All-Star Battle R ★ Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)

Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (空条 承太郎(4部), Kūjō Jōtarō (4-Bu)) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R as a playable character alongside Yukako Yamagishi and Foo Fighters during the game's Parts 4, 6, & 8 Reveal Trailer.[1]
His moveset is similar to that of both his Part 3 counterpart and his Eyes of Heaven appearance, with modifications and new aspects added to better fit him in with All-Star Battle R's different style of gameplay.
Daisuke Ono reprises his role as Jotaro's voice actor from Eyes of Heaven, having also voiced him in the Diamond is Unbreakable anime. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Jotaro (Part 4) were either added or re-recorded.
Notably, Jotaro (Part 4) wears his first outfit in the Part, rather than his third, which he sports by default in Eyes of Heaven.
Jotaro (Part 4) has 1000 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Star Platinum, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Jotaro (Part 4) vs. Diavolo Extra Battle Land a Great Heat Attack
Cover B of Chapter 301

Either complete all "JoJo Through History" online missions or buy from Medal List 5600 G
Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Cover B of Chapter 398: Let's Live on a Transmission Tower, Part 1

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Panel from Chapter 357: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 4
Jotaro (Part 4)'s first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Jotaro (Part 4)'s Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

- “Bastard... (野郎…………)”
- “You pissed off? You're no dummy. (あなどっていた…けっこう頭のきれるやつだな)”
- “Carefully watch your opponent's movements, okay? (『注意深く観察して行動しろ』……だぜ)”
- “Come at me. Leave the piss-poor excuses for after I crush you. (来いよ 負けたときのくだらねー言い訳なんてあとにしな)”
- “Stand users are drawn to each other subconsciously? Good grief. (スタンド使い同士は知らずのうちに引き合う……か。 やれやれだぜ)”
- “There's no talking to you. Oh, was I too harsh? (てめーじゃ、話にならねぇぜ おっと…口が悪かったな)”
- “You got any last words? I'm asking since you won't shut up. (言い残すことはあるか? しゃべれるうちに聞いておいてやるぜ)”
- “So, do you feel the pressure yet? (おまえ……プレッシャーを感じているな?)”
- “This is too much of a pain for my taste. (おれはうっとーしいことはにがてなんでな)”
- “C'mon, tough guy. (こいつはしたたかな野郎だぜ)”
- “Get pumped up! (気合い入れろよ~~~!)”
- “You actually managed to break away Star Platinum's arm guard?! You bastard. (やるじゃあねぇか 「スタープラチナ」の腕のガードをはじき飛ばすとはッ!)”
- “Now you've done it... (やってくれたな…)”
- “Just shut up! (やかましいッ!)”
- “There's no need to worry. My Star Platinum is faster and more powerful. (安心したぜ。 パワーもスピードもスタープラチナのほうが上だ)”
- “Cool it, jerk. (てめー、少し落ち着けよ)”
- “I'm done taking it easy on you. (これ以上は手加減してやれんぞ)”
- “That's enough bullshit. (茶番に付き合うつもりはないぜ)”
- “Good grief... You'll never win if you keep running away. (やれやれ……逃げ回ってばかりじゃ、勝負はつかないぜ)”
- “You think you've found an opening? I was ready for it all along. (隙をうかがっているってところか? だが、オレに油断はない)”

- “Good grief. (やれやれだぜ)”
- “You gotta carve out your own path in life. (『道』というものは自分で切り開くものだ)”
- “Your tab can only be paid in beatings! (てめーのつけは金では払えねーぜッ!)”
- “Hmm. Not bad, I guess. A solid 85. (うむ。まあまあだ。85点だな)”
- “Time to sit down and shut up. (おとなしくしてもらうぜ…)”
- “Do you understand? (
理 解 し た か ? )” - “Piss off. (消えな)”
- “You reap what you sow. (自業自得ってヤツだ)”
- “That ability of yours is really dangerous... Don't get pissed off and lose control of it, okay? (てめーの「能力」はすげえ危険だ… むやみやたらとカッとなって使うんじゃあねーぜ)”
- “Looks like I found the dumbass. (マヌケは見つかったようだな)”
- “I'm the kind of guy who keeps a grudge if someone screws with me. (おれはコケにされるとけっこうネにもつタイプでな)”
- “It's hard to see who you really are from your own perspective... (自分のことというのは自分ではなかなか見えにくい………)”
- “You're such a joke I can't even think of anything to say to you! (もうてめーにはなにもいうことはねえ………… とてもアワれすぎて、何も言えねえ)”
- “Nice, nice... (よかったよかった)”
- “Looks like someone didn't practice enough before coming here. (おめーおれたちのことをよく予習してきたのか?)”
- “You better swear that you'll never take us on again. (もう決しておれたちの前にあらわれないと誓うな)”
- “Next time we meet, I'm gonna land a thousand strikes on that face of yours. (今度出会ったら千発そのつらへたたき込むぜ)”
- “That was a rough one... (しかし強敵だった…)”
- “You're pretty strong. (たいしたヤツだぜ…)”
- “Good. (グッド)”
- “It's not cheating if you don't get caught. (バレなきゃあイカサマじゃあねえんだぜ……………)”
- “This isn't enough... I'm still not angry enough! (こんなもんじゃあねえ………まだ
怒 りたりねえぜッ!)” - “I don't have any pity. Not for you. (てめーの場合、全然カワイソーとは思わん)”
- “Sick of hearing what we do is useless. That ain't in our vocabulary. (無理だとか無駄だとかいった言葉は聞きあきたし おれたちには関係ねえ)”

- “You've got the gentlest ability of them all. (その中でおまえの能力はこの世のどんなことよりもやさしい)”
- “And time moves again... (「時」は動き出す)”
- “What was that about a "hearts of gold" again? You still think so, old man? (「黄金の精神」を持ってるってセリフ……撤回するかい? じじい)”
- “I'm really glad that I got to meet you here in this town... (この町に来て君と知り合えて本当に良かったと思ってるよ…)”
- “Put it back together! We're gonna be torn apart! (早く直せッ! バラバラにブッ飛ぶぞッ!)”
- “You're going to get even uglier now. Well, your face will, at least... (もっと趣味が悪くなるんだからな………顔面の形の方が………)”
- “Carefully watch your opponent's movements. (「注意深く観察して行動しろ」)”
- “Aim right for it! Shoot as soon as it attacks! (ヤツをしっかり狙え! 攻撃してくる時必ず仕留めろ)”
- “We have to destroy this "Bow and Arrow" as quickly as possible. (早いとここの「弓と矢」を破壊しなくてはいけねーぜ)”
- “You did well to fight this long on your own... (よくたったひとりで孤独に闘ったと思うよ…)”

- “You'll talk... (話してもらおうか…………)”—Round Win 1
- “Gimme a break. Can I finally take a breather now? (ヤレヤレひと安心といったところか………)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Jotaro (Part 4)'s expression mirrors his when realizing that Aqua Necklace has fused with the steam emitted by a boiling tea kettle.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Jotaro (Part 4) looks down with one of his arms limp, as he does when rising to fight Kira after being severely wounded by Sheer Heart Attack.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Old Joseph Joestar ("Old man!"), Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Iggy, Josuke Higashikata, Koichi Hirose, Okuyasu Nijimura, or Jolyne Cujoh, Jotaro (Part 4) calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Jotaro (Part 4) has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “I'll take you on... (おれが直々に相手をしてやるぜ…)”—Default dialogue
- “Is this some kind of joke? (何のマネだ?)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (Player 1)
“Pfft. Some talk from a guy who had the nerve to cheat on his wife at such an age... (ケッ…良い年して浮気するようなヤツにだけは 言われたくねえぜ…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
“Hmph... There's that overblown tone I remember, Avdol... (フン…やっぱりおまえは態度がでかいな、アヴドゥル)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “Long time no see, Kakyoin... (…花京院か、久しぶりだな…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “Sure brings back memories, Polnareff... (懐かしいな…ポルナレフ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “Wait, Iggy! It's me! (待て、イギー! おれだ!)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Did Jotaro change his hat? Hee hee! I'm gonna stick another piece of gum on it! (承太郎のヤツ、帽子を変えたのか? ヒヒ、またガムをくっつけてやるぜッ)”—Iggy
- “Guess we still aren't square yet, DIO... (まだ貸してるものがあったようだな…DIO)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
“Hold it, Josuke! I wasn't trying to insult you... (おい待ちな仗助、何もてめーをけなして…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “True observation means seeing with your mind, not your eyes... to listen with your heart, not your ears... (観察しろというのは……見るんじゃあなくて観ることだ… 聞くんじゃあなく聴くことだ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
“What are you on about, Okuyasu? (何を言っている? 億泰…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “I've always wanted to give you a read, Jotaro. (承太郎さん、前々からあなたのことは「読んで」みたいと 思ってたんだ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Rohan Kishibe... If you want to read me, you're gonna have to work for it. (岸辺露伴…簡単に読ませてやるつもりはないぜ…)”
- “There's no need to worry. My Star Platinum is faster and more powerful. (安心したぜ。 パワーもスピードもスタープラチナのほうが上だ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“You're gonna respect me or else! Highway Star! Give him full throttle! (ナメやがってェ~~~ッ! ハイウェイ・スターッ! 全力でいくぜェーーっ!)”
- “Go ahead, try something with your Stand. I'll chase you to the ends of the earth and snuff you out! (『スタンド』で何かやってみろ。 地の果てまで追って息の根を止めるぜ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “That's a nice watch, but I'm going to break it so you can't tell time anymore... And by ""it,"" I mean your face. (いい時計だな。 だがもう時間が見れないようにたたっこわしてやるぜ………… きさまの顔面の方をな…………)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“I'd like to learn your name and know more about you, but it's about time I vacated the premises. (君の名前とかいろいろと君のことも知りたいところだが そろそろここを立ち去らねばならんのだよ)”
- “Go ahead, corner me all you want! When I reach my absolute limit, I'll just activate Bites the Dust! (このわたしをもっと追いつめるがいい! その限界の「ギリギリさ」が再びきっと!! 『バイツァ・ダスト』を発現させるのだッ!)”“This is bad! We need to get closer somehow... (まずいぜ………! もう少しだけ近づかねーと……)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “You're Haruno Shiobana, huh? (君が…「
汐華初流乃 」か)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Are you the one who told Koichi to come investigate me? (あなたですね、コーイチくんに僕のことを調べさせていたのは…)” - “Hey! I nearly got killed over here, and you're off playing around in Japan?! (てめェーッ! 娘が死にかけてんのに、日本で遊んでんじゃねェーッ!)”“You... It can't be... (お前…まさかな)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)

- “The same kind of Stand, huh? (同じタイプのスタンドか…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (Player 1)“Good grief... At least I won. (やれやれ…勝ててよかった、というやつだぜ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) (Player 2) or Jotaro Kujo
- “"I'll love only my wife, until the day I die." You sounded like a saint when you said that... Good grief. (「わしは生涯、妻しか愛さない」などと 聖人のようなセリフ吐いときながら…やれやれだぜ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Me, cheat?! Watch your tongue! I promised to love only my wife until the day I die! (わしが浮気じゃとォ!? めったなことを言うなッ! 「わしは生涯、妻しか愛さない」と誓っておるんじゃッ)”
- “Looks like I've definitely grown strong enough to beat the crap out of you. (少なくともあんたをブチのめせるほどには、 「成長」したみたいだぜ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“There's that remarkable power and speed I remember! You really haven't changed, Jotaro! (相変わらずのパワーとスピード! 承太郎…さすがだな)”
- “I'm glad I got to see you again. (おまえにもう一度会えてよかったぜ…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“You clearly look older than me! What's going on here? (どう見たってぼくより年上だ! 一体どういうことなんだ…?)”
- “Heh... I thought you wouldn't notice. (フッ…おまえは気づかないと思ったんだがな…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “Damn... He stuck gum on me and attacked at the same time? This mutt's a genius... (こ、こいつ…攻撃と同時にガムをくっつけてくるとは… やはりタダものじゃねー)”—Iggy“Now I'm gonna yank off that dumb hat and rip all your hair out! (ついでに帽子ひっぺがして、髪の毛もむしってやるぜッ!)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “You're all paid up... for real this time. (返してもらったぜ…今度こそ、間違いなくな)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Hmph... Those dull movements of yours already look like they're frozen in time! (フン…お前の鈍ったその動き… まるで「止まって」いるようだったぞ)”—DIO
- “Good grief, this guy's dangerous. (やれやれこいつ…マジであぶねえやつ)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“When people talk shit about my hair, it really ticks me off! (この自慢の頭をけなされるとムカッ腹が立つぜ!)”
- “Remember what I said, or you'll be in for a world of hurt, Koichi. (でないと…………これからしんどいことになるぜ……康一くん)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“I knew you were underestimating me, Jotaro. I've grown a bit, you know. (やっぱり承太郎さん、ぼくのことを軽く見ている。 ぼくだって成長してるんだ…)”
- “If you honed it a bit more, that could become a crazy powerful Stand. (もう少し鍛えれば…とんでもねえスタンド使いになりそうだな)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“The Hand, The World! ...Sorry, I just thought it might work... (『ザ・ハンド・ザ・ワールド』! …イケそーな気がする…)”
- “Read my memories, and they might just bite back... (読まれたら困る記憶もあるんでな…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Now, time for me to read about everything that's happened to you! (さて…読ませてもらいますよ、あなたのこれまでの「体験」をッ)”
- “Don't you ever come around here again. (もう二度と出てくるんじゃあねーぜ…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Gah hah hah hah! I got a little panicked back there, but it looks like you were no match for my full power! (ぎゃははははーッ、ちょっぴりあせったがよぉ~、 おれのフルパワーにはかなわなかったみてーだなッ!)”
- “You know, that watch actually looked pretty crappy... Not that it matters now. (よく見たら、やれやれ趣味の悪い時計だったな…… だがそんなことはもう気にする必要はないか…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
- “Guess I made it in time... (やれやれ、間に合ったぜ……)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“Looks like I won't need to use Bites the Dust to go back now... Hu hu hu ha ha ha ha! (どうやら『バイツァ・ダスト』で戻る必要もなかったな… フフフ、ハハハハハ!)”
- “You're stronger than I thought you'd be. No wonder you gave Koichi trouble. (想像以上の実力…康一くんを手こずらせただけはあるな)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)“If you were really that curious about me, you should have come in person. I probably just would have told you the same thing, though: It's useless! (そんなに僕のことが気になるのなら、 自分で来ればよかったんですよ… 来たところで「無駄」だったみたいだけど…)”
- “I don't expect you to understand, but... (分かってくれとは言わない…しかし…)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)

- “We need to have a talk about your stupid hair later. (くだらねー髪の毛の話なんてあとにしな)”—Jotaro Kujo (Part 4), insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Jotaro (Part 4) as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Diamond is Unbreakable
Stone Ocean
Jotaro (Part 4)'s theme is And Time Moves Again... (「時」は動き出す, 'Toki' wa Ugokidasu), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "I'm going to break you into pieces" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Jotaro (Part 4) vs. Yoshikage Kira Boss Battle.
Its name is taken from Jotaro's usual line when resuming time, specifically in Chapter 172 of Diamond is Unbreakable after he pummels Yoshikage Kira in stopped time.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode: Diamond is Unbreakable Jotaro (Part 4) vs. Diavolo Extra Battle Land a 20 hit combo
Cover of Volume 16
Update History

- Throw Escape
Adjusted to standardize character advantages and disadvantages when throw escaping.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Expanded hitbox inward to fix bug where the attack would not hit when used close to a specific character.
- "ORA, ORA!" skill and "ORAAA!" follow-up skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- Damage scaling
Fixed bug where special moves would not scale below 50% damage.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand Off]
Decreased startup.
- Jumping Attacks [Stand Off and On]
Decreased landing recovery time.
- "ORAAAA!" special
Increased number of hits.
Increased damage.
- "ORA, ORA!" skill
Adjusted angle opponent is launched by the final hit.
Reduced launch force of all hits.
- "ORAAA!" follow-up skill (
Fixed bug where the move was sharing the Same Move Limit as the "ORA, ORA!" skill, meaning that both moves could only be used three times in a combo combined.
Decreased startup.
- "ORAAA!" follow-up skill (
Fixed bug where the move was sharing the Same Move Limit as the "ORA, ORA!" skill, meaning that both moves could only be used three times in a combo combined.
- "Where'd all that time go?" skill
Decreased recovery time.
- This change allows for Jotaro to move immediately after canceling a
normal with this skill. It also allows him to combo with a
after canceling a special with this skill.
- "Where'd all the that time go?" skill
Fixed an issue where Jotaro was unable to teleport behind opponents under certain conditions when using the
- Reversal Assist
Decreased stocks from two to one.
- ↑ These include Echoes ACT1-3, Ken Oyanagi, Akira Otoishi, Yoshikage Kira, Yoshihiro Kira, Tamami Kobayashi, Jotaro Kujo (Part 4), Tonio Trussardi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Mikitaka Hazekura, Koichi Hirose, Yuya Fungami, Boyoyoing Cape, Terunosuke Miyamoto, Love Deluxe, Yukako Yamagishi, and Red Hot Chili Pepper.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Part 4, 6, & 8 Reveal Trailer", July 1, 2022.
- ↑ Jotaro 4 ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 271: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 362: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 9
- ↑ DIO's World (Story Arc)
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