DU Episode 6

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Koichi Hirose (Echoes) (広瀬康一(エコーズ), Hirose Kōichi (Ekōzu)) is the eightieth episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime and the sixth episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. It covers Chapter 284 through Chapter 288 of the manga.


Okuyasu has joined Josuke and Koichi's school while Koichi is riding gleefully on his new bike. The latter suddenly runs over a strange bag as he hears faint meows and sees a dark liquid oozing from the bag. Koichi understands that he has just run over a cat but tells himself that it wasn't his fault for someone left a bag with a cat in the middle of the road. A stranger called Tamami Kobayashi tells Koichi that he isn't guilty, even though his tone hints differently. Koichi tells Tamami that they must bury the cat and the latter replies that he will bury the cat if Koichi pays him, revealing that he was the cat's owner. Koichi begins to feel guilty when a lock latches onto him from thin air - Tamami's Stand, The Lock. Tamami tells Koichi that if he pays him, the guilt will disappear. A giant lock appears on Koichi's chest, the weight pulling him down. Tamami explains that he received this ability after meeting Keicho four months ago. Tamami tells Koichi that the only way to get the lock off is to give him money. Koichi tries to deceive him by saying he has no money, but the lock grows even bigger, forcing Koichi into the ground. Tamami explains that his Stand works on guilt, and will automatically grow when the victim feels guilty. Koichi hands him his wallet, and Tamami takes the seven thousand yen Koichi was going to spend on sneakers.

Suddenly, Josuke and Okuyasu appear to rescue Koichi. Josuke demands that Tamami gives back Koichi's money. Tamami is surprised that the students can see his Stand, but refuses to deactivate it without proper compensation. Okuyasu punches him in the face, outraged that Tamami won't just give back the money. Tamami proceeds to fall on his face, breaking his tooth. A lock appears on Okuyasu's chest, feeling slight guilt towards what happened. It seems Tamami has a complete grasp on the situation, but Josuke looks inside the bag with the cat Koichi ran over. Inside is a stuffed animal and some fake blood. Josuke than walks over to Tamami and heals his tooth with Crazy Diamond. The locks disappear from Koichi and Okuyasu's chests. Having lost, Tamami leaves Koichi's wallet on the ground and runs away. However inside the wallet are only the corners of the bills. As he flees, Tamami mutters to himself that Josuke better be careful from now on. Around 4:07 PM, Koichi comes back home, kicking his dog Police to check if its alive. He spots unfamiliars shoes and a someone talking with his mother, when he looks into the family room, he sees with shock that Tamami is massaging his mother's shoulder and chatting with her. Screaming at Tamami what he is doing here, Koichi is presented the 7,000 yen Tamami stole from him and is now pretending to return. Tamami adds that when Koichi bumped into him with his bicycle, they exchanged their wallet, and Tamami claims that his contained over 500,000 yen.

Tamami adds weight to his accusation by commenting that Koichi's wallet contains a bill from a dinner he had recently, and the bill is indeed in the wallet. The thug then asks Koichi's mother if she doesn't feel guilty for raising such a son, and despite Koichi's protest, The Lock appears on her chest. Koichi then tries to hit Tamami, but misses; Tamami tells him that he won't be satisfied with 500,000 yen alone and may also take the house's mortgage, pushing Koichi to try to call Josuke. However Tamami doesn't let him, and then Koichi's sister appears with The Lock on her heart too. Tamami explains that she spilled some tea over him earlier, enabling him to exploit her guilt, and considers taking advantage of her. This enrages Koichi who pushes her mother and sister out of the room and summons his Stand, which hatches. From the egg comes Echoes, and after getting his mother and sister out of the family room, Koichi latches Echoes onto Tamami. Despite Tamami's threats and protests, Koichi stand his ground and orders him to release his family, having Echoes punch Tamami. However Tamami isn't injured in the slightest, and after several other punches from Koichi's Stand, understand that Echoes is incredibly weak. He then grabs Koichi by the collar to beat him, but words have appeared on his cheek. It is the onomatopea "Blam" Echoes has planted on Tamami, and the latter begins to hear violent noises, with increasing loudness. He also looks at his arm and sees the onomatopea "Vlam", which he hears too, forming a cacophony which is driving Tamami crazy. When he tries to punch Koichi, Echoes plants another onomatopea on his back, increasing further the noise he hears.

Tamami is being overwhelmed by the sounds and shouts at Koichi to stop the cacophony, only for Koichi to reply that he will stop Echoes only when his family is safe. Echoes then plants another onomatopea, aggravating Tamami's position. However the thug refuses to back down, and pulls out of knife from a cabinet nearby. He stabs himself and fakes being badly hurt, then throws the knife at Koichi who catches it. Koichi's mother and sister come back to the family room, having been attracted to the ruckus, and see Tamami agonizing and Koichi with a blood-stained knife in his hand. The Lock multiplies in size with their guilt and Tamami declares his victory, since Koichi's family will kill themselves out of guilt, him being the only one able to stop them. Koichi's mother cannot bear her guilt and takes out a knife, preparing to stab herself with it. Tamami orders Koichi one last time to stop the sound, but he answers that he won't stop, but emit another sound. He shouts "Believe me!" toward his mother, imprinting the sound on her with Echoes. The sounds makes her realize that she has to believe her son, and her guilt disappears. Tamami, shocked by Echoes' power, yields and begs Koichi to spare him when he turns his attention to him. On Koichi's orders he free his sister as well and clings to his leg, begging again for mercy, and having mysteriously shrunk. When Tamami swears to obey Koichi's orders, Koichi uses the situation to demand 500,000 yen in return, but shrugs it as a joke, but Tamami isn't entirely convinced that Koichi wasn't being serious.

The next day, Josuke and Okuyasu see Tamami sucking up to Koichi and wonder what happened between them.




Manga/Anime Differences

  • Tamami is introduced already slimmed down and short, as opposed to his burly muscular build and subsequent shrinking after being beaten by Koichi in the manga.
  • Tamami's shirt is more detailed, sporting a more noticeable Union Jack, along with an added flag of the United States on the back.



