All-Star Battle R ★ Jolyne Cujoh

Jolyne Cujoh (空条徐倫, Kūjō Jorin) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer,[1] being the very first character to appear. Jolyne was one of the four characters playable in the game's first Early Access Demo alongside Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, and DIO. She was also 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[3] She is part of the game's current demo alongside Joseph Joestar, Jotaro, DIO, and Yoshikage Kira.
Her moveset is fundamentally the same as hers from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit her into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Jolyne's Stand, Stone Free, is localized as "Stone Ocean", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Fairouz Ai reprises her role from the Stone Ocean anime, replacing Miyuki Sawashiro. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Jolyne were either added or re-recorded.
Jolyne has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows her to freely summon and withdraw her Stand Stone Free, dynamically changing her moveset in the process.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

Pre-order Bonus or bought as DLC
Jolyne's attire from SO Chapter 3 to SO Chapter 48

Unlocked with Extra Costume A
Jolyne's color swap in Stone Ocean Episode 9: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson and WSJ 2000 Issue #12 (Title Page)
Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Stone Ocean Chapter 67: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 1

Jolyne's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in her Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Jolyne's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G, excluding "There may only be one road ahead, but with the right plan, anything's possible.", which is unlocked by default.

- “Good grief. (やれやれだわ)”
- “If you're going to bring it... then bring it now! (来るなら………最後までとことん来いッ!)”
- “If you wanna go, I'll take you on! (やるっていうのなら受けて立つわ…)”
- “I'm so hungry, squeak! (お
腹 チュいたニャン!)” - “However, I'm the one that gives orders. (ただし命令するのはあたし)”
- “I am Jolyne Cujoh! (あたしは空条徐倫ッ)”
- “Time to put you out of commission. (おまえを再起不能にする)”
- “You got guts, I'll give you that! (いい度胸をしてるじゃあないか)”
- “There's something I don't like about you. (あんた何か気に入らないわ!)”
- “I'm gonna keep going... until I strike you down! (このまま近づいて、
こいつをたたく ッ!)” - “Time to retire you! (再起不能になってもらう)”
- “Just try it! Try and attack! (やってみろッ! 攻撃してみろッ!)”
- “Shhh, shhhh... (シーー、シーーー)”
- “I won't be able to get married anymore! (もうお嫁にいけないッ)”
- “I need to keep storming ahead! (あたしはこのまま突っ込むッ!!)”
- “Lucky! <icon heart> Woo-hoo! (ラッキー<icon heart> キャホーー)”
- “All I need is a few millimeters! (どっちみち数ミリだ)”
- “A few millimeters will decide the battle. (数ミリメートルで決着がつく)”
- “If I can just get a few millimeters into range, I can hit home with my fist. (お前の射程制空圏に正確に数ミリ入ることができれば拳をたたき込める)”
- “This isn't over yet. (まだ終わっていない)”

- “I'm gonna get even stronger! (もっと強くなってやるッ!)”
- “Did you hear me? Stone Free. That's the name. (聞こえた? 『ストーン・フリー』よ……これが名前)”
- “If I said I'm innocent... Would you believe me? (「無実」よ…って言ったらどうする? あんた信じる?)”
- “I have a goal I need to fulfill! To do that, I can't waste my power! (『やるべき目的』があるッ! 必ずやりとげてやる…… そのためには……くだらない消耗があってはならないッ!)”
- “That's a wrap! (決着ゥゥーーーーッ!!)”
- “Good grief, seriously... (本当に……やれやれって感じだわ…)”
- “Ewwww! What is this?! Gross! So weird! (全然知らなぁぁ~い。なによそれェェーーーーッ! ヤッダァーーーッ! スゴイ変。)”
- “There may only be one road ahead, but with the right plan, anything's possible. (道がひとつしかなくても、それにかすかでも考えがあるなら、 それはきっとうまくいく道)”
- “The power of nature is a lot more effective than the power of my string. (糸の「力」よりも、自然の力の方が効果的ってこと………よ)”
- “What are the handcuffs for? Not to keep you from escaping! To make you submit! (手錠はなんのためにある? 逃がさないためにあるんじゃあない! 屈服させるためにあるッ!)”
- “Well, will you help us? But no more killing humans. (どう? あんた次第だけど……「力」を貸してくれない? 殺人はなしよ)”
- “It finally got through to me. I think... I think I understand my father. (『通じた』のよ…… 今……父さんを理解出来たと体で感じる……)”
- “Now I understand... I understand that I don't understand at all. (ああ……全然理解しない……という事を……… 理解したよ………)”
- “It's just a coincidence. (偶然よ)”
- “That was close. I didn't even have time to think! (考えるヒマもないほど………ギリギリだった)”
- “I don't need strength to block with string! (ヒモの防御に力はいらない………)”
- “Use your mind's force to move and defend. That's all. (『心の力で動かし自分の身を守れ』…ってこと…)”
- “I'll stop you here. (ここはあたしがくい止める)”
- “I'm always watching the stars, and I'll never stop until I see my father. (もちろんあたしは星を見るわ… 父に会うまで……星の光をみていたい)”
- “You're no match at all for my Stone Free! (しょせんあたしの『ストーン・フリー』の敵ではない)”

- “That's a wrap! (決着ゥゥーッ!!)”
- “There may only be one road ahead, but with the right plan, anything's possible. (道がひとつしかなくても、それにかすかでも考えがあるなら、それはきっとうまくいく道)”
- “Hop in, tyke! You can trust me. I'm Irene. And he's Anakiss. (乗りなよ、ぼうや。怪しいものじゃあないわ。あたしはアイリン。彼の名はアナキスよ)”
- “I think I get it. I think I finally understand my dad. (今……父さんを理解出来たと体で感じる……)”
- “You need to survive! You... are "hope" itself! (生きのびるのよ。あんたは『希望』!!)”
- “This is the dawn of humankind, I'd reckon! (人類の夜明けだわこりゃ)”
- “Leave me alone! I want my lawyer! (うるせェェェェェーーーー、弁護士を呼べェェェーーーーーッ)”
- “Good grief... (やれやれって感じだわ)”
- “ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAAA! (オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラァー!!)”
- “He saw me... Well, you know, like... The "M" word... (見られたのは…つまり、その…マ…マで始まる言葉…よ…)”
- “Alright, Anasui. Go ahead and ask. (いいわ。アナスイ……申し込んで……)”
- “Of course I watch the stars. And I'll never stop until I see my father. (もちろんあたしは星を見るわ…父に会うまで……星の光をみていたい)”

- “That's a wrap! (決着ゥゥーーーーッ!!)”—Round Win 1
- “I want to see the starlight... (あたしは星の光を見ていたい…)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Jolyne's expression mirrors hers when she is hit by a second meteor summoned by Planet Waves.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Jolyne leans over and grabs her forearm, as she does after being hit by Planet Waves's first meteor attack.[5]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jotaro Kujo or Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) ("Dad!"), Ermes Costello, Narciso Anasui, Foo Fighters ("F.F.!"), or Weather Report, Jolyne calls out her ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Jolyne has unique interaction dialogue for both her match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “This ends here! (ここで決着をつけるッ!)”—Default dialogue
- “The hell?! You look just like me! (なんなんだ…すごく! 似てる?)”—Jolyne Cujoh (Player 1)“Another one of me? Am I hallucinating or what? (これは…幻覚? あたしがもう一人?)”—Jolyne Cujoh (Player 2)
“You're... so young! What's going on here? (わ…わ…若い…!? どういうこと?)”—Jolyne Cujoh
“Good grief... (やれやれって感じだわ…)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “Hey! I nearly got killed over here, and you're off playing around in Japan?! (てめェーッ! 娘が死にかけてんのに、日本で遊んでんじゃねェーッ!)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “At first glance, you're a real nice lady... But my nose tells me you're a heap of trouble. (綺麗なおねーさんだと思ったのによォ…… てめー、スゲー危ねー「臭い」してんじゃあねーか)”“If you wanna go, I'll take you on! (やるっていうのなら受けて立つわ…)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “I've got the perfect strategy for your stickers. (シールの攻略法はもう練ってある)”—Jolyne Cujoh“Sorry, Jolyne, but I know exactly how to deal with your string! (悪いけど、徐倫! 『糸」の対策はばっちりなんだよ)”
- “Oh Jolyne, you are just such a bombshell! I... I... (か……カワイイ…………おお……………… なんて………なんてカワイイんだろう…… 徐倫……)”“Anasui?! Think you can take me? (何? アナスイから…殺気…!?)”—Jolyne Cujoh
“You've never thrown a ball, have you? (あんたさーボール投げた事ないでしょ!?)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “Weather! How did you know where I was? (ウェザー! どうしてあたしの居場所が…?)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “I can't believe I'm seeing your true form... or that I'm meeting you again! (おまえの正体に到達できるなんて! ………おまえに再会するなんて)”—Jolyne Cujoh“Daughter of Jotaro! I must bring you the utter oblivion of death! (完全なる死の忘却へ……おまえを送り込んでおかなくては……… 承太郎の娘!)”
“Puuuuucci! (プゥ~~~ッチッ!)”—Jolyne Cujoh

- “Guess you only resemble me on the outside! (似てるのは上っ面だけみたいね…)”—Jolyne Cujoh (Player 1)“This must be my mind playing tricks on me... (こいつは…あたしの心が見ている幻覚だわ…)”—Jolyne Cujoh (Player 2)
- “Why do I keep seeing these visions? Because I grew up without my father's love? (あたし妄想みやすいタイプなのかな? 父親の愛情なき幼児体験おくってっからな…)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “The only part of me that loves you is my middle finger! Get screwed, creep! (世界のフィンガー、『くたばりやがれ』よ)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “I always wanted to give you a good fist to the face! (一度でいいからブン殴ってやりたかったのよ、アンタを…!)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “See? I told you I had a strategy. (いったでしょ、攻略法があるって)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “The hell's gotten into you, Anasui?! (急にどうしたの? アナスイ)”—Jolyne Cujoh“If you've come to your senses... Then I want you to feel how I feel. (目が醒めたなら……このオレの気持ちを………受けとめてほしい)”
- “You throw it all weird. You're supposed to snap your wrist to release it... You gotta snap it... (投げ方おかしいわよ。 手首のスナップで投げるのよ…スナップ使って…)”—Jolyne Cujoh“What fun! We haven't dropped it at all. Think we can reach a hundred? (楽しいねェーーーっ 1回も落としてない。100回まで行けるかね?)”
- “The mark on his shoulder... It's the same as mine! (彼の首にあるアザ…これって…あたしのと同じ…ッ!?)”—Jolyne Cujoh
- “I'm going to steal two things from you: my father's memory, and your life! (おまえから奪うべきものは、『父の記憶』とおまえの『
生命 』だ!)”—Jolyne Cujoh“All I care about... is obtaining that which was born! (わたしは生まれたものさえ………!! 手に入ればそれで良いのだ!!)” - “Don't you get it? You lost to fate. (わからないの? お前は「運命」に負けたってこと)”—Jolyne Cujoh

- “I've seen drag queens with better hair! (あんたの髪型ぶっとんでるわ)”—Jolyne Cujoh, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Jolyne as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Stone Ocean
Jolyne's theme is I Want to Watch the Starlight (星の光をみていたい, Hoshi no Hikari o Miteitai), and can be unlocked in-game by winning All-Star Battle Mode's Jolyne vs. Enrico Pucci Boss Battle without losing your DISC.
Its name is taken from Jolyne's inner monologue while fighting Viviano Westwood in Chapter 65 of Stone Ocean.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode: Stone Ocean Jolyne vs. Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) Extra Battle Attack the opponent's Stand
Cover B of Stone Ocean Chapter 101: Jail House Lock!, Part 6 and [DX Collection JoJo Figure]

All-Star Battle Mode: Stone Ocean Jolyne vs. Enrico Pucci Boss Battle Set off a Stage Hazard
Update History

- "So you're the enemy, huh?" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased the launch amount when hitting an airborne opponent.
- "String Barrier" skill
Increased number of hits.
Increased damage.
- These changes also apply to the assault assist since this is the skill used for it.
- "Whatever it takes to win!" special
The first hit of this special now launches opponents.
- "Sweet dreams, creep!" skill
Adjusted launch force of the all hits.
- "String Barrier" skill
Changed so that this ability now binds and then crumples the opponent.
Improved the Clash ability against projectiles.
Increased damage of final hit.
Increased the amount of time the barrier will persist.
The barrier will now disappear shortly after Jolyne passes through it.
- These changes also apply to the assault assist since this is the skill used for it.
- "So you're the enemy, huh?" skill (aerial version)
Delayed startup on
Sped up startup on
Reduced recovery time.
- "String Barrier" skill
Updated Command List to reflect changes made in 2.0.0.
Fixed a bug where the wall created by Josuke Higashikata's "He heals pretty quick!" skill would continually refresh when it came in contact with the String Barrier, causing performance issues.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Decreased recovery.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
Extended the hitbox inward to help prevent the attack from missing when used up close.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Fixed a bug where the attack could not be canceled if it hit an opponent during the later half of its duration.
Extended the hitbox inward to help prevent the attack from missing when used up close.
- "'Your body's best angle to punch." skill
Made it so the skill can now be canceled into HHA.
- "String Barrier" skill
Fixed a bug where the hit detection that recognizes the barrier has connected with the opponent before the actual attack hits counted towards the hit counter.
Adjusted the angle the barrier launches the opponent on hit.
- "String Barrier" skill
Fixed so the barrier's detection hitbox no longer triggers a proximity guard if the player character is inside or near the barrier.
Fixed a bug where when Jolyne was picked as an assist character against Keicho Nijimura, the Stand Mode aura would manifest within the barrier.
- "Your body's best angle to punch." skill
Fixed a bug where HHA could not be activated during the recovery of this skill if the combination of the
attack buttons was used for the input.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Jolyne ASBR page
- ↑ JoJo News: ASBR EVO 2022 Demo
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
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