- 055 (649). Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 5
- 056 (650). Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 6
- 057 (651). Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 7
- 058 (652). Ultra Security House Unit
- 059 (653). His Name is Anasui
- 060 (654). The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 1
- 061 (655). The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2
- 062 (656). The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 3
- 063 (657). The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
Author's Note

Regarding Cell Phones
It seems like practically everyone owns a cell phone these days, so isn't it odd to not have one? I don't think I'm crazy, though. It's simply that I don't need one. Firstly, my work makes it so that I'm always stuck in my studio. Secondly, I don't want people to be able to call me anywhere and anytime they feel like it, especially if it's to tell me banalities. I admit that it would be useful to inform someone with whom I have a meeting scheduled that I'll be late, though... (To be continued in Volume 8.)
It seems like practically everyone owns a cell phone these days, so isn't it odd to not have one? I don't think I'm crazy, though. It's simply that I don't need one. Firstly, my work makes it so that I'm always stuck in my studio. Secondly, I don't want people to be able to call me anywhere and anytime they feel like it, especially if it's to tell me banalities. I admit that it would be useful to inform someone with whom I have a meeting scheduled that I'll be late, though... (To be continued in Volume 8.)
世の中のみんながこれだけ誰もが携帯電話を持つと、持ってない自分は異常なヤツなのでは? とヤバイんじゃないの的気分になる。というより自分は携帯電話の必要のない人なのよ。
世の中のみんながこれだけ誰もが携帯電話を持つと、持ってない自分は異常なヤツなのでは? とヤバイんじゃないの的気分になる。というより自分は携帯電話の必要のない人なのよ。