All-Star Battle R ★ Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)

Josuke Higashikata (東方 定助, Higashikata Jōsuke), referred to in the game's localization as "Josuke Higashikata 8", was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Mitsuaki Madono reprises his role from the original All-Star Battle. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Josuke were either added or re-recorded.
Despite All-Star Battle R releasing just over a year after the conclusion of JoJolion, Josuke has gained no new features. His moveset is still inspired by the first three volumes of Part 8's story, with only minor design and balance changes to his skillset to accompany his transition into the updated rerelease. Thus there is little to say outside of mirroring his All-Star Battle gameplay info.
Of the new system mechanics introduced is his assist. For his Assault Assist, Josuke performs "So slippery!". Due to starting off as a sweep, it can be a useful move whilst performing a mid/high combo as a mix-up, or used to apply pressure onto the opponent for the player to run up and perform a standard Throw or command Throw. However, like with other assists, the opponent can easily escape a situation of this nature via their own Reversal Assist. The low damage of the assist also makes it less desirable over ones such as Jotaro or Giorno's, given as other Assault Assists deal around 100 damage, whilst Josuke's does 30.
For a more in-depth look at Josuke's gameplay, check his All-Star Battle page. Taken purely as an assist, Josuke 8's main trait is it being a low-hitting sweep that strikes several times, allowing for combo follow-ups or mixups. Otherwise, it is greatly overshadowed by other assists in damage and viability.
Command List

Attack type: High
Damage: 14

Attack type: High
Damage: 23

Attack type: High
Damage: 37

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Attack type: Low
Damage: 27

Attack type: Low
Damage: 40

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Josuke kicks out with both legs while airborne in a manner similar to a drop kick.
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 38

Attack type: Low
Damage: 28


Attack type: Low (first hit) High (rest of hits)
Damage: 2 × 9 (18) /
2 × 12 (24) /
2 × 15 (30)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20 × 2 (40)

Attack type: High
Damage: 9 × 4 (36) /
9 × 8 (72) /
9 × 12 (108)

Josuke slides a forward distance in a low stance and delivers a potent straight punch, leaving the opponent crumpling. The attack button inputted determines his travel distance and damage, while inversely affecting recovery time. Due to his crouched posture while moving, this skill can allow him to move under high-flying projectiles and other similar attacks. (Comboable)
The version is plus on block, meaning that the opponent cannot attack before Josuke if they block this skill.
Attack type: High
Damage: 38 /
40 /

While this move is comboable, due to the long startup, it is best used when an opponent is knocked down as a means of forcing them to either block or Stylish Guard on wake-up rather than as a combo tool.
Attack type: High
Damage: 60

Attack type: High
Damage: 15

Attack type: Low
Damage: 24

Attack type: High
Damage: 16 + 25 (41)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 14

Attack type: Low
Damage: 23

Attack type: Low
Damage: 37

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 25

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18 + 20 (38)

Josuke and Soft & Wet leap forward and fly through the air as S&W rapidly punches. Soft & Wet finishes the assault by reaching forward, grabbing the opponent and throwing them behind Josuke. Because the opponent is thrown behind Josuke, Josuke will end up on the opposite side of the opponent that he started the attack on. The distance Josuke and Soft & Wet travel increases in order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery. If blocked, Josuke and Soft & Wet will rebound backwards a good distance, mitigating vulnerability. Since Josuke floats above the ground as he moves, he can move over grounded traps without triggering them. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High
Damage: 135

Attack type: High
Damage: 60

Soft & Wet moves forward and unleashes a powerful spinning side kick, staggering the opponent. The distance Soft & Wet moves before kicking increases in order, but the greater the increase, the longer the recovery. This part of the attack is a Stand Rush skill that Josuke can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing. (Flash Cancel comboable)
On contact with the opponent or their guard, an additional button input can be made for Josuke to follow up with his own attack:
: Josuke shifts forward and attacks with his knee, leaving the opponent crumpling and open to further attack.
: Josuke quickly dashes forward and leaps into a middle-hitting drop kick, launching the opponent into a soft knockdown.
: Josuke drops to the ground and spins around on one hand while kicking out with both legs in a two-hitting low attack, the second kick of which knocks the opponent down.
Attack type: High ( follow-up) / Middle (
follow-up) / Low (
Damage: 55 + 30 (85) /
55 + 40 (95) /
55 + 12 + 30 (97)

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 130

Josuke throws out a fast-moving bubble created by Soft & Wet as a projectile. If it hits the opponent, the camera shifts to the opponent's point of view as the bubble floats up to their eyes and pops, instantly blackening the screen as it steals their vision and leaving them crumpling (recreating Josuke's self-defense against Joshu in the first chapter of JoJolion).
Since the HHA results in the opponent crumpling if they were on the ground when struck, Josuke can follow up on the attack if he Flash Cancels the recovery animation, marking it one of a minority of HHAs in the game that do not definitively end a combo on success, and the only one where the recovery can be Flash Canceled.
Attack type: High
Damage: 190

Attack type: High
Damage: 297 / 356 / 445 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: Low (first hit) High (rest of hits)
Damage: 30
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

Medal List
Costumes & Tints

This section requires expansion.
Background colors from cover of Ultra Jump Issue #5

Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
JoJolion Chapter 35: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 2
Josuke's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Josuke's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Don't mess with me. (ナメるな)”
- “I've made up my mind not to listen to anyone's crap anymore! (オレはもう聞きたくないフザけたセリフは 聞かないことにした!)”
- “Are you there?! (…………あったのォォ~~~~~~~~~?)”
- “It's a lie... this can't be happening! (ウ…ウソだ……こんなのウソだ……)”
- “Something's wrong with you! (どうかしてるぞッ!!)”
- “Delicious! (ンマイなぁぁあぁぁーーーーッ)”
- “Can't you do anything? (君は何も出来ないのか?)”
- “What the hell?! (なんだこれはぁぁーーーーッ)”
- “I swear I'll make you answer me! Tell me! Who are you?! (絶対に答えてもらうぞッ!! お前! 何者だァッ!!)”
- “I'll smash you! Up-close and personal! (直接たたく)”
- “Don't try anything funny! (
おまえ ……もう妙なことは考えるなよ)” - “Enough with your stupid tricks! (もうふざけた小細工はやめろ!)”
- “Don't try any funny business with me! (妙な作戦とかは立てるなよ…)”
- “You say something? I can't hear you! (なんか喋ったかあ~~~ 聞こえないなあ)”
- “Don't screw with me! (フザけんなあ、おまえ……)”
- “What did you do?! (「何か」したな!?)”
- “What the hell are you? (なんなんだ? おまえは~~)”
- “You idiot. (アホ丸出しだな)”

- “Who am I? (オレは誰なんだ?)”
- “What am I doing here? (オレはこんな所で何をしている?)”
- “In that case, how should I weigh my body down? (じゃあその場合、どうやって体を圧迫させればいいんだ?)”
- “Yasuho Hirose... Height, 166 cm. She was above ground... I don't know anyone else. (ヒロセヤスホ……身長166cm。地面の上にいた人…… この世界で他には誰も知らない)”
- “Who the hell am I? I can't remember anything... (オレは一体何者なのか… まだ…何も思い出せない…)”
- “Yasuho... Hirose... (ヒロセ……ヤスホ……)”
- “Where did I come from? I can't even remember that. (オレはどこから来たのか? それも思い出せない)”
- “You're the only one I know. (知ってる人は……あなただけだ)”
- “I don't get it... I'm clueless. (わからない……知ってるものは何もない………)”
- “I just want to know what happened to me. (オレは自分に何があったのかどうしても知りたい)”
- “What're you saying? Help me understand it all, one thing at a time... (なんのことを言ってるんだ? …とにかく
ひとつずつ 、ちゃんとオレに理解させろ…)” - “When my bubbles pop against what they touch, they take something away. (オレの「しゃぼん玉」が触れて割れる時、 『そこ』から『何か』を奪う)”
- “You're gonna tell me everything. Got it? (全てを
しゃべってもらうからな )” - “Now, tell me! Who am I?! (さあ話せッ!
オレは誰なんだ …?)” - “Hey, Yasuho... Think you can take a look at the other side? (ねえ康穂ォ~~~。 あっち……向こうをね……ちょっと見てもらっていい?)”
- “I'll kick you around like a soccer ball all night if I have to. Just start making sense! (おまえなんか一晩中サッカーボールみたいに扱っても 全然平気だからな。
辻褄の合わないことは絶対に 言うな!)” - “No reason for me to hang here. I'd better get going. (
行かなくっちゃあな ! ここにもう用はない…)” - “I guess there's just no family for a guy like me. (オレって家族とかいない人間なのかもな)”
- “I beat you! (おまえに勝ったぞッ!!)”

- “Who, me? (オレェェ?)”
- “Who the hell am I? I can't remember anything... (オレは一体何者なのか…まだ…何も思い出せない…)”
- “Delicious! (ンマイなぁぁあぁぁーッ)”
- “I swear I'll make you answer me! Tell me! Who are you?! (絶対に答えてもらうぞッ!! お前! 何者だァッ!!)”
- “I've made up my mind not to listen to anyone's crap anymore! (オレはもう 聞きたくないフザけたセリフは聞かないことにした!)”
- “You're the only one I know. (知ってる人は……あなただけだ)”
- “No reason for me to hang here. I'd better get going. (
行かなくっちゃあな ! ここにもう用はない…)” - “When my bubbles pop after touching you, they take something away from you. (オレの「しゃぼん玉」が触れて割れる時、『そこ』から『何か』を奪う)”
- “Hey, Yasuho... think you can take a look at the other side? (ねえ康穂ォ~~~。あっち……向こうをね……ちょっと見てもらっていい?)”
- “So slippery! (ツルツルだあ……)”
- “ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! (オラオラオラオラオラオラオラアラオラオラオラオラオラオラッ!)”

- “Whew... (…ふうーっ…)”—Round Win 1
- “Now, tell me! Who am I?! (さあ話せッ!
オレは誰なんだ …?)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Josuke's face contorts similarly to when his face is damaged by direct contact with Born This Way's tire.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Josuke leans over and puts a hand to his face, as he does when trying to remember the person calling him while under the effect of California King Bed.[4]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Josuke has unique dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “This is my problem. I want to go myself, to see and hear with my own eyes and ears. (自分のことだ…… 直接自分で行って自分の目と耳で知りたい)”—Default dialogue
- “What in the hell are you? (おまえ、
いったいなんなんだよ ……)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) (Player 1)“Who are you? (「何者」なんだ?)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) (Player 2) - “I've made up my mind not to listen to anyone's crap anymore! (オレはもう聞きたくないフザけたセリフは 聞かないことにした!)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)“Josuke... Higashikata? You're telling me that's you? I don't think I'm the one messing around! (東方、じょうすけ? オメーがか? フザけてんのはよォー、てめーのほうだぜ~~~ッ!)”
- “I just want to know who I am. (おれは自分のことが知りたいだけなんだ)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)
- “If you'd just accepted your limits and chosen not to follow me, nothing would have happened. (
分 をわきまえて わたしを追跡しなければ……何事も起こらないのに)”“I'll smash you! Up-close and personal! (直接たたく)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) -
“What the hell are you? (なんなんだ? おまえは~~)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)

- “I don't get it. (意味がわからない)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) (Player 1)“What's your name? What do you do?! (名前を言えッ! 職業は!?)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) (Player 2)

- “That's some effed up hair. (フザけた髪型だなぁ)”—Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion), insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Josuke as a combatant, in order of appearance.

2. Land a 5-hit combo:

Josuke 8: Resolve? I just want to know who I am.

2. Use a Great Heat Attack:

Josuke 8: I'm trying to find out who I am. Anything you can tell me?

2. Land a 10-hit combo:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

Josuke 8: I'm only here to find out who I am.

2. Land a Stylish Evade:

3. Land a Heart Heat Attack:

Josuke 8: Wait! Who are you?

2. Execute a taunt:

3. Land a Heart Heat Attack:

Josuke 8: I'm only here to find out who I am!

2. Land a Stylish Evade:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

Josuke 8: I want to know... Who am I?

2. Attack the opponent's Stand:

3. Land a Heart Heat Attack:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Josuke 8: I just want to know who I am.

2. Land a counterattack:

3. Set off a Stage Hazard:

4. Win with a Dramatic Finish:

Josuke 8: What the hell is this?! He transformed right in front of me!
Josuke's theme is Who Am I, Anyways? (じゃあオレは誰なんだ?, Jā Ore wa Dare Nanda?), and can be unlocked in-game by buying it from the Gallery Shop for
1000 G.
Its name is taken from one of Josuke's lines in Chapter 1 of JoJolion when Yasuho Hirose first discovers him.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode: JoJolion Josuke vs. Jolyne Cujoh Extra Battle Land a 10-hit combo
Cover B of JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh

Update History

- Jumping Medium Attack [Stand On]
Increased size of hitbox.
- "So slippery!" skill
Changed attack types so that only the first hit is a Low.
Increased forward movement.
Decreased the duration of the attack.
- These changes also apply to the assault assist since this is the skill used for it.
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "Soft and Wet" GHA
Adjusted damage scaling to fix a bug where GHA would not KO the opponent if used in a combo.
- Backdash
Fixed an issue where the backdash recovery could not be canceled with a normal attack.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
Changed attack from a High to a Low.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased recovery time.
- Jumping Light Attack [Stand On]
Decreased startup.
Sped up attack's animation.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Stand On]
This normal now launches the opponent on hit.
- "Let me take that from you." skill
Decreased recovery time.
- Backdash
Decreased the size of the hurtbox when dashing backward to match other characters.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Decreased recovery.
- Crouching Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Extended hitbox inward.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
Increased Soft & Wet's forward movement.
- "Don't screw with me!" special
Made it so the command normal can no longer be canceled when it misses.
- "So slippery!" skill
Decreased recovery.
Increased knockback on hit.
If the move is blocked, Josuke now moves back a small distance after completing his attack.
- "Zero Friction" skill
Josuke will now orient towards the opponent upon activation.
- "Let me take that from you." skill
The bubbles will no longer disappear when Josuke is hit.
- "Don't try anything funny!" skill
When the skill is blocked, Josuke and Soft & Wet will now jump back away from the opponent.
- "I gotta win this!" skill
Added a new follow-up portion of the attack with a new input and hit effects.
- When
is pressed on hit or block: High Attack that results in crumple (animation is same as the User Mode Standing Light Attack)
- When
is pressed on hit or block: Middle Attack that results in a launch (animation is same as the User Mode Jumping Middle Attack)
- When
is pressed on hit or block: Low Attack that results in a hard knockdown (animation is same as the User Mode Crouching Middle Attack)
- When
Removed launch effect on the first portion of the attack.
Decreased recovery.
Updated Command List to reflect the above changes.
- ↑ These include Baoh Parasite, Gomamitsu Dango, Soft & Wet, Dress, Ikuro Hashizawa, Joshu Higashikata, Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion), and Yasuho Hirose.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Bandai Namco Entertainment America (March 9, 2022), "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ Josuke ASBR page
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 16: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 5
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 10: California King Bed, Part 3