All-Star Battle R ★ Okuyasu Nijimura

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Okuyasu Nijimura (虹村 億泰, Nijimura Okuyasu) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

I'm tired of all this thinking![2] (考えるのは面倒くせえぇぇッ!)

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

Being Okuyasu's one and only voice actor, debuting in Ultra Jump CM and later voicing Okuyasu in All-Star Battle and the Diamond is Unbreakable anime, Wataru Takagi reprises his role in this game as well. As with a majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Okuyasu were either added or re-recorded.


Okuyasu has 1000 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand The Hand, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.

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Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Throw (投げ技)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Assist System (アシストシステム)

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)

General Changes

  • Okuyasu's walk speed in Stand Mode has been decreased.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

NormalSpecial AStand
Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Okuyasu's main Diamond is Unbreakable appearance.

Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Diamond is Unbreakable Giorno vs. Okuyasu Extra Battle
Win with a Heart Heat Attack


Diamond is Unbreakable Chapter 39

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The Hand
Model Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Diamond is Unbreakable Shigekiyo vs. Okuyasu Normal Battle
Land the "Move and you'll regret it!" skill


The Hand's main Diamond is Unbreakable appearance

NormalSpecial AStand
Tint ATint BTint CTint D
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Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Okuyasu's anime colors

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Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Diamond is Unbreakable Okuyasu vs. Vanilla Ice Extra Battle
Land the "Gaoohhhn" skill


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Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
2800 G


Colors carried on from All-Star Battle

Special A Tint ASpecial A Tint B
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Special Costume A: Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


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Special Costume A: Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


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Stand AStand B
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The Hand Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


The Hand's main Diamond is Unbreakable appearance

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The Hand Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 310: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 4

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 304: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 2

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


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Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


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Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 303: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 1

Victory ABCDE
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Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 314: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 8

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Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 435: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 8

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Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 321: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 4 cover B

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Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 274: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 1

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Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 303: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 1


Okuyasu's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Okuyasu's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding "All this thinking is hurting my brain!", which is unlocked by default.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • It's time to settle the score! (おれがケリをつけてやる(・・・・・・・・・・・)』!)
  • Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha! (ギャアーーーーーーーーーー ハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハハ)
  • I feel refreshed! Like I slept a full ten hours! I feel like a million bucks! (10時間熟睡して目醒めたみてェーな バッチしの気分だぜェーーッ!!)
  • Stop walking backwards, you wuss. (間合いをとってんじゃあねーよタコ)
  • Hurry up already! I hate it when people take too long! (おれはスっとろいことは(きれ)えなんだ)
  • Look at how loosened up my shoulder joints are now! (ほれッ! ここまで肩の関節が柔らかくなってるぜーー)
  • I can't wait to get my Hand on you and wipe you out, ya dumbass! (てめーをけずり取りたくて(・・・・・・・・)ウズウズしてんだぜェッ! このボゲェーーッ!!)
  • If you think you're man enough to try it, then try it, punk! (やってみろ! コラァーッ。できるもんならなーッ)
  • Shut yer trap, you dumbass. (うるせーっ、ダボがッ!)
  • You dipshit! (ウスノロがッ!)
  • You're the bad guy here. (悪いのはおめーだぜ)
  • Ugigigi? (?ウギギギギ?)
  • Think you can escape my next attack? (次の攻撃は(のが)れられるかよぉ~~~~っ)
  • You got a death wish, pal?! (死にてえのかてめーっ)
  • I'm tired of all this thinking! (考えるのは面倒くせえぇぇッ!)
  • I'm not that smart, okay?! (おれ頭ワリイからよ~~)
  • Don't make fun of me! (コケにしやがってッ!)
  • I'll smash you to pieces! (タコ殴りにしてやるッ!)
  • It's too late... (もう遅いんだぜ…)
  • Dumbass! (バ~~カ)
  • Ka ha ha ha! (カッカッカッカ!)
  • You pig! (ブタ野郎が)
  • Hmmm? Hohh! (フ~ム、ホ~?)
  • You ready to die?! (死ぬの覚悟でやってんだろーなッ!)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I'm not that smart, okay?! I just do what my heart tells me to do! (おれはバカだからよぉ~~~、心の中に思ったことだけをする)
  • No way! Okuyasu Nijimura's Hand's gonna slap you good! (だめだ! おまえはこの虹村億泰の『ザ・ハンド()』が消す!)
  • Niiiiice! (ゥンまああ~いっ)
  • Niiiiice! Ahhhhh... (ンまあーいっ! プハーーーッ)
  • I'm shavin' away space! Look, I'm comin' closer! See that? TELEPORTATION! BOOYAH! (空間をけずりとる! ………するとお~~~っ!  ほお~~~ら寄って来たァ~。「瞬間移動」ってやつさあ~~っ)
  • You know, I always wonder where all the stuff I scrape away with The Hand goes. (いっつもよォー、不思議に思うんだぜェ~~~。 オレのこの『ザ・ハンド』の「右手」よォ~~、けずり取った モノ(・・)はいったいどこへ行っちまうんだろう? ってなあ~~っ)
  • I'll take anything you got! Unless it's the plague. (オレはくれるっつーもんは 病気以外なら何でももらうかんなーー、コラァ!)
  • Of course, I'm pretty dumb, so I get a headache whenever I think real hard! (まっ! オレ、頭悪いから深く考えると頭痛おきるけどよォ~~っ)
  • When you commit a crime, then sooner or later you'll pay for it. Even I know that! (『罪』ってのはよぉ~そうなるような事をしてりゃあよぉ~、 どっかから廻り廻って『罰』がやって来る。 それぐれ~オレにだってわかるからなあ~~……)
  • So I can surpass my big bro, huh? Thanks for the lesson. (『兄貴を越える』か……学ばしてもらったよ……)
  • I've always relied on my bro... I don't know if I can get on alone. (おれは兄貴に頼って生きてきたからなぁ~。決断は苦手なんだよ)
  • Well, well, well. You happy now? (まっ、まっ、まっ、満足されましたァ~?)
  • I'm going home... I feel weird. Like, something's really bugging me... (お…おれは…帰るぜ。な…なんか…妙な気分だぜ… イ…イラついてよ(・・・・・・)………)
  • You keep running your mouth like that and I'm gonna cork it up! (てめーの都合だけしゃべくってんじゃねぇーぞ。このタコがッ!)
  • Let's move! Go, go, go! (行こ行こ、しゅっぱぁ~つ!)
  • Ah! I love it! This is enough to make me drool! I just gotta have it! (あっ! こりゃたまらん! ヨダレずびっ!  ~~ツウ~よーな味だぜェ~~っ、きっとおお~~おお~~っ!)
  • You just bumped yourself to the top spot on the Okuyasu/Josuke combo hit list! (やつは完ペキ! この億泰・仗助コンビを敵にまわした……!!)
  • This water tastes so elegant. It's like the water a princess in the Alps playing a harp would drink, perhaps. It's so soothing... like the first water you drink after wandering in the desert for three days. (なんつーか気品に満ちた水っつーかたとえるとアルプスのハープを 弾くお姫様が飲むような味っつーか、スゲーさわやかなんだよ… 3日間砂漠をうろついて初めて飲む水っつーかよぉーっ)
  • Harmony, right? Perfect blend, right? (「ハーモニー」っつーんですかあ~~~~~~。 「味の調和」っつーんですかあ~っ。)
  • It's really addictive... Like, one taste, and it just drags you in. (クセになるっつーか、 いったん味わうとひきずり込まれるカラさっつーか………)
  • It's like, you only mean to eat a couple chips, but then you eat the whole bag, y'know? (たとえると『豆まきの節分』の時に年齢の数だけ豆を食おうとして 大して好きでもねぇ豆をフト気づいてみたら一袋食ってたっつー カンジ(・・・)かよぉーーー~~~っ!)
  • Woo-hoo! What a fairy tale! What a fantasy! Who else gets to do this? (やったァーーッ。メルヘンだッ! ファンタジーだッ!  こんな体験できるやつは他にいねーっ)
  • What a happy scene. (こいつはハッピーだぜ)
  • I had a weird dream... I was walking in the darkness, then I saw a light and met my dead brother, Keicho... (オレ…変な「夢」を見たぜ…オレ…夢の中で暗闇を歩いてる とよぉーー、光が見えておれの死んだ兄貴に会ったんだ。 「形兆」の兄貴さ……)
  • He asked where I was going... I said I'd follow him, because he's never led me astray. (『どこへ行くんだ、億泰』って…兄貴がオレに聞くんだ。オレは 『兄貴について行くよ』って言った…だって形兆兄貴はいつだって 頼りになったし…兄貴の決断には間違いがねえから安心だからな…)
  • And then my big bro said I had to decide for myself... (そしたら兄貴は…『おまえが決めろ』って言うんだよ…… 『億泰…行き先を決めるのはおまえだ』ってな…)
  • So then I said, "I'm goin' to Morioh," and I woke up. Boy, that was a sad dream. (オレはちょっと考えてよォー。『杜王町に行く』って答えたら 目が醒めたんだ………とてもさびしい夢だったよ)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I can't wait to get my Hand on you and wipe you out, ya dumbass! (てめーをけずり取りたくて(・・・・・・・・)ウズウズしてんだぜェッ! このボゲェーッ!!)
  • If it's "hands-off" combat you want, The Hand can do the business! Come on! (「触らず」に攻撃すんならよォ~オレの『ザ・ハンド』の方が向いている。来いッ!)
  • So then I said, "I'm goin' to Morioh Town," and then I woke up. Boy, that was a helluva dream... (『杜王町に行く』って答えたら目が醒めたんだ…とてもさびしい夢だったよ)
  • All this thinking is hurting my brain! (もうどっちか考えるのは面倒くせえぇぇッ!)
  • Look, I'm comin' closer! See that? TELEPORTATION! BOOYAH! (ほお~~~ら寄って来たァ~。「瞬間移動」ってやつさあ~~っ)
  • So I can surpass my older brother, huh? Thanks for the lesson, Chili Pepper. (『兄貴を超える』か……学ばしてもらったよ……『チリ・ペッパー』)
  • This guy's a maniac. As long as he's living, all he cares about is making his next manga! (だめだコイツ。死なねえ限りどんなヒドイ目にあわしてもマンガのネタにしちまうぞ、こりゃ!)
  • I'm going home... I feel weird. Like, something's really bugging me... (お…おれは…帰るぜ。な…なんか…妙な気分だぜ…イ…イラついてよ(・・・・・・)………)
  • Nobody messes with Okuyasu Nijimura and lives to tell about it! (2度もおちょくんなよッ! この虹村億泰をッ!)
  • Niiiiice! (ゥンまああ~いっ)
  • Harmony, right? Perfect blend, right? (「ハーモニー」っつーんですかあ~~~~~ 「味の調和」っつーんですかあ~っ)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • So I can surpass my big bro, huh? (『兄貴を越える』か……)
    —Round Win 1
  • Stupid freak. (このスッタコが)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Okuyasu has unique dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • This looks fun! (楽しそーだなーっ)
    —Default dialogue
  • Ugigigi? What's going on here? (ウギギギギ? いったいどーなってんだ?)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura (Player 1)
    I don't get this, but I'm gonna beat you down! (なんだかわかんねーがぶちのめす!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura (Player 2)
  • Bring it on, Okuyasu. This is just practice to me! (よし、来いよ億泰。練習あるのみだぜ~)
    Practice is fine and all, but I can't hold back with The Hand too much! (練習はいいけどよぉー。 おれのザ・ハンドはあんまり手加減ができねぇーぜぇー?)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
  • Here I come, Okuyasu! (じゃあ行くよ、億泰君)
    How 'bout I take all of your sound away, huh? Mind if I try that? (おめーの音を削ったらどうなんのかなぁー。試してみっかー)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
  • You know, Rohan, I always think that you look like someone I know. But who? (いつも思うんだけどよぉー。 露伴先生って、誰かに似てんだよなぁー。誰だっけかなぁー)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    Do I really have to deal with your crap? Did I lose some kind of bet? (君のくだらない雑談につきあわなくちゃあならんのか? なにかの罰ゲームか?)
  • Those who test me learn the hard way! (オラのことなめるとどーなるか身にしみてわからしてやるどッ!)
    Moron! I'm sick of hearing your stupid voice! (うだうだとすっトロイことしゃべくってうるせーんだよ! このダボッ!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
  • I want a technique with a cool name too! (おれもよォ~、かっこいい技名がほしいぜぇ~)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    What are you on about, Okuyasu? (何を言っている? 億泰…)
  • Hey, have you seen Koichi around? (ねえ、康一くん見なかったかしら…)
    Oh no, here she comes again! (げッ、出たッ!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
  • This looks fun! (楽しそーだなーっ)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    Hey, you're... one of Josuke's boys, right? You'd better not get me in any trouble... (オメーたしか……仗助のダチだよなー? おれをめんどーなことに巻き込むなよォ……)
  • Forget rock and roll: Your destiny is to get your ass kicked by me! (おめーはよぉーッ、因縁的によォーーッ!! この虹村億泰が仕留めるッ!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    I'm gonna show you just how lame your Stand really is! (どのくれェーてめーの『スタンド』が………ノロイ(・・・)か……… たっぷりとよぉ~~、味わわせてやる…!)
  • Okuyasu... How many times must I tell you? You have to use your head more when controlling your Stand! (億泰…何度も言ったよなあ…… スタンドを操作する時はもっと頭を使えとな)
    I'm not that smart, okay?! (おれ頭ワリイからよ~~)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
  • H-He's the killer...! (こ…こいつが………殺人鬼…!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    Okuyasu Nijimura, I presume? (確か…虹村億泰…だったな…)
  • If it's ""hands-off"" combat you want, The Hand can do the business! Come on! (「触らず」に攻撃すんならよォ~。 オレの『ザ・ハンド』の方が向いている。来いッ!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    The Hand... The power to wipe away space and teleport in an instant. (『ザ・ハンド』……… 空間を削り(・・)「瞬間移動」させる能力を持つ…)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I don't know what's going on. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, admittedly. (どうなってんのかわからねえ…おれ頭悪いからよ~)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura (Player 1)
    You'd better quit talking that smack, dummy! (ウダウダ言ってんじゃあねーぞ、このタコ!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura (Player 2)
  • Right! Good practice! Let's go get some food at Tonio's place! (よし、練習終り! 飯食いに行こうぜぇー。 トニオさんとこによぉー)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    Damn, Okuyasu, your stand is pretty scary! Sorry I ever picked on you! (億泰!………改めて考えてみりゃあよぉーーー、やつのスタンド… 恐ろしいスタンドだな………今までバカにしてゴメンね)
  • Koichi! Give me some more sound! I didn't understand what was going on! (康一よぉー、もっと大きな音で攻撃してくれよォー。 よくわかんなかったからよぉー)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    You're such an idiot, Okuyasu! (もうバカだな、億泰くん!)
  • Now I know where I've seen ya! You look just like that chick from the Mona Lisa painting. (わかった! 「モナリザ」だよ! 先生… あのダ・ヴィンチのモナリザに顔が似てるよ。 なぁ、先生)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    I just remembered an errand. I'm leaving. (用事を思い出した。帰る)
  • You making a fool outta me, punk?! (この億泰様をコケにしやがってッ!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    You're no match for my Harvest... (おらの(・・・)ハーヴェスト(・・・・・・)におまえがかなうわけはないんだ(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・)……)
  • The Hand, The World! ...Sorry, I just thought it might work... (『ザ・ハンド・ザ・ワールド』! …イケそーな気がする…)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    If you honed it a bit more, that could become a crazy powerful Stand. (もう少し鍛えれば…とんでもねえスタンド使いになりそうだな)
  • Eeeek! Let's get out of here while we still can! I don't want to have anything to do with this witch! (ヒ…ヒェェ! は…早く逃げようッ! こいつとは関わり合いたくねーぜ)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    Now, let me ask you again... Have you seen Koichi? (ねえ、もう一度聞くわ。康一くんを見なかった…?)
  • I learned something there, Chili Pepper. (学ばしてもらったよ……『チリ・ペッパー』)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    Too easy, Okuyasu! Way too easy! (億泰なんてチョロイもんだぜ)
  • I don't care what you're packing! I'll send YOU packing, chump! (爆弾だろーと何だろーと削っちまうぜー)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    What a disaster... All I want is to live in peace! How did I end up involved with this piece of filth... (なんて『災難な日』だ……… 『静かなる人生』を送りたいこの吉良吉影が……… あんなクソカスに関わり合いになってしまうなんて…)
  • You see The Hand's right hand? I always wonder where the stuff I swipe away with it goes. (オレのこの『ザ・ハンド』の「右手」よォ~~、 けずり取ったモノ(・・)はいったいどこへ行っちまうんだろう?)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura
    I heard that was a real scary Stand, but it was nothing. (恐ろしいスタンドだと聞いていたが、どうってことないなあ~)
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • It's time to settle the score! (おれがケリをつけてやる(・・・・・・・・・・・)』!)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • Nice haircut! Welcome to like, twenty years ago! (その頭よぉー、ちと古すぎんじゃあねーの?)
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Okuyasu as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Okuyasu Nijimura
Stage: Morioh
Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Okuyasu Nijimura
Stage: Morioh
Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Okuyasu Nijimura
Stage: Morioh
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Okuyasu Nijimura
Stage: Kira Estate

Golden Wind

Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Okuyasu Nijimura
Stage: Morioh




Okuyasu's theme is I'll Surpass My Big Bro (『兄貴を越える』, "Aniki o Koeru"), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for 1000 G.

Its name is taken from a line Okuyasu says in Chapter 45 of Diamond is Unbreakable, acknowledging Red Hot Chili Pepper's taunt toward him while escaping.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Josuke Higashikata vs. Kosaku Kawajiri All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An ally in Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. He is the user of the Stand The Hand and Josuke's classmate. He is a simple and violent person, but is good-natured and easily moved to tears. He has always relied on his brother, Keicho, to make decisions, and believes himself incapable of doing so himself. After his brother is killed by Red Hot Chili Pepper, he teams up with Josuke and Koichi.[5]
User of the Stand The Hand, he is a classmate of Josuke Higashikata 4 with a simple but violent nature. He always relied on his brother Keicho to make decisions, so after he is killed by Chili Pepper, Okuyasu teams up with Josuke and Koichi.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 309: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 3 page 10

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 313: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 7 page 5

Rumble Mode Cut-in
Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Chapter 435: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 8

The Hand Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


This section requires expansion.

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


Commemorative Giveaway

In commemoration of the release of Keicho Nijimura as the 3rd paid DLC character for ASBR, the Japanese ASBR Twitter account hosted a giveaway of 20 sets of 3 ASBR Diamond is Unbreakable badges,[6] although only to be delivered to addresses in Japan.[7] The badges in question contained the ASBR render images of Okuyasu Nijimura, Keicho, and Josuke Higashikata respectively.

The campaign started on March 24, 2022, and lasted until April 9 at 11:59pm JST. To enter the giveaway lottery, users only had to:

  1. Follow the @jojo_games_jp Twitter account.
  2. Retweet the tweet that announced the giveaway.

However, Twitter accounts set to private were ineligible for the giveaway. Unfollowing the ASBR Twitter account before the end of the giveaway also deemed users ineligible. Furthermore, attempting to join the giveaway with multiple accounts disqualified all of the associated accounts from the giveaway.[7]

The giveaway was directly implemented by Bandai Namco themselves, with no third-party involvement, and the winners of the giveaway were notified via Twitter DMs. Said winners were announced sometime towards the end of April 2023. The gifts were delivered in mid-May 2023.[7]

Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Corrected bug where stand got stuck in place for longer than intended.
  • "Got ya, runt!" skill
    • Adjusted so move can no longer hit downed opponents after move has already connected once.
  • "Gaoohhhn" skill
    • Fixed hitbox placement.
  • "I'll scrape you away!" skill
    • Increased recovery time.
  • "Eat if for breakfast, jerk!" HHA
    • Changed hit reaction to standardize recovery between hitting a grounded and an airborne opponent.


  • "Chew on this!" skill
    • Fixed bug where stand's hurtbox did not manifest.
    • Fixed bug where move executed behind and the opposite direction of the player.


  • "I'm eliminating space!" skill
    • Fixed a bug where when attempting to use a normal attack during the recovery of the or varaints, a Stand Rush-like animation could be triggered.
    • The below changes are intended to limit what an opponent can do in response to getting hit by this skill as well as to better differentiate the variants.
    • variant:
      • Increased number of hits.
      • Decreased startup.
      • Reduced damage.
      • Added the ability to Guard and Flash Cancel after teleporting.
      • These changes are intended to allow Okuyasu to act before the opponent if they try to counterattack.
    • variant:
      • Increased number of hits.
      • Decreased startup.
      • Reduced damage.
      • Reduced the distance away from the opponent Okuyasu teleports.
      • These changes are intended to allow Okuyasu to hit opponents that backdashes if he uses a aerial normal.
    • variant:
      • Added the ability to cancel the feint into a Forward Dash.
      • This change is intended to allow Okuyasu to Forward Dash and Throw an opponent if they try to Stylish Guard or Dodge.
  • "Gaoohhhn" skill
    • Increased damage.


  • "I'm eliminating space!" skill
    • Fixed a bug where the hitbox of this skill would still be active after being Flash Canceled.
    • Fixed a bug where The Hand's hurtbox would increase in size if a forward jump was performed immediately after activating this skill.
  • "Gaoohhhn" skill
    • Fixed a bug where the hitbox of this skill would still be active after being Flash Canceled.
    • Fixed a bug where The Hand's hurtbox would increase in size if a forward jump was performed immediately after activating this skill.


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