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J'ai un coup d'avance sur toi.
—Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4

Wekapipo (ウェカピポ, Wekapipo) est un personnage secondaire de la septième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run. Introduit comme antagoniste dans l'arc narratif "Wrecking Ball", il devient un allié pour Johnny Joestar et Jayro Zeppeli dans les arcs suivants.

Wekapipo est un citoyen du Royaume de Néapolis qui a été exilé, travaillant en tant que garde du roi auparavant. Il entre au service de Funny Valentine et fait équipe avec Magent Magent pour essayer de tuer Johnny et Jayro.


Wekapipo est un homme de taille moyenne à la carrure athlétique. Il a des cheveux clairs, avec une coupe rase striée comme une grille. Durant son introduction, Wekapipo pour une moustache en chevron et une barbichette carré et striée comme ses cheveux. Il se rase la moustache ultérieurement. Wekapipo porte un costume deux pièces avec une veste et un pantalon assortis, de couleurs clair et parsemés de grand poix se superposant à moitié. Sa veste a un grand col décoré avec des franfreluches en formes de plumes.[1]

En tant qu'utilisateur de la Rotation, Wekapipo porte deux hostlers aux hanches pour y stocker ses Boules de Métal.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
(Veste et pantalon jaunes à poix oranges et bleux, gants et cravate oranges.)
Past Outfit(Veste blanche à poix oranges et jaunes.)


Wekapipo est un individu remarquablement sérieux et sombre, qui se concentre sur la tâche qu'il doit accomplir et qui ne tolère pas les pitreries de son partenaire Magent Magent.

Wekapipo ferait tout pour protéger sa soeur

Durant sa jeunesse, Wekapipo n'avait que sa soeur comme famille et était dévoué à faire en sorte qu'elle ait une vie confortable et paisible. Lorsqu'il découvrit que son beau-frère battait sa soeur, il fit l'effort de faire en sorte que le Saint-Siège accepte formellement un divorce et alla faire un duel pour protéger l'honneur de sa soeur. La nouvelle de la mort de sa soeur plongea Wekapipo dans la dépression et depuis il conserva un point de vue sombre et pessimiste sur la vie.[2]

Wekapipo est un homme avec une attitude froide et mélancolique, qui se concentre froidement sur l'accomplissement de ses objectifs. Au combat, il fait constamment attention aux actions de ses ennemis, à leurs points fort et leurs faiblesses, et agit méthodiquement pour retirer à ses adversaires leurs avantages. Wekapipo est très sérieux et ne tolère pas que ses compagnons au combat manquent d'attention et fassent le pitre. Ainsi, il réprimande souvent Magent Magent quand ce dernier bavarde et ne fait pas attention à ses ennemis.[3] Durant son introduction, Wekapipo n'avait que pour seul but d'acquérir une vie confortable. Même lorsqu'il décide de ne plus travailler complètement pour Funny Valentine, Wekapipo veut toujours rejoindre le camp du gagnant et hésite sur qui parier.[4]

Wekapipo possède un côté honorable. Il respecte grandement le savoir de la Famille Zeppeli sur la Rotation et se méfie de leurs techniques.[5] Quand Jayro Zeppeli révèle que sa famille prend soin de sa soeur, Wekapipo est reconnaissant et accepte de coopérer jusqu'à un point avec les héros. Lorsqu'il perd son combat contre Jayro, Wekapipo dit qu'il veut échapper au déshonneur de la défaite et au fait de devoir reporter son échec à Valentine[6] et essaie de se tuer, son tempérament morbide étant exacerbé par sa tristess intérieur.Moreover, he agreed to temporarily help Gyro and Johnny after they revealed that the Zeppelis have been taking care of his sister. Il sous-entend aussi que Valentine l'aurait tué de toute façon.


Main article: Boules de Métal

Wekapipo vient du Royaume de Néapolis et en tant que garde du roi, pratique une forme unique de Rotation dédiée au combat avec des Boules de Métal spéciales.

Wrecking Ball(レッキング・ボール壊れゆく鉄球 Rekkingu Bōru Kowareyuku Tekkyū) Link to this section
Wrecking Ball.png
Les Wrecking Balls sont superficiellement similaires aux boules de métal de la famille Zeppeli. De petites billes métalliques sont insérées sur la surface de la boule et peuvent être projetée pour voler dans les ennemis comme des balles. Si les petites billes n'atteignent pas leur cible, elle provoquent tout de même une onde de choc à l'impact qui cause une négligence hémispatiale (左半身失調, hidarihanmi shitchō). En pratique, les victimes ne peuvent pas percevoir tout ce qui est "à gauche", comme le côté gauche de leur corps ou tout ce que dans la gauche de leur champ de vision.



Wekapipo découvre que sa soeur était battue

Wekapipo est né dans le Royaume de Néapolis ; sa seule famille était sa petite soeur. Wekapipo devint l'un des gardes du roi et apprit à maîtriser l'art de la Rotation au combat et la technique des Wrecking Balls. Il devint un des gardes d'élite travaillant directement sous les ordres du roi. Lorsque sa soeur atteint l'âge de 17 ans (et lui de 24), Wekapipo lui arrangea un mariage avec le fils d'un noble riche pour qu'elle ait une vie confortable. Son beau-frère était par ailleur un camarade dans la garde du roi. Cependant, six mois plus tard, lors d'une visite, Wekapipo découvrit sa soeur sanglotant dans un coin, sa face gonflée parce que son beau-frère la battait. Furieux, Wekapipo voulut le tuer mais sa soeur le supplia d'arrêter en prétendant que cette affaire était entre elle et son mari. Elle fit tomber un vase par accident et Wekapipo découvrit avec horreur que sa soeur était devenue aveugle d'au moins un oeil.

Wekapipo combat son beau-frère et est exilé de Néapolis

Wekapipo blamed himself for his sister's woe and decided to annul the marriage. Pulling a few strings, Wekapipo managed to secure a permission from the Church to have the marriage annulled, helped by the fact that his sister didn't have a child yet. Wekapipo was prepared to lose his position but something worse happened. His brother-in-law confronted him and beat him up, furious at the humiliation of having the Church permitting the annulation of his marriage. Wekapipo begged the husband to divorce her and had to listen to him say his sister was only good enough in bed when he beat her. The husband decided to take Wekapipo's life in a duel. The next day, Wekapipo went to the duel and they fought using their Steel Balls. In the first exchange, Wekapipo avoided the husband's satellite while his satellite blew the brother-in-law's eye, killing him. However, the witnesses that the husband had brought with him attacked. Wekapipo was stunned with a Steel Ball to the gut and the head of the witnesses told that, because the husband's father was an influential figure in the kingdom, he would be "erased". Despite Wekapipo's protestations, the man, revealed to be Gregorio Zeppeli, condemned him to exile, forcing him to leave his nearly blind sister to nearly fend off for herself. Cursing the executioner, Wekapippo was knocked out and forced to leave the Kingdom of Naples.

Wekapipo entered Funny Valentine's service. Learning of his sister's death, Wekapipo focused on his new job with nothing else in life to look forward to.

Steel Ball Run

Combat contre Johnny et Jayro

File:Wekapipo magent.png
Wekapipo combat avec Magent Magent

Wekapipo is dispatched alongside Magent Magent. The two stand guard in a vantage point overlooking the frozen strait between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Magent tries to converse, mentioning the newly invented airplanes and then attempts a joke. However, Wekapipo doesn't let himself be distracted by Magent's antics and his gloom frustrates Magent. Knowing about a wolf who's the host of the new Corpse Part, Wekapipo and Magent wait for Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli to appear. Wekapipo advises Magent not to take the Spin lightly.

The pair see Johnny and Gyro and approache to attack. Wekapipo throws his Steel Ball. Gyro throws his own Steel Ball to stop it, but Wekapipo's Ball shoots the small beads embedded on it at the duo. The left side ataxia sets in for Johnny and Gyro; Magent Magent goes to their left on his sled and tries to shoot, but Johnny turns to the right until he sees Magent and shoots him. Magent shoots thus unveils his Stand 20th Century Boy, which makes him invulnerable as long as he's sitting or kneeling. Gyro also throws a Steel Ball but Magent remains impervious to the Spin. Moreover, Gyro's left hand is wounded because of Magent's shots. Wekapipo notices the wolf and throws two Balls at Gyro. When Gyro tries to counter them, his Balls are pushed aside and Gyro understands Wekapipo's strategy. By attacking them on the water and attacking his hands, Wekapipo has isolated Gyro in a battlefield where he cannot closely observe nature to create a perfect Spin, thus depowering him greatly. Johnny stops the satellites of the second ball, allowing Magent to shoot the wolf. Then, a stray satellite flies towards and Gyro is forced shield Johnny with his other hand, damaging it and preventing Gyro from faking the Golden Rectangle with his hands. Wekapipo induces the left side ataxia again and Magent disappears from the heroes' sight. Gyro only manage to grab one Steel Ball before the effects fully kick in. He throws his Ball in the general direction of Magent and does hit his shoulder. Gyro ducks to avoid two bullets to the head but receives one in the guts. Gyro uses the bullet as a weapon and throws it at Magent, who deflects the bullet upward. Despite Wekapipo's warning, Magent drops his guard and the bullet then falls down. It pierces Magent's face and takes him out.

Wekapipo duels Gyro Zeppeli

Wekapipo remains. Gyro subsequently manages to take back his Balls. However, Wekapipo is still more powerful than them. During the next throw, Gyro decides to directly attack Wekapipo, trusting Johnny to shoot down the enemy's Ball. This allows Gyro to run towards the wolf (and the Corpse Parts of which it is the host) which can serve as a reference for the perfect Spin. However, Wekapipo protects himself from Gyro's Spin by spinning a Ball in his hand, hardening his body to resist Gyro's ball. Wekapipo then throws his other Ball, which Gyro must counter. The satellites then shoot the ice, hiding the wolf and the Legs underwater. The left side ataxia begins again and Gyro has only one Ball. Confident, Wekapipo throws both of his Balls. However, Gyro then throws his one Ball at Wekapipo's own and destroys both. It is revealed that luckily, it suddenly started snowing and Gyro was able to create a perfect Spin by using the snowflakes as a reference. Wekapipo suspects a plan from Gyro's part but the executioner tells that it was merely a stroke of luck.Wekapipo is defeated and tries to commit suicide, but Gyro stops him. Gyro then explains that Wekapipo's sister is in the care of the Zeppeli Family, thus Wekapipo accepts to help them find Lucy Steel.

La garde de Steven Steel

Wekapipo fights Magent

Wekapipo reappears in Philadelphia. At first, he hears about Lucy Steel's death and verifies her tombstone. He reports it to Gyro Zeppeli but Gyro is skeptical and suspects that Hot Pants and her Cream Starter were involved somehow. Gyro tells Wekapipo that Lucy is still probably near the President; Wekapipo continues his mission to seek and protect Lucy but doesn't want to attack the President. Gyro advises Wekapipo to seek Steven Steel.

When Wekapipo finds Steel in his coach, the old man has been shot. Magent tries to ambush Wekapipo, hidden on the coach and tries to shoot. However, the horses are startled and Wekapipo sees Magent's shadow. Magent shoots and Wekapipo throws a Wrecking Ball through the roof, grazing each other. The satellites fly towards Magent, who protects himself with 20th Century Boy. With Magent immobilized, Wekapipo climbs on the coach whose horses start to gallop. Wekapipo tries to stab Wekapipo in the face with a knife, but it breaks. He then tries to smash his head with a direct throw to the skull but 20th Century Boy makes Magent invulnerable. Wekapipo realizes that Magent must have heard about Lucy and sought Steel to have money and revenge. Looking at Steel's items, he sees that Steven has found that Lucy is disguised as the first lady, Scarlet Valentine. The coach approaches Independence Hall and a squad of guards approach to order him to stop. Using his left side ataxia, Wekapipo eludes the guards and plans on getting rid of Magent first.

Near the Delaware river, Wekapipo sees a dinosaut slip out of Magent's coat. Suspicious, he then sees smoke coming out of Magen's coat, opens it and sees that Magent has lit a bunch of dynamite sticks. He throws a Steel Ball at Steel Ball to harden his body and uses his other ball to induce left side ataxia on the horses, making them turn right and throw both Wekapipo and Magent in the water. The explosion still sends shrapnel at Wekapipo, who is hurt and in the water. Magent cancels his Stand and takes out his gun, preparing to shoot the Neapolitan. Magent gloats, stating that he always takes his revenge. However, Magent is suddenly tied by cables. The Ball Wekapipo had used on the horse has pulled cables around the tire axle and tied Magent, pulling him underwater. With Magent neutralized for good, Wekapipo can go out of the water However, Magent realizes that Diego too now must have heard about Lucy Steel with his dinosaur.


Diego & Wekapipo shoot alternate Johnnys

Wekapipo follows Diego near the Independence Hall, intending on allying him and help him fight the President the moment Valentine goes after Diego's Left Eye. In the streets, he incidentally bumps against D-I-S-C-O. After taking a turn, Wekapipo suddenly loses traces of Diego but sees a gun lying nearby. A figure appears from under a flag and attacks Wekapipo. Wekapipo throws his Steel Ball and induces the left side ataxia. Wekapipo uses this opportunity to take the gun and shoot at the figure, but realizes that he's just shot Johnny Joestar. Horrified, Wekapipo sees Johnny aiming at him and has no choice but to shoot again but Johnny escapes in the sewers. A couple of little girls see him from a park and Wekapipo retreats, tossing the gun. Confused, Wekapipo sees Diego approach him.

Wekapipo's death

Diego asks Wekapipo if he's seen him shoot Johnny but this Wekapipo hasn't. Sensing Valentine approaching, Diego deploys his dinosaurs to seek him and tells Wekapipo that they must ally themselves now. However, Wekapipo hesitates because it seems Diego lured him into a trap. Somehow, Valentine decimates the dinosaurs and Diego, to gain Wekapipo's trust before it is too late, tells him that he too shot Johnny. The two understand that they both shot a Johnny Joestar and that the President's ability is involved. Sensing bits of dinosaurs falling near him, Diego looks up and sees Valentine and his Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap attacking him.

Wekapipo intervenes and hits Valentine with a Steel Ball but the President's face is preserved, the zone of the impact replaced by a hole. Valentine attacks but Diego turns into a dinosaur, evading D4C's strikes easily. Diego slams Valentine against the wall but the President suddenly disappears. Valentine somehow reemerges from Diego's back and attacks. With his Wrecking Ball, Wekapipo induces a left side ataxia in Valentine. Tossing a pebble at Valentine, Diego confirms Valentine is vulnerable and leaps to attack but Valentine then takes a flag and covers himself with it, disappearing again. Sensing Valentine, Diego tries to lift the flag to see what's under it and finds Valentine. Valentine grabs him and forces him into the flag. Confused, Wekapipo then sees Diego write on the ground with his spur, telling Wekapipo to approach. Wekapipo approaches the flag and Diego drags him both into it. The portal between worlds reopens, and Wekapipo meets his counterpart. They collide and explode in a bunch of cubes. Wekapipo's life ends there.

Jeux Vidéo

All Star Battle (PS3)

Wekapipo apparait dans All-Star Battle en tant que personnage non-joueur dans le mode campagne. Il utilise une portion de la batterie d'énergie du joueur et désactive la jauge HH du prochain adversaire du joueur.



Quote.png Citations
  • I will faithfully complete this assignment and receive my money and my residence, and live a peaceful life in this country. That is all.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
  • The Zeppelis… the strength of their Steel Balls is the use of the golden rectangle. We must surpass that power!
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
  • One step! It seems that I am one step ahead of you.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4
  • The only thing of importance is the result.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4
  • You were chosen... some power chose you as the victor. (君は選ばれたんだ⋯「何かの力」があんたの方を選んだ⋯)
  • It whispered that you would be the one to continue on your journey… The snow falling was a miracle that was bound to happen. Not a coincidence. You were chosen… It was a miracle, Gyro Zeppeli.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4
  • Now… There is nowhere left for me on this earth. No… there was never anywhere for me to go in the first place. I should be satisfied to just be able to protect a greater good… by my nature, that is all I’ve ever been able to do…
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 69: D4C, Part 4




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