All-Star Battle R ★ Prosciutto & Pesci

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Once we decide that we're gonna kill someone, the deed's already been done![2] (「ブッ殺す」と心の中で思ったならッ!その時スデに行動は終わっているんだッ!)

Prosciutto & Pesci (プロシュート&ペッシ, Puroshūto & Pesshi) were revealed as a new playable duo for All-Star Battle R on August 24, 2022, during the game's Part 5 Reveal Trailer.[1] However, Prosciutto was accidentally revealed earlier via an early screenshot posted to the game's official website on the day the game was announced, showing only Prosciutto's name and a part of his HUD portrait among an Arcade Mode list.

Having previously appeared in neither All-Star Battle nor Eyes of Heaven, the duo has an original moveset based on their appearance in Vento Aureo.

In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the names of Prosciutto's Stand, The Grateful Dead, and Pesci's Stand, Beach Boy, are localized as "Thankful Dead" and "Fisher Man" respectively, the same names used in the original All-Star Battle.

Tatsuhisa Suzuki reprises his role from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Takuma Terashima. Likewise, Subaru Kimura reprises his role as Pesci, replacing Shinya Fukumatsu.


Prosciutto & Pesci have 1000 health and use the Bro and Mammoni (兄貴とママっ子野郎(マンモーニ), Aniki to Manmōni) Battle Style. Prosciutto serves as the main combatant, and can freely summon and withdraw his Stand The Grateful Dead. Unlike other Stand users, however, Prosciutto summons Pesci and his Stand Beach Boy to his side whenever The Grateful Dead is recalled. As such, Prosciutto can be said to switch between two Stands at will, though unlike most Stands, Pesci cannot block attacks directed at Prosciutto.

Command List

Expand/Collapse All

User Mode (本体)Stand Mode (スタンド)
Normals [Stand Off] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Prosciutto performs a slap.

Attack type: High
Damage: 13

Standing Medium Attack

Prosciutto attacks upwards with his elbow.

Attack type: High
Damage: 21

Standing Heavy Attack
Prosciutto performs a push-kick.

Attack type: High
Damage: 32

Crouching Light Attack
Prosciutto performs a crouching slap.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12

Crouching Medium Attack
Prosciutto performs a crouching chop.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 19

Crouching Heavy Attack
Prosciutto performs two crouching kicks, knocking the opponent to the ground after the second hit.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 31

Jumping Light Attack
Prosciutto performs an aerial back kick.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16

Jumping Medium Attack
Prosciutto performs two aerial kicks downwards.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24

Jumping Heavy Attack
Prosciutto performs an aerial sweeping kick.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 32

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand Off] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Bro and Mammoni (兄貴とママっ子野郎(マンモーニ))
Prosciutto can summon or dismiss The Grateful Dead, altering his available abilities.

While in User Mode, Pesci with Beach Boy becomes active to aid Prosciutto. Skills involving him can only be performed if he is in a ready position (directly behind Prosciutto). As he acts separately, Pesci will continue performing his skills even if Prosciutto is attacked; Inversely, he himself can be struck by the opponent directly to interrupt his moves, even if Prosciutto isn't hit. Of note is that all of Pesci's attacks will bypass melee-based counter abilities due to his being independent of Prosciutto.

Aging Gauge (老化ゲージ)
Exclusive to Prosciutto is a three-meter gauge that determines how debilitated the opponent is by The Grateful Dead's accelerated aging ability. It is filled whenever Prosciutto lands abilities marked with a star (), mainly skills available in Stand ON. However, it depletes in various ways:
  • The Aging Gauge will passively drain on its own at a steady rate. It will drain slower while the opponent is moving or attacking. If the gauge runs out, it will reset to Lv 0 regardless of current level.
  • The Aging Gauge will drop by 1 level if Prosciutto is successfully knocked down.
  • The Aging Gauge will immediately be reset to Lv 0 if Prosciutto is struck by a GHA.

The Aging Gauge begins at "Lv 0", and eventually progresses all the way to Lv 3, or "Lv MAX". Each level inflicts an additional status ailment on the opponent.

  • Lv 1: The opponent loses the ability to Stylish Evade and Stylish Guard.
  • Lv 2: The opponent loses the ability to jump (and Super Jump for applicable characters).
  • Lv MAX: The opponent loses the ability to back dash, forward dash, and run.
You gutless rat! (この腑抜(ふぬ)け野郎がッ!)
With the opponent knocked down, Prosciutto repeatedly kicks them, launching them back off the ground a distance away and landing in a ground bounce. Should the opponent recover in time, this is still a low attack that cannot be blocked standing, and is also a Quick Stand ON-compatible ability. Despite being a command normal, Prosciutto cannot chain skills from this attack. (Comboable)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 25

Resolve Mode (覚悟モード)
Activates below 20% health
This mode is automatically activated once Prosciutto falls below 20% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises. He also gains super armor during the start up of all his normal attacks and skills.
Skills [Stand Off] (コマンド技)
Beach Boy! (『ビーチ・ボーイッ』!!)
+ //
Prosciutto orders Pesci to cast Beach Boy forward in a quick motion. If it connects, the opponent is hooked and bound by the fishing line, temporarily stunned; If the attack is blocked, Pesci will still pull the opponent a good distance towards Prosciutto. The attack button inputted determines how far Beach Boy's line is cast, inversely affecting Prosciutto's recovery speed afterward. This skill cannot be Flash-Canceled, but has two possible follow-ups; The opponent will simply recover standing if no further action is taken.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 / 20 / 30

You can feel shocks through the line! (「衝撃」は「糸」を伝わるんだ!)
// during "Beach Boy!"
Prosciutto follows up by karate chopping Beach Boy's fishing line. This causes the force of the chop to travel up the line and into the opponent, damaging and sending them reeling onto the ground. The attack button inputted determines the strength and damage of the chop.

Attack type: High
Damage: 30

Now I'll reel you in! (釣り上げてやるぜーッ)
during "Beach Boy!"
Pesci follows up by forcefully yanking the opponent high into the air and towards Prosciutto, dealing no damage. (Comboable)
I'll rip you apart! (ブッた切られろ!)
+ //
Prosciutto orders Pesci to launch Beach Boy's line at an upwards angle as an anti-air attack, striking the opponent multiple times and sending them flying. The attack button inputted determines the dealt damage as well as the launching power of the attack, inversely affecting Prosciutto's recovery speed afterward. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 65 / 75 / 85

Hook, line, and sinker! You took the bait! (きたッ! くらいついたぜッ! 餌にィーーーッ)
+ //
Prosciutto orders Pesci to cast Beach Boy's line onto the ground, leaving the hook bobbing in the floor as a trap. If the opponent comes in contact with the hook, they'll be left crumpling and open to attack. The attack button inputted determines how far Beach Boy's line is cast, inversely affecting Prosciutto's recovery speed afterward.
As long as the inputted button is held down, Beach Boy's hook will remain bobbing indefinitely, regardless of how far Pesci moves from it; Prosciutto is still allowed free movement and action, although he cannot perform any skills, leaving him with only normal attacks using the other buttons. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 14

Nice try! (そおおおはさせるものかァアアアアアァッ)
x2 + //
Prosciutto orders Pesci to sweep Beach Boy's line across the ground horizontally in a low attack that cannot be blocked standing. If the opponent is struck, they are knocked into the air and towards Prosciutto. The attack button inputted determines the damage, the skill's launching power, and Prosciutto's recovery speed afterward, inversely affecting the attack start-up length. (Flash Cancel comboable)
The variant knocks the opponent high enough into the air that Prosciutto can recover in time to continue attacking without the need for Flash Cancel. (Comboable)

Attack type: Low
Damage: 50 / 60 / 70

Normals [Stand On] (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
The Grateful Dead performs a quick outwards swipe with its hand.

Attack type: High
Damage: 14

Standing Medium Attack
The Grateful Dead swipes outward with its hand.

Attack type: High
Damage: 21

Standing Heavy Attack
The Grateful Dead stomps at the ground twice with its hands while moving forward.

Attack type: High
Damage: 32

Crouching Light Attack
The Grateful Dead performs a crouching jab at a downwards angle.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13

Crouching Medium Attack
The Grateful Dead sweeps forward and backward with its arm.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 21

Crouching Heavy Attack
The Grateful Dead performs an upward swinging double-handed hammerfist, knocking opponents straight up into the air.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 30

Jumping Light Attack
The Grateful Dead attacks downward with its elbow while airborne.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17

Jumping Medium Attack
The Grateful Dead performs a downwards angled swipe with its arm while airborne.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26

Jumping Heavy Attack
The Grateful Dead performs a double-handed hammerfist while airborne, causing the opponent to bounce off the ground.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 37

Style/Specials/Etc. [Stand On] (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Bro and Mammoni (兄貴とママっ子野郎(マンモーニ))
Prosciutto can summon or dismiss The Grateful Dead, altering his available abilities.

While in User Mode, Pesci with Beach Boy becomes active to aid Prosciutto. Skills involving him can only be performed if he is in a ready position (directly behind Prosciutto). As he acts separately, Pesci will continue performing his skills even if Prosciutto is attacked; Inversely, he himself can be struck by the opponent directly to interrupt his moves, even if Prosciutto isn't hit. Of note is that all of Pesci's attacks will bypass melee-based counter abilities due to his being independent of Prosciutto.

Aging Gauge (老化ゲージ)
Exclusive to Prosciutto is a three-meter gauge that determines how debilitated the opponent is by The Grateful Dead's accelerated aging ability. It is filled whenever Prosciutto lands abilities marked with a star (), mainly skills available in Stand ON. However, it depletes in various ways:
  • The Aging Gauge will passively drain on its own at a steady rate. It will drain slower while the opponent is moving or attacking. If the gauge runs out, it will reset to Lv 0 regardless of current level.
  • The Aging Gauge will drop by 1 level if Prosciutto is successfully knocked down.
  • The Aging Gauge will immediately be reset to Lv 0 if Prosciutto is struck by a GHA.

The Aging Gauge begins at "Lv 0", and eventually progresses all the way to Lv 3, or "Lv MAX". Each level inflicts an additional status ailment on the opponent.

  • Lv 1: The opponent loses the ability to Stylish Evade and Stylish Guard.
  • Lv 2: The opponent loses the ability to jump (and Super Jump for applicable characters).
  • Lv MAX: The opponent loses the ability to back dash, forward dash, and run.
How's this? (くらえ!)
The Grateful Dead delivers an overhand punch that strikes the ground, leaving the opponent crumpling on-hit. This is a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching, can also strike a downed opponent, and a command normal that can chain into Prosciutto's skills. It is also a rare Quick Stand OFF-compatible ability, allowing Prosciutto to transition a Stand ON combo into a Stand OFF one.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 70

Resolve Mode (覚悟モード)
Activates below 20% health
This mode is automatically activated once Prosciutto falls below 20% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises. He also gains super armor during the start up of all his normal attacks and skills.
Skills [Stand On] (コマンド技)
You're soft! (甘いんじゃあねーか!)
+ //
Prosciutto lifts his arm up in a guard shortly before The Grateful Dead lifts off the ground and unleashes a barrage of punches. Prosciutto and it begin slowly advancing forward during the barrage, and the final punch sends the opponent flying on the final hit. The damage, number of hits, and distance Prosciutto and The Grateful Dead travel all increase in order; their vulnerability also increases. This skill functions as a reversal and initiates a Guard Point effect before executing, allowing Prosciutto to absorb incoming strike attacks with no damage taken and retaliate in a single motion.

Attack type: High
Damage: 60 / 80 / 100

We're in it to the end! [] (トコトンやるってな!)
x2 + //
The Grateful Dead emits its aging mist in a radial burst across the ground in a low attack that cannot be blocked standing. If the opponent is caught, they are staggered and take no damage but will have the Aging Gauge increase by 1 level. This skill can also strike a downed opponent, allowing Prosciutto to inflict additional Aging on them even after they've hit the ground. The attack button inputted determines the size and range of the mist, inversely affecting the skill's start-up length and Prosciutto's recovery speed afterward. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Low

Direct contact is fastest. [] ((じか)」は素早いんだぜ)
+ //
The Grateful Dead moves forward and jabs its arm upwards. If it strikes the opponent, it will lift them up off the ground by their abdomen as it channels it aging power directly into them, increasing the Aging Gauge increase by 1 level, before slamming them into the ground.

Attack type: High
Damage: 60

Throw (投げ技)
You still don't get it! You little mammoni! (まだわかんねーのかママっ子野郎(マンモーニ))
2 ATK buttons at close range or ( to back-throw)
Prosciutto lifts the opponent up by their collar with one hand and slaps their face back and forth with the other, before delivering a final slap to knock them away.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 100

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
I can see your movements! You're wide open! [] ((動きが)見えるッ! のろいぞ!)
+ 2 ATK Buttons
A counter. Prosciutto goads his opponent towards himself by sticking his arm out. If struck by a non-GHA melee strike, he'll suddenly parry the opponent's attack with said arm, then uses the opening to summon The Grateful Dead who forcibly seizes them by the face. Lifting them up, The Grateful Dead focuses its power directly into their body, instantly filling the Aging Gauge to Lv MAX.

Since this HHA results in the opponent being bounced off the ground, Prosciutto can follow up on the attack if quick enough, marking it one of few HHA in the game that do not definitively end a combo on success.

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 200

That won't do you any good! I see you! Wide open! (無駄な事しやがって! 見えるッ! のろいぞ!)
Once we decide that we're gonna kill someone, the deed's already been done! (「ブッ殺す」と思ったならスデに行動は終わっているんだッ!)
+ 3 ATK Buttons, or
Prosciutto gives Pesci the cue to attack in full force, prompting him to lunge forward and cast Beach Boy's line with all of his might. This attack can even strike a downed opponent.
If it connects, Pesci begins a relentless assault with his Stand, its hook rapidly attacking the opponent by passing through multiple areas of their body as they're slowly strung up by the line. With one forceful yank, Pesci reels the opponent in and launches them flying at high speed towards Prosciutto, who summons The Grateful Dead to intercept with a powerful overhand punch to instantly knock them to the ground. Prosciutto moves to stand over the opponent, slowly pulls out Mista's revolver while stating his team's modus operandi, and finishes the attack by discharging three gunshots directly into their head.
This GHA deals a relatively high amount of Guard damage, allowing it to more readily break through the opponent's defense and connect even if they successfully block it.

Attack type: High
Damage: 369 / 442 / 553 (depending on HH gauge)

Hey Pesci! You're up! Beach Boy! My hook isn't coming out! Now I'll reel you in! Once we decide we're going to kill someone... The deed's already done! (おい ペッシ! やれッ! 『ビーチ・ボーイッ』!! この「針」はもう決してはずれない!! 釣りあげてやるぜ!! 「ブッ殺す」と心の中で思ったならッ! その時スデに行動は終わっているんだッ!)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Prosciutto lands in while Pesci runs in before Prosciutto orders Pesci to launch Beach Boy's line at an upwards angle as an anti-air attack.

Damage: 75

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Prosciutto jumps into the opponent with The Grateful Dead summoned, knocking the opponent away. He then dismisses The Grateful Dead and poses before jumping back off-screen.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Prosciutto's main Vento Aureo attire

Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Pesci's main Vento Aureo attire

The Grateful Dead
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


The Grateful Dead's Vento Aureo appearance

Tint ATint BTint CTint DPesci APesci BStand AStand B
Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Prosciutto's anime colors

Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


JOJO A-GO!GO! and Statue Legend

Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Prosciutto & Pesci vs. Shigekiyo Yangu Extra Battle
Land a Heart Heat Attack


GW Episode 14 color shift

Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Either complete all "Free Battle" campaign online missions or buy from Medal List
5600 G


Ghiaccio's color swap from Golden Wind Episode 18: Head to Venice!

Pesci Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Pesci's anime colors

Pesci Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default



The Grateful Dead Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


The Grateful Dead's anime colors

The Grateful Dead Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


JOJO-D Chapter 488: The Grateful Dead, Part 1

Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4

Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4

Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 483: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 5

Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 492: The Grateful Dead, Part 5

Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


This section requires expansion.

Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 492: The Grateful Dead, Part 5

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover B of Chapter 493: The Grateful Dead, Part 6

Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 494: The Grateful Dead, Part 7


Prosciutto & Pesci's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in their Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Prosciutto & Pesci's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G, excluding several of Pesci's from the original All-Star Battle, which can be unlocked by completing 30 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • You still don't get it! You little mammoni! (まだわかんねーのか、ママッ子野郎(マンモーニ))
  • I can see you cowering on the inside! (心の奥のところでオメーにはビビりがあんだよ!)
  • I can see your movements! You're wide open! (動きが見えるッ! のろいぞ!)
  • You bastard! (てめェエーーッ!!)
  • What's your game here? (どういうつもりだてめー)
  • You gutless rat! (この腑抜け野郎がッ!)
  • You're too soft? Got that? (甘ったれてんだ! わかるか? え?)
  • You're out of luck! (おまえはツイてない!)
  • Will you shut up for a minute? (おいオメー、さっきからうるせぇぞ)
  • Huh? Piss off. (あ? うるせーぞ)
  • I'll splatter you all over the walls! (徹底的に荒らしまくってやるからな!)
  • What the hell was that? Come on! (なんだ!? 今のザマは!? ええ!?)
  • I've solved it! (「謎」は解けたぜッ!)
  • You're still aging, you know! (おまえの老化は「未だ進行中」なんだぜーーッ)
  • Try and hit me all you want! I can see you're getting slow in your old age! (何発くり出そうがスローな「老化の動き」なんだよ!)
  • Lashing out like a cornered rat! (追い詰められたあがきしやがって!)
  • That won't do you any good! (無駄な事しやがって!)
  • You're soft! (甘いんじゃあねーか!)
  • You've got one foot in the grave now! (「老いて」もう死にそうじゃあねーかッ!)
  • I'll see this through! (とことんやるぜッ!)
  • You've gotten so desperate you've snapped, have you? (よほど追い詰められてトチ狂ったか……え?)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Once we decide that we're gonna kill someone, the deed's already been done! (「ブッ殺す」と心の中で思ったならッ! その時スデに行動は終わっているんだッ!)
  • We don't need to psych ourselves up and make ourselves feel better like some losers! (オレたちチームはな! 大口叩いて仲間と心をなぐさめあっているような負け犬どもとは わけが違うんだからな)
  • You can't run from me! I'll drag you out with Grateful Dead! (どこに逃げても意味ねーんだよ! グレイトフル・デッドでひきずり出してやるッ!)
  • It attacks everyone... Maybe, but so what? Everyone on the planet ages a year every year, right? (無差別攻撃だァ? たいしたこたァねーだろ(・・・・・・・・・・・)ォーッえ? 毎年、世界中で老いて逝っちまってんだからよォ……)
  • My Stand affects every single creature in its reach, aging its body, mind, and memory. (オレのスタンドは生物を無差別に、身も心も記憶力も老化させる)
  • You get what I'm saying, Pesci? We only say that we've KILLED someone! (わかったろ、ペッシ? オレの言ってる事…え? 「ブッ殺した!」なら使ってもいいってことだよ!)
  • My Stand isn't going anywhere! Tear my arms off, rip my legs off, I'm not dismissing it! (「スタンド」を決して解除したりはしねぇッ! たとえ腕を飛ばされようが脚をもがれようともなッ!)
  • Out of my way. We'll kill you all and take the girl! (邪魔するんじゃあねえ… オレたちはヤツらを皆殺しにして「娘」をゲットするッ!)
  • When we decide something, we see it through from start to bitter end! That's our way! (やるって決めた以上は、「先っちょ」から「ケツ」まで とことんやるぜッ! オレたちはよォ!)
  • You have to think in four dimensions. (発想を「4次元」的にしなくてはいけないんだ)
  • Pesciii! You have to have more faith in your power! (ペッシよォ~~~もっと「自信」を持っていいんだぜ! オメーの能力をよォーー)
  • Your Beach Boy could be unbeatable if you just used it right! You know that, right?! (おまえの「ビーチ・ボーイ」はその気になりゃあ何者にも 負けねー能力じゃあねーか? そうだろ?)
  • Atta boy, Pesci. I always believed in you. (でかしたぞ、ペッシ。オレはオメーを信じてたぜェ)
  • That was pathetic! Don't challenge me if you don't have the resolve! (情けねーザマだな! ええ? 「覚悟」ができてねーなら、オレの前に出てくるんじゃあねぇ!)
  • What doesn't kill us makes us stronger... Right, Pesci? (修羅場をくぐり抜けるほど、オレたちは成長できる… ペッシ、そうだよなァ?)
  • I have to admit, I underestimated you. Sorry about that. (おまえをみくびっていたらしいな…いや、マジに恐れ入ったよ)
  • Go! To! Hell! (地獄へッ! 落ちていくんだなーーッ!!)
  • What's the matter? Getting all worn out? (……どうした? 肩コリで疲労でも出て来たか)
  • There's no turning back for us! (オレたちは後には戻れねぇんだよォーー)
  • We killed you! (ブッ殺した!)
Original Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • The deed's already done! (その時スデに行動は終わっているんだッ!)
  • But the past tense "killed"-- now that makes sense. (『ブッ殺した』なら使ってもいいッ!)
  • You're... gonna get... the glory... (栄光は…………おまえに……ある……ぞ…)
  • I said you weren't qualified to be in charge before, but I take it back. I was out of line. (さっき おまえの事、「幹部失格」だなんて言ったが 撤回するよ…無礼な事を言ったな…)
  • You still don't get it, do you, Pesci! You little mammoni! (まだわかんねーのか、ママッ子野郎(マンモーニ)のペッシ!)
  • Prosciuuuuuuttooo! (兄貴ィィィィィ)
  • I get it, Prosciutto! I finally understand your resolve... not with your words, but with my heart! (わかったよ、プロシュート兄ィ!! 兄貴の覚悟が! 「言葉」でなく「心」で理解できた!)
  • We can't go back now! (オレたちはもう後には戻れないんだねッ!)
  • When you've made up your mind that you're gonna do something, you've gotta throw yourself headlong into it. I'm throwing myself headlong into everything from now on! (必ずやるって(・・・・・・)決めた時は「直線」だッ! 今のオレは 何がなんでも「直線」で突っ切るのよッ!)
  • When you start thinking about "killing", it's as good as done, right bro? (ブッ殺すって思った時は兄貴ッ! すでに行動は終わっているんだね)
New Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I'd like to wrap this up before departure. No ticket will be required... (発車前に終わらせたい。切符を買わずに済むからな…)
  • My senses! (オレの「勘」だ!)
  • Yo, Pesci! Tear this car up from tip to tail! (おい ペッシッ!この列車を「先っちょ」から「ケツ」までとことんやるぜッ!)
  • I told you, I'm seeing this through thoroughly! I know they're here! (言っただろうがよォーー。トコトン(・・・・)やるってな! ヤツらは絶対いるッ!)
  • If we want glory, we need to grow! (「成長」しなきゃあオレたちは「栄光」をつかめねえ)
  • Isn't that question a little rude, Bro? (いくら兄貴でもその質問失礼じゃあないですかい?)
  • I don't have the same intuition that Bro does. (オレは兄貴と違って「勘」が悪いからな…)
  • Hook, line, and sinker! You took the bait! (くらいついたぜッ! 餌にィーーーッ)
  • The hook's dropping deep into your ear. (今「針」はおまえの耳深く到達するところだぜーッ)
  • Now there's nobody left to call me "mammoni"... (オレに向かって「マンモーニ(ママッ子)」だなんて言えるヤツは、もう これで誰ひとりいねーからな…)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I told you, I'm seeing this through thoroughly! (言っただろうがよォーートコトン(・・・・)やるってな!)
    —Round Win 1
  • Growth, Pesci! If we want glory, we need to grow! (『成長しろ』! ペッシ 『成長』しなきゃあオレたちは『栄光』をつかめねえ)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Prosciutto's panicked expression mirrors his when Bucciarati drags him out of a moving train.[3]
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Prosciutto panics while gripping something with one of his hands, as he does when desperately holding on to the side of a train wall opened by Sticky Fingers.[4]
  • When summoned as an Assist by Ghiaccio, Prosciutto calls out his ally's name.


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Prosciutto has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • We don't ever say we're going to kill someone. You get what I'm saying, Pesci? (「ブッ殺す」…そんな言葉は必要ねーんだ。 わかるか? ペッシ、オレの言ってる事… え?)
    —Default dialogue
  • Pesci, why the hell are you over there? (おい、ペッシ。なんでオメーと出会うんだ?)
    —Prosciutto (Player 1)
    We're looking at ourselves? Is this a Stand power? (オレたち……!? これもスタンドだってのか?)
    —Prosciutto (Player 2)
  • I'd heard they'd got a new kid. Giorno, right? Guess that's you. (新入りにジョルノとかいう小僧が入ったそうだが…… そうか、オメーが……)
    Its speed of aging depends on body temperature... I have to finish this before the ice melts! (この『老いる』スピードの条件は、『体温の変化』…… ならば、『氷』が溶けきる前に仕留めるッ!)
  • You're soft, Bucciarati! You gotta stop me and protect the girl, even if your pals die! Are those your orders or not? You don't deserve to be a capo! (甘いんじゃあねーか! ブチャラティ。 仲間を切り捨てても娘を守るためオレを倒す! それが任務じゃあねえのか? 「幹部失格」だな)
    "Carry out the mission and protect our underlings." Think you can handle that? (『任務は遂行する』……『部下も守る』 おまえごときに両方やるというのは、そうムズかしい事じゃあないな)
  • There's two of them... But we have to do this! You ready, Pistols? (敵は2人いやがったッ! ……だが、やるしかねぇぞッ! ピストルズ、用意はいいかッ!)
    Once I touch you directly... It's a one way train to hell! ((じか)」にさわってやるよォ…… テメーがさっさとあの世にいけるようになッ!)
  • What the heck's going on here? My fingers... My hand... They're withering away... (どおおおなっちまってんだよオオーー お…おれの指が…手が……ボ…ボロボロになっていくんだァ)
    Grateful Dead won't stop... Not until you're dust, Narancia! (偉大なる死(ザ・グレイト・フル・デッド)は止まらねぇ! ナランチャァ、オメーが朽ち果てるまでなッ!)
  • Remember, Pesci, we don't care about Fugo. But if they've got the girl... (わかってんだろうな、ペッシ。フーゴに用はねぇ。 だが、「娘」は生け捕りだからな……)
    A Stand that ages everyone in its radius? Your power's as nasty as mine. (無差別に敵を老化させるスタンド、か…… 厄介な能力ですね、お互いに)
  • I found her! I found Trish! (見つけたぜ! 「(トリッシュ)」だッ!)
    There's no turning back now! (もうやるしか(・・・・)ないッ!)
  • We don't ever say we're going to kill someone. You get what I'm saying, Pesci? (「ブッ殺す」…そんな言葉は必要ねーんだ。 わかるか? ペッシ、オレの言ってる事… え?)
    You know how traitors end up, right? I'm sure you do. (「裏切り者」がその()どうなるのか… 知らぬわけではないだろうに)
  • We don't ever say we're going to kill someone. You get what I'm saying, Pesci? (「ブッ殺す」…そんな言葉は必要ねーんだ。 わかるか? ペッシ、オレの言ってる事… え?)
    Pesci, Prosciutto is right. And I'll tell you why you don't need it right now. (ペッシ…プロシュートの言う通りだ。 なぜ必要ないか、今から教えてやる)
  • We've been looking all over for you. The glory is ours! (テメーが……探したぜェ。栄光を掴むのはオレたちだッ!)
    You know what the consequences are for betraying the gang, don't you? (組織を裏切ることの意味はわかっているだろうな…)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Don't you dare say the same goes for me. I can see it on your face! (「あ…兄貴こそですぜッ!」ってツラしてんじゃあねーよ。え?)
    —Prosciutto (Player 1)
    We're here for the girl. Don't waste our time with these tricks. (オレたちの目的は「娘」だ。遊んでるヒマはねーんだよォ)
    —Prosciutto (Player 2)
  • You figured out that ice trick fast. Damn, Bucciarati knows how to pick his men! (こんなに早く「氷」の事に気づくとは、 ブチャラティのヤツ恐ろしく頼りになる部下を持っているらしい!)
    I can see the strength of your resolve... But mine is still stronger! (相当の覚悟を持って臨んできたようですね。 だが、僕にはそれ以上の覚悟がある!)
  • Great! I'll kill you all, and then we'll be taking the boss's daughter! (これでおまえらは皆殺しだ!! そしてボスの娘はオレたちが手に入れるッ!!)
    My job is to protect my men and complete the mission. A capo must find a way to do both. (『任務は遂行する』『部下も守る』 「両方やらなくちゃあならないってのが「幹部」のつらいところだな)
  • Direct contact is fastest. Touching you is when Grateful Dead is at its full power! ((じか)は素早いんだぜ。パワー全開だぁ~ 『グレイトフル・デッド』の『(じか)』ざわりはよぉぉぉ)
    Is it just me, or... Is he scared out of his pants of your aging Stand? (つーかよォ…… そいつ、てめぇの老化するスタンドにビビりすぎじゃあねぇの?)
  • It's gonna get harder from here! We have to keep tearing through them! (ここが正念場だぜ! このままオレたちでヤツらを追いつめる!)
    Ugh, his Stand made me old? Yikes... (お…おれ、老化したのかァーーッ。野郎のスタンドのせいでッ! あっぶねぇなァーー)
  • I thought you were the quiet type. Where'd the rage come from? You remind me of Ghiaccio. (大人しいヤツかと思ったけど、いきなりキレやがってよォ…… ギアッチョみてぇだな、おめー)
    Purple Haze's virus is already multiplying throughout your body! (パープル・ヘイズのウィルスはもう、おまえの全身に増殖して 回りつつあるッ!)
  • All right, tell us the boss's secret. Everything you know. (さあ、ボスの秘密をしゃべってもらおうか… 知っていることを全て話せ)
    Aging people? That's a terrifying power! I'm getting chills just imagining it! (老化させるなんて、恐ろしい能力ね 考えただけでもゾッとするわ)
  • We... We killed the boss! (ボスを……ぶっ殺したッ!)
    Die proud that you made it this far. (自分がここまでやれた事を「誇り」にして死んでいくがいい)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • You still don't get it! You little mammoni! (まだわかんねーのか、ママッ子野郎(マンモーニ))
    —Prosciutto, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • I'd turn you old, but your hair's already out of date! (老化させる必要が無いくらい古臭い頭だな)
    —Prosciutto, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Prosciutto & Pesci as combatants, in order of appearance.

Golden Wind

Normal Battle (★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Prosciutto & Pesci
Stage: Naples Train Station
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
700 G
Special Conditions
Prosciutto's Aging Gauge does not decrease. The player's Heart Heat Gauge continuously refills. Each round lasts only 60 seconds.
Secret Missions
1. Land a counterattack: 1000 G
2. Land a 5-hit combo: Mista Reference Sketch
3. Land a Great Heat Attack: Prosciutto & Pesci's Theme
Entrance Dialogue
Prosciutto: Once I touch you directly... It's a one way train to hell!
Mista: There's two of them... But we have to do this! You ready, Pistols?
Victory Dialogue
Prosciutto: Direct contact is fastest. Touching you is when Grateful Dead is at its full power!
Defeat Dialogue
Mista: Is it just me, or... Is he scared out of his pants of your aging Stand?
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Prosciutto & Pesci
Stage: Naples Train Station
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
700 G
Special Conditions
Secret Missions
1. Land a Stylish Evade: 1000 G
2. Use a Great Heat Attack: Pesci Publicity Artwork
3. Land a Heart Heat Attack: Prosciutto & Pesci Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: Fwuh? You're a real suspicious pair!
Prosciutto: Pesci... You really have to mess with a kid like this? This is why you're such a mammoni!
Victory Dialogue
Prosciutto: Damn, he was a Stand user? But he's just a little brat...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: Mammoni? What about my mommy? I love both my mommy and my daddy, okay?
Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Prosciutto & Pesci
Stage: Naples Train Station
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
500 G
Special Conditions
Each round lasts only 60 seconds.
Secret Missions
1. Land the First Attack: 1000 G
2. Use a Heart Heat Attack: Prosciutto Publicity Artwork
Entrance Dialogue
Prosciutto: Don't worry about me, Pesci! Go take out his friends!
Bucciarati: I just have to beat him, right? The man in black?
Victory Dialogue
Bucciarati: I'm prepared for the full force of your power, if it'll let my men protect the boss's daughter!
Defeat Dialogue
Prosciutto: I told you, I'm seeing this through thoroughly!




Prosciutto & Pesci's theme is The Grateful Dead (偉大なる死(ザ・グレイトフル・デッド), Idainaru Shi (Za Gureitofuru Deddo)) and can be unlocked in-game by landing a Great Heat Attack in All-Star Battle Mode's Prosciutto & Pesci vs. Guido Mista Normal Battle.

Its name is taken from the name of Prosciutto's Stand, The Grateful Dead.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Giorno Giovanna vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 5: Vento Aureo. He is the user of the Stand The Grateful Dead, and a member of La Squadra Esecuzioni. He is a ruthless gangster, but acts as an older brother and mentor to Pesci, encouraging him to grow spiritually. He dies on the express train to Florence after a fierce battle against Bucciarati.[5]
User of the Stand Thankful Death, and one of La Squadra di Esecuzione. A hardened gangster who nevertheless treats Pesci like a younger brother, helping him to develop. He dies in the battle with Bucciarati's mob on the Florence Express.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Giorno Giovanna vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 5: Vento Aureo. He is the user of the Stand Beach Boy, and a member of La Squadra Esecuzioni. He is initially nothing more than an inexperienced thug, but grows into a true gangster after witnessing Prosciutto's resolve. He is defeated and dies after a fierce battle with Bucciarati.[5]
User of the Stand Fisher Man and one of La Squadra di Esecuzione. Just a young punk at first, he becomes a true gangster when he witnesses Prosciutto's resolve. He dies in the end in the battle with Bucciarati's mob.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Trish Una vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Prosciutto's Stand. It has the ability to indiscriminately age all living organisms both physically and mentally. The aging is fastest when direct contact is established with a victim. The user can also control his own age at will in order to trick enemies.
Prosciutto's Stand. Causes all organisms' bodies and minds to age rapidly. The aging is fastest on direct contact with the victim. The user can also control his own age at will to trick enemies.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Trish Una vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The Stand of Pesci. It takes the form of a fishing rod, and can pass through walls and objects like water to hook its prey. When Pesci found his own resolve, his Stand's power increased dramatically.
Pesci's Stand. A weapon in the form of a fishing rod. It can pass through walls and objects as if they were water to hook its prey. Pesci's determination increased the Stand's power dramatically.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Trish Una vs. Diavolo All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
In Part 5: Vento Aureo, the station is used by Team Bucciarati to board an express train to Florence. They momentarily manage to evade their pursuers thanks to a turtle with a Stand ability dispatched by the boss.
Where the Bucciarati mob board the express train to Florence. They briefly manage to evade their pursuers thanks to a turtle with Stand powers dispatched by their boss.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 12345
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Stylish Evade Pose 1
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Stylish Evade Pose 2
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Stylish Evade Pose 3
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Stylish Evade Pose 4
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Stylish Evade Pose 5
TalkingTauntedResolve Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4, page 15

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 493: The Grateful Dead, Part 6, page 16

Resolve Mode Cut-in

Chapter 491: The Grateful Dead, Part 4, page 17

RenderPesci RenderMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Bruno Bucciarati vs. Prosciutto & Pesci Normal Battle
Use an HHA


This section requires expansion.

Pesci Render
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Golden Wind Prosciutto & Pesci vs. Shigekiyo Yangu Extra Battle
Use a GHA


Chapter 487: Express Train to Florence, Part 2

Match Entrance

Chapter 492: The Grateful Dead, Part 5

Round Win Pose 1

Chapter 488: The Grateful Dead, Part 1

Round Win Pose 2

Chapter 488: The Grateful Dead, Part 1


Commemorative Giveaway

In commemoration of the release of Risotto Nero as the 1st paid DLC character for ASBR, the Japanese ASBR Twitter account hosted a giveaway of 20 sets of 3 ASBR Vento Aureo badges,[6] although only to be delivered to addresses in Japan.[7] The badges in question contained the ASBR render images of Ghiaccio, Prosciutto & Pesci, and Risotto respectively.

The campaign started on October 28, 2022, and lasted until November 13 at 11:59pm JST. To enter the giveaway lottery, users only had to:

  1. Follow the @jojo_games_jp Twitter account.
  2. Retweet the tweet that announced the giveaway.

However, Twitter accounts set to private were ineligible for the giveaway. Unfollowing the ASBR Twitter account before the end of the giveaway also deemed users ineligible. Furthermore, attempting to join the giveaway with multiple accounts disqualified all of the associated accounts from the giveaway.[7]

The giveaway was directly implemented by Bandai Namco themselves, with no third-party involvement, and the winners of the giveaway were notified via Twitter DMs. Said winners were announced sometime in December 2022.[7]

Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


  • Pesci
    • Fixed issue where Pesci wouldn't return to Prosciutto under specific conditions.
  • "How's this?" special
    • Increased recovery time.
    • Increased damage to rebalance move since move is affected by universal decrease of damage on downed opponents.
  • "You're soft!" skill
    • Increased damage.
  • "We're in it to the end!" skill
    • Decreased maximum number of hits allowed against downed opponents.
  • "I can see your movements! You're wide open!" HHA
    • Increased recovery time.
    • Increased the distance between Prosciutto and the opponent after a successful activation.


  • Aging Gauge
  • "How's this?" special
    • Adjusted hitbox to fix issue where the move would not hit under certain circumstances.


  • "You gutless rat!" special
    • Changed so the move can now be canceled into Quick Stand On.
  • "How's this?" special
    • Changed so the move can now be canceled into Quick Stand On.
  • "You're soft!" skill
    • Adjusted amount of float.
    • Increased forward movement.
    • Reduced recovery time.
    • Reduced startup.


  • Pesci
    • Pesci's attacks will no longer trigger counters.
    • Fixed a bug where Pesci would not return to Prosciutto after some skills if Prosciutto was afflicted with Risotto Nero's "Iron Deficiency".
    • Fixed a bug where Pesci could disappear when Prosciutto was hit by Old Joseph Joestar's assault assist.
  • "Beach Boy!" skill
    • This skill no longer shares the Same Move Limit with "We're in it to the end!", meaning that they can now both be used up to three times in a combo before it drops.
  • "We're in it to the end!" skill
    • This skill no longer shares the Same Move Limit with "Beach Boy!", meaning that they can now both be used up to three times in a combo before it drops.
  • "I'll rip you apart!" skill
    • Decreased size of Prosciutto's hurtbox until the hitbox spawns.
    • Increased size of the hitbox of the second hit.
    • Decreased startup.
    • Adjusted lifting force of all hits to make it more reliable.
    • Reduced recovery time.
    • Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs so this skill would no longer Clash against normal attacks.
    • Fixed an issue where this skill would not deal chip damage.
    • These changes also apply to the assault assist since this is the skill used for it.
  • "Hook, line, and sinker! You took the bait! skill
    • Fixed a big where the skill would retain its hitbox after being Stylish Guarded.
  • "Nice try!" skill
    • Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs so this skill would no longer Clash against normal attacks.
    • Fixed an issue where this skill would not deal chip damage.


  • "Beach Boy!" skill
    • When this skill is blocked, Pesci will now automatically perform the "Now I'll reel you in!" follow-up, causing the opponent to now be pulled on block.
      • This change results in the skill now having a shorter recovery on block.
    • Fixed a bug where after jumping over an opponent and activating this skill right as Prosciutto landed, Pesci would reposition behind Prosciutto before performing this skill rather than performing it at his current location.
  • Assault Assist
    • Decreased the delay between when Prosciutto and Pesci appear and when Pesci performs the attack.


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