All-Star Battle R ★ Noriaki Kakyoin
Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明, Kakyōin Noriaki) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
Replacing Kōji Yusa, Daisuke Hirakawa reprises his role as Kakyoin's voice actor from the Stardust Crusaders anime. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Kakyoin were either added or re-recorded.
Kakyoin has 900 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Hierophant Green, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All

Attack type: High
Damage: 13

Attack type: High
Damage: 21

Attack type: High
Damage: 17 + 4 × 9 (41)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20

Attack type: Low
Damage: 32

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 35

Attack type: High
Damage: 45

Attack type: High
Damage: 6 × 9 (54) /
6.44 × 9 (58) /
7 × 9 (63)

Attack type: High
Damage: 5 per Emerald

Attack type: High
Damage: 100

Attack type: High
Damage: 13

Attack type: High
Damage: 4 × 5 (20)

Attack type: High
Damage: 5 + 10 + 15 (30)

Attack type: High
Damage: 12

Attack type: High
Damage: 20

Attack type: Low
Damage: 36

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

This is a Stand Rush skill that Kakyoin can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. If Kakyoin Stand Rushes the aerial version of the skill, he will not perform the small backwards jump, instead falling straight to the ground. The emeralds travel at a much higher speed than the User Mode version at the cost of having a longer recovery. Unlike the User Mode version, the grounded version's emeralds will miss against shorter and crouching (unless they have their Stand summoned or are on their horse) opponents entirely. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Semi-uniquely, the aerial version of the skill can be used to continue combos on downed opponents if fired at a downed opponent, Stand Rushed, and then followed up with a taunt that forcibly stands them.
Attack type: High
Damage: 6 × 9 (54) (grounded) 6 × 8 (48) (aerial) /
6.5 × 9 (58) (grounded) 6.5 × 8 (52) (aerial) /
7 × 9 (63) (grounded) 7 × 8 (56) (aerial)

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 100 /
130 /

Attack type: High
Damage: 55

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 130

If this move is used against Wonder of U, the shot showing Hierophant Green inside the opponent's mouth is omitted.
Attack type: High
Damage: 168

Attack type: High
Damage: 315 / 378 / 473 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: High
Damage: 55
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

The startup of this skill no longer increases with the strength of the button inputted and is instead the same across all variants. To match with the faster startup, Kakyoin's animation during it has been sped up. It is especially apparent on the

When performing the aerial version, Kakyoin now performs a short jump backward after executing the skill, though he will still fall immediately to the ground if the skill is Stand Rushed.

General Changes
- Kakyoin's run speed in Stand Mode has been greatly decreased.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Kakyoin vs. DIO Boss Battle Win with a Dramatic Finish
Kakyoin's original appearance in the Noriaki Kakyoin story arc

Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Hierophant Green's Stardust Crusaders appearance

Unlocked by default
Catchphrase Grand Prix image in Weekly Shonen Jump 1990 Issue #25

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Kakyoin vs. Bruno Bucciarati Extra Battle Land a 20-hit combo
Cover of Weekly Shonen Jump 1990 Issue #9

Unlocked with Special Costume A
Kakyoin's original appearance in the Noriaki Kakyoin story arc

Unlocked with Special Costume A
Magazine Cover A of Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7

Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Chapter 173: Death Thirteen, Part 6 (Kakyoin)
Chapter 164: Lovers, Part 5 (Hierophant Green)

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2 (Kakyoin)
Chapter 171: Death Thirteen, Part 4 (Hierophant Green)
Kakyoin's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Kakyoin's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G, excluding "I'll have you know: Noriaki Kakyoin doesn't fall for mind games!", which is unlocked by default.

- “Time for your punishment, baby. (さあ、お仕置きの時間だよ、ベイビー)”
- “Heh heh, fooled you! ♥ (なあ~んてね♥)”
- “You'll atone with your own death! (『死をもってつぐなわせてやる』)”
- “Can't be helped! I'll have to make a move myself. (やむをえんッ! 強行手段だッ!)”
- “Damn you! (ゆるさん!)”
- “*Lick lick lick lick lick* (レロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロ)”
- “Ha ha hah heh heh hoh! (ホハハハフフフフヘハハハハ)”
- “I'll have you know that Noriaki Kakyoin doesn't fall for mind games! (この花京院典明に精神的動揺によるミスは決してない! と思っていただこうッ!)”
- “My quiet Stand, Hierophant Green, will be more than enough to handle you! (ここはわたしの静なるスタンド、『
法皇の緑 』こそ ヤツを始末するのにふさわしい)” - “I don't need to answer you. (答える必要はない)”
- “Stop your foolish resisting, or I'll break your neck... (それ以上無駄な抵抗をすると……本当に首をへし折るぞ…………!)”
- “You make me sick. A scumbag trying to play the gentleman! (ヘドがでる。紳士ぶっているが最低の野郎だ…………)”
- “Damn it! I can't lose again... Not again! (くそ……二度と! 二度と……負けるものか……)”
- “Aheheheh... (アヘアヘアヘ)”
- “What a winner you are. (おめでたいヤツだ)”
- “Pfft! (プッ!)”
- “You're a regular poster child. (なんてヤツだ)”
- “What do YOU think? (君の意見を聞こうッ!)”
- “Weird. Made a mistake, huh? (おかしいな。うっかりしてたよ)”
- “Quit the gentleman act! (紳士ぶってないでさっさとやればいい!!)”
- “I don't like this, either! (ぼくだっていやだ!)”
- “You sure have rapid mood swings, huh? (ずいぶん気分の転換が早いな)”
- “You opened my eyes for me. But that's all. (……おまえのおかげで目がさめた。ただそれだけさ)”
- “Your over-politeness is starting to annoy me. (このていねいすぎる態度…神経にさわるヤツだ)”
- “I'm fine. I can do this. (大丈夫…自信はあります………)”
- “I bet my soul on it! (「魂」を! 賭けよう!)”
- “I see London, I see France! (パンツーまる見え)”

- “When I rip foes apart with my Hierophant, it goes crazy with euphoria! (ぼくの「
法皇 」は…ひきちぎるとくるいもだえるのだ 。喜びでな!)” - “After those flesh buds DIO put in me 6 months ago, nothing can scare me anymore! (『鍛えられたからな。6か月ほど前、DIOに出会って 脳ミソに「肉の芽」を植えつけられたときに恐怖に対して 鍛えられたからな……』)”
- “Don't come near us again... or else I'll need to punish you. (二度と我々のそばに近づくな…近づいたら罰を与えるぞ)”
- “With all due respect, I know myself pretty well. And I'm nobody's fool. (お言葉ですが、ぼくは自分を知っている…バカではありません)”
- “Wonder what mom and dad are doing. Sleeping by now, maybe. Hope they're not worried. (父さんと母さんは何をしているのだろう… もうねむってしまっているのだろうか? 心配かけてすみません)”
- “I'll never return to the pathetic Kakyoin that I used to be! (二度とあの時のみじめな花京院には絶対に戻らないッ!)”
- “You know far too little about your foe. Better study more. (おまえは敵を知らなすぎたようだな。勉強不足だ)”
- “You're rotten to the core. (…真底クズ野郎だったな)”
- “I'll make it so that no one will notice it, just like in the old days! (こいつを昔のように誰にも気づかせなくしてやる)”
- “Didn't you ask anyone about me?! I can uncoil Hierophant into a long string. (だれにもきいてないのか!? 「
法皇 」は足からほつれさせて紐状にできるのだ)” - “It's sad to see you stand up, like a punching bag in front of a boxer. That's all it is. (立ち上がる気か…だが、悲しいかな。 その行動をたとえるなら、ボクサーの前のサンドバッグ… ただうたれるだけにのみ立ちあがったのだ)”
- “You surpass any opponent I've had before! I can tell by sheer instinct by now! (今まで出会ったどの相手をも超えている凄味を感じたッ! エンジン音だけ聞いてブルドーザーだと認識できるように わかった!)”
- “Now you can evade your pursuers. If you're lucky. (追手から姿を消せるかもしれない)”
- “You're knocked out... But your wounds are light. (傷はあさいが気を失っている)”
- “Well? Ready to be retired? (どうします。再起不能でしょうが…)”
- “Oh...I see. Guess nobody else knows, huh? (あ…そうか。みんな知らないんでしたね)”

- “*Lick lick lick lick lick* (レロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロ)”
- “Jotaro! What do you think? Let's hear it! (承太郎ッ! 君の意見を聞こうッ!)”
- “This... is a... message... for you... I... can't make it... anymore... (メ…ッセージ……で…す…これが…せい…いっぱい…です)”
- “I'll have you know: Noriaki Kakyoin doesn't fall for mind games! (この花京院典明に精神的動揺によるミスは決してない!と思っていただこうッ!)”
- “Take this, DIO! 20 m Radius Emerald Splash! (くらえッ! DIOッ! 半径20mエメラルドスプラッシュをーーーッ!)”
- “This'll have to do for a handshake. (それは仲なおりの「握手」の
かわり だ)” - “Ta-dah! (チャン♪チャン♪)”
- “I won't hold back. You'd better be prepared. (ちゅうちょはしない。覚悟してもらおう)”
- “I'll never return to the pathetic Kakyoin that I used to be! (二度とあの時のみじめな花京院には絶対に戻らないッ!)”
- “With all due respect, I know myself pretty well. And I'm nobody's fool. (お言葉ですがぼくは自分を知っている…。バカではありません)”

- “Shouldn't have underestimated my Hierophant. (わが「
法皇 」を甘く見たな)”—Round Win 1 - “I know myself pretty well. (ぼくは自分を知っている…)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Kakyoin screams as he does after watching Death Thirteen slice a dog's head apart.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Kakyoin hunches forward and puts a hand to his head, as he does after waking up from a nightmare and crashing the group's plane in the process.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jotaro Kujo, Old Joseph Joestar ("Mr. Joestar!"), Muhammad Avdol ("Mr. Avdol!"), Jean Pierre Polnareff, or Iggy, Kakyoin calls out his ally's name.
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Kakyoin has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “I won't hold back. You'd better be prepared. (ちゅうちょはしない。覚悟してもらおう)”—Default dialogue
- “My name is Noriaki Kakyoin. (『我が名は花京院典明』)”—Noriaki Kakyoin (Player 1)“No need to say it twice. (二度言う必要はない)”—Noriaki Kakyoin (Player 2)
- “You won't get close to me that easily, Jotaro. (そう簡単には近寄らせないぞ、承太郎)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
“Very well. If this is part of my training. (わかりました…訓練ということであれば…)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “You sure about this, Kakyoin? My flames won't go easy on you! (いいのか、花京院? わたしの炎はちと荒っぽいぞ?)”“Don't think I'll hold back, Avdol. (アヴドゥルさん、本気でいきますからね)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “A fight's about more than directly hitting each other. (戦いというのは、なにも直接斬り合うだけじゃないんだよ)”—Noriaki Kakyoin“Your Hierophant isn't suited for battle, is it? (お前のハイエロファント、戦闘には向いてないんじゃないのか?)”
“Damn it! Looks like you don't remember me... (参ったな…ぼくの事を覚えていないみたいだ…)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “You cowards! You're going down! (なんて卑劣な奴らだ! ゆるさん!)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “No matter what happens... I have no regrets. (これから起こる事柄に……ぼくは後悔はない……)”—Noriaki Kakyoin“Don't make yourself sick with fear. Don't worry. Let go, Kakyoin. (『ゲロを吐くぐらいこわがらなくてもいいじゃあないか… 安心しろ…安心しろよ…花京院』)”—DIO
“Wait... is that you, Jotaro?! (も…もしかして…承太郎なのかッ!?)”—Noriaki Kakyoin

- “You're no match for me. (相手にならないな)”—Noriaki Kakyoin (Player 1)“Heh. Is that it? (ふ…その程度か…)”—Noriaki Kakyoin (Player 2)
- “Yeah, I love sumo. But you can't use your fists in sumo, Jotaro. (ええ…相撲大好きですよ。 だけど承太郎、相撲じゃあ拳で殴るのは反則ですね)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “You know, I think I could learn from the way you distance yourself from foes. (ジョースターさんの間合いの取り方は、ぼくにも参考になる…)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “Well done, Avdol... Your power is amazing. (さすがアヴドゥルさん…すさまじいパワーだ…)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “As long as I stay out of range, I've got the decisive advantage. (距離をとって闘うなら、ぼくの方がずっと有利なんだ)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “Iggy... Don't you know who I am? (イギー…ぼくの事を思い出してくれるかな…?)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “What a bunch of clowns. Don't you realize we know exactly how you work? (おめでたい奴らだ… 自分たちのやり口がばれていることに気付かなかったのか…)”—Noriaki Kakyoin“Well, the end of someone's life is usually a pretty sudden curtain call. It may seem like I'm talking as though I know everything but... (ま! 裏切り者の末路ってのはたいてーの場合 哀れな幕切れよのぉー。悟ったようなことを ゆーよーだがよォ~~~~~~)”
- “I'll never return to the pathetic Kakyoin that I used to be! (二度とあの時のみじめな花京院には絶対に戻らないッ!)”—Noriaki Kakyoin
- “You clearly look older than me! What's going on here? (どう見たってぼくより年上だ! 一体どういうことなんだ…?)”—Noriaki Kakyoin

- “Time for your punishment, baby. (さあ、お仕置きの時間だよ、ベイビー)”—Noriaki Kakyoin, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
- “My hairstyle's a lot more refined than yours. (ぼくの髪型のほうがお前のよりも洗練されてるな)”—Noriaki Kakyoin, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Kakyoin as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Stardust Crusaders

2. Use a Heart Heat Attack:

Kakyoin: The loser is the evil one, the victor is just. Whoever survives, wins. That's the law of the land.

2. Land the "You shall be shish kabob!" skill:

3. Block shots with the "Reap as you sow!" skill:

Hol Horse: I... I can't beat this guy! I can't do a thing all by myself!

2. Land the "Emerald Splash" skill:

3. Land a 20-hit combo:

Kakyoin: I hope so. I used to be so scared I could puke... but not anymore.

2. Land the "Hierophant's Barrier" skill:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

4. Win with a Dramatic Finish:

DIO: You fool. Know this... the power of The World allows you to rule over everything!
Kakyoin's theme is Hierophant Green (法皇の緑, Hōō no Midori), and can be unlocked in-game by landing a Great Heat Attack in All-Star Battle Mode's Kakyoin vs. DIO Boss Battle.
Its name is taken from the name of Kakyoin's Stand, Hierophant Green.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Update History

- "Assault Assist"
Changed the attack type from a hit throw/grab to a strike.
- This corrects a bug that caused the opponent to become unable to act if they were hit with a move that played a cutscene (such as an HHA) while being hit with this assist.
- "Emerald Splash" Ground and Aerial versions
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed (unintended bug)
- "I'll need to punish you" HHA
Modified to apply combo scaling up to a maximum of 50% (common rule not previously applied)
- Health
Reduced health from 1000 to 900.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
Changed so the hurtbox will also extend when Hierophant Green extends out.
Reduced amount of time hitbox is active.
Increased amount of time hurtbox is active.
- Standing Medium Attack [Stand On]
This attack has been swapped with the Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On].
- This results in the attack having reduced range.
Increased number of hits.
Decreased damage.
- Standing Heavy Attack [Stand On]
This attack has been swapped with the Standing Medium Attack [Stand On].
- This results in the attack having increased range.
Increased number of hits.
Increased damage.
This attack will now launch opponents.
- "Hierophant's Barrier" skill
The trap will now trigger and disappear when it is Stylish Guarded.
- "Emerald Splash" skill [Stand On]
The number of emeralds fired has been standardized between all variants of the grounded version of the skill to match the
Adjusted the pattern of the fired emeralds of the grounded version of the skill.
Increased the speed difference between the variants of the grounded version of the skill.
Increased damage of the grounded
Kakyoin will now jump diagonally backward after using the aerial version of this skill.
- Normal Attack sound effects [Stand On]
Swapped the sound effects for the Standing Medium and Heavy Attacks to correct an issue where they were not swapped in 2.0.0 when the attacks were swapped.
- Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
Fixed SFX and hit effects to be the intended ones.
- ↑ These include Bastet and Mariah.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Kakyoin ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 168: Death Thirteen, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 170: Death Thirteen, Part 3
- ↑ DIO's World (Story Arc)