List of Russian JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Chapters

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This is a list of all current Russian volumes of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga, as well as the titles of the chapters contained therein. Chapters are arranged by volume, with their appropriate volume titles and chapters listed underneath.

Currently, Rohan au Louvre is the only work by Hirohiko Araki to be released in Russian, by the Russian publisher Komilfo.[1] The one-shot released on October 24th, 2024.[2]

Volume List

Release Date
Russia October 24th, 2024[2]

Mangaka Rohan Kishibe travels to Paris to uncover the secret of the sinister "blackest painting in the world"—which promises death to anyone who looks at it... Will Rohan himself survive an encounter with something so terrible?

"Rohan au Louvre" is a tasteful horror. Famous JoJo poses are mixed with monstrous body horror, art takes on a creepy edge, and Araki-sensei's beloved style shines with new colors on fully colored pages![2]


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