All-Star Battle R ★ DIO

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, although a few tweaks have been made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
As DIO's voice actor in both All-Star Battle and the Stardust Crusaders anime, Takehito Koyasu reprises his role in this game. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for DIO were either added or re-recorded.
DIO has 840 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand The World, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. In addition, as a vampire, DIO has access to several moves that drain either health or Heart Heat Gauge from his opponent while restoring his own.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All

DIO jabs forward, turning his head away.
This pose is a reference to DIO killing a cat in Chapter 255.
Attack type: High
Damage: 13

DIO swiftly claws forward.
The pose he finishes in is a reference to his Shadow DIO pose.
Attack type: High
Damage: 23

DIO swipes forward with a high kick.
Attack type: High
Damage: 36

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12

Attack type: Low
Damage: 22

Attack type: Low
Damage: 35

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 37

All animations, including the HHG flame and the countdown on the battle timer, will temporarily cease, and the opponent is frozen in place and completely unable to act. Damage dealt to the opponent that is not a Throw, "I'll give you one chance.", "Oh, this suits me well!", HHA, or GHA is reduced, but the opponent is otherwise absolutely vulnerable. When the ability ends and time resumes, the opponent will suffer all damage dealt to them at once.
Any knives thrown using "And one more just in case!" or DIO's HHA hang in the air, notably doing more damage if they hit the opponent after time resumes than if they were to have connected immediately. He may use his HHA or GHA with impunity if he has enough of the HHG left to do so. DIO is even capable of hitting opponents that were down when the ability was activated, 'resetting' them into a standing position once hit. The ability is best used with normal attacks in mind in order to deal the most damage within the stopped time, as they execute quickly and their damage reduction within stopped time is insubstantial.
If DIO's Throw, the attack variation of "I'll give you one chance.", "Oh, this suits me well!", or GHA is used, time will immediately resume with the HHG drained to zero.
If fighting against Jotaro Kujo, Jotaro Kujo (Part 4), himself, or Parallel World Diego, DIO can use this ability to move within the other fighter's stopped time, and may even outlast his opponent if their HHG runs out first.

Attack type: High
Damage: 45

- Light (
) - The World delivers an uppercut in front of DIO, knocking the opponent off their feet. This doubles as an anti-air attack. (Flash Cancel comboable)
- Medium (
) - The World appears a distance forward and delivers a downwards punch, knocking the opponent straight to the ground to down them.
- Heavy (
) - The World appears a distance forward, close to the ground, and delivers a low punch, knocking the opponent off their feet. (Flash Cancel comboable)
If "Stop, time!" is active, The World does not flash forward and instead flies into position before attacking.
Attack type: High /
Middle /
Damage: 40 /
25 + 65 (90) /

Attack type: Counter
Attack type: High
Damage: 38

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 47 ~ 95 (depending on number of hits)

Attack type: High
Damage: 30

Attack type: High
Damage: 15

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

Attack type: High
Damage: 38

Attack type: Low
Damage: 14

Attack type: High
Damage: 24

Attack type: Low
Damage: 27

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 21

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 38

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40

All animations, including the HHG flame and the countdown on the battle timer, will temporarily cease, and the opponent is frozen in place and completely unable to act. Damage dealt to the opponent that is not a Throw, "I'll give you one chance.", "Oh, this suits me well!", HHA, or GHA is reduced, but the opponent is otherwise absolutely vulnerable. When the ability ends and time resumes, the opponent will suffer all damage dealt to them at once.
Any knives thrown using "And one more just in case!" or DIO's HHA hang in the air, notably doing more damage if they hit the opponent after time resumes than if they were to have connected immediately. He may use his HHA or GHA with impunity if he has enough of the HHG left to do so. DIO is even capable of hitting opponents that were down when the ability was activated, 'resetting' them into a standing position once hit. The ability is best used with normal attacks in mind in order to deal the most damage within the stopped time, as they execute quickly and their damage reduction within stopped time is insubstantial.
If DIO's Throw, the attack variation of "I'll give you one chance.", "Oh, this suits me well!", or GHA is used, time will immediately resume with the HHG drained to zero.
If fighting against Jotaro Kujo, Jotaro Kujo (Part 4), himself, or Parallel World Diego, DIO can use this ability to move within the other fighter's stopped time, and may even outlast his opponent if their HHG runs out first.

Attack type: High
Damage: 84 /
92 /

Attack type: Middle (first hit) High (rest of hits)
Damage: 56 /
88 /

- Light (
) - DIO and his Stand reappear a very short distance forward by stopping time before delivering the attack.
- Medium (
) - DIO and his Stand reappear a short distance forward by stopping time before delivering the attack.
- Heavy (
) - DIO and his Stand reappear a larger distance forward by stopping time before delivering the attack.
If "Stop, time!" is active, neither DIO nor The World move forward and instead deliver the attack from a stationary position.
Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 120

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 130

If "Stop, time!" is active, the HHA will change to simply DIO and The World both launching a multitude of knives in a fanning wave, but deal less damage. If quick enough, the HHA can be performed twice during stopped time if DIO's Heart Heat Gauge has three stocks, ultimately dealing more damage than the HHA's original version, but only if the knives strike after time resumes instead of immediately due to the damage reduction effect of stopped time.
This HHA bears similarity to Shadow DIO's "Checkmate" super from the Capcom game.
Attack type: High
Damage: 160 (normal) / 120 (thrown in stopped time but connected after time resumes) / 96 (connected during stopped time)

If Jotaro specifically inputs his "I stopped time..." ability over the course of the GHA, a special animation will play where DIO is blindsided by Jotaro stopping time and reappearing behind him, before the two clash and break away from each other. While this doesn't negate the full damage of the whole attack, it does negate the damage of the road roller's explosion, making the GHA deal less than half of its total damage. DIO and Jotaro are also left at opposite ends of the arena, rather than Jotaro holding the advantageous position of his opponent being left downed and close to him after the attack.
Attack type: High
Damage: 348 / 417 / 522 (depending on HH gauge)
Against Jotaro when "I stopped time" used: 282 / 338 / 423 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 120
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

- DIO moves farther forward before attacking.

- DIO moves forward while attacking now, giving this normal more range.

- The recovery of this attack has been greatly reduced and as such, the animation for the recovery has been sped up to match.

- This special now executes drastically slower, giving DIO's opponent more time to interrupt him and making it more difficult to successfully stop time.

- The input for this command normal has changed. Previously it was
in place of
- This command normal can now be performed regardless if the opponent is downed or not.
- Rather than delivering normal knockback against a standing opponent, the attack now knocks them off their feet in a launching attack.
- This attack is a High rather than a Low.

- The input for this skill has been changed. Previously it was
in place of
, the previous input for "He's... gone!".
- The Medium (
) variant now delivers a soft knockdown instead of a hard knockdown, allowing the opponent to Down Evade.

- The input for this skill has been changed. Previously it was
in place of
- The move is now simply a moving counter, automatically triggering "He's... gone!" upon being struck by a non-Throw/HHA/GHA attack. This change also keeps the Medium (
) variant of this skill from becoming redundant with the new universal Stylish Guard mechanic.
- The duration and travel distance of the attack is now affected by the attack button inputted in descending order, with the Heavy (
) variant allowing DIO to act near-instantly.
- DIO can now fully act again the moment he stops to pose, greatly reducing this skill's recovery period.
- This skill is no longer a manual input, and now only activates automatically when "I'll give you one chance." is triggered.
- DIO now teleports to the opponent's other side before delivering the strike.
- The attack now launches the opponent upwards, allowing DIO the ability to begin a combo from it.
- DIO can now cancel into specials and other skills after this skill hits.

- The input for this skill has been changed. Previously it was
in place of
- The attack is now an unblockable command throw instead of a hitgrab.
- The distance DIO shifts forward is now determined by the attack button inputted.

- This skill is now special-cancelable, allowing DIO to chain into other skills. This also includes into itself, granting the ability to continuously throw knives at a rapid rate.
- The delay before The World tosses the knife is longer now.

- The World now moves backward before attacking, shortening the normal's range.

- Dio and The World now move forward before attacking, increasing this normal's range.

- DIO and The World travel significantly lesser distance forward while attacking now, decreasing the range of this normal.

- The World now moves forward before attacking, giving this normal more range.

- This attack now launches on hit rather than causing normal knockback.

- This special now executes drastically slower, giving DIO's opponent more time to interrupt him and making it more difficult to successfully stop time.

- The attack now launches opponents farther away from DIO. However, because of the longer amount of time the opponent spends in the air, it is now much easier to Flash Cancel and dash forward to combo off of the launch than it was in All-Star Battle.

- The attack now launches the opponent slightly higher.
- DIO's landing recovery is much shorter.
- Both of these allow DIO to now combo off of this skill.

- All versions of this skill are unblockable, which now includes the Light (
) variant.
- DIO now teleports a small distance forward when using the Light variant.
- The Medium (
) and Heavy (
) variants' startup is longer now.
- The attack no longer sends the opponent flying into the stage wall, now only dealing high knockback. This also means that the opponent now only suffers a soft knockdown, allowing them to Down Evade, rather than a hard knockdown.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Jotaro vs. DIO Boss Battle Win in Rush Mode
DIO after taking the blood of Joseph Joestar

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Jotaro vs. Speedwagon Extra Battle Win with the "My Stand will be the judge!" skill
Original to All-Star Battle

Buy from Medal List 2800 G
J-367 Adventure Battle Card; same as Tint A from All-Star Battle

Taunts & Victory Poses

Buy from Medal List 450 G
Inside Illustration of Weekly Shonen Jump 1992 Issue #7

DIO's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. DIO's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G.

WRYYYYYYYYYYーーーッ )” - “Well done. (おめでとう)”
- “Foolish human! I will rule over you! Bow before my might and intelligence! (とるにたらぬ人間どもよ! 支配してやるぞッ!! 我が「知」と「力」のもとにひれ伏すがいいぞッ!)”
- “Can you see it? (
見えて ………………いるのか ?)” - “Relax. No need to be scared sick. (ゲロを吐くぐらいこわがらなくてもいいじゃあないか…安心しろ…)”
- “You! You were looking! (きさま! 見ているなッ!)”
- “I'm satisfied enough. Now there's no need to play with your toys anymore! (もうわかった…満足だ…ここらで遊びのサービス時間は終りだ…)”
- “Heh heh heh heh. I'll give you one chance. (フフフフ、ひとつチャンスをやろう)”
- “I'm asking you! Can you see it or not?! (
見えているのか と聞いているのだ!!)” - “I promise I'll suck all the blood out of you! (血を吸って殺すと予告しよう)”
- “A trickster, are you? (策士だな…)”
- “Heh... I'll give you some credit. (フン…少しだけほめてやる)”
- “Too slow! (ノロいノロい)”
- “Let me test you out a little more... (もうちょっとだけためしてやるか…)”
- “That's all? (それで?)”
- “Time to end this, now. (一気にとどめを刺してくれる)”
- “I think I like you. (気に入った…)”
- “What's wrong? You're trembling. (どうした? 動揺しているぞ)”
- “Useless, useless! (無駄無駄)”
- “You'll just have to die. (死ぬしかないな)”

- “My Stand power is invincible! I am immortal! Omnipotent! (不死身ッ!! 不老不死ッ! スタンドパワーッ!)”
- “Hah! Checkmate! You've walked right into my trap! (フン! 逃がれることはできんッ! きさまはチェスや将棋でいう『
詰み 』にはまったのだッ!)” - “Oh, what rapture! Soon I'll be able to stop time for one, ten, even sixty minutes... (いずれは一分…一〇分…一時間と思いのまま止められるように なってやろう…楽しみだ…だんだん長く時間を止めるのはな…)”
- “Ah, being in my own body truly is the best! So easy to get used to again! (やはり肉体は自分のが一番だな……
あっというまになじむ …)” - “Wanting only a content, quiet life? What nonsense from life forms no better than dung! (『あと味のよくないものを残す』とか『人生に悔いを残さない』 だとか…便所のネズミのクソにも匹敵するそのくだらない物の 考え方が命とりよ!)”
- “I, DIO, have far surpassed all the Stand users and creatures who inhabit our world! And now I can stop time for a whole 5 seconds! (このDIOは全ての生物や全てのスタンド使いを ブッち切りで超越したのだ! そして今では5秒と だんだん長く時を止めていられる!)”
- “I, DIO, possess none of that! All I have is one simple principle... Just one! Win, and seize control! That's it! That alone is my satisfaction! (このDIOには
それはない …あるのはシンプルな たったひとつの思想だけだ…たったひとつ ! 『勝利して支配する』!それだけよ …それだけが満足感よ!)” - “Cars may wind up in massive traffic jams, but in frozen time, there is only me. DIO. (思うに自動車という機械は便利なものだが誰も彼もが乗るから 道路が混雑してしまう。止まった時の中はひとり… このDIOだけだ)”
- “You could serve me forever, hm? I can offer you an eternal security. (わたしに永遠に仕えないか? 永遠の安心感を与えてやろう)”
- “Methods? Means? Irrelevant! (過程や……! 方法なぞ………! どうでもよいのだァーーーーッ)”
- “Jonathan's body... Don't you think the Joestar blood goes most perfectly with it? (このジョナサンの肉体が…完璧になじむには
やはり ジョースターの血が一番しっくりいくと思わんか?)” - “Good thing I was able to kill you early! (正直いっておまえを早めに殺せてホッとしているぞ)”
- “Nothing but sapless scum now! Hehehehe! (しぼりカスだッ! フフフフフフフフ)”
- “I still feel the power... (まだまだパワーを感じる…)”
- “Oh, this feels goo-oo-ood! (ンッン~~♪ 実に! スガスガしい気分だッ!)”
- “I offer you a proposal: why not become my partner? (どうだねひとつ…わたしと友だちにならないか?)”
- “I must eliminate Jonathan's bloodline forever... (ジョナサンの一族は…排除せねば)”
- “Just to make this clear, I'm not afraid of Joestar, just his foul bloodline! (正確に言おう!
ジョースターに恐怖しているのではない !ジョースターの血統はあなどれん ということだ!)” - “Go down two steps. I'll let you join me again. But if you want to die... step upward. (その階段を二段おりろ。再びわたしの仲間にしてやろう。 逆に死にたければ………………足をあげて階段を登れ)”
- “My left side is weak... This body still isn't fully used to me. (体の左半身が弱いのだ……まだ完全におれになじんでおらん証拠)”
- “This is The World. Not that you can see or feel it. Time has stopped for you. (これが…「
世界 」だ。 もっとも「時間の止まっている」おまえには 見えもせず感じもしないだろうがな…)”

- “This is... The World! (これが…「
世界 」だ)” - “Useless, useless, useless, useless, USELESS! (無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄無駄ァーーーッ)”
- “Methods? Means? Irrelevant! (過程や……! 方法なぞ………! どうでもよいのだァーーーーッ)”
- “WRYYYYYYYYYYYY! (ウリイイイイイイイイイイイイイイイイイイーッ)”
- “You! You were looking! (きさま! 見ているなッ!)”
- “You just walked into my checkmate! (きさまはチェスや将棋でいう『
詰み 』にはまったのだッ!)” - “It's a steamroller! (ロードローラーだッ!)”
- “I could get used to this. I could really get used to this! Hahaha! (
なじむ 。実に !なじむぞ 。フハハハハハ)” - “To stand on top of the world is to know no fear! (世界の頂点に立つ者は! ほんのちっぽけな「恐怖」をも持たぬ者ッ!)”
- “Now THIS is the greatest high! AHA HA HA HA HA! (最高に「ハイ!」ってやつだアアアアアアハハハハハハハハハハーッ)”
- “Relax. No need to be scared sick. (ゲロを吐くぐらいこわがらなくてもいいじゃあないか…安心しろ…)”
- “The sidewalk is wide enough, yes? (歩道が広いではないか…)”

- “Hmph. Waste of time. (フン、無駄無駄)”—Round Win 1
- “I need more blood. (まだ血が足りん)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by DIO's Great Heat Attack, "It's a steamroller!", Jotaro Kujo initially holds the vehicle back with punches from Star Platinum.
- If the GHA is non-lethal and Jotaro activates his time stop during the cinematic, the interaction is extended: After Jotaro is "crushed," DIO celebrates his victory momentarily before himself being trapped in time stop, unable to move. The camera pans to reveal Jotaro standing behind DIO, claiming he stopped time and escaped. Unlike in the original story, DIO is able to free himself, causing The World and Star Platinum to clash fists before both Stand users are blown away.
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, DIO clenches his teeth as Gold Experience's fist strikes the side of his skull, referencing Jotaro's successful attack against him after playing dead.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, DIO grins as he scratches at his own head, as he does after sucking Joseph's blood.[4]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, DIO has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Heh. (フッ)”—Default dialogue
- “I think life is about overcoming your fear. (おれは「恐怖」を克服することが「生きる」ことだと思う)”—DIO (Player 1)“Standing on top of the world means having not an ounce of fear! (世界の頂点に立つ者は! ほんのちっぽけな「恐怖」をも持たぬ者ッ!)”—DIO (Player 2)
“So an encounter that crosses time itself, is it, JoJo?! (時を隔てた邂逅というわけか…ジョジョオオ…!)”—DIO
“Sorry, but I couldn't possibly remember the names of all you little maggots. (すまないが…いちいち覚えていられないんだ、 お前のようなカスの名前など)”—DIO
- “Testing my stand against my former self... how amusing! (かつての自分を相手にスタンドを試すのも面白かろう…)”—DIO
- “Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? (ほう…向かってくるのか……… 逃げずにこのDIOに近づいてくるのか………)”—DIO
- “Fair warning: I will suck you dry! (おまえは血を吸って殺すと予告しよう)”—DIO
- “You've got a special power, don't you? Something normal people don't have. Show me! (『君は…普通の人間にはない特別な能力を持っているそうだね?』 『ひとつ………それをわたしに見せてくれるとうれしいのだが』)”—DIO“That man's voice... it calms my heart. That's why he scares me so much! (なんだ…この男の声…なんと心が……やすらぐんだ。 だからこそ恐ろしい!!)”
“Don't make yourself sick with fear. Don't worry. Let go, Kakyoin. (『ゲロを吐くぐらいこわがらなくてもいいじゃあないか… 安心しろ…安心しろよ…花京院』)”—DIO
- “The sense I feel... I am in the light. The white of courage, of justice! (今…感じる感覚は…おれは「白」の中にいるということだ… 勇気が湧いてくる。「正しいことの白」の中におれはいるッ!)”“You only have one option: Die, Polnareff! (死ぬしかないな、ポルナレフッ!)”—DIO
“So the dog is a Stand user... Then I can't just let you be now, can I? (この犬もスタンド使いか… ならば捨てておくわけにはいかんなぁ~!)”—DIO
- “The Emperor's forte is close-quarters assassination! We got 'em now! (接近での暗殺こそ「
皇帝 」の独壇場ッ! おれならやれるッ! やれるぞッ!)”“Are you really trying to shoot me? (本当にオレを撃とうとしているのか?)”—DIO - “Come, Mariah. I will test you. (来い、マライアよ。腕試しをしてやろう)”—DIO
- “I can feel how bloodthirsty you are... Heh heh heh. I know I'll be able to count on you, Pet Shop. (ずいぶん殺気立っているな… フフフ…頼もしいぞ、ペット・ショップ)”—DIO
- “Ice... I wish to test The World's powers. Be my guinea pig! (アイスよ…ザ・ワールドの能力を試してみたい… 相手をしてくれないか…)”—DIO
“Jotaro... You've certainly gotten old. (承太郎か…多少歳を取ったようだな)”—DIO
- “Who're you...? You seem close to me... but far away as well. (何者だ…? このDIOに近いようでもあり…遠いようでもある…)”—DIO
- “Heh. (フッ)”—DIO“You remind me of that little shit Giorno. What are you, his dad? (あの生イキなジョルノとどこか似てやがる。もしかしてあいつの親父か?)”
- “Your Pale Snake can turn souls into objects and store them... Why don't you try to do the same to me, then? (君のホワイトスネイクは『魂』を形にして保存できる… 私の寝首をとればいいだろう…)”—DIO
- “If you made my The World into a disc and stole it, you would rule the world. Just try it! (わたしの『ザ・ワールド』をDISCにして奪えば 君は王になれる。やれよ……)”—DIO
- “THE WORLD, you say? Heh heh... Well, now. I, DIO, will test your strength! (『
THE WORLD 』だと? ククク、面白い…… おまえの力、このDIOが試してやろう!)”—DIO“DIO... and a Stand with the same power as mine? What's going on here? (DIO!? それに、同じ能力のスタンド……? どうなっているんだ……!?)”

- “Now I've proven that nobody can surpass DIO! (これで何者もこのDIOを超える者はいないことが証明されたッ!)”—DIO (Player 1)“Heh heh heh...! I have conquered even the terror that is myself! (フフフフ…! 自分自身という恐怖を克服したぞ!)”—DIO (Player 2)
- “My friend... This body will continue to serve me into the future! (友よ…おまえの
肉体 はこれからも我が未来 であり続けるッ!)”—DIO - “Speed... wagon? Huh? (スピード…ワゴン…? はて?)”—DIO
- “Vaporizing Freeze... Ahh, what memories! (気化冷凍法か…懐かしい技だ…)”—DIO“Your Stand was surprising at first, but now I know it's nothing to fear! (スタンドか…ほんのちょっと驚いたが 実際たしかめてみてもう問題ではない!)”
- “Star Platinum has finally perished in the face of The World! (「スタープラチナ」はついに我が「
世界 」のもとに やぶれ去ったッ!)”—DIO - “Ripple gave me trouble before, but it's no match for The World! (百年前はちと手を焼いた『波紋』だが、 『
世界 』の前ではまったく無力のものよ)”—DIO“What's the matter? Didn't you say something about sucking me dry? (どうした? わしの血を吸うんじゃあなかったのか?)” - “I want you to use your Stand for my own ends. Lend me your powers... Ha ha ha! (君のスタンドを私のために使ってくれ… 私に力を貸してくれ…フフフ…)”—DIO
- “There is nothing to be afraid of. Let us band together! (「恐れることはないんだよ。友だちになろう」)”—DIO“I'll never return to the pathetic Kakyoin that I used to be! (二度とあの時のみじめな花京院には絶対に戻らないッ!)”
- “Once I kill you, I suppose that'll be the end of the Joestar Egyptian Tour, eh? (「ジョースター・エジプト・ツアー御一行様」は きさまにとどめを刺して全滅の最後というわけだな…………)”—DIO“That was scarier than death! Imagine, living only to serve the likes of you... (死よりも恐ろしいぜ!! てめーに利用されることへの欲求だけの人生なんてな)”
- “What to do now? Perhaps I'll kill some time by turning you into a zombie! (ゾンビ犬でも合成してみるか…暇つぶしにはなるかもなァ…)”—DIO
- “I like you. You never sweated, never lost your rhythm. You are cool as ice, Hol Horse. (気に入った…殺そうとする一瞬……… 汗もかいていないし呼吸もみだれていないな。 冷静だ………さすがホル・ホース)”—DIO“I stick by the strongest I find. That's it! I never swore loyalty to the likes of you! (おれは強い方につくだけの男! 心の底からてめーにゃあ忠誠を誓ってねーぜ! 魂までは売らねえ!)”
- “The magnetism is wearing off... What's wrong? Finished already? (もう磁力が消えているじゃあないか。どうした、終わりか?)”—DIO
- “You'll attack anyone... That's why I knew you were fit to be my gatekeeper. (誰に対しても攻撃的… それでこそ、おまえを門番にした甲斐がある)”—DIO
- “You needn't die here... My blood will resurrect you. (死ぬ必要はない…………わたしの血で蘇えるがいい……………)”—DIO
- “Hmph... Those dull movements of yours already look like they're frozen in time! (フン…お前の鈍ったその動き… まるで「止まって」いるようだったぞ)”—DIO
- “You... I like you. (…おまえ…気にいったぞ…)”—DIO“I'll use the power I inherited from you for my own dreams! (あんたから受け継いだ力は、僕の夢のために利用させてもらう)”
- “You'll become a very noble clergyman. (君は気高い聖職者になれるだろう)”—DIO
- “I never thought I'd meet a man who would calm me like this. I was scared to see you go... (思ってもみなかったのだ。話をしてると心が落ちつく 人間がいるなんて……君がいなくなるのが怖かったのだ…)”—DIO
- “5 seconds is the longest you can stop time? Neither your power, your strength, nor your speed are worthy of me, DIO, and The World! (止められるのはせいぜい5秒程度か? 能力も! パワーもスピードも! このDIOの『
世界 』の足元にも及ばん!)”—DIO“If this is another trial to get the corpse, I'll crush it, no questions asked! (これも『遺体』を手に入れるための試練なら、ひねり潰してやるだけだ……!)”

- “Your hair's like a pile of cow dung by the side of the road! (道端にへばりつく牛のクソのような頭だ…)”—DIO, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring DIO as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Phantom Blood

2. Attack the opponent's Stand:

3. Land the "Frozen in your tracks!" skill:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Dio: A Stand, you say? Interesting. Try it on me!
Stardust Crusaders

2. Use the "Oh, this suits me well!" skill:

3. Land the "This is... The World!" skill:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

DIO: So an encounter that crosses time itself, is it, JoJo?!

2. Attack the opponent's Stand:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

4. Win in Rush Mode:

DIO: This is it... the final round!

2. Use the "Cunning Tactician" skill:

3. Land the "Hermit Purple!" skill:

DIO: Joseph... You're next!

2. Use the "Stop, time!" skill:

3. Land a 50-hit combo:

Kosaku: Can I help you? I don't want any trouble, so can you just leave me be?

2. Land the "Right in front of me?!" skill:

3. Use the "So close!" special:

4. Win with a Great Heat Attack:

Giorno: No... it can't be you!

2. Land the "Hierophant's Barrier" skill:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

4. Win with a Dramatic Finish:

DIO: You fool. Know this... the power of The World allows you to rule over everything!
Stone Ocean

2. Use a Great Heat Attack:

3. Land the "I order you!" skill:

Pucci: You are a king among kings.

2. Use the "I won't cut my string yet!" skill:

3. Land a 300-hit combo:

Jolyne: I've gotta crush you into smithereens! I get that now!
Steel Ball Run

2. Land the "Useless, useless!" skill:

3. Land the "USHAAAAAAAA!" skill:

Diego: Me... Another me? Is this the President's Stand?
DIO's theme is DIO's World (DIOの世界, DIO no Sekai), and can be purchased in-game via the Shop & Gallery Mode's music shop for the price of
1000 G.
Its name is taken from the title of the story arc depicting the Joestar group's final battle against DIO, DIO's World.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 257: DIO's World, Part 11
(removed speech bubble, added hair in that space, and added more sweat)
Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17, page 3
(redesigned entirely to his normal form from his awakened form)
User Mode
This section requires expansion.
Stand Mode

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Dio Brando vs. DIO Extra Battle Attack the opponent's Stand

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Jotaro Kujo vs. DIO Boss Battle Attack the opponent's Stand
Update History

- "My Stand's full power!"
Fixed to down opponents if the move hits 3 times or more.
- "Right in front of me?!"
Fixed to down opponents if the move hits 3 times or more.
- "An absolute end" special
Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs to fix an issue where it would clash with skills.
Fixed an issue where the move would do chip damage when guarded.
- "I'll give you one chance." skill
Fixed an issue where the hitbox would continue to expand if DIO was hit while attacking with the "He's... gone!" follow-up skill after this skill was triggered.
- Standing Light Attack [Stand On]
Increased startup.
Reduced hitbox duration.
Reduced duration of hurtbox.
- "And one more just in case!" skill
Standardized the position the knife projectiles spawn at to match DIO's throwing animation.
- "He's gone?!" skill
Added the ability to cancel into Stylish Guard or Guarding after a successful counter.
Added the ability to Flash Cancel and cancel into HHA, skills, and specials after the counter is successfully triggered.
- "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill
Made it so hurtbox now extends forward when the hitbox spawns.
Increased duration of hurtbox.
- "My Stand's full power!" skill
Made it so hurtbox now extends forward when the hitbox spawns.
Increased duration of hurtbox.
Extended hitbox of last hit downward to reduce the chance of it missing.
- "I'll give you one chance." skill
Fixed a bug where the time stop visual effect would not end if this skill was interrupted under certain circumstances.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", March 9, 2022.
- ↑ DIO ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 260: DIO's World, Part 14
- ↑ Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 DIO's World (Story Arc)