All-Star Battle R ★ Wonder of U (Toru)

Wonder of U (ワンダー・オブ・U, Wandā obu Yū) and its user, Toru, were confirmed for All-Star Battle R as the third playable DLC character for the game's Season Pass 2, as well as the seventh paid DLC character overall, on November 21, 2023.[1] However, they were accidentally revealed early, on November 17, 2023, via the Nintendo eShop in Europe and Australasia.[3]

Calamity is not a force for good. Nor does it care about evil.[4] (厄災に正義は無い。悪との区別も無い。)

Wonder of U was released on December 8, 2023,[3] December 6 for Season Pass 2 and Ultimate Edition holders.[2][5] As it is part of the game's second season pass, it is included in the Ultimate Edition as well.

Having previously appeared in neither All-Star Battle nor Eyes of Heaven, Wonder of U has an original moveset based on its appearance in JoJolion. Toru is not playable, only appearing in Wonder of U's intro, victory poses, and Great Heat Attack.

As this marks Wonder of U's and Toru's first voiced appearances in media, Takayuki Sugo debuts as the voice of Wonder of U, while Nobunaga Shimazaki debuts as the voice of Toru.


Gameplay Overview

At first glance, Wonder of U personifies a traditional "zoner" archetype, possessing multiple options to attack and pressure the opponent from afar via projectiles, key useful getaway options, low health, yet few capabilities when it comes to close combat. However, Wonder of U stands out from other zoners in the game like Noriaki Kakyoin or Guido Mista thanks to two unique aspects: its passive ability and counter.

"Force of Calamity" is a passive which empowers Wonder of U's moves the lower its health. This affects the damage and properties of various command moves. On top of Rumble Mode, it allows Wonder of U to easily deal ludicrous amounts of damage from afar, at the cost of being put into a riskier position due to low health. Another boon of this passive is Throw immunity, with Wonder of U only suffering white damage which will heal if allowed.

Wonder of U's counter can be considered one of the strongest non-HHA/GHA counters in the game, due to its special trait of activating against opposing projectiles. Additionally, the created cane projectile deploys near-instantaneously and carries the ability to destroy other incoming projectiles. Finally, it deals an extreme amount of Guard Gauge damage, 80% at Calamity Level 1 and the opponent's entire Guard Gauge at Level 3.

Outside of its unique powers within its repertoire, the rest of Wonder of U's skills are what classifies it as a zoner; A quick projectile in the form of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da that can also be performed in mid-air, a grounded projectile in Do Do Do, De Da Da Da, an anti-air of varying range and power, and finally a projectile that creates a trap. Those last two are empowered by Force of Calamity, becoming significant and highly oppressive threats when wielded correctly.

On top of all that, Wonder of U has access to arguably the strongest HHA and GHA in game: Its HHA is a "full-screen" attack that deals hefty damage even on-block and against a downed opponent; Its GHA is capable of defeating an opponent from near-full health at calamity level 3.

Yet all these insanely powerful traits do not hide the fact that Wonder of U still has some of the lowest health in the game and lacks the ability to run after a forward step, similarly to Wamuu, somewhat limiting its movement capabilities; though it makes up for this with a teleporting skill, said skill also leaves it vulnerable after execution (especially the variation). Skilled players can punish Wonder of U with ease, namely via the Stylish Guard system and by using other characters' unique skills to their advantage. Additionally, as Force of Calamity is tied purely to health, Wonder of U players must take into account its combo and damage potential at any given moment, with the Stand being at its objective weakest above 70% health.

Overall, Wonder of U is a force to be reckoned with, with powerful zoning tools, higher damage and combo ability at lower health levels, and some of the strongest moves in the game, but is brought down by a simplistic strategy leading to predictability, a reliance on correct moves to alleviate heavy pressure from the opponent, and a generally low health pool.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

Normals (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills (コマンド技)
Throw (投げ技)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Assist System (アシストシステム)

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Wonder of U's later JoJolion design

Model Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Toru's main JoJolion attire

Tint ATint BTint CTint D
Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default



Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of JJL Volume 26

Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of JJL Volume 24

Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of JJL Volume 23

Tint ATint BTint CTint D
Toru Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default



Toru Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of JJL Volume 26

Toru Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of JJL Volume 24

Toru Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


This section requires expansion.

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


This section requires expansion.

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from JoJolion Chapter 100: The Wonder of You, Part 17

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14 (Toru)
JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20 (Wonder of U)

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of JJL Volume 26

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


JoJolion Chapter 81: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 3 (Toru)
JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20 (Wonder of U)

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


JoJolion Chapter 98: The Wonder of You, Part 15 (Wonder of U)
JoJolion Chapter 105: Safety First (Toru)

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20 (Wonder of U)
JoJolion Chapter 98: The Wonder of You, Part 15 (Toru)


Wonder of U's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in its Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per Taunt Pose and two lines from each per Victory Pose; in addition, Toru has five Victory Poses as well, each with their own pair of Victory Lines. All fifteen poses are included with the character's paid DLC, along with the remaining lines of both types as a single set for each character. Wonder of U and Toru's Tag Lines are also included.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • You're here to pursue me, aren't you? (わたしを……「追う」つもりでここに来たのかね?)
  • You want to pursue me further? Do you know who I am? (更に「追撃」するつもりかね? このわたしを(・・・・・・))
  • You're deep in the flow of calamity. (君は厄災の流れの中にドップリだ)
  • What a shame. (残念……)
  • Calamity is coming. (厄災が来る)
  • It's called "pursuit," what you're doing now. (今の行為を「追撃」したというのだぞ…)
  • You're hiding something. (君は「何か」を隠している…)
  • I just happen to be alive and here right now. (たまたま生きてここに居るだけだ)
  • You're here just to be the victim of calamity. (君は厄災をくらう為にここへ来たのだよ)
  • You will die first. (順番は君から死ぬ)
  • Accept your limits. (()をわきまえろ)
  • No, you can't pursue me any further. (いいや………きっともう追撃はできないね)
  • Really? You knew? (おや、ご存じなのか?)
  • I'll look you over before you go home. (帰宅する前に見てみよう…)
  • Impossible. (無理だね)
  • Heh heh... Goodbye. (クク、さよならだ)
  • You want me to be the one to approach you? (わたしの方からおまえに「近づけ」というのか…………?)
  • This world is governed by universal laws... (この世には「(ことわり)」の繋がりがある………)
  • The flow of calamity is the flow of logic! (『厄災の流れ』は『条理(じょうり)の流れ』だ!)
Wonder of UToru
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • All anyone had to do was not try to come after me. (誰だろうと…わたしを追わなければ良いのになあ(・・・・・・・・・・・・)~~~~)
    —Wonder of U
  • Not one person has ever managed to attack me while caught in the flow of calamity. (厄災の流れの中にいて私を攻撃できた者もかつて誰一人としていない)
    —Wonder of U
  • You'll be dead soon. That's the order of calamity's flow. (間もなく死ぬぞ。厄災の流れの順番だ)
    —Wonder of U
  • If anyone tries to pursue me, calamity turns to harm them. (このわたしを「追撃する」行為は必ず「(わざわい)」の痛手となってその者に返って行く)
    —Wonder of U
  • What a shame. And you were close enough to wring my neck. (残念……わたしの首を絞める程まで近づけたというのに)
    —Wonder of U
  • No one has ever made it this close to me without incurring a calamity... Not one. (こんな(そば)まで(わざわい)を受けずに私に近付けた者は…かつて……誰もいなかったよ…)
    —Wonder of U
  • If you hadn't tried to follow me, you'd be living a happy life. You can't do something as simple as that? (わたしを追跡しなければそれで無事で幸せに過ごせたのだ。 たったそれだけの事も出来ないのか?)
    —Wonder of U
  • Your attack made contact with me... Impossible... (このわたしを攻撃して触れるなどという事は…ありえない………)
    —Wonder of U
  • Stop me? Impossible. This is just an evacuation drill. Though there's no evacuating from calamity... (仕留める? 無理だね。これはわたしの只の避難訓練だよ。 厄災が避難訓練とはだが)
    —Wonder of U
  • Will you still come at me? No, you can't pursue me any further. (まだ向かってくるかね?  いいや………きっともう追撃はできないね)
    —Wonder of U
  • Well, I'm heading back. You can follow me if you like, but I wouldn't recommend it. (さて、わたしは帰るよ。 興味があるなら追ってくるといい……おすすめはしないがね)
    —Wonder of U
  • You want me to follow you? It's clever, but it won't work. (わたしの方に自分を「追わせたい」と…… 理解しているみたいだが、上手くはいかないだろうなぁ)
    —Wonder of U
  • Once I have the New Locacaca, my long journey will finally end... (「新ロカカカ」が手に入れば、ずっと続けていた旅も終わる……)
    —Wonder of U
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Interesting. You didn't follow me. You got me... to come to you! (面白い。「追わずに」…誘って…来た!)
  • Even if a perfect saint does everything right, bad things will happen. That's calamity. (「正しい道筋」をたとえ聖人が間違わずに歩んでいようとも… 悪事は時に起こり避けられないそれが『厄災』だ)
  • You were a fun one. I hope we meet again. (君楽しいね。またいつか会えるといいな)
  • I'm not lying. I don't know what will happen to you. But you will die... and soon. (僕にも君に「何」が起こるかとかはわからない本当だ… でも君はまもなく死ぬ…必ずだ…)
  • Goodbye. It'll all be over, and then, what's left... will be dreams and memories, nothing more. (さよなら。全てが終わってその後に残るものは… 夢と……想い出だけだ。それだけだ(・・・・・))
  • Once you see me, you're not far from death. (僕を目視したら君は(ただ)ちに死ぬよ)
  • None can stop the flow of calamity. Interfere, and I'll kill you with everything. (厄災の流れは誰にも止められない… やらかしたら何がなんでもブツかって行って君を殺す)
  • Calamity is not a force for good, nor does it care about evil. (厄災に正義は無い。悪との区別も無い)
  • Sit down. You can go to sleep there, or just think about how helpless you are. (座ってなよ。 その場所に寝てるか…そのまま黙って途方に暮れてろ)
  • How dare you! You won't get away with that! (よくもこんな事をッ!ただで済まされると思うのかァッ!!)
  • Posing as someone like you might be good. (君みたいな人も良さそうだ…『なり済ます』のに)
  • A fruit from the New Locacaca would heal this wound... And I could try equivalent change out on you. (「新ロカカカ」ならその傷も治せそうだ…… 「等価交換」、君で試してみるのも悪くないね)
  • Are you hurt? You should go to TG University Hospital. (怪我したのかい? それなら、TG(ティージー)大学病院に行くといいよ)
Wonder of UToru
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • The most likely time for an accident on a long trip is just before going home. (『長旅をしている者が最も事故に遭いやすいのは、帰宅直前』だ)
    —Wonder of U
  • My journey finally comes to an end... I have the New Locacaca Fruit, so we will soon return home. (ずっと続けていた旅が終わり…「新ロカカカ」も手に入り君たちもわたしももうすぐ家に帰る…)
    —Wonder of U
  • Let's begin with my first Rock Insect, De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da. I'll look you over before you go home. (まずは一匹の「岩昆虫」だよ。『ドゥードゥードゥー・デ・ダーダーダー』帰宅する前に見てみよう…)
    —Wonder of U
  • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. You'll be safe... so long as you don't pursue me any further. (『オブラディ・オブラダ』無事が何より……わたしを更に追撃しない限りはな)
    —Wonder of U
  • I said the name of a Rock Insect. That is, the name of my second insect. (わたしは岩昆虫の名前を言ったんだよ……2匹目の昆虫の名前というワケだ)
    —Wonder of U
  • The New Locacaca Fruit will come to me. (「新ロカカカ」は「新ロカカカ」の方から私の所へやってくる)
    —Wonder of U
  • The flow will bring it to me. It will not allow you to get the fruit. (「流れ」が運んでくるんだ。君が果実を手に出来る『流れ』にはない)
    —Wonder of U
  • I am Wonder of U. This flow contains only calamity. (わたしは『ワンダー・オブ・(ユー)』『流れ』はずっと厄災なんだ)
    —Wonder of U
  • No one has ever made it this close to me without incurring a calamity... Not one. (こんな(そば)まで(わざわい)を受けずに私に近付けた者は…かつて……誰もいなかったよ)
    —Wonder of U
  • Not one person has ever managed to attack me while caught in the flow of calamity. This is a fact... Wonder of U. (だが厄災の流れの中にいて…私を攻撃できた者もかつて誰一人としていない。それも確かな事だ…『ワンダー・オブ・(ユー))
    —Wonder of U
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I'm her ex. (元カレです)
  • I want to do whatever I can for you... to help you. I'm really worried about you. And Josuke, too. (君の為に僕は全力で手伝って…助けてあげたい君がとても心配だ。定助くんのこともね…)
  • You're Josuke Higashikata... Interesting. You didn't follow me. You got me... to come to you! (「東方定助」だ…面白い。「追わずに(・・・・)」…誘って…来た!)
  • Even if a perfect saint does everything right, bad things will happen. Those are calamities. (「正しい道筋」を……たとえ聖人が間違わずに歩んでいようとも…悪事は時に起こり避けられない。それが『厄災』だ)
  • I never thought I'd see life improve in a place like this. That'll work just fine. The New Locacaca grew into a real thing. (こんな場所で生命のアップグレードを見るとは。あれなら何の問題もないぞ。『新ロカカカ』は本物に生長していた)
  • In short, the New Locacaca... will soon be mine. (ちゅーことで…あの「新ロカカカ」は…まもなく僕のものだ)
  • Equivalent Exchange! You're... attacking me... with that? (『等価交換』!! おまえが…この僕にこんな「攻撃する」なんて…)
  • Wonder of U! How dare you! I'll make you hurt for that! (「ワンダー・オブ・(ユー)」ッ!! よくもこんな事をッ! ただで済まされると思うのかァッ!!)
  • P-Please... I don't want to die... You're the only one... who'd save me... We've been friends... since you were a child... right? (お…お願いだ…死にたくない…君だけだよ僕を……助けてくれ…なぁ…君が子どもの頃からずっと仲良しだったじゃあないか……)
  • Yasuho! Stop that bitch right now! (康穂ッ! このクソ女をさっさと止めやがれェェェェェエッ!)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Do you really have time to waste on this? (君はそんなことをしている暇があるのか……?)
    —Round Win 1
  • You're going to approach me? (近づくのかね? この私に…)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When Joseph Joestar's "Your next line is:" counter skill is triggered, Joseph will fail to predict Wonder of U's silence, instead impatiently taunting the Stand. This reduces the effectiveness of the attack: while Joseph gains a "Guess I did it again!" level and half a bar of his Heart Heat Gauge as usual, Wonder of U will not lose half a bar in return.
  • When hit by Noriaki Kakyoin's Heart Heat Attack, the part of the cinematic showing Hierophant Green inside the opponent's mouth is entirely omitted.
  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Wonder of U's head turns in the direction of the punch, as it does after Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da deflects Josuke's last regular bubble attack against it.[6]
  • When Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." counter skill is triggered, Wonder of U mimics its pose after being damaged by one of Soft & Wet's bubbles.[7]


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, both Wonder of U and Toru have unique interaction dialogue for both their match entrances and victories when facing certain characters. Notably, new dialogue was only recorded for Yuya Fungami and Leone Abbacchio, as Joseph Joestar's unique "Your next line is:" interaction uses pre-existing dialogue.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Wonder of UToru
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Wonder of U. The flow of calamity is coming for you. (……『ワンダー・オブ・(ユー)』厄災の流れが君を襲う)
    —Default dialogue
  • Something... isn't right... (「何か」…「何か」妙なんだなあ…)
    —Wonder of U (Player 1)
    ...Something feels off. (……変な雰囲気だ)
    —Wonder of U (Player 2)
  • Behold! Standing before you is the prime example of Germany's superior medicine and science! (見て驚けィイイ! 我がドイツの医学と科学の結晶をォォォ!)
    Your body... fascinating. Is it made of machinery? (君のその体……興味深い。機械でできているのかね?)
    —Wonder of U
  • Quit moving around like that! (妙な動きすんじゃあねーぞ)
    That's up to you. If you want to go home safe, just sit still... (それは君次第だなぁ。 無事に家に帰りたいのなら、じっとしているといい……)
    —Wonder of U
  • Who is this guy? He's got the smell of bad news coming off him in fumes! (何だ…コイツは……! すげーヤバイ「臭い」がプンプンするぜ……)
    So you have a strong sense of smell. Well? What are you supposed to do when you smell danger? (鼻は利くようだ……それで?  危険な臭いを感じた時、君はどうするべきなのかなあ~~~)
    —Wonder of U
  • You're right in Bad Company's zone! (おまえはもう、我がバッド・カンパニーの包囲網の中にいる!)
    So you're confident. I'll just see what your intentions are before sending you home. (自信があるらしいな…… ふむ、君が何をするつもりなのか、帰宅する前に見てみよう)
    —Wonder of U
  • Kira? So that doctor, Holy Kira, had another son? (吉良……? あの医者に…… 「吉良ホリー」に、他にも子供がいたのか)
    —Wonder of U
    Who... Who are you?! (ううっ! 何者だ…?)
  • What... What on earth is he? I'll unmask him with Moody Blues! (なんなんだ……コイツ…… まずは『ムーディー・ブルース』で正体をあばく!)
    Wow, your senses are sharp... But that won't help. (ふむ、勘は鋭いらしい……無意味だとは思うがね)
    —Wonder of U
  • This is a trial. (これは「試練」だ)
    Well, well. Do you think you can overcome calamity? (ほほう……君は『厄災』を乗り越えるつもりでいるのかね?)
    —Wonder of U
  • Stand down... You would hardly even be a trial for me. (下がれ……おまえはわたしにとって試練の内にも入らない)
    A trial? Oh, my, are you trying to overcome calamity? (試練?  ……ほほう、君は「厄災」を乗り越えるつもりでいるのかね?)
    —Wonder of U
  • You're on a trip too, aren't you? Most accidents happen on your way home. Do take care. (君も旅をしているのかね?  帰宅直前が最も事故に遭いやすい……気を付けなさい)
    —Wonder of U
    I'm still in the red! I just want to break even! (ぼくはまだ「マイナス」なんだッ! 「ゼロ」に向かって行きたいッ!)
  • If you'd just accepted your limits and chosen not to follow me, nothing would have happened. (()をわきまえて わたしを追跡しなければ……何事も起こらないのに)
    —Wonder of U
    I'll smash you! Up-close and personal! (直接たたく)
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • At the very least, don't try to come at me. (少なくとも僕の方へ向かって来たりするなよ)
    —Default dialogue
  • What the... But you're... (お……あれ!? ……君は?)
    —Toru (Player 1)
    Some sort of Rock Lifeform? No, is that a Stand? (……岩生物? いや、スタンド能力なのか?)
    —Toru (Player 2)
  • Come to papa! (かかってこいィィィ!!)
    A taunt? You're trying to get me to face you? You're not just some loudmouth, are you? (挑発……僕に向かわせようとしている?  ただ、うるさいだけの奴じゃあないらしい)
  • Josuke... Higashikata? What's going on? I have a very bad feeling about this. (東方(ひがしかた)、じょうすけ? どうしてかな……嫌な予感がしてならない)
    I'm ready to take you on! (受けて立つっスよ~~)
  • There's no escape! Highway Star has your scent now! (逃がさねーぜ! ハイウェイ・スターは てめーの「臭い」を記憶したからよォ~~~ッ)
    Yours is the kind of Stand that's the most trouble for me. (君のスタンド……僕とはものすごく相性が悪いと思うよ)
  • I'm just seeing what you can do. (試してやってるんだ。おまえの「才能」をな)
    You want to test me? Are you sure? You know you'd have to face me for that. (試す?  いいのかい、それは僕に「向かって」くることになるんじゃあないか?)
  • Everything my Killer Queen touches turns into a bomb. (わたしの『キラークイーン』は触れた物なんでも爆弾に変えられる)
    Killer Queen? You're Yoshikage Kira? No, you can't be... (……『キラークイーン』? 「吉良吉影」、なのか? いや、そんなはずは……)
  • Huh? Just get out of my way before I smash you. (あ? 邪魔すんじゃあねぇ、ブッ飛ばすぞ)
    I wouldn't recommend trying to face me. (僕に向かってくる(・・・・・・)つもりなら、やめておいたほうがいい……)
  • I beg your pardon, but are you in a gang? (おや? あの、失礼ですけど……ギャング組織の人?)
    Just go home, now... (そのまま帰った方がいい……………)
  • All mankind must ascend to Heaven! (「人」は天国に行かなくてはならないッ!)
    Do we also have something to gain from heaven? (「天国」ってのは、僕らにも(・・・・)利益を与えてくれる場所なのか?)
  • I can't explain why, but I just have a feeling that you'd be a threat to me. (直感だけど、君は僕にとって脅威になるのかもしれない…… そんな気がするよ)
    I'm still in the red! I just want to break even! (ぼくはまだ「マイナス」なんだッ! 「ゼロ」に向かって行きたいッ!)
  • I beg your pardon, but... Does your name happen to be... Josuke? (あの失礼ですけど え~とォ ジョースケさん?)
    What the hell are you? (なんなんだ? おまえは~~)
Wonder of UToru
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  • This is the calamity just before you go home. (これが……帰宅直前の「厄災」か)
    —Wonder of U (Player 1)
    Well, I guess I'll be heading back now. (さて、わたしは帰るとしよう……)
    —Wonder of U (Player 2)
  • Once I have the New Locacaca, I'll try it out on you. You'll be back to normal, not dependent on those machines. (「新ロカカカ」が手に入ったら、君にも試してあげよう。 機械に頼らずともその体は元通りだ)
    —Wonder of U, against Rudol von Stroheim
  • That attack shifted the order of calamity's flow. You'll be dead soon. (今の攻撃で厄災の流れの順番は変わった…… 君は間もなく死ぬぞ)
    —Wonder of U, against Josuke Higashikata
  • It would have been best if you didn't follow me. You've dove into the flow of calamity. (正解は追わないことだ。 君は自ら厄災の流れの中に飛び込んできたのだよ)
    —Wonder of U
    When I put my mind to something, I don't back down, trap or no! (やる(・・)って決めた以上はよ……たとえワナでも逃げねーぜッ!)
  • Even this ambush you've prepared is mired deep in the flow of calamity. (君が用意していた包囲網さえ、 厄災の流れの中にどっぷりなんだよなあ~~~)
    —Wonder of U, against Keicho Nijimura
  • If you wanted a quiet life, all you had to do was not face me. (静かに暮らしたいのなら、 向かって来なければよかったのになあ~~~)
    —Wonder of U, against Yoshikage Kira
  • If you agree to stop following me, I can see to your wounds. (これ以上追ってこなければ、 傷の具合を看てあげてもいいんだけどなあ……)
    —Wonder of U
    Throw whatever you want at me. I'm not staying down until I've carried out my orders. (何が起こっても倒れるわけにはいかねーんだ。命令を完了するまでは、な)
  • If you hadn't come after me... You could have kept hiding. Then, nothing would have happened to you. (わたしを追わなければ…… ただ、逃げ回り続けていれば、痛い目に遭わずに済んだのになあ~~~)
    —Wonder of U, against Diavolo
  • Accelerate time all you like, you can't escape from calamity. (時を加速したとしても、「厄災」から逃れることはできんよ……)
    —Wonder of U, against Enrico Pucci (Final)
  • Your Spin... Now that's very interesting. You weren't able to escape the flow of calamity, were you? (その回転……フム、興味深い。 厄災の流れの中から、逃れることはできなかったようだがね)
    —Wonder of U, against Johnny Joestar
  • What's wrong with this, Josuke? Isn't it fine the way it is? (そのままだ…定助 そのままで…いいんじゃあないか)
    —Wonder of U, against Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)
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  • You cannot stop the flow of calamity... New Locacaca will be mine. (厄災の流れは止まらない……「新ロカカカ」を手に入れるのは僕だ)
    —Toru (Player 1)
    So that wasn't just camouflage? Whoa, you've got every detail down. (擬態(ぎたい)ってわけじゃあないか…… それにしても良く似ているなぁ、そっくりだ)
    —Toru (Player 2)
  • Um, a soldier, you say? Would you be interested in the New Locacaca at all? (え~と、軍人さん?  だったら「新ロカカカ」に興味を持ってくれたりするのかな)
    —Toru, against Rudol von Stroheim
  • You'll become a threat to me. I'll get rid of you before that happens. (君は、きっといつか僕の脅威になる。 そうなる前に始末させてもらうよ)
    —Toru, against Josuke Higashikata
  • You would have been fine if you hadn't followed me. Shall I refer you to a hospital? (追ってこなければ怪我しなくて済んだのに…… 病院の紹介状、いるかい?)
    Trying to lure me in, huh? Good thing I smelled big trouble off you in time... (さそわれてたっつーわけか! コイツのヤべー(・・・)臭い(・・)」に気づけてよかったぜ……)
  • Kei Nijimura? Then you must be... No, it must be a coincidence. (虹村……けい? それじゃあ、君は…… いや、そんなわけないな。人違いだ)
    —Toru, against Keicho Nijimura
  • No relation to the other Yoshikage Kira, then? I'll kill you anyway. What if you went after Yasuho's hand? (あの(・・)「吉良吉影」とは無関係か…… でも、始末しておくよ。康穂ちゃんの手が、狙われでもしたら大変だ)
    —Toru, against Yoshikage Kira
  • I would stay lying down if you value your life. (そのまま倒れていたほうがいいよ。命が惜しいならね。)
    ...One slip-up and I'd have been done for. (……うかつに向かっていれば、こっちがやられていたな)
  • A gang leader, huh? Once I have the New Locacaca, perhaps I should pose as someone like you. (ギャング組織のボスか…… 「新ロカカカ」が手に入ったら、こういう奴になり済ますのも良さそうだ)
    —Toru, against Diavolo
  • We were never going to get along. You're a human, and I'm a Rock Human. (君とはわかりあえそうにない……所詮、「人」と「岩人間」だ)
    —Toru, against Enrico Pucci (Final)
  • I'll avoid you from now on. Something feels dangerous about that Spin... Better safe than sorry. (もう君と関わるのは中止にするよ。 その回転は、どこか危険な感じがする……『無事が何より』だからね)
    —Toru, against Johnny Joestar
  • I'm her ex. (元カレです)
Enemy Taunts
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  • ... (……………)
    —Wonder of U, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
    Helloooooo? Anyone home? (もしもお~~~し)
    Joseph Joestar, reacting to Wonder of U's reaction
  • Heh. Is that hairstyle the result of some calamity? (フム。その髪……厄災に襲われたかね?)
    —Wonder of U, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair




Wonder of U's theme is Calamity is coming. (厄災が来る, Yakusai ga Kuru), and is automatically unlocked when purchasing Wonder of U's DLC.

Its name is taken from Wonder of U's warning to Yasuho Hirose in JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Included in the paid DLC for Wonder of U
Toru's Stand. Its power causes calamity to befall anyone who tries to pursue Wonder of U, or even harbors the intent to attack it. Unlike most Stands, it acts and speaks on its own accord. Those who are unaware Wonder of U is a Stand see it in the form of Satoru Akefu.
Toru's Stand. Its power causes calamities to befall anyone who tries to follow or attack Wonder of U, or even harbors the intent to attack it. In contrast to most Stands, Wonder of U acts on its own agenda and can speak. People who can't perceive Stands can see Wonder of U in the form of Satoru Akefu.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
Stylish Evade Pose 1

JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20

Stylish Evade Pose 2

Cover of JJL Volume 26

Stylish Evade Pose 3

JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20

Stylish Evade Pose 4

JoJolion Chapter 92: The Wonder of You, Part 9

Stylish Evade Pose 5

JoJolion Chapter 105: Safety First

TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

JoJolion Chapter 100: The Wonder of You, Part 17

Taunted Cut-in

JoJolion Chapter 104: The Wonder of You, Part 21

Rumble Mode Cut-in

JoJolion Chapter 105: Safety First

RenderToru RenderMatch Entrance 1Match Entrance 2Round Win 1Round Win 2
Wonder of U Publicity Art
Unlock Condition

Purchase the DLC


This section requires expansion.

Toru Publicity Art
Unlock Condition

Purchase the DLC


Cover of JJL Volume 26

Match Entrance 1
Match Entrance 2

JoJolion Chapter 106: Go Beyond (Toru)

Round Win Pose 1

JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20

Round Win Pose 2

JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" style
    • Fixed a bug where the opponent would be hit multiple times and damaged by this attack if it hit their assist.
    • Fixed a bug where an opponent Wonder of U would be hit multiple times and damaged by this attack if it them while they were performing the "You... attacked me? How..." skill.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R [@jojo_games] (2023, November 21), "Wonder of U Teaser", on Twitter.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Season Pass 2" on the Nintendo eShop
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Vish (November 17, 2023), "Wonder of U Brings Calamity Into JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R", JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia News.
  4. Wonder of U ASBR page
  5. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Ultimate Edition" on the Nintendo eShop
  6. JoJolion Chapter 105: Safety First
  7. JoJolion Chapter 104: The Wonder of You, Part 21

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