Pesci awakes to a screaming Prosciutto, yelling at him to stop the train. Bucciarati and Prosciutto hang off the side of the moving train, with Bucciarati prepared to die with Prosciutto to save his friends.
Not knowing how to stop the train, Pesci uses his Beach Boy to hook onto Prosciutto's hand. With Bucciarati barely hanging onto Prosciutto's foot, Pesci is unable to reel them in due to the weight. Prosciutto kicks at Bucciarati, so Bucciarati retaliates with Sticky Fingers, letting go of Prosciutto's leg. Prosciutto uses The Grateful Dead to block Sticky Fingers's punches, not realizing that it is actually punching at Beach Boy's line, which reflects onto Prosciutto's hand and creates a zipper, causing him to let go of Beach Boy's hook. Bucciarati takes the hook into his own hand and lets Prosciutto drop to his death.
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