Giorno Giovanna/ru

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Template:Character Info/ru

Моё имя - Джорно Джованна, и у меня есть мечта. (このジョルノ・ジョバァーナには正しいと信じる夢がある。)
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Информация ниже может содержать спойлеры 5 части.

Джорно Джованна (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ, Joruno Jobāna, Giorno Giovanna) - протагонист пятой части серии JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo, и пятый ДжоДжо в серии.

Джорно - внебрачный сын ДИО, зачатый с украденным телом Джонатана Джостара. Он представлен как Харуно Шиобана (汐華(しおばな) 初流乃(はるの), Shiobana Haruno), подросток, наполовину японец, живущий в Италии. Джорно говорит, что он готов присоединиться к мафии Passione и своей мечте стать "Gang-Star" (от слов "Gangster" и "Superstar") ("Primo mafioso" в английском дубляже), чтобы привести мафию в благотворительную организацию.

Джорно - прирождённый стенд-юзер, обладающий стендом Gold Experience, который способен вселять жизнь в неживые объекты.



Джорно - подросток среднего роста, со стройным, но мускулистым телосложением, и низкий по росту, в сравнении с остальными ДжоДжо. У него золотые[1] волосы средней длины, завязанные назад коротким, плетёным хвостом, с тремя небольшими завитками, расположенными в ряд над его лбом. Его волосы изначально были чёрными и неопрятными, но изменились после обретения им стенда.[1] Его глаза, особенно в ранних изображениях, имеют заострения на углах, как у его отца.

Giorno wears a two-piece suit with a checkered coat tail and several ornate features, including wing-shaped emblems on the collar and a heart-shaped opening in the chest area. The most distinctive feature on his suit are the three ladybug emblems located on either side of his chest and directly below his zipper, matching the appearance of his Stand. Later on, his shoes also have the same ladybug emblem on them. The color scheme for his suit often changes in different depictions, but the most common colors are blue outlined with gold and pink outlined with green.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaGioGio (PS2)All-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
Hair(Blond, formerly black)
(Golden-trimmed navy suit with maroon ladybug brooches & green shoes)
(White and golden-trimmed navy suit with red/white ladybug brooches & yellow shoes)
(Golden-trimmed indigo suit with red ladybug brooches & light green shoes)
Eyes(Sky Blue)
(Golden-trimmed dark blue suit with red ladybug brooches & olive green shoes)
Hair(Blond, formerly black)
Eyes(Seafoam Green)
Main Outfit
(Golden-trimmed pink suit with blue ladybug brooches & dark blue shoes)
Epilogue Outfit
(Bronze-trimmed black suit with green ladybug brooches & light brown shoes)


Это решимость! Это даёт ему способность проложить свой путь через тёмные пустоши!
—Джорно, приободрённый решимостью Мисты, Chapter 514: White Album, Part 6

У Джорно было несчастливое и одинокое детство из-за травли и насилия со стороны отчима. Поэтому первое время он был холодным и безразличным к другим и считал себя мерзавцем из-за того, как к нему относились люди. Окружающие думали, что он станет плохим человеком, когда вырастет. Но однажды, он спас раненого гангстера, после чего подружился с ним. В благодарность за это, тот человек начал защищать Джорно от тех, кто издевался над ним, и тот понял, что он может доверять людям. С тех пор он стал более уверенным и заботливым человеком.[2]

Джорно мечтает стать "Ганг-стар"
Главной отличительной чертой Джорно является его решимость (覚悟, kakugo), то есть способность принимать важные решения и доводить их до конца, невзирая на боль, печаль и трагедию. На протяжении 5 части, решимость Джорно оказывается настолько сильной, что в пылу битвы он готов быть раненым, если это приведёт к преимуществу. Как амбициозный человек, он охотно использует любую возможность, чтобы стать "Ганг-старом". Начав сотрудничать с гангстером Passione, Бруно Буччеллати, Джорно не теряет времени и неуклонно продвигается по служебной лестнице. Убийство Польпо было необходимо для повышения по званию Буччеллати. Позже, Джорно попытался лично настигнуть Босса Passione, и планировал установить на него устройство слежения.[3]
Отрезает руку, чтобы избавиться от Notorious B.I.G
Будучи очень серьёзным подростком, Джорно не отвлекается от своей миссии и целей, которые он перед собой поставил. Тем не менее, Джорно иногда задумывается о более мирских темах, таких как вкусная пицца Маргарита из Неаполя, прямо перед тем, как его атакует Notorious B.I.G..[4] Джорно склонен спокойно подходить ко многим вещам, и демонстрирует огромное самообладание, даже когда сталкивается с опасностями, которые ему непонятны. Коичи описывает его как "сияющую безмятежность" в опасном месте.[5] Тем не менее, он беспокоится, когда дела идут наперекосяк. Джорно редко позволяет своему гневу взять верх над ним, и часто сохраняет спокойствие, если не подавленный гнев против некоторых врагов. В некоторых случаях, отчаянно пытаясь найти решение проблемы, Джорно начинает кричать и потеть, показывая своё расстройство, но никогда не теряет рассудок.
Джорно принадлежит к родословной Джостаров

Джорно относится к людям с тем уважением, которое, как он считает, они заслуживают, основываясь на своих наблюдениях за их убеждениями и действиями. Кажется, он унаследовал черты как Джонатана Джостара, так и Дио Брандо: Джорно относится к союзникам, как Джонатан, и беспощаден к врагам, как Дио. У него доброе сердце и он хочет помочь любому, кто проявил доброту к нему или другим, но он спокойно нарушает закон. Когда он впервые встретился с Коичи, Джорно был мелким воришкой и подкупил охранников аэропорта, перед тем, как украсть багаж Коичи.[5] В целом, он следует своей собственной морали. Тем не менее, Джорно очень ценит человеческую жизнь и при каждом удобном случае стремится защитить кого-то, даже ставя себя в опасное положение. Он считает, что отдавать свою жизнь - это не показатель решимости, как он заявляет в битве с Гьяччо. Нередко он подвергает риску собственную жизнь и готов получить травму, если эти действия помогут его союзникам.[6][7] Джорно тщательно планирует свои действия, чтобы всегда оставаться живым. Все его планы направлены на мечту - запретить торговлю наркотиками, которые рушат жизни невинных жителей Италии.[8]

Джорно беспощаден к таким врагам, как Чокколата

С другой стороны, Джорно без колебаний наказывает тех, кто просто так и намеренно причиняет боль другим людям, что показано, когда он убивает Польпо, чтобы отомстить за невинного уборщика, убитого Black Sabbath,[9] и проявляет особую злобу, делая это. Джорно без колебаний и жестоко убивал всех своих противников, кроме Буччеллати, которого он пощадил, потому что признал, что тот - праведный человек. Например, он умертвил Мелоне, отправив к нему ядовитую змею, сделанную из его собственного стенда[10], и избил Гьяччо, застрявшего на фонарном столбе, пока его шея окончательно не сломалась.[11] Посреди боя, он не гнушается врать: в битве с Буччеллати, он соврал, что не позволит обычным людям вмешиваться в битву, а затем наносит ранение прохожему, в котором прятался Буччеллати, для того, чтобы застать его врасплох.[8] Позже, Джорно заставляет Чокколату поверить, что он пощадит его, но на самом деле, он всего лишь тянул время, пока пуля, попавшая в голову Чокколаты, превращалась в скарабея, который стал пожирать мозг учёного, после чего Джорно оставался невозмутимым, пока Gold Experience жестоко и долго избивал Чокколату.[12]

Джорно производит впечатление уверенности и остроумия

Обычно замкнутый, Джорно держит фасад уверенной смелости, подкреплённый его интеллектом и харизмой, чтобы выглядеть как безупречный человек среди сверстников. Это особенно заметно при его первой встрече с командой Буччеллати. Когда они пытаются задрать его, он сменяет пассивные и вежливые манеры на уверенность в себе, впечатляя всю команду.[13] В одиночестве, Джорно демонстрирует больше чувства юмора и только в эти моменты позволяет себе подумать о чём-то другом, кроме серьёзной цели. Жестокое обращение родителей усиливало его замкнутость и привычку избегать людей, что заставило его развить дедуктивные навыки, но сделав его молчаливым человеком, пока не нужно сказать что-то важное.[2] Однако когда Джорно сражается с врагом, он становится склонным к болтовне и длительной речи, разоблачая образ жизни противника или читая его мысли, чтобы заставить его увидеть свои ошибки и тщетность их положения. Таким образом, он очень похож на своего отца ДИО, и даже язвительно издевается над Дьяволо во время их кульминационной битвы.[14] Джорно вежливо разговаривает с начальством и авторитетными людьми, никогда не ругается, сохраняя хорошие манеры речи на протяжении всего приключения. Тем не менее, он не стесняется высказывать свое мнение, даже если оно противоречит мнению его собеседника, что видно, когда он спорит с Абаккио о том, стоит ли бросать Фуго ради их миссии.[15]

"Не заставляй меня повторяться."

Джорно имеет привычку брать ответственность на себя, что вводит его в панику, когда его планы проваливаются. Джорно очень расстраивается, когда он ничего не может поделать с ситуацией, вплоть до того, что он извиняется перед Мистой за то, что не может эффективно использовать Gold Experience против White Album Гьяччо.[16] На протяжении Vento Aureo, тем не менее, он потихоньку развивает доверие к союзникам и находит применение их личным способностям. Вместо того, чтобы действовать в одиночку, Джорно начинает полностью сотрудничать с ними, создавая эффективную командую динамику среди всей группы. Даже когда Джорно не может решить проблему самостоятельно, он старается вывести союзников в выгодное положение.[17][18][19]

Джорно очень не любит, когда ему приходится повторять свои слова, так как он считает это показателем глупости собеседника. Иронично, что его боевой крик - гневное повторение "Muda!".[20] Во время избиения Чокколаты, он выкрикивает "WRYYYYYY!". Кроме того, как и Джотаро, Джорно раздражается от обилия девушек, флиртующих с ним, и тоже резко отшивает их.[21]



Джорно и его стенд, Gold Experience
Gold Experience - один из самых универсальных стендов в серии. Он обладает способностью создавать жизнь и управлять ей, что Джорно в основном использует для создания растений и мелких животных. Они могут быть использованы для различных целей - от маскировки до отслеживания врага. Будучи стендом ближнего боя, он также может наносить бешеный град ударов, который Джорно обычно применяет для убийства.

Gold Experience Requiem - улучшенная версия Gold Experience, который был пронзён стрелой, дающей стенд. Он обладает способностью аннулировать силу воли и действия врага и защищает Джорно без его ведома. Тот, кто был убит Реквиемом, попадёт под "обнуление смерти", заставляя его оставаться в петле смертей на всю вечность. Как эволюционировавшая версия стенда, Requiem сохраняет способность к созданию жизни, но с более смертельным уроном, а также может левитировать рядом со своим пользователем.


Джорно выращивает дерево, чтобы убежать от Коичи Хиросе

Джорно - изобретательный и опытный пользователь стенда, хоть и пассивный в своём прогрессе. Благодаря его энциклопедическим знаниям биологии, флоры и фауны, Джорно может эффективно использовать животворную способность Gold Experience, выбирая, какое существо лучше создать в данный момент, и контролировать этими формами жизни. Например, чтобы найти Иллюзо, который прятался в параллельном мире, Джорно создал змею, используя её склонность искать источники тепла. Также, Джорно нередко проявляет изобретательность, например, пользуясь способностью Gold Experience быстро выращивать деревья, тем самым устраивая пронзительную атаку, или быстро сушить деревья, чтобы вывести Black Sabbath на солнце.

Тем не менее, Джорно не раскрыл весь потенциал своего стенда, в отличие от своего отца. Например, он ни разу не использовал способности Gold Experience в бою, пока он не встретился с бандитами Passione, не знал о способности давать людям жизнь до битвы с Буччеллати. Понаблюдав за способностью Baby Face, он вдохновился на способность создавать человеческие органы.

Джорно отлично работает в компании с партнёрами. По сути, он является целителем команды и часто сотрудничает с такими участниками, как Гвидо Миста, пули которого являются идеальными снарядами, которые можно превращать в жизненные формы на дальних дистанциях. В одной из битв, Джорно превратил пули в дерево и смог зацепить вертолёт, который иначе был бы недосягаем для них обоих.

Personal Skills

Giorno's arm, which has been turned into a piranha, bursts out of Baby Face's back

Intelligence: Giorno is a very competent tactician. An observer by nature, Giorno likes to assert his opponents' abilities and plans before acting. He then uses his observations to probe for any weakness of their part and predict what they will do, often returning their moves against them. Using his Stand with remarkable imagination, Giorno gives himself a wide range of possibilities, the exploitation of Gold Experience's power and the characteristic of animals he transforms objects into allows Giorno to, among others, reposition himself quickly or track his opponents. Moreover, he is good at using his environment to his advantage. Giorno is quick on his feet and is able to formulate plans on the spot.

Giorno has shown himself adept at cooperating with other Stand Users with maximum effectiveness, particularly Guido Mista with whom he is close with. Giorno is able to exploit his partner's power almost as effectively as his own, taking account of their precise abilities and using them in his tactics. Most basic of all is transforming Mista's bullets into other lifeforms to take his enemies by surprise and multiply Giorno's effective range.

Despite seeming to have a reckless side, notably infecting himself with Purple Haze's virus, Giorno is a very careful person, constantly warning his partners of their impatience. He always has backup plans and makes sure his enemies are eliminated. While appearing as heedless, Giorno actually takes calculated risks.

Knowledge: Giorno is very knowledgeable in biology. His encyclopedic knowledge of fauna and flora allows him to transform objects into the lifeforms most suitable to his goal, as well as deducing his enemies' powers.

Charisma: Giorno is a charismatic individual, able to sway people to his side easily, either through speech or key actions. His habits of observing his peers allow him to then deduce the best way to impress them and make them an ally, granting them resolve and confidence when they work with him. Arguably, this trait is likely inherited from his father.

Stealth Thievery: As he himself admitted, Giorno is an accomplished pickpocketer. Although demonstrated only once, his skill is undeniable as he was able to steal a prison guard's wallet in the middle of his body search. In the anime, Giorno was able to grab a wallet back from a pickpocketer who had snatched it from a woman. After he returned it to her, he uses his Stand ability to transform the money in the wallet into butterflies, which then flew back to him.

File:Gio ear trick.gif
Giorno's ear trick

Ear Trick: Giorno has shown the ability to stuff his entire ear into his head, and that was, in fact, the very first ability he displayed when he was introduced. However, although it is quite entertaining as a parlor trick, it has no practical use. Giorno used his trick to help smooth talk two security guards into letting him scam tourists at Naples' airport.


Making me repeat myself... it's useless. It hate it because it's useless, useless, useless...
—Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 441: Gold Experience, Part 2


DIO's picture in Giorno's wallet
  • Dio Brando/DIO: While Giorno has never been shown interacting with his birth father, he has been shown to value his birth father to some degree as his wallet was revealed to contain a photograph of DIO. Giorno does inherit some of DIO's ruthless and brutal nature, as well as his ambition and charisma. However, he does not use it for evil ends. Giorno even uses the "WRYYY!" scream at one point, and also uses his "Useless!" Stand cry.
  • Jonathan Joestar: Unknown to even Giorno, his biological ancestry comes from Jonathan's DNA. As DIO conceived him using Jonathan's body, this allows Giorno to gain the Joestar Birthmark. From Jonathan, Giorno appears to have inherited his noble, polite, and overall kind nature toward good people, observed by Koichi to a degree. Even though DIO is the one who conceived Giorno, Koichi noted that the Joestar bloodline's influence is visible.
  • Mother (maiden surname Shiobana): Giorno's mother had rarely cared for him when he was a child, viewing him as a hindrance to her party life and often left him in the dark whenever she went out, where he was too scared to even cry.
  • Stepfather: Initially, Giorno's stepfather would often beat Giorno when his mother was away, angered at his habit of always trying to read people (although it was his abuse that inspired this behavior). This changes after Giorno meets the gangster, after which the stepfather was likely intimidated out of trying to beat Giorno again.
  • Donatello, Rikiel, and Ungalo: The three are Giorno's half-brothers. It is unknown if he was aware of their existence.
  • Jotaro Kujo: While they have never formally met, Jotaro investigated Giorno due to his connections to both DIO and the Joestar family. Having found out Giorno's relation with DIO, Jotaro avoided meeting him in person and trusted Koichi to judge him in his stead. It is assumed Jotaro has no ill will towards him following Koichi's report of him being a reasonable and Joestar-like person.


Mista... your resolve shines with a radiance that eclipses even the sun rising at our backs and sheds light upon our path... and it illuminates the righteous fated path that we shall walk together hereafter, as well!
—Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 515: White Album, Part 7
  • Man X: When he was little, Giorno saved a wounded gangster by lying to his pursuers about where he was. Incidentally, Gold Experience subconsciously intervened by making the grass and other flora around the gangster grow. The man was grateful and ensured that Giorno would never suffer in his life, making Giorno's stepfather stop beating him, and stopping anyone from bullying him. He taught Giorno that there was good in humanity, and although he objected to Giorno joining a gang, Giorno dreamed of becoming a "gang-star".
Giorno being licked in the face by Bruno.
  • Bruno Bucciarati: Giorno and Bucciarati met as enemies, but Giorno was able to deduce from the flaws in Bucciarati's tactics against him that Bucciarati was a good person, and decided to work with him in the conclusion of their fight. From that point on, the two have formed a relationship of mutual trust, even with Giorno unconditionally accepting that Bucciarati will not help him if he is found out as an enemy of Passione, while Bucciarati assists him in rising in the ranks. Giorno is able to save Bucciarati from complete and utter defeat at the hands of the Boss using one of his ladybug brooches, causing him to mentally note how Giorno always fills him with courage. After Bucciarati's soul is finally put to rest, Giorno immediately fights Diavolo, revealing his emotions towards his friend's death.
Giorno helping Mista shoot an enemy Stand user.
  • Guido Mista: Mista is one of the initially nicer people to Giorno in the gang when he first joins and is quick to grow to him after seeing him in action. Mista is the second to realize Giorno's ability to guide others without their knowledge, viewing him as a source of hope. The two frequently team up together and place a lot of faith in each other's abilities, at one point combining their Stand powers in a moment of doubt to capture a helicopter. By the end of the story, Mista and Giorno are the surviving members of the team, and perhaps closer friends than the rest, continuing to work together in the gang when Giorno takes over as boss with Mista as his subordinate.
  • Narancia Ghirga: Initially, Narancia only interacts with Giorno by jokingly reminding him that he is his superior due to age. However, Narancia later begins to trusts Giorno who repeatedly impresses him with his supportive attitude and quick thinking. Against Squalo and Tiziano, Narancia is happy to have Giorno assist him and even believing that the gang stands a chance against the Boss if they have him. Giorno, after Narancia's sudden death, places a grave for him and mourns, promising to take his body back home.
  • Pannacotta Fugo: Fugo initially doesn't have time to think much of Giorno. During the struggle with Squadra Esecuzioni member Illuso, he sees Giorno temporarily sacrifices his hand to trick Illuso into being killed by Purple Haze, earning Fugo's respect, and making him the first next to Bucciarati to see Giorno's valor and wits.
  • Leone Abbacchio: Abbacchio is highly suspicious toward Giorno's presence in the gang and constantly belittles him, notably refusing to reveal his Moody Blues to him even if the group is in danger; nonetheless, Giorno's actions still impress him. For his part, Giorno passively takes the abuse and tries to act in cooperation. During the battle with Illuso however, Abbacchio tries to sacrifice himself to allow Giorno to retrieve Mr.President's Key and get it to the rest, and later shows a begrudging respect for him when he defies this and stays to save the lives of all the members involved in the battle. Never shown warming up to Giorno completely as the rest of the team has, Abbacchio nonetheless loses all suspicion toward him at the time of his death.
  • Koichi Hirose: Koichi was sent by Jotaro to investigate Giorno. Despite the fact Giorno cunningly stole his luggage, Koichi becomes an ally to Giorno after he sees his inner virtue, comparing it to that of the Joestar bloodline. He ends up trusting Koichi enough to tell him and only him about everything. They go their own separate ways on good terms.
  • Trish Una: When Giorno is first introduced to Trish, he saw her escort mission as a prime opportunity to get closer to Passione's Boss than he had originally imagined. The two don't interact as much, but Trish is seen to believe in Giorno. As Vento Aureo progresses, Giorno demonstrates a degree of care for Trish, willing to sacrifice his chance to confront the Boss in order to tend to her and ensure her well-being. During the battle with Notorious B.I.G., Spice Girl openly admits that Giorno's actions have allowed her spirit to mature. Trish, like the rest of Bucciarati's team, has put her faith and trust in Giorno by the end, awed at Giorno's victory over her father.
  • Jean Pierre Polnareff: Polnareff and Giorno become allies during the fight against Diavolo, and Giorno is the most willing to listen to his advice. After his body switch, Polnareff becomes a guardian for the Stand Arrow and stays with Giorno and the newly-led Passione.

Purple Haze Feedback

  • Sheila E: After Giorno became the boss of Passione, Sheila was placed as his bodyguard. When Sheila learned Giorno killed Illuso, she was content with the way he died.


One more thing. About that theory of happiness you spewed... even as I look at you now, I feel no happiness at all, because victory was mine from the very beginning.
—Giorno to Cioccolata, Chapter 561: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 8
Giorno in Diavolo's time erasure
  • Diavolo: As the Boss of Passione, which was selling drugs in the streets, Diavolo was de facto Giorno's archenemy and target. However, both didn't know or even personally meet each other until very late in the narrative. Knowing nothing about Diavolo, Giorno sought to climb the ranks and approach him in order to take over Passione, with his daughter's escort mission being a chance that Giorno would readily take to get close to him. However, Bucciarati's open rebellion hasted his plan and allowed him to take more initiative against Diavolo and Passione as a whole. While Diavolo learned very quickly how resourceful Giorno was and treaded carefully around him, he still treated him as inferior, calling him a "brat" and "hindrance", even when he viewed Giorno as his greatest threat during the final battle. On the other hand, Giorno only got to interact with Diavolo when he acquired Gold Experience Requiem and used the one moment to taunt the boss, especially challenging his philosophy rooted in 'results'.
  • Polpo: Giorno met Polpo to pass the test to enter Passione. Giorno and Polpo were civil toward each other, but Polpo only saw Giorno as a potential tool and used his position of power to grimly warn the teenager about misconducting oneself. On the other hand, Giorno despised him as soon as his Black Sabbath killed a helpless civilian, prompting him to kill Polpo as soon as he could.
Giorno beating up Cioccolata with Gold Experience
  • Baby Face: Giorno and Baby Face were enemies, and the Stand Baby Face tried to assassinate Giorno to make a getaway after capturing Trish and Bucciarati. Baby Face grew increasingly frustrated at Giorno's determination to the point it forewent any precaution and tried to fight him openly. Ironically, Giorno thanked Baby Face for giving him enough trouble to be pushed into a wall and progress. It didn't prevent Giorno from summarily killing it and sending a venomous snake after its user, Melone.
  • Cioccolata: While Cioccolata didn't think much of Giorno, only noticing that he discovered Green Day's ability rather quickly, Giorno witnessed the ruin Cioccolata's Stand brought to Rome, and greatly execrated the psychopath. When Giorno defeated Cioccolata, he reminded the mad doctor that those like him didn't deserve to live and vented his scorn with a lengthy and mortal pummeling before throwing Cioccolata's mutilated body into a garbage truck.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Of course, I'll go straight to the hotel!... However, only with your empty luggage.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 440: Gold Experience, Part 1
  • Luca... please, don't make me say the same thing twice. When I have to repeat something that only needs to be said once, it means that the listener is unintelligent.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 441: Gold Experience, Part 2
  • I told you to stop... this frog isn't necessarily obedient towards me... It's only trying to protect itself. It has its own life to protect... Any attack directed towards it will be reflected back, resulting in death.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 441: Gold Experience, Part 2
  • Making me repeat myself... it's useless. It hate it because it's useless, useless, useless...
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 441: Gold Experience, Part 2
  • You're someone who's prepared himself for conflict. If you are prepared to kill someone, then that must mean that in turn, you're prepared for the danger and possibility of being killed yourself...
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 446: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 4
  • I had just announced that I wouldn't allow civilians to get involved... I apologize, that was a lie.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 446: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 4
  • No. You won't try to kill me anymore. Because you'll become my ally. I'm planning on defeating your Boss and taking over this city. In order to get rid of gangsters who sell drugs to children... you have to become a gang member yourself.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 447: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 5
  • Yes...! To take control of this city, I have to enter into the organization that is currently in control and work my way up...! I'm going to become a Gang-star!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 448: Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall, Part 1
  • I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!
  • Even if Polpo is a capo in the organization that I'm intending to join, if he intends to get in the way of my dream... and if he's someone who kills innocent bystanders like that old man, as if his life was just trash to be tossed... I have to defeat him!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 452: Joining the Gang, Part 3
  • I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream that I know is just.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 453: Joining the Gang, Part 4
  • You said that there are two paths that I could follow... but for you to have that many choices? Impossible! Mudamudamudamudamudamudamuda !!! Take your time and enjoy sunbathing! That's the singular path that you can follow.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 454: Joining the Gang, Part 5
  • So. You asserted that when someone is insulted, murder is permitted, correct? I see, that is in fact a very important distinction. Because you insulted that innocent old man's life. And that's why I turned one of your pistols into a banana. It's your last meal, take your time... enjoy it.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 455: Joining the Gang, Part 6
  • Did I [drink Abbacchio's piss]...? Well, you all keep your abilities a secret, don't you?
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 456: 5 Plus 1
  • [Illuso] is already destined for defeat regardless! His exit gives me a better chance of survival.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 484: Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 6
  • They will catch us in no time if we steal a single car. But, if we steal a hundred cars, then thy might have a harder time figuring out which one we're on.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 502: Baby Face, Part 3
  • We have similarities. You and my Gold Experience. They both have the ability to create. You gave me a hint and pushed me within an inch of my life... And that's helped me grow a little!
    —Giorno Giovanna to Baby Face, Chapter 504: Baby Face, Part 5
  • This sensation! I don't exactly get it, but... My Gold Experience... I feel the birth of something new! I sense the birth of something newer and greater than before!!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 504: Baby Face, Part 5
  • I learned something... from your ability to turn humans into objects. Was it fate or some force that attracts similar Stands to each other...? People often learn more from their failures than from their successes and victories... Your ability to make people into objects... has allowed my Gold Experience to grow.
    —Giorno Giovanna to Baby Face, Chapter 505: Baby Face, Part 6
  • You did things your own style, but it was useless either way...
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 506: Baby Face, Part 7
  • Only those with resolve can clear a path through the darkness... things are getting exciting... If the worst comes to the worst, at least one of us will die in the process... but it is you responsibility, and our resolve shall clear the path!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 513: White Album, Part 5
  • This is what resolve is! It is to carve out your destined path through the darkened wastes!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 514: White Album, Part 6
  • Mista... your resolve shines with a radiance that eclipses even the sun rising at our backs and sheds light upon our path... and it illuminates the righteous fated path that we shall walk together hereafter, as well! Mudamudamudamudamudamudamudamuda!!!!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 515: White Album, Part 7
  • The unconscious... Stand abilities are, in a sense, the unconscious talents of their Users. If any sense of guilt exists in your heart, then that will unconsciously put a brake on your ability. But this man delights in cruelty. It is his reason for living... that's why he has this ability. If he can do this, that means he has no brakes! There is no limit to his evil.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 558: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 5
  • One more thing. About that theory of happiness you spewed... even as I look at you now, I feel no happiness at all, because victory was mine from the very beginning.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 561: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 8
  • Know your place. A deal like this is too good to be true for a man like you. Mudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamuda!!! WRYYYYYY!!! MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAAAAAA!!!
    —Giorno Giovanna to Cioccolata, Chapter 562: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 9
  • We're leaving you here... I won't let anyone... hurt you anymore, I promise... but, I swear that I will bring you home.
    —Giorno Giovanna to Narancia, Chapter 577: The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 6
  • All that will survive is the reality of this world. Righteous actions born from reality will never be annihilated. Bucciarati is dead, and so are Abbacchio and Narancia. But, their actions and their wills have not been annihilated. They are the ones who gave me this Arrow. Now, are your actions born of reality? Or are they born of superficial evil? We're about to find out. In the end, will you be able to escape annihilation? Boss?
    —Giorno Giovanna to Diavolo, Chapter 586: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1
  • The ending is something which has no ending. That is Gold Experience Requiem.
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 588: Gold Experience Requiem, Part 3
  • That which we have inherited from the departed must be taken onwards! I will not destroy this Arrow!
    —Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5


  • In Araki's top Ten Favorite Characters in 2000, Giorno ranked fifth, Araki's second favorite JoJo and third favorite Part 5 character; Mista ranked seventh, Diavolo at fourth, & Bucciarati in third place.
  • Photo back.png
    The anime adaptation gives him an address: Room 304 of the "dormitorio della scuola media Neapolis", Via Basco di Capodimante, 75/b 80121 Neapolis NA, Italia.
  • Araki threw around the idea of making Giorno a female character. However, he discussed about it with his editor Hiroshi Sekiya who thought that a female lead would be a tough sell for the Weekly Shonen Jump's readers so Giorno ended up being a young boy. Sekiya notes that Giorno's japanese name "Haruno Shiobana" sounds like a girl's name and that Gold Experience power to give life is reminiscent of a woman's own ability to give life. Because Araki did wonder (apparently jokingly) about the possible reveal that Giorno was a woman looking like a man all along, Sekiya theorizes that Araki still entertained the idea of a female Giorno.[22]


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