Morioh (杜王町, Moriō-chō) est une ville fictionnelle qui apparaît dans la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable.
Morioh est une petite ville de province où la vie est tranquille, en apparence. Suite à l'introduction de la Flèche, plusieurs manieurs de Stand font surface, parmi eux le jeune Josuke Higashikata et Yoshikage Kira le tueur en série. Lorsque les frères Nijimura emménagent et commencent à utiliser la Flèche, l'activité de la ville augmente sensiblement.
Morioh possèdent de nombreux endroits intéressants, connectés pour la plupart à la population de manieurs de Stand de la ville.
Géographie et Climat
Morioh est une petite ville côtière située au Japon. Elle est proche de la ville "S", dans la préfecture "M", qui sont des références à la ville de naissance d'Araki lui-même, la ville de Sendai, dans la préfecture de Miyagi. Morioh est centré autour de sa gare, le centre économique de la ville étant située près de la station de train, et les voies de circulations partant de la gare dans toutes les directions. A l'est de la station se situe la majorité de la ville, les quartier résidentiel puis la côte. A l'ouest sud-ouest se situe des zones plus rurales, dédiées à l'agriculture. Au-delà se trouve une zone montagneuse. La rivière Hirose traverse le sud de la ville avant de se jeter dans la mer.
Même si Morioh est une ville japonaise, l'architecture locale est surtout dans un style occidental. Les quartiers résidentiels de Morioh ressemblent ainsi plus aux banlieues à l'américaine avec de large pavillons occidentaux et des terrains larges. Le centre-ville de Morioh est occupé par des bâtiments au style occidental qui font quelques étages tout au plus.
L'infrastructure de Morioh est assez bien développé, notamment dans le domaine des transports publics. La ville possède une gare qui la connecte à d'autres villes, dont la ville S, et qui est souvent utilisé par les travailleurs journaliers. Il y a aussi un réseau de bus connectant Morioh à d'autres ville comme Sapporo.[1] Il y a au moins trois lignes de bus en ville, comme le suggère Koichi Hirose quand il dit Jotaro Kujo de prendre le "bus de la ligne 3".[2]
La ville S dans la préfecture M est une agglomération adjacente à Morioh. La ville attirait de nombreuses nouvelles entreprises. Cela causant une augmentation de la population à Morioh alors que des travailleurs recherchaient un logis, et se sont installée dans les villes proches de la ville S, dont Morioh.[3]
La ville de S était à l'époque beaucoup plus développée que Morioh, qui était encore très rural, comme ce qu'on voyait de la campagne dans des séries télévisées. Les habitants qui souhaitaient un mode de vie plus urbain ou un travail un peu plus moderne allaient s'installer en centre-ville de Morioh pour rechercher du travail et pour certains rêvaient de s'installer à la ville S, même si le marché du travail était très compétitif.
Comme Morioh est situé au nord du Japon, il est sujet à des hivers très froids.[4] Un flashback de Josuke durant son enfance montre que Morioh pouvait subir des tempêtes de neiges.[5]
Morioh est une petit ville de province au Japon, ce qui fait que la ville est relativement paisible et calme. La plupart de la population est constitué d'humains ordinaires vivant des vies ordinaires. La plupart des gens semblent être de la classe moyenne, ou sont aisés, sachant que la ville possède aussi des maisons servant de villégiatures pour des personnes riches vivant autre part. Il y a une petite criminalité qui existe en ville, notamment un gang de jeune bikers qui roulent imprudemment et [6] Durant l'été, la ville reçoit la visite de nombreux touristes qui profite de la ville et des activités proposées, mais les habitants de Morioh sont décrit comme étant assez froid avec les touristes, étant agacé quand il viennent dans les boutiques regarder les rayons sans acheter.[7] Cependant, on dit qu'il sont amicaux dès qu'on apprend à les connaitre.
Morioh est unique par l'inhabituellement grande population de manieurs de Stand qui habitent la petite ville. Ceci est expliqué par la présence de deux Flèches utilisées qui ont crée un certains nombre de manieurs, ainsi que la présence de la Famille Joestar en ville. Keicho Nijimura a tiré sur de nombreuses personnes avec sa Flèche durant les mois précédents à Diamond is Unbreakable, et Yoshihiro Kira a aussi créé plusieurs manieurs de Stands. Ainsi la ville a eu une grande population de manieurs de Stand malveillants. Josuke Higashikata a acquis son Stand du à ses liens du sang avec la famille Joestar. Finalement, plusieurs manieurs de Stand s'installent naturellement en ville, comme le font Tonio Trussardi et Aya Tsuji. Josuke et ses compagnons combattent régulièrement des manieurs de Stand malveillants, ce qui cause une légère mais régulière mesure de chaos à travers la ville.
Morioh a comme "fleur officielle" l'Adonis, et sa spécialité culinaire sont les langues de bœuf marinées au miso.[8]
Les habitants de Morioh sont un peu superstitieux sans être forcément religieux, croyant que leurs bonnes actions leur garantit une bonne vie. En effet, s'il échappen in extremis à une situation périlleuse, il aiment à dire "normal au fond, avec le bien que je fais tout le long de l'année...". Ceux qui passent la trentaine sereinement disent aussi aiment dire qu'il sont humble et mangent même la tête des sardines.[7]
L'adaptation anime ajoute à la ville une émission de radio nommée "Morioh-cho Radio" dont l'hôte, Kai Harada, donne des nouvelles de la ville, lit les messages des abonnées et diffuse de la musique.
Morioh est une banlieue et fait partie de l'agglomération urbaine de la ville S, avec une partie significative de la population qui sont des travailleurs cols blancs qui voyagent chaque jour en train de Morioh à la ville S pour travailler. Cependant, Morioh possède tout de même une bonne présence d'entreprises locales. Morioh possède des compagnies présentes dans n'importe quelle ville moyenne, comme des supermarchés (par exemple le supermarché Kameyu), une banque, des restaurants, un port industriel, une industrie de pêche (ont voit des pêcheurs notamment quand Yukako Yamagishi tombe du fameux Cap Boing-boing).[9] La ville possède plusieurs entreprises inhabituelles. Le restaurant de Tonio Trussardi et le salon de beauté d'Aya Tsuji reposent sur leurs capacité Stands et offrent des services très inhabituels.[10][11] Tamami Kobayashi, un local, utilise aussi son Stand The Lock pour opérer en tant qu'usurier, forçant les gens à lui rendre ses prêts grâce à son pouvoir.[12]
Chaque année, le 1er juillet en été, les rivières et plages de Morioh ouvrent au public. La saison touristique va de juillet à août, et c'est là que 70 à 80% des revenus de l'industrie du tourisme son engrangés. Le nombre de touristes de la ville S, de Tokyo et même de l'étrange qui viennent double la population de la ville.[13] Chaque année, la ville attire près de 200000 touristes. Les locaux ne se socialisent généralement pas très bien avec les touristes et les vendeurs locaux ont une attitude peu accueillante, insistant pour les visiteurs achètent leurs produits. Cependant, les habitants de Morioh se révèlent être des gens biens.[7]
Les activités populaires de Morioh incluent des centres de villégiature, le golf, le camping, la pêche, les pique-niques, le yachting, la planche à voile, la dégustation de fruits de mer locaux et de produits traditionnels japonais, et la visite du mystérieux palais sous-marin. Toutes ces attractions garantissent un bon moment à Morioh pendant l'été.[13]
La zone autour de Morioh était habitée depuis très longtempts, on retrouve de fait des traces de villages datant de la période Jomon (14,000–300 av. J.C.). Morioh a été habité par des samourais, avec la création de nombreux centres de formation aux combats et de villas pour samourais, certaines qui existent encore.[8] Dans les années 80, la ville se développe rapident et se transforme de zone rurale à petite ville développées avec en 1999 une bonne partie de la population appartenant à une classe moyenne de cols blancs, voyageant en train tous les jours à la ville S pour y travailler.
Quelques années auparavant, Morioh était une petite ville rurale où on ne pouvait trouver que des rizières ou des champs de légumes. La région était surtout agricole, et les habitants avaient des mains endurcies et craquelé par le travail de la terre. Ils avaient souvent besoin de vérifier l'eau des rizières au milieu de la nuit. Il existait une zone au nord-est célèbre pour une villa d'été.
Morioh eventually underwent a transformation in an age where places all over Japan were improving. M Prefecture's government officials decided to invest money into Morioh to develop it, as its population was quickly increasing with workers from the adjacent S City. The streets were repaired, shops and markets were built, and pretty houses were lined up on the land that used to be rice fields. Power lines and telephone poles that harmed the views disappeared or were abandoned (including one that would later be bound to the Stand Super Fly). With the development of the town, many people came back to live in Morioh, with Akari Hirai among them.
On August 13 1983, the story of Morioh takes a turn for the worse.[14] A young Yoshikage Kira commits his first murder, killing Reimi Sugimoto and her family. Kira will kill 48 women over 15 years, remaining unsuspected all this time due to leaving no evidence save for his first murder, as well as keeping a low profile. As of 1999, Morioh has 81 missing persons, 45 of which are children, which is seven to eight times greater than the average for similarly-sized cities in Japan.[8] At the start of the year, Keicho Nijimura and Okuyasu Nijimura arrive in town. They use the Bow and Arrow to create several Stand Users, leading to a spike in criminality.[14] Months earlier, Keicho has turned the criminal Anjuro Katagiri into a Stand User[15] and Anjuro moves to Morioh.
Warned about this criminal, Jotaro Kujo arrives in town and meets with Josuke Higashikata.[16] For a while, Josuke and Jotaro gather allies and proceed to protect the town from all the malevolent Stand Users created by Keicho. Keicho is killed, and the Arrow temporarily stolen by Akira Otoishi, who is eventually arrested. The heroes also retrieve his Arrow.[1]
However, on June 13, Koichi Hirose and Rohan Kishibe meet the Ghost of Reimi Sugimoto, who warns them about a serial-killer.[17] The search for Yoshikage Kira accelerates when he encounters Shigekiyo Yangu and leaves a clue about his identity when he is forced to fight the little boy. Although he is found out, Kira manages to steal someone's identity and face.[18] Yoshikage Kira's father, Yoshihiro Kira, uses his own Arrow to create another group of Stand Users, leading to a couple of fights. Meanwhile, Kira tries to live a normal life but the son of the Kawajiri Family, Hayato Kawajiri, manages to tip the heroes about Kira's identity. After a brutal fight, Kira is accidentally killed by an ambulance. His ghost is prevented from roaming free by Reimi and her dog Arnold, who make it so Kira's soul is taken away by the malicious spirits of Ghost Girl's Alley.[19]
With Morioh now rid of Kira and with a generation of benevolent Stand Users to protect it, Jotaro and Joseph Joestar leave Morioh, confident that it is in good hands.
An alternate version of Morioh appears in the novel JORGE JOESTAR. Morioh is situated in an alternate universe where things such as the general geography of Earth is different from the original universe. Unlike the original universe, Japan is actually on a supercontinent named Panlandia.[20]
Similar to the original manga, Morioh is also a small Japanese coastal town known for its local delicacies and tourist-friendly attractions. The town is mostly peaceful yet lively; it has no telephone lines and has room for cars and pedestrians. With most of the town being on top of a valley, the residential area overlooks the coastal docks which are lined with several souvenir shops, inns, and restaurants. This Morioh also has some of the landmarks of the original Morioh, like the Angelo Rock, Boyoyoying Cape or Budogaoka High School.
One of the town's famous buildings was a unique house named the Cube House, which had no doors or windows, formerly residing on top of Morioh's biggest hill in 2004. In 2007, a new structure called the Arrow Cross House suddenly appeared in place of the Cube House, and it is later bought by Rohan Kishibe 37 in 2012. Other than Rohan, Reimi Sugimoto is also a tenant in the Arrow Cross House. It is later revealed that Reimi, in the form of the Arrow Cross House and the Cube House, is the Stand of Penelope de la Rosa, a character from the original universe with George Joestar II, which manifested from her desperation to find George Joestar II in the 37th universe.[21][22]
Morioh's geography is altered drastically as a giant patch of land when it separates itself from Japan and the rest of Panlandia. The land begins to move on the ocean by itself, with an invisible dome-like barrier covering the town.[23] It is further altered when another giant piece of land, the walking Nero Nero Island, collides with Morioh and sits atop the town.
Later, Jorge Joestar, Kars, Narancia Ghirga 37, and Enrico Pucci 37, crash their spaceship from Mars on top of the Arrow Cross House, and the impact knocks the piece of land upside down. Morioh ends up being underwater, revealing the mythical land of England under it.[24] Although the town is submerged, people were still stuck to the ground with the dome protecting the town from the ocean.
Just like Morioh from the manga, this Morioh has a greater-than-average population of Stand Users, who are also aware of the existence of the serial-killer named Yoshikage Kira. This Kira has also changed his face and identity and is currently pursued by some detectives.
Morioh Landmarks & Places of Interest
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 2: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo
A famous landmark, it was created when enraged Josuke pummeled Anjuro Katagiri along with a rock at the same time, integrating them together during the healing process. Despite its scary and grim-looking appearance, it is surprisingly familiar with the townspeople and has gained popularity as a meeting point for lovers. To reach it, take the bus in Morioh and go towards the direction of Jōzenji road. Get off at the third stop and walk for one minute.[25] It's shown saying Agi (アギ) when Koichi interacts with it.[26]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 8: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1
Morioh Landmark #2: Boyoyoing Cape (ボヨヨン岬, Boyoyon Misaki).
A fisherman started the rumor when he saw Yukako falling from the cliff and Koichi using Echoes ACT2 to place a "bounce" sound on a spiked rock at the bottom. It was assumed to be a girl who was trying to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff and miraculously bounced back up. The local fishermen all pray for good luck to this particular rock, calling it a "sacred spot." Many also believe that there is a god of the sea at work. If one asks any local fisherman where it is, they'll gladly point it out.[27]
There is a house nearby that belongs to a businessman from Tokyo who uses this house as a summer home. Yukako Yamagishi uses it to hide and lock Koichi Hirose so that she has the time to make him love him.[28]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 10: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food
Morioh Landmark #3: Trussardi's Trattoria (イタリア料理「トラサルディー」, Itaria Ryōri 'Torasarudī').
It is a recently established Italian restaurant owned and managed by Tonio Trussardi. It is next to Kunimitōge Graveyard where Keicho is buried. As he is the only employee there, the restaurant only features two tables, each having around 2-3 chairs. Trussardi's is unique in that customers do not choose their meals. Instead of a menu, Tonio will simply look the customer down and determine their meal based on certain problems pertaining to the customer's health. From this, he is able to create certain foods, using his Stand, Pearl Jam, to appeal to each of the customer's problems. (EX: A simple dish of tomatoes and mozzarella cured Okuyasu of a stiff shoulder). The restaurant uses only the finest Italian ingredients in its meals.
To see what is being served here, see: Tonio Trussardi's Dishes.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 1: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 5: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3 (1st full appearance)
Morioh Landmark #4: Morioh Grand Hotel (杜王消防署, Moriō Gurando Hoteru).
It is a high-class hotel in which Jotaro Kujo and his grandfather Joseph Joestar reside during their time in Morioh. Jotaro stays in Room 324 while Joseph stays in Room 326.[29]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 14: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 1
Morioh Landmark #5: Rohan Kishibe's House.
The residence of famous manga artist, Rohan Kishibe, has a total area of 3.4 acres (340 m2). The house features a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, an attic, and seven other rooms. It was rebuilt due to a fire, with repair costs exceeding 700 million yen.[30] If someone tries to visit, Rohan will pretend to be out.[5]
The house is partially wrecked by a fire during the game of cee-lo between Rohan and Josuke.[31]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Morioh Landmark #6: Ghost Girl's Alley (少女の幽霊に会える小道, Shoujo no Yuurei ni Aeru Komichi, literally "The Alley Where You Can Meet a Ghost Girl").
It is a hidden road located between the Owson grocery and Kisara Drugs. The alley acts as a purgatory for Reimi Sugimoto and Arnold, being a gateway to the afterlife, and it is invisible to most ordinary people. Should a person ever wander down the alley and look behind them in the area between the mailbox and the entrance path, ghostly hands will emerge and drag the person immediately to the afterlife.[32]
Morioh Landmark #7: St. Gentlemen (サンジェルマン, Sanjeruman).
It is a classy bakery that is popular with the residents of Morioh. The bakery is most well-known for its fried katsu sandwiches, which are prepared with prime katsu, exquisite ingredients, and freshly-baked bread every day at 11 A.M. Due to their high popularity, the sandwiches are typically sold out within two hours.
The bakery was a favorite of serial killer Yoshikage Kira, who bought katsu sandwiches on a regular basis to enjoy with his "girlfriends."
Morioh Landmark #8: Futatsumori Tunnel (二ッ杜トンネル, Futatsu Mori-Tonneru, lit. Twin Forests Tunnel).
Completed in Kaei 5 (1852), the tunnel is used for vehicular road traffic coming from the north into South Morioh. On the front of the tunnel, the Morioh Logo is visible. It is located on the outskirts of Morioh, next to Trussardi's and the cemetery. One must pass the tunnel if they were traveling from Morioh High School to downtown Morioh. Josuke Higashikata passes through this tunnel when taking the bus going home from school. The tunnel is 450 m long.[33]
It was renovated in Showa 58 (1983) and has an approximate length of 450 meters. The tunnel's curvature has resulted in a lack of proper lighting and a plethora of accidents.[34] At some point in time, the tunnel had a secret side room only visible to Stand users. The room was created by a hospitalized Yuya Fungami's Stand, Highway Star, and was used to lure other Stand users so that he could drain them of their nutrients.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 5: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3 (Cameo)
Morioh Landmark #9: Man Living in a Tower.
Toyohiro Kanedaichi lives in an electric pylon. It is actually bound to Toyohiro's Stand, Super Fly. He claims to have bought the metal tower 3 years ago for $100,000 and has not left it since (although it is explained by the power of Super Fly imprisoning him inside. He also claims to not having touched the ground for a month when he meets Josuke Higashikata. He lives a life of complete self-sufficiency, but he is missing things such as salt and sweets. If given food and spices, he'll let people take pictures with him.[35]
Other Locations
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 1: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata
Morioh Station (杜王駅, Moriō-eki) is the only train station of Morioh. It is situated at the center of Morioh and connects the town to S-City. Joseph has heard that more than 5,000 commuter come through this station every day.[36] There is a small shopping arcade to the side of the station.
The anime indicates in a shot the adjacent stations to the trainline, which are West Morioh (西杜王, Nishi-Moriō) and Inner Morioh (奥杜王, Oku-Moriō)[37]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 8: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1 (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 12: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2 (1st full appearance)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 1: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata
Indicated on the map on the cover page of Chapter 303, Budogaoka High School (ぶどうヶ丘高校, Budōgaoka Kōkō) is the name of a high school (and middle school) that Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, their delegate (high school class 1-B), Toshikazu (high school class 3-C), Junko (high school class 3-E), Yukako, Shigechi (middle school second year), Mikitaka and Yuya, Hayato, and Kimura all attend.
The anime also states that while alive, Reimi attended the high school.
According to Okuyasu, the quality of the food served here is poor. He complains about the slices of meat being only 1 mm thick and about unidentifiable ingredients in the miso soup.[38]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 20: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella
The Cinderella (シンデレラ, Shinderera) stores motto is "Using Make-Up For Finding Love." The manager and chief beautician is Aya Tsuji, a Stand User who has the ability to switch out certain parts of one's physical appearance. Unlike other salons, the establishment is different in that it uses a technique called physiognomy, where, depending on the exact shape of one's face, their fortune changes accordingly; basically, by changing the customer's face, the fate of the customer is changed as well. To determine the finished product, the salon uses high-tech computer-generated images.
The salon is located two minutes from Morioh Station by walking. It is closed on Thursdays. It is unknown what happened to the salon after Aya's death.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 1: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata (Mentioned only)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 12: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2 (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (1st full appearance)
Kameyu (カメユー, Kameyū) is a nationwide department store Josuke and others often go to. It would seem they sell everything ranging from clothes, appliances, toys, etc. It was mentioned during the events of the Harvest arc when Josuke managed to trade in coupons from the store for a large amount of money, and he later stated he would use the money that he, Okuyasu, and Shigechi earned from a lottery to buy shoes from there. Josuke, Koichi, and his family, Joseph, Rohan, Shizuka, and Yukako visit the store.
Kira worked in the Market Regional Management of Morioh's district, beginning in 1993.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 13: We Picked Up Something Crazy! (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 20: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella (1st full appearance)
Café Deux Magots (カフェ・ドゥ・マゴ, Kafe du Mago) is a café in front of Morioh Station Square frequently visited by the protagonists. Its outdoor dining section is popular among Morioh's citizens and is notably convenient for holding meetings.[39] The name of Café Deux Magots is inspired by the famous Parisian café "Les Deux Magots" ("Magot" being a term for designating a type of figurine from the Far East).
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 1: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata
Josuke's House, situated at 1-6. It is a Western-style detached house. Tomoko, Josuke, and the late Ryohei Higashikata live here. It takes 15 minutes to walk there from the train station.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 2: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 3: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 1 (1st full appearance)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 6: Koichi Hirose (Echoes)
Koichi's house where he resides with his mother, father, Ayana, and their dog Police.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 25: Atom Heart Father
The Kawajiri Family's house. The rent is over 100,000 yen.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 1: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 6: Koichi Hirose (Echoes)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 5: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3
Kunimitoge Cemetery (国見峠霊園, Kunimitōge Reien) is where Keicho Nijimura is buried.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 13: We Picked Up Something Crazy!
Family Club (FAMILY CLUB) is a shop specializing in household goods such as diapers for the elderly and various baby equipment.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 6: Koichi Hirose (Echoes) (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 6: Koichi Hirose (Echoes) [[Morioh#{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 8: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 13: We Picked Up Something Crazy!
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 8: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1 (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 16: Let's Go Hunting! (1st full appearance)
The Agricultural Area (農業用水路, Nōgyō Yōsuiro) is where Akira Otoishi used the Bow and Arrow on two rats there. The land is used to grow different kinds of crops and is sparsely inhabited.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 18: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 13: We Picked Up Something Crazy! (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 19: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2 (1st full appearance)
The Budogaoka Bank (ぶどうヶ丘銀行, Budōgaoka Ginkō) is where Josuke, Okuyasu, and Shigechi went to in order to redeem the money from the winning Great Lottery ticket.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 21: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 22: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2
Mukade Shoe Store (靴のムカデ屋, Kutsu no Mukade-ya) is a shoe shop in the center of Morioh. The owner also does small tailor works. Kira is a frequent customer but eventually kills the owner to protect his identity. The owner's store, Mukade Shoe Store (靴のムカデ屋), is based on a real long-established Japanese footwear store in Sendai City.[40][41]
The Mukade Shoe Store is referenced in JoJolion Chapter 62, in which Josuke purchases shoes from a shoe store titled "Mukade."
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 27: I'm an Alien
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 7: Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface) (Cameo)
Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 27: I'm an Alien
Chapter 390: Highway Star, Part 7 (1st full appearance)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 29: Highway Star, Part 2
The Budogaoka General Hospital (ぶどうヶ丘総合病院, Budōgaoka Sōgō Byōin) is where Yuya Fungami is treated in room 525.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 26: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 33: July 15th (Thursday), Part 3 (Mentioned only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 34: July 15th (Thursday), Part 4
Satoru Nakae's Apartment. A small 2 room apartment where Yoshikage Kira kills Satoru and his girlfriend, Minako Okura.
In the canceled light novel The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, Kaoru and his mother move into this apartment a year later.
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 33: July 15th (Thursday), Part 3
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 37: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 1
One-shot & Novel Locations
The ghost of a mansion that is featured in Deadman's Questions. Its full address is 25-4 Katahira, Morioh District, S-City, and was supposedly the home of a now-deceased soldier. It became a ghost after its destruction by a bomber during World War II 50 years ago. The ghost mansion is hidden between two buildings and appears to be flattened. It is equipped with ghost furniture and other domestic objects that make it nearly perfect as a home for a Ghost. However, it is also the nest of Spirit Cleansers that prey on ghosts. There were supposedly 56 cases of suicides and mysterious death happening near it. The ghost of Yoshikage Kira is sent there to investigate those deaths and he narrowly escapes the house.
Anime Debut: Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 2: TSKR Episode 2
The place is haunted by Mutsukabezaka, a type of yokai.[42]
A reef inhabited by abalones and owned by the Higashikatas situated North of Boyoyoing Cape. Its place in the continuity is ambiguous.[43]
Anime Debut: Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 5: TSKR Episode 5
The town library, featured in The Book.
It is described as a western-style building situated just past the shopping district, in front of the trains station. Its walls made of red brick and covered in thorny rose vines, hence its nickname the "Thorn Building". It has a front gate made of black bars reminiscent of an ancient foreign castle, also wrapped in thorny vines. The first floor of the library has the collection; the second floor of the library houses the science, technology, and philosophy books; the third floor is where rare books and gifts to the library are kept. There are iron grating on all of the windows, except for one loose grating on a third-floor window. It has been remodeled during the Meiji Era. There is the persistent rumor of a book that calls to help being kept somewhere in the library.
Chiho Futaba often meets with Takuma Hasumi in the library as they are both interested in literature. The Thorn Building becomes a battlefield for the fight between Takuma Hasumi and Okuyasu Nijimura, then Josuke Higashikata.
Cube House has no windows, doors, or any visible entrance until it evolves into Arrow Cross House after Reimi is stabbed by the Arrow. Both Cube House and Arrow Cross House are able to exist simultaneously as long as the Arrow remains in Reimi. It is an important place that the characters use to travel through space and time.
For more information, see the main Cube House article.
A house purchased by Rohan Kishibe 37, where Reimi Sugimoto 37 also resides. It is situated atop the tallest hill near Morioh, overlooking the town.
The house is actually a Stand that evolved from Cube House. As its name suggests, the house is shaped like an Arrow Cross, with four arrows surrounding the north, south, east, and west walls of Cube House. If the Arrow is removed from Reimi, the house reverts back into being Cube House.
Arrow Cross House becomes the site of three murders. Jorge Joestar and later George Joestar II investigate the strange deaths that occurred here at separate points in time.
For more information, see the main Arrow Cross House article.
Cartes de Morioh
Video Games
All-Star Battle
Yoshikage Kira's residence (Kira Estate) and the street that serves as the location of the final battle (Morioh Town) are the two stages representing Part 4 in All Star Battle.
- Kira Estate (吉良邸, Kira-Tei)
- Stage Hazard: Yoshihiro Kira/Atom Heart Father attacks characters with a knife, traveling along a curving path.
- Situation Finish: Loser is thrown into a stack of books. One of them flips open revealing Yoshikage Kira's various nail clipping records and a message where he declares that he cannot be stopped in months in which his nails grow more than 30 cm.
- Morioh (杜王町, Moriō-cho)
- Stage Hazard: Lightning strikes the Pepsi sign as well as the puddles around the stage, damaging and stunning anyone hit as a result (Akira Otoishi is the only one who is immune. Instead his Power Gauge will be set to the first level.)
- Situation Finish: Loser finds themselves in Reimi's Alley before the hands of the dead drag them off into the unknown.
Eyes of Heaven
The location of the last battle reappears as a stage in Eyes of Heaven, with Café Deux Magots, grocery store Owson, and the Ghost Girl's Alley in the nearby area. A new stage, Boing-Boing Cape, is also available.
- Boyoyoing Cape (ボヨヨン岬, Boyoyon-misaki)
- Stage Gimmick 1: Anyone that falls off the cliff may be bounced back up due to the SFX created by Echoes ACT2, recreating Koichi's saving of Yukako.
- Stage Gimmick 2: Various "bouncing" SFX created by Echoes ACT2 can bounce players to various locations around the stage.
- Stage Gimmick 3: Various "sizzling" SFX created by Echoes ACT2 can harm and knockback characters who touch it, potentially into the "bouncing" SFX.
- Morioh (杜王町, Moriō-cho)
- Stage Gimmick 1: Players can ride and attack from Rohan's motorbike, allowing quick traversal of the map. The bike can also be picked up and thrown as an explosive, inflicting heavy damage and setting the target area on fire.
- Stage Gimmick 2: Café Deux Magots serves an espresso to players who stop by at the glowing table, restoring health.
- Situation Finish: The hands from Reimi's Alley grab the loser and drag them into the abyss.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor
Downtown Morioh appears as the default stage of the game.
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- The town is actually based on Hirohiko Araki's hometown, Sendai. He states that Sendai was an old historical town but began residential construction in the 80s, causing new houses to be built everywhere. Intimidated by the rapid increase in strangers, Araki used this experience for the basis of the setting in Part 4. However, Araki felt using the real name of the city in his manga may anger people, so he changed the name to Morioh.[45] Morioh is instead a town within S City in M Prefecture, still referencing the real-life city of Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture.
- Due to a Japanese-to-Chinese-to-English translation error in the first released online scans of Part 4, "Morioh" was incorrectly translated as Duwang; this name eventually becoming synonymous with and defining of the scanlation.
- In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, the 2016 anime adaptation of the part, Morioh is depicted with an unusual yellow sky.
- The Spanish town of Sitges was used as the shooting location for the movie adaptation of Part 4.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Chapter 315: We Picked Up Something Crazy!, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 266: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 1
- ↑ The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day
- ↑ The Book: 4th Another Day p. 10
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Chapter 324: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 7
- ↑ Chapter 388: Highway Star, Part 5, p.7
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Chapter 354: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1, p1
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedC274
- ↑ Chapter 302: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 9
- ↑ Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food (story arc)
- ↑ Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella (story arc)
- ↑ Chapter 289: Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface), Part 1
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Chapter 377: Yoshikage Kira's New Situation, Part 2
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 JoJo6251 Timeline
- ↑ Chapter 273: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 5, p.4
- ↑ Chapter 267: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 2
- ↑ Chapter 334: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 5
- ↑ Sheer Heart Attack (story arc)
- ↑ Chapter 438: Town Guardian Spirits
- ↑ JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 2: Nishi Akatsuki
- ↑ JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 4: Morioh
- ↑ JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
- ↑ JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 6: Island
- ↑ JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 13: Enemy
- ↑ Chapter 272: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 273: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 5
- ↑ Chapter 302: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 9
- ↑ Chapter 297: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 4
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Chapter 414: Cheap Trick, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 383: I'm an Alien, Part 6
- ↑ Chapter 383: I'm an Alien, Part 6
- ↑ Chapter 333: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 385: Highway Star, Part 2
- ↑ Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 28: Highway Star, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 403: Let's Live on a Transmission Tower, Part 6"
- ↑ Chapter 371: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 1
- ↑ Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 34: July 15th (Thursday), Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 343: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2
- ↑ Crazy Diamond - Vol.12 "Shueisha Jump Remix Diamond is Unbreakable Edition" P183 Morioh Guide
- ↑
- ↑ Star Platinum - Vol.1 "Shueisha Jump Remix Stardust Crusaders Edition" P152 The Secret of JOJO Characters
- ↑ Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe - Episode 2: Mutsu-kabe Hill
- ↑ Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe - Episode 6: Poaching Seashore
- ↑ Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 5: Millionaire Village
- ↑ Hirohiko Araki Lecture