All-Star Battle R ★ Kosaku Kawajiri

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  • Yoshikage Kira

Everything's coming up Kira![2] (この吉良吉影に「運」は味方してくれているッ!)

Kosaku Kawajiri (川尻 浩作, Kawajiri Kōsaku) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

In the English localization of the game, the name of Kosaku's Stand, Killer Queen, is localized as "Deadly Queen", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle. Unlike in the original game, however, Stray Cat keeps its original name, rather than being localized to "Feral Cat".

Toshiyuki Morikawa reprises his role from the Diamond is Unbreakable anime, replacing Rikiya Koyama. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Kosaku were either added or re-recorded.


Kosaku has 900 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Killer Queen, dynamically changing his moveset in the process. Many of Killer Queen's attacks also utilize Stray Cat and its air projectiles.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Throw (投げ技)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Assist System (アシストシステム)

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)

General Changes

  • Kosaku's run speed in User Mode has been greatly decreased.
  • While Kosaku can still be hit by the explosion from his own bombs, they no longer launch him, instead only dealing self-damage, which is greater than it was in All-Star Battle, and causing him to play a brief recovery animation.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

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Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Volume 46 cover

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 430: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 3 cover A

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 429: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 2

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 428: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 1

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 419: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2

Victory ABCDE
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Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 437: Let Me Remind You cover A

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Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 429: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 2

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Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Weekly Shonen Jump 1995 Issue 44-48 card

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Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Weekly Shonen Jump 1995 Issue 23-25 calling card (Kawajiri)
Chapter 427: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 10 cover (Killer Queen)

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Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 429: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 2


Kosaku's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Kosaku's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Everything's coming up Kira! (この吉良吉影に「運」は味方してくれているッ!)
  • No. You'll die. (いや…死ぬよ…)
  • I'll blow you away! (君も吹っ飛ばす!)
  • It's useless... (もう無駄だ…)
  • That's right... I'm Yoshikage Kira. (そう…わたしの名は「吉良吉影」)
  • I used to keep to myself like this back in summer camp, too. Oh what a dreadful place! (行きたくもない「サマーキャンプ」で こうやって距離を計ったっけなあ~~)
  • We all gotta get along! Not like this! (みんな仲よくしなくっちゃあなあ~~。 仲よくねェ~~)
  • You'll never tell anyone! (おまえは誰にもしゃべれないッ!)
  • My Killer Queen won't have trouble blocking you now. (もうこの『キラークイーン』に防げない敵ではない……)
  • You can't run anymore! (もう逃げる事はできない!!)
  • I'll wait for you to make your choice. (君が選択するまで待つよ…)
  • Those eyes... Desperate, like a mouse drowning in the septic tank. (あの目は……「肥えだめ」で溺れかけてる ネズミみたいに絶望しているぞ)
  • According to my calculations... Yes. There's no mistaking it. (計算すると……ん……「間違いない」な…………)
  • Oh how wonderful it must be to not have a care in the world. (うらやましいな…ヒマそうで…………)
  • Ooh, how dangerous... (おっと危ない危ない…)
  • For a first-timer... your accuracy is spot-on. (初めてにしては…正確に「命中」した…)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Ha ha ha ha! I beat them! Now I can be free! (ハハハハハハハハ。やつらに勝ったぞッ!  これで私は自由になれるッ!)
  • See how much my nails have grown? Can anyone stop their nails from growing? (「爪」のびているだろう…こんなにのびてる。 自分の「爪」がのびるのを止められる人間がいるだろうか?)
  • I'm not angry at the world or anything like that. This is just how I unwind. (ちょっと待ってくれ。わたしは別に怒っているわけではないよ。 「趣味」なんだ。)
  • No matter where you go or what you try to do, I am now invincible! (君がどこで誰に何をしようとわたしは(・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・)「無敵」になったんだ(・・・・・・))
  • I wish I could confide to you my true self. (この吉良吉影の『本性』を打ち明けてやりたい…)
  • Why? I'm in no particular rush to hurt you. (なぜだね? わたしにとって今あわてて君を攻撃する 必要は何もないな…)
  • People hide their true selves from others. Can you live your whole life like that? (人は自分の心の底を「他人」に隠したまま生活している。 しかし………永遠に誰にも「自分の本性」を隠したまま 一生をすごせるものだろうか?)
  • I have a bad feeling about this... (何か胸騒ぎがする)
  • Killer Queen's Bites the Dust is invincible! It hides my true self as if nothing ever happened! (『キラークイーン バイツァ・ダスト』は無敵なのだッ!  わたしの「正体」だけ(・・)を消して時は元どおりになる!)
  • It's not that I was running away from you. If I wanted to kill you, I could anytime. (別におまえたちから逃げていたわけではない(・・・・・・・・・・・)。 おまえらを始末しようと思えばいつでも殺す事はできた……………)
  • Overthinking things is a scary idea. Especially if you trust in your skills too much... (「思い込む」という事は何よりも「恐ろしい」事だ……… しかも自分の能力や才能を優れたものと過信している時は さらに始末が悪い)
  • Pfft! Damn you, Kosaku Kawajiri... Is being a big-shot business man really worth all this crap to you?! (フン! 「川尻浩作」め…ペコペコしやがって……………… そんなに出世したかったのか…気苦労の方が多いのに)
  • I know this is a terrible grievance, but I may be 15 minutes late this morning. (まことに勝手なのですが…… 今朝15分ほど出社が遅れそうなのです)
  • When times are worst, that's when your next chance comes. I know that well now. (こんなヒドイ時にこそ…最悪の時にこそ!  「チャンス」というものは訪れるという過去からの教訓だ…………)
  • No! I'm at my limit! I'm gonna push it! (いいや! 「限界」だッ! 押すねッ!)
  • I don't like killing if it stands out too much... but I have no choice! (『殺す』のは目立つ事で非常にまずい事だ… しかしやらざるを得ない!)
  • No. No one can stop their nails from growing. Nor can they suppress their true selves. Nothing can be done about it... What a bother... (いない…誰も「爪」をのびるのを止める事ができないように… 持って生まれた「(さが)」というものは誰もおさえる事が できない……………どうしようもない…困ったものだ…)
  • In Japanese, the word destiny is written as that which brings life! Heh heh... That's exactly it. ((いのち)」を「(はこ)」んで来ると書いて『運命(うんめい)』!  ………フフ、よくぞ言ったものだ)
  • Didn't you learn not to answer a question with a question in school? (質問を質問で返すなあーっ!!  疑問文には疑問文で答えろと学校で教えているのか?)
  • When I was a kid... I saw Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. (わたしは…子どものころ……レオナルド・ダ・ビンチの 「モナリザ」ってありますよね……)
  • I saw it in a book... And her hands, laid down on her legs. (あの絵…画集で見たときですね、 あの「モナリザ」がヒザのところで組んでいる「手」…)
  • When I saw that, I... forgive me for being vulgar, but... Heh heh... I happened to... get an erection... (あれ(・・)……初めて見た時……なんていうか……その… 下品なんですが…フフ……勃起………しちゃいましてね…………)
  • I cut off the part with the hands and put it up in my room. I want to cut off your hands, too. (「手」のとこだけ切り抜いて(・・・・・)しばらく……… 部屋にかざってました。あなたのも……切り抜きたい…)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • You've found me out: I'm Yoshikage Kira. Ha ha ha ha ha! Tell whoever you like. (そう…わたしの名は「吉良吉影」。フフフハハハハ。誰かにしゃべってもかまわないよ…)
  • I ripped out the part with the hands and put it up in my room. I want to cut off your hands, too. (「手」のとこだけ切り抜いて(・・・・・)しばらく………部屋にかざってました。あなたのも……切り抜きたい…)
  • No! I'm at my limit! I'm gonna push it! (いいや! 「限界」だッ! 押すねッ!)
  • No great joy, but no sign of deep despair, either. A quiet life, like that of a plant's... (激しい「喜び」はいらない…そのかわり深い「絶望」もない………「植物の心」のような人生を…)
  • I'm not leaving this town... ever! (この町は決して出ないぞッ!)
  • You're rather cute... when your mouth is shut. (しゃべらない君は実にカワイイよ…)
  • We all gotta get along! Not like this! (みんな仲よくしなくっちゃあなあ~~。仲よくねェ~~)
  • Oh how wonderful it must be to not have a care in the world. (うらやましいな…ヒマそうで…………)
  • In Japanese, the word destiny is written as "that which brings life"! Heh heh... That's exactly it. (「命」を「運」んでくると書いて『運命』! …フフ、よくぞ言ったものだ)
  • Didn't you learn not to answer a question with a question in school? (質問を質問で返すなあーっ!! 疑問文には疑問文で答えろと学校で教えているのか?)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Heh heh... Oh, Minako... (フフ……美那子さん……)
    —Round Win 1
  • My apologies... Yes sir. I'll be there shortly... Yes. Right away. Excuse me. (まことにすみません……はい。済み次第…はい。 すぐ会社に………………はい! 向かいますので……はい。 は! …失礼します! 部長)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • Kosaku's Great Heat Attack, "Bites the Dust", rewinds time itself. In the process, Kosaku reverses several character-specific effects, including the following:
  • Jonathan Joestar: If Jonathan has activated his "This is my final Ripple!" special and recovered using it, its passive effects will be undone and access to his Heart Heat Gauge will be restored to him.
  • Joseph Joestar: If Joseph's "Guess I did it again!" Level has increased, it will be reverted back to its initial value. If his "Your next line is:" skill was previously executed successfully, access to that skill will remain locked.
  • Rudol von Stroheim: If Stroheim has destroyed his own Heart Heat Gauge by successfully activating his "Farewell, you annoying Englishman!" skill, access to his Heart Heat Gauge will be restored to him.
  • Wamuu: If any of Wamuu's installs ("Wind Mode", "Vapor Barrier", or "I shall see with the wind") are active, they will be canceled, and the Heart Heat spent will remain lost.
  • Esidisi: If any of Esidisi's installs ("Heat Control" or "The Burning King") are active, they will be canceled, and the Heart Heat spent will remain lost.
  • Kars: If Kars has evolved into the Ultimate Thing using his Great Heat Attack, his transformation will be undone. If any of his installs ("Light Mode" or "Brilliant Bone Blades") are active, they will be canceled as well.
  • Mariah: If Mariah's Magnetization Gauge has increased, it will be reverted back to its initial value.
  • Yukako Yamagishi: If Yukako's has used her "My precious hair! It's turned completely white!" special, access to her Heart Heat Gauge will be restored to her, though she is incapable of surviving the Great Heat Attack regardless.
  • Giorno Giovanna: If Giorno has entered Requiem Mode using his Great Heat Attack, the install will be canceled, and the Heart Heat spent will remain lost.
  • Pannacotta Fugo: If Fugo has evolved Purple Haze into Purple Haze Distortion using either his Great Heat Attack or his "Purple Haze Distortion" special, the transformation will be undone. If the transformation was activated with "Purple Haze Distortion", access to that special will remain locked. If any of Purple Haze's capsules have been broken, they will be fully restored.
  • Prosciutto: If Prosciutto's Aging Gauge has increased, it will be reverted back to its initial value.
  • Diavolo: If Diavolo has used his Heart Heat Attack to activate Epitaph, it will be canceled, and the Heart Heat spent will remain lost.
  • Weather Report: If Weather's "Weather Report" install is active, it will be canceled, and the Heart Heart spent will remain lost.
  • Enrico Pucci (Final): If Pucci (Final) has evolved his Stand into C-MOON or Made in Heaven, it will be reverted back to Whitesnake. If Made in Heaven is active, the stage will also revert to its previous state, and Pucci (Final) will be unable to enter Made in Heaven Mode again for the rest of the match. If Whitesnake is already active, any of the "14 Words" spoken to the Green Baby will be lost.
  • Steel Ball Run Characters: If any Steel Ball Run character has Saint's Corpse Parts in their possession, they will be lost and reappear in a random location on the stage. If there are any unclaimed Parts on the ground, they will also be relocated to a random location.
  • Johnny Joestar: If Johnny has evolved Tusk, the Stand will be reverted back to ACT1.
  • Gyro Zeppeli: Gyro's Spin Gauge will revert to being half full, canceling Golden Spin Mode if Gyro has entered it. If any of Gyro's Steel Balls are in play, they will automatically be returned to him.
  • Funny Valentine: If Valentine has used his "Back from the 'other side'" skill, access to his Heart Heat Gauge will be restored to him.


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Kosaku has unique dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • It's easy to win one battle... But it makes you stressed out for the next one. (ひとつの「闘い」に勝利する事は簡単だ… だが次の「闘い」のためにストレスがたまる……)
    —Default dialogue
  • What... What is...?! (こ…これは…?)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri (Player 1)
    Is this... an enemy? (こいつは…敵か?)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri (Player 2)
  • Josuke... Higashikata... (東方……仗助……)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    Show me your Killer Queen! (出しな……てめ~の……… 『キラー……………………クイーン』……を…)
  • You're cornered now, Yoshikage Kira! (追いつめたぞ! 吉良吉影!)
    This is a dream... How could I be cornered like this? (これは……「夢」だ。 このわたしが追いつめられてしまうなんて……)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
  • If it's "hands-off" combat you want, The Hand can do the business! Come on! (「触らず」に攻撃すんならよォ~。 オレの『ザ・ハンド』の方が向いている。来いッ!)
    The Hand... The power to wipe away space and teleport in an instant. (『ザ・ハンド』……… 空間を削り(・・)「瞬間移動」させる能力を持つ…)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
  • Bingo! Finally found you! Kosaku Kawajiri is really Yoshikage Kira! (大当たりだッ! ついに見つけたぞ! 『吉良吉影』は川尻浩作だッ!)
    I'll detonate anyone who dares follow my trail... (この『吉良吉影』を探り回ってる者………………… 必ず爆死させる)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
  • Sorry to trouble you. (どーも失礼しましたど)
    Huh?! N-No way! (バッ!? !? バ…バカなッ!!)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
  • Go ahead, corner me all you want! When I reach my absolute limit, I'll just activate Bites the Dust! (このわたしをもっと追いつめるがいい! その限界の「ギリギリさ」が再びきっと!! 『バイツァ・ダスト』を発現させるのだッ!)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    This is bad! We need to get closer somehow... (まずいぜ………! もう少しだけ近づかねーと……)
  • *sniff, sniff* Yeah, your smell gives you away. You're Yoshikage Kira, aren't ya! (クンクン、クン……「臭い」でわかるぜ…… てめー、吉良吉影だろ?)
    I'll blow you away! (君も吹っ飛ばす!)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
  • Look at you, I sense... myself. Who are you? (わたしと同じ気配がする…何者だ?)
    You're who? Yoshikage Kira? (何ぃー? 吉良吉影? だと?)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Better to err on the side of caution and kill you. (大事をとって(・・・・・・)殺しとく(・・・・)()…………)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri (Player 1)
    So you were out to get me. Thankfully I made such short work of you. (やはり敵だったか… そして問題はない…始末したぞ)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri (Player 2)
  • You'll never get me. Just watch. (逃げきってみせる…絶対に…)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    Guess there's no way out... (逃げ道はないようだなぁ~~)
  • Anyone pursuing my secret will get blown away. (わたしの秘密に迫る者はみな消し飛ぶ…)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    You're gonna pay for your crimes, you murderer! (罪を償うんだ、殺人鬼!)
  • I heard that was a real scary Stand, but it was nothing. (恐ろしいスタンドだと聞いていたが、どうってことないなあ~)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    You see The Hand's right hand? I always wonder where the stuff I swipe away with it goes. (オレのこの『ザ・ハンド』の「右手」よォ~~、 けずり取ったモノ(・・)はいったいどこへ行っちまうんだろう?)
  • Hmph. Thinking that you can't draw manga anymore right now, aren't you? (フフフ…『もう「漫画」が描けないな…』なんて事を 考えているのかな…?)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    So this is how it ends for the murderer, then. (これが殺人鬼の最期か…)
  • Heh heh, that'll do! (フフ…これでいい…)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    Sorry... I didn't mean to overlook you like that! (ついうっかりよそ見してましたど。 ゴメンナサイ)
  • Looks like I won't need to use Bites the Dust to go back now... Hu hu hu ha ha ha ha! (どうやら『バイツァ・ダスト』で戻る必要もなかったな… フフフ、ハハハハハ!)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    Guess I made it in time... (やれやれ、間に合ったぜ……)
  • To think I would meet Yoshikage Kira... is this an effect of Bites the Dust? (吉良吉影のわたしが現れるなんて… まさか『バイツァ・ダスト』の影響か?)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri
    I'll be the one who drops bombs around here, thanks. (『爆弾』を使うのは、わたし一人で充分だ…)
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Everything's coming up Kira! (この吉良吉影に「運」は味方してくれているッ!)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • That hairdo... I haven't blown you up yet, have I? Heh heh... (その頭…まだ爆破させていないはずだが? クク)
    —Kosaku Kawajiri, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Kosaku as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Stardust Crusaders

Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Kosaku Kawajiri
Stage: Kira Estate

Diamond is Unbreakable

Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear two panels on the same page.
Kosaku Kawajiri
Stage: Morioh
Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Kosaku Kawajiri
Stage: Morioh




Kosaku's theme is KILL A (KILL・A, Kirā), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Can I ask your name?" throw in All-Star Battle Mode's Kosaku vs. Narciso Anasui Extra Battle.

Its name is taken from a romanization of "Kira" featured on the cover of Chapter 146 of Diamond is Unbreakable.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Josuke Higashikata vs. Kosaku Kawajiri All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The main antagonist of Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. He is actually Yoshikage Kira disguised as businessman Kosaku Kawajiri. He awakens the ability to blow away and rewind time, Bites the Dust. However, Kawajiri's son Hayato pits him against Josuke and company. In the end, he is run over by an ambulance and dies, and both he and his Stand are dragged into the afterlife in Ghost Girl's Alley.[5]
Actually Yoshikage Kira disguised as businessman Kosaku Kawajiri, in whom is awakened the time-resetting ability, Bites the Dust. Kawajiri's son Hayato brings him up against Josuke Higashikata 4 and company, and in the end he's run over by an ambulance, then dragged into the forbidden alley with his Stand.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 421: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 4, page 8

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 437: Let Me Remind You, page 16
(modified to remove blood)

Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 426: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 9, page 19
(modified to remove Killer Queen from frame and removed effect)

Reference SketchStand Ref SketchMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Chapter 429: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 2 page 6

Killer Queen Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

Buy from Gallery Shop
1500 G


Chapter 362: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 9

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Match Entrance
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Round Win Pose 1
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Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Health
    • Reduced health. (from 1000 to 900)
  • "I'll crush you!" special
    • Shortened timing that hitbox takes to disappear, matching the animation.
  • "This stone is a bomb!" skill
    • Trap changed to disappear when Stylish Guarded, but the explosion will still occur.
  • "The First Bomb" skill
    • Increased tracking during startup.


  • "I'll crush you!" special
    • Adjusted hitbox to fix situation where move wouldn't hit when opponent was against a wall.
  • "Bites the Dust" GHA


  • Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand Off]
    • Increased range.
  • Crouching Medium Attack [Stand On]
    • Reduced pushback on hit.
  • Crouching Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Increased range.
  • Jumping Medium Attack [Stand On]
    • Increased duration of attack.
  • Jumping Heavy Attack [Stand On]
    • Increased gap between first and second hit to improve usability in neutral.
  • "This stone is a bomb!" skill
    • Shortened recovery period.
  • "Air Bomb Cushion" skill
    • Increased pushback on hit.
    • If this move is Flash Canceled, Kosaku can move first, possibly creating an advantageous situation.
  • "Stray Cat's protecting me now!" HHA
    • Shortened recovery period.


  • "Stray Cat's protecting me now!" HHA
    • Increased the distance between Kosaku and the opponent after a successful activation.


  • Jumping Light Attack [Stand Off]
    • Increased size of hitbox.
    • Increased the amount of time the hitbox is active.
  • Jumping Light Attack [Stand On]
    • Increased speed of startup.
    • Decreased recovery time.
  • "Impact Ignition Bomb" skill ( and versions)
    • Increased speed of startup.
  • "Air Bomb Cushion!" skill
    • Added a darkening visual effect to make it more obvious when this move is activated.
  • "The First Bomb" skill
    • Fixed a bug where the version's hitbox disappeared prematurely. It now matches with the version.


  • Explosions
    • Increased recovery of self-inflicted damage caused by explosions.
  • "Impact Ignition Bomb" skill
    • Decreased startup.
  • "This stone is a bomb!" skill
    • This skill can now hit a downed opponent.
    • This skill now launches downed opponents.
    • Adjusted the damage of the hits to reduce damage to a downed opponent.
    • Increased size of the hitbox on the first hit.
  • "Contact Bomb" skill
    • Removed incorrect information about the opponent being unable to reflect the projectile.
    • Adjusted when the move can be Flash Canceled.


  • "Impact Ignition Bomb" skill
    • Reduced damage.
  • "This stone is a bomb!" skill
    • Removed the detection box's 1 damage as it was unintended.
    • Reduced damage.
  • "Contact Bomb" skill
    • Reduced damage.
      • This change also applies to the Assault Assist as this is the skill that it uses.
  • Assault Assist
    • Increased number of stocks from two to three.


  1. These include Kosaku Kawajiri, Hayato Kawajiri, Rohan Kishibe, Killer Queen, Kira Estate, Crazy Diamond, The Hand, Reimi Sugimoto, Stray Cat, Okuyasu Nijimura, Harvest, Josuke Higashikata, Heaven's Door, and Shigekiyo Yangu.


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