Типы Стендов
Это список различных типов Стендов из вселенной JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Типы Способностей
Ближней Дистанции ・ Дальней Дистанции ・ Автоматические ・ Неограниченного Диапазона
Материализованные ・ Психологического Воздействия ・ Предвидящие ・ Разведывательные
Типы Форм
Естественно-Гуманоидные ・ Искусственно-Гуманоидные ・ Естественно-Негуманоидные ・ Искусственно-Негуманоидные ・ Феномены
Предполагаемые Типы
Колонии ・ Эволюционирующие ・ Разумные ・ Коллективные
Типы Способностей
Стенды в первую очередь определяются типом силы, которой они обладают. В бою для пользователя Стенда очень важно знать тип способности Стенда, поскольку он раскрывает их слабые стороны.
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Стенды Ближней Дистанции
Эти стенды известны тем, что могут наносить мощные и/или быстрые физические атаки своим телом. Как правило, разрушительная сила и скорость Стенда ближней дистанции находятся где-то между A-C. Они также способны совершать движения, требующие высокой степени точности, поскольку их пользователь напрямую управляет ими. Как недостаток, эти Стенды должны находиться в непосредственной близости от своих пользователей, хотя их собственные возможности могут иметь больший диапазон. Эти стенды обычно подчиняются воле своих пользователей.
Пользователь Стенда ближнего боя обычно предпочитает напрямую противостоять своим противникам, позволяя сиять превосходящей мощи своего Стенда, а также избегая их короткой досягаемости. Однако большинство из них почти бессильны против противника, который либо вне досягаемости, либо скрыт.
То, что Стенд ближней дистанции, не обязательно означает, что его способность имеет ближний радиус действия. Некоторые стенды не могут уйти далеко от своего пользователя, но обладают способностью, которая влияет на большую зону вокруг них.
Стенды Дальней Дистанции
Также известен как Стенд удалённого управления,[1] эти стенды имеют радиус выше среднего. Некоторые Стенды Дальней дистанции могут удаляться на километры от своих пользователей, поэтому они обычно имеют характеристику A или B. Более того, пользователь может управлять их движениями с хорошей точностью. С другой стороны, оставшаяся связь между пользователем и Стендом означает, что повреждение Стенда приведёт к повреждению и пользователя, и большинство этих стендов не подходят для битвы с другими типами Стендов.
Пользователи дистанционных Стендов обычно используют свою большую дальность и точность, чтобы устраивать благоприятные засады и убивать/ранить врага, прежде чем они смогут нанести ответный удар. Пользователь может оказаться уязвимым, если его Стенд будет далеко от него.
Стенд, являющийся Стендом Дальней дистанции, не означает, что его способность автоматически имеет большой диапазон. Некоторые стенды могут летать далеко от своих пользователей, но всё же воздействуют своими способностями только на что-то близкое.
Автоматические Стенды
Automatic Stands are all Stands who do not follow their Users' command, but rather, act automatically through preset instructions. Most Automatic Stands are, in a way, separated from their Users, and thus harming the Stand will leave the user unscathed and sometimes unaware of their Stand's status. However, there are several sub-types of automatic Stands.
Far-Distance Autopilot Type (遠隔自動操縦型, Enkaku Jidō Sōjū-gata) Stands can travel long distances from their Users without losing power. In addition to their respective abilities, they will have noteworthy physical abilities, such as great resilience. However, most Far-Distance Autopilot Stands follow simple instructions centered around a single datum, like temperature and cannot adapt to the situation nor make precise moves.[2]
Posthumous Stands[3] (死んでるスタンド, Shinderu Sutando) are capable of existing long after their User's death, enabling them to act on their own free will. Due to their nature, Posthumous Stands are automatic-based and as such, range or damage to their user is irrelevant.
Other Stands may simply demonstrate automatic abilities, the user needing minimal input. A Stand's ability may be linked to a condition unrelated to the User's will, making it semi-automatic. They could be sentient and act on their own without following their User's orders. In this case, the user may be unable to control it and possibly become a victim of their own Stand's power.
Стенды Неограниченного Диапазона
There are a few Stands where the range has very little to do with how they function. This is applicable to those who lack standalone forms and are typically assimilated into their User's bodies; these Stands are referred to as Integrated Types ( 一体化型 Ittaika-gata ).
The Range Irrelevant category also encompasses Stands with abilities that can influence time where range doesn't exist.[4]
Материализованные Стенды
Materialized Type Stands,[5] commonly referred to in the western fandom as "Bound Stands", are those that attach themselves to material objects, such as vehicles or weapons, and essentially become said objects. As a result, ordinary humans are more likely to see them in effect, as the object they are integrated with will showcase supernatural properties. A Materialized Stand is usually featureless but occasionally possesses its own appearance. Moreover, as a rule of thumb, the greater the object the Stand is linked to, the more powerful the Stand is. Unlike Artificial Non-Humanoid Stands, some Users can modify the shape of the bound object (some users may have the ability to change what object their stand is bound to, most notably Wheel of Fortune).
Materialized Stands can be easily mistaken for ordinary objects, allowing their Users to catch their enemies off guard. However, destroying the object will often disable the Stand and leave the user defenseless, if not wounded.
Стенды Психологического Воздействия
This category encompasses Stands whose abilities specialize in attacking either psychologically or spiritually, meaning their primary focus is assaulting the mind of the User's enemies, be it in their thoughts or dreams. The nature of these Stand abilities can be described as the exact opposite of Close-Range power types as they do not require physically attacking to be effective.[5]
Psychological Assault Type Stand abilities will sometimes require certain conditions to be met, but for the most part they are next to impossible to defend against. Stand Users that are able to apply proper tactics that complement these abilities are said to be invincible.[5] JoJo 6251 lists Death Thirteen, Atum and Tenore Sax as examples of this type of Stand.
Предвидящие Стенды
These Stands have the ability to foresee the future and as such are particularly useful for avoiding incoming danger or directing their user to the best course of action. Stands of this nature tend to be very powerful when utilized with other Stands,[5] however due to the nature of Fate in the JoJo series, a certain amount of strategic planning is required for the user to maximize its benefits. JoJo 6251 lists Tohth as an example.
Разведывательные Стенды
More literally referred to as "Search and Investigate" types, these Stands have abilities that allow the user to gather information on their surroundings.[5] They can be used as scouts or to directly seek out a specific target. They are generally not as powerful as other Stands and have limited utility in the thick of battle. JoJo 6251 cites Hermit Purple and Hierophant Green as examples.
Типы Форм
Stands can also be divided by appearance into five great trends. They can be either Natural or Artificial, in addition to being Humanoid or Non-Humanoid. A fifth category based on appearance is made to include all Stands that do not fit into either of the previous trends.[6]
Естественно-Гуманоидные Стенды
These Stands possess a humanoid form with physical characteristics that take on an organic appearance. Their human-like facial features allow them to express emotions. This category encompasses Human Type (人間型, Ningen-gata) Stands who closely resemble people. Although they are usually the size of humans, some Stands can vary in size.
Natural Humanoid Stands are usually able to perform tasks requiring a degree of dexterity, like grabbing something, and if powerful enough, can wrestle and fight using their fists and feet. These Stands would appear more frequently in early parts.
Искусственно-Гуманоидные Стенды
While also having humanoid-like bodies, Stands in this category will often feature artificial or mechanical nuances that separate them from natural humanoids. Appearances that resemble dolls, robots, cyborgs or androids are applicable here. Their eyes are generally robotic and inexpressive and they lack proper mouths. Although they are usually human-sized, some Stands can vary in size.
Generally, Artificial Humanoid Stands are functionally similar to Natural Humanoid ones and can perform the same physical tasks. In the series, these Stands have progressively replaced the more natural-looking Stands and are now commonplace.
Естественно-Негуманоидные Стенды
This category features Stands that, while not human-like, are reminiscent of other life forms or objects in nature. This includes basic organisms such as animals and plants, but also more unorthodox concepts.
These Stands are considerably more varied in appearance and do not share any functional characteristics. Some animal-like Stands may fight using fangs or claws and some may take the form of a natural element impervious to physical attacks.
Искусственно-Негуманоидные Стенды
The Artificial Non-Humanoid Stands category groups Stands that look like tools, mechanical objects, vehicles, or other artificial constructs such as clothing. A non-official subset of this category referred to as "Materialized Stands", takes into account non-humanoids that are visible to non-Stand Users.
Because they look like objects, these Stands typically require the user to personally wield them. Unless they are a weapon of some kind, these Stands are not suited for direct confrontation and most of them are especially poor at protecting their respective Users.
However, there are a handful of Stands that functionally act as a suit, directly granting the user greater combat abilities.
Phenomenon Type (現象型, Genshō-gata)[7] encompasses all Stands that do not fall under the previous four.
These Stands may be formless, manifesting as a supernatural phenomenon, or simply giving the user superhuman abilities. They may also have an appearance so eldritch that it doesn't fit into the natural or artificial categories.
Предполагаемые Типы
The following are categories not documented in official media but are often referenced in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fandom.
Colony Stands are comprised of multiple units, each able to function entirely on its own. The entirety of the colony constitutes a single Stand, and as a result, their power is divided. Similarly, damage to the user is proportional to the population size of the Stand; the higher amount of units, the less damage is transferred when a unit is damaged.
Thanks to their number, Colony Stands can be used to overwhelm an enemy by attacking from multiple directions, the user not fearing damage since as long as even one unit remains, they won't die.
Эволюционирующие Стенды
Throughout the series, various methods are introduced for altering a Stand's base form.
A select few numbers of Stands have the inherent ability to undergo metamorphosis and evolve naturally, becoming stronger and allowing their user to unlock various forms of the same Stand, referred to as "Acts". It usually happens to individuals with weak fighting spirit but the strong potential for spiritual growth.
The Arrow is also known for its ability to further unlocking the potential of a Stand, its effects seemingly determined by whether or not the user or Stand is targeted. In the unique case of Killer Queen, it developed a new ability after its user Yoshikage Kira was struck a second time. In Vento Aureo, it is revealed that when pierced by the Arrow, a Stand may evolve into a "Requiem (レクイエム, Rekuiemu) Stand", which possess abilities far above ordinary Stands.[8]
A Stand user may also obtain a new Stand through a process described in DIO's Notebook as a way to "achieve Heaven". Although the method isn't detailed, it involves making several souls fuse together with a Stand user, and reaching specific gravity conditions.
In Steel Ball Run, a Stand can gain a new ability if the Saint's Corpse blesses its user.
In JoJolion, the New Locacaca can be used in order to evolve a Stand, through fusion of two stand users. When Josefumi Kujo fused his body with Yoshikage Kira, his Soft & Wet adapted some abilities of Kira's Stand - Killer Queen, creating a new form of the Stand which is possessed by Josuke Higashikata.
Разумные Стенды
Although most Stands do not show any personality or simple hints of it, there are Stands who display a full-fledged consciousness separate from their Users. These Stands are able to think, analyze their environment, and converse with their Users, offering advice or commenting on their actions. Their personalities are diverse, but most sentient Stands follow the command of their Users regardless and act to protect them.
Some Sentient Stands qualify as automatic as they do not have Users and think for themselves.
Коллективные Стенды
Shared Stands are rare cases where a Stand can have several users simultaneously / overtime, for various reasons. Some Stands naturally have more than one user at the same time (Such as Ratt and Tomb of the Boom 1 2 3), while others were passed on, either because of the stand naturally changing its user or by another phenomenon involving the users.
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 142: C-MOON, Part 2 с. 9
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 142: C-MOON, Part 2 pg. 8
- ↑ Chapter 557: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 4
- ↑ JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.119
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 JoJo 6251, p.121
- ↑ JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.104
- ↑ Chapter 574: The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 3