All-Star Battle R ★ Ermes Costello

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Revenge is how you settle the score with your own fate![2] (「復讐」とは自分の運命への決着をつけるためにあるッ!)

Ermes Costello (エルメェス・コステロ, Erumēsu Kosutero) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] She was one of the four characters playable in the game's second Early Access Demo alongside Jotaro Kujo, Jolyne Cujoh, and Foo Fighters.

Her moveset is fundamentally the same as hers from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit her into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Ermes's Stand, Kiss, is localized as "Smack", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.

Mutsumi Tamura reprises her role from the Stone Ocean anime, replacing Chizu Yonemoto. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Ermes were either added or re-recorded.


Ermes has 1050 health, the highest of any character in the game. She uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows her to freely summon and withdraw her Stand Kiss, dynamically changing her moveset in the process.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Ermes attacks with the back of her hand. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 (normal) 14 (stickers)

Standing Medium Attack
Ermes slides forward slightly and performs an uppercut. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 18 (normal) 24 (stickers)

Standing Heavy Attack
Ermes briefly summons Kiss to throw a left hook. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 31 (normal) 36 (stickers)

Crouching Light Attack
Ermes performs a crouching kick at the opponent's feet. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 9 (normal) 12 (stickers)

Crouching Medium Attack
Ermes slides forward along the ground while performing a kick. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 15 (normal) 22 (stickers)

Crouching Heavy Attack
Ermes briefly summons Kiss to slide forward with her while they both perform two kicks, the second of which knocks the opponent into the air. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Low (first kick) High (second kick)
Damage: 10 + 20 (30) (normal) 10 + 22 (32) (stickers)

Jumping Light Attack
Ermes attacks downward with her knee while airborne. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 13 (normal) 16 (stickers)

Jumping Medium Attack
Ermes performs an aerial kick straight out. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 21 (normal) 26 (stickers)

Jumping Heavy Attack
Ermes briefly summons Kiss to perform an aerial overhead kick. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 33 (normal) 38 (stickers)

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Kiss, changing the skills Ermes has access to.
Outta my way! (どきやがれェェェェーーーッ)
Ermes steps forward and forcefully kicks very high, knocking the opponent off their feet. A command normal that can be chained into Ermes's skills. (Comboable)
The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to her legs.

Attack type: High
Damage: 25 (normal) 48 (stickers)

Sticker Damage (シールのダメージ)
Automatically activates when a sticker is removed by suffering a hard knockdown
If Ermes is successfully knocked down, any stickers on her limbs fall off and disappear, damaging her in the process and leaving behind white health. Ermes will naturally take more damage if she has stickers on both her arms and legs when she's knocked down. She may recover this lost health over time, provided no more damage is taken afterward.
Resolve Mode (覚悟モード)
Activates below 20% health
This mode is automatically activated once Ermes falls below 20% health. It increases her attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises. She also gains super armor during the start up of all her normal attacks and skills.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Here's where ya stick it! (こんな「シール」の使い方)
+ //
Ermes applies Kiss's stickers to herself, duplicating her limbs whenever she attacks. This skill passively doubles the number of hits Ermes and Kiss deal in various skills and abilities; this increases her effective strength, improves her combo potential and safety when her attacks are guarded, and boosts the rate that her attacks build Heart Heat. However, due to the increased hit count, her combo damage scaling is inversely affected.
The attack button inputted determines where she places the stickers.
  • Light (: Ermes places stickers on her arms.
  • Medium (): Ermes places stickers on her legs.
  • Heavy (): Ermes places stickers on her arms then her legs.

A sticker icon above the Heat Heat Gauge displays where she has stickers applied, with arm stickers appearing on the left and leg stickers appearing on the right (facing right).

USHAAAA! (うしゃアアアアーッ)
+ //
Ermes slides forward and summons Kiss to punch the opponent. The distance Ermes moves forward and the damage dealt increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Ermes becomes. The attack changes slightly based on which attack button is inputted. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Light (: Kiss performs an upward punch once.
  • Medium (): Kiss performs the initial upward punch but quickly follows it up with two more punches.
  • Heavy (): Kiss performs the initial upward punch as well as the two follow up. It then punches one more time before performing an uppercut, launching the opponent. However, the opponent will be able to Down Evade when they hit the ground as this does not hard knockdown.

The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 45 (normal) 59 (stickers) / 66 (normal) 85 (stickers) / 95 (normal) 119 (stickers)

Uryaaaaa! (ウォリャアアアアアーッ)
+ //
Ermes summons Kiss as the both of them unleash a strong uppercut in unison, knocking the opponent into the air. The and variants have invulnerability. However, as a trade off, they cannot be Flash Canceled. Ermes and Kiss will also slide forward if she uses one of these variants. Both the invulnerability period and the distance Ermes and Kiss move increase in order. This move functions as a reversal and anti-air attack, and if performed on an already airborne opponent, they will be launched much higher. ( variant Flash Cancel comboable)
The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to her arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 60 (normal) 70 (stickers) / 70 (normal) 90 (stickers) / 80 (normal) 110 (stickers)

It's quite useful... (けっこう便利だったりして)
+ //
Ermes grabs a duplicated broom to fly a distance forwards. When she contacts an opponent or at the end of her travel, the original broom she was flying towards will combine with the duplicate. It will launch the opponent away if connected. The distance Ermes travels and damage dealt increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Ermes becomes. However, the variant is a feint, as Ermes will take out a broom but immediately put it away, which is useful for both offensive and defensive purposes. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 30 / 35

Peel it off and it merges back into one! (これをはがせばひとつに戻るッ!)
+ //
Ermes briefly summons Kiss to uppercut the opponent with a sticker in its hand. If it connects, the opponent will have their head duplicated, before Ermes quickly snatches the sticker off, damaging them and knocking them down. The distance forward Kiss moves and the number of hits, and therefore damage, increase in order, but so does vulnerability.

Attack type: High
Damage: 95 / 110 / 125

Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Kiss attacks with the back of its hand. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 (normal) 14 (stickers)

Standing Medium Attack
Kiss throws a cross punch. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 14 (normal) 24 (stickers)

Standing Heavy Attack
Kiss spins around, hitting the opponent with its two fists. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's arms.

Attack type: High
Damage: 12 + 15 (27) (normal) 16 + 22 (38) (stickers)

Crouching Light Attack
Kiss performs a crouching kick. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 9 (normal) 12 (stickers)

Crouching Medium Attack
Kiss lays on the ground and performs a kick. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13 (normal) 22 (stickers)

Crouching Heavy Attack
Ermes and Kiss slide forward while they both perform two kicks, the second of which knocks the opponent into the air. Compared to the User Mode version, the opponent is not knocked as far into the air and away. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Low (first kick) High (second kick)
Damage: 11 + 20 (31) (normal) 12 + 22 (34) (stickers)

Jumping Light Attack
Kiss attacks downward with its knee. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 14 (normal) 18 (stickers)

Jumping Medium Attack
Kiss kicks at a downward angle while airborne. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 22 (normal) 28 (stickers)

Jumping Heavy Attack
Kiss performs a high kick while airborne. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 34 (normal) 40 (stickers)

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Kiss, changing the skills Ermes has access to.
Sticker Damage (シールのダメージ)
Automatically activates when a sticker is removed by suffering a hard knockdown
If Ermes is successfully knocked down, any stickers on her limbs fall off and disappear, damaging her in the process and leaving behind white health. Ermes will naturally take more damage if she has stickers on both her arms and legs when she's knocked down. She may recover this lost health over time, provided no more damage is taken afterward.
Resolve Mode (覚悟モード)
Activates below 20% health
This mode is automatically activated once Ermes falls below 20% health. It increases her attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises. She also gains super armor during the start up of all her normal attacks and skills.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Here's where ya stick it! (こんな「シール」の使い方)
+ //
Ermes applies Kiss's stickers to herself, duplicating her limbs whenever she attacks. This skill passively doubles the number of hits Ermes and Kiss deal in various skills and abilities; this increases her effective strength, improves her combo potential and safety when her attacks are guarded, and boosts the rate that her attacks build Heart Heat. However, due to the increased hit count, her combo damage scaling is inversely affected.
The attack button inputted determines where she places the stickers.
  • Light (: Ermes places stickers on her arms.
  • Medium (): Ermes places stickers on her legs.
  • Heavy (): Ermes places stickers on her arms then her legs.

A sticker icon above the Heat Heat Gauge displays where she has stickers applied, with arm stickers appearing on the left and leg stickers appearing on the right (facing right).

It's quite useful... (けっこう便利だったりして)
+ //
Ermes grabs a duplicated broom to fly a distance forwards with Kiss. When they contact an opponent or at the end of their travel, the original broom Ermes was flying towards will combine with the duplicate. It will launch the opponent away if connected. The distance Ermes and Kiss travel and damage dealt increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Ermes becomes. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 75 / 95 / 115

Peel it off and it merges back into one! (これをはがせばひとつに戻るッ!)
+ //
Kiss uppercuts the opponent with a sticker in its hand. If it connects, the opponent will have their head duplicated, before Ermes quickly snatches the sticker off, damaging them and knocking them down. The distance forward Kiss moves and the number of hits, and therefore damage, increase in order, but so does vulnerability.

Attack type: High
Damage: 95 / 110 / 125

Uryaaaaaaaaaaa! (ウリャアアアアアアアアッ)
+ //
Kiss performs a melee combo. The attack button inputted determines what attacks make up the melee assault and how long it lasts. The attack deals more damage based on which stickers Ermes has applied.
  • Light (): Kiss delivers a short barrage of punches. The attack's damage is only affected by Ermes having arm stickers. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Medium (): Kiss delivers the barrage of punches, but continues its assault by kicking multiple times, knocking the opponent into the air. The attack's damage is affected by both arm and leg stickers. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Heavy (): Kiss delivers the short barrage of punches followed by kicking multiple times, which knocks the opponent into the air. It then finishes its assault by spinning around and delivering a heafty backhanded-punch, knocking the opponent to the ground a distance away. The last hit cannot be Flash Canceled. The attack's damage is affected by both arm and leg stickers.

This is a Stand Rush skill that Ermes can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. However, the last hit on the variant cannot be Stand Rushed, and if this variant is Stand Rushed, the last hit will not be performed.

Attack type: High
32 (normal) / 40 (arm stickers)
58 (normal) / 61 (arm stickers only) / 68 (leg stickers only) / 71 (both stickers)
93 (normal) / 137 (arm stickers only) / 103 (leg stickers only) / 147 (both stickers)

On his face! Just above the middle! (顔面のッ! 正中線上ッ!)
+ //
Ermes and Kiss both move forward and unleash a powerful downward spinning kick in unison. If the opponent is hit, they are left crumpling to the ground. The distance Ermes and Kiss move and the damage dealt increases in order, but so does vulnerability. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to Ermes's legs. (Comboable)

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 50 (normal) 80 (stickers) / 60 (normal) 90 (stickers) / 70 (normal) 100 (stickers)

Throw (投げ技)
Asshole! (コラァッ!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Ermes pushes the opponent off-balance before taking a sticker off of a broom, causing it and its duplicate, which has appeared behind the opponent, to smash together and catch them in the middle.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 130

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
I know what you're after! (お前の狙いは完璧にわかったッ!)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
A counter. Ermes places a sticker on herself and readies for an attack. If struck by a non-projectile/GHA attack, she'll kick the opponent away before Kiss delivers a massive counter combo. As the sticker is inevitably removed afterward, Ermes will take minor Sticker Damage whether or not the HHA is successful. She will also always be left in User Mode regardless of whether this HHA is successful or not.
This HHA deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to her arms and legs.

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 200 (normal) / 250 (arm stickers only) / 220 (leg stickers only) / 310 (both stickers)

I know exactly what you're after! Right there! (おまえの狙いは完璧にわかったッ! そこだァー!)
Eat this! And this! And this! (これも! これも! これも! これも!)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Claiming her Stand as a tool for revenge, Ermes wields a sticker and lunges forward in a melee strike. If the attack lands, she'll slap the sticker on the opponent's head, causing it to duplicate as Kiss kicks the opponent multiple times. The Stand then switches to fists and pummels them repeatedly, gradually raising them into the air. Just as the opponent begins to fall, Ermes suddenly rips the sticker off and turns away, dealing damage as the opponent's head violently merges back into one, similarly to how she killed Sports Maxx.

Attack type: High
Damage: 336 / 403 / 504 (depending on HH gauge)

Here's my thanks for everything... Eat this! And this! And this! Right back at you jerk! (これは今までのお礼だ… これも! これも! これも! これも! まとめて返すぜぇぇぇーーーーーッ)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A three-stock assist. Ermes lands in and grabs a duplicated broom to fly a distance forwards with Kiss. When they contact an opponent or at the end of their travel, the original broom they were flying towards will combine with the duplicate, launching the opponent away if it connects.

Attack type: High
Damage: 75

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A one-stock assist. Ermes and Kiss jump into the opponent, knocking them away with an overhead kick from Kiss. Ermes then dismisses her Stand, poses, and jumps back off-screen.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Heavy Attack
Ermes no longer moves forward when using this attack.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Outta my way!
This command normal can no longer hit downed opponents. Ermes also moves father than she did in All-Star Battle when she steps forward.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Here's where ya stick it!
+ //
This attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of .
+ //
While the number of punches thrown still depends on the attack button inputted, there is a greater increase in the number of hits across the versions, with each increase in button strength adding two punches, maxing out at six with the variant (the same number as in All-Star Battle). However, the damage has been redistributed to accommodate this, so the damage of the skill is comparable. The distance forward Ermes and Kiss move is also significantly less than it was in All-Star Battle for all variants of the skill, though the variant is the most obvious. Additionally, while the startup of the variant is comparable, the actual punches execute much slower now, resulting in the hitbox being more active.
+ //
The and variants can no longer be Flash Canceled. These two variants also have Ermes and Kiss moving forward more than they did in All-Star Battle. Furthermore, the variant no longer has invulnerability on its startup and Ermes and Kiss no longer move forward.
It's quite useful...
+ //
This attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Ermes also no longer passes through opponents with this skill. Instead, it now always behaves like how it did in Stand Mode in All-Star Battle, with the attack hitting and dealing damage. However, the feint on her variant has been kept. To go along with that, the voiceline Ermes says while using this skill has been standardized so that it is less obvious when she is using the feint. She now always uses the voiceline she previously used only for her variant. Ermes also flies forward a significantly lesser distance than she did in All-Star Battle.
The translation of the name of this skill has changed as well. Previously, it was Pretty handy, huh? instead of It's quite useful....
Peel it off and it merges back into one!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . This skill also deals significantly more damage than it did in All-Star Battle, with the damage now increasing in order instead of staying the same. The translation of the name of this skill has changed as well. Previously it was Take it off and it returns! instead of Peel it off and it merges back into one!.
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Crouching Heavy Attack
Kiss and Ermes slide forward more while attacking than they did in All-Star Battle.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Here's where ya stick it!
+ //
This attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of .
It's quite useful...
+ //
This attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . Ermes and Kiss also fly forward a significantly lesser distance than they did in All-Star Battle. As a trade off, this skill does much more damage now, with the damage increasing in order instead of staying the same across variants. Additionally, the translation of the name of this skill has changed. Previously, it was Pretty handy, huh? instead of It's quite useful....
Peel it off and it merges back into one!
+ //
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of . This skill also deals significantly more damage than it did in All-Star Battle, with the damage now increasing in order instead of staying the same. The translation of the name of this skill has changed as well. Previously, it was Take it off and it returns! instead of Peel it off and it merges back into one!.
+ //
This skill no longer needs to be inputted multiple times to deal its follow-up hits. Instead, the different attack buttons determine how much of the full barrage Kiss performs.
  • : Only deals the punch barrage attack.
  • : Adds in the kick barrage.
  • : Adds both the kick barrage and the last spinning punch.

As a result of this, Ermes cannot use the follow-up as she pleases unless she commits to the greater recovery time of the higher strength variants. However, this change also results in the third part of the barrage in the variant connecting naturally without having to have stickers on Ermes's legs. Furthermore, aerial opponents no longer fall out in-between the different parts of the attack.

On his face! Just above the middle!
+ //
The distance Ermes and Kiss move now increases in order instead of staying the same. When hitting an airborne opponent, it is now possible that the opponent will not be knocked to the ground like they always would in All-Star Battle. The translation of the name of this skill has also changed. Previously, it was Right in your grill! instead of On his face! Just above the middle!.
Throw (投げ技)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
The translation of the name of this skill has changed. Previously, it was Get bent! instead of Asshole!.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
I know what you're after!
+ 2 ATK Buttons
The attack's input has been changed. Previously, it was in place of .
Eat this! And this! And this!
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Ermes lunges farther now when trying to hit the opponent with her sticker than she did in All-Star Battle. The translation of the name of this skill is also slightly different. Instead of being Eat this! And this! And--, it is now Eat this! And this! And this!.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

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Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


This section requires expansion.

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Stone Ocean Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Stone Ocean Chapter 25: Ermes's Sticker, Part 5

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


This section requires expansion.

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Stone Ocean Chapter 29: There's Six of Us!, Part 4

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Stone Ocean Chapter 57: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 7

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover B of SO Chapter 54

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Stone Ocean Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover B of SO Chapter 151

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover of SO Volume 17

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Stone Ocean Chapter 25: Ermes's Sticker, Part 5


Ermes's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in her Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Ermes's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding "Revenge is how you settle the score with your own fate!", which is unlocked by default.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Come at me, bro! (てめーの敵はこのあたしだあああああーーーーーー)
  • You are the one who's being selfish, you bastard! (てめーの事だけを考えてるのはよォー、 てめーの方だぞ、この野郎ォーッ)
  • All you have to do now is scream for me. (あとはおまえが叫び声をあげるだけだ)
  • Damn it, wait a second! (ちょっと待てッ! コラァッーー)
  • Are you just here to waste my time, or what?! (スッとぼけてンじゃあないのか?)
  • I'll give you the panties I got on right now! (もうあげちゃうわッ…あたしのパンティー!)
  • Damn it! Stop right there! (てめーーーー、そこで止まれェーーーー)
  • Could someone like you even survive until lunch? (昼メシまでもつかな? おまえみたいなヤツが…)
  • Give me a scream... A nice, long one. (叫び声を上げてみろ……たっぷりと)
  • You just don't get it. (おまえはわかっていない)
  • Oh, panties! Has anyone given you panties before? Wouldn't you feel lucky if a girl gave you her panties? ♥ (そうだ、パンティーッ!! パンティーだよ! おまえパンティー もらった事あるッ? 女の子からパンティーもらったら、それは ラッキー♥って思わない!?)
  • Putting me through all this crap. Ugh! (こんな目に会わせやがって……)
  • Stop jumping around like that! (妙な動きをするんじゃねーぞ)
  • Give me your best scream! (悲鳴を上げてみろォォォ)
  • Glad you made it! Time to rip you apart! (てめーはここにブッ殺されに姿をあらわしたわけだなぁああああぁ)
  • Oh my god! (オーマイガッ!)
  • Hey! Get over here! (コラァ! こっち来いッ!)
  • I'll play. (あたしがやるぜーっ)
  • What's wrong? You're so quiet all of a sudden! (どうした…静かになったな!)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • At the end of the day, you're all you've got! (自分のことは自分で切り抜けるッ!!)
  • Don't you get who I am yet? Think about it. (まだわからないのか…あたしが誰か?  ……でもゆっくり考えろ)
  • I learned my skill in jail. It's a gift from Heaven, and I gotta use it! (この性質を利用してやる…この「能力」はあたしが刑務所に 来てから身についたものだが、あたしはこの「能力」を 天からの「啓示」と受け取る!……)
  • The sticker emerges from my palm. This is reality. Now that I've accepted it, it's quite useful... (『手からシールが出てくる』。これが現実。 現実は受け入れる以外ないわ…… そして受け入れたら、けっこう便利だったりして…)
  • Ready? This kick is for Gloria! (いいか…この蹴りはグロリアのぶんだ……)
  • Everyone hates Mondays. We all hope for the fun Saturdays to come around. Not every day is a Monday! (人はみんな『あしたは月曜日』ってのは嫌なものなんだ。 でも…必ず『楽しい土曜日がやってくる』って思って生きている。 いつも月曜ってわけじゃあないのよ!)
  • I... I'm in time... (ま…間に合っ………たぜ…)
  • This sticker... It emerged from inside my body! (この「シール」はッ!! このあたし自身の体の中から出て来たものだわッ!)
  • You think I want to live out a life where one of my family members has been thrown into the gutter, and I'm forced to forget it? Hell no! I'm prepared to do what it takes to change my life! (自分の肉親をドブに捨てられてその事を無理やり忘れて 生活するなんて人生はあたしはまっぴらごめんだし… あたしはその覚悟をして来た!!)
  • And the next one... And the next one too! They're all for Gloria! (その次の次のも、その次の次の次のも…… その次の次の次の次のも…次の! 次も!  グロリアのぶんだあああーーーーーーッ!)
  • I want to cry... but I may not even have the time to. (泣きたいんだけれど…… そんな時間…泣いてる余裕なんてないかもしれない)
  • Now, give us the 100 dollars. (出しなよ! 一〇〇ドルだ)
  • Asshole! Give me my money back! (てめえッ! 盗ったカネ返してもらうぞ。コラァッ!)
  • It comes out from my palm, it takes will... All I have to do is picture it in my mind! (強い意志で思えば…………「手のひら」から出てくる……………… あいまいではなくさぁ~~、 やるという意志をはっきりと頭の中に描けば……)
  • Where are you hiding it, you bastard?! In your pocket?! (どこに隠してる!? この野郎ッ! ポケットの中かッ!)
  • I don't care what the reason is for it. (そんな事の理由は、あたしにとってどーでもいい)
  • You know what you'd look perfect in? A coffin. (棺桶としては…最適という意味で…ピッタリだ!!)
  • Try to call for help. Only the rats and the roaches are gonna hear you. (「助け」を呼んでみるんだ…… 聞いてもらえるのは、ゴキブリとドブネズミどもにだけだろーがな)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • This is Gloria's cut, you got that?! (いいか…これはグロリアのぶんだ……)
  • I want to cry... but I know I don't have the time to. (泣きたいんだけれど……そんな時間…泣いてる余裕なんてないかもしれない)
  • I'll give you the panties I got on right now! (もうあげちゃうわッ…あたしのパンティー!)
  • Give me a scream... A nice, long one. (叫び声を上げてみろ……たっぷりと)
  • On his face! Just above the middle! (顔面のッ! !! 正中線上ッ! !!)
  • Don't you think something lucky will happen? (どお? ラッキーな事が起こると思わない?)
  • Kiss is my license... for vengeance! (「キッス」は復讐の「許可証(ライセンス)」だ)
  • This sticker... It emerged from inside my body! (この「シール」はッ!! このあたし自身の体の中から出て来たものだわッ!)
  • Glad you made it! Time to rip you apart! (てめーはここにブッ殺されに姿をあらわしたわけだなぁああああぁ)
  • You plankton punk! (このミジンコ野郎(やろ)ォォォォォォォォォォ)
  • Revenge is how you settle the score with your own fate! (「復讐」とは自分の運命への決着をつけるためにあるッ!)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • My ability is a gift from Heaven. I have to accept it! (あたしはこの「能力」を天からの「啓示」と受け取る!)
    —Round Win 1
  • I think about it with all my will... and they just come out of my palm. (強い意志で思えば………… 「手のひら」から出てくる…………………)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Ermes has unique interaction dialogue for both her match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Who the hell are you, you bastard?! (何者(なにモ)ンだァ、この野郎(ヤロ)ォッ!)
    —Default dialogue
  • Why am I over there...? (なんであたしがいるんだ…?)
    —Ermes Costello (Player 1)
    You're creepy! Get the hell away from me! (てめー怪しいぞ! 近寄るんじゃねぇー!)
    —Ermes Costello (Player 2)
  • Ain't no one in the world love the ladies as much as Hol Horse! (おれは世界一女にはやさしい男なんだ)
    Oh my god! (オーマイガッ!)
    —Ermes Costello
  • I've got the perfect strategy for your stickers. (シールの攻略法はもう練ってある)
    Sorry, Jolyne, but I know exactly how to deal with your string! (悪いけど、徐倫! 『糸」の対策はばっちりなんだよ)
    —Ermes Costello
  • So you're Jolyne's friend, right? (おまえは…徐倫の友達か…)
    I don't know who you are, but you ARE strong, I'll give you that much... (こいつ、得体のしれない奴だ…でも…強い…)
    —Ermes Costello
  • Hey, F.F., what're you doing out in a place like this? You okay? There're no fountains nearby! (おいF・F、こんなトコ出て来ちまってよォーー、大丈夫なのか? 『水飲み場』は近くにないぜ!)
    —Ermes Costello
    It's fine. I've overcome my weakness. (全然平気。弱点は克服してる……)
  • It was fate that my sister died?! Fate?! You bastard! (あたしの姉さんが死んだのも運命のためというのか?  ふざけるなッ!)
    —Ermes Costello
    You fail to understand your fate... You must die here. (運命を理解できないか…ならば死ぬしかないな)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Um, I am awake, right? In 1492, Columbus discovers the Americas. No, my memory's fine... (えと…? 目は醒めてるよな? 1492年、新大陸発見、コロンブス。絶対正しい……)
    —Ermes Costello (Player 1)
    Come near me again, and I'll rip you apart! (今度あたしに近づいたらブッ殺すッ)
    —Ermes Costello (Player 2)
  • Shut it, snotface. (うるせーーぞ、ハナくそッ!)
    —Ermes Costello
    Hol Horse loves the ladies! (おれは女を尊敬している)
  • Yes! I beat you! (ぃよしっ! あたしの勝ちだぜ!)
    —Ermes Costello
    See? I told you I had a strategy. (いったでしょ、攻略法があるって)
  • Did I overestimate your strength? Or underestimate my own? (おまえが強いと思ったのは気のせいだったぜ… それとも、あたしが強すぎるのかな?)
    —Ermes Costello
    Don't worry... To me, hurting Jolyne's friends is like hurting Jolyne. (安心しろ…徐倫の友達なら、それ以上の危害は加えない…)
  • You've been practicing drinking from a cup, I see. (ちゃんとコップで飲む訓練はしてきたようだな)
    —Ermes Costello
    Humans can't even take in water without drinking... How inconvenient. (人間は口から飲まないと水分を吸収できないなんて不便だねぇ)
  • Now I understand... You were fated to lose here. (今理解したぜ… おまえがここで負ける運命だったってことをよォー)
    —Ermes Costello
    Praise the powers God has granted me. (神が望んだわが能力を称えるのだ…)
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Come at me, bro! (てめーの敵はこのあたしだあああああーーーーーー)
    —Ermes Costello, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • You nasty-ass pompadour-lookin' dumbass freak! (このリーゼント豚野郎!)
    —Ermes Costello, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Ermes as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Stone Ocean

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Ermes Costello
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
700 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Execute a Flash Cancel: 1000 G
2. Land a 5-hit combo: Kiss Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: Ermes Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Otoishi: A Stand user and a thief? Heh heh... I think we could be friends.
Ermes: Where the hell do you get off?
Victory Dialogue
Ermes: Yeah, I may be an ex-con... But I'm still not as pathetic as you!
Defeat Dialogue
Otoishi: I thought we'd get along, but... I guess I was wrong.
Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Ermes Costello
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1500 G
Special Conditions
The player's Heart Heat Gauge does not fill while their Stand is active.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Here's where ya stick it!" skill: 1000 G
2. Land a counterattack: Ermes Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: Kiss 3D Model
4. Win with a Heart Heat Attack: Ermes Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: What's a girl like you doing in a prison like this? There must be a reason. I can see the determination in your eyes.
Ermes: Butt out. That's none of your business.
Victory Dialogue
Ermes: So it wasn't just me... You smell just like me.
Defeat Dialogue
Polnareff: I'm not going to lecture you. If it'll do you good, then go get it done.




Ermes's theme is Kiss of Love and Revenge (愛と復讐のキッス, Ai to Fukushū no Kissu), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for 1000 G.

Its name is taken from the title of the arc where Ermes seeks revenge for her sister's death, Kiss of Love and Revenge.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jolyne Cujoh vs. Enrico Pucci All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An ally in Part 6: Stone Ocean. She is the user of the Stand Kiss. She awakened her Stand after being pierced by the Stand Arrow fragment in Jolyne's pendant. She is cheerful and wears her heart on her sleeve, and becomes a close friend of Jolyne.
User of the Stand Smack. Jolyne's friend and confidant who awakened her Stand after being pierced by the Stand Arrow in Jolyne's pendant. Cheerful and wears her heart on her sleeve.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jolyne Cujoh vs. Enrico Pucci All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Ermes Costello's Stand. It can produce special stickers that create a second copy of whatever they are adhered to. When the sticker is removed, the duplicate flies toward and merges with the original, causing great damage to itself.
Ermes Costello's Stand. It can produce special stickers that create a second copy of whatever they are adhered to. When the sticker is removed, the two copies fuse together with great force, doing damage to each other and anything in between.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedResolve Mode
Talking Cut-in

Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1, Page 26

Taunted Cut-in

Stone Ocean Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4, Page 13

Resolve Mode Cut-in
Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1

Kiss Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Stone Ocean Chapter 25: Ermes's Sticker, Part 5

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Match Entrance

Stone Ocean Chapter 56: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 6, pages 15 and 16

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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Wake-up
    • Unified wake-up behavior with other characters.


  • Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
    • Reduced pushback on hit.
  • "It's quite useful..." skill
    • Sped up startup.
    • Reduced recovery time.
    • Standardized the voice clip used to make it less an obvious when a feint is used. It now uses the variant's voice clip for all versions.


  • Assault Assist
    • Changed to use the Stand Mode version of "It's quite useful..." instead of the User Mode version.


  • "It's quite useful..." skill
    • Fixed an issue where Ermes's hurtbox would remain larger when this skill was Flash Canceled at certain points.
  • Assault Assist
    • Increased number of stocks from two to three.


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