Unnamed Characters

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This page features nameless minor characters found in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. These characters played fairly minor but varying roles throughout the storyline. Most of their titles were translated from the encyclopedia found in JoJo6251.

Phantom Blood


Aztec ChiefLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 1, Prologue (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 8 (OVA), Iggy the Fool and N'Doul the Geb (Part 1) (Flashback)
The muscular chief of a powerful vampiric cult hidden within the Aztec empire at the center of Mexico, during the 12-16th century BC. The tribe was known for its sacrificial rituals and cannibalistic traditions. The chief sacrificed a maiden in a ritual so the demonic Stone Mask could absorb her fresh, living blood and give him eternal life. The mask then pierced his brain and turned him into a vampire. He asked one of the cult members if he wished to become his life force and sucked his blood after the man agreed. This tribe somehow vanished from history, leaving countless unknown ruins in the process. It's possible the Chieftain decimated the tribe himself. He's a playable character in the game JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood in the EXTRA chapters mode, where he needs to defeat 500 Aztecs on the sacrificial altar, with his special attack being a stab from his knife. He appears as a Campaign Support Character in All-Star Battle with his mask granting the player an increase in strength and defense.
Woman from BarLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 1, Prologue (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 1, Dio the Invader (Flashback)
Voice Actor: Aiko Iwamura
A woman that appears during the flashback of George Joestar's carriage accident. Dario Brando says that she was a woman he met in a bar. She notices the dead woman and the baby inside the carriage and informs Dario. She is reluctant to go along with Dario's moneymaking schemes of stealing from the victims of the accident, but is soon persuaded.
Dio Brando's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 1, Prologue (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Episode 1, Dio the Invader (Mentioned only)
Little is known about her. She was a poor woman married to Dario Brando. She appeared to be the only person Dio Brando ever cared for, as he mentions that he hated his father for making her suffer and "working her to death."[1] The date of her death was between 1867 and 1880.
BratsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 1, Prologue
Anime Debut: Episode 1, Dio the Invader
Voice Actors: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka & Ryōta Asari (Japanese), Todd Haberkorn (English)
A pair of youths who bully Erina Pendleton with one of them stealing her doll before Jonathan Joestar intervenes. The two recognize Jonathan as a Joestar and proceed to beat him up before walking off. The two later appear as associates of young Dio Brando and were witnesses to him forcefully kissing Erina. One of them expresses an admiration for Dio's bold move.
Kempo MasterLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 8, The Stone Mask, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 2, A Letter from the Past
Voice Actor: Itaru Yamamoto
A man from Ogre Street who is part of Robert E. O. Speedwagon's gang. He fights Jonathan with Speedwagon and Tattoo. Although he is prideful of his oriental techniques, Jonathan quickly defeats him. Noting his heritage, Jonathan asks if he knows of an oriental shop nearby that sells poisons. He is later seen accompanying Jonathan before he departs from England.
VagrantsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 9, The Stone Mask, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 2, A Letter from the Past
After Jonathan Joestar discovers that Dio poisoned his father and sets off to find a cure, Dio becomes paranoid and wanders through the streets whilst drinking. He eventually bumps into a tramp and his friend and picks a fight with them. Dio decides to use one of them as a live test subject for the Stone Mask, believing it to be an instrument of torture and murder. He then forces one of the vagrants to put on the mask and stabs his partner in the throat. The mask, now soaked in blood, turns the man into a vampire. He attacks Dio and becomes younger while absorbing Dio's blood, but disintegrates after witnessing the sunlight.
InspectorLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 12, Youth with Dio, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 3, Youth with Dio
Voice Actor: Takashi Nagasako
The police inspector was a friend of George Joestar. 20 years before the events of Part 1, having just started working in the police force, he arrested Dario Brando as his first accomplishment, after finding him with Mary Joestar's stolen wedding ring. The inspector knew George would never give it to anyone and came to the conclusion that Dario stole it, but George told him he actually gave the ring to Dario. That was a lie, but George was still grateful for Dario "saving" his life. 20 years later, he is called to arrest Dio Brando with police officers after it is proven that he planned to kill George. Dio ends up killing George, and the inspector curses himself about how he shouldn't have let Dario get out of jail years ago. Dio, now a vampire, sneaks behind the inspector and tears his head off at his maxilla and kills the rest of the police officers.
Will's FatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 20, Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 3 (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 4, Overdrive (Flashback)
He was the leader of an archaeological group at his own university. Consisting of 60 people including himself and his own son, they traveled all over the world, including Egypt and India. The group headed to Mexico to excavate an underground Aztec ruin and found the Stone Mask. On the Atlantic Ocean he learned how to use the mask and brutally killed everyone, turning some of them into zombies. As he still thirsted for blood, he jumped in the water in pursuit of his son William Anthonio Zeppeli, but dawn came and the morning light killed him before he could kill Will. It was only then that Will realized the vampire was his father. The ship with the mask drifted away somewhere until it was discovered by George Joestar.
Oriental DoctorLink to this section
Indian Doctor Ripple User.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 32, The Medieval Knights' Training Ground for Murder (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 6, Tomorrow's Courage (Flashback)
A young man who calls himself a doctor. He uses the Ripple to heal the diseases and injuries of his patients. When Zeppeli finds him in India, he is healing an old man using the Ripple by simply touching the patient's leg. Western medicine would have had to amputate the leg to save his life, but the doctor instantly turns the man's skin pink again, informing him that he should be able to walk again in 10 days. Zeppeli asks how the doctor got his powers and he tells him to go up the Salween River and look for his master Tonpetty.
Poco's FatherLink to this section
Poco's Dad Manga.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 37, The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 8, Blood Battle! JoJo & Dio
Voice Actor: Kenshirō Usuki
When Poco returns home, he finds his father, who slaps him and asks him where he had been. Poco doesn't answer the question and instead asks his father where his sister is. His father replies that she went to look for him.

Battle Tendency


New York Police OfficersLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 45, New York's Joseph Joestar, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 10, New York's JoJo
Voice Actor: Hiroaki Tajiri
A pair of corrupt, racist New York City police officers. They confront Smokey Brown shortly after he steals Joseph Joestar's wallet. They resort to brutality upon the thief and take the wallet from him "as evidence". They greedily want him to give them half of the things he stole or else he would go to jail. Joseph, to help Smokey, tells them he actually gave his wallet to him, so the officers needed to let the boy go and return the wallet. When the police officers refused as the overweight one wiped his snot on Joseph's shirt, Joseph punched the overweight officer's finger up his own nostril. He uses his Ripple skills with a soda bottle to snap the other's trigger finger. Joseph then spirits Smokey off after a brief concern over how Erina would react if she learns of this.
Brass Knuckles GangsterLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 47, New York's Joseph Joestar, Part 3
Anime Debut: Episode 10, New York's JoJo
Voice Actors: Kanehira Yamamoto (Japanese), Richard Epcar (English)
A mafia henchman who appears at the restaurant where Joseph, Erina, and Smokey decide to eat at. He complains about how they can allow African-American people (referring to Smokey) in the restaurant. Smokey tries to calm down the situation by leaving, but is stopped by Joseph as he and Erina are disgusted by the man's words. Erina gives Joseph permission to fight the mobster, using his wits to predict his opponent's moves. Joseph notes that the man had recently fought due to the brass knuckle marks on his hands and blood on his shirt. The man punches Joseph in the face and mocks him for trying to act cool. However, Joseph makes him realize that he actually attacked a hat rack, which stabbed through his palm. The man is knocked out from the pain and the patrons of the restaurant clap after his defeat.
MafiosoLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 47, New York's Joseph Joestar, Part 3
Anime Debut: Episode 10, New York's JoJo
Voice Actor: Daichi Endō
After Joseph's fight with the brass knuckles gangster, another gangster customer approaches Joseph. He apologizes for the rudeness of his subordinate who Joseph defeated before informing Erina that he works for Speedwagon and heard some rumors. He tells them that Speedwagon was killed by Straizo while investigating the Pillar Men. Smokey warns Joseph not to trust him because the man is from the mafia. However, Joseph catches the man off guard and grabs his collar, saying that the mafia only cares about money and wanted to take advantage of Speedwagon's "family". Joseph punches the gangster for being inconsiderate by suddenly saying morbid information in front of Erina.
ReporterLink to this section
BTReporter Lady.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 51, Straizo VS Joseph, Part 4
Anime Debut: Episode 11, The Game Master
Voice Actor: Seiko Yoshida
She arrives at the cafe where Joseph and Straizo are fighting and begins to take photos, saying it would reach the front page of the newspaper. Straizo catches her off guard and uses her as a hostage to approach Joseph, vowing to kill her if the Joestar runs off. Though Joseph attempts to bluff his way out by calling her a "floozie" he won't risk his life to save, Straizo forces Joseph to fight him when he rips the reporter's tooth out. After being saved, the reporter punches Joseph for insulting her and then kicks him in the knee. The adrenaline from the ordeal then wears off and she screams from the delayed pain of losing her tooth.
Courageous Mexican ChildLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 53, 'The Pillar Man'
Anime Debut: Episode 11, The Game Master
Voice Actor: Yūichi Iguchi
A child introduced as one of the locals Rudol von Stroheim imprisoned in his hacienda to have blood available for the experiments his scientists perform on Vampires and the Pillar Man. When Stroheim orders the locals to choose among them the next guinea pig, the child offers to participate in Stroheim's experiments, so that his fellow villagers may be saved. From this demonstration of selflessness, he earns Stroheim's respect, but his sacrifice has the opposite intended effect; he is spared and Stroheim orders everyone else to be killed.
Mexican ThugsLink to this section
Mexican thugs.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 53, 'The Pillar Man'
A band of Mexican thugs who mock Joseph when he unknowingly drinks the same water that a horse was drinking from. Calling him a "gringo" and saying that he smells, the thugs plan to steal Joseph's baggage and leave him stranded in the desert. Joseph doesn't react and simply looks at the flies around him, causing the thugs to ask whether he's listening. Joseph then shatters one lens of his goggles and sends the glass shards flying. They land in between the fingers of one of the thugs, who was leaning his hand on a wooden column. When the thugs look closer, they notice that Joseph killed all the flies with each glass shard, with their bodies stabbed onto the column. Just as they react with shock, Joseph puts the same thug into a chokehold and tells him a knock-knock joke. Frightened, they follow Joseph's demands and fetch him food and gasoline.
Nazi GatekeepersLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 56, 'The Pillar Man: Santana', Part 3
Anime Debut: Episode 12, The Pillar Man
Voice Actors: Hiroaki Tajiri & Yūya Murakami
A pair of soldiers who guard the Nazi laboratory where experiments were being conducted with Santana. They check people who want to enter the base, which are mostly women bringing food. They perform a body check on every woman, and if one of them doesn't allow it, the guards won't let her pass despite the risk of them losing their jobs. The guards quickly see through Joseph Joestar's woman disguise, surprised at how he couldn't see himself being obviously suspicious. Joseph knocks both guards out and steals one of their uniforms to disguise himself. The guards shout "tacos" when Joseph knocks them out.
Hypnotized GirlLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 63, Joseph Joestar of Rome
Anime Debut: Episode 14, Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times
Voice Actor: Eimi Okada
This girl was taking pictures of a fountain until Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli offers to take a picture of her along with the fountain. Caesar, to mock Joseph, tells him he couldn't even beat the girl with his weak Ripple and gives her a Ripple kiss. The girl, now controlled by Caesar, attacks Joseph by strangling him. After trapping Joseph into a bubble, Caesar goes to kiss the girl again to free her from his Ripple spell, but is surprised when a pigeon comes out of her mouth and enters his own. Joseph then reveals that, while she was strangling him, he infused a small pigeon with the Ripple and put it into her mouth, claiming that Caesar couldn't even beat a pigeon with his weak Ripple.
Nazi OfficerLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 64, The Red Stone of Aja
Anime Debut: Episode 14, Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times
Voice Actors: Jiro Saito (Japanese), Richard Epcar (English)
An officer of the Gestapo in charge of the investigation on the Pillar Men Wamuu, Esidisi and Kars. His job was to cut the Pillar Men out of the stone wall and transport them to a shelter in Germany. He keeps ultraviolet lights on them, but Wamuu manages to kill one Nazi with his horn and makes his blood splatter onto the light bulbs, blocking the beams. Wamuu then fuses the hands of every Nazi together in a paper-doll fashion, stabbing his finger into the officer's head to suck out his innards along with the other Nazis.
Nazi SpyLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 75, Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 5
Before Joseph and Caesar's final test, the crew goes strolling through the streets of San Marco, Venice to discuss the Red Stone of Aja. During their trip, this man tries to steal the stone from Lisa Lisa, but is immediately caught and halted by her. Joseph then appears to test the extent of his Ripple growth by deflecting the man's knife using only his finger and then proceeds to pour mustard all over him. Stunned, the man stumbles away. He is seen again in Switzerland, and is revealed to be a Nazi spy working for Stroheim.
Caesar's SiblingsLink to this section
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Caesar's Siblings Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 89, Caesar's Lonely Youth, Part 2 (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 20, Caesar's Lonely Youth (Flashback)
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli has four younger siblings consisting of two brothers and two sisters. The two sisters are the youngest of the family. Their father Mario Zeppeli abandons them, and some time later, Caesar is separated from his siblings and is sent to an orphanage after getting into a fight.
Kars's DoubleLink to this section
Kars's Double.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 105, The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 23, The Warrior of Wind
One of Kars's vampire minions during Lisa Lisa's fight against Kars. Kars never intended to fight Lisa Lisa in a fair battle, so he makes one of his vampires disguise as him in order to trick his opponent. After becoming Kars's double, the vampire attacks Lisa Lisa but is easily killed from her Ripple. His death is the perfect distraction for the real Kars to land a surprise attack by stabbing Lisa Lisa in the back.
Bloodsucking ZombieLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 108, JoJo's Ultimate Ripple, Part 2 (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 24, The Ties That Bind JoJo (Flashback)
Voice Actor: Kanehira Yamamoto
The last of Dio Brando's zombies, who survived the final battle against Jonathan's group and went into hiding. He was cunning and intelligent in taking care of hiding himself in public, making certain to not sire other zombies by eating his victims down to their bones and hair. He eventually manages to hold a post as major squad leader in the Royal Air Force, never showing himself in daylight and using a wheelchair as pretext, claiming to have been wounded during the war. George Joestar II, having been told of Dio, learns his superior officer is a zombie and tries to gather evidence against him. However, he is found out and killed before he could contact Straizo. His wife Elizabeth avenges his death soon after, leading to her changing her name to Lisa Lisa and moving to Venice as she was spotted by an officer who believes she murdered the major in cold blood and was attempting to burn away the evidence.

Stardust Crusaders


Japanese Police OfficersLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 114, Jotaro Kujo, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 27, A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit
Voice Actors: Eiji Miyashita & Koutarou Nakamura
These two police officers arrest Jotaro Kujo for brutally beating four thugs, including a boxing champion and ones wielding nunchaku and knives. They call his mother Holy to get Jotaro out of his cell, as he refuses to leave it. To prove that he is possessed by an evil spirit, Jotaro makes many objects appear in his cell and grabs the gun of one of the officers. He shoots himself in the head, but the bullet stops in mid-air thanks to his Stand, Star Platinum. One of them fears he would be fired if his bosses found out about Jotaro's "evil spirit". The cop warns Joseph that he wouldn't be responsible if something happens to him when getting closer to Jotaro. They then witness Jotaro's fight with Avdol, but couldn't see their Stands.
Jotaro's GroupiesLink to this section
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Jotaro's Anime Groupies.gif
A group of Jotaro's female admirers, who follow him when he goes to school and flirt with him. While Jotaro mostly ignores them, their constant and loud bickering annoys him greatly. He then violently tells them to shut up, but the groupies find that charming instead. When Jotaro trips and falls down a huge set of stairs, they all rush to his help. One of the groupies finds Kakyoin quite attractive as well, only for the others to rebuke her.
School NurseLink to this section
Jotaro's Nurse.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 118, Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 28, Who Will Be the Judge?!
Voice Actor: Ayumi Tsunematsu
The nurse at Jotaro Kujo's school. She's used to attending to people who had fought with him in the past, so when Jotaro enters her office injured, she asks if he had gotten into another fight. She then realizes that Jotaro has never been injured in a fight before, and decides to believe him when he says he fell off some stairs. She tries to take the temperature of two other students to prove they are faking their fever to skip class, but picks up a pen instead of a thermometer. Claiming that the pen is a thermometer, she stabs one of the students in the eye, and it is revealed that she is possessed by Kakyoin's Stand, Hierophant Green. Jotaro, unable to attack the Stand without damaging her, forcefully kisses her and makes Star Platinum bite Hierophant Green, pulling the Stand out of her through her mouth.

Her internal organs are damaged when Hierophant Green is forcefully removed, causing Jotaro to become angry and defeat Kakyoin shortly after. He notes that despite her injuries, she will be fine with some medical attention. She is a boss in the game JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game).

Speedwagon Foundation SailorsLink to this section
Speedwagon Foundation Sailors.gif
Speedwagon Foundation Anime Sailors.gif
Manga Debut: Chapter 127, Dark Blue Moon, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 32, Dark Blue Moon
The crew of sailors who operate the Joestar group's boat bound for Singapore. Their Captain Tennille is killed and replaced with an impostor who sabotages the boat and is defeated by Jotaro later. They and the Joestar group encounter the freighter "Big Daddy" and board it. However, the crew is then methodically decimated in the ship through multiple "accidents" before it is revealed that the freighter is a Stand and the orangutan Forever slaughters the rest of the seamen.
Singapore Hotel ValetLink to this section
Singapore Hotel Bellhop.png
Singapore Hotel Room Service Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 134, The Devil, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 34, The Devil
After Polnareff is injured by the doll possessed by Ebony Devil, he calls the reception of the hotel for bandages and medical supplies. Unfortunately, the bellhop who brings the supplies enters the room just as Polnareff is fighting with the doll. Polnareff yells at the man to get away, but the doll ambushes and cuts off the valet's face with a razor, killing him.
Singapore ThiefLink to this section
Singapore Thief.png
Singapore Thief Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 136, Yellow Temperance, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 35, Yellow Temperance
A Singaporean pickpocket who steals the fake Kakyoin's wallet and then attempts to flee, but Hierophant Green catches him. "Kakyoin" knees the man's face and violently beats him up while insulting him, which makes Jotaro suspicious and yells at him to stop. Just as Kakyoin is about to break the man's back, Jotaro pushes Kakyoin away. The fake Kakyoin says the thief deserved to be punished.
Cable Car TouristsLink to this section
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Cable Car Tourists Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 138, Yellow Temperance, Part 3
Anime Debut: Episode 35, Yellow Temperance
A father and son taking a skylift in Singapore who get involved with Jotaro's fight against Rubber Soul. Jotaro takes the child's ice cream to try to freeze Yellow Temperance while the father's dog is devoured. They miraculously come out unscathed despite the restrained space when Jotaro opts to destroy the floor of the cable car and jump into the ocean with Rubber Soul.
Calcutta WaiterLink to this section
Calcutta Waiter.png
Calcutta Waiter Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 140, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 36, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1
A waiter in a restaurant of Calcutta who hands a stick to Polnareff as the Frenchman heads into the restroom. When Polnareff complains to the waiter about a pig sticking its head out of the toilet bowl, the waiter explains that their toilet leads to a pig pen and shows how to hit the pig with the stick in order to make it go away. The waiter then jokingly suggests that Polnareff lets the pig lick his behind clean, disgusting Polnareff forever.
Little Calcuttan BoyLink to this section
Indian Boy.png
Indian Boy Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 144, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 5
Anime Debut: Episode 37, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
A little boy who Polnareff and Kakyoin encounter as they flee from Hanged Man. The boy asks if the two are okay after noticing their injuries and broken car. Hanged Man then hides inside the eye of the boy who gazes with curiosity at the two men telling him to look away. Hanged Man grabs onto Polnareff's throat and J. Geil threatens him saying he has no choice but to stab the kid's eye if he wants to live. Polnareff apologizes to the boy, saying he'll buy caramel for him later before he kicks sand into the boy's eyes to force Hanged Man out and strikes the Stand with Silver Chariot's sword.
Calcutta DrifterLink to this section
Calcutta Drifter.png
Calcutta Drifter Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 145, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6
Anime Debut: Episode 37, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
A drifter who comes to Calcutta during the fight between Polnareff, Kakyoin, and J. Geil. Polnareff finds him by a column panting and heavily bleeding. He gives a speech to the man about how he knows the secret of Hanged Man and its weakness. However, Kakyoin then points out that the man doesn't have two right hands. Suddenly, Polnareff is stabbed in the back with a dagger thrown by the real J. Geil. In order to deceive Polnareff and Kakyoin, he cut the drifter up to give him the same wounds that his own body had.
Calcutta BeggarsLink to this section
Calcutta Beggars.png
Calcutta Beggars.gif
Manga Debut: Chapter 145, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6
Anime Debut: Episode 37, Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
A group of beggars that Polnareff and Kakyoin encounter as they fight Hanged Man. J. Geil shouts to the beggars that the duo wants to give them money, causing the beggars to surround Polnareff and Kakyoin. This allows J. Geil to use the reflective eyes of the beggars to hide Hanged Man. Kakyoin turns the tables by revealing a shiny coin which every beggar focuses their gaze on and throws it into the air. Since they know the path Hanged Man would take, Polnareff then kicks sand into the eyes of a beggar to force Hanged Man out again and finally slices the Stand in two, killing J. Geil.
Varanasi Doctor and NurseLink to this section
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Varanasi Doctor and Nurse Anime.gif
Manga Debut: Chapter 147, Empress, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 38, Empress
A doctor operating in Varanasi in a small clinic. Joseph visits him, and the doctor decides to amputate what he thinks is an infected boil, claiming that he's studied in England. However, Empress takes his scalpel from him and lacerates his face which kills him.

A nurse enters the room when she hears the commotion and is manipulated by Empress into thinking Joseph was the murderer.

Cafe Marhaba DenizensLink to this section
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Cafe Marhaba Denizens Anime.gif
Manga Debut: Chapter 151, Wheel of Fortune, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 39, Wheel of Fortune
The Joestar Group stops by the drive-in Cafe Marhaba near the border of Pakistan after getting away from Wheel of Fortune. However, they notice the same car that attacked them is parked by a tree behind the cafe. They question the bartender who the driver is but he says he didn't notice the car parking there. Thus, they resort to beating up three suspicious looking muscled individuals resting at the cafe to uncover their stalker. However, the real driver of the vehicle then shows his arm at them and drives away. The Joestar group pursues him, leaving the frightened and confused men behind.
Karachi Jewelry Store GuardsLink to this section
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Karachi Jewelry Guards.gif
Manga Debut: Chapter 164, Lovers, Part 5
Anime Debut: Episode 43, Lovers, Part 2
The guards of a jewelry store in Karachi. When Steely Dan forces Jotaro to steal a necklace, Dan immediately denounces him. Since Dan forbids Jotaro from using Star Platinum, Jotaro lets himself get beaten up by the staff armed with sticks, who then throw him out. They say that thieves in their country get their fingers chopped off, but they let Jotaro keep his fingers as long as he leaves their country. In the commotion, they all missed Steely Dan stealing a precious bracelet.
Arab Cessna PilotLink to this section
Arab Cessna Pilot.png
Arab Cessna Pilot Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 168, Death Thirteen, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 45, Death Thirteen, Part 1
A small bearded pilot who initially agrees to sell his plane to Joseph. However, the next day the pilot says he'll return the money because a baby has a fever and there are no doctors in the village, so he needs to use the plane to get to a hospital. Joseph argues with the pilot but Polnareff convinces him that they should just take the baby with them because they'd be safe up in the sky without any other passengers. The pilot and Joseph accept the deal. Just as the Cessna leaves, the pilot discovers that the baby has no known mother and appeared out of nowhere.
Arab Villager LadyLink to this section
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Burqa Woman Anime.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 168, Death Thirteen, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 45, Death Thirteen, Part 1
A woman wearing a burqa from a small village who finds Mannish Boy crying beside a well with a high fever. She brings the baby to the pilot, who assumes that she is the baby's mother. She suggests that the Joestar Group should take the baby with them. Once they leave, she wonders who the baby's real mother is. However, she's relieved the baby's gone because he was scary and had fangs. She states that she never wants to hold him again because he gave her goosebumps.
Speedwagon Foundation PilotsLink to this section
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A duo of helicopter pilots who meet the Joestar Group in the Egyptian desert. They drop all sorts of supplies including food, water, and medical supplies for the group and also bring Iggy with them. Finally, they inform Joseph of Holy's state. Later, the helicopter is attacked by Geb, who kills one pilot by making him drown in its water and then tears away the second pilot's head, crushing him so violently that the head enters a flask.
Manga ArtistLink to this section
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Manga Artist(Anime).PNG
This friendly manga artist traveled around the world in search of unique manga works. He approaches Boingo and asks him about his "comic" Tohth, impressed that such a thing existed in Egypt. Boingo lets him see it, and as the artist reads it he becomes slightly disturbed at the content, but intrigued at the same time. Oingo approaches them and says that it is not for sale, and scares the manga artist after he insisted on buying it. Later, the manga artist takes a bus that is hit by a truck and thrown on its side. He is thrown out of the bus towards a utility pole and killed with his neck impaled on it. Oingo and Boingo, having seen Tohth's prediction of the mangaka's bloody death, wait for the next bus.
Chaka's FatherLink to this section
Chaka's Father manga.png
Chaka father.png
Manga Debut: Chapter 193, 'God Anubis', Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 54, 'God Anubis', Part 1
He is rude to his son Chaka and insults him for being slow compared to himself and his two friends. While they're walking, they find the Anubis sword on the ground and think it is valuable enough to sell for a profit. He then tries to unsheathe the sword, but the Stand doesn't want to control him, so the sword doesn't budge from the sheath. Chaka asks to try but his father tells him to shut up, thinking that his son wouldn't be able to do it if he couldn't pull the sword out himself. However, Chaka pulls out the sword with ease and the Stand possesses him. Chaka's father immediately tries to grab the sword from him and is accidentally stabbed in the chest while standing behind him, as Anubis was just starting to control the young farmer. His father asks Chaka why he would do that before falling over and dying.
Friends of Chaka's FatherLink to this section
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Friends of Chaka's Dad Anime.gif
Manga Debut: Chapter 193, 'God Anubis', Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 54, 'God Anubis', Part 1
Two friends of Chaka's father who laugh at Chaka for being slow and compare him to his father's cows. While they're walking, they find the Anubis sword on the ground and wonder if it's an artifact. One friend asks if the owner is still nearby, while the other asks if Chaka's father is going to turn it into the police. The father greedily says it could be worth a lot of money, so the friend tells him to pull it out to make sure it isn't blunt or else it would be worthless. When Chaka's father fails to pull the sword out, the two friends try as well but the sword doesn't budge at all. Instead, one of the friends gets his hand sliced open despite only touching the shaft. After Chaka kills his father and is fully possessed by Anubis with the urge to kill, he stabs the bald man in the head and slices the other man in half.
Four MiceLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 195, 'God Anubis', Part 3
Anime Debut: Episode 54, 'God Anubis', Part 1
After Jean Pierre Polnareff defeats Chaka, Anubis hypnotizes four mice to carry it away from Polnareff. However, Polnareff spots the mice before they could flee and takes the sword.
Young Anubis WielderLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 198, 'God Anubis', Part 6
Anime Debut: Episode 55, 'God Anubis', Part 2
Voice Actor: Shizuka Ishigami
An Egyptian boy wearing a turban and introduced licking a lollipop. After the fight between Polnareff controlled by Anubis and Jotaro Kujo, the boy notices the blade of the sword which Jotaro broke lying on the ground. Since it was shiny, the boy picks it up out of curiosity and is immediately hypnotized. The boy then tries to throw the blade at Jotaro from behind but trips at the last moment because Iggy steals his candy. The boy misses his target and throws Anubis into the Nile.
Old HagLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 200, 'Goddess Bastet' Mariah, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 56, 'Goddess Bastet' Mariah, Part 1
Voice Actor: Toshiko Sawada
After Joseph is affected by Bastet, he comes across an old lady who considers herself young, despite not being able to even stand without the aid of a umbrella. The buttons of her clothes lift up due to the magnetism of Bastet, which makes her assume Joseph was in love with her and demonstrated it by lifting her skirt. She doesn't mind the supposed aggressive personality, stating she actually likes men like that. In fear, Joseph ran away from her to pursue Mariah. When chasing Mariah, Muhammad Avdol confused her legs with that of the old lady in the bathroom. Once again she thinks Joseph was stalking her and starts to follow him. Later she witnesses Joseph and Avdol's attempt to separate from an embarrassing position and thinks Joseph was just a pervert playing with her heart. She then starts to beat the two until they ran away once again from her.
D'Arby's CatLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 211, D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 60, D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1
When the group encounters Daniel J. D'Arby in a cafe, Polnareff is tricked into making a bet with him on whether a nearby cat will go out of its way to pick up a piece of meat. At the last second, the cat swerves to grab the meat, and Polnareff's soul is captured by D'Arby's Stand Osiris. D'Arby then reveals that the cat belongs to him.
Dealer BoyLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 214, D'Arby the Gambler, Part 4
Anime Debut: Episode 61, D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2
Voice Actor: Shizuka Ishigami
After Jotaro catches D'Arby cheating and breaks his finger with Star Platinum, Avdol approaches a nearby boy to deal the cards in their poker game. Unbeknownst to Avdol and Jotaro, the boy is in D'Arby's employ, as are all the customers and employees of the cafe. The boy is confident about his technique being awesome, thinking that D'Arby will definitely win because he made sure to give Jotaro useless cards. During the game, he panics when Jotaro starts bluffing and begins to look to D'Arby for instructions, but ultimately escapes the situation unscathed.
Cairo Airport PunksLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 217, Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 62, Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1
Voice Actors: Daigo Fujimaki & Shō Okumura
These two punks argue over a taxi with Hol Horse, pushing him out of the way so that they can ride in it. When asked what he would do about it, Hol Horse immediately shoots one of them in the ear with Emperor and takes the taxi first, while they were wondering what happened (as ordinary people can't see Stands). Later they try to run over Hol Horse with a truck, but instead they crush the Joestar group.
Wealthy BeggarLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 222, The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 64, The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1
Voice Actor: Haruo Yamagishi
This beggar initially approaches a dirty Polnareff as a way to tell him to get out of "his turf", as he assumed Polnareff himself was a beggar. Avdol tells Polnareff later that in Cairo there are bands of beggars, each with their own territories and salaries. After seeing Polnareff was given money for being a "foreign beggar", this man wonders if he could earn more if he himself acts like a foreigner, even though this hurt his pride. As he already knew Avdol, he is asked to look for DIO's mansion because he has good sources. The man immediately reveals himself to be quite wealthy, as he has a car and a business suit. He eventually finds DIO's mansion, but is killed by Pet Shop before he could tell Avdol its location. He appears as a Campaign Support Character in All-Star Battle where he can randomly appear to find a boss for the player.
Chibi and Buchi's OwnerLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 223, The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 64, The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1
Voice Actor: Miho Hino
This boy was the owner of Chibi and Buchi, two big and violent dogs. As a dog lover, he worries when his dogs disappear. He eventually finds his dogs' remains being eaten by Pet Shop, and is attacked by the bird. Iggy, who initially didn't want to engage in battle, decides to save him from Pet Shop and later kills the bird. However, he is heavily wounded from the fight. In return, the kid helps Iggy heal his injuries.
Speedwagon Foundation DoctorsLink to this section
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Two doctors working for the Speedwagon Foundation who, in the aftermath of the clash between DIO and Jotaro, take Jotaro, Joseph and DIO's corpse with them in their ambulance. Jotaro asks the doctors to transfer the blood that DIO absorbed back to Joseph. When the doctors argue that Joseph was dead, his heart having already stopped, Jotaro tells them that he was sick of being told that something was impossible and has Star Platinum perform cardiac massage on Joseph, allowing the doctors to transfer the blood and revive Joseph.

Diamond Is Unbreakable


DelinquentsLink to this section
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These four delinquents are seniors at Josuke Higashikata's school known for walking around Morioh bullying freshmen. They demand that Koichi Hirose and Josuke greet them as part of the "the rules of school" or they would end up in the hospital just like three guys who previously refused to do it. When Josuke ignores them because he was busy trying to conquer his fear of reptiles by getting close to a turtle, one of the delinquents grabs the turtle and throws it away, smashing its shell open. Josuke was trying not to attract attention and even apologizes, but decides to retaliate after one of them mocks his hair. He immediately uses Crazy Diamond to punch the guy's face, "fixing" his nose in a different shape. The delinquents then run away in fear of getting beaten up. They are generic enemies in the SFC game and in Diamond Records.
Josuke's GroupiesLink to this section
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A group of Josuke's female admirers who greet him when he is talking to Jotaro. When Jotaro unknowingly provokes Josuke about his hair, the girls become frightened, as they have had prior experience with Josuke's outbursts of rage. After Jotaro knocks Josuke down, he violently tells them to shut up.
RobberLink to this section
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This man is introduced as a simple robber. He's shown stealing from a store and making a woman his hostage. However, he makes the mistake of insulting Josuke's hair. Enraged, Josuke punches through the woman's gut with Crazy Diamond which opens a hole on her and the robber at the same time. Josuke heals both immediately, saving the woman but the robber's knife becomes fused within his belly. It is then revealed that the robber was being controlled by the Stand Aqua Necklace, who swears revenge. The robber is arrested, but it's unknown if he was a criminal before being controlled, as Aqua Necklace states that he committed many crimes controlling the man's body.
  • In the Anime, he is shown to have a girlfriend who is later killed by Angelo.
Nijimura's MotherLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 282, The Nijimura Brothers, Part 9 (Photo Only)
Anime Debut: Episode 79, The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3 (Photo Only)
The mother of Keicho and Okuyasu Nijimura. Little is known about her aside from the fact that she died in 1988 by an undefined disease. Okuyasu was only four years old at the time, while his brother Keicho was seven. Her death was the main cause of the Nijimura Patriarch's mourning and possible depression which led him to be frequently violent towards his children.
Mr. HiroseLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 286, Koichi Hirose (Echoes), Part 3 (Photo Only)
Anime Debut: Episode 80, Koichi Hirose (Echoes) (Photo Only)
Mr. Hirose is the husband of Mrs. Hirose and the father of Koichi and Ayana. He is only seen in a photograph. Tamami Kobayashi threatens to use The Lock on him too if Koichi doesn't give him money.
BikersLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 292, Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface), Part 4
Anime Debut: Episode 81, Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface)
Voice Actor: Tarō Kiuchi
Toshikazu Hazamada wipes the blood on his hand on one of their bikes. The bike's owner threatens to kill Hazamada for this, even though the other one tells him not to get into a fight because the student might not have done it on purpose. The bike owner mocks Hazamada saying he walks like a dying cricket and the other laughs. Hazamada hears them talking and attacks the two with the help of Surface, even threatening to cut open the mouth of the one who mocked him. They're helped by Josuke, who heals them with Crazy Diamond and instructs them about Hazamada's location. Later, when Surface controls Josuke to attack Jotaro, they find Hazamada and beat him up, leaving him at the same hospital Tamami Kobayashi was taken to after being attacked by Hazamada.
Class PresidentLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 295, Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 82, Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1
Voice Actor: Sanae Kobayashi
This girl is the class president of Koichi's 1-B first year class in Budogaoka Highschool. She tells Koichi to hurry up while he's cleaning because classes were about to start again, and then decides to help him. Yukako witnesses the situation and assumes the class president is trying to steal Koichi from her. Yukako sees her as a rival and furiously confronts the girl, telling her not to approach Koichi again. Angry, the representative says she would tell everyone about how Yukako likes him to teach her a lesson, but she is then attacked by Love Deluxe. Yukako fixes one long string of hair onto the girl's scalp and lights the other end of it on fire.

Almost burning to death, the girl tries to find water, but is blinded by more strands of Love Deluxe and even has her tongue strangled, so she can't ask for help. Okuyasu arrives in time to save from her being burned alive by erasing the hair that is on fire with The Hand, but with the consequence of leaving her almost bald. Josuke then tells him he isn't able to repair things erased by The Hand, but Okuyasu says she shouldn't complain, as he just saved her life.

Speedwagon Foundation AgentLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 307, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 84, Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food
Voice Actor: Ryūnosuke Watanuki
An agent of the Speedwagon Foundation who comes to Morioh. He visits Jotaro at Morioh Grand Hotel's private beach and informs him that Joseph Joestar will be arriving at the town's harbor on the following day.
Speedwagon Foundation Ship CaptainLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 310, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 4
Anime Debut: Episode 85, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1
Voice Actor: Isamu Yūsen
The captain manning the ship on which Joseph Joestar travels to Morioh. As they arrive at the harbor, Akira Otoishi impersonates one of the ship's crewmen by wearing a Speedwagon Foundation outfit. The captain immediately warns Okuyasu and Joseph that an enemy is on board. Confusion ensues as Akira and the real crew member accuse each other of being the impersonator before an apathetic Joseph and a dumbfounded Okuyasu. Okuyasu luckily punches and knocks out Akira first, stating he was planning on punching both of them because he's not very smart.
Josuke's SaviorLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 324, Let's Go Play at the Mangaka's House, Part 7 (Flashback)
Anime Debut: Episode 89, Let's Go Play at the Mangaka's House, Part 2 (Flashback)
When Josuke was 4, he came down with a strong fever caused by DIO activating his Stand, causing the Stands in the Joestar family to activate as well. Just like his half-sister Holy Kujo, his Stand worked against him giving him the same fever as Holy. His mother tried to drive him to the hospital but the car's tires lodged themselves in the snow during a blizzard. Suddenly, a young man wearing a school uniform helped him and his mother by placing his jacket under the car's wheel and pushing it over the snow. The student then took his jacket and walked away never to be seen again. Josuke took a glance at him and saw only his hair, and since then has replicated his hairstyle as homage.
RatLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 326, Let's Go 'Hunting'!, Part 2
Anime Debut: Episode 90, Let's Go 'Hunting'!
While Akira Otoishi had Keicho Nijimura's Arrow in his possession, he tested out its powers by using it on two rats: Bug-Eaten and an unnamed one. The arrow pierced the rats, granting them both the Stand Ratt. Following their instincts, the rats protect their territory by melding together the bodies of other rats into cubes of flesh, and do the same with a human couple living in a house nearby. The unnamed rat moves the couple, merged into a cube of flesh, into the fridge. Josuke finds the rat by the fridge and kills it before it could eat the couple.
Old MonkLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 334, Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 5
Anime Debut: Episode 91, Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Voice Actor: Tarō Kiuchi
When Rohan Kishibe visits Reimi Sugimoto's and her family's grave, he runs into an old monk who is thrilled to see Rohan come back to his hometown. The priest says his grandson collects all of Rohan's manga. Rohan is confused as to how the man seems to personally know him, so the monk tells him about his past connection to Reimi. According to the monk, Rohan's parents were close friends with Reimi's parents so they asked the Sugimotos to babysit Rohan when he was a four-year-old. At some point that night, Reimi tossed the young Rohan out a window so he wouldn't be murdered by the serial killer in her house.
BankerLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 338, "Shigechi's" Harvest, Part 4
Anime Debut: Episode 93, "Shigechi's" Harvest, Part 2
Voice Actor: Keisuke Oda
An ordinary bank clerk of small stature working in Morioh. When Josuke, Okuyasu and Shigekiyo come in to the bank to claim the prize for their ticket, the clerk acts friendly but immediately dislikes them and suspects them of having stolen it. He tries to expose the trio by calling the real owner's phone number at the back of the ticket but Josuke tricks him by using Crazy Diamond to alter the name on the ticket. Confused, the clerk apologizes profusely and gives them the prize.
Centipede Shoes Store OwnerLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 354, Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 96, Yoshikage Kira Wants a Quiet Life, Part 2
Voice Actor: Shinobu Matsumoto
The elderly owner of Centipede Shoes. Jotaro and Koichi visit his shop and ask if he's seen any clothing that have buttons resembling the one Yoshikage Kira lost when fighting with Shigechi. The store owner randomly responds by asking Koichi if he wants any animal crackers before pointing out that he just finished repairing a jacket with those buttons. Just as he tries to read the order tag on the jacket to find out the customer's name, his hand blows up. He is then immediately killed by Kira's Sheer Heart Attack which drives into his mouth and blows up.
Kawajiri Family CatLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 370, Yoshikage Kira's New Face, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 99, Atom Heart Father
A tabby belonging to the Kawajiri family who is often locked out of the house by Kosaku Kawajiri. He closes the window by a tree which the cat likes to stay on, and Shinobu Kawajiri usually scolds him for forgetting that they have a pet. The cat seems to recognize Yoshikage Kira as a stranger in their shower, but its reaction goes unnoticed by Shinobu. It is shown sleeping on a rug briefly before Tama appears in their house and is neither seen nor mentioned after that.
Mikitaka's MotherLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 384, Highway Star, Part 1
Anime Debut: Episode 102, Highway Star, Part 1
Voice Actor: Saori Terai
The day after Josuke and Mikitaka Hazekura first met, Josuke finds him again on the street. As they're talking, a woman claiming to be Mikitaka's mother appears and tells her son to stay close since they just moved and have a lot of errands to do. She says that at his age he shouldn't be running off telling people that he's an alien who pilots a flying saucer. She then whispers to Josuke not to pay attention to his stories and that he tried the same thing in his old school in Tokyo. Mikitaka claims that she isn't his real mother, and is instead someone he brainwashed, leaving Josuke and the eavesdropping Yoshihiro Kira in utter confusion.
ParamedicLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 436, Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable Part 9
Anime Debut: Episode 113, Goodbye Morioh Town - the Golden Heart
Voice Actor: Yuko Iida
A paramedic who is dispatched when a report of an explosion is received at the hospital. She tells the other emergency workers to bring over a stretcher and approaches the wounded Yoshikage Kira. She tries to comfort him and asks if he can see how many fingers she's holding up. Kira grabs her hand and forcibly rubs it on his cheek, mentioning that her hands are smooth and beautiful. He reveals his name, sexual fascination with hands, and his murders in order to make her the new trigger of Bites The Dust.

However, Kira fails to activate it and is subsequently crushed by an ambulance. She thinks of his death as her own responsibility because she didn't restrain him, and identifies his corpse as Yoshikage Kira to the police officers.

Vento Aureo


Giorno's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 444, Bucciarati's Coming, Part 2 (Flashback)
Sometime before the events of Stardust Crusaders, this Japanese woman was involved with the newly resurrected DIO and unexpectedly conceived Giorno. Despite being next in line to indulge the vampire's thirst, she was subsequently saved after his defeat at the hands of Jotaro.[2]

Although she was considered a very beautiful woman, she was by no means a good mother, having left her infant son alone in the middle of the night to enjoy partying. When Giorno became 4, she married a very violent Italian man who would hit the child behind her back. While her first name is unknown, Giorno got his last name "Shiobana" from her.

Giorno's StepfatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 444, Bucciarati's Coming, Part 2 (Flashback)
A man of Italian origin who got married to Giorno's mother. He's the reason the whole family moved to Italy. He was a violent, intolerant man who would hit Giorno because he "constantly tried to read people". However it was quite the opposite; the child's traumatic experience is the reason he adapted the habit in the first place. After Giorno's involvement with a gangster, his stepfather stopped beating him, likely out of fear and/or threat from the gangster.
Giorno's HeroLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 444, Bucciarati's Coming, Part 2 (Flashback)
When Giorno Giovanna was a child, while walking home from school, he found a man lying on the ground filled with wounds. Soon after that, some suspicious-looking men asked the little child if he saw the man. Giorno saved the man by lying and unconsciously hiding him using his Stand, because he "looked lonely and melancholic, just like he did." The man turned out to be a gangster and promised to repay the child for what he did.

Soon after that, Giorno's stepfather stopped hitting him and the kids that bullied him at school started being surprisingly friendly. Giorno idolized the gangster for helping him and became his inspiration later on in life, as well as the reason he joined Passione.

Bruno's Hiding SpotLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 446, Bucciarati's Arrival, Part 4
A Neapolitan civilian who Bruno Bucciarati uses as a hiding spot by using Sticky Fingers on him when fleeing from Giorno. Giorno lures Bruno out by transforming Bruno's tooth into a small fly, which the civilian tries to swat away. He successfully hits the fly but gets himself hurt and ejects Bruno out of him. Later, Bruno uses the man's arm and notices it has needle scars, pointing out that he's a drug addict.
Female GuardLink to this section
A female guard working in the prison Polpo was in. She gave Giorno Giovanna instructions on how to meet the capo and what he was allowed and prohibited to do. Giorno pickpockets her wallet during the first body search. When Giorno returned from Polpo's cell, she performed another body search on Giorno and was fooled into missing the lighter he was carrying when Giorno transformed it into a flower.
Old JanitorLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 450, Gang Enrollment, Part 1
An old janitor working outside Giorno's building. He accidentally extinguishes the flame on Polpo's lighter. Worried about the functionality of the lighter as a friend of Giorno, he checks to see if it still works. This results in him being killed by Black Sabbath. Giorno later on, disgusted by the death of the innocent man, kills Polpo in revenge.
Truck DriverLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 464, Sex Pistols Arrives, Part 3
A truck driver used by Sale in order to trap Guido Mista. He bears a similar appearance to Sale before his full reveal. The driver is unable to stop the truck he is driving because of Kraft Work's ability to fix things in space, as he can't get his hands away from the wheel and his feet of the pedal. Forced to drive around Capri by Mista, he is left angered by the strange happening between the two, before being forced by Giorno to drive again when the latter tries to retrieve Mista.
Narancia's "Friends"Link to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 472, Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 3
A group of children and thugs Narancia used to spend time with. Narancia looked up to one of the thugs. One day, that friend offered Narancia to dye his hair matching his hair colour and Narancia accepted. In truth, that "friend" set up for Narancia to be accused of his crimes and be thrown in juvenile detention centre.
Narancia's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 472, Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
Narancia's mother is only mentioned in a flashback, where it is stated that she died from an eye infection when Narancia Ghirga was only 10 years old. Despite the fact that Narancia's own eye infection was a mere coincidence, everyone around him was convinced that it was contagious and that he got it from his mother.
Narancia's FatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 472, Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 3 (Flashback)
He was an honest gardener. However, he never cared much about his son. After the death of his wife, he became almost completely neglectful, up to the point where he didn't notice that his child quit school and spent most of his time away from home.
Blackmailing CriminalLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 484, Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 6 (Flashback)
A pimp that paid Leone Abbacchio back when he was still a police officer in order to get away with his activities with a prostitute. Abbacchio thought it would be pointless to arrest him since he would just pay his bail and he'd be out on the streets again, so he accepted the money. However, it turned out that he was also a robber, and because of Abbacchio's past with the criminal, he was left shocked and vulnerable. The pimp then drew a gun and attempted to kill Abbacchio, but his life was saved by his partner, who sacrificed his life, haunting Abbacchio with guilt for the rest of his years. The pimp was shot in the arm by Abbacchio's partner during the confrontation.
Abbacchio's PartnerLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 484, Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 6 (Flashback)
He was Abbacchio's partner back when he was still a police officer. When the two of them were sent to investigate a reported robbery, the robber turned out to be someone Abbacchio had received money from, and because of this past he had with the criminal, he froze before he was able to take action. The criminal drew a gun and was about to shoot Abbacchio, however his partner threw himself in front of the bullet and saved Abbacchio's life. He appears again in chapter Chapter 550, where he meets with Abbacchio once again and they start conversing, in what appears to be either an illusion Abbacchio is having because of his severe trauma, or an after-death phenomenon. In the end, he helps to calm Abbacchio and allows him to make peace, standing alongside him as he passes. Abbacchio's partner believes that justice can always be properly delivered so long as the truth is sought after, rather than results; He claims that believing in only results ultimately leads one to lose sight of the truth and reality, an ideal in direct counter to the philosophy of Diavolo and shared by Giorno.
Baby Face's "Mother"Link to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 500, Baby Face, Part 1
A random woman taking the same train with Melone. Considered an middle-to-upper class citizen, she seems well educated and somewhat spoiled, as she keeps whining about the noise the other passengers are making. She was used by Baby Face as a surrogate "mother" for Melone's Stand to be "born".

According to Melone's investigation on her, she has an O blood type, she is 24 years old and is rather strong for a woman her age. She also mentions that her family is well known in the police department.

Woman Saved By MistaLink to this section
When he was young, Mista witnessed a woman being brutally beaten and raped by someone. Without thinking, he jumped to her rescue, which would lead him through a chain of events that ends with him joining Passione.
Thugs Killed By MistaLink to this section
A group of thugs raping a woman until Mista confronts them. When the young Mista jumped to the woman's rescue, knocking out one of the thugs, the other two tried to shoot him but their amateurish aim miraculously resulted in them missing Mista even as they were at point-blank range. He snatched one gun from the first thug, calmly loaded it, and then shot and killed all three of them with amazing accuracy. Their deaths would send Mista to prison for what would have been 20 years, if not for Bruno Bucciarati's intervention.
Bruno's FatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 517, Bruno Bucciarati's Youth (Flashback)
Bruno's father was a kind-hearted fisherman. Bruno followed him when he and his wife divorced, as the young boy knew his father would be the saddest about the separation. One day Bruno's father happened upon a drug deal and received a near fatal gunshot. Bruno murdered his would-be killers, but his father died from his wounds five years later regardless.
Bruno's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 517, Bruno Bucciarati's Youth (Flashback)
Bruno's mother was introduced when she and her husband divorced. She tried to sway Bruno to her side, but he refused and chose to accompany his father, as he knew he was the saddest about this separation. Bruno's mother was proud of her son's kindness and though she was initially sad about his decision, eventually set it aside. Afterward, she and Bruno would only see each other during the Christmas holidays.
Drug DealersLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 517, Bruno Bucciarati's Youth (Flashback)
The Drug Dealers were introduced hiring Bucciarati's father to transport them to an isolated fishing spot. However one of the dealer "forgot" his fishing rod, resulting in Bucciarati's father trying to bring it to them; Bucciarati's father stumbled upon a drug deal and was shot near-fatally for it. The Drug Dealers later sneaked into his hospital room to finish him off, but the young Bruno ambushed and killed them.
Sardinian Fortune TellerLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 541, Storm Warning in Sardinia Island!
The Sardinian Fortune Teller is introduced proposing Doppio to read his fortune in a dark alley. To prove himself, the Fortune Teller tries to divine his past, and when he pries too much on Doppio's story, Diavolo intervenes and forces him to divine the whereabouts of Risotto Nero. Diavolo finally kills the Sardinian Fortune Teller for having obtained knowledge of his past with a single punch that obliterates his upper body.
Sardinian Taxi DriverLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 542, My Name Is Doppio, Part 1
The Sardinian Taxi Driver is a shady driver who is introduced driving Doppio up to La Costa Smeralda. He then tries to scam Doppio, and when Doppio reveals he has very little money, the Taxi Driver tries to take his envelope from him, believing it is full of cash. Diavolo nearly gouges his eye out before figuring out that he did not actually see the contents of the envelope. Eventually, the Taxi Driver flees with 20,000¥'s worth in Euros after Doppio gets distracted.
Soccer KidsLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 549, King Crimson vs. Metallica, Part 6
A group of kids playing football near La Costa Smeralda. Diavolo infiltrates them as Doppio after abducting and stealing the clothes off of one of the children and plays with them to remain hidden. When the ball they play with is stuck on a tree, they try to take it down but need the help of Abbacchio to get their ball back. Doppio was actually the one to get it stuck up there, and one of the kids wonders if he actually had any friends among them.
Natural Resources WorkersLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 552, Pronto! On the Line, Part 2 (Flashback)
The natural resource workers discovered the asteroid from which the arrows were originally built in Greenland in 1978.
The Arrows' CreatorLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 552, Pronto! On the Line, Part 2 (Flashback)
The original builder of the Arrows, who is said to have created them to conquer the world. However, his attempt was short-lived.
Two DrunkardsLink to this section
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Manga Debut: Chapter 552, Pronto! On the Line, Part 2 (Flashback)
These two drunkards are the first shown victims of Green Day's mold when one of them tries to urinate in a fountain down a set of stairs.
Diavolo's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 569, A Brief Flashback(Flashback)
Diavolo's mother was a prisoner in an all-female prison guarded exclusively by women for two years. Despite this, she became pregnant with Diavolo and gave birth to him. Several years later, Diavolo's stepfather found her buried and kept alive under Diavolo's room. When the Sardinian village was burned to the ground, she was one of the casualties.
Diavolo's StepfatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 569, A Brief Flashback (Flashback)
Diavolo's Stepfather was a kind priest who accepted to adopt the child and named him Diavolo. When Diavolo became a young man, and the priest saw him strolling with a woman on the beach, he decided that Diavolo was old enough to have a car and began to build a garage besides Diavolo's room. However when he dug the ground for the foundations, he discovered Diavolo's mother buried and kept alive. When the Sardinian village was burned to the ground, he was one of the casualties.
People Affected by Chariot RequiemLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 576, The Requiem Plays Quietly, Part 5
Chariot Requiem's soul manipulation has affected the entirety of Rome, leading to showing several bystanders seeing

themselves in another's body. A man switches body with his dog and then nervously looks at himself bark. A policeman and a nearby pigeon switch bodies. The policeman's partner has switched with the criminal in the back seat of their cars. While the policeman is too surprised to do anything, the criminal enjoys his newfound freedom and power, then tries to arrest Mista in Trish' body, who unceremoniously shoots him. A mother and her baby switch bodies, leading to a dumbfounded baby looking at her babbling child inside her body. A couple has switched body. In the man's body, the woman cries because she needs to urinate but cannot bring herself to touch the penis and resorts to beg her boyfriend to handle it despite the boyfriend's reservations. Eventually, they begin to turn into unknown creatures due to Requiem's true power, but were returned to normal by its defeat.

Flower Shop BossLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 590, Epilogue: "Sleeping Slaves"
The flower shop owner was a man whose daughter dated Scolippi. He, like most people, misunderstood Scolippi and his Stand ability and thought he was the one who murdered the unfortunate girl. Wanting revenge, he begged Bruno Bucciarati and his team to punish the man, up to the point where he was willing to pay the assassins all of his life's savings.
Scolippi's GirlfriendLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 590, Epilogue: "Sleeping Slaves"
This girl was in a romantic relationship with Scolippi. Her suicide was predicted by Rolling Stones, however the hard-to-understand ability of Scolippi's Stand made it look like he was the one who killed her.

Stone Ocean

"Tom Cruise"Link to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 1, Stone Ocean, Part 1
"Tom Cruise" is the nickname given to a guard of Green Dolphin Street Jail who extorts money from newcomers. He was given the name due to the physical resemblance. Jolyne is left embarrassed in his presence due to him having stumbled upon her masturbating.
Jolyne and Ermes' Co-PrisonerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 1, Stone Ocean, Part 1
A female co-prisoner of Jolyne and Ermes while Jolyne awaited her trial. She taunts Jolyne when she is caught masturbating by a guard, but is silenced when Jolyne guesses from bruises that the co-prisoner is here because of a sexual crime.
Jolyne's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 1, Stone Ocean, Part 1
Jolyne's mother and Jotaro's wife, seen only a few times in flashbacks. She has a close relationship with her daughter, whom she raised mostly alone, in the absence of her husband. It is unknown where she met Jotaro, as well as her location during the events of Stone Ocean. It can be assumed that she is unaware of Stands and of Jotaro's activities with the Speedwagon Foundation, as Jotaro took pains to keep her and Jolyne out of danger. She is said to be Italian-American.
Jolyne's LawyerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 1, Stone Ocean, Part 1
He met with Jolyne in the detention center and delivered the locket from her father that awakened her Stand. Later, he advised her to plead guilty to the hit-and-run charges, telling her that the judge was a good friend of his and would give her a sentence of 1–2 years if she did so. Jolyne maintained her innocence, but he eventually talked her into the plea bargain. However, at the hearing, the judge sentenced her to 15 years. Her lawyer was revealed to be in the pay of Romeo, who was released free of all charges after Jolyne pleaded guilty. After Jolyne gained control over her Stand, she used the strings from Stone Free to strangle the lawyer in his car, causing him to crash on the freeway.
Corrupt Bus GuardsLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 1, Stone Ocean, Part 1
Two guards who were watching the batch of prisoners headed to Green Dolphin Street. Having listened to Ermes talking about money with Jolyne, they isolated Ermes as the prisoners arrived in jail and beat her so she would give them her hidden money. Jolyne stealthily intervenes by slicing one of the guards' ear with her string.
JudgeLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 2, Stone Ocean, Part 2
An elderly judge who was in charge of Jolyne's trial. As Jolyne recognizes the car theft and hit-and-run charges against her, the judge suddenly brings a murder charge, explaining that forensics investigation has found that the victim was still alive after being run over. He condemns Jolyne to 15 years in jail.
Strip Search StaffLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 3, Stone Ocean, Part 3
Two guards in charge of strip searching new prisoners as Jolyne arrived in Green Dolphin Street. One of the guard loathes the prisoners, stating that the bad treatment she inflicts is wholly deserved after a life of disrespecting the law.
DoctorLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 3, Stone Ocean, Part 3
A doctor in charge of making sure the prisoners are healthy. He checks Jolyne's physical condition upon her entry in Green Dolphin Street and is later seen checking Ermes out of the infirmary.
HairdresserLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 4, Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
A hairdresser in charge of shaving the new female prisoners' heads. He is corrupt and charges them for botching the job: a complete shave is free, 5cm of hair left is $5, 10cm of hair is $10, leaving the hair intact is $30.
Female Ward Security StaffLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 4, Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
The team of prison guards in charge of watching over the female ward. They have a room near the entrance of the ward where they can rest. One particularly zealous shotgun-wielding guard almost caught Jolyne out of the ward several times as she was shrunk by Goo Goo Dolls. He always heard and investigated the noises Jolyne made as she was growing back to her original size and surprised Jolyne in the entry, sounding the alarm. However, Jolyne managed to return to the ward using Gwess and the guard couldn't identify Jolyne. Another laid-back guard kept dismissing the first's suspicions, and his pants were repeatedly splashed with hot coffee.
Black PrisonerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 5, Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 2
A black inmate who Jolyne meets during her first day of prison. She serves the meals to the prisoners of the female ward. The black inmate is a regular sight throughout the story and briefly interacts several times with the protagonists, exposing at several occasions the ins and outs of Green Dolphin Street.
Gwess's "Pet"Link to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 6, Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
A guard who was fired because of his laziness and supposedly went home. In reality, Gwess used Goo Goo Dolls on him and he became her "pet". Adorning the skin of a dead parakeet, he was forced to act like a cute animal and eat the scraps. He eventually slipped out of his role and was tore apart by Goo Goo Dolls inside his costume.
Blonde BullyLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 10, Green Dolphin Street Jail
A female inmate who tries to take advantage of Jolyne by asking for $1 and then intimidates her into asking for the dollar back. However, Jolyne makes her swallow a crushed coin, causing a horrible stomachache and coerces the bully into giving her $10 instead.
Bullied PrisonerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 10, Green Dolphin Street Jail
A bullied prisoner who is victimized by the rest of the female ward. Gwess uses her as an example of what happens to those who don't assert themselves in prison. Jolyne later helps the prisoner by also coerce one of the bullies to give the girl her money back.
Prison Visit GuardLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 11, The Visitor, Part 1
A guard who brings Jolyne to the visit room. Jolyne knocks him out when she sees that the visitor is her father Jotaro. At first rather reasonable as he apologize for beating Jolyne's fingers when she grabbed the outer bars of the ward (although he hit a second time when Jolyne let go of the bars), he threatens to kill her when Jolyne punches him. He is killed by Johngalli A when he snipes the guard by mistake.
Search Party GuardLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 26, There's Six of Them, Part 1
The guard in charge of watching the prisoners searching for the two missing male prisoners in the swamp and fields. Jolyne and Ermes cannot go away from him because of their explosive bracelets which will trigger if they try to flee. He tried to victimize Ermes and trigger her explosive bracelet to spite her. Foo Fighters killed him and used his corpse to try to kill Jolyne by driving it away, threatening to trigger the bracelet.
Male Prisoners Killed by Foo FightersLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 26, There's Six of Them, Part 1
Two prisoners working the field who were attacked and killed by Foo Fighters when they approached the tractor it was guarding. No trace of them were left, and a search party was gathered in order to find them.
Female Prisoners Killed by Foo FightersLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 26, There's Six of Them, Part 1
Three prisoners who, alongside Jolyne and Ermes, composed the group who searched for two missing prisoners in the swamp. Foo Fighters killed them all and invaded their corpses to approach Jolyne in order to kill her.
Foo Fighters' Would-be BullyLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 34, The Collector, Marilyn Manson, Part 1
An inmate who tries to to drink into Foo Fighters' water cup when it plays ball with Jolyne and Ermes. Thinking that it is still the weak-willed prisoner Atroe, she tries to intimidate Foo Fighters but the Stand infects her with some of the plankton, breaking her jaw and making her spit all the water she drank.
Courtyard GuardLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 36, The Collector, Marilyn Manson, Part 3
A guard watching over the prison courtyard. He interrupts Jolyne Ermes and Foo Fighters ball game during their bet with Miraschon. It is revealed that Miraschon bribed him into interfering so that we wins her gamble.
Surveillance TechnicianLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 44, Savage Garden Strategy, Part 5
A guard overseeing the cameras feedback and managing every alert in the prison. He allows Enrico Pucci to check Jolyne's phone conversation with the Speedwagon Foundation.
Prison Backyard Guard N#1Link to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 47, Savage Garden Strategy, Part 8
A guard that Whitesnake has brainwashed. Standing in the backyard of the prison, he shoots Jolyne and tries to steal Jotaro's Stand disc on Whitesnake's orders. Weather Report kills him by causing a rain of poisonous frogs.
Prison Backyard Guard N#2Link to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 49, Flash Flood Warning, Part 2
A guard who witnesses the rain frog caused by Weather Report. Seeing Pucci trapped under the rain, he tries to flee when Pucci asks him to open the door to safety, claiming he will go bring reinforcement. Pucci kicks a poisonous frog into his eyes in order to blind him and force him to let him enter.
Prostitute PrisonerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 55, Kiss of Love & Revenge, Part 5
A female inmate making money as a prostitute. Maxx Sports tries to sollicit her but because he is invisible, the female inmate kicks another prisoner, mistaking him for a groper. Maxx finally devours her when he realizes that he's a zombie.
Maximum Security Ward PrisonersLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 58, Ultra Security Solitary
The denizens of the maximum security ward. They are all particularly monstrous prisoners, having committed horrible crimes that make them unfit to live with other inmates like child murder, or being too violent, vicious, or prone to try escaping the prison. When Jolyne arrives, they all sexually harass her from their respective cells. They eventually come under the influence of Survivor and when freed by Viviano Westwood, they slaughter themselves with only a few survivors.
Anasui's Former GirlfriendLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 59, His Name Is Anasui
Anasui's former girlfriend. When Anasui was 21, he surprised her cheating on him with another man and literally took her apart. Anasui was sent to prison for that.
Little PrisonerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 65, The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 6
This maximum security ward prisoner is the one that found DIO's bone before it turned into the Green Baby.
Speedwagon Foundation Doctors #2Link to this section
A team of doctors who take care of Jotaro's lifeless body during his coma and study his condition. They tried reviving him but without the Stand and memory discs, their efforts were fruitless.
Swamp Searching PartyLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 80, Here Comes Yo-Yo Ma!, Part 3
A team of prison guards who went after Jolyne and Anasui after they tried to escape Green Dolphin Street through the swamps. They were taken down by Anasui.
ShoplifterLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 102, Escape
A mother shoplifting in a supermarket. She and her baby happen to pass near Pucci; when the baby tries to grab the cross on Pucci's hat, he almost falls but Pucci saves him and also manages to catch all the stolen items before returning them to the shoplifter. The mother then sees with horror that her baby has half-grown into an adult.
People Affected by Bohemian RhapsodyLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 104, Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
Bohemian Rhapsody universal range affects a number of people in Florida and the world. A kind old man who Weather Report eases the rhumatisms' offers to give them a ride to Orlando. However, Bohemian Rhapsody makes him transform into the Big Bad Wolf and he attacks Anasui. Diver Down decapitates him. A chocolate shop owner who tries to call the police on Anasui when his double knocks over some chocolate in his shop transforms into Snow White's Prince Charming. A young man tries to shake hands with Spiderman first, but the ladder he's used to reach the superhero is knocked down by Anasui.
Versus' FamilyLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 122, Under World, Part 4
Donatello had a family consisting of his mother, and his step-father and half-sisters. Because they openly favoured Donatello's half-sisters over him, he fled them at 13. When he was sent in juvenile detention, they didn't object.
JudgeLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 122, Under World, Part 4
A woman who thought Versus stole Ichiro's shoes and sentenced him to six months in juvenile detention as punishment for his perceived crime.
Juvenile Detention InmateLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 122, Under World, Part 4
A detainee in juvenile detention who lived with Versus and regularly beat him, making his life hell. Despite being only two years his seniors, he was already balding and fat.
Racist DetectiveLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 128, Heavy Weather, Part 4
A private detective Pucci hired to separate his sister Perla from Wes Bluemarine. However, the detective investigated Wes' family and discovering that his mother was black, assumed that Wes was a mixed race. He was part of a Klan like organization and lynched Wes after killing his mother and setting his home on fire because they hated the mixed relationship. Wes later killed the detective to take revenge for Perla's suicide.
Nice TouristLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 128, Coming to Cape Canaveral
A tourist visiting Cape Canaveral alongside Pucci. When Pucci has had to wait in line for the next visit, the tourist kindly pretended that they were together, allowing him to enter. He tried to converse with the priest but was rebuked. He because the first victim of C-Moon when the shifting gravity makes him "fall" and impale his head into a barrier.
People Affected by Made In HeavenLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 150, Made in Heaven, Part 2
The range of Made in Heaven's time acceleration covering the entirety of earth, every human was affected by its powers and a few examples were shown.

A little girl ordering an ice cream cone sees her ice cream melt rapidly as she tries to lick it.

A class of children try to skip rope following a music, but the music accelerates and all the children trip as they try to catch up to the rhythm.

A television crew notices it time for broadcasting the adds, infuriating a journalist who tries to demonstrate the time acceleration but is interrupted for such trivial matters.

A child reading a Jump magazine realizes that her snot is drying up rapidly. Unfazed by the accelerating time, she decides to keep on reading. She eventually falls asleep, her magazine turned to dust.

A couple exult as they have broken for longest intercourse ever because of the accelerated clock.

A whole classroom of student are flabbergasted when the supervisor of their exams starts the clock and near immediately stops the exam.

A man carefully putting sauce on his tonkatsu accidentally empties the whole bottle.

A teenager calling his mother asking for pocket money realizes with horror that his call has lasted more than six hours, costing him around 30,000 yen.

A college league baseball pitcher becomes the temporary star of his stadium when his throws become uncannily fast. His joy is short-lived when a player manages to hit the ball and it falls on him, breaking his teeth.

An employee enters an industrial fridge and is instantly frozen.

A mangaka realizes that he's behind schedule for the publication of his next chapter. He blames his assistants for being lazy despite the fact that he's not given them any work yet. When he calls the editor to justify himself and claims that no one could have completed their chapter in time, he hears about Rohan Kishibe.

A woman walking on the streets is run over by a car.

An helicopter crew crashes when they try to lower their altitude and cannot stabilize in time.

A man returns his already broken television set and sees that all objects, even money, decay at high speed.

One janitor futitely tries to wipe off the dust from a window, which instantly covers it again.

A woman asks what day of the week it is, confused by the time acceleration.

A man sees that his teeth crown and wig have decayed.

A woman realizes that her breast implants have decayed.

After the universe is resetted, one Green Dolphin Street guard and a group of prisoners are shown finding themselves back in prison and naked, confused by what just happened.

Alternate JolyneLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 156, Made in Heaven, Part 8
She is the counterpart of Jolyne inside Green Dolphin Street Jail after the first universe reset made by Pucci.
Alternate JotaroLink to this section
Manga Debut: SO Chapter 156, Made in Heaven, Part 8
He is the counterpart of Jotaro come to visit the alternate Jolyne in the first alternate universe made by Pucci.

Steel Ball Run


Sandman's SisterLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 1, The Steel Ball Run: Press Conference
Acting as a voice of the tribe, she urges Sandman to apologize for and renounce reading the white man's books. Close to her brother, she is aware of his escape route and proceeds to beat him for his actions but does not try to kill him like the warriors that chased him there. However, like the rest of the tribe, she does not understand, or at least is not willing to understand, Sandman's tactics of trying to defeat the white man that are taking away their land with the white man's methods.
Steel Ball Run StaffLink to this section
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Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 1, The Steel Ball Run: Press Conference
These identical looking men are the most recognizable among Steven Steel's employees and do various odd jobs during the race, such as welcoming and registering the participants of the Steel Ball Run, attending the buffets or tending to the boats of the race. One of the men also taught mathematics to Lucy during the race. During the government's search for traitors, they were investigated but nothing of note happens to them. After the end of the Steel Ball Run, they were hired to work on a boat to Europe.
ThiefLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 1, The Steel Ball Run: Press Conference
A petty thief lurking around the Steel Ball Run race subscription office. He tries to steal $20 from Gyro Zeppeli but is caught. As he is taken away by the police, the thief angrily declares that he'll follow Gyro and do everything to hinder him, prompting the Neopolitan to challenge the thief in a duel and kill him when a well-placed Steel Ball throw makes the thief shoot himself.
Pocoloco's Fortune TellerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 6, The Dried-Up River; Diego Brando
A character much like Enya the Hag makes an appearance in Steel Ball Run as the fortune teller (correctly) informing Pocoloco that he will have great luck in the race.
SheriffLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 12, First Stage: Disqualified from Victory
A Californian sheriff whose jurisdiction overlaps with the path of the Steel Ball Run's first stage. He brings up a murder case to light and asks Steven Steel to stop the race. Figuring that the event won't be interrupted, he asks his friend Mountain Tim to investigate the murder case for him during the race.
Gyro's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 20, Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 1
The wife of Gregorio Zeppeli and mother of five children. Gyro's mother cooks the meals for her family and cares a lot for them, as shown when she kisses Gyro's cheek before he became his father's assistant as an executioner. She doesn't have much medical expertise nor the ability to use Steel Balls, but she assists Gyro and her husband with their patients as a nurse. Like her husband, she tells Gyro to focus on the tasks he's assigned to rather than get himself involved with other matters.
Gyro's SiblingsLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 20, Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 1
Gyro has four younger siblings who weren't shown to be involved with the Zeppeli family's executioner duties, since Gyro was the eldest and chosen to be their father's successor. Several years after the end of the Steel Ball Run race, their family moved to a different country but their whereabouts are unknown.
Neapolitan NobleLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 20, Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 1
A noble from the Kingdom of Naples familiar with the Zeppeli family. During Gyro's youth, the man would periodically visit the Zeppeli to check on Gyro's age. When Gyro became an executioner and protested to Marco's execution, the noble would expose the Steel Ball Run race to Gyro and explain to him that winning the race would bring enough glory to the King for the latter to declare a general amnesty, saving Marco.
Beautiful PrisonerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 24, Interlude
Despite her frail appearance, she is prisoner condemned to death for the poisoning and killing of many families and children who appears during Gyro's apprenticeship as an executioner. While being escorted to the execution grounds, she bites off two fingers from one of her guards and escapes in Gyro's direction. Because of her appearance, Gyro hesitates before stopping her, allowing her to rip off his collar hanger.
President's AidesLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 25, Tusk, Part 1
He and another man are men close to president Funny Valentine acting as counselors. He makes an agreement with Diego Brando to recruit him for the president. They are later issued to keep watch over Lucy Steel after she had merged the skull of the Corpse Parts into her womb. Lucy overhears them discussing her condition, and when they notice her conscious, they try to hold her down and inject a drug to put her back to sleep. She makes a run for it, and throughout several pages, one of the men is constantly shouting out lines referring to making her docile like a winter catfish. (A total of 5 times) The catfish guy is constantly getting injured on his left eye due to Lucy's Stand ability, and eventually a guard walks in with a shotgun and accidentally gets stabbed by the injection needle. He ends up pulling the trigger, and the catfish guy is shot straight in the left eye and killed. The other guy tries to catch Lucy, but eventually falls and impales his eye on the door handle.
Diego's WifeLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 28, Scary Monsters, Part 1
She was a rich eighty-year-old woman who married Diego Brando and died six months after, rumoured to have been poisoned by her husband so he could obtain her inheritance. The way she died seems to be a reference to George Joestar's sickness from the poison Dio Brando was secretly giving him.
Farm WorkerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 30, Scary Monsters, Part 3
After Diego and his mother are washed away from their hometown by a flood, they are found by the Farm Worker and later live and work at the farm. Five years later, the Farm Worker makes advances on Ms. Brando despite being already married with children. When Ms. Brando stops him for that very reason, he retaliates later by secretly putting holes in the cups of the Brando, knowing that cups are limited. Then, in charge of distributing soup, he makes a point to pour the soup through the holed cups to show that Diego or his mother cannot obtain soup.
Ringo's FatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 35, A Man's World, Part 3(Flashback)
Originally a farmer, he was drafted to war but deserted. He was later found and imprisoned for abandoning his duties and eventually died of disease, leaving his family without a father and without escape from their branding as a family of "traitors."
Ringo's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 35, A Man's World, Part 3(Flashback)
After her husband died after abandoning his war post, she took the rest of her family across the country to find a place away from society because they were shunned for being the family of a traitor. It is implied that they found an empty spot in a forest where they built a log house to live in, where Ringo's mother had to do the work of both parents for the sake of her children, even taking care of the weak-bodied Ringo. She is later stabbed to death by the Potato Killer along with her daughters.
Ringo's SistersLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 35, A Man's World, Part 3(Flashback)
Ringo has two unnamed sisters who do not appear aside from their death scene.
Potato KillerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 35, A Man's World, Part 3(Flashback)
A murderer and paedophile who almost raped Ringo. As he wore a military uniform, so he may have been a soldier. One night, when Ringo was only 10 years-old, the Potato Killer entered the Roadagain house and stabbed Ringo's mother and sisters to death. After this, he began to eat a potato in his right hand while staring at a sleeping Ringo. When Ringo awakened and witnessed the scene before him, the Potato Killer choked Ringo with his left hand while licking the boy's skin. Praising his paleness, the killer started to get undressed but noticed that Ringo had stolen his gun and was pointing it at him. The Potato Killer attempted to talk Ringo out of shooting, completely unremorseful of his deeds and threatening to kill him. Ringo momentarily lets go, but before the Potato Killer could grab the gun, Ringo picked the gun back up and shot the man through the mouth, killing him and avenging his family.
Gyro's Hospital PatientLink to this section
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She was one of the patients from the hospital who Gyro had sex with before almost being caught by Gregorio. Gyro used the Steel Balls to give the girlfriend the appearance of an old woman and pretend to take care of her. Initially mad at Gyro, the latter redeems himself by making the woman more attractive for a week. She appears to have a wedding ring mark on her middle finger which indicates her status as a married woman and is having an affair. She casually mentions to Gyro that would have been executed if they were caught.
Chicago GangstersLink to this section
Gangsters from Chicago who manage a shady casino in which Gyro and Johnny try to gamble their millions away. They try to cheat, almost making Gyro and Johnny transform into trees. During the attack of the Eleven Men, the gangsters prefer to hide from harm as they have nothing to gain from endangering themselves, forcing Gyro to exchange all of the money for a string to stitch his wound and pay for protection, prompting the gangsters to shoot the Eleven Men.
Wekapipo's Younger SisterLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 51, Wrecking Ball, Part 1
She was cherished by Wekapipo, who was seven years her elder. As a seventeen year old, the first time she'd ever left her home to see the ocean was on her wedding day. She married a nobleman after her brother pushed for the marriage to happen, thinking that being married to a wealthy family would bring her happiness. However, her husband regularly beat her and she blamed herself for it. Six months after the wedding, Wekapipo discovered her sobbing one day with her face bloody and bruised. After unknowingly knocking over a vase, Wekapipo discovered that his sister was rendered almost completely blind from the beatings due to a wounded portion of her optic nerve.

When Wekapipo was exiled, he thought she died in 1889. She fell down some stairs when she was working which broke her left shoulder and bruised her head. It was considered taboo for anyone to take care of her, but the Zeppeli family took her in as a patient. Gyro went against the advice of his mother and attempted to perform surgery, but "fortunately" failed. Had he succeeded, she would have suffered from a more tragic future. She was being kept alive only because she was blind and her former father-in-law assumed she would die on her own anyway. Gregorio Zeppeli keeps her safe and hidden away in the countryside.

Wekapipo's Brother-in-lawLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 51, Wrecking Ball, Part 1
The nobleman Wekapipo's sister married, who Wekapipo considered as a friend from his line of work. He was the son of a wealthy financial commissioner. He was regularly beating his wife and rendered her blind, prompting Wekapipo to ask the pope to annul the marriage, which the church approved of. Wekapipo then begged his brother-in-law to divorce his sister but was beaten up by the man's scabbard. Humiliated, the man challenged Wekapipo to a duel using Steel Balls and was killed. However, his influence made him able to have Wekapipo exiled even in death.
Hot Pants' BrotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 57, Civil War, Part 2
Hot Pants' little brother. One day when he and Hot Pants went gathering nuts in the mountains, the both of them were attacked by a bear. They fled into and were cornered in a small hole in the ground and the bear was furiously clawing at them. Hot Pants threw her brother at the bear to save herself and the child died.
Shooting WitnessesLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 66, D4C, Part 1
A loose group of children and an old painter who were near a park south of the Independence Hall in Philadelphia. They witnessed Johnny being shot but saw different culprits: either Wekapipo, Diego or Valentine. When Gyro asked them who shot Johnny, they argued and further confused him. It is revealed that they were all right in a roundabout way as they were observing parallel universes.
Coach DriverLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 72, Ticket to Ride, Part 2
A coach driver whom Lucy obliged to drive her and Steven to the Delaware River. He tried to resist, but a nest of wasps made him flee to the coach and unwillingly drive away. In the USS Blue Hawaii, Valentine slammed a door on him and sent him to a parallel universe.
Railroad WorkerLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 78, D4C, Part 11 -Love Train-
A civilian whom Valentine trapped halfway in a mirror. Valentine also killed his alternate self and put the alternate legs on the railroad worker's lap. If the worker lets go the gear stick, he would die, disintegrated as he fused with his alternate self. His ultimate fate remains unknown.
Victims of Love TrainLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 78, D4C, Part 11 -Love Train-
When Funny Valentine was blessed by the Saint's Corpse, he acquired a new ability named Love Train. A pocket dimension manifesting as a gap in space with luminous edges. If anything harmful like an attack were to touch the wall of light, the harm would be redirected to random people all over the world who would suffer the misfortune of death in Valentine's place.

When Johnny tries to shoot Valentine a first time with his nails, the harm is redirected to a nearby farmer working on a field, who dies.

Johnny shoots three nails at the wall, causing the death of three construction workers in Paris when a scaffolding collapses on them, even decapitating one of them.

Gyro throws a Steel Ball at the wall, causing the death of a young boy from Saigon who is shot in the head.

Johnny shoots again at the wall, the harm is redirected at a rioter somewhere who gets hit by a baseball bat; the impact crushes his skull and he dies.

Gyro throws a near perfect Super Spin Steel Ball at Valentine, causing a cart to roll over a man and a woman in the Middle East.

In his rage because of Gyro's death, Johnny shoots a nail at the wall without the Super Spin, causing the death of an African tribesman accidentally shot in the throat by a brethren.

Five additional shots cause as many people to fall on train tracks just as the train arrives, and they are presumably run over.

Another shot is redirected, and a lock is broken, causing a lion and lioness to devour a zoo worker.

Funny's FatherLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 87, Ball Breaker, Part 5
The birth father of Funny Valentine. He was tortured to death and had the habit of writing dates on things. He always kept the handkerchief with the date of the birth of his son and tasked his friend, Captain Valentine to give it to his family after his death.
Diego's FansLink to this section
Manga Debut: SBR Chapter 93, High Voltage, Part 4
A group of women who interfere during the final stage of the Steel Ball Run race when the alternate Diego Brando stops in the middle of a street. They don't hesitate to swarm him and hug him, unaware that Diego is using them as meat shields. When Tusk ACT 4 strikes from below the ground, it kills two women by mistakes.



Hospital Security GuardLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 2, Soft & Wet, Part 1
This female police officer guards Josuke's room in Morioh Hospital, where he rests after his initial meeting with Yasuho and Joshu. While Josuke plans to leave, Yasuho tells him that she can simply take a picture of his hat and leave by herself. Refusing, Josuke uses Soft & Wet to drain the water from the Officer's body, immediately making her thirsty. She leaves her post to take a drink of water from the fountain across the hallway, giving the pair the opportunity to leave. She makes a "phewwwwwww~" sound after she drinks.
SBR Hat Shop OwnerLink to this section
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Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 2, Soft & Wet, Part 1
This man owns the SBR Hat Shop, a business that has been running since 1891. When Yasuho and Josuke inquire about Josuke's sailor hat, the owner recognizes the hat, and reveals that he sold it three days ago to 'Yoshikage Kira'. He recognizes Josuke as Kira, and tells him Kira's address: Morioh Building 258-204.
Kidnapped GirlLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 3, Soft & Wet, Part 2
A tourist from Tokyo whom Ojiro Sasame has kidnapped. She says that she is accustomed to being used or manipulated by people in her life. It is suggested that Ojiro abused her with his Stand, Fun Fun Fun. When she was introduced in Kira's apartment, Josuke sees her inside the bathtub, naked. He demands answers of the girl, who claims that both she and Josuke were equal captives in the apartment three days earlier, and given that he escaped, she assumed he had returned to free her.

Josuke injures his left hand and foot on subtle hazards scattered inside the room in order for Ojiro's Stand to capture his limbs. The girl advises Josuke to avoid hurting his remaining limbs or he will be at Ojiro's mercy. Ojiro tries to drown the girl in the bathtub, since she is completely in his control, but Josuke saves her. After that she is manipulated to grab a razor and try to cut her tongue, so that Josuke would stop her. Later in the struggle, the girl telephones Ojiro to tell him of Josuke's whereabouts, revealing that she has struck a compromise with Ojiro under duress. After Josuke's victory, she leaves the apartment, still naked and lost. She is last seen in a trash can that was tipped over by some kids riding by. She stands up, still wearing the trash can and stumbling around.

The Man from Josuke's MemoriesLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 5, Soft & Wet, Part 4
While Josuke is being attacked by Ojiro Sasame, he briefly remembers a man's face. This man is muscular, slightly taller than Josuke, and has shoulder-length straight hair with a bang partially hiding the right side of his face.
Ojiro's FriendLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 6, Soft & Wet, Part 5 (Flashback)
A random woman invited by Ojiro Sasame to go swimming with him some time before he met Yoshikage Kira. He accidentally killed her by unconsciously using his Stand, Fun Fun Fun.
Oblivious GrandmotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 14, "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 3
An elderly resident of Morioh. Josuke encounters her in her house when he takes a shortcut through a garden. Pursued by Born This Way, Josuke enters the old woman's house and she ends up buried in snow. Her ultimate fate is unknown.
Crying Little BoyLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 14, "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 3
A little boy inhabiting the house in which Josuke tries to evade Born This Way. Shocked by the intrusion and the apparition of snow, the boy begins to cry. He opens a way out of the house when Josuke realizes that the boy is unaffected by the Stand. His T-shirt adorning a ladybug symbol is reminiscent of Giorno Giovanna.
Hospital Taxi DriverLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 15, "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 4
A taxi driver stationing in front of the Morioh University Hospital. When Josuke bumps against the car, the driver mistakes him for a client and remotely opens the door of his cab, triggering an attack from Born This Way. Paisley Park contacts the taxi driver through the cell phone and Josuke orders him to close the door, making Born This Way disappear before he is crushed against a pole.
Extortive Mother and ChildLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 18, "Shakedown Road", Part 1
An inhabitant of Shakedown Road who coerces Joshu into giving his lunch money as compensation for breaking the woman's daughter's compact. She uses Les Feuilles to make Joshu stomp on the compact and uses a sticker stuck on Joshu's shoe as proof and pressures him into giving compensation.
Shakedown Road VeteranLink to this section
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Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 18, "Shakedown Road", Part 1
An elderly resident of Shakedown Road and pet shop owner who tries to extort Josuke into paying for a turtle he made Josuke unwittingly kill. After being "paid back" by Josuke, he later tells Josuke of Johnny Joestar's unfortunate end.
Three Drug Dealer ThugsLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 18, "Shakedown Road", Part 1
Three thugs who use Josuke and Joshu to commit a drug deal with a girl, utilizing the Shakedown Road's Les Feuilles to avoid getting caught by the police and pin the blame on Josuke. Joshu tries to take the money for themselves, but the thugs manage to catch up to him before he escaped; Joshu is saved by his Stand when it detaches one of the thugs' hand, shocking them long enough for him to run away.The three of them are proficient at utilising Les Feuilles' properties to their advantage. Josuke uses his Stand to take the money from the thugs and pay the pet shop owner.
Voluptuous WomanLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 19, "Shakedown Road", Part 2
A well-endowed woman with a noticeable tattoo on her inner thigh and having business with the three thugs. She performs a shady exchange with the thugs through Les Feuilles and leaves with her package with the thugs, watching police officers and Josuke and Joshu struggle with each other.
Shakedown Road CopsLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 19, "Shakedown Road", Part 2
Two policemen investigating a drug trade happening between the three thugs and the voluptuous woman in Shakedown Road. Fooled by Josuke and Joshu who act as decoy mules and unaware of Les Feuilles, they arrest the duo when Josuke accidentally elbows one of them, allowing the real criminals to perform their deal. However, they only find candy and money on Josuke while Joshu escapes, and the policemen have no choice but to release Josuke and pursue the woman.
Mysterious BabyLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 22, Morioh Town: Year 1901
A mysterious baby boy who was washed up on the beach of Morioh in the year 1901. He was saved by a local fisherman, however he had nothing on him that could help identify him. His fate after that remains unknown. When he was found he wore nothing but some jewelry, socks and what appears to be a woolen hat.
The Old Man in the WheelchairLink to this section
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Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 39, Doobie Wah, Part 1
A wealthy old man in a wheelchair who ate one of the fruits he was given by Aisho Dainenjiyama, which caused his legs to be healed and run to his wife before his eyes fell out just as he was having sex with her.
Aisho's GirlfriendLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 42, Doobie Wah, Part 4
Aisho's girlfriend was someone Aisho was madly in love with to the point where he revealed the secret of his race to her and his heart problems. However, she did not return those feelings, as she had an affair with another man while Aisho was hibernating. Yotsuyu claims that she stole the deed to Aisho's house, sold it, and had it torn down while she ran off with the money.
Yakitori Shop OwnerLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 43, Love Love Deluxe, Part 1
A yakitori shop owner extorted by Karera, who uses her Stand ability to create a strand of hair through her food and thus getting a free meal.
Bald SalarymanLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 44, Love Love Deluxe, Part 2
A balding obese man with whom Karera has business. He has paid her to regrow his hair and has set a meeting in a local coffee shop. When both head into the restrooms to make the hair grow back in private, Josuke barges in, believing the deal to be sexual in nature. The salaryman only partially regrows his hair in the shape of his hands and flees without paying Karera.
TouristsLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 44, Love Love Deluxe, Part 2
Two tourists whom Karera antagonises for seemingly no reason. Karera stealthily grows a hair on one of the tourists' credit cards and pulls it to her, then deduces the code of the card and steals a large sum of money.
Cab DriverLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 45, Love Love Deluxe, Part 3
A taxi driver who shows disappointment after Karera Sakunami tells him to drive her and Josuke to Kira's apartment, because of the very short distance. Angered by his reaction, Karera throws a tantrum and the cab driver tries to kick her out of his cab, pointing out that there are cameras. She then settles down and coldly blames him for closing the door on her hair, saying she won't tell as long as he cooperates.
Morioh Police OfficersLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 45, Love Love Deluxe, Part 3
Two policemen watching over a plaza of Morioh's commercial district. They witness the A. Phex Brothers playing football in public and ask them to stop disrupting the public order. Seeing that the brothers are suspicious, they try to arrest them but get handcuffed together, one of the officers having his jaw pierced by the handcuffs.
Bar OwnerLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 56, Milagro Man, Part 1
A hostess bar owner in Morioh. In the know about the Milagro Man's money, the bar owner becomes suspicious because Joshu is spending a large amount of money in his establishment. Unwilling to bear the curse, the owner shoves more money into Joshu's pocket and tries to beat him up to frighten him away, but Joshu's Nut King Call bolts the owner to his subordinates, allowing him to leave unscathed.
Milagro Man's UserLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 56, The Milagro Man, Part 1
A mysterious man whom little is known about. He appears to be well-recognized in the underworld of Japan, as a nightclub owner refused Joshu Higashikata's absurd amount of money and paid him back with interest just to leave, fearing Joshu might be working for the man. The word milagro is Spanish for miracle and also shares the name with the Japanese leather goods company.

As an urban legend goes, the Milagro Man was an arms dealer from an unknown country who became rich due to his business. However he lost a prolonged lawsuit, costing him 50,000,000,000 dollars. The dealer went mad and killed his whole family, set his house and fortune on fire, then flung himself into the fire to kill himself. The curse of the Milagro Man is said to have persisted into a lone scorched bill found next to his corpse.

Cab Driver #2Link to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 57, Milagro Man, Part 2
One cab driver working in Morioh. When Joshu tries to go home with his cab, the driver is reluctant to complete his course and tries to refuse Joshu's money, the latter insisting on paying him. In the struggle, Joshu accidentally sets a bill on fire and gets covered in the Milagro Man's money.
Courier BoyLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 59, The Man Who Lives by the Pond, Part 1
A young boy wearing a striped baseball uniform and a baseball cap. He's introduced giving an envelope to Josuke Higashikata, claiming an unnamed person told him to do it for a reward. It is revealed he was put under the control of Blue Hawaii to attack Josuke as soon as he touched the letter. After a failed attempt he unintentionally passes control to an old woman who also attacks Josuke. He bears a slight resemblance to Emporio Alniño.
Mature WomanLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 60, The Man Who Lives by the Pond, Part 2
A mature and obese woman who almosts drives over Josuke as the courier boy attacks him. After the boy touches her, she also falls under Blue Hawaii's control and begins to stalk Josuke. She has a selfish personality. Having almost run over Josuke, she chastises him for staying in the middle of the road and her only reaction when she watches the courier boy repeatedly bash his head against her car to the point of profusely bleeding is to tell the boy to stop dirtying the car.
Female DelinquentLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 61, Blue Hawaii, Part 1
A female delinquent who meets the mature woman when Josuke slams her inside an empty building. With her two companions, the delinquent tries to mug the infected mature woman but gets infected by Blue Hawaii, eventually going to search for Josuke. She dies when a motorcycle runs over her.
JoggerLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 62, Blue Hawaii, Part 2
A burly jogger who happens to touch the female delinquent infected by Blue Hawaii. Under the control of the enemy Stand, the jogger pursues Josuke but loses his hand when he traps it in a bike. When Josuke jumps over a fence, the jogger proceeds to try to infect Josuke by pushing his face on the wires and spraying blood on him.
Bicycle BoyLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 62, Blue Hawaii, Part 2
A boy riding a bicycle who gets infected when the Jogger sprays his blood toward Josuke. Josuke protects himself with one of Soft & Wet's bubble, and the blood reaches the boy instead. Nonetheless, Josuke manages to disable the boy and steals his bike, putting so much distance that the Boy infects someone else and isn't seen again.
Cab Driver #3Link to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 63, Blue Hawaii, Part 3
A taxi driver who drives Josuke up to a supermarket downtown. Noticing a bird crashing into his rear window, he goes to investigate the animal and is infected by Blue Hawaii's power. Josuke stuns the taxi driver before the latter can pursue him, and a fly is infected instead.
BabyLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 63, Blue Hawaii, Part 3
The last person Blue Hawaii controls. An ordinary baby who gets infected and crawls toward Josuke as the latter has hidden inside a bathroom. Unwilling to harm the baby, Josuke lets himself get touched and loses against Blue Hawaii.
Boy-scout BullyLink to this section
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Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 64, The Plant Appraiser, Part 1
A boy-scout who used to bully a young Jobin. Taking advantage of Jobin's meekness and memory loss issues, the young boy tormented Jobin, repeatedly hitting him and belittling him because of his handicap. Lusting after Kaato Higashikata, he ordered Jobin to steal a set of her underwear as well as take a photo of her in the shower. His bullying was noticed by another scout who denounced him to his school and the police. Because the underwear and photos were found, the bully's life was ruined. As revenge, he tried to force Jobin to burn down the denouncer's house, which Jobin refused. Furious by Jobin's refusal, the bully covered him in oil and threatened to burn him while threatening to rape Kaato then kill her with him. Panicking, Jobin awakened Speed King and boiled the blood inside the bully's head, rendering him unconscious.

Later, Kaato took the bully to the hole in the ground under the lone pine tree and goaded Jobin to take the bully and bury him in the ground to undergo the equivalent exchange. The bully thus died and Jobin was cured. Several years later, the bully's corpse was found by a party of workers searching for two escaped turtles. Because Kaato's DNA was found on the corpse and his DNA was found inside Kaato's car, Kaato was put in prison for 15 years.

Pursuing Stand UserLink to this section
Manga Debut: JJL Chapter 65, The Plant Appraiser, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
A Stand User sent by an unknown party to apprehend Rai Mamezuku. They remain hidden and attack Rai, Josuke and Yasuho using their Stand.


Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 7: Monday, Sunshower

Obese ManLink to this section
A tall obese man who is bald except for a clump of hair at the top of his head. Rohan Kishibe mentions that he is an ordinary salaryman, has two children, and a chronic heart disease. Rohan also comments that he's a good man as he immediately tried to save Rohan when the latter fell on train tracks. During the obese man's encounter with Rohan, he was continually knocked over by passerbys because of strange insects named Coile Electricus Lorenzinia who were attracted to his diseased heart and then fed on the electrical impulses of his heart, killing him.

Rohan Kishibe Goes to Gucci

InterpreterLink to this section
The interpreter is a beautiful woman hired by Rohan Kishibe in his trip to Italy to visit a Gucci factory and fix the Gucci Bag Stand. Even though he counted on her, she spent most of the time changing clothes at the boutique and claiming that Rohan was rude, his impoliteness not shared by her. Rohan often scolded her because of that, saying that there wouldn't be any problem if she just did her job. After fixing the Gucci Bag Stand, she got Rohan drunk and stole his money and passport.
Leather Goods ArtisanLink to this section
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He is one of the leather goods artisan of the Gucci brand and also one of Gucci's "skilled workers". He holds great respect for Frida Giannini and Gucci' traditions. He informs Rohan and his interpreter about Frida and the Gucci Bag Stand, warning Rohan about how he doesn't seem to know the bag's true purpose. The mangaka, however, doesn't seem to care about all his "maniacal information" and just wants the bag to be "fixed".

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 16: At a Confessional

Man at the ConfessionalLink to this section
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A man who committed a mortal sin. He was a common worker who carried bags of corn during hours. One day an Asian man begged him for food, not having eaten for five straight days. The man became angry at the beggar, and made him carry the corn bags in exchange for his food. The beggar was crushed by the heavy bags. His spirit swore revenge on the man that was to come at his happiest moment.

After that, the man had great luck. He received money from relatives and has the idea to process corn into corn flakes and popcorn. The idea was a big hit and he became a rich man, the master of a mansion with several servants. He married a model and they eventually had a daughter.

However, he still feared the beggar's curse. He found a servant willing to do anything for him, and they had plastic surgery to switch their faces. Suddenly, the spirit of the beggar possessed the man's daughter and revealed that he assisted the man's prosperity from behind the scenes so that he could fulfill his vow of taking the man's life at his happiest moment. The man rushed to interfere, but he was knocked out by the spirit. The servant fell victim to the spirit, who was fooled by their changed faces.

The man later goes to a confession booth to confess his sins, as he was responsible for the deaths of two people. He confesses to Rohan Kishibe, who had mistakenly entered the priest side to research the church. As the man exits the booth, it is revealed that the spirits of the beggar and the beheaded servant both vow to watch him around the clock to make sure that he does not do anything suspicious again. Rohan watches with curiosity, deciding to interview him later if given the chance.

ServantLink to this section
This servant was loyal to a rich man with great prosperity. He was willing to do anything for him, and, at his master's request, used plastic surgery to alter their appearance. This was actually a plan made by his master to fool the spirit of a beggar by whom he had been cursed. The spirit attacked the servant thinking he was his master, but gave him the chance to be spared if he managed to throw a piece of popcorn in the air above a nearby lamppost and catch it in his mouth, each time at the clap of his hands, three times in a row. If the man succeeded, the beggar would acknowledge that his death was due to destiny and would leave the man forever, but if the man failed, the beggar would cut off his head without fail.

The servant managed to do it the first two times, but failed the last time and had his head cut off. The servant's spirit, also holding a grudge against his master, teamed up with the beggar's spirit to watch the master and make sure that he does not do anything suspicious again.

Asian ManLink to this section
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This Asiatic beggar asked for food to a man, as he hadn't eaten for five days. The man, feeling disgusted that the beggar did no work to get his food, forces him to work by carrying the bags of corn to the storage. The beggar starts by carrying a small bag of corn, but is forced to carry a larger bag instead. While the man rests and drinks coffee, the beggar tries to move the large bag to the storage, but the bag proves to be too large and too heavy for him to carry and as a result he falls and is crushed by the bag. The man falls asleep and dreams that the beggar has appeared underneath his table, threatening to take revenge on him at his happiest moment. Not long after, authorities arrive and find that the beggar carrying the bag has died. He has since then assisted the man's prosperity from behind the scenes so that he could fulfill his vow of taking the man's life at his happiest moment.

Years later the spirit of the beggar possesses the man's daughter. The beggar challenges the man to throw a piece of popcorn in the air above the altitude of a nearby lamppost and catch it in his mouth, each time at the clap of his hands, three times in a row. If the man succeeds, the beggar will acknowledge that his death was due to destiny and will leave the man forever, but if the man fails, the beggar will cut off his head without fail. The man fails and, without a second to spare, the beggar cuts off his head. He only learned later that he actually killed a servant who was willing to do anything for his master, and used plastic surgery to alter both his and the master's appearances, thereby fooling the beggar into dogging the servant instead. The spirits of the beggar and the beheaded servant then both vow to watch him around the clock to make sure that he does not do anything suspicious again.

Rohan at the Louvre

FirefightersLink to this section
These two firefighters accompanied Rohan, Gaucher and Noguchi to the abandoned warehouse Z-13 to find the painting "Under the Moon", art of the painter Nizaemon Yamamura, in case the group got lost or something happened. When they found the painting, one of the firefighters had his skull pierced after moving closer to it. His body was sucked into the darkness in the ceiling. The remaining firefighter, once a war veteran, witnessed Gaucher die and recognized one of their attackers as someone who died in the battlefield. He asked himself how that was possible and begged for him to get away. Numerous gunshot wounds appeared on his body and he too was sucked into the darkness. Their bodies were never found and both were considered missing.

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

UnicornLink to this section
A small unicorn who's escaped from the government and runs into Jolyne. The unicorn is entirely blue and has robotic large yellow eyes. The unicorn was found by Polpo and then thrown into a cage for experimentation by the government. It is implied Polpo mistreated it. The unicorn escaped its cage at an airport and met. It somehow fused with Jolyne's scarf and then suddenly became an adult unicorn. It also has absorbed the flower motif of Jolyne's scarf. It ran away successfully, leaving Jolyne with hope.

Dead Man's Questions

Wanted ManLink to this section
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This man was a child murderer and master of disguises, having been wanted for 15 years. He was a paranoiac, startled by the most minimal sound and constantly told himself to not worry because nobody was able to catch up with him. He eventually started to live with Yamaoka, one of his acquaintance. Yoshikage Kira was assigned to kill him but had a time limit to do so, because this man's crime expired at midnight. Kira invaded his house and confronted the dog Rocky while picking up a knife. Kira made a pigeon out of the newspaper with his picture to startle the man, who shouted out of his window "pigeons or police or whatever! Try to get me if you can!". Now that Kira had his permission, he entered his room and stabbed the man on his back. Kira left the man bleeding on the floor and called the woman living with him, telling her to call the police.
MonkLink to this section
This woman can see Kira as a ghost, probably because she possesses a high level of spiritual excellence as a monk. She gave Kira targets to be killed. Kira thought she wanted to be some sort of saint, but didn't care for her methods, as he only followed her orders for money. He warned her that, if he ended up killing someone else instead of the target by mistake, it would be her fault. When she asked why he didn't move to the netherworld and if he had some sort of goal, Kira asked her how she could be so sure about its existence, as she was still alive.

She gave Kira the job to kill a wanted man and, after that, go to a "mansion ghost". That mansion was once the house of an old army officer 50 years ago, but, towards the end of the Pacific War, City S was under heavy air raid by the American military. The officer's house was targeted and blown to pieces, but nobody died there. The officer himself lived 50 years after the war and died at the age of 82 from old age.

For unknown reasons, the house itself became a spirit and is still standing. 56 people committed suicide or died strange deaths in the house's area, so the monk sends Kira to find the reason for this and take care of it. In the mansion, Kira is attacked by Cleansers, who take his arm and almost erase him from existence. Kira leaves the mansion to investigate the information the monk gave him, believing she gave him the assignment in order to have him "cleansed" and sent to the netherworld. He swears that if any information she gave him about the mansion was not true, he will personally make her find out if the nether-realm exists. He wonders if her arm would fit in place of his lost one.


  1. Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past (2), p.3
  2. V Jump Games Series - All of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo Interview