All-Star Battle R ★ Giorno Giovanna

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True "resolve" means cutting open a bright path through the darkest of fields![2] (『覚悟』とは! 暗闇の荒野に!! 進むべき道を切り開くことだッ!)
—Chapter 514: White Album, Part 6

Giorno Giovanna (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ, Joruno Jobāna) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1] He was also 1 of 15 playable characters during the Evo 2022 Demo on August 5.[3]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Giorno's Stand, Gold Experience, is localized as "Golden Wind", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle. Consequently, like in All-Star Battle, Gold Experience Requiem's name is localized as "Golden Wind Requiem".

Kensho Ono reprises his role from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Daisuke Namikawa as Giorno and Misa Watanabe as Gold Experience Requiem. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Giorno were either added or re-recorded.


Giorno has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Gold Experience, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

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User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)Requiem (レクイエム)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Giorno kicks at a downward angle.

Attack type: High
Damage: 12

Standing Medium Attack
Giorno moves forward while performing a two-hitting uppercut.

Attack type: High
Damage: 20

Standing Heavy Attack
Giorno briefly summons Gold Experience to perform an attack with the back of its fist.

Attack type: High
Damage: 33

Crouching Light Attack
Giorno performs a crouching jab.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 11

Crouching Medium Attack
Giorno performs a crouching kick low to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 19

Crouching Heavy Attack
Giorno briefly summons Gold Experience to perform a crouching kick.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 31

Jumping Light Attack
Giorno performs an aerial kick at a downward angle.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 15

Jumping Medium Attack
Giorno performs an aerial kick straight out.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 23

Jumping Heavy Attack
Giorno briefly summons Gold Experience to perform an overhead punch.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 37

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Gold Experience, changing the skills Giorno has access to.
It's useless! (ムダダァーッ)
Giorno briefly summons Gold Experience low to the ground to deliver three hefty kicks, tripping the opponent.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12 × 3 (36)

Resolve Mode (覚悟モード)
Activates below 20% health
This mode is automatically activated once Giorno falls below 20% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises. He also gains super armor during the start up of all his normal attacks and skills.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Now, it lives. (生まれ変わらせた)
+ //
Giorno brings one of his ladybug brooches to life as a small animal that attacks the opponent as a projectile. The resulting creature is dependent on the attack button inputted.
  • Light (): Giorno creates a flying fish that suddenly flies forward. (Flash Cancel comboable)
  • Medium (): Giorno creates a snake that slithers slowly across the ground, crumpling the opponent if they touch it. (Comboable)
  • Heavy (): Giorno creates a piranha that leaps in an upward arc. The opponent is stunned and left vulnerable if they touch it. This attack can function as an anti-air. (Comboable)

Attack type: High / Low / High (upwards arc) or Middle (downwards arc)
Damage: 35 / 32 / 40

Life, spring forth...! (産まれろ……生命(せいめい)よ…)
+ //
Giorno instantly sprouts a tree from underneath his feet, carrying him upwards off the ground. The size of the tree and thus Giorno's ascent increases in order. He can then remain in the tree briefly, jump off, attack, or chain into "This is our true path!". He is invulnerable while rising, making this skill function as a non-offensive reversal that can assist in evasion and setting up attacks from above.
This is our true path! (これから『向かうべき…正しい道』をもッ!)
+ //
While in mid-air, Giorno summons Gold Experience to perform a downwards diving kick. If it connects with the opponent, Gold Experience delivers a barrage of stomps below, bouncing the opponent off the ground. If blocked, only the dive kick is performed. The assault can be extended if the attack button inputted is rapidly tapped. The damage increases in order, but so does vulnerability. This skill can be chained from "Life, spring forth!".

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 62 (normal) or 86 (extended) / 76 (normal) or 108 (extended) / 90 (normal) or 122 (extended)

It's useless. (無駄なんだ)
+ //
A counter. Giorno quickly transforms one of the ladybug brooches on his chest into a frog as he stands prepared for an attack. If hit by a non-projectile attack that is not a Throw/HHA/GHA, damage will be dealt to the opponent and they will be left in a vulnerable state as they crumple to the ground. The damage of this ability increases in order, but vulnerability does as well. (Comboable)

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 96 / 120 / 144

Now this is a part of me! (自分の「部品」を作ったッ!)
+ for ½ HH
Expending half a bar of the Heart Heat Gauge, Giorno attempts to heal himself using one of his ladybug brooches to mend his wounds.
While the health regained is considerable, this ability takes time to perform and can be interrupted. Upon success, the health begins as slowly-regenerating white damage that disappears if Giorno is struck, meaning he must avoid damage for a time in order to properly recoup lost health.
Throw (投げ技)
I must beat them! (倒さねばならない!!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Gold Experience uppercuts the opponent, kicks their leg, and pummels them, recreating how the Stand broke away from Black Sabbath's hold.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
The pain will be slow! (痛みがゆっくりやってくるッ!)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Giorno lunges forward with Gold Experience readying a fist. If they connect, Gold Experience flies in and delivers a brutal punch to the opponent's face that briefly initiates a slow-motion effect, before sending them flying a long distance across the stage. For a moment afterward, they will be inflicted with Gold Experience's Life Shot ability and thus are left unable to act upon standing up. Due to the Life Shot effect on the opponent, Giorno is given enough time to take any initiative, including activating his GHA, with no risk of retaliation or interruption without the use of an assist.
This HHA provokes a different reaction depending on the character on the receiving end of the punch, referencing a variety of any number of scenes across the series.

Attack type: High
Damage: 170

The power of Gold Experience! Savor the taste of pain! (ゴールド・エクスペリエンスの能力! 鋭い痛みをゆっくり味わえ)
Your "end" has no ending! (終わりのないのが『終わり』)
+ 3 ATK Buttons, or
Giorno triumphantly raises the Arrow into the air and drives it into Gold Experience's chest, causing the Stand to spew golden rays as it begins to evolve.
This action requires roughly 3 seconds of animation to play uninterrupted to complete, and if successful, Gold Experience ascends to its formidable Requiem Mode, giving Giorno access to new abilities.
This mode will slowly drain the Heart Heat Gauge until it is empty, at which point Gold Experience will return to normal. Gold Experience will also return to normal if the round ends. While in Requiem, Giorno will always automatically be in Resolve Mode, regardless of his current health.
The power of the arrow! Yahhhhhhh! Gold Experience Requiem! (「矢のパワー」をッ! うおおおおおおおおおおお……! 『ゴールド・(エクスペリエンス)・レクイエム』)
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Gold Experience performs a jab.

Attack type: High
Damage: 13

Standing Medium Attack
Gold Experience performs an underhanded jab.

Attack type: High
Damage: 21

Standing Heavy Attack
Gold Experience performs two quick punches.

Attack type: High
Damage: 12 + 22 (34)

Crouching Light Attack
Gold Experience punches down toward the ground while crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12

Crouching Medium Attack
Gold Experience performs a crouching kick low to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20

Crouching Heavy Attack
Gold Experience lays on the ground and performs a kick, knocking the opponent to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 32

Jumping Light Attack
Gold Experience performs an aerial knee attack.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16

Jumping Medium Attack
Gold Experience performs an aerial punch downwards.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

Jumping Heavy Attack
Gold Experience twists and performs an aerial downwards arcing kick.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 38

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Stand ON/OFF (スタンドON/OFF)
Switches between User Mode and Stand Mode. Doing so summons or dismisses Gold Experience, changing the skills Giorno has access to.
This doesn't feel good... (すごくイヤな気分だ……)
This skill can only be used when the opponent is down. Gold Experience stomps on them, knocking the opponent into the air even when hitting a downed opponent. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Resolve Mode (覚悟モード)
Activates below 20% health
This mode is automatically activated once Giorno falls below 20% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises. He also gains super armor during the start up of all his normal attacks and skills.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Useless, useless, useless, useless! (無駄無駄無駄無駄)
+ //
Gold Experience rapidly punches as Giorno and it slowly move forward a good distance, knocking the opponent away on the final hit. The distance Giorno and Gold Exeprience move forward and the hits dealt increase in order, but so does vulnerability. This ability can initiate Rush Mode and is a Stand Rush skill that Giorno can disconnect from to act freely while it is executing. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 63 / 81 / 99

+ //
Giorno leaps into the air as Gold Experience rapidly punches upward while ascending. The and variants send the opponent flying on the last hit, leading both to being comboable, though the variant only is against a wall. If the variant is used, the follow-up skill, "Useleeeeesssss!" will automatically be used. The distance forward Giorno leaps and the number of hits dealt increase in order, but so does vulnerability. The variant has invulnerability on start-up while the variant has full invulnerability. This skill can function as a reversal and anti-air attack.

Attack type: High
Damage: 73 / 83 / 83 (101 with "Useleeeeesssss!"'s damage)

Useleeeeesssss! (無駄ァアアアアア)
Automatically activates when the variant of "WRYYYYYYYYYYY!" hits
Gold Experience finishes the attack performed during "WRYYYYYYYYYYY!" by delivering a powerful downward hook to harshly send the opponent into the ground and cause them to bounce on-impact.

Attack type: High
Damage: 18 (101 with "WRYYYYYYYYYYY!"'s damage)

A path opens on dark plains! (暗闇の荒野に進むべき道を切り開くッ!)
+ for 2 bars of HH when hit
A combo-breaking counterattack that can only be used once Giorno is hit by any non-Throw/HHA/GHA, or any attack that does not knock him down or launch him upon the first hit. Giorno and Gold Experience forcibly power through the opponent's attack and retaliate by rapidly kicking them away, knocking them to the ground.
During this skill, Giorno is completely invulnerable and protected from all incoming attacks. However, the activation costs two stocks of the Heart Heat Gauge to use, and Giorno will suffer an extra small amount of damage, half of which is silver and thus able to be regenerated. As a combo-breaking skill, the attack also cannot be Flash Cancelled.

Attack type: High
Damage: 65

Throw (投げ技)
I must beat them! (倒さねばならない!!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Gold Experience uppercuts the opponent, kicks their leg, and pummels them, recreating how the Stand broke away from Black Sabbath's hold.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
The pain will be slow! (痛みがゆっくりやってくるッ!)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Giorno lunges forward with Gold Experience readying a fist. If they connect, Gold Experience flies in and delivers a brutal punch to the opponent's face that briefly initiates a slow-motion effect, before sending them flying a long distance across the stage. For a moment afterward, they will be inflicted with Gold Experience's Life Shot ability and thus are left unable to act upon standing up. Due to the Life Shot effect on the opponent, Giorno is given enough time to take any initiative, including activating his GHA, with no risk of retaliation or interruption without the use of an assist.
This HHA provokes a different reaction depending on the character on the receiving end of the punch, referencing a variety of any number of scenes across the series.

Attack type: High
Damage: 170

The power of Gold Experience! Savor the taste of pain! (ゴールド・エクスペリエンスの能力! 鋭い痛みをゆっくり味わえ)
Your "end" has no ending! (終わりのないのが『終わり』)
+ 3 ATK Buttons, or
Giorno triumphantly raises the Arrow into the air and drives it into Gold Experience's chest, causing the Stand to spew golden rays as it begins to evolve.
This action requires roughly 3 seconds of animation to play uninterrupted to complete, and if successful, Gold Experience ascends to its formidable Requiem Mode.
This mode will slowly drain the Heart Heat Gauge until it is empty, at which point Gold Experience will return to normal. Gold Experience will also return to normal if the round ends. While in Requiem, Giorno will always automatically be in Resolve Mode, regardless of his current health.
The power of the arrow! Yahhhhhhh! Gold Experience Requiem! (「矢のパワー」をッ! うおおおおおおおおおおお……! 『ゴールド・(エクスペリエンス)・レクイエム』)
Normals [Requiem] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Gold Experience Requiem performs a jab.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15

Standing Medium Attack
Gold Experience Requiem performs an underhanded jab.

Attack type: High
Damage: 29

Standing Heavy Attack
Gold Experience Requiem performs two quick punches.

Attack type: High
Damage: 16 + 27 (44)

Crouching Light Attack
Gold Experience Requiem punches down toward the ground while crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 17

Crouching Medium Attack
Gold Experience Requiem performs a crouching kick low to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 27

Crouching Heavy Attack
Gold Experience Requiem lays on the ground and performs a kick, knocking the opponent to the ground.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 41

Jumping Light Attack
Gold Experience Requiem performs an aerial knee attack.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 22

Jumping Medium Attack
Gold Experience Requiem performs an aerial punch downwards.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 33

Jumping Heavy Attack
Gold Experience Requiem twists and performs an aerial downwards arcing kick.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 48

Style/Specials/Etc. [Requiem] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Beyond the arrow's power (「矢のパワー」の『先』)
Replacing the normal forward and backward dash, Giorno and Gold Experience Requiem momentarily fly through the air at high speeds, covering much more ground, potentially passing over the opponent, and evading many attacks. Giorno can perform an aerial attack during flight, resulting in him drifting to the ground afterwards.
If not already dashing, Giorno can also perform a short forward airdash if this is inputted in the air, though the game does not treat it as being this move.
Skills [Requiem] (コマンド技)
Can you escape destruction? (滅びずにいられるのかな?)
+ //
Gold Experience Requiem immediately fires a high-damaging projectile scorpion from the tip of its finger at incredible speeds. This move is unblockable, and if the opponent is hit, they will be stunned and left vulnerable. The button inputted determines the trajectory of the projectile. The trajectories are different based on whether the air or ground variant is performed. (Comboable)

Ground versions:

  • Light (): Launches projectile at an upward angle.
  • Medium (): Launches projectile straight out.
  • Heavy (): Launches projectile at a downward angle.

Aerial versions:

  • Light (): Launches projectile straight forward.
  • Medium (): Launches projectile diagonally downward.
  • Heavy (): Launches projectile at a steep downward angle, almost below Giorno.

This projectile possesses the highest priority of any projectile in the game, meaning that the scorpion will destroy any opposing projectile it comes into contact with the exception of itself and any of Hol Horse's Emperor bullets enhanced by his "Gun beats sword" Style skill, in which case the two will only cancel out.

Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 71

You will never reach the truth! (『真実』に到達スルコトハ決シテナイ!)
Gold Experience Requiem instantly unleashes its ability to return any action to zero. In a radius around Giorno, a growing sphere of black and gray energy will appear and expand. This action offers brief invulnerability. If the opponent is caught, they will be knocked into the air. (Comboable)
This ability doubles as a combo-breaking counterattack that can be activated even if Giorno himself is in the middle of being hit. If used when Giorno is being hit, it will cost 0.25 bars of the Heart Heat Gauge, but will heal Giorno for the damage dealt. It is also capable of nullifying all non-GHA projectiles; In essence, it will defeat almost any incoming attack in the game with the exception of attacks that provide the opposing character invulnerability.

Attack type: High

Useless, useless, useless, useless! (無駄無駄無駄無駄)
+ //
Gold Experience Requiem rapidly punches in an extended barrage as Giorno walks forward for ~2 to ~4 seconds, depending on whether or not the attack button inputted was rapidly tapped. The distance and speed Giorno moves forward as well as the damage dealt increases in order. If blocked, this attack deals heavy damage to the opponent's Guard Gauge. Should the attack be extended, a follow-up skill is triggered. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 83 (normal) 92 (extended) / 114 (normal) 138 (extended) / 145 (normal) 184 (extended)

Useless! (無駄アァァァァ)
Press the attack button a certain number of times during "Useless, useless, useless, useless!"
Gold Experience Requiem finishes its assault with a singular powerful punch that sends the opponent flying. This move deals very heavy damage to the Guard Gauge.

Attack type: High
Damage: 66

Throw (投げ技)
I must beat them! (倒さねばならない!!)
2 ATK buttons near opponent or ( to back-throw)
Gold Experience Requiem uppercuts the opponent, kicks their leg, and pummels them, recreating how the Stand broke away from Black Sabbath's hold.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 132

Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Giorno lands in and summons Gold Experience unleash a barrage of punches as Giorno and it slowly move forward, knocking the opponent away with the last punch. Giorno then dismisses his Stand and poses before jumping back off-screen.

Attack type: High
Damage: 99

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A one-stock assist. Giorno jumps into the opponent as Gold Experience punches downward, knocking the opponent away. He then dismisses his Stand and poses before jumping back off-screen.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)Requiem (レクイエム)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
It's useless!
The translation for the name of this command normal changed. Previously it was "MUDADA!" instead of "It's useless!".
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Now, it lives.
+ //
The startup of all variants of this skill is much faster than it was in All-Star Battle.
The variant of the skill now travels significantly farther.
The variant of the skill's projectile travels slower now as a trade off for the significantly faster startup, though the distance covered by the projectile remains the same.
The variant of the skill shoots its projectile at a steeper angle, giving it shorter range. Additionally, when flying upward, the projectile is now a High rather than a Middle.
This is our true path!
+ //
All hits are now Middles instead of just the first one.
It's useless
+ //
When the counter is activated, the opponent is no longer sent flying into the stage wall. Instead, they crumple to the ground, leaving them vulnerable and meaning that this skill is now comboable. Additionally, the damage the skill deals is no longer dependent on what attack the opponent activates it with, instead increasing in order.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
This doesn't feel good...
This skill now knocks the opponent into the air even when hitting a downed opponent. As such, it is now Flash Cancel comboable. Additionally, it can no longer cancel into GHA. It also deals significantly less damage.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
+ //
The translation for the name of this skill changed. Previously it was "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" instead of "Useless, useless, useless, useless!".
+ //
This skill now sends the opponent flying on its last hit instead of only inflicting normal hitstun. When combined with the recovery being decreased from All-Star Battle, the variant is now comboable, with the variant being comboable against a wall. Also, the number of hits and the damage per hit has been increased. The variant now has invulnerability on start-up while the variant has full invulnerability. Additionally, the follow-up skill, "Useleeeeesssss!", can only be activated when the variant is used and is automatically used instead of being an optional follow-up for all variants of the skill.
Automatically activates when activating "WRYYYYYYYYYYY!" with
This move is now an automatic follow-up to WRYYYYYYYYYYY!'s variant only instead of being an optional follow-up to all of WRYYYYYYYYYYY!'s variants. Because this skill is now automatic, it no longer has an input while it previously used + // in All-Star Battle. When activated, the camera also no longer shifts.
A path opens on dark plains!
+ for 2 bars of HH when hit
The input for this skill has been changed. Previously, it was + // instead of + . Additionally, the sound normally used to accompany moves that send opponents flying into the stage wall has been removed as the skill doesn't launch the opponent, even in All-Star Battle.
Style/Specials/Etc. [Requiem] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Beyond the arrow's power
Giorno's dash speed is slower and does not move him as high into the air or as far forward as it did in All-Star Battle. He can also now perform an aerial attack while dashing both forward and backwards as opposed to only backwards.
Skills [Requiem] (コマンド技)
Can you escape destruction?
+ //
The button inputted now determines the trajectory of the projectile. The speed of the projectile is also a bit slower than it was in All-Star Battle.
You will never reach the truth!
The input for this skill has been changed. Previously, it was + // instead of + . The move no longer costs Heart Heat Gauge unless it is used when Giorno is being attacked, wherein it costs 0.25 a bar of HH rather than 0.20. Additionally, this skill is now a High instead of an Unblockable and launches the opponent rather than putting them in a crumple state.
Useless, useless, useless, useless!
+ //
This skill's damage now increases in order instead of staying the same. The translation for the name of this skill has also changed. Previously it was "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA" instead of "Useless, useless, useless, useless!".
Press the attack button a certain number of times during "Useless, useless, useless, useless!"
The translation for the name of this skill has changed. Previously it was "MUDAAA!" instead of "Useless!".

General Changes

  • Giorno's run speed in Stand Mode has been decreased.
  • Giorno's jump height in Stand Mode has been increased. The jump is also a bit more floaty, meaning Giorno falls to the ground slower than he did in All-Star Battle.
  • The Heart Heat Gauge drains much slower while in Requiem than it did in All-Star Battle.
  • While in Requiem, Flash Canceling now costs the normal full bar of Heart Heat Gauge as opposed to only 0.20 of a bar like it did in All-Star Battle.
  • While in Requiem, Giorno can now perform a small aerial dash.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

NormalSpecial ASpecial BSpecial CSpecial DExtra AExtra B
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Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Giorno's main Vento Aureo attire

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Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Vento Aureo Giorno vs. Diavolo Boss Battle
Win with the "USELESS" skill


Cover of Volume 63

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Special Costume B
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode Total Panel Completionn
Complete 40 Panels


Cover of Volume 59

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Special Costume C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
8500 G


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Special Costume D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
8500 G


Cover of Volume 61

Extra Costume A
Unlock Condition

Deluxe Edition exclusive


JOESTAR The Inherited Soul merchandise

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Extra Costume B
Unlock Condition

Season Pass 2


Haruno Shiobana from Chapter 444

NormalSpecial ASpecial BSpecial CSpecial DSpecial EExtra AStand
Tint ATint BTint CTint D
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Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Giorno's anime colors

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Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Jonathan Joestar vs. Giorno Extra Battle
Land the "Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill


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Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Vento Aureo Giorno vs. Yukako Yamagishi Extra Battle
Land the "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill


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Special A Tint ASpecial A Tint B
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Special Costume A: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


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Special Costume A: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A


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Special B Tint ASpecial B Tint B
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Special Costume B: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume B


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Special Costume B: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume B


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Special C Tint ASpecial C Tint B
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Special Costume C: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume C


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Special Costume C: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume C


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Special D Tint ASpecial D Tint B
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Special Costume D: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume D


This section requires expansion.

This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Special Costume D: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume D


This section requires expansion.

Special E Tint ASpecial E Tint B
This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Special Costume E: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume E


This section requires expansion.

This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Special Costume E: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume E


This section requires expansion.

Extra A Tint AExtra A Tint B
Extra Costume A: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Extra Costume A


JOESTAR The Inherited Soul merchandise

Extra costume A: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Extra Costume A


Original to All-Star Battle R

Stand Tint AStand Tint B
This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Gold Experience: Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Gold Experience's anime colors

This game reference box is missing an image/video. You can help JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia by uploading it.
Gold Experience: Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


This section requires expansion.

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of Volume 54

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover B of Chapter 446: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 4

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


This section requires expansion.

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover of Volume 55

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover of Chapter 442: Gold Experience, Part 3

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover B of Chapter 445: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 3

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 562: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 9

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover of Volume 62

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover of Chapter 589: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 4


Giorno's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Giorno's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding "True 'resolve' means cutting open a bright path through the darkest of fields!", which is unlocked by default.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • My resolve will open the way forward! (「覚悟」が道を切り開く!!)
  • There's one thing I will never allow at any cost: your escape. (あんたを逃がす事はできない。その点に関してはぼくは必死だ…)
  • Don't resist and I promise that knocking you out is the worst I'll do. (そのままじっとしていれば……… 戦闘不能にはなってもらうが、何もしないと約束しよう)
  • You are an insult to life itself. (おまえは『命を侮辱した』)
  • Life... spring forth! (産まれろ……生命(せいめい)よ…産まれろ、新しい命よ…)
  • You look like someone who came prepared. (あなた…『覚悟して来てる人』…………ですよね)
  • I will create life itself! (命を生み出す!)
  • "Know yourself?" Do you think that's actually possible? (自分を知れ…そんなオイシイ話が………あると思うのか?  おまえの様な人間に)
  • I was doomed to butt heads with you from the start! (やはりヤツは………直接たたかわなくてはダメな相手だったッ!)
  • You're just talking to try and buy time. (しゃべったのは時間がほしかったからだ)
  • I'm telling you, it's impossible! Stop struggling! (だから無理ですって! 騒がないでください)
  • Something... bizarre is going on! (何か……!! 奇妙だ!!)
  • This isn't normal! What's going on here... What's this atmosphere I feel?! (普通じゃあない(・・・・・・・)………!! なんなんだ(・・・・・)!? これは(・・・)!!  この雰囲気は(・・・・・・)!! いったい(・・・・)!!)
  • Something terrible is happening here! (何かただならぬ事がッ! 起こっているんだァーーッ!!)
  • Hate to sound cold... but you'd better stay away from me. (くどいようだが、ぼくに近づくな)
  • Only one road left for you to follow! (たったそれひとつだけ(・・・・・)だ。おまえの()くべき道は!)
  • I'll send Gold Experience into your head. Let's see you move after that! (『ゴールド・(エクスペリエンス)』をおまえの頭部にブチこむ。 それでも動いていられるかな。必ずやる………!! 逃がさない!)
  • Yeah, well, you took a punch as powerful as the ones you throw yourself. Deal with it! (でもまあ自分で殴ったパワーで殴られたんだから 良しとするって事でさ……こらえてくれ)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • We've got a duty to move forward. To take up the will of those who have fallen! (去ってしまった者たちから受け継いだものは、 さらに『先』に進めなくてはならない!!)
  • Useless, useless, useless, useless, USELESS! (無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄ァーッ!)
  • YOU SHALL NEVER REACH YOUR DESTINATION... YOU WILL NEVER FIND TRUTH! (オマエは………ドコヘも……向カウコトハナイ(・・・・・・・・)……… 特ニ…「真実」ニ到達スルコトハ………決シテ!……)
  • Once you were able to do as you wanted, you saw how useless it was... (やりたいようにやったところで、無駄だったようだな。 どっちみち…)
  • Thanks to you, my Gold Experience has grown stronger! (君のおかげでぼくの『ゴールド・(エクスペリエンス)』はとにかく成長できた)
  • True resolve means cutting open a bright path along the darkest of fields! (「覚悟」とは………………犠牲の心ではないッ!  「覚悟」とは!! 暗闇の荒野に!! 進むべき道を切り開く事だ(・・・・・・・・・・・・)ッ!)
  • Even your defeat brings me no joy. My victory was assured from the start. (こうして今のおまえを見ても『幸せ』なんか全然感じないぜ。 おまえには最初から勝っていたからな……)
  • I'm going to be a Gang Star! (ぼくは『ギャング・スター』になります!)
  • A man can learn more from defeat than from success or victory. (人というのは成功や勝利よりも『失敗』から学ぶ事が多い…………)
  • Once should've been enough. But I have to tell him twice? That idiot! (1度でいい事を、2度言わなけりゃあいけないってのは…… そいつが頭が悪いって事だからです)
  • Your resolve lights the path ahead... more brightly than the rising sun. (「覚悟」は…この登りゆく朝日よりも明るい輝きで 『道』を照らしている)
  • You aren't going to kill me any longer. Why? Because we're going to be friends. (あんたはもう(・・・・・・)ぼくを殺したりはしませんね(・・・・・・・・・・・・・)。 なぜならあんたは、ぼくの仲間になるからだ。)
  • There's no road ahead for you. (ヤツはもうどこへも向かうことはない(・・・・・・・・・・・・))
  • Holding back on me despite all the damage you took... you must be a good person, I can tell. (手かげんしていた事が君のダメージを見ると逆によくわかる。 君は「いい人だ」)
  • What is this feeling? It's like something new is springing forth from my Gold Experience! (なにかわからないがこの感覚! ………ぼくの『ゴールド・(エクスペリエンス)』! もっと生まれるような気がするッ! もっと何かが生まれそうだッ!)
  • Remember when I said I wouldn't get innocent people involved? Yeah? I lied. (やばいな……一般人を巻き込まないと キッパリ言ったばかりなのに…スマン、ありゃウソだった)
  • You can't fool me! You're only pretending to be dead! (ひょっとすると…死んだフリをしているなッ!)
  • Gold Experience is my Stand. It can put an end to anything within 2 meters! (ぼくのスタンドは『ゴールド・エクスペリエンス』。 射程2m以内の近距離パワー型…一瞬早く叩きこめば!  確実にとどめを刺すことができるッ!)
  • How easy it was to beat that guy! It's like he came for a beating! (妙にあっけなさすぎる敵だ………!!  ………まるで倒されに来たみたいだ…)
  • Margherita pizza? Ah, now I'm in the mood for it. Like from my hometown, Naples. (『ピッツァマルガリータ』か……… そういやぼくもピッツァが食べたいな… …故郷ネアポリスに帰って……シンプルなマルガリータを…)
  • You went easy on me... You must be a good person. (手かげんしていたな…「君はいい人だ」)
  • Ladybugs bring good luck. (「てんとう虫」は幸運を呼ぶんです)
  • I'm leaving you here... so that nobody ever hurts you again. (君は……ここに…おいて行く……もう誰も君を…… これ以上、傷つけたりはしないように………………決して… だが君を必ず故郷に連れて帰る)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • You look like someone who came prepared. (あなた…『覚悟して来てる人』…………ですよね)
  • Your end will be never ending! That's the power of Gold Experience Requiem! (終わりのないのが『終わり』。それが『ゴールド・(エクスペリエンス)・レクイエム』)
  • I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream! (このジョルノ・ジョバァーナには『夢』がある!)
  • Once should've been enough. But I have to tell you twice? Do you have half a brain?! (1度でいい事を2度言わなけりゃあいけないってのは……そいつが頭が悪いって事だからです)
  • In the end, only the truth survives. (生き残るのは…………この世の『真実』だけだ……)
  • We've got a duty to move forward. To take up the will of those who have fallen! (去ってしまった者たちから受け継いだものはさらに『先』に進めなくてはならない!!)
  • "Know yourself...?" You think someone like you ever really can? (自分を知れ…そんなオイシイ話が………あると思うのか? おまえの様な人間に)
  • Only one road left for you to follow! (たったそれひとつだけ(・・・・・)だ。おまえの()くべき道は!)
  • True "resolve" means cutting open a bright path through the darkest of fields! (『覚悟』とは! 暗闇の荒野に!! 進むべき道を切り開くことだッ!)
  • Yeah, well, you took a punch as powerful as the ones you throw yourself. Deal with it! (でもまあ自分で殴ったパワーで殴られたんだから良しとするって事でさ…こらえてくれ)
  • If you're not prepared to take the first step, then I'll come half a step closer! (君が一歩を踏み出せないと言うのなら、ぼくの方から――半歩だけ近づこう)
  • You will never reach the truth! (『真実』に到達スルコトハ決シテナイ!)
  • THIS... IS REQUIEM (コレが………『レクイエム』……………ダ!!)
  • USELESS! USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESSSSS! (無駄ァーッ、無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄、無駄アァァァァ)
  • NOT EVEN MY MASTER, GIORNO GIOVANNA, TRULY KNOWS. (コノコトハワタシを操ルジョルノ・ジョバァーナ さえも知ルコトハナイ)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • It's useless. Useless. Useless! (無駄なんだ……無駄無駄)
    —Round Win 1
  • Anything done in earnest leaves an eternal mark. ((まこと)の行動は決して滅びはしない)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Giorno has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I have to do this... (やるしかない……………)
    —Default dialogue
  • That's... me? What the... (僕が…いるぞ…? いったい?)
    —Giorno Giovanna (Player 1)
    Is that me over there...? (あそこにいるのは、僕だ…?)
    —Giorno Giovanna (Player 2)
  • Polnareff? Is that really you? (ポルナレフさん? あなた、ポルナレフさんですか?)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before! (誰だお前? 知らねえな!)
  • Who're you...? You seem close to me... but far away as well. (何者だ…? このDIOに近いようでもあり…遠いようでもある…)
    I feel like I've been... waiting for this moment. (こういう時が来るのを…待っていたような…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • Gimme my passport back! Where's my luggage?! (ぼくのパスポートを返せ! ぼくの荷物はどこだッ!)
    It's you! How did you find this place?! (あ。君は…なぜここがわかったんだ)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • You're Haruno Shiobana, huh? (君が…「汐華初流乃(しおばなはるの)」か)
    Are you the one who told Koichi to come investigate me? (あなたですね、コーイチくんに僕のことを調べさせていたのは…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • Here we go, Bucciarati... (行きますよ…ブチャラティ…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Let's see who can drive their fist into their foe first. (どちらが先に相手に拳をたたき込むかの勝負だ……)
  • I'm not going to hold back, Mista. Don't cry to me if you get hurt. (やるからには本気ですよ、ミスタ。 怪我をしても知りませんからね)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Mess with my Bullets and you mess with me! (オメエ~オレとオレのピストルズを侮辱してんのか?)
  • You're at least two years younger than I am! (おまえ、オレより2コも下なのかよ)
    That must be Aerosmith. I'm in trouble if he gets outta my range! (エアロスミス…距離を取ると不利だな…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • Giorno... (…ジョルノ…)
    Fugo... So you've come on orders of the boss, huh? (フーゴ…あなたが来たということは…ボスの刺客に…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • Mind showing me your Stand? (あなたのスタンド、見せてもらえますか?)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Show you? You want me to fight you, Giorno? (「見せる」ってことはつまり…ジョルノ、あなたと戦うってことね)
  • I have seniority here, so what I say goes. Got a problem with that? You'd better be prepared! (先輩であるオレの命令が絶対だ それを拒否するってんだな! 覚悟してろよ)
    I have to do this... (やるしかない……………)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • I'd heard they'd got a new kid. Giorno, right? Guess that's you. (新入りにジョルノとかいう小僧が入ったそうだが…… そうか、オメーが……)
    Its speed of aging depends on body temperature... I have to finish this before the ice melts! (この『老いる』スピードの条件は、『体温の変化』…… ならば、『氷』が溶けきる前に仕留めるッ!)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • The dark path requires resolve... (暗闇に道を開くのは「覚悟」のある者だけだ…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    That's Giorno Giovanna, the new Stand user Melone mentioned... (あれがメローネから報告の入った「新入りのスタンド使い」 ジョルノ・ジョバァーナか…)
  • You're the new member of Bucciarati's team? (おまえ……ブチャラティのチームの新人だな?)
    I have to do this... (やるしかない……………)
    —Giorno Giovanna
  • Fate has decreed that I stand at the apex! (運命はこのオレを「頂点」に選んでくれたのだッ!)
    In the end, only the truth survives. (生き残るのは…………この世の「真実」だけだ……)
    —Giorno Giovanna
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Bene! Looks like I win. (ベネ。僕の勝ちだ)
    —Giorno Giovanna (Player 1)
    Is this some kind of Stand attack? (これは何かのスタンド攻撃なのか…?)
    —Giorno Giovanna (Player 2)
  • No doubt about it: You're Polnareff, before he was put out of commission. (間違いない…再起不能になる前のポルナレフさんだ…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    I feel like I know you from somewhere... have we met? (奴の雰囲気…覚えがあるような…どこかで会ったか…?)
  • I'll use the power I inherited from you for my own dreams! (あんたから受け継いだ力は、僕の夢のために利用させてもらう)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    You... I like you. (…おまえ…気にいったぞ…)
  • So, yeah, about your luggage: hate to break this to you, but I sold it off. My bad. (君の荷物…本当心が痛むけど……もうないんだ……… 売っぱらっちゃってさあ…気の毒だけど……)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    He was a pretty elegant guy! (なんか…さわやかなヤツだったな…)
  • If you were really that curious about me, you should have come in person. I probably just would have told you the same thing, though: It's useless! (そんなに僕のことが気になるのなら、 自分で来ればよかったんですよ… 来たところで「無駄」だったみたいだけど…)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    You're stronger than I thought you'd be. No wonder you gave Koichi trouble. (想像以上の実力…康一くんを手こずらせただけはあるな)
  • You all right, Bucciarati? (ブチャラティ、大丈夫ですか?)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    I should never have taken your skills lightly. (お前の能力、やはり侮れないな…)
  • Now, show me your wounds. (さあ、傷を見せてください)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    All this means is that you were no match for me! (オメエ~はオレ様の敵じゃあなかったって事だ!)
  • Bene! Once I had the timing down, that was no problem. (ベネ! 間合いをつかめば問題ないな)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    That's "mister" to you! I'm the older one here, damn it! (「さん」を付けろよなー! オレの方が年上なんだからさー)
  • Fugo... Is this what you wanted? (…フーゴ…あなたはこれで良かったのですか…?)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Giorno... I'm sorry. (ジョルノ…すまない…)
  • So you aren't just here to be protected. (ただ守られるだけの存在じゃあないってことですね)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Well? This is my Spice Girl! (どう? これがあたしの「スパイス・ガール」よ)
  • I can see the strength of your resolve... But mine is still stronger! (相当の覚悟を持って臨んできたようですね。 だが、僕にはそれ以上の覚悟がある!)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    You figured out that ice trick fast. Damn, Bucciarati knows how to pick his men! (こんなに早く「氷」の事に気づくとは、 ブチャラティのヤツ恐ろしく頼りになる部下を持っているらしい!)
  • Our resolve will show us the true path! (「覚悟」は…我々がこれから『向かうべき…正しい道』をも 照らしてくれる!)
    —Giorno Giovanna
    Hey, where'd that turtle go! Where's the turtle Trish is hiding in? (ム! 「亀」はどこだ? トリッシュが隠れている「亀」はどこにいる!)
  • It's all over now. (全てはもう終わっている…)
    —Giorno Giovanna, against Diavolo
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • My resolve will open the way forward! (「覚悟」が道を切り開く!!)
    —Giorno Giovanna, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • My hair obviously puts yours to shame! (君よりもぼくの髪型のほうが整ってるな…)
    —Giorno Giovanna, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Giorno as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Phantom Blood

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: Dio's Castle
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's defense is decreased. The opponent's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing any rounds: 1000 G
2. Use the "Ripple Breathing" style: Jonathan Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill: Giorno Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: This feeling... Dio?
Giorno: Dio? Did you just say Dio?
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: You remind me so much of him... Could it be?
Defeat Dialogue
Giorno: Please tell me about Dio Brando... My father.

Stardust Crusaders

Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: DIO's Mansion
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1500 G
Special Conditions
Giorno starts in Gold Experience Requiem mode.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Oh, this suits me well!" skill: 1000 G
2. Land the "Right in front of me?!" skill: Gold Experience Requiem Publicity Artwork
3. Use the "So close!" special: Gold Experience 3D Model
4. Win with a Great Heat Attack: DIO Special Outfit B
Entrance Dialogue
DIO: Who're you...? You seem close to me... but far away as well.
Giorno: No... it can't be you!
Victory Dialogue
DIO: You... I like you.
Defeat Dialogue
Giorno: I'll use the power I inherited from you for my own dreams!

Golden Wind

Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: Rome
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
500 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's attack power is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Attack the opponent's Stand: 1000 G
2. Land the "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill: Gold Experience Publicity Artwork
Entrance Dialogue
Giorno: You look like someone who came prepared... to kill. And if you're prepared to kill, then you're prepared to be killed!
Bucciarati: This guy wants to kill me. And I know he's the type who follows through!
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: I'm here to defeat your boss and take over this town.
Defeat Dialogue
Bucciarati: Mission accomplished, boss. He's history.
Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: Morioh
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1500 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. The player's defense is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Attack the opponent's Stand: 1000 G
2. Land a Stylish Evade: Okuyasu Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill: Giorno's Theme
4. Win with a Heart Heat Attack: Okuyasu Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Okuyasu: You're Giorno Giovanna? Koichi told me all about that thing with the bag.
Giorno: A bag? Oh, yeah, that boy... You must be his friend, I presume.
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Koichi... He has some loyal friends. I have to remember to apologize.
Defeat Dialogue
Okuyasu: That's a pretty awesome Stand. You think you could heal my old man with that power?
Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear two panels on the same page.
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: Colosseum
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
- 1500 G
- Several JoJo Glossary entries[a]
Special Conditions
Giorno starts in Gold Experience Requiem mode. The player starts with 50% health. The opponent's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Land the First Attack: 1000 G
2. Land the "Can you escape destruction?" skill: Gold Experience Requiem Reference Sketch
3. Land the "You will never reach the truth!" skill: Gold Experience Requiem 3D Model
4. Win with the "USELESS!" skill: Giorno Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Giorno: You think you can survive this without getting annihilated, boss?
Diavolo: I'm not even going to give you enough time to regret the fact that you're dead!
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Your end will be never ending! That's the power of Gold Experience Requiem!
Defeat Dialogue
Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Giorno Giovanna (Assist)
Stage: Rome
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
700 G
Special Conditions
The player's health continuously drains. The opponent starts with 50% health.
Secret Missions
1. Call an Assist: 1000 G
2. Land a counterattack: Mista Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: Sex Pistols 3D Model
Entrance Dialogue
Mista: This is where I show my resolve to pull through! Pistols! You guys better be ready!
Ghiaccio: How many times do I have to tell you, your bullets can't get through my armor!
Victory Dialogue
Mista: Absolute zero, defensive wall, blah blah blah! Nothing my resolve can't punch through!
Defeat Dialogue
Ghiaccio: I did it! Now I can reveal the boss's identity!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: Naples Train Station
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
Yukako is always in Love Deluxe state. The player's defense is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round: 1000 G
2. Land a Stylish Evade: Gold Experience Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill: Giorno Color Tint D
Entrance Dialogue
Yukako: I heard what happened... You stole my Koichi's bag, didn't you?!
Giorno: Huh? You're warning me? About what?
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Koichi really found himself an unforgettable girlfriend...
Defeat Dialogue
Yukako: It's your fault for tormenting Koichi, you dweeb!

Stone Ocean

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlock Weather Report and Enrico Pucci (Final).
Giorno Giovanna
Stage: Everglades
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
Pucci starts in C-MOON mode. Giorno starts in Gold Experience Requiem mode. The opponent's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a First Attack: 1000 G
2. Complete "Made in Heaven": C-MOON Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Only need one punch" skill: Pucci (Final) Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Pucci (Final): You have a strong aura very much like his... Who are you?
Giorno: I'm Giorno Giovanna. It's nice to meet you... I think. We haven't met before, have we?
Victory Dialogue
Pucci (Final): Would you like to work for me? If you share his blood, you must have an interest in Heaven.
Defeat Dialogue
Giorno: I have a dream. That's why I can't help you.


Extra Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Wall Eyes
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
500 G
Special Conditions
Giorno starts in Gold Experience Requiem mode. The player's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land the First Attack: 1000 G
2. Land a 5-hit combo: Giorno Reference Sketch
Entrance Dialogue
Giorno: An assassin from the organization? You look like someone who came prepared.
Josuke 8: Resolve? I just want to know who I am.
Victory Dialogue
Josuke 8: You're... so young... A middle schooler?
Defeat Dialogue
Giorno: Being ready to kill others means risking getting killed. That's true resolve.




Giorno's theme is Gold Experience (黄金体験, Ōgon Taiken), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Giorno vs. Okuyasu Nijimura Extra Battle.

Its name is taken from the name of the first arc of Vento Aureo, Gold Experience.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Giorno Giovanna vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The protagonist of Part 5: Vento Aureo. He is the user of the Stand Gold Experience, and the son of DIO and an unnamed Japanese woman. His real name is Haruno Shiobana. He joins Team Bucciarati to fulfill his dreams of becoming a "gang-star", and eventually overthrows the boss, Diavolo. Afterwards, he takes control of Passione as the new boss.
The son of an unnamed Japanese woman and DIO, whose Stand is Golden Wind. His real name is Haruno Shiobana. He joins the Bucciarati mob to fulfill his dream of becoming a "gangstar," and eventually overthrows the boss, Diavolo.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Giorno Giovanna vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Giorno Giovanna's Stand. It is able to give life to inanimate objects, turning them into animals or plants. It later gains the ability to create organic matter. At the end of the story, it evolves into Gold Experience Requiem upon being pierced by the Arrow.
Giorno Giovanna's Stand, able to give life to inanimate objects, turning them into animals or plants. It later becomes able to create organic matter, and eventually evolves into Golden Wind Requiem when it is pierced by the Arrow.
Unlock Condition: Unlocked by default
Those struck by these Arrows manifest Stand abilities. If they do not possess the necessary qualities, they die instead. The arrowheads are fashioned from fragments of a meteorite that hit the Earth tens of thousands of years ago.
Those hit by these Arrows may develop Stand abilities, or may be killed if they do not possess the right qualities. The arrowheads are fashioned from fragments of a meteorite that hit the Earth millions of years ago.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Giorno Giovanna vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The Requiem created when Gold Experience was pierced by the Arrow. It has the supreme ability to return all action and will to zero. Even the fact of having died by the Stand's hand is returning to zero, preventing the victim from reaching the reality of death and condemning them to die endlessly.
The "Requiem" form of Golden Wind, with the supreme ability to nullify all movement and thought. Even the state of death at the Stand's hand is nullified, such that the victim never actually attains "death," just endless dying.
Unlock Condition: Unlocked by default
An Italian mafia gang of which Diavolo is the boss. Translates literally to "Passion" from Italian. The gang controls most of Naples, including hotels, the port, undertakers, construction and transport industries, restaurants, and so on.
An Italian mafia gang of which Diavolo is the boss. Most of Naples, including hotels, the port, undertakers, construction and transport industries, and restaurants, are all under its control.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1

Chapter 440: Gold Experience, Part 1

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Stylish Evade Pose 2

Cover for Volume 48

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Stylish Evade Pose 3

Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2

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Stylish Evade Pose 4

Cover for Volume 54

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Stylish Evade Pose 5

Chapter 475: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 6

TalkingTauntedResolve Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1, page 5

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 519: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 2, page 12
(modified to extend hair and head, reversed sweat)

Resolve Mode Cut-in

Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1, page 10
(modified to include purple earrings and remove unbraided hair)

Reference SketchStand Ref Sketch 1Stand Ref Sketch 2Match EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: JoJolion Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) vs. Giorno Extra Battle
Land a 5-hit combo


Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2

Gold Experience Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Giorno vs. Yukako Yamagishi Extra Battle
Land a Stylish Evade


Chapter 446: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 4

Gold Experience Requiem Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Giorno vs. Diavolo Boss Battle
Land the "Can you escape destruction?" skill


Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1

Chapter 455: Joining the Gang, Part 6 cover

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Round Win Pose 2

Volume 49


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Dodge [Gold Experience Requiem] (Background and Foreground)
    • The activation of the move has been standardized for all characters.
  • Normal Attacks [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Aligned hitboxes properly with the animations.


  • Throw Escape [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Adjusted to standardize character advantages and disadvantages when throw escaping and being throw escaped.
  • Wake-up [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Unified wake-up behavior with other characters.
  • Down Evade [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Applied invincibility. (corrected to match other characters)
  • "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill
    • Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
  • "The pain will be slow!" HHA
    • Increased recovery time.
    • The timing of the GHA followup activation has not been changed.


  • Crouching Medium Attack [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Increased forward movement.
    • Increased time attack is active.
    • Decreased speed of attack start-up.
  • "This doesn't feel good..." special
    • This special now sends opponents flying even if they are downed when hit.
    • Removed the ability to cancel into special moves and GHA.
  • "Beyond the arrow's power!" dash special [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Made it so forward and back dash can be cancelled earlier.
    • Added Aerial Dash in the forward direction.
    • These changes are intended to make dashing easier to use while fighting.
  • "WRYYYYYYYYYYY'" skill
    • Fixed bug where the Same Move Counter (IPS) was not properly working for the skill and certain instances of the skill would be counted as different skills, allowing for more than three in a combo.
    • This fix ensures that opponents will now be downed if the skill is used three times or more, regardless of the timing and version of the skill used.
  • "Can you escape destruction?" skill [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Decreased speed of the projectile.
    • This makes it so the projectile is no longer guaranteed to hit if an aerial attack is blocked and this skill is used immediately after.
    • When the projectile hits the ground, it will now turn into a broach.
    • This is a visual change that has no effect on gameplay.


  • "It's useless." skill
    • No longer triggers Counter Hit on a successful activation.
    • Increased damage.
  • "Can you escape destruction?" skill [Gold Experience Requiem]
    • Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
  • "The pain will be slow!" HHA
    • Decreased recovery time when successfully connected.
  • "Your "end" has no ending!" GHA
    • Fixed a bug where, if this GHA was activated while Giorno was under the effect of Risotto Nero's "Iron Deficiency", the HH Gauge would not become a timer and the Gold Experience Requiem transformation would immediately end. This bug would also apply if the transformation was already active and Giorno became afflicted with "Iron Deficiency" during it.


  • "It's useless!" special
    • Fixed several bugs where Gold Experience wouldn't follow Giorno if this command normal was used immediately after switching from Stand Mode to User Mode.
  • "Life, spring forth...!" skill
    • Fixed several bugs where Gold Experience wouldn't follow Giorno if this skill was used immediately after switching from Stand Mode to User Mode.


  1. These include King Crimson, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, Colosseum, Giorno Giovanna, Sticky Fingers, Secco, Cioccolata, Diavolo, Purple Haze, Pannacotta Fugo, Bruno Bucciarati, Prosciutto, and Pesci.


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