Tsurugi Higashikata
Tsurugi Higashikata (東方 つるぎ, Higashikata Tsurugi) est un personnage secondaire figurant dans la huitième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion. Tsurugi coopère avec différents camps au fil de l'histoire.
Tsurugi est le jeune fils de Jobin et de Mitsuba Higashikata et le membre le plus jeune de la Famille Higashikata. Comme la famille souffre d'une malédiction, Tsurugi va souffrir d'une Maladie Pétrifiante qui risque de le tuer. Pour celà, on l'a élevé comme une fille par tradition familiale, même si tout le monde le traite comme un garçon en fin de compte. Préoccupé par la maladie, Tsurugi coopère avec différents camps au fil de l'histoire, dont les Hommes-rocher, son père Jobin et aussi Josuke Higashikata dans l'espoir de trouver un remède à sa condition.
Tsurugi est un manieur de Stand ; son Paper Moon King lui permet de transformer des objets en origami et de priver ses cibles de leur capacité à différentier les choses.
Tsurugi est un petit enfant joufflu à la carrure légèrement musclée. Il a les cheveux foncés raide qui lui tombent jusqu'à la nuque, coiffés en une sorte de bob cut. Comme le premier né de chaque génération de la Famille Higashikata doit être élevé comme une fille pour tenter de conjurer la Maladie Pétrfiante, Tsurugi se travestit en portant une robe sans manches à pois et une paire de Ballerines. La bordure du bas de sa robe présente un motif d'origamis de grands chapeaux de samouraïs, et la robe est aussi décorée de froufrous en dessous. Le devant de ses ballerines est également orné de chapeaux de samouraïs en origami et sur le dessus de sa tête, au milieu de sa frange, se trouve une grande grenouille en origami comme une barrette à cheveux.
Sur l'épaule droite de Tsurugi se trouve un tatouage avec le kanji de life (命, inochi) et sur son épaule gauche un tatouage avec le kanji de princesse (姫, hime).
Lors de sa première apparition, il portait également un foulard et des lunettes de soleil.
Tsurugi's personality is a strange mix of typical childishness and precocious sinisterness.
Tsurugi is introduced as a playful yet creepy kid. During his introductory arc, he plays a mean prank on both Yasuho and Josuke by making them unable to differentiate between people through his power Paper Moon King. He eventually apologizes to Yasuho for the distress he's caused to her.[1] Other similar traits are his quick friendship with the dog Iwasuke and his love of making puns. Tsurugi is also quite libidinous and he shows a disturbing attraction toward Yasuho, frequently improperly fondling or licking her.[2][3][4] That said, Tsurugi also sees her as a valuable ally, if not a friend. As the time of the Locacaca harvest approached, he tried to tell her to go away for her own safety, knowing that his father would kill any tresspassers.[5]
However, he also shows a measure of threat. For instance he didn't hesitate to deliver Josuke to Yotsuyu Yagiyama to be killed, stating that Josuke's life was a sacrifice to save himself.[6] When he was chased by Aisho, Tsurugi didn't hesitate to trick his foe into confusing a bus with his father, killing him.[7] It is also shown that Tsurugi is somewhat of a black sheep in school, being the target of bullies and having no shown friends thus far.[8]
Due to his lonely and isolated upbringing, Tsurugi can be quite introspective, often thinking about the ways his impending disease makes him different from other kids, as well as about the general nature of his family's curse. He is also a surprisingly good judge of character for his age. For example, he fully admits that his father Jobin's manchild tendencies and obsessions with hobbies make him easy to manipulate, and accurately calls Yasuho out on slightly projecting her own self-esteem issues onto Josuke. As it seems, Tsurugi realises that his level of maturity is fairly unusual, which can sometimes get to his head, as he acts very dismissive and bossy when trying to help Yasuho consciously summon her Stand for the first time, and disrespectfully deflects his mother Mitsuba's questions about hiding something important by implying that she too is keeping many secrets from the family.
Tsurugi demonstrates a very deep-seated fear of dying from the Rock Disease and his will to survive this illness drives most of his actions during the story. As such he is quick to switch sides to whoever may grant him the best chances of finding a cure, even when it's to the detriment of his closest family members, such as becoming an unwitting pawn for Yotsuyu Yagiyama when promised with the Locacaca,[9] then allying with Josuke and Yasuho to find it[10] and then siding with his father to get hold of the fruit.[11] Tsurugi is attached to his parents and his grandfather Norisuke the most but is more indifferent towards the other members of the Higashikata Family.
As a child, Tsurugi is quite prone to bouts of panic and nervousness in front of incoming danger, his Stand lacking offensive ability and being of little help in such occasions.
Tsurugi's Stand is Paper Moon King, enabling him to give a degree of life to origami of his creation. These origami display different capabilities depending on the type of animal or object they are shaped into, similar to Tubular Bells. After they touch his target, the target is subjected to the illusion that all people and/or symbols and text appear the same. He can also subject the illusion that an object is something else, used during the fight 'Doobie Wah!' where Tsurugi used his stand to trick Aisho Dainenjiyama and give the illusion that the buses were Jobin Higashikata.
Tsurugi is born from the union between Jobin Higashikata and Mitsuba. As Jobin's eldest son, Tsurugi has been fated to be struck by the Rock Disease and was raised as a girl all his life. He appears to fit in quite well in the Higashikata family. He was present during the family photo and was introduced by Norisuke Higashikata IV.
Aware of his family's curse, Tsurugi is worried by his eventual fate. Soon before his introduction, Tsurugi meets the architect Yotsuyu Yagiyama, who shows him a possible cure in the form of an unknown food. Yotsuyu then persuades Tsurugi to help him kill Josuke in exchange for the cure.
La Farce de Tsurugi
Tsurugi comes to the forefront when Yasuho encounters him after being taken to the Higashikata family's underground storeroom. After attempting to play with her and having taken her phone, she discovers that Tsurugi is male after some struggle, at which point he reveals that his family's first born always cross-dresses in order to ward off the "curse" that strikes them at age 11 where their bodies stiffen and turn to stone, similar to what happened to Rina Higashikata. Daunted, Yasuho leaves the storeroom, though not before Tsurugi activates his Stand ability on her after having touched her phone, which he transformed into an origami frog.
Tsurugi continues his prank by also affecting Josuke but eventually cancels it and apologizes to Yasuho, leaving her to rest in the bunker.
Josuke later spots him bringing food to the bunker and follows him.
When Josuke and Norisuke are attacked by Yotsuyu Yagiyama's I Am a Rock, Tsurugi begs his grandfather to leave Josuke for dead, as he is cooperating with Yotsuyu. Tsurugi eventually tells them that he is afraid of the Rock Disease which will affect him, and that Yotsuyu showed him a cure in the form of a mysterious fruit, testing it on a dog.
After Yotsuyu is defeated and killed, Josuke confirms the existence of the fruit and Tsurugi adopts the dog Yotsuyu fed the fruit to, naming it Iwasuke.
Cooperation avec Josuke et Yasuho
While Tsurugi is playing with his new dog, Josuke approaches him to enlist his help in interrogating Jobin, Tsurugi's father. Initially reluctant to go against a family member, Tsurugi is eventually swayed to Josuke's side by urgency and reveals to him that his father is obsessed with stag beetles, which will allow Josuke to uncover a weakness. While Josuke confronts Jobin, Tsurugi goes to Yasuho's house and asks her to help with her new Stand Paisley Park.
After Josuke wins Jobin's Lamborghini in a beetle fight and gives the key to Tsurugi, he and Yasuho secretly investigate the Lamborghini in order to discover Jobin's previous whereabouts. Paisley Park subsequently discovers that Jobin exchanged the fruit with a certain Aisho Dainenjiyama.
Yasuho proceeds to investigate Aisho. Observing the place where Jobin met the man from a rooftop, Yasuho and Tsurugi uncover a link between Aisho, who is a security guard at the stadium, and Yotsuyu, who oversaw the renovation of the stadium. They see Aisho at the same place heading to a nearby park and decide to tail him with Yasuho's phone folded into a frog. They witness a man who, after eating the fruit, regrows his missing legs while his eyes shatter into stone. As the phone is sent investigating the remains of the fruit, it is spotted by Aisho who crushes it under his feet. Affected by the damage, Yasuho and Tsurugi are nearly killed, but Aisho stops his attack when he kicks the phone away and attempts to phone Yotsuyu. Startled by the lack of answer, Aisho attempts to crush the phone again, but is distracted by a banana peel Paisley Park placed under his feet, allowing Tsurugi to use his Paper Moon King. Aisho is unable to recognize the phone and it subsequently escapes.
Having checked Aisho's access card, Yasuho determines that the fruit comes from inside the stadium. As they both go down the stairs, they are assailed by Aisho's Stand Doobie Wah! hiding in a deadly wind vortex. Escaping the building by a window, they realize that Doobie Wah! is materializing via their breath, forcing them not to breathe as they try to flee. The two try to take a bus away from the enemy Stand but it still materialized out of their breath and attacks them. Yasuho and Tsurugi leave the bus near the Motoyagura train station, and Tsurugi releases a car origami. Soon after both meet a cornered Yasuho and Tsurugi. Recognizing Jobin's son, Aisho demands that Jobin allows him to kill him, but Jobin remains silent. The car origami Tsurugi released comes back to his hand, and Tsurugi explains that he made Aisho confuse any bus with his father. When the bus starts up, it runs over the confused Aisho who is killed and breaks down into dust.
The next day, Tsurugi and Yasuho meet with Josuke, but Tsurugi decides to leave the two alone. Although he is seen at Yasuho's home, Tsurugi lays low for a while
La Pression d'Ozon Baby
Tsurugi decides to confronts his father Jobin about the latter's involvement with the Rock Humans. Before long, Tsurugi, Jobin and Iwasuke feel the attack of Ozon Baby, an enemy Stand Jobin has planted inside the family orchard. Trying to escape out of the shed they were in, Tsurugi meets Ozon Baby itself and bears the full brunt of its power, suffering a debilitating decompression sickness. He almost dies but Jobin manages to take him to safety and revive him.
Tsurugi later uses Paper Moon King to make Poor Tom see a pear-tree branch as the Locacaca branch. After Poor Tom is killed, Norisuke talks with Tsurugi about them losing the branch, but unbeknownst to Norisuke, Tsurugi had used Paper Moon King on him to disguise Jobin. It is then revealed that Jobin and Tsurugi had taken the Locacaca branch.
L'Attente de la Récolte
Before the fruit can be harvested, Ojiro Sasame confronts Tsurugi and tells him that he knows about the Locacaca Organization and his father Jobin Higashikata's involvement in their operation. Threatening to denounce Jobin unless Tsurugi lets him meet the father, Ojiro also stealthily puts Tsurugi's hand under his control. Fleeing from Ojiro, Tsurugi inadvertently leaks the location of the Locacaca because he's forced to hold a phone and send photos and videos to Ojiro. Ojiro manages to place his mark on Jobin's hands, cornering him. Jobin is forced to relinquish the Locacaca but Tsurugi tricks Ojiro with Paper Moon King into thinking the glasses shards on the frame of a broken windows are bigger than they really are; Ojiro makes Jobin close the broken window on himself and Tsurugi, but the little shards only hurt a bit while Ojiro thinks that the Higashikata are dead. Ojiro does steal the Locacaca but is baited into taking bank notes charged with heat from Speed King and dies. Jobin subsequently retrieves the Locacaca and also kills Makorin.
Tsurugi's disease eventually sets in and half of his body is turned into an origami. Bedridden, Tsurugi is eventually contacted by Yasuho Hirose's Paisley Park, hiding in a mobile phone near him. He tells her to leave but can only witness Jobin taking the phone and tossing it into the toilets in an attempt to drown Yasuho alongside her Stand. His condition worsens by the minute and by the time Jobin attacks his father Norisuke, Tsurugi's body is almost taken over by the Rock Disease. The head doctor seemingly openly manifests himself and causes Jobin to succumb to a dramatic blood loss, letting the potted Locacaca roll towards the door to the garage.
Soon, Tooru infiltrates the Higashikata residence to retrieve the Locacaca plant from Yasuho. While unconscious, Tsurugi, along with his mother Mitsuba, Hato, and Daiya, are caught along Wonder of U's calamity as the plane door flying towards Yasuho lands inside the house. When Kaato arrives in the Higashikata household, she stores Tsurugi's body in between her cards and uses him to perform an equivalent exchange with Tooru. Kaato reveals that a branch of the Locacaca plant had been grafted and kept in between Space Trucking's cards. The sap of the branch drops on Tooru and Tsurugi, initiating the exchange, while Wonder of U attacks Kaato. The exchange is successful - Tooru completely disintegrates into the air and Tsurugi recovers, although Kaato is revealed to have been stabbed during when she crushed the branch due to Wonder of U's ability. With the curse broken, a recovered Tsurugi attends to Norisuke. He notes that Jobin ensured that his burns from Speed King were minor. Meanwhile, an ambulance arrives in the estate.
Days later, the Higashikata family go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor to order a cake as a celebration for Norisuke's discharge the next day, as well as a new beginning in the Higashikata family history. Daiya invites Josuke and Yasuho who have been walking nearby. While choosing a cake made by the Higashikata parlor, everyone breaks down into tears, including Daiya, Hato, Mitsuba, and Joshu. Tsurugi then insists Josuke to choose a cake. With the family reunited once again, Yasuho Hirose sheds a tear before exiting the room.
- JoJolion Chapter 6: Soft & Wet, Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
- JoJolion Chapter 8: California King Bed, Part 1 (Flashback(s))
- JoJolion Chapter 11: Family Tree (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 22: Morioh 1901
- JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 24: Paper Moon Deception, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 25: Paper Moon Deception, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 26: Tsurugi Higashikata's Goal, and the Architect
- JoJolion Chapter 27: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 28: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 29: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 30: King Nothing
- JoJolion Chapter 32: "I Am a Rock", Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 33: Josuke! Go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1 (Flashback(s))
- JoJolion Chapter 35: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 2 (Flashback(s))
- JoJolion Chapter 36: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 37: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 38: Jobin Higashikata is a Stand User
- JoJolion Chapter 39: Doobie Wah, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 40: Doobie Wah, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 41: Doobie Wah, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 42: Doobie Wah, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 47: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 48: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 51: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 2 (Flashback(s))
- JoJolion Chapter 53: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 4 (Flashback(s))
- JoJolion Chapter 55: Walking Heart, Breaking Heart (Flashback(s))
- JoJolion Chapter 56: Milagroman, Part 1 (Couverture)
- JoJolion Chapter 59: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 1 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 64: Mother and Child
- JoJolion Chapter 69: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 2 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 72: North of the Higashikata House. The Orchard
- JoJolion Chapter 73: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 74: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 75: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 76: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 77: Head to T.G. University Hospital
- JoJolion Chapter 78: Orthopedic Surgeon - Dr. Wu Tomoki (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 79: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 1 (Couverture)
- JoJolion Chapter 80: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 2 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca
- JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 85: The Wonder of You, Part 2 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 86: The Wonder of You, Part 3 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 87: The Wonder of You, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 88: The Wonder of You, Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 89: The Wonder of You, Part 6 (Couverture)
- JoJolion Chapter 91: The Wonder of You, Part 8
- JoJolion Chapter 92: The Wonder of You, Part 9 (Couverture)
- JoJolion Chapter 93: The Wonder of You, Part 10
- JoJolion Chapter 94: The Wonder of You, Part 11
- JoJolion Chapter 95: The Wonder of You, Part 12
- JoJolion Chapter 96: Just Don't Move
- JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14
- JoJolion Chapter 101: The Wonder of You, Part 18 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 102: The Wonder of You, Part 19 (Mentionné)
- JoJolion Chapter 106: Go Beyond
- JoJolion Chapter 107: When All Curses Are Broken
- JoJolion Chapter 108: Go Beyond, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- “Okay, let's see... hair! Could you give me some? It's your turn now, Yasuho-san. This... *sniff sniff* just a little's fine... It smells nice... I'll take good care of it... so please.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- “*sniff sniff* Personally I wouldn't mind being touched a bit more, but.... I think it's kind bad for a stranger to be touching a kid's body... even if you are a girl.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- “The Higashikata Family has believed in charms against evil spirits for generations... when the first son is born, he is dressed as a girl until he is 12 years old to trick the demons that cause disease. That happened to my dad, and grandpa, and his grandpa too.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- “The Higashikata Family's goal...? The prosperity of descendants. That is happiness.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 24: Paper Moon Deception, Part 2
- “My ability is origami. My ability is that when my origami touches a person, that person loses the ability to tell faces and designs and things like that apart... I named my Stand ability Paper Moon King. It's made of origami. And the power of my heart and mind.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 26: Tsurugi Higashikata's Goal, and the Architect
- “Those fruits are power!! (あのフルーツは『パワー』だ!!)”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 41: Doobie Wah, Part 3
- “I don't know what Aisho and my dad are doing, but I swear I'll get my hands on that fruit!”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 41: Doobie Wah, Part 3
- “This Stand... we have to find the main body again and attack him!! We need to beat him and move forward!”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 41: Doobie Wah, Part 3
- “Now I've won! Paper Moon. It's a forbidden move, but it was kill or be killed... Once he's lit up by the light... I'll move forward into it! Paper Moon's origami made you interpret the appearance of every bus in this town the same way. I made the bus look like my dad.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 42: Doobie Wah, Part 4
- “Aisho Dainenjiyama... He chased a bus and came here... He was talking to a bus this whole time.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 42: Doobie Wah, Part 4
- “The land is the curse... and it's the place I was born. The location you're born and the name you're given are not things you can choose. But I was born here.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 64: Mother and Child
- “Stand abilities. They are a reflection of the shape and state of one's heart. It is the power of the heart that controls it. And they are normally kept deep within the heart. Like hiding the underwear you have on, even if you know about them, their existence never appears on the surface. They are implicit and are never brought up in conversation. Even among families that live together. Even in front of those you love. But occasionally, there are changes in the heart. The heart, along with a Stand ability, feels things like fatigue and age as time goes on. Sometimes, when once accidentally steps in the wrong place, something that one had meant to keep shut deep inside them will boil over like lave from a volcano. A Stand is a form of energy. When that happens, no matter how desperately you try to stop it, you won't be able to. You won't be able to control it until it stops at its destination.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca
- “11 years old... when I'm that age, will I be happier or less happy than other kids...? Or maybe about the same amount? What do you need to be happy?”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 87: The Wonder of You, Part 4
- “Mommy... please, don't cry or worry about me. It's okay. We'll always have enemies out there somewhere, but... we'll always win. The Higashikata Family always wins.”—Tsurugi Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 91: The Wonder of You, Part 8
Jeux Vidéo
Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)
Tsurugi apparait dans le jeu JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven en tant que personnage non-joueur dans l'arène de la Maison des Higashikata. Il fait partie d'une des mécaniques spéciales de l'arène. Tsurugi ouvre périodiquement une écoutille qui mène au réseau souterrain de la propriété. Tout personnage joueur qui atteint Tsurugi peut alors se reposer dans les tunnels, regagnant un peu de barre de vie.
Galerie d'Images
- Le nom de Tsurugi correspondrait à l'épée, une ancienne enseigne de carte à jouer qui a été remplacée par le pique. Son nom s'inscrit dans un thème selon lequel les femmes de la famille Higashikata sont nommées selon des enseignes de cartes comme Daiya ("Diamond" ou carreau en français), Hato (anglicisme pour "coeur") et Mitsuba Higashikata (signifiant trèfle).
- L'âge de Tsurugi est changé au cours de l'histoire. Durant sa première apparition, Tsurugi est présenté comme un petit garçon de deux ans, dans le chapitre 7 dans Ultra Jump. Son âge a été modifié plus tard pour qu'il ait neuf ans dans la version tome. Son âge sera modifié à 10 ans dans l'arc narratif Wonder Of You[12] qui est l'arc où il commence vraiment à souffrir de la Maladie Pétrifiante. Dans un flashback du chapitre 107, Jobin dit que Tsurugi a 11 ans, créant une incohérence.
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 26: Tsurugi Higashikata's Goal, and the Architect, p.7-9
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 22: Morioh 1901, p.33
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 38: Jobin Higashikata is a Stand User, p.4
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1, p.2
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 93: The Wonder of You, Part 10, p.25
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 29: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 3, p.8
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 42: Doobie Wah, Part 4, p.45
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca, p.33
- ↑ Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama (story arc)
- ↑ Every Day Is a Summer Vacation (story arc) & Doobie Wah (story arc)
- ↑ Ozon Baby's Pressure (story arc)
- ↑ JoJolion Volume 22: The Head of TG University Hospital — Satoru Akefu