Bruno Bucciarati/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

SPOILER WARNING: Part 5 spoiler details may follow.
Ce personnage est aussi appelé "Bruno Buccellati".
Compléter ma mission et protéger mes hommes. Devoir ccomplir les deux en même temps est ce qui fait le travail d'un lieutenant si difficile. Es-tu prêt? Moi, je le suis. (「任務は遂行する」「部下も守る」。「両方」やらなくっちゃあならないってのが「幹部」のつられところだな。覚悟はいいか?オレはできてる。)
—Bucciarati à Prosciutto, Chapter 493: The Grateful Dead, Part 6

Blono Bucciarati (ブローノ・ブチャラティ, Burōno Bucharati) est le deutéragoniste de la cinquième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo.

Bucciarati est un gangster et le chef de sa propre équipe au sein du puissant gang napolitain, Passione. Envoyé pour poursuivre quiconque a attaqué Luca et apparaissant en tant qu'adversaire de Giorno Giovanna, Bucciarati devient le premier à apporter un soutien significatif à Giorno dans son ascension dans les rangs de Passione.

Bucciarati est également un manieur de Stand et possède Sticky Fingers, un Stand qui lui permet de créer des fermetures éclairs.



Bucciarati apparaît comme un homme de taille moyenne avec une silhouette mince. Il a des cheveux noirs coiffés au style d'une coupe au carré avec les mèches au sommet du crâne liés en tresse et des pinces à cheveux surmontée de chaque côté de sa coiffure.

Sa tenue est composée d'un costume tout blanc recouvert de petits taches quasi-rondes noires avec une pointe, avec la poitrine découverte semblable à la tenue de Giorno, et des fermetures à glissière dans plusieurs endtois plus ou moint étrange (par exemple aux épaules et le long des bras) faisant allusion à son Stand, Sticky Fingers. Sous sa veste se trouve un haut en dentelle, qui est apparemment transformé en tatouage dans l'adaptation anime.

Son apparence semble être restée constante depuis l'enfance, sans aucune différence particulière en dehors de sa taille et de ses vêtements, qui conservent le même thème.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaGioGio (PS2)All-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets bleus)
(Costume blanc à pois noirs, fermetures éclair dorées et chaussures vermillon)
Yeux(Bleu nuit)
(Costume blanc cassé à pois noirs, fermetures éclair dorées et chaussures marron clair)
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets cyan)
(Costume blanc-bleu à pois noirs, fermetures à glissière roses et chaussures gris foncé)
Hair(Noir avec des reflets bleus)
(Costume bleu à pois noirs, fermetures éclair dorées et chaussures marron)
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets bleu-gris)
(Costume blanc à pois noirs, fermetures éclair dorées et chaussures gris foncé)

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

Bucciarati fait une petite apparition dans le one-shot portant une veste bleue à deux boutons plus un pull-over assorti et une chemise à pois en dessous, avec un pantalon gris et des chaussures marron.

Ses cheveux noirs sont alors représentés avec une teinte rouge, contrairement à son bleu habituel.


Même dans ce monde pourri, je veux toujours parcourir un chemin dans lequel je crois !
—Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 523: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 6

Bruno Bucciarati, présenté pour la première fois comme un gangster rusé, se révèle rapidement être un individu juste et extrêmement déterminé, quoique brutal.

Au cours de son arc d'introduction, Bucciarati agit comme un gangster apparemment affable envers Giorno Giovanna, commençant à bavarder sur divers sujets au cours desquels Bucciarati révèle son côté le plus violent.[1][2] Ce comportement se révèle plus tard être un acte qu'il met en place avec des personnes inconnues en dehors de Passione, et il se conduira plus tard dans de la même manière avec deux gardes de sécurité d'aéroport.[3]

Bucciarati a une grande compassion

Les traits de caractère les plus importants de Bucciarati sont sa droiture et sa gentillesse naturelle. Bucciarati est déterminé à prendre les mesures les plus honorables, même s'il met sa vie en danger. Par exemple, à l'âge de sept ans, Bucciarati a choisi de rester avec son père lorsque ses parents ont divorcé car il pensait qu'il devrait soutenir son père, qui lui souffrait de cette séparation. De plus, Bucciarati s'est ouvertement rebellé contre Diavolo lorsque le patron a clairement voulu tuer sa fille, Trish Una, ce qui a entraîné sa mort prématurée. Bucciarati est fidèle aux habitants de son territoire, étant prévenant avec eux acceptant leurs demandes d'aide, et est généralement gentil avec les personnes qu'il rencontre.[4][5]

Bucciarati respecte et soutient plusieurs valeurs telles que la détermination (louant la détermination de Giorno dans leur combat), l'altruisme (alors qu'il est prêt à se sacrifier pour ses croyances et ses devoirs), et la loyauté familiale (étant indigné que Diavolo oserait blesser son propre enfant). Comme son équipe, Bucciarati croit que la résolution implique de risquer sa propre vie pour une cause juste, un critère auquel il se tient constamment en se mettant en danger et en pariant sur le fait que ses ennemis seront moins déterminés que lui pour gagner au combat. Sa détermination culmine à son sacrifice culminant contre Diavolo. Lors de leur premier combat, Diavolo a même salué la façon dont Bucciarati a gardé sa conscience et a tenté de contre-attaquer malgré sa grave blessure à la poitrine. De même Bucciarati admire ouvertement cette même résolution chaque fois qu'elle apparaît chez un adversaire, notant que Giorno et Pesci (temporairement) ont une telle résolution. Selon Giorno, Bucciarati croit aux libertés individuelles, et que les gens sont libres de mourir comme ils le souhaitent.[6]

Cependant, Bucciarati déteste également particulièrement le trafic de drogue, qui a causé la mort de son père[4] et fait du mal à la population à grande échelle, en particulier aux enfants, donc toute mention de cela le dérange. En raison de son allégeance à Passione qui vend de la drogue dans la rue, Bucciarati est en conflit entre son code et son devoir en tant que membre du gang. Giorno note que Bucciarati était hésitant lorsqu'il a utilisé Sticky Fingers pour se cacher dans le corps d'un adolescent qui était toxicomane.[6]Pour cette raison, il a décidé de soutenir discrètement l'infiltration de Giorno Giovanna dans le gang tout en travaillant pour l'organisation.[7] On le voit aussi être contre le fait que Narancia rejoigne le gang, lui disant de mener une vie normale. On peut donc en déduire que Bucciarati ne tient pas la vie du gangster en haute estime.[8] Bucciarati méprise également la violence malveillante, revenant sur ses louanges envers Pesci quand il a vu que Pesci voulait tuer l'équipe de Bucciarati par dépit plutôt que par perspicacité tactique.

Bucciarati commet son premier meurtre à 12 ans

Contrairement à sa droiture, Bucciarati a un côté violent et impitoyable. À l'âge de douze ans, Bucciarati a assassiné de sang froid les agresseurs potentiels de son père[4]et en tant que gangster, a gardé sa tendance à la violence. Lors de leur première rencontre, Bucciarati a violemment battu Giorno et a qualifié son interrogatoire de séance de torture[2]et n'a pas empêché son équipe de battre et de torturer Mario Zucchero. Ayant travaillé pour un gang pendant des années, Bucciarati est un combattant expérimenté, capable de discerner chaque fois que l'intention de tuer est authentique, n'est pas perturbé par des menaces vides et est capable de garder son calme même pendant un combat désespéré. De même, Bucciarati utilisera souvent la force meurtrière contre ses ennemis, comme en témoignent Prosciutto et Pesci qu'il a fait écraser par un train et démembré respectivement, ainsi que Secco qu'il a assourdi avec un pneu de voiture éclaté.

Lors d'un combat, Bucciarati est à la fois courageux et prudent. Alors qu'il est prêt à se sacrifier pour gagner[9], Bucciarati tentera régulièrement des retraites tactiques et des attaques sournoises, comme on l'a vu lorsqu'il a tenté de tendre une embuscade à Diavolo. Le polyvalent Sticky Fingers lui permet notamment d'effectuer des tours imprévisibles tels que se donner une plus grande portée ou de disparaître soudainement et manoeuvrer à travers l'environnement sans problème. Même face à un Stand physiquement plus faible, Bucciarati prend des précautions et peut donc être vu effectuer une retraite stratégique contre Gold Experience[10] encore plus contre un Stand plus fort comme Oasis.[11] Néanmoins, s'il le faut, Bucciarati risquera sans doute sa vie si elle lui permet de gagner en suivant sa philosophie de résolution.

Bucciarati se jette d'un train avec Prosciutto

Bucciarati est toujours montré comme quelqu'un de sérieux, même quand il est jeune enfant, et garde généralement un comportement sérieux sans faille tout au long de l'histoire. De plus, Bucciarati prend très au sérieux sa responsabilité de chef d'équipe, considérant qu'un lieutenant a la double tâche d'accomplir la mission mais aussi de faire vivre ses subordonnés.[12] Cela rend Bucciarati extrêmement déterminé au combat si la vie de ses coéquipiers est en jeu, et Bucciarati prend régulièrement des mesures imprudentes pour assurer leur sécurité, par exemple en tirant Prosciutto d'un train à grande vitesse pour le faire sortir et l'empêcher de vieillir l'équipe. Pendant la majeure partie de l'histoire, Bucciarati agit toujours avec un objectif donné à l'esprit (prendre le trésor de Polpo ou protéger Trish) et y prête toujours attention. En conséquence, Bucciarati peut être vu en train de gronder ses subordonnés moins disciplinés[13] lorsqu'ils se laissent distraire ou font les zouaves. Pour le bien de ses coéquipiers, Bucciarati garde une façade sévère de détermination, ordonnant à son équipe de continuer malgré la récente perte d'Abbacchio, même si lui aussi était bouleversé dans sa tête par la mort soudaine d'Abbacchio.[14]

Bucciarati entretient une relation solide avec son équipe, étant sévère mais juste et les félicitant chaque fois qu'il pense qu'ils le méritne. Son habitude de rechercher des marginaux et de les traiter comme des êtres humains dignes et souvent avec gentillesse a en effet assuré leur loyauté, permettant à la majorité du groupe de rester unie sous lui même quand ils se rebellent contre le patron de Passione.[15] De plus, chaque membre de l'équipe de Bucciarati admire son talent et croit que sous sa direction, ils peuvent atteindre la grandeur. Par exemple, Guido Mista a été libéré de prison grâce à Bucciarati[16] et Narancia a été frappé par le comportement sévère mais humain de Bucciarati envers lui[8].Tous deux lui ont finalement fait confiance pour gagner contre Passione. Bucciarati a un côté paternel avec Narancia, qu'il a abrité et conseillé de rester à l'écart de la vie d'un gangster[8], et il en fait de même avec Trish dont les inquiétudes d'être la fille du Boss de la mafia, il essaie de réconforter du mieux qu'il peut.[13] Dans le monde brutal des gangsters, Bucciarati n'a cependant aucune illusion que lui et ses hommes risquent constamment leurs vies.

Pouvoirs et compétences

Main article: Sticky Fingers
Bucciarati fully reveals his Stand, Sticky Fingers.

Bucciarati's Stand Sticky Fingers allows him to create zippers on any solid object or surface, including his own body parts, which he can zip open and close at his leisure. Sticky Fingers also demonstrates exceptional strength and defense in combat.


Bucciarati is a remarkable fighter in a Stand fight; having mastered the versatile power of Sticky Fingers, he can easily use the environment to his advantage, restrain his enemies, swiftly evade incoming attacks, and attack from blind spots. His natural selflessness means that survival is not among his priorities, thus his actions will easily surprise his opponents.

Bucciarati is also a perceptive fighter, having been able to quickly deduce the weaknesses of King Crimson despite being fatally injured and proceed to take advantage of them. He is able to analyze his opponents' fighting styles and perceive their strengths and weaknesses.
"This is the taste of a liar, Giorno Giovanna!"

Lie detection

Bucciarati is able to know if someone is lying simply by looking at them, claiming that when a person lies their skin glistens due to sweating. He can also taste a person's sweat to distinguish them as a liar, claiming that the sweat of a liar tastes sweeter than normal.


Bucciarati impales his hand on a broken nail, but does not notice or bleed.

During the events at San Giorgio Maggiore island, Bucciarati was given a lethal blow by the boss and was subsequently healed by Giorno's Gold Experience. Bucciarati eventually reveals that his life had ended at that time, however, his body continued to move only through the "life energy" that Giorno had given him.[17] In this undead state, Bucciarati lacks bodily functions such as breathing, a heartbeat, or the ability to feel pain. However, it also allowed him to be immune to the effects of Green Day, and although the decay of his body gradually made him functionally blind and deaf, he could still converse with others through the ability to observe and feel what individual souls thought.


Team Bucciarati

As a valorous man and a capable leader, Bruno Bucciarati is respected and obeyed by every member of his team. While Bucciarati is severe with his subordinates, he is also protective of them and trusts them all, due to recognizing their own valor.

  • Giorno Giovanna: Even though Bucciarati and Giorno met as enemies, Bucciarati acknowledged Giorno's resolve while Giorno saw that Bucciarati was at heart a decent man. They stopped fighting each other and began to cooperate in order to stop Passione's drug trade. The two trusted each other, and Bucciarati only acknowledged that he became an undead in front of Giorno. When Bucciarati expired, he saluted Giorno one last time, telling him that he allowed him to be at peace and trusting the young boy with finishing Diavolo off.
  • Leone Abbacchio: While Abbacchio is Bucciarati's subordinate, Bucciarati and Leone act more as equals as Bucciarati also sees Abbacchio as an elder. Abbacchio is the most prone to question Bucciarati's orders, but at the same time is ready to defend Bucciarati's authority. When Bucciarati rebelled, Abbacchio berated his foolish move but was the second one to join him, stating that he made him feel at peace.
  • Guido Mista: Bucciarati first heard of Mista when he was being prosecuted. Seeing that Mista had the necessary willpower and honor, Bucciarati pulled some strings to have him admitted into Passione. Now Bucciarati trusts Mista as a valuable fighter, while Mista respects Bucciarati's ability as a team leader.
  • Narancia Ghirga: Bucciarati met Narancia when he was a sick street urchin. He then had him treated and brought back to school, at the same time being outraged that the young Narancia asked to be made a gangster. The paternal severity of Bucciarati's scolding made Narancia realize that Bucciarati was worth following and he still entered Passione. As a member of Bucciarati's team, Bucciarati trusts Narancia's ability while Narancia is nearly devoted to him. However, when a terrified Narancia asked Bucciarati, who at this point rebelled against Passione, to order him to go with the rest of the team, Bucciarati told Narancia to decide by himself, showing that Bucciarati expected Narancia to one day be mature enough to be independent.
  • Pannacotta Fugo: Not much is shown of the relationship between Fugo and Bucciarati, but Bucciarati respects Fugo's intelligence, and Fugo is functionally his right-hand man. After Fugo was thrown out of the university, Bucciarati brought him into Passione, and Fugo felt indebted to him. However, that respect was not enough for Fugo to follow Bucciarati into what Fugo thought as a suicidal rebellion against Passione.
  • Trish Una: At first, Bucciarati simply saw Trish as a way to get closer to the Boss while Trish tried to act disagreeably toward everyone. However, as Trish was distressed from being the daughter of a gang boss and the target of assassins, Bucciarati tried to reassure her, such as offering her a securing hand in the elevator ride towards the Boss. Bucciarati saved Trish from her father and thus Trish began to greatly trust him. Bucciarati somehow seems to admire the girl's growing resolve and determination to fight against a predestined fate. While referring to Bucciarati as cold and distant, Trish implicitly wishes that he showed a more openly caring attitude towards her. When Doppio feigns to be Trish, subsequently fooling Bucciarati, the latter offers Trish a small estate in the suburbs of Neapolis and utters that she has a right to peace and happiness.


The words "I'll kill you" should be left unsaid until the deed is already done. That's how it works in the gangsters' world we live in.
—Bucciarati to Pesci, echoing Prosciutto
  • Diavolo: Bucciarati first had an ambiguous relationship with his Boss, having a duty toward Passione for protecting him and his father but also despising Passione's drug trade. When Diavolo tried to kill his daughter Trish, Bucciarati was outraged that he would kill his own child and completely rejected him. However, that hate was not reciprocated by Diavolo who didn't understand why he rebelled but still respected his ability as a leader. During the final confrontation, Diavolo lets his anger explode and expresses his extreme disdain towards Bucciarati, referring to him as a weakling, the latter having virtually vanquished the boss's semi-invicible state by resolving the mystery behind Silver Chariot Requiem's ability. 
  • Prosciutto: Both met as enemies, Prosciutto trying to kill Team Bucciarati in order to capture Trish. Bucciarati didn't think much of Prosciutto, seeing him as an adversary but nothing more. On the other hand, Prosciutto went from dismissing Bucciarati as an incompetent lieutenant to commending his determination in a fight, which mirrored the assassin's motto.
  • Pesci: Bucciarati and Pesci met as enemies, Pesci trying to kill Team Bucciarati in order to capture Trish. When Prosciutto was defeated by Bucciarati, yet still maintained his Stand to help Pesci, the latter was moved and gained a determination which Bucciarati, upon seeing Pesci again, somewhat admired. However, Pesci's ruthlessness made Bucciarati change his mind and qualify Pesci as a "scumbag", killing him without ceremony.


  • Father: As a child, Bucciarati loved his father deeply. When his parents divorced, he chose to stay by his father, knowing that he suffered the most from the separation. In return, Bucciarati's father tried to work hard to pay for Bucciarati's studies. When Bucciarati's father was nearly killed by drug dealers, Bucciarati went as far as to murder the dealers to protect him. Bucciarati dedicated his time to trying to right the wrongs of Passione after his father passed away. It is stated that his inherent kindness and devotion are a legacy from his father.
  • Mother: As a child, Bucciarati and his mother loved each other. When she divorced, she tried to influence Bucciarati into coming with her, but Bucciarati refused. Moved by Bucciarati's kindness, his mother was both sad and proud of her son. Being separated by great distances, Bucciarati and his mother eventually stopped seeing each other, Bucciarati only occasionally visiting her on Christmas.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
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  • This taste... is the taste of a liar! Giorno Giovanna! (この味は!…………ウソをついてる『味』だぜ…………ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ!)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 443: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 1
  • My name is Bruno Bucciarati. Answer me. This interrogation has already become a torture session!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2
  • Get away? You don't have to worry about me getting away. The only thing you should worry about... is what will happen once you're pulled apart and left on the ground by my zippers.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 447: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 5
  • For that honorable determination that you showed when you injured your own arm and for your dream which is worth its weight in gold... I'll take my chances on you, Giorno Giovanna.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 448: Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall, Part 1
  • First, we have to get a certain level of power! Power that'll allow us to get closer to The Boss!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1
  • You should know better than anyone else that none of us got where we are by pissing ourselves every time someone gave us an empty threat. If you stop, I'll let this slide. But the moment you stab Abbacchio, I take your life.
    —Bruno Bucciarati to Zucchero, Chapter 461: Moody Blues Strikes Back, Part 2
  • To complete my mission and protect my men. Having to do both at once is what makes being a capo so tough. Are you ready for this? I know I am.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 493: The Grateful Dead, Part 6
  • There's only the way to beat him. I'll just have to show him... just which one of us has the greater resolve! I'll show him! It's do or die!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 496: The Grateful Dead, Part 9
  • To lie here, absolutely motionless... that... is my resolve!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 497: The Grateful Dead, Part 10
  • It was a road more trying than any other. One I couldn't have traversed without some luck... the road leading to you, that is...
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 498: The Grateful Dead, Part 11
  • The words "I'll kill you" shouldn't be left unsaid until the deed is already done. That's how it works in the gangsters' world we live in.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 498: The Grateful Dead, Part 11
  • You can't pull a fast one on me, scumbag. ARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARIARI! Arrivederci!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 499: The Grateful Dead, Part 12
  • You must pay! You have betrayed my heart once again! I was only planning to uncover your identity... but there has been a change of plans! I'm going to kill you instead! Right now!
    —Bruno Bucciarati about the Boss, Chapter 517: Bruno Bucciarati's Childhood
  • You will never understand how I feel!
    —Bruno Bucciarati to the Boss, Chapter 518: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 1
  • My mission has ended, you say? You're dead wrong. It's not over just yet! I've given myself a mission to protect Trish!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 520: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 3
  • I only did what I thought was right. I have no regrets. Even in this rotten world, I still want to walk down a path I can believe in!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 523: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 6
  • No. No orders! Not this time! You decide. You have to be the one to decide the path you'll take.
    —Bruno Bucciarati to Narancia, Chapter 523: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 6
  • Are you busy right now? Sorry but could you answer a quick question? The airport's too big and I don't really know where things are. I'd like to steal an airplane. Do you know where I might find one?
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 532: No Flightcode! Headed for Sardinia
  • An underground guy and the Stand with the man-eating mold. Each one of them utilizes the other's Stand ability to their utmost limits! They're just too compatible with each other! More so than any other team we've ever seen before!
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 555: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 2
  • It's enigmatic... I've accepted this as my fate. The heavens just happened to smile on me a little bit. It seems that when you healed my wounds in Venezia, the life energy you gave me alloved me to move for just a bit longer.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 557: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 4
  • Your predictions, Boss... do they only show you the paths of the Arrow and the bullets? I seems you couldn't predict what I'd do.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 584: Diavolo Surfaces, Part 5
  • Giorno... you brought me back to life. When I met you in my hometown of Naples... when we betrayed the gang. My heart had been dying a slow death. And it came back to life, all thanks to you. This is what happiness is. I'm fine with this. Don't worry about it... give everyone my best... Don't worry about it. Things are just going back... to they way they should be... Just going back... to normal...
    —Bruno Bucciarati's last words, Chapter 584: Diavolo Surfaces, Part 5
  • Giorno... the fact that we made it here... is a complete victory. This is good... everything will be fine... Fate is a sleeping slave... we have to set it freee... that is victory...
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 589: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 4
  • Do you do your duty to your country and pay all your taxes as an honest citizen should? Although I do not know what you wished to speak to me about, this is no place for a civilian like you. If you've beein paying your taxes, then you should take your matters to the police or a court of law. The moment you begin speaking to me, you will owe a debt to the gang, one greater than you can imagine.
    —Bruno Bucciarati, Chapter 590: Epilogue: "Sleeping Slaves"




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