Stone Ocean

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Il y a peut-être un moyen... d'atteindre le Paradis.

Stone Ocean (ストーンオーシャン, Sutōn Ōshan) est la sixième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, publiée dans le Weekly Shonen Jump de janvier 2000 à avril 2003. Son titre était originellement JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Partie 6 Jolyne Cujoh: Stone Ocean (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第6部 空条徐倫 ―『石作りの海(ストーンオーシャン), JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Dai Roku Bu Kūjō Jorīn -"Sutōn Ōshan"-) et cette partie comprend 158 chapitre. Son prédécesseur est Vento Aureo.

En 2011 en Floride, Jolyne Cujoh la fille de Jotaro Kujo est faussement accusée de meurtre et condamnée à 15 ans d'emprisonnement dans la Prison de Green Dolphin Street. Lorsque son père la visite, il est piégé par le Stand Whitesnake qui lui vole son Stand et sa mémoire. Jolyne se décide à retrouver la mémoire et le Stand de son père, et combat le prêtre Enrico Pucci qui veut exécuter le plan secret de DIO.

Stone Ocean est la dernière partie de la première continuité de JoJo - à partir de Steel Ball Run la série va se passer dans une continuité séparée des parties précédentes.

Stone Ocean sur la couverture du Weekly Shonen Jump.


Jolyne Accusée de Meurtre

Main article: Stone Ocean (story arc)
Main article: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 7, Goo Goo Dolls
Main article: Stone Free (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 10, Green Dolphin Street Prison
Jolyne Cujoh apparait

L'histoire commence en 2011, dans la ville de Port. Ste. Lucie en Floride. On découvre alors Jolyne Cujoh emprisonnée dans une cellule, alores accusée de meurtre. Elle commence à se lier d'amitié avec une autre détenue nommée Ermes Costello. Les circonstances de l'arrestation de Jolyne sont révélés. Jolyne et son petit ami Roméo Jisso ont accidentellement percuté un passant sur une route de Floride. Craignant pour son futur, Roméo supplie Jolyne de ne pas appeler les secours et de cacher le corps du passant. Cependant, Jolyne est arrêtée plusieurs jours plus tard.

Jolyne parle alors avec son avocat et reçoit quelques objets de ses parents. Parmi ces objets, elle voit une étrange amulette et se pique dessus. Apprenant que c'est un cadeau de son père Jotaro Kujo, qu'elle déteste parce qu'il était absent durant toute son enfance, Jolyne jette l'amulette. Elle développe alors un pouvoir étrange qui lui permet de se délier en un fil qu'elle peut contrôler par la pensée. Elle aide secrètement Ermes contre des gardes corrompus avec ce pouvoir. Elle est alors transférée dans le pénitencier de Green Dolphin Street. Plus tard, alors que Jolyne a son procès, elle plaide coupable selon les conseils de son avocat pour avoir une peine légère. Cependant, le juge révèle alors d'autres indices faux qui incriminent Jolyne à tel point qu'elle est condamnée à 15 ans de prison.

Jolyne doit alors vivre pour de bon à la Prison de Green Dolphin Street. Elle est assignée à une cellule et rencontre sa nouvelle compagne de cellule, Gwess. Gwess la rétrécit alors avec son pouvoir Goo Goo Dolls et la force à revêtir une peau de souris pour qu'elle soit son "animal de compagnie" mais aussi pour l'aider à s'évader de la prison. Jolyne est forcée de partir en reconnaissance dans un poste de sécurité dans une zone interdite aux détenus. Trop éloignée de Gwess, Jolyne se met à lentement regrandir et parvient à peine à éviter les gardes. Goo Goo Dolls attaque alors Jolyne, mais Jolyne éveille pleinement son Stand Stone Free, qu'elle utilise pour vaincre Gwess. Cette dernière prend peur et devient le larbin de Jolyne.

Avec son nouveau pouvoir, Jolyne est capable de s'affirmer parmi les prisonnière et par ailleurs aide une prisonnière victimisé à reprendre son argent.

L'Héritage de DIO

Main article: The Visitor (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 20, Prisoner of Love

Jotaro vient bientôt visiter Jolyne en prison. Avant la rencontre, Jolyne voit aussi un mystérieux petit garçon nommé Emporio Alnino l'avertir que la visite est un piège.

Jolyne est tout de même forcée de rencontrer Jotaro et la conversation est tendue puisque Jolyne déteste Jotaro car il a été absent toute sa vie. Jotaro en vient aux fait et révèle qu'un détenu nommé Johngalli A. est responsable de sa fausse condamnation. Johngalli était un ancien disciple de DIO et a fait en sorte que Jolyne soit faussement condamnée, juste pour attirer Jotaro dans la prison et prendre sa revanche. Jotaro est tout de même venu pour libérer sa fille. Jotaro et Jolyne sont alors attaqué par Johngalli A. qui utilise un fusil sniper et son Stand Manhattan Transfer pour détecter les courants d'air et sentir où sont les JoJo de loin. Il s'ensuit un combat contre le sniper, mais Jolyne va soudainement se rendre compte qu'elle est piégée dans un rêve généré par un second Stand. Jolyne et Jotaro parviennent à se réveiller et essaient de s'enfuir. Cependant, Johngalli A. et le Stand Whitesnake tendent un piège à Jotaro. Whitesnake vole la mémoire et le Star Platinum de Jotaro sous la forme de DISQUES avant de partir.

Avant de s'évanouir, Jotaro dit à Jolyne qu'il l'a toujours aimé, ce qui la bouleverse. Jolyne vainc Johngalli A. mais lorsqu'elle a l'occasion de s'évader de la prison dans un sous-marin, Jolyne décide de rester pour récupérer les DISQUES et sauver son père. Jolyne s'allie alors avec Emporio. Whitesnake, dont le manieur est encore inconnu, tue alors Johngalli pour le réduire au silence.

Le DISQUE de Star Platinum

La Traque du DISQUE

Main article: Ermes' Sticker (story arc)
Main article: There's Six of Them! (story arc)
Main article: Foo Fighters (story arc)
Main article: Marilyn Manson, The Debt Collector (story arc)

Meanwhile, Ermes Costello has been ill and recovers from a fever in the infirmary. She awakens her Stand Kiss, which can reproduce objects by putting stickers on them, and damage said items when the sticker is removed. Ermes accidentally knocks Memory Disks from fellow prisoner Thunder McQueen who keeps a 5000$ stash hidden. The suicidal prisoner links himself with Ermes with his Highway to Hell, reflecting any damage done to him to Ermes so they can die both. Ermes successfully escapes.

Ermes is then approached by Emporio and is brought to Emporio's secret ghost room where she also meets Narciso Anasui and Weather Report. Emporio explains that Whitesnake's user is the enemy. New wounds warn Ermes that McQueen is trying to kill himself again. Ermes finds him and knocks him out for good, taking his Memory Disk to retrieve the money and fight Whitesnake alongside Jolyne

Jolyne and Ermes volunteer in a search group of five prisoners to look for two missing prisoners and are given explosive bracelets that get set off if they go too far from a supervisor. In the fields, Ermes looks into the Memory Disk again, in which another memory indicates a stash of Stand Disks Whitesnake keeps hidden in a barn nearby.

Jolyne and Ermes notice that there are six of them, meaning an enemy infiltrated their group. Their supervisor is killed and dragged away. Jolyne and Ermes have to find the hidden enemy. Sentient plankton colony Foo Fighters (shortened to F.F.) has in fact taken over everyone and begins to fight the two women.

Ermes tries to get the supervisor back into a safe range while Foo Fighters is dragged into dry land by Jolyne, almost dying because it's dependency on keeping itself wet. Jolyne spares F.F, since it was coerced into obeying Whitesnake, and F.F. takes over prisoner Atroe's body. Jolyne successfully retrieves Jotaro's Star Platinum Disk and takes it back to prison. It is revealed that the real enemy is the prison priest, Enrico Pucci.

Enrico Pucci, a friend of DIO and wielder of Whitesnake, bribes Miraschon into helping him eliminate Jolyne and gives her the Stand Marilyn Manson.

Jolyne, Ermes and F.F. play a game of ball catching, and are approached by Miraschon, who bets that they can't pass the ball between themselves 100 times, Ermes eventually cheats, but Marilyn Manson automatically detects it and takes Ermes' liver as payment. Jolyne wagers another ball, but the free time has ended. She and F.F. have to play in the prison and defend themselves from Miraschon. Jolyne eventually forces Miraschon to give back Ermes' liver and pummels her, taking her out indefinitely.

Opération Savage Garden

Main article: Savage Garden Strategy (story arc)
Main article: Flash Flood Warning (story arc)

Jolyne then makes a call to the Speedwagon Foundation to set up a plan to give them the Stand Disk. They agree to meet in the prison courtyard. Jolyne then meets with Emporio and Stand User Weather Report, who can manipulate the atmosphere and various weather phenomenons.

They are tailed by Lang Rangler who spits on Jolyne. Jolyne then heads to the courtyard alone but is soon under Lang's influence, which annuls the gravity of anything Jolyne touches. Floating and the atmosphere going away from her, Jolyne calls Weather for help. The two Stand users bring the fight to the factory Jolyne has to cross to reach the courtyard, and they have to fight in zero gravity and airless conditions. Jolyne and Weather defeat Lang Rangler but Weather is too wounded to carry on.

Pucci, who traced Jolyne's phone call, incidentally meets her near the courtyard. Pucci has no choice but to hide his true identity and let Jolyne pass. However, in the courtyard, Jolyne is shot by a guard Whitesnake brainwashed.

In a flashback, Pucci talks with DIO. It is explained that Jotaro burned DIO's Diary, which contained a plan to "get to Heaven".

Jolyne is incapacitated and loses the Stand Disk, but Weather causes a rain of poisonous frog so Jolyne can escape. Jolyne tries to guard herself from the frogs but is apparently overwhelmed. Pucci is pinned down by the rain and uses Whitesnake to attempt to retrieve Jotaro's Stand Disk, only to be taken by surprise by Jolyne who gives it to Savage Garden, a carrier pigeon which flies away.

La Revanche d'Ermes

Main article: Kiss of Love & Revenge (story arc)

Jolyne notices that Ermes has been very solitary lately. F.F. explains that Ermes voluntarily came to the prison to kill Sports Maxx, a gangster who murdered Ermes' sister Gloria Costello. Ermes has found him and tailed him to look for the best moment to take her revenge. Incidentally, Maxx has been meeting with Pucci who gave him the Stand Limp Bizkit.

Ermes successfully kills Sports Maxx in his animal stuffing room, but is attacked by the invisible specters of various stuffed animals. Jolyne and F.F. join her and help her, only for the three to see that Maxx escaped.

Maxx notices he's been killed, but resurrected into an invisible zombie thanks to Limp Bizkit. The three women follow Sports Maxx up to a graveyard and are surrounded by numerous zombies. Ermes successfully baits Sports Maxx into giving the finishing blow in a predictable place and time and kills him for good, but is gravely wounded in the process. Jolyne retrieves Sports Maxx's Memory Disk.

Le Quartier Disciplinaire

Main article: SO Chapter 58, Ultra Security House Unit
Main article: SO Chapter 59, His Name Is Anasui
Main article: The Secret of Guard Westwood (story arc)
Main article: Enter the Dragon's Dream (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 75, Father: Jotaro, Daughter: Jolyne

Jolyne is brought to the punishment ward due to having caused much trouble, and stoically endures the harsh conditions inside. Meanwhile, Emporio discovers that Whitesnake used Sports Maxx's Limp Bizkit to revive a mysterious Bone, and discovers that it is hidden in the punishment ward. Jolyne has accepted to go there and retrieve the Bone.

Knowing that Whitesnake will exploit Jolyne's isolation to try to kill her, F.F. tries to find an ally to get her in the punishment ward. F.F. tries to force Narciso Anasui, the user of Diver Down into helping, and Anasui is extremely cooperative, having fallen for Jolyne. Using Diver Down's power of store energy in a certain place, they successfully begin to infiltrate the punishment ward.

In the punishment ward, prison guard Viviano Westwood goes crazy and liberates every prisoner in the punishment ward in a mad eagerness to fight. Meanwhile Pucci reveals that he sent 4 Stand users to try to dispose of Jolyne.

In a flashback DIO explains to Pucci how the Stand Survivor manipulates people into fighting others, and how he believes physically it is the weakest stand.

As Anasui and F.F. breach the security checkpoints, Jolyne begins to fight Westwood. Westwood is a tough fighter and wields Planet Waves which manipulates small meteors, the fight turns very brutal and Jolyne manages to bypass Westwood's invulnerability to his meteors by using the meteors to propel a boot toward his face, defeating the guard. She notices that among the remaining prisoners, only two remain.

Kenzou, an elderly Stand user and wielder of Dragon's Dream which reveals lucky feng-shui places for maximum killing probability, challenges Jolyne but F.F. intervenes and fights him instead. Kenzou's superior skills almost prevail against F.F. but Anasui intervenes and reveals his ability to restructure anything from the inside, defeating Kenzou when he restructures his legs into springs.

Jotaro is seen dormant (in a lotus position) under the care of the Speedwagon Foundation. The doctor reveals that without memory, Jotaro has no will to live and his body is slowly decaying itself.

Jolyne's first arrest is shown in a flashback.

Le Bébé Vert

Main article: Birth of the "Green" (story arc)
Main article: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming! (story arc)
Main article: F.F. - The Witness (story arc)
Main article: Awaken (story arc)
Main article: Whitesnake - The Pursuer (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 94, Time for Heaven
Main article: SO Chapter 95, New Moon! New Priest

Jolyne grabs a prisoner she saw having the Bone in his possession but he soon transforms into a plant. In the same way every corpse in the punishment ward blooms. The Bone fuses with the plants and develops into an embryo bearing the Joestar birthmark. For his part, Anasui is approached by Guccio who wields Survivor and uses him as a trap against the sole remaining Stand user D an G.

Having opted to escape the punishment ward from the eastern exit and reach the nearby swamp, Jolyne, Anasui and F.F. take a motorboat to cross it. However, the embryo which was in their possession is swallowed by the automatic Stand Yo-Yo Ma. Unable to hurt him, F.F. stays behind to kill D an G while Jolyne and Anasui take Yo-Yo Ma on board. Jolyne and Anasui are pursued by the prison guards and have to hide in the swamp. Jolyne realizes that she is slowly being melted by Yo-Yo Ma but she cannot communicate properly and is incapacitated. At the same time, F.F. discovers that Enrico Pucci is the mastermind behind the attacks.

While Anasui has successfully neutralized Yo-Yo Ma by fusing his brain with that of a frog, Pucci celebrates the soon to be born Embryo, but sees that F.F. is planning to kill D an G.

The narration explains that F.F. fears having its intellect taken away and how it has come to appreciate its sentience and memories, because it has good memories of Jolyne, F.F. is ready to fight for her.

F.F. is confronted by Pucci. While F.F. kills D an G, it is severely wounded in the process and runs out of water. As the priest corners the plankton colony, the Green Baby is born from Yo-Yo Ma's remains.

Meanwhile, Jolyne and Anasui try to approach the Green Baby, whose automatic Stand Green, Green Grass of Home attacks them, shrinking them as the distance between the Green Baby and them decreases. Coincidentally the Green Baby gets interested in Jolyne and his power disappears, growing Jolyne and Anasui back to a normal height.

Almost dead, F.F. contacts Weather Report with a radio, and he uses his weather control power to make it rain and make the area foggy. Whitesnake loses F.F.'s track, and she meets with Weather Report. The four of them meet, but Weather Report was in fact Whitesnake in disguise. Whitesnake heavily wounds F.F. and Anasui but only manages to hurt Jolyne. Pucci reveals himself and approaches the Baby. However, Jolyne cuffs him to herself. A brutal close-quarter fight ensues.

In a flashback, DIO gives Pucci one of his finger bones. Jolyne gains the upper hand in the fight, but Pucci throws Jotaro's Memory Disk into the dying Anasui, threatening the Disk to disappear forever.

Jolyne opts to try helping Anasui to get the Disk, and Pucci approaches the Green Baby, telling him the 14-word long secret password which causes the Baby to touch Pucci and fuse with him. Jolyne cannot help Anasui, but he is saved when F.F. sacrifices the rest of its plankton to heal him, and F.F. exchanges a last goodbye with the helpless Jolyne.

La Traque de Pucci


Main article: Jail House Lock! (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 102, Escape...

A transformed Pucci leaves the prison, having no use for it anymore. DIO's entire plan is revealed, most importantly that Pucci needs to head for the location with the coordinates North latitude 28 degrees 24 minutes, West longitude 80 degrees, 36 minutes. Having read Jotaro's Memory Disk, Jolyne asks Emporio to help her escape Green Dolphin Street. However, Emporio says that escape is impossible because of the true guardian of Green Dolphin Street who can make escape impossible even for Stand Users.

Miuccia Miuller or Miu Miu approaches Jolyne with her Stand Jail House Lock fully revealed, warning Jolyne not to do anything stupid. Jolyne attacks Miu Miu but suddenly finds herself in her cell. Jolyne is affected by Jail House Lock and cannot memorize more than three new pieces of information at a time, and although she tries to reach Emporio, she is heavily handicapped by this power.

Meanwhile, Emporio was also caught and is also trapped in his room, unable to remember how to escape. Jolyne manages to reach the ghost room, but they are caught up by Miu Miu. When Jolyne is given a picture in binary of Miu Miu, Jolyne manages to defeat her and use her to neutralize the guards.

Several strange phenomenons happen around Pucci, who is startled and unsure of what's happening.

Jolyne, Ermes, and Emporio escape from prison and carry on their hunt for Pucci. Jolyne succeeds in sending both of Jotaro's discs to The SPW Foundation, and his revival quickly goes underway. Though her primary objective is achieved, justice and vengeance spurn Jolyne's chase for Pucci.

Les Fils de DIO

Main article: SO Chapter 103, Three Men in the Hospital
Main article: Bohemian Rhapsody (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 111, Long Time No See, Romeo
Main article: Sky High (story arc)

Pucci is brought by a series of coincidences near a hospital. He is taken hostage by Ungalo but Pucci tells him to awaken his power. Ungalo falls on the ground, disturbed, but is picked up by the stick figure in traffic regulation panels. In prison, Anasui notices that a star-shaped birthmark has appeared near Weather's shoulder and Weather announces his intention to escape too.

After a time skip of three days, Anasui and Weather are hiding in the toilets, their evasion having been noticed and they are now fugitive. An old man Weather has helped before accepts to take them in his truck.

Weather and Anasui realize that fictional characters are coming into life, and Anasui's soul is cloned. The truck crashes. Destroying Pinocchio, Anasui is one body again. Attacked by the old man who transformed into the Big Bad Wolf, Anasui is separated from Weather who took a bus without paying attention to his surroundings. Chasing his double through the town, Anasui is dragged into the story of the Seven Lambs and the wolf, and cast as the Wolf, Mother Goat threatens to cut his stomach open and fill it with rocks. Anasui tries to flee but has a hard time escaping Mother Goat and her children. Meanwhile, Weather Report is dragged into Vincent Van Gogh's last autoportrait, and cast as Van Gogh, is fated to shoot himself in the head. Weather tries to stop the aggressor, whom he senses via the birthmark but Ungalo is actually on a plane enjoying the world scale chaos bringing every fictional character to life causes.

When Weather invents a hero whose power is to eliminate all fantasy heroes, Ungalo's Bohemian Rhapsody is canceled and he falls into a coma, having lost his drive with his Stand.

The story then goes back to 8 hours after Jolyne escapes prison. Romeo finds Jolyne in his house, and begs for forgiveness. Jolyne lets him be and asks him for a vehicle. Romeo gives them the key to a helicopter and gives the police a false lead. Still, Jolyne cuts his tongue as revenge.

We are introduced to Rikiel a nervous wreck of a young man, who is constantly ill. Pucci enables him to master his Stand Sky High, manipulating the cryptids Flying Rods. Jolyne Ermes and Emporio crash when the Flying Rods attack them and cause their eyelids to close. The Rods suck body heat causing various illnesses and Jolyne sets herself on fire to counter them, defeating Rikiel. When Rikiel reveals that Pucci and Weather are brothers, Ermes puts him out of commission.

Jolyne tracks Pucci up to the hospital where he's hiding and discussing with DIO's last son, Donatello Versus. Donatello awakens his Stand and strangely a child appears in their dish and a bullet comes through its head.


Main article: SO Chapter 118, Time for Heaven - Three Days Until the New Moon
Main article: Under World (story arc)
Main article: Heavy Weather (story arc)

Jolyne finds Donatello's room, and sees a huge hole leading to an underground cavern. Deciding to investigate, Jolyne finds herself in a plane that is scheduled to crash. Donatello's Underworld can revive memories of the ground and materialize them, having materialized said crash and imprisoning Jolyne in it. Ermes is dragged into the memory as well.

A flashback narrates Donatello's misfortunes and the resentment he has toward the world. Jolyne contacts Emporio who stayed out of the hospital and he finds that some passengers survived the crash. Jolyne and Ermes take their place and also save hapless children in the process. Defeated, Donatello commands his Stand to flee and give Weather Report his Memory Disk back, to Pucci's horror as he unlocked a terrible power.

Weather Report receives his Memory Disc, re-releasing his rage at his brother Pucci; manifesting as the new Stand power Heavy Weather, which hypnotizes people into transforming into snails with sunrays.

A flashback narrates both Weather and Pucci's tragic past, how Pucci came to meet DIO, and how Weather and he got their Stands. Having lost his sister, Pucci fell into despair, just as Weather who lost his girlfriend.

Jolyne and Ermes manage to escape the hospital, but as they are transforming into snails, they force Donatello to drive. Meanwhile, Pucci finds Weather and Anasui to kill them. Pucci rendered himself blind to stop the suggestion and fatally wounds Weather Report but Weather takes advantage of this to almost kill him. When Donatello crashes on Weather and Pucci, the priest escapes and Weather dies. Jolyne acquires Weather's Stand Disk and gives it to Emporio just in case.

Cap Canaveral

Main article: SO Chapter 138, Coming to Cape Canaveral
Main article: Gravity of the New Moon (story arc)
Main article: C-Moon (story arc)
Main article: Heavy Weather (story arc)

The entire party drives toward Cape Canaveral, the location indicated in DIO's Diary, resting and having fun while they can.

As Pucci nears the ideal conditions, he awakens a new power. The gravity shifts around Cape Canaveral, objects falling away from it, and Ermes is pushed away. When the rest of the party reach Cape Canaveral, they don't find Pucci but are attacked by the Stand C-Moon.

C-Moon can turn any object it hits on itself. It fights Jolyne and although it almost defeats her, Jolyne gains the upper hand. Pucci intervenes and commands C-Moon more precisely, hitting her in the chest and her torso turns on itself.

Jolyne dead, Pucci proceeds to track Anasui. Emporio gets a phone call from Jotaro who reveals that Jolyne is still alive. Pucci is attacked by Jolyne who used Mobius Strips' property to cancel C-Moon's attack. Time stops and Star Platinum punches Pucci. Jotaro and Ermes managed to reach Cape Canaveral as well.

Cornered, Pucci realizes that he can reproduce the gravitational conditions specified on the Diary by floating to a different location. As he reaches the final stage, Made in Heaven appears and engulfs everyone in light.

Le Combat Final

Main article: Made in Heaven (story arc)
Main article: SO Chapter 158, What a Wonderful World
Jolyne's death

Everyone wakes up, and the heroes realize that time is accelerating. The entire world is affected by the time acceleration and chaos spreads.

In Cape Canaveral, Pucci isn't affected by the flow of time like everyone else and proceeds to hunt down the heroes. To Jotaro's surprise, Pucci can even shorten his time-stop. The party flees up to the ocean, where they expect to see Pucci coming. Pucci attacks, and Jotaro stops time, however, he sees that knives are falling toward Jolyne, he pulls her out of danger's way and attack Pucci, but fails to hit him when time resumes. Jotaro's head is split in two, Anasui is killed as well as Ermes, and Jolyne receives a knife in the stomach anyway, sinking into the water.

Emporio faces Pucci, but Jolyne hasn't died yet. Blinding him partially with a knife, Jolyne ties Emporio to a dolphin which swims away and sacrifices herself to delay Pucci. Time accelerates to an insane speed, and every living thing is brought into a vortex.

End of Stone Ocean
Emporio awakens in Green Dolphin Street, meeting alternate versions of Jolyne and Jotaro. He can see the future but cannot escape it. Pucci appears and tracks the terrified child, explaining that he accelerated time to a singularity point and brought everyone into a universe succeeding the original one, in which everyone witnesses their future and exposing his will to have everyone at peace by accepting their Fate. As Emporio enters his ghost room and Pucci extends his arm, Pucci realizes that he pushed Weather's Disk into Emporio.

Emporio uses Weather Report to increase the amount of oxygen in the room to lethal levels. Pucci is affected the fastest due to his time acceleration power, and is powerless as Weather Report finishes him off.

The universe is reset again, and Emporio meets again all of his companions in alternate forms. Seeing Jolyne's counterpart Irene bearing the Joestar birthmark, Emporio can only cry as she takes him in Anasui's counterpart Anakiss' car to meet Irene's father.

Personnages et Stands

Characters from Stone Ocean

FF Av.png FooFightersAv.png

Ally (former Villain)

GwessAv.png GooGooDollsAv.png

Ally (former Villain)

Combats majeurs



  • Araki stated that towards the end of Stone Ocean's serialization, he felt as if he reached the peak of both his creativity and career. Upset by this, he changed the ending in the final few chapters to deliver an ending that would return the JoJo series back to its roots; a concept he would continue in Steel Ball Run.[1]
  • In this part, many characters' names are derived from fashion brands instead of music references.
  • According to Araki, the "Stone" of "Stone Ocean" is the will of Jolyne, while "Ocean" symbolizes women altogether.[2]


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