarly to when he attempts to warn Gyro about Valentine approaching from behind him as he faces D-I-S-C-O.[4]
When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Johnny puts a hand to his face while supporting himself with his other, as he does after cactus needles shot by Mrs. Robinson pierce his face.[5]
When hit by Johnny's Great Heat Attack, "It was such a long, roundabout path...", Valentine attempts to protect himself with D4C Love Train, only for Tusk ACT4 to forcefully rip the dimensional wall open and fly through. A slow-motion close-up of Tusk punching D4C and Valentine in the face is also shown.
When summoned as an Assist by Gyro Zeppeli, Johnny calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Johnny has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.
EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
I'm still in the red! I just want to break even! (ぼくはまだ「マイナス」なんだッ! 「ゼロ」に向かって行きたいッ!)
—Default dialogue
Dang, that guy looks just like me! (ぼくとそっくりな奴がいるぞ?)
—Johnny Joestar (Player 1)
Huh? What am I looking at?! Is this one of President Valentine's tricks?! (ううっ? この現象は!? ヴァレンタイン大統領の…!)
—Johnny Joestar (Player 2)
What do you want to say here? If you're gonna give me a piece of your mind, do it! (何が言いたいんだ? 偉そうにオレに意見をたれるんならハッキリ言え!)
Diego is always in Scary Monsters state. The player's attack power and Assist attack power are increased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: 1000 G 2. Land the "I'll call them Tusks!" skill: Johnny Publicity Artwork 3. Call 3 Assists in a single round: Diego's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Diego: USHAAAAAAAA! Johnny: He's our enemy! I knew it all along! Dio is one of the terrorists!
Valentine starts with three Corpse Parts. The opponent's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: 1000 G 2. Land a 10-hit combo: Tusk ACT4 Publicity Artwork 3. Land the "I'll call them Tusks!" skill: Johnny's Theme 4. Win with a Great Heat Attack: Johnny Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Valentine: This will be a sacrifice, Johnny Joestar! It will end with your blood spilled! Johnny: Yee hah!
Victory Dialogue
Johnny: Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could believe that you were a good person?
Defeat Dialogue
Valentine: Battle is a part of every trial, and is always accompanied by bloodshed! The stronger the foe, the better the fight.
Johnny's theme is Tusk (牙, Tasuku), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "I'll call them Tusks!" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Johnny vs. Funny Valentine Boss Battle.
Its name is taken from the name of Johnny's Stand, Tusk.
The main protagonist of Part 7: Steel Ball Run. He is the user of the StandTusk, and a paraplegic. Johnny finds hope within the Spin technique and asks Gyro to teach it to him. He beats Valentine in the end, but is unfortunately defeated by a version of Diego from a parallel world and disqualified from the race. Afterward, he returns Gyro's corpse and horse to his hometown.
User of the Stand Tusk. Johnny is a paraplegic who wishes to learn Gyro's "Spin" technique. He beats Valentine in the end, only to be narrowly defeated by a parallel Diego. Eliminated from the race, he returns home with Gyro's corpse and his horse.
Johnny Joestar's Stand, which manifested due to the Devil's Palm's influence. It evolves in stages as Johnny learns lessons in the Spin from Gyro and grows spiritually, eventually gaining the ability to cross and attack through dimensional barriers.
Johnny Joestar's Stand, enacted due to the effects of Devil's Palm. It evolves at milestones in Johnny's own development, like when he learns the Spin from Gyro. Its final form is unhindered by dimensions when attacking.
A body split into nine parts: its heart, left arm, eyes, head, ears, spinal cord, right arm, torso, and legs. Each part bears miraculous power that allows it to fuse with the body of its holder, awaken Stand abilities, and even restore the use of a paraplegic's legs.
A body in nine parts: heart, left arm, eyes, head, ears, spinal cord, right arm, torso, and legs. By absorbing them, Stand abilities are unleashed which have miraculous effects, such as allowing paraplegics to walk again.
In commemoration of the release of Parallel World Diego as the 4th paid DLC character for ASBR, the Japanese ASBR Twitter account hosted a giveaway of 20 sets of 3 ASBR Steel Ball Run badges,[6] although only to be delivered to addresses in Japan.[7] The badges in question contained the ASBR render images of Gyro Zeppeli, Parallel World Diego, and Johnny respectively.
The campaign started on June 16, 2023, and lasted until July 2 at 11:59pm JST. To enter the giveaway lottery, users only had to:
However, Twitter accounts set to private were ineligible for the giveaway. Unfollowing the ASBR Twitter account before the end of the giveaway also deemed users ineligible. Furthermore, attempting to join the giveaway with multiple accounts disqualified all of the associated accounts from the giveaway.[7]
The giveaway was directly implemented by Bandai Namco themselves, with no third-party involvement, and the winners of the giveaway were notified via Twitter DMs. Said winners were announced sometime towards the end of July 2023. The gifts were delivered in mid-August 2023.[7]
The activation of the move has been standardized for all characters.
Standing Heavy Attack [Dismounted]
Increased forward movement.
Standing Medium Attack [Mounted]
Fixed the amount of hitstop.
Increased forward movement.
"Care for some herbal tea?" special
Changed command input from + to +
"I've got to get there!" special [Forward]
Changed behavior so that move immediately finishes when blocked rather than preforming the full duration.
Changed so move can now be canceled by skills at any point during the attack.
Changed so the move now launches opponents.
Changed movement amount.
"I've got to get there!" special [Backward]
Changed so move can now be canceled by skills at any point during the attack.
"Where's the upper half?!" skill
Sped up attack.
Adjusted the move so Johnny no longer has invincibility against lows and can now be thrown during the move.
Adjusted the amount of time Super Armor persists when Johnny is holding 2 or more Holy Corpse parts.
"I can make it!" skill
Corrected the activation priority of skills to fix the accidental activation of skills.
Increased amount of pushback when move is guarded.
"The hole will attack you." skill [Dismounted]
Decreased recovery time.
"The hole will attack you." skill [Mounted and Dismounted]
Sped up startup to fix issue where the move was not connecting because the opponent was moving back.
"Send me down the hole!" skill
Changed command input from + // to + //
"The hole will attack you." skill
Changed so and versions' hole projectile disappears when player is hit.
"I've got to get there!" special
Changed so all versions of the skill count towards the Same Move Limit, meaning this skill can only be used up to three times in a combo.
"I can make it!" skill
Fixed a bug where Johnny would slide backwards if he was effected by a pulling skill while using this skill instead of forward.
"Golden Spin Nail Bullets" skill
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
"The hole will attack you." skill
Fixed a bug where the hole would disappear if the projectile hit a wall before touching the ground.
Fixed a bug where the hole would stop and not track the opponent if it hit the ground at the very edge of the stage.
"Even if my Spin falters, I will never die!" HHA [Tusk ACT1]
Fixed a bug where the second hit was not doing the correct amount of damage due to the minimum damage scaling not applying properly.
Mounted Mode
Fixed a bug where, after jumping and not performing an aerial attack, the landing recovery while Mounted was much shorter than intended.
Standing Medium Attack
Fixed so the attack will deal Chip Damage like Mounted normals are supposed to.
"Mounting" Style
Adjusted so that Johnny is never considered to be airborne while mounting.
This change is intended to make punishing this ability more consistant since Johnny could easily drop out of combos due to how low to the ground he was while performing this ability.
"Send me down the hole!" skill
Added icon that indicates this move can be used on a Downed opponent in the Command List.
Landing After Aerial Recovery
Fixed an issue where Johnny could not Stylish Guard at the moment he landed after being knocked off his horse and performing an aerial recovery.
Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.
↑These include Devil's Palm, Wekapipo, Gyro Zeppeli, Sugar Mountain, Johnny Joestar, Scan, Scary Monsters, Steven Steel, Holy Corpse, Tusk ACTs 1-4, D4C, Diego Brando, Funny Valentine, Philadelphia Coastline, Ball Breaker, Pocoloco, Mike O., Ringo Roadagain, Lucy Steel, and Rocky Mountains Village.