All-Star Battle R ★ Muhammad Avdol
Muhammad Avdol (モハメド・アヴドゥル, Mohamedo Avuduru) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
Although his moveset remains fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, a few tweaks have been made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
The English localization of the game spells his name as "Mohammad Avdol," the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Kenta Miyake reprises his role as Avdol's voice actor from the Stardust Crusaders anime, replacing Masashi Ebara. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Avdol were either added or re-recorded.
Avdol has 1000 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Magician's Red, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

Buy from Medal List 8500 G
Adventure Battle Card J-299, colors carried over from All-Star Battle

Buy from the Gallery Shop 1500 G
Magician Red's Stardust Crusaders appearance

Unlocked by default
Cover A of Chapter 136 from Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #38

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Avdol vs. Ghiaccio Extra Battle Win with the "Crossfire Hurricane Variation" skill

Unlocked with Special Costume A
Adventure Battle Card J-299, carried over from All-Star Battle

Unlocked by default
Adventure Battle Card J-083, carried over from All-Star Battle
Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 116: Jotaro Kujo, Part 3 (Avdol)
Chapter 177: Judgement, Part 4 (Magician's Red)

Avdol's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Avdol's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Tch! Tch! Yes I am! Tch! Tch! (チッ♪ チッ♪ YES I AM! チッ♪ チッ♪)”
- “Go on, laugh! A big, fat, belly-laugh. That'll get you through anything! Ha ha ha ha! Laugh! Laugh! Ha ha ha ha ha! (ほれ! 笑え。大声で笑いながらするのが作法だぞ! 笑え! 笑え! ハハハハハ)”
- “You're pretty full of yourself, aren't you? (相当うぬぼれがすぎないか?)”
- “I'm afraid you won't be going home in one piece. (いいか……きさまはこのまま無事で帰ることはできない……)”
- “You're enough to make a tomb raider wish he was a mummy! (こいつはミイラとりがミイラになるな!)”
- “Hell! Right to you! That's HELL 2 U! (地獄を! きさまに!
HELL 2U !)” - “I'll burn you to cinders! Magician's Red! (焼きつくしてやるっ! 『
魔術師の赤 』)” - “What a sight. (畏れ入る)”
- “You started this! I'm gonna make you keep your promise! (きさまがいいだしたのだ! 約束は守ってもらうぞ!!)”
- “My my, what a disappointment. I never thought you'd be this bad! (いえ…幻滅しただけです。あんな奴だったとは思わなかった)”
- “Are you listening to me?! Don't act like this doesn't involve you! (きさま話をきいているのか!! 「関係ないね」ってふうな顔をするんじゃあないッ!)”
- “Don't you want this?! (いやだというのか!)”
- “You're way out of your league! (10年は早いんじゃあないかな)”
- “I can take full advantage of my Stand in an arena this large! (これだけ広い場所なら 思うぞんぶん「スタンド」をあやつれるというもの…)”
- “Impressive! (意外ッ!)”
- “Ssh! Quiet! (しっ! 静かに!)”
- “Well? Go ahead. (ほう、どうぞ)”
- “Impossible? I'd like to see about that. (無理と? ためしてみたいな)”
- “An ego is a very powerful thing. (うぬぼれが強すぎるぞ)”
- “You pompous fool! (かってな奴だ!)”

- “Don't expect my flame to act like natural fire. Magician's Red works in all directions. (わたしの炎が自然どおり常に上の方や風下へ燃えていくと 考えないでいただきたい…炎を自在にあつかえるからこそ 『
魔術師の赤 』と呼ばれている)” - “This is it! Muhammad Avdol's image! The perfect role for my character! Ha ha ha ha ha! (これですよ、これ! これこそこのモハメド・アヴドゥルの イメージ! こういう役こそわたしのキャラクターです! ハハハハハハ)”
- “Like Aesop wrote: A man can put on clothing against the cold, but heat conquers all. (イソップの話にある… 寒風では旅人は衣をまとうだけだが熱さは音をあげさせる…)”
- “I told you... I can split up my flame and shoot it any way I like! (いったろう。わたしの炎は分裂、何体にもわかれて飛ばせると!)”
- “All this running around is making me hungry. (走り回りましたからハラがすきましたね)”
- “My Crossfire Hurricane's a bit different. Its ankh-shaped flames can split apart! (実はわたしの
C・F・H にはバリエーションがある。十字架 の形の炎だが一体だけではない。 分裂させ、数体で飛ばすことが可能!)” - “Magician's Red won't stand for this. Too bad for you! (
魔 術 師 の 赤 はゆるさん……だめだね)” - “I didn't bust out my full power there. My back still isn't fully healed yet. (「吊られた男」に刺された背中がまだ完全に治ってなくてな。 さっきはそのキズをかばってたせいでパワーを出しきって いなかったのよ)”
- “Better give DIO and his pals the bad news: Muhammad Avdol is still alive. (「モハメド・アヴドゥルが生きている」この
悪いニュース … 早いとこDIOの奴や仲間のスタンド使いどもに知らせなくては いけないんじゃあないか)” - “Such fearsome power... Like nothing I've seen before! (恐るべきパワーだった。はじめて出会うエネルギーだった…)”
- “This is just what I need! This is it! (
これだから いいんですよ、これが !)” - “I'm alright. Just a little stiff. (ああ大丈夫、ちょっとツッぱるがな)”
- “Gotta admit, I'm glad you're on my side. I don't think I could beat you! (敵でなくてよかったって思うぞ。おまえには勝てん!)”
- “You probably won't stand up for another three months. (どっちみち…3か月は立ち上がれんだろ…)”
- “Always trying to play the knight, aren't you?! (あくまでも騎士道とやらの礼を失せぬ奴!)”
- “It'd be a shame to have to kill you! Something's up with you... I can feel it. (殺すのはおしい! なにかわけがあるな…こいつ……)”
- “I knew I should have been worried! (心配してきてみりゃいったことじゃあない!)”
- “Say hi to DIO for me, loser! (おい、DIOの野郎は元気か?)”
- “My flame detects no other life forms nearby. (炎には今…生物反応はなし)”

- “Tch! Tch! Yes I am! Tch! Tch! (チッ♪ チッ♪ YES I AM! チッ♪ チッ♪)”
- “I suppose a fortune teller like me shouldn't bring that skill out in battle yet... (占い師のわたしに予言で闘おうなどとは10年は早いんじゃあないかな)”
- “Give me four wishes instead! (3つの願いを4つにしてくれ)”
- “Go on, laugh! A big, fat, belly-laugh. That'll get you through anything! (ほれ! 笑え! 大声で笑いながらするのが作法だぞ! 笑え! 笑え!)”
- “Crossfire Hurricane Special (
C ・ F ・ H ・ S )” - “As you can see, Mr. Joestar, he's left the cell... (ジョースターさん…みてのとおり、彼を牢屋から出しました…が)”
- “Magician's Red won't stand for this. Too bad for you! (
魔 術 師 の 赤 はゆるさん……だめだね)” - “Always trying to play the knight, aren't you?! (あくまでも騎士道とやらの礼を失せぬ奴!)”
- “Think I came here because I care if you're okay? Don't flatter yourself! (心配して来てみりゃいったことじゃあない! うぬぼれが強すぎるぞ)”
- “Polnareff! Iggy! Look out! (ポルナレフッ!! イギーッ! 危ないッ!)”

- “I certainly didn't predict that kind of power. (なかなか予想外のパワーだったな)”—Round Win 1
- “Is that all you've got? (さて、こんなものかな)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When Avdol faces Jean Pierre Polnareff, the coins Polnareff skewers in his match entrance animation are on fire, a reference to the original scene where Polnareff stabs through a set of coins with Avdol's flames.[3]
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Avdol's face contorts similarly to when he is shot by Hol Horse.[4]
- Avdol's "Flaming Detector" skill is one of four types of projectiles that can hit Risotto Nero when he is invisible, the other three being Mariah's "Sorry, but you'll have to die now" skill, Yuya Fungami's "I got you!" skill, and all of Narancia Ghirga's projectiles.
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Avdol leans forward and puts a hand to his lip, as he does after being hit by flaming pieces of clay launched by Judgement.[5]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jotaro Kujo, Old Joseph Joestar ("Mr. Joestar!"), Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, or Iggy, Avdol calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Avdol has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Let me tell your fortune with my flame. (わたしが君の未来をこの炎で占ってやろう)”—Default dialogue
- “It is prophesized... You will lose against me. (予言しておこうか…「お前はわたしに敗北する」)”—Muhammad Avdol (Player 1)“Damned fake! Let me burn that facade off of you. (偽物め…化けの皮を焼き払ってやるぞ)”—Muhammad Avdol (Player 2)
- “Things are about to get a little rough! (少しょう手荒くなるぞ…)”—Muhammad Avdol“I'll play nice, since you've got an evil spirit too. But keep talking like that, and you're dead. (同じ悪霊持ちとは親しみがわくが
このまま 続けるとテメエ…死ぬぞ)” -
“Mr. Joestar... I'm happy to oblige, if you must, but are you sure you want to fight? (ジョースターさん、わたしは構いませんが…よろしいのですか?)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “You sure about this, Kakyoin? My flames won't go easy on you! (いいのか、花京院? わたしの炎はちと荒っぽいぞ?)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “You're enough to make a tomb raider wish he was a mummy! Don't mess with me, Polnareff! (こいつはミイラとりがミイラになるな! ポルナレフ、勝手なまねはゆるさんぞッ!)”—Muhammad Avdol
“This is your favorite, isn't it? It'll help you calm down! (ほら、おまえの大好物だ! こいつで落ち着くんだ!)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “I'll burn away all of your bullets! (弾丸など焼き落としてやるッ!)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “Woman! My flames will burn you right up! (女! きさまを炎で焼いてくれるッ!)”—Muhammad Avdol
“Why-- you vile monster! I'll raze you to cinders! (くう…怪物めッ! 焼き払ってくれるッ!)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “You've got a special power, don't you? Something normal people don't have. Show me! (『君は…普通の人間にはない特別な能力を持っているそうだね?』 『ひとつ………それをわたしに見せてくれるとうれしいのだが』)”—DIO“That man's voice... it calms my heart. That's why he scares me so much! (なんだ…この男の声…なんと心が……やすらぐんだ。 だからこそ恐ろしい!!)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “Jotaro, show me how you've grown! (承太郎、成長したお前を見せてもらうぞ)”—Muhammad Avdol“Hmph... There's that overblown tone I remember, Avdol... (フン…やっぱりおまえは態度がでかいな、アヴドゥル)”

- “I shouldn't have bothered even predicting this. (わざわざ予言するまでもなかったな…)”—Muhammad Avdol (Player 1)“Looks like I should call you NostraDUMBASS. You're a lousy prophet, and Stand user too! (予言は外れたようだな… スタンド使いとしても占い師としても二流か…)”—Muhammad Avdol (Player 2)
- “Amazing... You brought it out in such vivid form! (
あそこまではっきりした形で出せるとは ……意外ッ!)”—Muhammad Avdol“A man like you thought I was just gonna go down without a fight? (お前みたいなブ男に、すなおに負けてやるおれだと思うのか?)” - “Dear me! Are you alright, Mr. Joestar?! (だ、大丈夫ですか? ジョースターさん?)”—Muhammad Avdol“It's getting warm in here... Mind turning that Stand of yours down a bit? (熱つつ…お前のスタンドはホットじゃのぉー)”
- “That was close... Your range is incredible! (危なかった…なんて射程距離だ)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “I told you! Your ego is too much, Polnareff. (いったことじゃあない! うぬぼれが強すぎるぞ、ポルナレフ)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “O-Oh no! He took the whole box! At least take the wrapper off first! (し…しまったッ! 箱の方をとられたッ! 紙ぐらいとってからくえ)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “What's wrong? Your smoke's burnt out. Need a light? (どうした? 煙草の火が消えてるぞ。つけてやろうか?)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “She really was a fearsome opponent... (本当に…本当にやっかいな敵だった…)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “You'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat me! (不意打ちさえくらわなければ、貴様ごときには負けん!)”—Muhammad Avdol
- “I won? Now that's what I call luck! (勝てたのか…? こ…幸運だった…)”—Muhammad Avdol“I want you to use your Stand for my own ends. Lend me your powers... Ha ha ha! (君のスタンドを私のために使ってくれ… 私に力を貸してくれ…フフフ…)”—DIO
- “There's that remarkable power and speed I remember! You really haven't changed, Jotaro! (相変わらずのパワーとスピード! 承太郎…さすがだな)”—Muhammad Avdol“Looks like I've definitely grown strong enough to beat the crap out of you. (少なくともあんたをブチのめせるほどには、 「成長」したみたいだぜ)”

- “Tch! Tch! Yes I am! Tch! Tch! (チッ♪ チッ♪ YES I AM! チッ♪ チッ♪)”—Muhammad Avdol, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “I bet that hair of yours would burn right up. (そのばかげた髪はよく燃えるだろうな)”—Muhammad Avdol, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Avdol as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Battle Tendency
Stardust Crusaders
Avdol's theme is HELL 2 U! (HELL 2U!, Heru Tū Yū!), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Crossfire Hurricane" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Avdol vs. Mariah Normal Battle.
Its name is taken from Avdol's taunt toward Cameo in Chapter 65 of Stardust Crusaders, a parody of Cameo's own line, "Hail 2 U!"
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Update History

- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Adjusted float so Avdol's Heart Heat Attack can hit opponents in the air consecutively more easily.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Increased forward movement.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
Reduced knockback amount.
Adjusted the float amount.
- Both changes make connecting consecutive hits much easier.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased size of hitbox.
Adjusted float so Avdol's Heart Heat Attack can hit opponents in the air consecutively more easily.
- "Crossfire Hurricane Variation" skill
Even if the move hits the opponent, the projectile will not disappear to make the move easier to use in neutral.
- "Flame Detector" skill
The projectile will now disappear when Avdol is attacked.
- "I'll burn you to cinders!" skill
Increased knockback amount.
Sped-up the startup.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Reduced size of the upper body's hurtbox during activation.
Increased the number of hits.
Increased damage.
Added ability to cancel the first hit.
The second hit now launches opponents.
- When combined with the changes to the Jumping Heavy Attack, it is now possible to combo from that attack into this one.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Increased reach by having Magician's Red move forward more on activation.
- Crouching Strong Attack [Stand Off]
Increased reach by having Magician's Red move forward more on activation.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
This normal now causes a groundbounce.
- "Crossfire Hurricane" skill
Decreased recovery time.
- "Crossfire Hurricane Variation" skill
Fixed an issue where the ankh projectile would fail to erupt from the ground at the edge of the stage.
- "Must I do this the hard way?" skill
Changed into a multi-hit attack.
Increased the lifting force of the
variants when hitting airborne opponents.
- "Hell 2 U!" skill
Fixed an issue where the different variants of this skill were counting as different moves for the Same Move Limit.
- Burn effect
Fixed a bug where if Avdol was in the battle, the flame visuals on a burning character would be larger than normal.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Increased lifting force to reduce chance of second hit missing.
Decreased damage.
Increased recovery time.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Increased lifting force.
Decreased horizontal launch force.
- Both of these changes are meant to improve the attacks usability in combos.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Changed the attack animation to now summon Magician's Red to attack.
This change increased the range of the attack.
Increased lifting force to improve usability in combos.
Increased startup.
Increased recovery.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Decreased startup.
Increased number of hits.
Redistributed the damage of the hits to account for this.
Changed so this attack will no longer activate counters since this is a fire attack that does not make direct contact with the opponent.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Increased the range.
Increased hitbox inward towards the origin.
- Both changes improve usability.
Changed so if this attack is canceled into a Crouching Strong Attack, Magician's Red will attack from the position it moved to when performing this attack instead of moving back before attacking.
Reduced pushback on hit to improve usability.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Decreased lifting force.
- "Cross Fire Hurricane Variation" skill
Made it so that the ankh projectile will spawn even if the skill is Flash Canceled.
- "Must I do this the hard way?" skill
Adjusted the hitbox to extend outward rather than inward.
- "Hell 2 U!" skill
Reduced the size of the hurtbox during the first hit of the second attack.
Reduced the size of the hitbox during the first hit of the second attack.
Increased number of hits.
Redistributed the damage of the hits to account for this.
Reduced the size of the hurtbox during the first hit of the second attack.
Reduced the size of the hitbox during the first hit of the second attack.
Changed so the last hit of the third attack will cause a wallbounce if the opponent hits the stage wall.
Changed so the attack launches the opponent away into a hard knockdown instead of upward.
Adjusted (lowered) the launch angle for the last hit of the third attack.
Increased damage of the third attack.
- "Now's my chance!" skill
Adjusted hitbox position to fix an issue where the attack wouldn't connect when at the edge of the stage.
- "Cross Fire Hurricane Special" GHA
Fixed a bug where the damage displayed did not match the damage being dealt when it was affected by damage scaling.
- Reversal Assist
Reduced the number of stocks from two to one.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Adjusted the position of the hitbox to fix situations where some characters would not be hit if they were in Stand Mode.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Fixed a bug where the attack could not be canceled if it hit an opponent during the later half of its duration.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Adjusted the action of Magician's Red returning to Avdol upon activation.
- This change is to make it easier to cancel into this attack when a Standing Medium Attack hits on the edge of its hitbox.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
Fixed a bug where the collision box was disappearing during the attack.
- "Must I do this the hard way?" skill
Sped up when Magician's Red's collision box would disappear to help prevent moves from both players not hitting due to collision boxes colliding and pushing both players away from each other.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Avdol ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 178: Judgement, Part 5
- ↑ The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice (Story Arc)
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