Diamond is Unbreakable - Episode 18

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You guys... You two can see my Harvest? (あんたたちィ~~~……………おらの「ハーヴェスト」が見えるの(・・・・))
Shigekiyo Yangu, Diamond is Unbreakable BD/DVD Volume 6

Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (「重ちー」の収穫(ハーヴェスト) その1, 'Shigechī' no Hāvesuto Sono 1)[1] is the 18th episode of Diamond is Unbreakable and the 92nd episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation. It covers Chapter 335 through Chapter 337 of the manga.

Josuke and Okuyasu meet Shigekiyo Yangu, or Shigechi for short, an awkward young boy whose Stand Harvest can collect anything Shigechi tells them to fetch. Josuke senses an opportunity to make money.


Koichi, after the events of the Ghost Alley, is still concerned finding the serial killer that had killed Reimi and many others who's still in Morioh, despairing at how he wishes that he could help them.

Josuke sees an odd Stand with a coin in its hand

Meanwhile, Josuke screams out in shock at his pitifully low funds, even after being repaid by Joseph, cursing himself for getting into this situation. Due to having gone on a shopping spree with his newfound cash, he was too foolish to keep check with his savings. He snaps out of this stupor when he spots a bee-like Stand coming from under one of the bins with a coin of loose change, leading him to chase after it.

As Josuke pursues the Stand, he's soon joined by Okuyasu, who reveals that he's been following that Stand as well. However, unlike Josuke, his reasons were that he was startled by its appearance, spilling the water he had just spent on, much to his anger. They soon discover that there are several more Stands just like the one they're chasing, with Josuke comparing this type of Stand to Bad Company, the Stand of Okuyasu's late brother Keicho.

Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu flaunts the coins he collected with Harvest

The two soon discover the location that they were traveling to, and with that, learn of their Master, Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu. Upon learning how much money Shigechi made just from the loose change, Josuke and Okuyasu strike up a business friendship with him, using Harvest to search for discarded stickers and vouchers that can be exchanged for larger cash rewards. However, Shigechi soon reveals his greedier side, giving Josuke and Okuyasu only a small portion of what was a bigger reward that they were promised, much to Okuyasu's anger.

Josuke, Shigechi, and Okuyasu form a business friendhsip

Josuke later dumps all the lottery tickets they found with Harvest into the bin, with Okuyasu protesting at the action. During his investigation of the tickets, Okuyasu soon finds out that one of the tickets is not only a 5-million yen jackpot but it's still valid for a few more days, much to the delight of both him and Josuke. Unfortunately, Shigechi becomes highly reluctant to share this prize with the two seniors equally.


(1st mentioned)
(1st mentioned)


Script (脚本)
Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
ふでやす かずゆき
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
Eri Nagata
長田 絵里
Episode Director (演出)
Eri Nagata
長田 絵里
Animation Director (作画監督)
芦谷 耕平
宝谷 幸稔
立花 希望
仲敷 沙織
渡邊 葉溜
糸井 恵


Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
Start End Title OST Description

Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
A killer is lurking in town
Peaceful Street Corner
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Josuke is broke
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
A new Stand in town
Friends! Friends?
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
A Stand that collects coins
Sudden Battle
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Josuke & Okuyasu pursuing the tiny bee-like Stands
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
The new Stand user...
Friends! Friends?
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
...is just a kid, Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu!
Peaceful Street Corner
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Josuke's got a plan
The Love Protecting This Town
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Josuke & Okuyasu are Shigechi's friends now
Skeepy Meeting
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Josuke's plan: pick up stamps and vouchers!
Crime Scene Express
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Daydream~
Harvest searching the whole town
Morioh in the Early Afternoon
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Daydream~
Josuke the rascal
Passing Anxiety
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Nightwalk~
Okuyasu & Shigechi wait for Josuke
Crazy in Love
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Yukako stalking Koichi again
Passing Anxiety
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Nightwalk~
Josuke finally comes out...
Peaceful Street Corner
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
...with more money than expected!!
Friends! Friends?
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Shigechi's greed surfaces
A Bizarre Hunch
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Daydream~
Treating Shigechi carefully
Close Match
Stardust Crusaders (World)
Josuke & Okuyasu just won the jackpot!!!
Gentle Sunlight
Stardust Crusaders (Journey)
Dreaming of how to spend the money
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Shigechi's greed takes over
I Want You
I Want You
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Main Theme~
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
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Manga/Anime Differences

  • Yukako and Koichi make a cameo, along with Reimi, Arnold, and Rohan.
  • Scenes are added depicting people getting Kameyu stamps in stores.
  • Oddly, although every previous episode replaced each reference of the café "Deux Magots" with "Rengatei", the anime shows a receipt written "Deux Magots" in Josuke's wallet.
  • Josuke states he saved 20,000 yen to buy shoes, but them being Ferragamo brand is removed.
  • Added that Okuyasu finds Shigechi's mother to be attractive.
  • Removed Shigechi chewing bubblegum that he forgot on his mother's picture.
  • Added the 500 yen coin from the 61.500 yen that Josuke got from the Kameyu.

In other languages

Language Title Translation
Japan Japanese 「重ちー」の収穫(ハーヴェスト) その1 Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
United States of America English Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
Spain Spanish Harvest de Shigechi - Primera Parte Shigechi's Harvest - Part 1
Brazil Portuguese O Harvest de Shigechi - Parte 1 Shigechi's Harvest - Part 1
France French Crunchyroll: Les récoltes de Shige, Partie 1
Netflix : La moisson de Shigechi - Partie 1
Shige's Harvest - Part 1
Shigechi's Harvest - Part 1
Germany German Shigechis Ernte (Harvest), Teil 1 Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
Israel Hebrew שיגצ'י והרווסט, חלק 1 Shigechi and Harvest, Part 1
Flag of the Arab League Arabic حصاد شيغيتشي، الجزء 1 Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
Italy Italian Il raccolto di Shigechi, Parte 1 Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1
Poland Polish Nagroda Shigechiego: część 1 Shigechi's Award: part 1


I think this episode is the one that has the most 'acts' in the entirety of the series. Things are constantly moving and nothing will stop these little rogues. Eri Nagata is in charge of the storyboard and the directing and will come back in full force in another following episode.

Shigechi is a funny little guy, don’t you think? I appreciate the sudden change in his facial expressions. We discover him when he’s still a friendless kid, getting accustomed to his new buddies, but his sudden mood swings don’t get better…

We added a scene that wasn’t originally in the manga, the one where Yukako discreetly follows Koichi in the shadows. She won’t have a role until episode 20, so here she is.

This is an episode where we take pleasure in following Josuke and Okuyasu as they assume the roles of 'rotten kids'. These are two high school students profiting from a middle school student, I think there must be something wrong with their education (laughs). Starting from here, the story focuses more and more on the essence of Part 4. But if you had to remember one thing from this episode it would be the outstanding performance of Wataru Takagi, Okuyasu’s voice actor. During the recording, the whole team was laughing out loud.

Here’s a small digression to inform you that Harvest was the only 3D animated Stand of this part. To draw these multiple creatures by hand would have been too much to ask for our team.
Naokatsu Tsuda, Blu-ray limited edition commentaries



Duration: 16 seconds.
Link to this sectionEpisode 18 Preview

Josuke: I'm broke. Maybe I'll find some money lying around somewhere...

Okuyasu: One coin, two coins, three coins, four coins...

Josuke: Is that Banchō Sarayashiki[a]?!

Okuyasu: My entire fortune... four one-yen coins.

Josuke: Scary!

仗助: 金がねぇ。どっかに落ちてねぇかなぁ

億泰: 一枚、二枚、三枚、四枚…

仗助: 番町皿屋敷か!

億泰: 全財産、一円玉が四枚…

仗助: こえぇ!


  • Assistance with the computer-generated models for Harvest was provided by CyberConnect2 / Bandai Namco Entertainment.
  • During the fireworks scene, one of the words shown is "URYYYY", a sound typically associated with the series's undead, most notably Dio Brando.


  1. Banchō Sarayashiki is a famous Japanese ghost story about a servant who was falsely accused of stealing plates and was thrown into a well. Her ghost counts plates at night, just like Okuyasu is counting coins.


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