All-Star Battle R ★ Diavolo

Diavolo (ディアボロ, Diaboro) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] He was also 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[3]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Diavolo's Stand, King Crimson, is localized as "Emperor Crimson", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Katsuyuki Konishi reprises his role as Diavolo's voice actor from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Toshiyuki Morikawa. Aditionally, Soma Saito replaces Akira Ishida as his alter ego, Vinegar Doppio. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Diavolo were either added or re-recorded.
Diavolo has 900 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand King Crimson, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All

Attack type: High
Damage: 15

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

Attack type: High
Damage: 38

Attack type: Low
Damage: 14

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20

Attack type: High
Damage: 39

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 19

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 29

This normal cannot hit crouching opponents, the only exception being Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Diego Brando, and Parallel World Diego and only when they're on their respective horses. Also, if the opponent is standing, it will wiff against all but the Pillar Men and the tallest human characters and even then, it can be difficult to hit, making it better to use against airborne opponents.
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 50

During this brief period of erased time, neither Diavolo nor the opponent can move or act, with the opponent's animation being slowed down significantly. Projectiles will however continue at the same speed they were shot at. While Diavolo cannot move, he is invulnerable to attacks that continue into the erased time. When time returns to normal, Diavolo is able to act before the opponent. However, if their attack hits multiple times and did not finish in erased time, it will continue, making it possible Diavolo could still be hit if he attempts a counterattack, regardless of his ability to act first.
"Erasing Time" is naturally nullified if Giorno Giovanna has Gold Experience in Requiem Mode. Both skills that use "Erasing Time" will not function properly, instead rendering Diavolo completely vulnerable if an attempt is made to use them.

Unlike other characters' forward dash, Diavolo cannot cancel his with a normal, but it can be canceled with a jump.
When Diavolo's HHA, "Epitaph", is active, this forward dash gains increased distance and can travel through opponents. It also allows him to cancel his forward dash with normals.

If the attack button is held, this attack will become unblockable, have more range, deal more damage, and will cause the opponent to crumple to the floor. If the charged version hits an airborne opponent, they are instead sent flying a great distance away. When fully charged, this skill can be canceled into a jump, even when blocked or whiffed. (Comboable)
Attack type: High (normal) / Unblockable (charged)
Damage: 45 /
50 /
55 / 65 (charged)

This skill can be used as a follow-up to the "The passage of time resumes!" skill. However, due to the increasing startup, only the

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60 /
65 /

Its activation consumes two stocks of the Heart Heat Gauge in return for completely breaking out of an opponent's attack or combo, functioning in the exact same manner as DIO's "So close!" counter.
This skill is nullified against Giorno Giovanna if he has Gold Experience in Requiem Mode; performing the input for this skill will do nothing.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

Attack type: High
Damage: 42

Attack type: Low
Damage: 14

Attack type: Low
Damage: 40

Attack type: High
Damage: 15 + 38 (53)

This normal cannot hit crouching opponents, the only exception being Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Diego Brando, and Parallel World Diego and only when they're on their respective horses. Also, if the opponent is standing, it will wiff against all but the Pillar Men and the tallest human characters and even then, it can be difficult to hit, making it better to use against airborne opponents.
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 20

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 28

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 33

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 30
During this brief period of erased time, neither Diavolo nor the opponent can move or act, with the opponent's animation being slowed down significantly. Projectiles will however continue at the same speed they were shot at. While Diavolo cannot move, he is invulnerable to attacks that continue into the erased time. When time returns to normal, Diavolo is able to act before the opponent. However, if their attack hits multiple times and did not finish in erased time, it will continue, making it possible Diavolo could still be hit if he attempts a counterattack, regardless of his ability to act first.
"Erasing Time" is naturally nullified if Giorno Giovanna has Gold Experience in Requiem Mode. Both skills that use "Erasing Time" will not function properly, instead rendering Diavolo completely vulnerable if an attempt is made to use them.

Unlike other characters' forward dash, Diavolo cannot cancel his with a normal, but it can be canceled with a jump.
When Diavolo's HHA, "Epitaph", is active, this forward dash gains increased distance and can travel through opponents. It also allows him to cancel his forward dash with normals.

This skill functions as a reversal and anti-air. However, it will whiff against crouching opponents and most standing opponents, the exception being the Pillar Men and the tallest human characters.
Attack type: High
Damage: 105

While Diavolo's HHA, "Epitaph", is active, this skill can be canceled with a jump when successfully connected.
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 136

If used against Giorno Giovanna with Gold Experience Requiem active, Diavolo will still strike his pose to show the counter is active, but when hit, "Erased Time" will not activate, and Diavolo will take damage instead of countering the attack.
Attack type: Counter

If forward-throwing, the camera will zoom in on King Crimson's face. If back-throwing, it will not.
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120

While Epitaph is active, Diavolo will automatically Stylish Evade most of the opponent's attacks without depleting any of the Guard Gauge, provided he himself isn't in the middle of attacking, jumping, or attacking. His "I've eliminated 0.5 seconds!" dash also becomes greatly enhanced, allowing Diavolo to cancel out of it with normals, pass through opponents, and giving it greater 'teleporting' distance.
When the timer runs out, Diavolo will be forced into an animation, leaving him vulnerable. However, this animation can be canceled with any of his skills.

Diavolo will smile as he is blown back by the opponent's attack, before disappearing and revealing that what they actually hit was their future selves as time is abruptly erased. As their past self fades, the arena environment crumbles and falls away to make them appear to be standing on a lone platform. Diavolo and King Crimson suddenly reappear behind the opponent in their disorientation and loom over them. He declares the fight over as the Stand delivers a singularly powerful chop to lethally cleave them down the middle just as time returns.
This is the highest-damaging Great Heat Attack in the entire game. At level 3, it is capable of nearly KOing lower health characters outright. Even the level 1 version of this super deals at least 50% of all but Ermes Costello's max health, making it a fantastic comeback tool and round-ender.
Attack type: Counter
Damage: 504 / 604 / 756 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 65
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

When against Giorno Giovanna with Gold Experience Requiem active, instead of moves that use "Erasing Time" still activating the sound and counter activation effects, the skills will simply not work, with "Such futility!"'s input not working at all.

When "Epitaph" is active, his forward dash now has increased range and allows Diavolo to pass through opponents. As a trade off, the recovery on his dash now stays the same instead of becoming greatly reduced.

King Crimson now travels farther forward than it did in All-Star Battle. As a trade off, the skill has more pushback; the pushback on the charged version is still slightly greater, but is much closer to ASB than it's non-charged version. When fully charged, this skill can also now cancel into a jump, even when blocked or whiffed. Additionally, instead of staying the same, the

When against Giorno Giovanna with Gold Experience Requiem activated, performing the input for this skill will do nothing, meaning that, unlike in All-Star Battle, Diavolo cannot burn 2 bars of Heart Heat for attempting to use this skill.

When against Giorno Giovanna with Gold Experience Requiem active, instead of moves that use "Erasing Time" still activating the sound and counter activation effects, the skills will simply not work.

When "Epitaph" is active, his forward dash now has increased range and allows Diavolo to pass through opponents. As a trade off, the recovery on his dash now stays the same instead of becoming greatly reduced.

When against Giorno Giovanna with Gold Experience Requiem active, Diavolo will still strike his pose, but now when hit, no special sound effect will play and Diavolo will take damage rather than countering the hit.

Medal List
Costumes & Tints
Taunts & Victory Poses

Diavolo's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Diavolo's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “It's the result that counts! The result is the only thing that lives in infamy! (『結果』だけだ!! この世には『結果』だけが残る!!)”
- “Now you've pissed me off! (おまえはッ! わたしを本気で怒らせたッ!!)”
- “You're making me break out in a cold sweat... (けっこう冷や汗をかかせられたぞ………)”
- “I can predict your moves! (動きは予測できるッ!)”
- “Look at me! Tell me who you think is the worthy one! (オレをよく見ろッ!
ふさわしいのは 誰か!?)” - “I'm not even going to give you enough time to regret the fact that you're dead! (死んだことを後悔する時間をも…与えんッ!!)”
- “Think it over again! Who is the one king worthy of holding the arrow?! (もう一度よく考えろ! この世で「矢」を持つにふさわしい
王 は誰か!?)” - “Don't worry. I'll make this painless for you. (苦しまないよう殺してやる)”
- “Just go home, now... (そのまま帰った方がいい……………)”
- “Unbelievable moves! (信じられない行動だ!)”
- “You won't get away from me! (………絶対に逃がさないッ!)”
- “You can't reach the first floor... but I can easily take you to hell. (一階には行けないが…あの世には楽に行ける)”
- “I don't care what's what! Eat this! (何かわからんがくらえッ!)”
- “Results! Results are all the world will remember! (この世には『結果』だけが残る!!)”

- “BRING RING RING RING RING! (とうおるるるるるるるるるるるるるるる、るるるん)”
- “Those who have seen what they mustn't... cannot be allowed to survive! (見なくてもいいものを見たものは!! この世に存在してはならねーんだぜッ!)”
- “I, Diavolo, am emperor! Just as I always was! (「帝王」はこのディアボロだッ!! 依然変わりなくッ!)”
- “Your ego's led you to believe that you can overcome me. Is that it? (自分の実力を過大に評価し、 わたしを追い越せるとうぬぼれたのか?)”
- “Damn it. I have to admit that was kind of impressive! (しかし…くそ…みごとだ)”
- “All of time will be extinguished, and my era will begin! (我以外の全ての時間は消し飛ぶッーーーー!)”
- “Find the holes in your future, and you will never fall. That's what keeps me on top! (未来という目の前に……ポッカリ
開 いた「落とし穴」を見つけ! それに落ちる事がなければ、人生は決して『沈む』事がない。 『絶頂』のままでいられる 。わたしは!……)” - “Those who know my true nature cannot be left alive. (このわたしの本質を! ほんのちょっぴりでもわかるものが……… この世に存在してはならないのだ……)”
- “No one who senses my true nature can be allowed to survive! (わたしの「正体」を感じる者はこの世に存在してはならないッ!)”
- “Hello? Yes, Doppio speaking. (はぃィィ~もしもし、ドッピオです)”
- “True fear comes from the past you never knew. (『恐怖というものは』『思いもよらぬ過去からやって来る…』)”
- “You have served me well... You've supported all of my missions in life! (どれだけおまえはりっぱに役に立ったことか…
このオレのためにな …………!!)” - “Looks like I won't be swallowing my pride this time. (我が「誇り」は失われずに済んだッ!)”
- “Try and erase it, but the past can never be truly extinguished. (消したつもりでも…「過去」というものは 人間の真の平和をがんじがらめにする)”
- “How many times must I die?! What's happening next? Don't you come near me! (オ、オレは何回死ぬんだ!? 次はど……どこから…… い…いつ『襲って』くるんだ!? オレは! オレはッ! オレのそばに近寄るなああーーーーーーーッ!)”
- “We are all soldiers of fate, but not I. Fate has put my King Crimson at the apex! (誰が言った言葉…………だったか…………『我々はみな運命に 選ばれた兵士』…この世界の運命は我が『キング・クリムゾン』を 無敵の頂点に選んだはずなのだ………オレは『兵士』ではない)”

- “What about Trish? What my daughter says or does has nothing to do with you! (トリッシュがなんだというのだ? 娘の事はおまえにはなんの関係もないッ!)”
- “Don't come anywhere near me! (オレのそばに近寄るなああーーーーーーーッ)”
- “Doppio, oh Doppio. My poor, precious Doppio... (『ドッピオよ…』『おおドッピオ…』『わたしのかわいいドッピオ………』)”
- “I won't stand for anyone threatening my stance at the pinnacle of eternity. Whoever they are. (誰だろうとわたしの永遠の絶頂をおびやかす者は許さない。決して)”
- “Giorno Giovanna... I'm not even going to give you enough time to regret the fact that you're dead! (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ。おまえには死んだことを後悔する時間をも…与えんッ!!)”
- “True fear comes from the past you never knew. (『恐怖というものは』『思いもよらぬ過去からやって来る…』)”
- “Now you've pissed me off! (おまえはッ、わたしを本気で怒らせたッ!!)”
- “It's the result that counts! The result is the only thing that lives in infamy! (『結果』だけだ!! この世には『結果』だけが残る!!)”
- “No one who senses my true nature can be allowed to survive! (わたしの「正体」を感じる者はこの世に存在してはならないッ!)”
- “I, Diavolo, am emperor! Just as I always was! (「帝王」はこのディアボロだッ!! 依然変わりなくッ!)”

- “Huh? Boss? That's strange. (あれ? ボス。おかしいな)”—Round Win 1
- “Fear is something you have to crush in your palm! (『恐怖というものは打ち砕かなくてはならないのだ!』)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Diavolo's expression mirrors his as Gold Experience Requiem decisively pummels him.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Diavolo crouches and weakly points his finger away from himself, as he does when begging a little girl to stay away from him after being defeated by Gold Experience Requiem.[4]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Diavolo has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters. Notably, Diavolo lacks unique victory dialogue against most characters, in keeping with his reclusive personality.

- “This is a trial. (これは「試練」だ)”—Default dialogue
- “I am emperor! (「帝王」はオレだ!)”—Diavolo (Player 1)“I'm the emperor here! (オレが「帝王」だ!)”—Diavolo (Player 2)
- “I will always remain on the top! (『絶頂』の
ままでいられる 。 わたしは!……)”—Diavolo“This time controlling power... It must be... Diavolo?! (この……能力は…!! 『時』を…ディアボロ、きさま!)” - “Fate has decreed that I stand at the apex! (運命はこのオレを「頂点」に選んでくれたのだッ!)”—Diavolo
- “Your skill! It's incredible, but you can only read my moves for a short time! (あんたの「能力」! ………「無敵」だが… 「動き」を読めるのは……短い時間だけらしい!)”“I will never let you get away! (決して逃がしはしないッ!)”—Diavolo
“You're worthless! (下っぱのカス能力が……!!)”—Diavolo
- “I can do this! I don't care who's boss you are, you're outta here! (や…やってやるぜ! ボスだろうがぶっ飛ばす!)”“Your radar is bad news... Guess I'll have to dispose of you. (奴のレーダーは厄介だな…確実に始末せねば…)”—Diavolo
“Unbelievable. You've turned traitor again?! You brazen fool! (あきれたものだ…また裏切るというのか? この『恥知らず』が!)”—Diavolo
- “I'm not going to get scared or run from the fate I inherited from you! (あんたから受け継いだ…「運命」にビクついて 逃げたりもしない…!!)”“My daughter... If only you hadn't been born... (娘よ……
おまえさえ ………産まれていなければ …………)”—Diavolo -
“You won't get away from me! (………絶対に逃がさないッ!)”—Diavolo
“You know what the consequences are for betraying the gang, don't you? (組織を裏切ることの意味はわかっているだろうな…)”—Diavolo
“Imbecile. I'll make you regret betraying the gang. (愚かなやつめ…組織を裏切ったことを後悔しろ…!)”—Diavolo
- “Now I'm sure! You're the one we've been looking for all along! (確信した…… おまえこそが、オレたちが探し求めていた
もの だッ!)”“You won't get away from me! (………絶対に逃がさないッ!)”—Diavolo - “This is a trial. (これは「試練」だ)”—Diavolo
“Just go home, now... (そのまま帰った方がいい……………)”—Diavolo

- “Now you've pissed me off! (おまえはッ、わたしを本気で怒らせたッ!!)”—Diavolo
- “Die proud that you made it this far. (自分がここまでやれた事を「誇り」にして死んでいくがいい)”—Diavolo
- “Make the world as silent as you like. I'll simply skip past it. (「静止の世界」だろうが時を飛ばせば意味はあるまい)”—Diavolo

- “It's the result that counts! The result is the only thing that lives in infamy! (『結果』だけだ!! この世には『結果』だけが残る!!)”—Diavolo, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Diavolo as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Diamond is Unbreakable

2. Land a 20-hit combo:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

Diavolo: Who... Who are you? You know about the arrow? About me?
Golden Wind

2. Land the "Can you escape destruction?" skill:

3. Land the "You will never reach the truth!" skill:

4. Win with the "USELESS!" skill:

Diavolo: I'm not even going to give you enough time to regret the fact that you're dead!

2. Do a normal attack with Stand on:

3. Land the "This isn't my arm." skill:

Diavolo: You better go away now, Bruno Bucciarati... Approach me, and you'll die.

2. Land the "The passage of time resumes!" skill:

3. Land the "This is the end!" skill:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Diavolo: You want to expose my past, too? Then I have to get rid of you!

2. Call 3 Assists in a single round:

3. Use the "I've turned it soft!" skill:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Trish: Me? I'm the one who's possessed?!
Diavolo's theme is They Called Him Diavolo (そいつの名はディアボロ, Soitsu no Na wa Diaboro), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for
1000 G.
Its name is taken from the title of the story arc where Diavolo fully reveals himself, His Name is Diavolo.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 570: His Name is Diavolo, Part 2, mix of page 7 and page 8
(modified to remove arm and add hair from page 8)
Chapter 588: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 3, page 19
(modified to remove Sfx and speed lines)
Chapter 585: King of Kings, page 5
(modified to extend the head and remove sweat)

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Diavolo vs. Rohan Kishibe Extra Battle Land the "The passage of time resumes!" skill
Chapter 570: His Name is Diavolo, Part 2 rotated

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Chapter 520: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 3 with left arm re-positioned to match Ichiban Kuji figure
Update History

- "Reversal Assist"
Decreased stocks from two to one.
- "This is the end!" skill
Adjusted hitbox to fix issue of move not hitting when opponent was against a wall.
Fixed bug where King Crimson would occasionally attack in the wrong direction.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Reduced knockback on hit.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Reduced knockback on hit.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Increased forward launching power when hitting an airborne opponent to increase comboing difficulty.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Decreased size of hitbox.
Decreased time hitbox is active.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Stand On]
Increased time hitbox is active.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Made attack hitbox appear faster.
- "I've eliminated 0.5 seconds!" dash special
Delayed when Diavolo becomes invulnerable when using this skill.
- "The passage of time resumes!" skill
Reduced the amount of knockback on hit for
versions to make it easier to punish when guarded.
- "This is the end!" skill
Added some homing on the opponent for all versions.
Increased startup time.
- "Time has been erased..." skill
Fixed bug where King Crimson would sometimes not attack and only Diavolo's animation would play if a
attack was attempted after this skill was activated.
- "This is the end!" skill
Increased the duration of the hitbox for the
version of this skill will now automatically orient towards opponents.
- "Such futility!" skill
Fixed a bug where if an opponent canceled their attack into an HHA or GHA while this skill was in effect, the the opponent's cinematic animations would be slowed down, leading to the audio and visuals desyncing.
- Backdash
Decreased the size of the hurtbox when dashing backward to match other characters.
- ↑ These include King Crimson, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, Colosseum, Giorno Giovanna, Sticky Fingers, Secco, Cioccolata, Diavolo, Purple Haze, Pannacotta Fugo, Bruno Bucciarati, Prosciutto, and Pesci.
- ↑ These include Aerosmith, Ghiaccio, Guido Mista, The Grateful Dead, Sale, Spice Girl, Sex Pistols, Trish Una, Narancia Ghirga, Naples Train Station, Beach Boy, Formaggio, White Album, Melone, Leone Abbacchio, and Rome.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Diavolo ASBR page
- ↑ JoJo News: ASBR EVO 2022 Demo
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Chapter 588: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 3
- ↑ Gold Experience Requiem (Story Arc)