All-Star Battle R ★ Yuya Fungami

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Though it lacks power, my Highway Star will never stop its pursuit![3] (パワーはないが…この噴上裕也の『ハイウェイ・スター』! 追跡は決してやめないぜ!)
—Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5

Yuya Fungami (噴上 裕也, Fungami Yūya) along with Highway Star, was confirmed for All-Star Battle R as the second playable DLC character for the game's Season Pass 2, as well as the sixth paid DLC character overall, on October 6, 2023.[1] He released on October 20, 2023, or October 18, 2023 for season pass owners.[2] He is included in the game's second season pass, and consequently, the Ultimate Edition as well.

Having neither previously appeared in All-Star Battle nor Eyes of Heaven as a playable character, Yuya has an original moveset based on his appearance in Diamond is Unbreakable.

In the English version of All-Star Battle R, Yuya's Stand, Highway Star, is localized as "Highway Go Go", carried on from its first official usage in All-Star Battle.[4]

As Yuya's voice actor in the Diamond is Unbreakable anime, Kisho Taniyama reprises his role in All-Star Battle R as well.


Yuya has 850 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Highway Star, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.

This section requires expansion.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
Throw (投げ技)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Assist System (アシストシステム)

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Yuya's Diamond is Unbreakable attire

Highway Star
Model Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Highway Star's Diamond is Unbreakable appearance

Tint ATint BTint CTint D
Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Yuya's anime colors

Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


DU Episode 32 color shift

Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Weekly Shonen Jump 1995 Issue #23 - Issue #25 Telephone card Gift

Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Statue Legend second color

Stand AStand B
Highway Star Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Highway Star's anime colors

Highway Star Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


DU Episode 28 color shift

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 391: Highway Star, Part 8

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5, page 8

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


This section requires expansion.

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 390: Highway Star, Part 7

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Yuya from Chapter 407: Enigma Boy, Part 4, Highway Star from Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panel from Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Panels from Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1 Tailpiece


Yuya's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; all ten poses are included with the character's paid DLC, along with the remaining lines of both types as a single set. Yuya's Tag Lines are also included.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • *sniff* When you get worked up with anger, your body releases adrenaline, and I can smell it. (クンクン… 怒って興奮すると体内で分泌される『アドレナリン』って やつの臭いがプンプンするぜ)
  • Screw you! (きっさまあ~~~ッ!!)
  • Shut up already! (うるさいんだよ~~~っ)
  • Are you okay? (大丈夫かよ~~~)
  • Do something. You're boring me. (来いよォ……つまんねーぜ?)
  • Do you want to die? (死にたいのか?)
  • Come on, haggle with me a little more. (もうちょっとカケ引きしてくれよ……)
  • You idiot! (このバカがッ!)
  • You can give me your best shot. (本気出していいんだぜェ~?)
  • Jeez, you stink. (ひでー臭いだな、おい)
  • Beg for mercy... (『助けてくれ』と言え…)
  • You can't be serious! (ふざけるな~~~ッ)
  • Don't underestimate me! (オレをなめるなよ~~~~)
  • I'll never forgive you! (オメーをおれは許さねえ~)
  • Trying to play it cool... (気どりやがってェ~~~~)
  • Too slow! Get off your ass! (遅せェッ! もたついてんじゃあねーーぜっ!)
  • Man, what were you even going for? (おいおい、何しようってんだ?)
  • I'll drive you into the dirt! (ブッ倒してやっからよォ!)
  • I can tell what you're aiming for. Just by your scent, you know. (狙いがわかっちまうな~。 オメーの「臭い」でよ~~~)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Stand before me and beg for mercy, and I'll spare your life. (オレに向かって『助けてくれ』と叫べば 命だけはとらないでやろう)
  • Just relax. I'm about to help myself to all your nutrients! (安心していいぜ、てめーの養分は 全部いただいていくからよォ~~~)
  • Hm, you know... I really am a hot, beautiful guy. (んー……おれってよ~~~っ やっぱりカッコよくて……美しいよなあーーっ)
  • I'm surprised you really made it here. I'm a little shocked, actually. (よくここまでたどりつけたな…… ちょっとたまげたぜえ~~~っ)
  • Only a fool would put themselves in danger like that. (自分の身をヤバイ状況にさらすのは… アホのする事だぜ~~~~~~~~~っ)
  • Nutrients... Give me your nutrients! (養分をくれェ~~~~~~ッ おまえの『養分』をおれにくれェ~~ッ!!)
  • You fool! Highway Star still remembers your scent! (バカめッ! 『ハイウェイ・スター』は まだてめーの臭いを記憶しているぜーーッ)
  • My sense of smell's gotten better since I got Highway Star! (『ハイウェイ・スター』を身につけてから、 嗅覚が鋭くなってるんだぜ~~~)
  • I've left just a bit of your nutrients in you. (おまえの『養分』は今… ほんの少しだけ残しといてやっている…)
  • We did it, Highway Star! (やったぜ~~~~~~っ『ハイウェイ・スター』!)
  • Nutrients from two or three more people with powers like that, and my injury will be all better. (こいつと同じような「能力」を持つ者二~三人から 「養分」をいただけばこの負傷も全快だな……)
  • When I think about my girls that make me smile every day... I can't quit! (おれをいつも元気づけてくれるあの女どものこと思うとよォ… やるしかねーんだぜ!)
  • You're only alive because I'm letting you get away. (オレが()がしてやるからオメーは助かるんだぜ)
  • If you kick an injured person's ass, the guilt will stick with you forever. (病み上がりのオレをブチのめしたら イヤーな気分がずっと残るぜ~~~~ェ)
  • It's hard just to stand up, isn't it? That's because I've taken a heaping helping of your nutrients. (立つのもつれーだろォ? てめーの「養分」、たっぷりいただいちまったからなあ~~~)
  • I don't know you, and I don't give a shit about you! (オメーなんてぜんぜん知らねーっ! 興味もねーっ)
  • *sniff sniff* You can't get anything past me. I know exactly what you're after! (クンクン、クン……なめやがってよォ~~~。 てめーの狙いは、わかってんだぜェーーーッ!)
  • Say uncle already. Don't you know you're all dried up? (もうあきらめろって……干からびちまってんだろォ? )
  • Letting you live in this town would be totally uncool. (てめーをこの町で生かしておくのはカッコ悪い事だぜェーッ!)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Nope! I don't know him, and I don't give a shit about him! (いや、ぜんぜん知らねーっ! 興味もねーっ)
  • I really am a hot, beautiful guy. Saying that I resemble a Michelangelo sculpture would be putting it lightly. (んー……おれってよ~~~っ やっぱりカッコよくて……美しいよなぁーーっ ひかえ目に言ってもミケランジェロの彫刻のようによォ~~~ッ)
  • As you can see, I'm the man I am because of these girls. You fixed my injuries, so I'll help you out. (つ~~~~わけでよォー ごらんの通りおれはこいつらがいてこそのおれなんだ ケガ治してくれたんだ、協力するぜ……)
  • Josuke, I didn't promise to help you fight. I only promised I would track. (仗助…おれは…『闘う』のを手伝う約束はしてねーぜ…約束は『追跡』だけだ…)
  • Going any further is way too dangerous. I accepted this deal because you fixed my injuries, but only a fool would put himself in danger after that. (これ以上はヤバすぎんだよ……ケガを治してもらった『取り引き』なのによ~~~っ 自分の身をヤバイ状況にさらすのは…アホのする事だぜ~~~~~~~~~~~っ)
  • If, as stupid as this is, but just if, the one turned into paper was one of my girls who makes me smile every day... If it was any one of my girls, I would have done the same thing! (()にされたのが(・・・・・・)もし! バカだけどよォーおれをいつも元気づけてくれるあの女どもだったらと思うと…あの女どもの誰かだったらと思うと、てめーおれだってそうしたぜ!)
  • Letting you or Yoshikage Kira live in this town would be totally uncool. Hand over Koichi! (てめーや『吉良吉影』をこの町で生かしておくのは カッコ悪い事だぜェーッ よこせ 康一をッ!)
  • Very well, I accept! I said I would do it! (いいだろう! 受けて立つぜッ! やる(・・)っつったんだからよォー)
  • Damn it, I have no choice but to open it! (ちくしょう 開けるしかねえぜッ!)
  • I lost. You really freaked me out. But I'll gladly declare my defeat. (おれの負けだ…マジでビビッたよ。だが…喜んで「敗北する」よ)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • *sniff... sniff...* What are you mad about? (クンクン、クンクン 何怒ってんだよ)
    —Round Win 1
  • I'll remember your scent. (てめーの臭いを記憶しているぜ)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Yuya's face contorts similarly to when he is pummeled by Crazy Diamond.[5]
  • Yuya's "I got you" skill is one of four types of projectiles that can hit Risotto Nero when he is invisible, the other three being Muhammad Avdol's "Flaming Detector" skill, Mariah's "Sorry, but you'll have to die now" skill, and all of Narancia Ghirga's projectiles.
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Yuya's hand reaches for his lip as his other hand grips something, referencing his pose at the moment Enigma captures him.[6]
  • When summoned as an Assist by Josuke Higashikata or Koichi Hirose, Yuya calls out his ally's name.


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Yuya has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters. Notably, new dialogue was only recorded for Leone Abbacchio and Joseph Joestar's counter taunt.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Though it lacks power, my Highway Star will never stop its pursuit! (パワーはないが… この噴上裕也の『ハイウェイ・スター』! 追跡は決してやめないぜ!)
    —Default dialogue
  • Another me? What the hell is this? *sniff* You even smell like me, what the hell! (お、おれ? どうなってんだ……! クンクン……臭いまで同じじゃあねーかよォ~~~)
    —Yuya Fungami (Player 1)
    What the hell... What's going on here? Is this one of Yoshikage Kira's dad's tricks? (何だ…何だぁ~~~っ!? これも「吉良吉影のおやじ」たちの仕業ってことかよ……)
    —Yuya Fungami (Player 2)
  • Hang on... *sniff* You... don't smell human! (何だ、クンクン……この「臭い」……人じゃあねーぜ!?)
    —Yuya Fungami
    Think you're so clever... (フン…こざかしい)
  • Let's kick it one time... (こなみじんに吹き飛ばしてやる)
    Okuyasu, right? Buddy of Josuke's? Your Stand power seems a lot like that guy's... (仗助のダチ、億泰だったか? 似てやがるな……あいつのスタンド能力とよ……)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • So I'm the bad guy, huh. (おれって「悪党」かなあ~~っ)
    How am I supposed to know, huh? As soon as I was all healed up, I find myself here! (それ、おれに聞くのかよ…… 治してもらった直後によォー、ぶっ飛ばされてんだぜ~~~)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • You know, now that I really think about it, if it wasn't for you, I'd never have met Josuke, huh? (よォ~く考えたらよー、オメーがいなかったらよ…… 仗助はおれにたどり着けなかったってことだよなぁ?)
    —Yuya Fungami
    Let's do it! (やってやるぞ!)
  • This looks fun! (楽しそーだなーっ)
    Hey, you're... one of Josuke's boys, right? You'd better not get me in any trouble... (オメーたしか……仗助のダチだよなー? おれをめんどーなことに巻き込むなよォ……)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • *sniff sniff sniff* I can smell your awful mood from here. (クン、クンクン…… スゲー不機嫌な「臭い」がプンプンするぜェ~~~ッ)
    —Yuya Fungami
    No way readers would like this guy if I put him in my manga. (こんなヤツをマンガに()いても読者に好かれるハズがない)
  • You want proof? Hm? (強い証拠見たいか? ンン?)
    How uncool would I be to chicken out of this one? You're on! (ここで逃げるのはカッコ悪い事だぜェーッ! 受けて立ってやるよーーっ!)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • There's no need to worry. My Star Platinum is faster and more powerful. (安心したぜ。 パワーもスピードもスタープラチナのほうが上だ)
    You're gonna respect me or else! Highway Star! Give him full throttle! (ナメやがってェ~~~ッ! ハイウェイ・スターッ! 全力でいくぜェーーっ!)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • I need to go find Koichi, so... (あたし康一くんに会いに行かなきゃならないのに…)
    So you're... No way, you're Koichi's... girlfriend? (オメーよォ…… もしかしてよー、康一の……彼女?)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • You're a Stand user too, but you're nothing like Josuke. You won't get any help from me. (同じスタンド使いでもよー、オメーは仗助たちとは違うなあ…… オメーには協力しねーぜ)
    —Yuya Fungami
    Better be quick about it! (時間がないからよぉ~~、さっさと決めてやるよ…)
  • It feels so good when they're so beautifully together. (美しくそろっているのは気分のいいものだなァ~~っ)
    No one does beauty like Yuya Fungami! (美しいってのはよー、このおれ「噴上裕也」のことだぜェ~~~!)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • You... Are you alone...? (君、ひとりかね………?)
    Give me a damn break... His dad was bad enough, but Yoshikage Kira himself... (ヤバすぎんだろ…… 「吉良吉影のおやじ」じゃあなくて、本人が出てくるとはよォ~ッ)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • *sniff, sniff* Yeah, your smell gives you away. You're Yoshikage Kira, aren't ya! (クンクン、クン……「臭い」でわかるぜ…… てめー、吉良吉影だろ?)
    —Yuya Fungami
    I'll blow you away! (君も吹っ飛ばす!)
  • *sniff* A pistol, huh? You're not gonna have time to pull the trigger before Highway Star runs you over! (クンクン……拳銃か…… 引き金引くより先によォー、 ハイウェイ・スターで仕留めてやるぜェ~~~ッ)
    —Yuya Fungami
    Okay! That's perfect... Just the right position! (OK! それでいい…………そこの位置がいいッ!)
  • *sniff* Whoa, something about that tea smells way off. (クンクン。おい、お前の入れたお茶から嫌~な匂いがするぜ)
    —Yuya Fungami
    Dammit, he got me. This guy must have a real nose for trouble. (ちっ、気付きやがったか。鼻の良い野郎だ)
  • At first glance, you're a real nice lady... But my nose tells me you're a heap of trouble. (綺麗なおねーさんだと思ったのによォ…… てめー、スゲー危ねー「臭い」してんじゃあねーか)
    —Yuya Fungami
    If you wanna go, I'll take you on! (やるっていうのなら受けて立つわ…)
  • I've made up my mind not to listen to anyone's crap anymore! (オレはもう聞きたくないフザけたセリフは 聞かないことにした!)
    Josuke... Higashikata? You're telling me that's you? I don't think I'm the one messing around! (東方、じょうすけ? オメーがか? フザけてんのはよォー、てめーのほうだぜ~~~ッ!)
    —Yuya Fungami
  • Who is this guy? He's got the smell of bad news coming off him in fumes! (何だ…コイツは……! すげーヤバイ「臭い」がプンプンするぜ……)
    —Yuya Fungami
    So you have a strong sense of smell. Well? What are you supposed to do when you smell danger? (鼻は利くようだ……それで?  危険な臭いを感じた時、君はどうするべきなのかなあ~~~)
  • There's no escape! Highway Star has your scent now! (逃がさねーぜ! ハイウェイ・スターは てめーの「臭い」を記憶したからよォ~~~ッ)
    —Yuya Fungami
    Yours is the kind of Stand that's the most trouble for me. (君のスタンド……僕とはものすごく相性が悪いと思うよ)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Oh, yeah... I really am a hot, beautiful guy. (やっぱよォ……やっぱりおれってよ~~~っ、 カッコよくて美しいよなあーーっ)
    —Yuya Fungami (Player 1)
    It's all good. I'll take care of your girls for the both of us. (安心していいぜ…てめーの分まで、 おれが取り巻きの女たちにかまってもらうからよォ~~~っ)
    —Yuya Fungami (Player 2)
  • Just wondering about nutrients... Am I okay taking them from something that ain't human? (つーかよー、「養分」ってよォ…… 人間じゃあねーヤツから吸って大丈夫なのか?)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Kars
  • Vanishing won't help you escape, creep! Highway Star's got your scent! (姿を消しても意味ねーぜ~~~! ハイウェイ・スターはてめーの「臭い」を覚えたからよーーっ)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Vanilla Ice
  • Hey, that accident was my own fault anyway. No hard feelings from me. (もともと最初に事故ったのはおれの自業自得だし…… オメーには恨みはねーよ)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Josuke Higashikata
  • Hey, I think we could be buddies. We've both been through paper hell and all. (てめーとはよー、上手くやれる気がするぜ。 『紙』にされた同士だしよォ~~~)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Koichi Hirose
  • Look, I've got my own score with Yoshikage Kira. Least I can do is help you find him. (おれもよー、「吉良吉影」と無関係じゃあねーしな…… 探すくらいならよー、手伝ってやってもいいぜ)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Okuyasu Nijimura
  • About the tunnel thing, uh... My bad. I just really needed to get healed up. (トンネルでのことは……悪かったぜ。 ケガ治したくておれも必死だったからよォ……)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Rohan Kishibe
  • Did Kira's dad get you, too? Jeez, how the hell many Stand users does this town have? (てめーも「吉良のおやじ」にやられたのか? つーかよォー、この町には何人スタンド使いがいるんだ?)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Shigekiyo Yangu
  • I'm more of a lover than a fighter... But if you ask for it, I'll give it to you! (闘うのは好きじゃねーけどよー、 おれだってやるときはやるぜ~~~!)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
  • Jeez, lady... Glad you never joined my entourage... (オメーがよォ…… おれの取り巻きじゃあなくてよかったぜ……)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Yukako Yamagishi
  • No time, you say? Well, then... I'll get right to work taking your nutrients! (時間ねーんだよなあ~~~? それじゃあよォーーっ、 さっさと「養分」奪ってやるぜーーッ)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Akira Otoishi
  • You're doing the same thing Kira's dad did... *sniff* But you've got your reasons, I guess. (やってることは「吉良のおやじ」と同じみてーだが…… クンクン、何か事情がありそーだな)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Keicho Nijimura
  • All I have to do is run you over, and I'll be free of all this trouble! (てめーをブッ飛ばせばよ~~~っ、 もうめんどーなことに巻き込まれねーぜッ!)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Yoshikage Kira
  • A little face lift won't let you get away from my nose and Highway Star! (顔、変えたところでよォ~~~っ、 おれの嗅覚とハイウェイ・スターからは逃げられねーぜッ!)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Kosaku Kawajiri
  • You kind of... don't smell much like an upstanding citizen. I should be keeping my distance, huh? (なんつーかよー、 オメーカタギの「臭い」がしねーんだよなあ…… 関わったらヤベーやつだったか?)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Guido Mista
  • Tracking is Highway Star's specialty! (追跡はよ~~~、 「ハイウェイ・スター」も得意なんだぜェーーッ!)
    —Yuya Fungami
    You must be tired. Let's have ourselves a little tea break. (闘い疲れたろ? お茶でも飲んで一息入れようや)
  • You did time in the slammer? For real? You sure don't smell like it. It's the ones you least expect... (刑務所にいたのかよ~~~!? そーゆー「臭い」はしねーんだけどよォ、 人は見かけによらずだぜ……)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Jolyne Cujoh
  • Okay, so I had the wrong guy. But you are looking for someone named Yoshikage Kira, right? (人違いってのはわかったぜ…… けどよー、オメーが探してるのも 「吉良吉影」なんだよなぁ~~~?)
    —Yuya Fungami, against Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)
  • When I put my mind to something, I don't back down, trap or no! (やる(・・)って決めた以上はよ……たとえワナでも逃げねーぜッ!)
    —Yuya Fungami
    It would have been best if you didn't follow me. You've dove into the flow of calamity. (正解は追わないことだ。 君は自ら厄災の流れの中に飛び込んできたのだよ)
  • Trying to lure me in, huh? Good thing I smelled big trouble off you in time... (さそわれてたっつーわけか! コイツのヤべー(・・・)臭い(・・)」に気づけてよかったぜ……)
    —Yuya Fungami
    You would have been fine if you hadn't followed me. Shall I refer you to a hospital? (追ってこなければ怪我しなくて済んだのに…… 病院の紹介状、いるかい?)
Enemy Taunts
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • *sniff* When you get worked up with anger, your body releases adrenaline, and I can smell it. (クンクン… 怒って興奮すると体内で分泌される『アドレナリン』って やつの臭いがプンプンするぜ)
    —Yuya Fungami, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • I got nothing against you personally, but... that is one awful haircut. (もうオメーに恨みはねえ。 けどよ、その髪型はよォ……ダセェぜ?)
    —Yuya Fungami, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

Support Effect

Highway Star appears in both All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect named Highway Star's Nutrient Absorption (ハイウェイ・スターの養分吸収, Haiwei Sutā no Yōbun Kyūshū), which costs 900 G. Its ability decreases the attack and defense of the opponent. The panel used for the Support Effect depicts Highway Star taking the nutrients from Josuke Higashikata in Chapter 391: Highway Star, Part 8.




Yuya's theme is Bloodhound (猟犬, Ryōken), and is automatically unlocked when purchasing Yuya's DLC.

Its name is a reference to Josuke claiming that Yuya's nose is superior to a bloodhound's in Chapter 139 of Diamond is Unbreakable.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) vs. Yoshikage Kira All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
A character from Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. He is the user of the Stand Highway Star. He attacks Rohan in order to accelerate his healing, but Josuke Higashikata heals his injuries before inflicting even more serious ones himself.[7] Later, in the battle against Enigma, he and Josuke fight together, and Yuya is able to bring about victory after being inspired by Josuke's compassion for his friends.[8]
User of the Stand Highway Go Go. He defeats Rohan to help cure his injuries faster, then Josuke Higashikata 4 completely heals him before pummeling him again. Later on they join up against Misterioso, and Yuya brings about victory, inspired by friendship with Josuke Higashikata 4.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
Stylish Evade Pose 1

Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1

Stylish Evade Pose 2
Stylish Evade Pose 3
Stylish Evade Pose 4
Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5

Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 407: Enigma Boy, Part 4

RenderStand RenderMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Stand Render

Cover of Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5

Match Entrance

Cover of Chapter 408: Enigma Boy, Part 5 (Highway Star)

Round Win Pose 1

Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1

Round Win Pose 2

Chapter 404: Enigma Boy, Part 1


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Thrown Animation
  • "Highway Star!" skill
    • Fixed a bug where Highway Star's hurtbox would be bigger if Yuya jumped just after activating the or variants.
  • "It still remembers your scent!" skill
    • Fixed a bug where Highway Star's hurtbox would be bigger if Yuya jumped just after activating this skill.


  • White Damage Regeneration Rate
    • Fixed an issue where white damage regenerated health at a slower rate for Yuya than for other characters.
  • "I got you" skill
    • Increased the effect of Drain Nutrience from this skill when it hits, resulting in the amount of health and Heart Heat drained increasing.
  • "Attack by following their scent!" skill
    • Changed so when Highway Star's tackle hits, it will no longer return to Yuya before breaking up into footprints, instead breaking up from where the tackle hit.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R [@jojo_games] (2023, October 6), "Yuya Fungami Teaser Trailer", on Twitter.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R [@jojo_games] (2023, Oct 16), "Yuya Fungami Reveal Trailer", on Twitter.
  3. Yuya ASBR page
  4. Name Variants
  5. Chapter 391: Highway Star, Part 8
  6. Chapter 409: Enigma Boy, Part 6
  7. Highway Star (Story Arc)
  8. Enigma Boy (Story Arc)

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