All-Star Battle R ★ Old Joseph Joestar

Old Joseph Joestar (老ジョセフ・ジョースター, Rō Josefu Jōsutā) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
Although his moveset remains fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, a few tweaks have been made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Old Joseph's voice actor, Unsho Ishizuka, reprises his role in this game, replacing Tomokazu Sugita, who now only voices his younger self. However, due to his passing in 2018, his voice lines were reused from Eyes of Heaven. As a result, some of his voice lines from the original All-Star Battle are not present.
Old Joseph has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Hermit Purple, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. In addition, as a Ripple user, Old Joseph can use the "Ripple Breathing" special to charge his Heart Heat Gauge. He can also draw from his Heart Heat Gauge in order to perform Ripple-enhanced versions of his various skills, increasing their power and utility.
This section requires expansion.
Command List

Attack type: High
Damage: 10

Attack type: High
Damage: 20

Attack type: High
Damage: 36

Attack type: Low
Damage: 10

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20

Attack type: Low
Damage: 34

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40

There are 5 different poses Old Joseph can strike while using this technique, all being the same as his Stylish Evade poses.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 30

By spending half a stock of HH, Old Joseph can empower the skill, causing it to execute faster, move Old Joseph forward more, deal more damage, and crumple the opponent when hit. (Comboable)
Attack type: High
Damage: 60 /
65 /
70 /
15 × 2 + 50 (80)

Unlike other counters, Old Joseph will not be protected from damage or hit effects while it is in effect. He is also vulnerable to Low attacks. However, it will trigger against projectiles, though it is possible for the opponent to avoid the counter attack due to it having a set range. If Old Joseph uses his HHA while this counter is active, the effect will be canceled.
Attack type: Counter (counter hit is Unblockable)
Damage: 55

The coal tar puddle will remain for a set period as a trap that can make Old Joseph himself or his opponent slip and bounce off the ground if they step in it, dealing minor damage. This skill is a reference to his battle with Empress.
Attack type: High
Barrel: 10 + 40 (50) /
10 + 45 (55) /
10 + 50 (60)
Tar: 20

Attack type: High
Damage: 10

Attack type: High
Damage: 20

Attack type: High
Damage: 12 + 30 (42)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 10

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20

Attack type: Low
Damage: 31

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40

There are 5 different poses Old Joseph can strike while using this technique, all being the same as his Stylish Evade poses.

Attack type: High
Damage: 55

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 × 2 + 30 (50)

Damage: 59 ~ 73 (depending on number of hits)

While this skill normally hits multiple times, it only hits once if the opponent blocks it.
Attack type: Low
Damage: 30

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 100

This action is not unlike how Joseph uses cameras to capture spirit photos of DIO during Stardust Crusaders, destroying them with a chop, although on a much larger scale.
Attack type: Counter
Damage: 215

If Old Joseph misses the initial attack, he reacts with a panicked "OH NOOOOOO!" (オォ~~ノォ~~).
Attack type: High
Damage: 340 / 407 / 510 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 30
Attack type: High
Moveset changes from All-Star Battle

The hitbox for the drum that Old Joseph brings out has been extended inward, meaning that this skill will no longer whiff on opponents at close range, making it more reliable overall. It also now deals two hits instead of one, with the first launching the opponent while the second causes a hard knockdown. The hitbox for the puddle has changed as well, with it being smaller now than it was in All-Star Battle, which makes it harder for Old Joseph to accidentally trigger his own trap. The puddle now causes a groundbounce rather than a hard knockdown and is a High rather than a Low.

Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Complete 240 Secret Missions
Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1 Cover A

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Old Joseph Joestar vs. Mariah Normal Battle Land the "Hermit Purple!" skill
Hermit Purple's Stardust Crusaders appearance

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Kars vs. Old Joseph Joestar Extra Battle Land the "Victory is everything!" skill

Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends
Old Joseph's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Old Joseph's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “It's time you learn what separates the master from the apprentice! (ジョセフ・ジョースターが闘いにおいてきさまなんかとは 年季がちがうということをこれからおもいしらせてやる)”
- “Keep up the good fight! (このまま………ガンガン闘うッ!)”
- “These old ears ain't what they used to be! (年をとって耳がとおくなったのかの!)”
- “Here's what separates a master from an apprentice! (闘いの年季のちがいをおもいしらせてやる)”
- “Damn you! (ゆるさん!)”
- “OH! MY! GOD! (OH! MY! GOD!)”
- “Eh? What'd you say? (え、なんじゃと?)”
- “You lose! (それじゃあ、あんたの負けだ)”
HOLY SHIIIT! )” - “Yo, I couldn't hear that! (よおーききとれんかったのォ)”
- “Time to take out the trash! (さてと! あとはこいつの始末だけだな)”
- “It's no use. (だめだな)”
- “Gotta relax and think. "Panic" is not in my vocabulary! (落ちつけ…落ちついて考えるんだ。 わしにはパニックという言葉はない)”
- “I'll find something... Some way to get through! (何か見つけるんだ…何かやつに切り込む対策を…)”
- “Ka ha ha ha! (カッカッカッカ)”
- “I'll make you eat your words! (バカにしちゃあいかんよ君ィー)”
- “My bad! (すまんね)”
- “I'll at least let you live. (命だけは……………助けて……やるぞ………)”
- “What's wrong? Why won't you hit me? (ど………どうした? 打ってこないのか…)”
- “OH! GOD! (OH! GOD!)”
- “Shut up! (だまってろ!)”

- “See what I mean about experience? (ま…これで戦いの年季の違いというのがよおーくわかったじゃろう)”
- “Let's head northwest! (北西へ向かって出発進行じゃ~~~!!)”
- “Ha ha ha ha ha! You fool! (フッフッフッフッフッフッ。まぬけめ!)”
- “I may have had to run at times, but I've never abandoned a fight! (このジョセフ・ジョースター、 若いころから作戦上逃げる事はあっても 戦いそのものを途中で放棄したことは決してない)”
- “I could really go for a bite to eat... (さて、メシでも食いに行くかな)”
- “"When your opponent starts boasting, he's already lost." That's an old Joseph Joestar adage, and it only rings truer with age. (「相手が勝ち誇ったとき、そいつはすでに敗北している」 これがジョセフ・ジョースターのやり方。 老いてますます健在というところかな)”
- “Never forget my Hermit Purple! (わしの「
隠者の紫 」を忘れるなよ)” - “I hate to have to tell you, but as it stands now, you're about to be hospitalized. (気の毒だが、このままあんたの首をしめ落として 一週間は病院に入ってもらう)”
- “Phew! That's the last thing my old ticker needed! (フー、心臓に悪いわい!)”
- “Hey, relax! I'm just kidding! (うそだよおお~ん! 冗談じゃ冗談ッ!)”
- “Allow me to help you... on your way to hell! (おまえが地獄へおちるのを助けてやる…………)”
- “I knew it! Cola goes in, burps come out! (確実! そうコーラを飲んだらゲップが出るっていうくらい確実じゃッ!)”
- “Hurry! Hurry! You're about to make a grown man cry! (早くッ! 早くしてェェェ~~~~。 わしゃもう涙が出てきたァーーーーッ。ウヘヘヘヘヘ)”
- “I must defeat DIO! (わしはDIOを倒さねばならんッ!)”
- “Well then, it's back to my adventure! (さて…旅をつづけよう)”
- “See that? The thorns growing out of my hands? That's my Stand! (見たか? 手から出た
いばら を! これがわしの「幽波紋 」!)” - “And there you have it! Your flesh bud has been removed! (…と! これで肉の芽がなくなって
にくめ ないヤツになったわけじゃな、ジャンジャン。ヒヒ)” - “The difference between us is all too clear... You're not even fit to shine my shoes! (だめだ………実力の差がはっきりしすぎている…… これじゃあ…甲子園優勝チームにバットももったことがない 茶道部かなにかが挑戦するようなもの…みじめ…すぎる……)”
- “I hope we meet again... assuming you don't hate me by now, you son of a gun! (また会おうッ! わしのことが嫌いじゃあなけりゃあな! …マヌケ面ァ!)”

- “OH! MY! GOD! (OH! MY! GOD!)”
- “Kakyoin... Iggy... Avdol... It's over! (花京院! イギー! アヴドゥル! 終わったよ……)”
- “I hope we meet again... assuming you don't hate me by now, you son of a gun! (また会おうッ! わしのことが嫌いじゃあなけりゃあな! …マヌケ面ァ!)”
- “And there you have it! Your flesh bud has been removed! (…と! これで肉の芽がなくなって、にくめないヤツになったわけじゃな、ジャンジャン。ヒヒ)”
- “I knew it! Cola goes in, burps come out! (確実! そうコーラを飲んだらゲップが出るっていうくらい確実じゃッ!)”
- “Gotta relax and think. "Panic" is not in my vocabulary! (落ちつけ…落ちついて考えるんだ。わしにはパニックという言葉はない)”
- “Hey, relax! I'm just kidding! (うそだよおお~ん! 冗談じゃ冗談ッ!)”
- “I feel like I just had an icicle shoved up my butt... (ケツの穴にツララを突っ込まれた気分だ…)”
- “I wonder if anyone has gone through 3 plane crashes and lived to tell the tale... (人生で3回も飛行機で墜落するなんて そんなヤツあるかなぁ)”
- “Hurry! Hurry! You're about to make a grown man cry! (早くッ! 早くしてェェェ~~~~。わしゃもう涙が出てきたァーーーーッ。ウヘヘヘヘヘ)”

- “Much like fine wine, I just get better with age! (老いてますます健在というところかな)”—Round Win 1
- “You mean it's already over? (もうやっつけちまったってことかァ~?)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Old Joseph closes one eye as his other widens, as he does when he is about to be hit by an approaching train.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Old Joseph puts both his fists up and takes on a panicked expression, referencing his terror when he is seemingly about to be crushed by an escalator.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa ("Master Lisa Lisa!"), Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff ("Let's go, Polnareff!"), or Iggy ("Let's go, Iggy!"), Old Joseph calls out his ally's name. If summoned by either version of Jotaro Kujo, Old Joseph declares, "Looks like I'm up!" (わしの出番じゃな!); if summoned by Muhammad Avdol, Old Joseph states, "I've got a plan!" (わしに策がある).
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Old Joseph has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Don't underestimate my Hermit Purple! (わしの「隠者の紫」を甘く見るなよ)”—Default dialogue
- “Wh-What?! (ムム!?!?)”—Old Joseph Joestar (Player 1)“Call me crazy, but this dashing actor-type looks an awful lot like me! (あの映画俳優のよーな雰囲気の渋い男は? わしにそっくりじゃないか?)”—Old Joseph Joestar (Player 2)
“This boy... Could it be? Could he be me when I was younger? (この若者は…まさか? 「若い頃」のわしなのか?)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “Wh-What?! (ムム!?!?)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Why are you staring at me so intently? Have I got something on my face? (なんだきさま、人の顔をジロジロと。 おれの顔に何かついているのか? )”
- “Just come back with me. (わしと帰るぞ)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Stop right there, old man. Don't put yourself in an early grave. (おれに近づくな…残り少ない寿命が縮むだけだぜ、じじい…)”
- “Here I come, Avdol! Hit me with everything you've got! (行くぞ、アヴドゥル! 気合いを入れろッ!)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Mr. Joestar... I'm happy to oblige, if you must, but are you sure you want to fight? (ジョースターさん、わたしは構いませんが…よろしいのですか?)”
- “I'll take you on from any angle! (どこからでもどうぞ)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “Monsieur Joestar, your left hand isn't by chance a right, is it? (ムッシュジョースター。 まさかあなたの『左』腕は『右』腕ではあるまいな?)”“"Is my left hand a right?" What a strange question... Why would he ask that? (『左』腕が『右』腕。奇妙な質問じゃ… いったいどういうことかな?)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “How dare you drag me to a place like this! Don't you know what I'll do to ya?! (むりやりこんなところに連れ出しやがって! オマエ、どーなるかわかってんのか?)”—Iggy“What's gotten into you? Why are you so angry? (おいおい。何を殺気だっておるんじゃ?)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “Joseph Joestar! You're much older than me, but I did think about making a boyfriend out of you. Heh heh heh. (ジョセフ・ジョースター…年齢はかなり離れてるけど、 恋人になってもいいなんて思ったりして。ウフフフ)”“Well isn't that nice. Stop trying to hurt me, then! (そいつはうれしいな、だったら見逃してくれ)”—Old Joseph Joestar
“DIO! (ディオ!ッ)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “If you're not just the spitting image of Jotaro... (承太郎によく似た奴じゃな…)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “Looks like the years have calmed you down a bit! (年を取って少しは落ち着いたようじゃのう!)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Pfft. Some talk from a guy who had the nerve to cheat on his wife at such an age... (ケッ…良い年して浮気するようなヤツにだけは 言われたくねえぜ…)”

- “What's going on...? "Surreal" isn't the half of it! (さっぱりわけがわからんわい…シュールよのォーーーーー)”—Old Joseph Joestar (Player 1)“It appears you still have much to learn about the Joseph Joestar Way! (ま…「ジョセフ・ジョースターのやり方」を 身につけてはおらんかったよーじゃな)”—Old Joseph Joestar (Player 2)
- “You know, I gotta admit: you're pretty handsome. Still not as good as me, though! (こーやってあらためて見ると、なかなかのハンサムよのー。 もちろん今のわしよりは劣るがね…)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Well that was unexpected. You actually gave me some trouble back there! (わけわかんねー…なんかやりにくかったぜ…)”
“You're stronger than I thought, Jotaro! (よ…予想以上の承太郎の力!)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “It's getting warm in here... Mind turning that Stand of yours down a bit? (熱つつ…お前のスタンドはホットじゃのぉー)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “Heh heh heh! Not like you at all, Kakyoin! (フッフッフッ、お前らしくもないな、花京院)”—Old Joseph Joestar“You know, I think I could learn from the way you distance yourself from foes. (ジョースターさんの間合いの取り方は、ぼくにも参考になる…)”
- “I earned this scar on my left arm in a fight about 50 years back... (この『左』腕は…50年前の闘いによる名誉の負傷じゃ)”—Old Joseph Joestar“I shouldn't have asked in the first place. Pardonnez-moi! (…失礼な詮索であった。ゆるしてくれ)”
- “I guess it IS important to try to understand how animals feel-- yuck, is this drool? (よしよし、動物なんてもんはな、 気持ちを理解してやることが大切なんじゃ。 …うえー、よだれでベトベト…)”—Old Joseph Joestar
- “You lose, my dear. (あんたの負けだ、お若いレディ)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Forget it. You're nothing compared to the charm of Lord DIO. (だめよ、だってあんたDIO様の魅力には遠くおよばないもの)”
- “Ripple gave me trouble before, but it's no match for The World! (百年前はちと手を焼いた『波紋』だが、 『
世界 』の前ではまったく無力のものよ)”—DIO“What's the matter? Didn't you say something about sucking me dry? (どうした? わしの血を吸うんじゃあなかったのか?)”—Old Joseph Joestar - “Could it be? I feel like I'm on the same wavelength with this boy, somehow. (この少年には、なにか波長のようなものを感じる…まさか?)”—Old Joseph Joestar“Nah, couldn't be. The real Joestar isn't that macho! (いやいや、ジョースターさんがこんなマッチョなわけねーよなぁー)”
- “Me, cheat?! Watch your tongue! I promised to love only my wife until the day I die! (わしが浮気じゃとォ!? めったなことを言うなッ! 「わしは生涯、妻しか愛さない」と誓っておるんじゃッ)”—Old Joseph Joestar“"I'll love only my wife, until the day I die." You sounded like a saint when you said that... Good grief. (「わしは生涯、妻しか愛さない」などと 聖人のようなセリフ吐いときながら…やれやれだぜ)”

- “It's time you learn what separates the master from the apprentice! (ジョセフ・ジョースターが闘いにおいてきさまなんかとは 年季がちがうということをこれからおもいしらせてやる)”—Old Joseph Joestar, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “Well, look at that! A head not even a mother could love! (なんじゃ、そのみっともない不細工な頭は! 親が悲しむぞ!)”—Old Joseph Joestar, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Old Joseph as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Phantom Blood

2. Use a Heart Heat Attack:

3. Land the "Go nuts with those knives, boys!" skill:

Speedwagon: You're the one who needs to step down, old man!
Battle Tendency

2. Use a Heart Heat Attack:

3. Land the "Victory is everything!" skill:

Kars: I've never heard of a feeble old Ripple user like you!

2. Use the "I shall see with the wind" style:

3. Land a Heart Heat Attack:

Wamuu: JoJo! Wamuu requests a battle with you!
Stardust Crusaders

2. Call an Assist:

3. Land the "Crossfire Hurricane" skill:

Mariah: Muhammad Avdol! So the news about you being alive was true!

2. Use the "Cunning Tactician" skill:

3. Land the "Hermit Purple!" skill:

DIO: Joseph... You're next!

2. Land the "Hermit Purple!" skill:

3. Make contact with Bastet:

Old Joseph: She was cunning. She might have laid a trap...

2. Land the "Hierophant's Barrier" skill:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

4. Win with a Dramatic Finish:

DIO: You fool. Know this... the power of The World allows you to rule over everything!
Old Joseph's theme is Can't Hate The Guy (にくめないヤツ, Nikumenai Yatsu), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Hermit Purple!" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Old Joseph vs. DIO Normal Battle.
Its name is in reference to Joseph's joke after Polnareff's flesh bud is removed in Chapter 13 of Stardust Crusaders.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
This section requires expansion.

All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Wamuu vs. Old Joseph Extra Battle Use the "I shall see with the wind" style

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Robert E. O. Speedwagon vs. Old Joseph Extra Battle Use a Heart Heat Attack
Chapter 162: Lovers, Part 3, page 12
Update History

- Stand On/Off
Fixed bug where Stand On/Off sometimes could not be activated if Joseph was KO'd under certain circumstances.
- Standing Heavy Attack
Increased forward movement.
- "Coal Tar" skill
Trap changed to disappear when Stylish Guarded.
- "That changes everything!" special
Changed so the move now launches opponents, making it possible to combo after.
- "Ripple Overdrive!" skill
Decreased recovery time.
Increased amount of float when hitting airborne opponents.
- "Coal Tar" skill
Sped up attack as a whole.
Increased the number of hits from one to two. Damage has been adjusted accordingly.
Changed so the move now hard knockdowns on the second hit.
Reduced the amount of time the tar stays on the ground.
Reduced the size of the hitbox of the tar to make it less likely to hit Joseph and therefore easier to use in scrambles.
- "Solar Energy Ripple!" follow-up attack
Fixed bug where the move could still hit even if an opponent had been downed by getting hit by the same move the maximum number of times in a combo (IPS).
- "Reversal Assist"
Increased number of stocks from one to two.
- "Ripple Overdrive!" skill
Removed the Ripple damage property from the
, and
versions to be inline with other characters.
Added ability to gain HH Gauge from
, and
- "Assault Assist"
Fixed so the activation speed is not slowed down in certain situations.
- "Reversal Assist"
Fixed so the activation speed is not slowed down in certain situations.
- "Solar Energy Ripple!" skill
Changed so the skill now causes a crumple instead of a launch.
- "That changes everything!" special
Added the ability to cancel this command normal with Quick Stand On.
- ↑ These include Bastet and Mariah.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Old Joseph ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 202: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 201: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 113: The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic
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