Steel Ball Run
Steel Ball Run (スティール・ボール・ラン, Sutīru Bōru Ran) est la septième partie de la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, publiée d'abord dans le Weekly Shonen Jump en 2004 puis dans l'Ultra Jumpde 2005 à 2011.
L'histoire est située aux Etats-Unis en 1890. Johnny Joestar, un ex-jockey devenu paraplégique, fait la rencontre d'un certain Jayro Zeppeli, maître d'un mystérieux pouvoir nommé la Rotation. Lorsque les jambes de Johnny se contractent soudainement au contact de la rotation, Johnny devient déterminé à suivre Jayro alors que ce dernier participe au Steel Ball Run, une course à cheval épique dans laquelle les participants doivent traverser les Etats-Unis pour un prix de 50 millions de dollars.
Steel Ball Run débute une nouvelle continuité séparée des partie 1 à 6. Elle contient une nouvelle famille Joestar, de nouveaux personnages et Stands, même s'il y a de nombreuses références à la série originelle.
La Course Steel Ball Run
- Main article: SBR Chapter 1, Press Conference
Pendant ce temps, Steven Steel, le promoteur de ladite course, organise une conférence de presse pour présenter la Steel Ball Run au public : il s'agit d'une course à cheval qui se fera à travers les Etats-Unis avec un grand prix de 50 millions de dollars. Plusieurs milliers de cavaliers du monde entier se sont déjà inscrits pour participer à la course. Parmi eux se trouvent des favoris comme le célèbre cow-boy Mountain Tim, le cavalier mongol Dot Han ou encore le jockey Anglais Diego Brando. L'histoire se penche aussi sur certains participants inconnus du public le fils d'esclave émancipé Pocoloco ou Sandman.
C'est alors qu'un certain Jayro Zeppeli apparait pour s'inscrire dans la course. Lorsqu'un voleur essaie de lui voler l'argent pour l'inscription, Jayro le défie en duel et au lieu d'utiliser un pistolet, lance une Boule de Métal sur le bras du voleur, qui se retourne et tire dans la tête du voleur. Un des passants, qui est en chaise roulante, est intéressé par cette boule et la touche alors qu'elle tournoie encore dans le holster de Jayro. En la touchant, le passant se lève alors soudaienement et brièvement. Il s'appelle Johnny Joestar, un ancien jockey de génie devenu paraplégique après s'être attiré des ennuis.
Choqué par ce qui s'est passé, Johnny essaie de demander quel est le secret de ces boules métalliques mais Jayro refuse. Johnny jure d'apprendre le secret des Boules de Métal de Jayro. Il s'inscrit dans la course à l'improviste dans l'espoir de le suivre. Le jour du départ, Jayro est impressionné par la détermination de Johnny et lui donne un indice : l'important, c'est la Rotation même de la boule. C'est sur cette déclaration que la Steel Ball Run démarre.
La course débute
- Main article: SBR Chapter 5, First Stage: 15,000 Meters
La Steel Ball Run démarre. Tandis que Steven et d'autres VIP suivent la première étape de 15 kilomètres depuis un train, les cavaliers luttent pour la première place qui donnera des points pour gagner la course et d'autres bonus comme un bonus d'argent et de temps. En effet, explique Steel, la course est divisée en neuf étapes marqués par des villes précises durant lesquelles les gagnants vont récolter et accumuler des points pour qu'on calcule le grand gagnant à la fois. Grâce au pouvoir de la Rotation, Jayro parvient à battre certains des favoris comme Urmd Avdul et Diego. Cependant, il est rapidement rattrapé par Pocoloco qui possède une chance insolente, encouragé par son Stand Hey Ya!. De même, Sandman rattrape le groupe en tête juste à la force de ses jambes. Par accident, Jayro met Sandman en danger en faisant s'effriter une falaise que Sandman descendait. Au terme d'un sprint haletant entre Jayro, Sandman, Pocoloco, Diego et Johnny, Jayro parvient à prendre la première place en utilisant le vent arrière et sa cape comme voile.
Interlude: le passé de Steven Steel
- Main article: SBR Extra Chapter 1, (Bonus) How the Race Got Started
Le passé haut en couleur de Steven Steel est exploré. On révèle que la Steel Ball Run avait en fait été imaginée par une petite fille nommée Lucy Steel qui l'avait suggéré à Steven, alors sans-le-sou. Plus tard, des sponsors se montrèrent intéressés par l'idée de Steven, ce qui lui permit de financer l'évènement et de redevenir riche. Steven rechercha Lucy pour la remercier, et lorsqu'il la retrouva, elle avait grandi en une belle jeune fille qui ressemblait comme deux gouttes d'eau à la première fiancée de Steel. Emu, Steven Steel la demanda en mariage.
L'Ouest : Premiers combats
Une compétition sanglante
- Main article: SBR Chapter 12, Disqualified from Victory
Soudainement, les arbitres de la course donnent une pénalité à Jayro pour avoir mis en danger Sandman durant la première étape et il est relégué à la 21ème place. Après s'être vengé de manière puéril en arrosant les invités, Jayro revoit Johnny et décide de faire partenaire avec lui, ainsi que de lui enseigner les rudiments de la Rotation. Il donne à Johnny sa première leçon en lui révélant que c'est la Rotation elle-même qui est importante. Pendant ce temps, Steven et sa femme Lucy sont amenés à une scène de crime et apprennent que quelqu'un est en train d'assassiner la concurrence dans la course. On appelle alors le cow-boy Mountain Tim à l'aide car il est un chasseur de primes respectés. Tim remarque des empreintes de fer à cheval distinctifs et décide de suivre cette piste.
La seconde étape de la Steel Ball Run va bientôt commencer. Cette fois-ci les compétiteurs doivent traverser près de 1200 km de désert torride. Jayro et Johnny prennent un dangereux raccourci à travers le désert. En chemin, ils sont attaqués par Mrs. Robinson, un autre compétiteur qui utilise des cactus explosifs pour les harceler. Jayro le vainc rapidement. Pendant ce temps, il semble que Mountain Tim soit sur la même voie que Johnny et Jayro.
Plus tard, Johnny et Jayro se préparent à camper et Johnny commence à maitriser les rudiments de la Rotation. Cependant, ils sont encore attaquée par d'autres compétiteurs, la Famille Boomboom, composée d'André l'aîné, L.A. le cadet et Benjamin le père. La jambe de Jayro est magnétisée lorsqu'André parvient à mettre un peu de son sang sur Jayro et que le Stand collectif de la famille, Tomb of the Boom, déclenche son pouvoir. Après un bref combat, Jayro et Johnny doivent fuir mais sont aspergés du sang d'André. Ensuite, Benjamin se déguise en Johnny et attaque Mountain Tim pour faire croire que Johnny est le meurtrier et met aussi un peu de son sang sur le cow-boy. Mountain Tim dévoile son pouvoir Oh! Lonesome Me qui lui permet de se désassembler le corps le long de son lasso, mais Benjamin s'échappe. Tim se lance à la poursuite de Jayro et de Johnny, croyant qu'ils sont coupables, mais lorsque le magnétisme se déclenche, les trois s'attirent et menacent d'imploser. Le quiproquo est résolu entre les trois, mais la Famille Boomboom vient les attaquer. Heureusement, Johnny débloque un pouvoir inédit. Il fait tournoyer ses ongle et peut les tirer comme des balles. Il vainc Benjamin et L.A., tuant le premier et immobilisant pour de bon le deuxième. Mountain Tim explique alors que Johnny vient d'acquérir un Stand, un pouvoir qu'on acquiert lorsqu'on entre dans un lieux mystique nommé la Paume du Diable. Les héros repartent , mais L.A. révèle alors que quelqu'un a mis la tête de Jayro à prix.
Se sentant en danger sans savoir pourquoi, Johnny pousse Jayro à révéler son passé. Jayro vient du Royaume de Néapolis, un petit royaume dans la péninsule italienne. Il fait partie d'une lignée de médecins/bourreaux qui apprennent et utiliser la Rotation dans le cadre de leur travail. Pour sa première exécution, Jayro devait décapiter un petit garçon innocent nommé Marco qui avait été condamné car il était le servant d'un noble qui voulait trahir le roi. Jayro objecta à l'exécution et on lui proposa alors de participer à la Steel Ball Run. En effet, si jamais il gagnait la course, le Roi donnerait une amnistie générale pour célébrer l'occasion. C'est pour cela que Jayro veut gagner la course.
Alors que les trois arrivent dans un village à mi-chemin de la fin, ils sont attaqués par Oyecomova. Oyecomova est un terroriste spécialiste des bombes qui a une revanche à prendre contre le royaume de Néapolis. Avec sa capacité à créer des petites bombes à retardement qu'il peut attacher sur n'importe quelle surface, Oyecomova met facilement Mountain Tim hors-combat. Oyecomova part pour récupérer un colis spécial du royaume de Néapolis pour aider Jayro, poursuivi par les deux protagonistes. Johnny et Jayro combinent leurs pouvoirs pour vaincre Oyecomova et récupèrent le Cheval Zombie, un artefact utilisé pour suturer les blessures les plus graves.
Interlude: le passé de Jayro Zeppeli
Les circonstances exactes qui ont mené Jayro Zeppeli a vouloir sauver Marco sont expliquées. Après qu'un prisonnier ait essayé d'attaquer des gardes et que Jayro soit forcé de le neutraliser, Jayro a perdu un col important qui marquait son statut de bourreau. C'était en fait Marco qui l'avait récupéré et recousu par pur bonne volonté malgré la colère des autres bourreaux. Jayro vit que Marco ne méritait pas sa sentence et voulu le sauver à tout prix, d'où sa participation à la Steel Ball Run.
Dans le présent, Jayro et Johnny récupèrent le Cheval Zombie, et Jayro se recoud la jambe qui avait été gravement blessée dans une explosion contre Oyecomova.
Le véritable but de la SBR
- Main article: Tusk (story arc)
Johnny et Jayro sont attaqués par un certain Fritz von Stroheim qui est rapidement vaincu. Johnny est alors consterné par la fréquence de ces attaques car même le prix ne justifie pas cette violence. Soudainement, Johnny voit un bras momifié qui est fusionné à son bras gauche. Pendant ce temps, Steven Steel parle au Président des Etats-Unis, Funny Valentine. Valentine est en possession de la carte de Joseph d'Arimathie et planifie de collecter une relique connues sous le nom de Corps Saint.
Alors qu'ils atteignent Monument Valley, le duo est attaqué par le Pork Pie Hat Kid, l'un des Subordonnés de Valentine. Ce dernier capture directement Jayro et isole Johnny, qui est à découvert sur la plaine. Le Stand de Johnny apparait pour aider son manieur s'échapper des crochets du Wired du Pork Pie Hat Kid. De plus, il murmure les mots "Movere Crus" à Johnny avant de disparaître. Johnny comprend alors que la Steel Ball Run a pour but de rassembler des morceaux de corps comme le bras qui est en sa possession. Au terme d'un long combat, Johnny parvient à atteindre Jayro et le Pork Pie Hat Kid. Jayro déjoue une dernière tentative de l'ennemi de s'emparer des morceaux du Corps. Ayant vu comme le Bras Gauche et Tusk ont affecté ses jambes, Johnny décide de pourchasser le Corps Saint et convainc Jayro de l'aider.
Pendant le dernier sprint de la seconde étape entre les favoris, Johnny découvre où serait caché le prochain morceau du Corps. Il distrait d'ailleurs Jayro, ce qui permet à Diego Brando de prendre la première place, avec Johnny en deuxième place, Sandman à la troisième place et Jayro finit quatrième. Jayro est en colère mais la course continue tout de même. La troisième étape commence : 510 km à travers les montagnes Rocheuses. Pendant ce temps, Lucy Steel découvre le plan de Funny Valentine et le Coeur du Corps Saint qui est en sa possession.
Johnny et Jayro rencontre Diego Brando au milieu des montagnes. Après avoir tombé de cheval, Diego commence à agir de façon louche. Lorsque la nuit tombe, les trois trouvent un village et décident de dormir là. Bientôt, Diego se transforme en dinosaure pour une raison inconnue et les attaque. Pire, tout le village a été transformé en dinosaure aussi. On apprend le passé de Diego : abandonné par son père, Diego et sa mère étaient maltraités par leurs pairs, et sa mère sacrifia sa santé pour lui. Diego devint un homme très ambitieux et misanthrope par conséquent, et son talent le permit de devenir un jockey célèbre voulant se couvrir d'encore plus de gloire dans la Steel Ball Run. Dans le présent, Jayro est infecté et se transforme en dinosaure et Diego parvient à s'emparer des Yeux du Corps Saint alors que Johnny était sur le point de les obtenir. Johnny confronte Dr. Ferdinand, le véritable ennemi et maître des dinosaures. En se laissant transformer, Johnny parvient à lancer un Oeil vers Jayro, qui est guéri de la transformation et acquiert un pouvoir spécial nommé Scan. Jayro vainc Ferdinand qui se fait dévorer par des cougars qu'il avait transformé en dinosaure. Diego s'échappe avec l'Oeil Gauche et garde le pouvoir de dinosaure Scary Monsters.
Interlude: le passé du Pdt Funny Valentine
- Main article: SBR Extra Chapter 2, (Bonus) The Story of F. Valentine
A flashback reveals some of Funny Valentine's past. After surviving a trip into the desert, Valentine became a politician and discovered Joseph of Arimathea's map. It indicated the whereabouts of the nine Corpse parts: the Torso, the Heart, the Left Arm, the Right Arm, the Spine, both Eyes, both Ears, both Legs and the Head. Becoming President of the United States, he sponsored Steven Steel's race to secretly seize every Corpse Part.
Le Midwest: Lutte pour le Corps Saint
- Main article: SBR Chapter 32, Third Stage: Canon City
During the final dash, of the third stage, Gyro chooses challenge Diego again. Johnny having known Gyro for a certain amount of time, declares that Gyro lacks a proper drive for the race and will lose there. Gyro angrily rebukes Johnny, but despite his best efforts, Diego stays ahead. However, another racer, Hot Pants, has already crossed the line. Defeated, Gyro admits that he does lack the drive to win.
At 650 km from Kansas City, Gyro and Johnny meet Hot Pants in a forest. They briefly fight over an allegedly stolen cow; Hot Pants revealing his "flesh spray" Cream Starter and Gyro managing to scan Hot Pants' back, sees the word “Turbo” on his spine, thus leading Gyro and Johnny to locate the next Corpse's part in Kansas City. Johnny defuses the situation and the three eventually have a truce against a gunslinger named Ringo Roadagain who claims that they won't escape the forest without killing him. The trio confronts Ringo who reveals his Stand Mandom, which rewinds time by six seconds when he winds up his wristwatch. A shootout ensues in which Johnny and Hot Pants are apparently fatally shot, leaving only Gyro alive. Ringo takes Johnny inside and spares the Napolitan but Gyro realizes that Johnny's wound isn't fatal.
Ringo Roadagain's story is revealed: he was once the sick youngest of an impoverished family. One night, his mother and sister were killed by a bandit and he saved himself by shooting the bandit. Ringo then became a gunslinger seeking challenges to "purify" himself. Finally, Funny Valentine employed him to retrieve the Corpse part from Johnny. Chasing away the last doubts within him, Gyro challenges Ringo again and uses Mandom to his advantage by going through a first loop then leads Ringo into a falling splinter of the roof that impales Roadagain. Acknowledging his defeat and Gyro's growth, Ringo honors him and is finished off. After his duel, Gyro heals Johnny and Hot Pants. Johnny discovers that Ringo has sent a message to Valentine and also that Hot Pants is a woman, choosing to keep it secret. Near Kansas City, the duo crosses path with Pocoloco and Sandman. They exchange information, making Johnny realizes that Diego has found the location of the next Corpse Part.
Lucy Steel entre en jeu
Meanwhile, witnessing Ringo's pigeon arriving on the roof, Lucy infiltrates a governmental building and steals the message it carries. Almost surprised by Valentine and his henchman Blackmore, Lucy has no choice but to call Mountain Tim for help and they both escape incognito. Lucy then goes to retrieve the Spine at a local landmark known as the Green Tomb. However, Blackmore discovers Tim's involvement and kills him with his rain-controlling Catch the Rainbow. He then discovers that Lucy was the culprit and rushes toward her location as she uncovers the Spine. As Diego, Johnny and Gyro ride toward the Green Tomb, Lucy is discovered by Blackmore. He takes the Spine from Lucy but is distracted by Jesus-Christ; he is shot by Lucy who escapes with the Corpse Part. Exalted by the miracles around him, Blackmore seals his fatal wounds with raindrops and pursues Lucy. Meanwhile, Gyro and Johnny are unable to get ahead of Diego. In the tempest, they struggle to find the optimal path while Diego's enhanced senses help him. Nonetheless, Gyro's growth expresses itself when he manages to catch up to Diego. After a brief fight, Silver Bullet hurts its leg, throwing Diego out of the race.
The duo then meets Lucy and Blackmore almost at the same time and a fight ensues. Catch the Rainbow immobilizes Johnny and Gyro, but the latter manages to throw a Steel Ball on Blackmore by evaporating some raindrops. Blackmore dies from his wounds, and the Spine enters Johnny's body as the weather calms itself, and the next Corpse part's location reveals itself to the duo.
Johnny and Gyro reach the finish line in Kansas City. Earlier, Johnny, Gyro, and Lucy have seen the locations of the Ears, the Right Arm, and the Legs. The duo has also Lucy to steal the President's Heart, Gyro lending his Right Eye to enable this. In the present, Diego meets with Valentine's henchman. After Diego reveals that he knows about the traitor within Valentine's entourage, Valentine reluctantly cooperates with the British jockey.
Le Rectangle d'Or
Near the Mississippi, Gyro and Johnny are attacked by a combination of Diego's dinosaurs and a strange power which produces effects like cutting or burning whoever touched an affected object. The duo has to flee to the river. Johnny reminisces his sad youth, notably how he blames himself for his brother Nicholas' death and how poorly his father treated him. Considering that the universe is making him pay for his assumed unwitting murder, Johnny loses hope as his Stand proves ineffectual.
An angry Gyro reminds him that Johnny isn't close to master the Spin and introduces the Golden Rectangle, a ubiquitous proportion which is used to form a perfect and infinite rotation. However, Gyro refuses to say more. Sandman reveals himself as the enemy and inexorably corners the duo, even slicing Gyro's legs. On the brink of despair, Johnny realizes that the Golden Rectangle is present in the environment and upgrades Tusk to ACT2. An even shootout ensues, but Johnny surprises Sandman with a bullet made from Gyro's belt and kills the Indian. Suddenly, Hot Pants appears and knocks him out. She steals all the Corpse Parts save a fraction of the Spine.
Chapitre Bonus
The bonus chapter is an explanation of Stands and their rules. Some of the properties of Stands, such as their possible appearances and the rules they are subjected to are explained.
Lastly, Araki explains that items and techniques such as the Stone Mask, the Ripple, or the Spin were tools who emulate the power of the Stands.
Le Centre-Nord : Accepter la défaite
- Main article: The Land of Promises: Sugar Mountain (story arc)
At the beginning of the 6th stage, Gyro notices that 11 horses are nearing them with unnatural synchronization. They also meet Sugar Mountain, a young girl residing inside a giant tree who submits the duo to a trial of honesty. Gyro manages to obtain the Ears and the Right Arm plus various precious goods. However, Sugar Mountain warns the horse racers that they have to spend or exchange fairly everything they have before the sun sets lest they are absorbed into the tree. Gyro and Johnny decide to head to the city but find it difficult to spend their fortune. The Eleven Men attack them in a casino and almost kill them, but Gyro pays the local thugs to become their bodyguards, killing all but one man. However, Gyro is still turning into a tree and Johnny reluctantly trades his Corpse Parts with the last assassin. Sugar Mountain nonetheless salutes their resolve.
Near the Michigan Lake, Diego meets with Mike O., head of Valentine's security staff. Diego reveals that the traitor is most likely a woman, causing the questioning of every woman associated with the Steel Ball Run race. Lucy sees that the search is closing in on her and takes the initiative by approaching the First Lady Scarlet Valentine. With soporifics given by Hot Pants, Lucy manages to approach Valentine while he's asleep but the heist goes wrong when Scarlet discovers Lucy. Hot Pants come to the rescue but a short fight ensues against Mike O. who is killed. However, Lucy is forced to disguise as Scarlet while Hot Pants departs with the Ears and Heart, leaving the Right Arm which was too big for her escape.
Johnny and Gyro have reached a frozen straits which they must pass, but unbeknownst to them their are observed by two enemies. Wekapipo's past is explored: once a member of the royal guard of Naples, Wekapipo broke his sister's marriage on the premise that she was beaten blind. Furious, the husband forced him into exile; having heard of his sister's death, Wekapipo enters Valentine's service.
Johnny and Gyro try to cross the frozen strait, a wolf following them for unknown reasons. In the middle of the strait, they are attacked by Wekapipo and Magent Magent whose Wrecking Ball and 20th Century Boy can make their victim not perceive anything to their left and make Magent invincible while kneeling respectively. Gyro takes out Magent Magent but Wekapipo isolates the duo from the Golden Rectangle by destroying all possible inspirations including Gyro's hand and manages to uncover the Legs from the wolf. At a climactic exchange, Gyro uses snowflakes to recreate the Golden Spin and beats Wekapipo. However, he also reveals that Wekapipo's sister is being taken care of by the Zeppeli Family and enlists him to search for Lucy.
A supplementary chapter first describes Johnny and Gyro's daily routine in the Steel Ball Run. It transitions into the last dash of the 6th stage, in which Johnny and Gyro are racing against Pocoloco. Hey Ya! guides him out of the way of a rift, but Gyro and Johnny cooperate to cross it directly with a makeshift steel rope made from a ball, effectively beating Pocoloco's luck. Gyro finishes at the 1st place and Johnny at the 2nd place.
Meanwhile, Magent Magent crawls back to civilization.
Le Nord-Est: La chasse se conclue
Valentine Prend Tout
- Main article: Civil War (story arc)
A flashback details the discovery of "Lucy Steel" 's body from the Fox River. A distraught Steven Steel is convinced that the woman before her isn't Lucy.
145 km West of Philadelphia, Gyro and Johnny are lured by Hot Pants to a local garbage dump inside a building. Gyro and Johnny are attacked simultaneously by various objects they have left behind throughout their lives, who fuse with them and covering them both with a membrane. Hot Pants is then completely covered in the membrane and disappears. A flashback exposes Hot Pants' past: she is a nun who covets the Corpse to absolve herself after she abandoned her brother to a bear.
Johnny is warned to purify himself with water to dissolve the membrane and manages to escape. Suddenly, Johnny witnesses Jesus telling "not to shoot if he doubts, then a new path will open to him". When Johnny goes back into the garbage dump, Axl RO, an agent of Valentine, uses his Civil War to materialize objects of guilt including the specters of people. Johnny is attacked by his father and brother and the situation gets worse when he shoots Ax RO as the attack transfers' Axl RO's own objects of guilt to him. Nonetheless, he suddenly understands Jesus' hint and shoots himself. Gaining the ability to travel into the wormhole created by the spinning nails, Johnny gains the upper hand and grabs the Corpse from afar. He thus forces Axl RO to stab him and is then absolved of his sins. Suddenly, Axl RO is shot in the chest and Funny Valentine reveals himself. The President seizes the nearly all the Corpse Parts and departs before Johnny can attack.
Réassemblage du Corps Saint
- Main article: Both Sides Now (story arc)
Gyro and Johnny enter Philadelphia. Seeing that Diego Brando is at the 1st place, they decide to confront him and steal the Left Eye from him. At the same time elsewhere, Steven Steel ruminates in his coach. Comparing recent photos, he discovers that somehow Scarlet Valentine is Lucy in disguise. However, Magent Magent appears and shoots Steven because he's no longer useful to Valentine. Soon after, Wekapipo intervenes to protect Steven. The fight ends as Wekapipo imprisons Magent at the bottom of a river by using the Spin.
A flashback details the past of Lucy Pendleton: she was once the eldest daughter of a farmer indebted with the mafia. However, Steven bluffed the mafia who wanted Lucy as a prostitute by telling them he took her virginity and married Lucy to trick them. Grateful, Lucy became loyal to Steven.
In the Independence Hall, Valentines makes a lengthy motive rant to his "wife", who has let the Right Eye slip on the ground and has tried to distract the President. Aroused, Valentine tries to rape his wife's impersonator but when Lucy reveals herself, Valentine is stunned and is stabbed in the throat. Agonizing, Valentine suddenly disappears when a chair falls over him and reappears unharmed. Lucy tries to hide from Valentine in the next room and accidentally finds the Corpse which fuses with her. When Valentine breaks into the room, he realizes Lucy is the host for the Head.
Interlude: la blague de Jayro
- Main article: SBR Chapter 63, Seven Days in a Week
Gyro tells Johnny a joke, reciting the days of the week while acting progressively crazier, at Sunday, he regains his calm. Johnny notes the jokes and comments that it's really good.
- Main article: Chocolate Disco (story arc)
A series of flashback finally reveal that Valentine's Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap or D4C, can make parallel universes coexist in the same plane, explaining everyone's confusion during the last minutes. Valentine attacks Diego and Wekapipo and traps Diego in an alternate dimension through a flag. He steals the Left Eye and disappears but Diego then sacrifices Wekepipo to escape to the base world. Confident that the Corpse Parts are only found in his world, Diego continues his pursuit.
In the Independence Hall, a heavily pregnant Lucy is contacted by a mysterious voice compelling her to get away. Due to a series of coincidences, her guards are all incapacitated or killed, allowing Lucy to escape with a wounded Steven. Meanwhile, Gyro asks Johnny to abandon the chase for the Corpse Parts, considering that they've lost. However, Johnny stands up briefly, showing the evolution of his legs, and reaffirms his will to get hold of the Corpse. Gyro accepts to help him and reveals the last level of the Spin, which can be used only by the most skilled horse riders, harnessing a power which can beat Valentine. Unable to locate the Corpse Parts, they resolve to chase Lucy's trail instead. For her part, Lucy has been guided to the river by the voice but realizes that Valentine had lured her to his ship.
La côte Est : le pouvoir du Corps Saint
Valentine béni
- Main article: D4C (story arc), Part 2
Finally, Gyro and Johnny catch up to the locomotive but Valentine has made it impossible to stop the train. Moreover, Valentine is invincible as "harm" itself is being redirected to random places in the world. Gyro throws a Steel Ball, to seemingly no effect. The duo can only stop Valentine's wagon and retreat temporarily. It is then that Gyro exposes some hair attached to the Ball he's thrown. If they harness the rotational energy of their horses when they run according to the Golden Scale, Gyro and Johnny will reach Valentine. Both charge the wagon. The President defeats Johnny first and forces Gyro to waste a Steel Ball to save his partner. Fortunately, Steven Steel transports Lucy out of the wagon and entrusts her to Gyro, forcing Valentine to pursue them toward the Atlantic Ocean. Meanwhile, Johnny sees Valentine's ear stuck on the Steel Ball, and realizes that Valentine didn't notice his wound. Near the water, a wind gust does make Valentine realizes that he's missing his ear, and as Gyro rushes toward him, the President finally grasps the danger the Spin.
Le pouvoir phénoménal de la rotation
- Main article: Ball Breaker (story arc)
Tusk ACT4 forces its way into the dimensional gap then pummels D4C with enough force to form a crater on the ground at the bottom of which Valentine escapes. The President soon discovers that the Golden Spin is following him no matter which dimension he flees to and despairs.
A flashback details a young Funny's meeting with his future father-in-law Captain Valentine and his lesson about patriotism. Given resolve by this memory, Valentine recomposes himself. The President reappears in the base world but admits his loss and proposes Johnny to bring back Gyro Zeppeli. The Holy Corpse begins to extract itself from Lucy. Meanwhile, Valentine continues his parley, countering each of Johnny's arguments. At the end, the jockey is nearly convinced.
Johnny nonetheless throws the gun Valentine emptied earlier back at him, daring him to pick it up as a test. Valentine's plans are foiled. A final shootout ensues between the jockey and the President, which Johnny wins. Johnny witnesses a final apparition of Gyro's ghost and says his farewell. He then puts a final nail bullet in Valentine's head, killing him. Valentine's body is dragged underground by the Spin, and all traces of him disappears.
New York : un dernier adversaire
- Main article: High Voltage (story arc)
After healing everyone, Johnny realizes that the Corpse has been stolen by a last unknown enemy, identified as at least a Steel Ball Run contestant. Johnny pursues his final foe. Johnny catches up to the mysterious culprit, and confronts Diego Brando, alive and well, now wielding a time-stopping Stand called THE WORLD. Valentine has convinced an alternate version to fulfill his goal in his place.
Both racers realize what the other is capable of and aim to devise a plan which will counter the other's power. As he begins the final stage Johnny meets with his father George, and they silently reconcile. The advantage switches between Diego and Johnny until Johnny joins the rest of the racers on the Brooklyn Bridge for one final attack. Both perform their plans but although The World's leg is hit by the rotation, the Stand cuts it and throws it at Johnny who's now imbued with the Golden Spin. Incapacitated, Johnny is powerless as Diego wins the Steel Ball Run and head to the safe in which the Holy Corpse will be put.
- Main article: SBR Chapter 95, Stars and Stripes - Outro
In the shelter Diego meets with Lucy, who kills Diego by fusing his head with the original's head.
At the same time, Steven rescues Johnny by taking him on his horse, so that Johnny can shoot himself.
After a brief narration of the after effects of the race, Johnny embarks on a boat to give Gyro's corpse back to his family, in which he meets his future wife Rina Higashikata. We last see Johnny giving one last prayer, and smiles as he goes to Europe to bury his friend.
Personnages et Stands
Combats majeurs
Endroits Visités
Steel Ball Run est situé dans le 19ème siècle aux Etats-Unis. Les personnages suivent la route du Steel Ball Run, partant de San Diego à New York, visitant les déserts de l'Arizona, les Montagnes Rocheuses, les Grandes Plaines et les paysages verglacés du Nord.
A total of 3,652 participants gather on the beach for the Steel Ball Run, the first transcontinental horse race in human history, covering a distance of approximately 6,000 kilometers. |
Other Maps
- In order to research the American landscape, Araki knew he couldn't cross the United States in one journey and thus split his research trips into three. The first went from the West Coast to the deserts, the second was made from the Great Plains to the Mississippi River and Chicago and the third to the finish line in New York. The trips were mostly done by car. In there, Araki was struck by the openness of the landscape and sensed that he "could never make an escape from an adversary" and that there was nowhere to hide. The emptiness of the landscape also inspired in him an impression of emptiness and lifelessness. Although Araki asked himself if there was any fun in living there at all, he also says that the atmosphere felt rich for suspense. Araki was able to put his experience to use when he drew the manga.[1]
- During its initial serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump, Steel Ball Run was categorized as a different series without the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure title. The change was a request from the editorial department in an attempt to attract reader attention by introducing a "new series."[2] This was undone when the series moved to Ultra Jump in 2005, specifically in the May 2005 issue where the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure name was re-added to the title and the chapter numbering was reset.
- ↑ Hirohiko Araki's Manga Technique, p.161
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 JOJOVELLER: [HISTORY] - P 153 - 154
- ↑ SBR Volume 1: Author's Note