Boyoyoing Cape
In a bid to make him fall in love with her, Yukako Yamagishi breaks into a vacant resort home and holds Koichi Hirose captive. Considered one of Morioh's landmarks, a climactic moment in their battle serves as the location's namesake.
Found just north of the Morioh Grand Hotel[1], Boyoyoing Cape is part of the coastal section of Morioh, populated with many resort homes. One such home, a two-story home closest to the point of a cape jutting over the Pacific Ocean, is where Yukako Yamagishi imprisons Koichi Hirose. According to Yukako, the home belongs to the head of a company located in Tokyo, who wouldn't be using the home until the summer, which is why she chose it[2]. In her efforts to make sure he doesn't escape, she implants strands of her hair into Koichi's scalp and cuts the phone lines to stop him from calling for help[3]. Additionally, she takes steps she believes work for the betterment of his education, including locking the bathroom behind a history question,[4] and even building an electric chair to use for study sessions[5]. During her battle against Koichi, her hair causes a large amount of damage to the home, breaking through the home's ceiling, foundation, and windows[6].
During the climactic moment of the battle, the edge of the cliff Yukako is standing on breaks, sending her plummeting down to certain death towards several spiked rocks. However, due to Koichi placing a "BOING" (ボョヨオン, Byoyon) sound effect on the spikes with Echoes ACT2 just before, she instead bounces back onto the cliff. Two fisherman witnessed the event, believing it to be a woman jumping to her death, and began retelling the story. Eventually, local fisherman began to consider the cape sacred, and pray to the rocks every morning to ensure their safety at sea. [7]
Approximately 48 meters away, just within Echoes ACT1's range, is a payphone which Koichi uses to contact Josuke[8]. According to Koichi, the resort home is about 15-20 minutes away from Josuke's home by car[9].
Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love
After being kidnapped by Yukako the night before, Koichi wakes up and analyzes his current situation, concluding that he should play along with Yukako's wishes until she lets her guard down, and then escape. As Yukako serves breakfast, she explains that in order to better him, he will study as he eats. For their first study session, Yukako covers three meals with boxes, and explains that Koichi will have to answer a question by choosing a box, with the incorrect boxes containing inedible items such as bars of soap and English dictionary-wrapped asparagus. While Koichi correctly guesses the first question, Yukako notices him guessing the second based on her expression, and punishes him by feeding him the contents of the two incorrect boxes. Finally decides to make a break for it, Yukako restrains him using hairs she implanted in his scalp, and reveals that the owner of the home won't be back until the summer, giving them months to work towards Koichi's improvement.

Koichi accidentally soils himself while trying to open a lock, and despite explicitly showing a great sense of shame and embarrassment, Yukako remains enthusiastic about his prospects. Koichi once again plots his escape, taking Yukako's words about ordering olive oil to mean there's a nearby phone booth, which he finds using Echoes. Despite not having any 10 yen coins, Koichi manages to call Josuke by having Echoes plant the noise of his number's dial tones on Yukako. The sound of ocean waves gives Josuke a vital clue to where Koichi is. Realizing Koichi also has a "special power", Yukako angrily storms back to the house
While Koichi pushes furniture against the front door, Yukako is initially forgiving, but once again becomes aggressive after Koichi shocks her and places an "I HATE YOU" sound effect on her. As she's finally able to open the front door, Echoes suddenly takes on a hardened, discolored state, and evolves into Echoes ACT2. Initially skeptical of it's power, Yukako is quickly blown away. As she notices Josuke and Okuyasu arriving at the cape, she becomes determined to get him in line and approaches the home one more, but burns her hand upon touching a "SIZZLE" sound effect. Enraged, she breaks through the resort home from all directions with her hair and binds him, but is once again sent flying as Koichi placed a "KABOOM" sound effect on himself.

Koichi walks towards the edge of the cape's cliff where Yukako has landed, noticing that her once-dark hair has turned white from their battle. Using ACT2, he hears her heartbeat and is relieved she is alive, but Yukako suddenly binds his Stand. Furious that he ruined her hair, she refuses to forgive him, and swears this time to kill him. In the midst of this, she fails to notice the edge of the cliff slowly cracking, until it breaks fully and sends her falling towards spiked rocks poking out of the ocean. However, when she hits the rocks, she instead gently bounces back up onto the clifftop - ACT2 had managed to place a "BOING" sound effect on the spikes. As Koichi reunites with his friends, Yukako realizes he saved her life, and accepts her utter defeat.
Two fishermen, a man named Masaji and his grandfather, witness the event believing it to be a woman who was jumping to her death. The cape eventually earns his name and becomes one of Morioh's landmarks, with local fishermen praying to it in the morning to ensure their safety at sea. If asked, nice fisherman will take people to the spikes on boat.
Chapters / Episodes

- Chapter 297: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 4
- Chapter 298: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 5
- Chapter 299: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 6
- Chapter 300: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 7
- Chapter 301: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 8
- Chapter 302: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 9
- Chapter 303: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 1 (Cover only)
- Chapter 321: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 4 (Cover only)

- Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 8: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1
- Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 9: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 2
- Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 31: July 15th (Thursday), Part 1 (Cameo)
Video Games
Boyoyoing Cape serves as a stage for the fighting games Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Eyes of Heaven (Various)

Boyoyoing Cape (ボヨヨン岬, Boyoyon Misaki): Morioh
- Stage Gimmick 1: Combatants that fall off the cliff are bounced across the stage to safety by Echoes ACT2's onomatopoeia, similarly to how Koichi saved Yukako.
- Stage Gimmick 2: Bouncing onomatopoeia created by Echoes ACT2 can bounce combatants to various locations around the stage.
- Stage Gimmick 3: Sizzling onomatopoeia created by Echoes ACT2 can damage and knock back combatants who touch it, potentially into other onomatopoeia. They will also attract Kira's Sheer Heart Attack if it strays too close.
All-Star Battle R (Various)
- The manga Cool Shock Old B.T. also features a famous location called Boyoyoing Cape. Within the first chapter, the character Koichi Mugikari is scammed into buying a rundown villa after being shown a more well-kept one from this cape.
- ↑ Chapter 303: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 1, p.2-3
- ↑ Chapter 297: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 4, p.17
- ↑ Chapter 298: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 5, p.8
- ↑ Chapter 297: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 4, p.19
- ↑ Chapter 298: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 5, p.5
- ↑ Chapter 301: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 8, p.11-16
- ↑ Chapter 302: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 9, p.19
- ↑ Chapter 298: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 5, p.10
- ↑ Chapter 298: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 5, p.19