All-Star Battle R ★ Will Anthonio Zeppeli

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The ode to humanity is an ode to courage! Courage is humanity's very lifeblood! (人間賛歌は「勇気」の賛歌ッ!! 人間のすばらしさは勇気のすばらしさ!!)[2]

Will Anthonio Zeppeli (ウィル・A・ツェペリ, Wiru Antonio Tseperi) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R in the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

Zeppeli's voice actor, Yoku Shioya, reprises his role from the Phantom Blood anime and the original All-Star Battle. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Zeppeli were either added or re-recorded.


Zeppeli has 950 health and uses the Ripple (波紋, Hamon) Battle Style, which allows him to use the "Ripple Breathing" special to charge his Heart Heat Gauge. He can also draw from his Heart Heat Gauge in order to perform Ripple-enhanced versions of his various skills, increasing their power and utility.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

Normals (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills (コマンド技)
Throw (投げ技)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Assist System (アシストシステム)

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills (コマンド技)

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

NormalSpecial A
Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Zeppeli's main "Phantom Blood" Manga attire

This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
8500 G


Zeppeli's first appearance, Chapter 18 to Chapter 21

NormalSpecial A
Tint ATint BTint CTint D
Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Zeppeli's anime colors

Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Phantom Blood Movie colors and Super Figure Revolution Statue

Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
2800 G


Adventure Battle Card J-071

Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
2800 G


Adventure Battle Card J-436, carried on from All Star Battle

Special A Tint ASpecial A Tint B
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Special Costume A: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


Adventure Battle Card J-010

This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Special Costume A: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


Original to ASB

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 25

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 19

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panel from Chapter 20

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panels from Chapter 24

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panel from Chapter 24

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 21

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panel from Chapter 22: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 5

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panel from Chapter 22

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panel from Chapter 19

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Panel from Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1


Zeppeli's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. His Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding "The ode to humanity is an ode to courage! Courage is humanity's very lifeblood!", which is unlocked by default.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Hey, baby! (ヘイ、ベイビー!)
  • Let's see you make some noise. (音をあげさせてやる)
  • Ripple is Sendo! Sendo is Ripple! (波紋エネルギーこそ「仙道」パワー!!)
  • Silence! (あんたはーだーっとれぃ!)
  • The Ripple's wave energy is just like the light waves from the sun! (波紋法の作るエネルギーの波は! あの!太陽の光の波と同じ形なのだッ!)
  • So be it! Time to settle this! (仕方あるまい! ここでかたづけるッ!)
  • Whoops! My finger slipped. Sorry about that! (ちょいとミスッた。指がスベっちゃった。いやごめん!)
  • I love the sound of Overdrive in the morning! (んーっ、いい音響だぞ。 波紋疾走(オーバードライブ)が確実に伝わっていく音だ)
  • Your bones breaking already? (やれやれ…骨が折れそうだわい)
  • Courage alone will never bring you victory, you know? (勇気だけでは勝てんよォーー)
  • You wouldn't happen to have a corkscrew, would ya? (ところでコルクぬきもってなぁい?)
  • So, we finally meet! (()()()()()()()())
  • I have to destroy you at any cost! (何としてもきさまを消滅させねばならん!)
  • Leave this to me! (まかしとけい!!)
  • You're still green. (まだあまいな)
  • Nnnrgh, the evil! Just feel it! We've got an evil tyrant on our hands, have we? (ヌウウ………こいつ、なんと圧倒的な悪の大気よ! すでに暴帝となりつつある貫禄か!)
  • I must fight to the end! (わしは戦わねばならん!)
  • I'll fight, but I still don't know exactly what I'm up against! (わしが相手せねばなるまい。 しかしこいつの能力がいまだ未知! いったいどんなものを秘めているのかッ!?)
  • Fall to the ground, or get sent flying! Which shall it be?! (地面に伏せるか! それとも飛んでよけるか!)
  • Is that your idea of courage? A flea facing off against a giant? (巨大な敵に立ち向かうノミ………………… これは『勇気』と呼べるだろうかねェ)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • The ode to humanity is an ode to courage! Courage is humanity's very lifeblood! (人間讃歌は「勇気」の讃歌ッ!! 人間のすばらしさは勇気のすばらしさ!!)
  • You may be strong, but you don't know courage! You are nothing but a flea! (いくら強くてもこいつは「勇気」を知らん! ノミと同類よォーッ!!)
  • Fear quakes your very breath! But overcome it, and the path to the Ripple opens! Ripple Breathing is born from courage! (呼吸をみだすのは「恐怖」! だが「恐怖」を支配した時! 呼吸は規則正しく乱れないッ! 波紋法の呼吸は「勇気」の産物!!)
  • Whew... No problem. (フーー、だいじょうぶじゃ)
  • You must always remember! Think like the enemy if you wish to defeat him! (これは大事な物の考え方じゃぞ! 「もし自分が敵なら」と相手の立場に身をおく思考!)
  • You won't be able to breathe for a while... but no need to worry. (しばらく呼吸はできん………が……心配はいらん)
  • Ah-choo! (ハブショッ)
  • Those are the basics! There are still many other ways to use this! (それが基本! 利用法はまだまだあるぞッ!!)
  • Know me well... and your destiny will be changed forever. (わたしを知ったら…君の運命はまた変わる)
  • You know as well as I do... You carry only a light load upon your shoulders. (君には背おってるものがいまいち軽いというのが自分自身よくわかっていよう)
  • My teacher Tonpetty's prophecy... It is something I can never tell anyone. (わが師トンペティの予言……… これは誰にもいえない秘密よ…)
  • Can you keep it to one question at a time? (質問はひとつずつにしてくれないかね)
  • I'll show you the answer. Follow me. (答えを見せてやるよ。ついておいで)
  • We must thrust the chained young lion toward his future! (鎖でつながれた若き獅子を未来へとき放つため(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・)!』)
  • If this be fate, it is your duty to accept it! (これが運命ならあるがまま受け入れよう(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・))
  • It has finally come... The age of the prophecy... (ついに、ついに来たか。あの予言の時が(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・))
  • Let me tell you a little bit about my past. (このわしの過去をちょっぴり話してやろう)
  • This power can help you resist the evil of the mask! (この「力」なら仮面の最悪の事態に対抗できるッ!)
  • You have a reason to risk your life learning this! (命を賭して学ぶ理由がある!)
  • But how?! I crushed your bones and yet still you fight! (な、なんてやつだッ! まさに戦うことが生きがいか! 骨はボキボキに砕けているはずなのにッ!!)
  • I am satisfied with my fate in life... (わしは……自分の運命に満足しておるよ…)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Hey, baby! Don't tell me you're gonna fight in a creepy place like that? Come with me! (ヘイ、ベイビー! そんな不安定なところで戦う気か? おりてこい……)
  • <span class="nihongo-english popup" data-content="きさま――――いったい何人の生命(いのち)をその傷のために吸い取った!?" data-content-type="nihongo-japanese">Bastard! How many lives have you sucked away to heal those wounds?!
  • The ode to humanity is an ode to courage! Courage is humanity's very lifeblood! (人間讃歌は「勇気」の讃歌ッ!!人間のすばらしさは勇気のすばらしさ!!)
  • Silence! (あんたはーだーっとれぃ!)
  • The evil... I can feel it! It's overwhelming! We've got an evil tyrant on our hands!
  • A flea fighting a giant? Is that seriously your idea of "courage"? (巨大な敵に立ち向かうノミ…………………これは『勇気』と呼べるだろうかねェ)
  • This is Sendo! (これが「仙道」だ!)
  • The ultimate technique! Deep Pass Overdrive! (究極!深仙脈疾走(ディーパスオーバードライブ)!!)
  • This is my last wish, JoJo! You must fulfill it!
  • Popow, pow pow! (パパウ、パウパウ)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Whew... (フー)
    —Round Win 1
  • In Asia, they call this "Sendo": the Way of the Hermits! (東洋人は「仙道」と呼んでいる)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Zeppeli will close his eyes and grit his teeth in pain, as he does when remembering the fate of his archaeological team.[3]
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Zeppeli will sneeze, referencing his habit of shaking too much pepper onto his food.[4]
  • When summoned as an Assist by Jonathan Joestar ("JoJo!") or Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Zeppeli calls out his ally's name.


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Zeppeli has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Right... I'll handle this.
    —Default dialogue
  • Fighting myself? Well, stranger things have happened...
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 1)
    That hat doesn't suit you.
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 2)
  • Teach me the path of Ripple! I'll bear any pain! I'll endure any trial!
    I'll show you the energy that comes from proper breathing! (「呼吸」が起こすエネルギーを見せてあげよう)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
  • Can I learn that Ripple thing too? I wanna try it out! Teach it to me! C'mon, I'm begging you! (おれにもよぉ、その「波紋法」とやらは可能か? やってみたいんだ! おせーて! おせーてくれよォ!)
    Hmmm. It'll hurt at first, but you don't mind, do you? (んーーっ、初めは少し苦しむがいいかな?)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
  • Finally we meet! Thanks to the Stone Mask that awoke you, that is. (きさまの脳を目醒めさせた石仮面に対してあえて言おう。 とうとう会えたな(・・・・・・・・))
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
    Come, master of curses! Your life will heal my wound quite nicely. (こい!(まじな)い師! きさまの生命(いのち)でこの傷の薫蒸消毒(くんじょうしょうどく)してくれよう!)
  • You'll pay for soiling the Zeppeli name! (ツェペリの姓を騙るとは…許せん!)
    Th-This young man... His power is unspeakable! (こ…この青年にとてつもない才能と力を感じる…!)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Looks like my Ripple is superior! (こちらの波紋の方が上だったのォー)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 1)
    This is bone-breaking work... (なかなか骨が折れるわい…)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli (Player 2)
  • JoJo! Keep the rhythm of your breathing, just as I taught you! (ジョジョォ! 教えた呼吸法のリズムをくるわすなよォ!)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
    I've almost got it... I'm so close to understanding Ripple! (波紋のコツが…わかりかけてきた…)
  • My finger slipped. Whoops! Sorry about that Speedwagon! (指がスベっちゃった。 いや、ごめん! スマナイ、スピードワゴンくん)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
    Yeah! Bring it on, don't hold back! Let's see you go all-out! (いいぜーーーッ、ズバッとやってくれッ、おもいっきしなぁ! どんとこいッ!)
  • Quickly becoming an Emperor of Darkness, are you? Then I'm just in time! (暴帝になりつつある貫禄… もう少しで手がつけられなくなるところだった…)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
    I have no reason to remain in this place! (このディオ…もうこの場にいる必要なし!)
  • I can't help but feel like I'm sparring against my own son... (まるで息子か親友と稽古したような気持ちだぞ…)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli
    Weird. What's this sense of pride swelling up in my chest? (なんだ…胸にこみ上げてくる…この誇り高い気持ちは…?)
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Hey, baby! (ヘイ、ベイビー!)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • That's the strangest head I've ever seen! What secrets doth it hold, I wonder? (ただならぬ不気味な頭部! いったいどんなものを秘めているのかッ!?)
    —Will Anthonio Zeppeli, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Zeppeli as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Phantom Blood

Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Dio's Castle
Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Dio's Castle

Battle Tendency

Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Battlefield

Steel Ball Run

Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Stage: Philadelphia Coastline




Zeppeli's theme is Zeppeli the Eccentric (奇人ツェペリ, Kijin Tseperi), and can be unlocked in-game by attacking from the "He bent backwards!" skill as Wamuu in All-Star Battle Mode's Wamuu vs. Zeppeli Extra Battle.

Its name is taken from the title of the story arc Zeppeli first appears in, Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange.


Unlock Condition: Win in the Jonathan Joestar vs. Dio Brando All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood; Jonathan's Ripple instructor. He trained in Tibet and has acquired a variety of Ripple techniques. He passes on his skills to Jonathan in order to defeat Dio. Fatally wounded after fighting Tarkus, he transfers his life force to his pupil via Deep Pass Overdrive.[5]
Jonathan's Hamon instructor. He passed on his skills to Jonathan in order to defeat Dio. Fatally wounded after fighting Tarukus, he transferred his life force to his pupil via Deep Pass Overdrive.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 1Stylish Evade 2Stylish Evade 3Stylish Evade 4Stylish Evade 5
Stylish Evade Pose 1

Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2, page 13

Stylish Evade Pose 2
Stylish Evade Pose 3

Chapter 25: Ripple Overdrive, Part 3, page 11

Stylish Evade Pose 4
Unlock Condition

N/A Origin=


This section requires expansion.

Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1, page 15
(modified to change the hat and extend the hair)

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 29: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 4, page 8
(modified to extend the hat and add sweat)

Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2, page 3
(modified to extend the hat and adjust shadows)

Reference SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Wamuu vs. Zeppeli Extra Battle
Use the "Vapor Barrier" style


Chapter 31: The Knights' Ruins

Match Entrance

Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1, page 14, 15, and 22

Round Win Pose 1
Round Win Pose 2

Chapter 23: Ripple Overdrive, Part 1, page 6


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Tornado Overdrive
    • Reduced the maximum number of hits to downed opponents.
    • Increased damage.
    • Adjusted Flash Cancel timing to be later in the animation.


  • Ripple Breathing
    • Unified the move's recovery time which was longer than other characters' Ripple Breathing.
    • Increased the speed at which it charges the HH gauge.
    • Both of these changes are to make it easier to use Ripple moves more frequently.
  • Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
    • Increased damage.
    • Adjusted knockback.
    • Adjusted attack's startup.
    • Reduced the launch height on the and versions.
    • Removed the camera effect.
  • Sunlight Yellow Overdrive (Ripple version)
    • The time during which the HIT opponent is defenseless has been extended.
    • Reduced damage.
  • Ripple Cutter
    • Fixed so that if the move hits 3 or more times, the opponent will go down.


  • Back Throw
    • Increased recovery time.
  • "Spirit Ripple Overdrive" special
    • Decreased the amount of HH Gauge consumed over time while the button is held.
  • "Low Contact Ripple Guard" special
    • Added an HH cost to activate this skill (0.1 HH).
    • Decreased the amount of HH Gauge consumed over time while the button is held.
  • "Sendo Wave Kick"
    • Changed so Zeppeli will now rebound backwards, away from the opponent when this skill is guarded.
    • This rebound can be canceled into "Spirit Ripple Overdrive" and "Low Contact Ripple Guard".
  • "Tornado Overdrive" skill
    • The last hit of the variant will now launch downed opponents.
    • Increased the lifting force of the aerial version when hitting an airborne opponent.
  • Assault Assist
    • Changed to use the Ripple enhanced variant of "Tornado Overdrive" instead of the variant.


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