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Template:Character Info/fr

Ce personnage est quelque fois nommé "Kars".
Ne souhaitez-vous pas dompter le soleil ?! Ne souhaitez-vous pas régner en maître sur la création ?! Ne souhaitez-vous pas vous affranchir de toute peur ?!
—Cars aux Hommes du Pilier, Chapter 112: The Man Who Became a God

Cars (カーズ, Kāzu) est l'antagoniste principal de la deuxième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency.

Cars est le chef des Hommes du Pilier et le créateur des Masques de Pierre. Son but est d'évoluer plus encore et de devenir immunisé aux rayons du soleil. Pour celà il recherche la Super Aja pour améliorer son masque et combat les maîtres de l'Onde pour sa possession.

En tant que créateur des Masques de Pierre et des Vampires, Cars est l'un des personnages les plus influents de la série, son invention ayant un impact important pour de nombreux personnages majeurs comme Dio Brando, la Famille Joestar et la Famille Zeppeli.


Cars ressemble un homme très grand et très musclé. Il un visage aux traits élégants et un relativement féminins. Il semble plus pâle que les autres Hommes du Pilier. Il garde sa tête enroulée avec un bandage pour ne laisser découvert que son visage, mais en dessous il a des cheveux ondulés très longs (il prétend qu'il ne les montre qu'en gage de respect ou lorsqu'il a l'intention de se battre à mort). Il a aussi trois petites cornes qui sortent de son crâne et un diadème assez simple avec une simple gemme dessus.

Cependant il n'a pas pendant de vêtements. Il porte des hautes protège-tibias gravés, un string avec un pagne dessus, et de simples bandes de tissus enroulés autour de son cou et autour des épaules. Au combat, il peut faire pousser des lames courbées de ses avant-bras et de ses jambes.

Pour se mêler aux humains, il porte alors un très long manteau et un Fedora.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnimeAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Cheveux(Violet / Rose)
Premier Costume
(Rubans, manchettes collants et bottes violets. Accessoires dorés, Bijoux cyan et magenta)
Second Costume
(Manteau et Fedora bleus, chemise, écharpe et pantalon violet, boutons et genouillères magenta, ceinture dorée)
Yeux(Rouges avec far bleu)
Premier Costume
(Rubans violets, gantelets, genouillères et bottes bleues, pagne bleu, accessoires dorés)
Second Costume
(Fédora noir, manteau et pantalon noir bordé de gris, bandages gris sombre)
(Bandages bleus et violets, manchettes, bottes et collants violets, accessoires dorés avec des bijous rouges et jaunes)
Cheveux(Violets sombres)
(Rubans violets et gris, gantelets gris, genouillères noire, bottes grises, accessoires dorés)


Je n'ai pas l'esprit d'un romantique, et je ne compte pas être un guerrier honorable comme Wham... parce que les moyens ne sont pas importants. Tout ce qui compte... c'est de gagner à la fin !

Cars est intelligent, impitoyable, et dédié à sa recherche de la Pierre Rouge d'Aja. Il était un génie parmi son espèce et fut le créateur des Masques de Pierre.

Lorsqu'il apparaît, Cars se comporte comme le plus froid et le plus sérieux des Hommes du Pilier car il sourit rarement et est celui qui rappelle à Wham et AC/DC de leur objectif final[1]. Obsédé par la Pierre Rouge d'Aja, il est capable d'écraser tous ceux sur son chemin et ne recule devant aucune traîtrise. Il a notamment brisé son serment de se battre loyalement pour la Super Aja, déployant un double pour pouvoir poignarder Lisa Lisa dans le dos; il a ordonné à son armée de Vampires de tuer un Joseph affaibli; Cars était capable de tuer des enfants sans défense en disant qu'il fallait se débarrasser d'eux avant qu'ils ne grandissent et cherchent à se venger, alors qu'il avait tué toute leurs familles[2].

Cars reconnait que Joseph a gagné (pour le moment)

Comme Cars est immortel et presque invulnérable, il est un individu qui sait être patient et méthodique dans sa recherche du Super Aja. Il veut bien infiltrer la société humaine en portant des vêtements civils et est du genre à bien observer une pièce avant d'attaquer ceux dedans en une attaque décisive[3]. Son premier combat contre Joseph révèle qu'il est acharné, répondants aux ruses de Joseph avec calme et d'autres stratagèmes[4]. Il n'est pas très affecté par des revers et a notamment accepté sa défaite lorsque Joseph a pris la Super Aja sous son nez[5], mais peut se débattre sans relâche pour surmonter tout obstacle et revers de fortune. C'est seulement lorsqu'il est coincé dans l'epace qu'il s'abandonne au désespoir[6]. Son obsession pour la Pierre Rouge d'Aja constitue une faiblesse psychologique de taille et il préfère n'avoir aucune chance de la perdre; c'est ce qui a permis Joseph de l'utiliser comme un petit bouclier, forçant Cars à stopper ses attaques et à subir le bluff de Lisa Lisa pour ne pas d'endommager la gemme, même s'il a l'avantage.[5][7]

Cars aime lécher ses lames s'il a soif de sang

En plus de son attitude stricte et rationnelle, Cars possède un côté sadique et meurtrier. Il pense qu'une vie sans ennemi est ennuyeuse[1] et semble s'amuser au combat. Cependant, il aime surtour voir ses ennemis en position de faiblesse et leur panique, appréciant le désespoir de Joseph et ses cris de douleur durant leur combat final[8]. Il a tendance à ses lécher les lèvres ou ses lames en anticipant leur mort. Cars peut cacher sa cruauté sous un vernis de politesse, en offrant du poison à Lisa Lisa en prétendant qu'elle ferait mieux de se tuer au lieu de le combattre.[9] Sa violence fait totalement surface lorsqu'il devient l'Etre Ultime et il jouit totalement du fait qu'il est devenu la créature la plus puissance sur Terre[10].

"Ne voulez-vous pas dominer la création?"

Cars est un Homme du Pilier assoiffé de pouvoir et est obsédé par l'idée de débloquer tout le potentiel de son corps et d'être au sommet.[2] Quand il a découvert que les cerveaux des Hommes du Pilier avaient un potentiel caché, Cars a voulu puiser dedans. Son obsession le poussa à créer les Masques de Pierre, qui le rendirent plus puissant mais il restait encore du pouvoir à débloquer. Il fixa son attention sur la Pierre Rouge d'Aja pour compléter son apothéose et devenir l'Etre Ultime. Cars était consterné et furieux que son peuple ne partageait pas son ambition de "conquérir le soleil" car il croyait qu'ils devaient tous dominer toute vie. Dans cette perspective, Cars a ignoré ou n'a même pas considéré que la faim surnaturelle induite par le Masque de Pierre menaçait d'exterminer toute vie sur Terre[11].

Cars s'excuse pour avoir marché sur l'ombre de Wham

La relation entre Cars et ceux autour de lui est ambigüe. D'un côté il considérait Santana comme un chien de garde[3] et avait exterminé son peuple dont sa famille sans hésitation ni remord[11]. D'un autre côté il dit être très attaché à AC/DC et Wham[12], promettant à plusieurs reprises d'honorer leur sacrifices en atteignant son but mais aussi de les venger[3][10]. Cars semble avoir un certain respect pour la nature et les animaux. Il a sauvé un chien en détruisant une voiture qui allait l'écraser (et tua les conducteurs en même temps), et compliqua un atterrissage pour éviter de tomber sur une fleur[5]. Cependant, il tue aussi un écureuil sans raison en devenant l'Etre Ultime[10], et avait menacé des écosystèmes entiers pour se nourrir et devenir plus puissant. Cars était capable d'affectionner les autres mais sa priorité était de compléter son but.

Cars regarde les machines de haut et se moquat de la technologie cyborg utilisée par Rudol von Stroheim car ses performances étaient toujours inférieures à la puissance des Hommes du Pilier.[3] Il considère aussi que les Vampire sont des servant sans aucune valeur et se fichent qu'il soit victimisés ou tué. Si un Vampire l'agace, Cars peut l'exécuter personnellement.[2]

Pouvoirs et compétences

La Lame de Lumière de Cars

Mode de la Lumière (光の流法(モード), 'Hikari' no Mōdo): Le Mode de Cars est celui de la lumière. Il est capable de créer des lames à partir de ses bras et jambes. Son nom est tiré du fait que le lames reflètent la lumière avec une telle brilliance qu'elle en devient aveuglante. Les reflets iridescents des lames de Cars sont dûes au multiples petites dents similaires à celles des requins sur les côtés de la lame et que Cars peut faire tourner comme une tronçonneuse. Les lames sont assez acérées pour couper des balles en deux en plein vol, des murs ou des voitures. Avec ces réflections Cars peut utiliser la technique Lame éclatante (輝彩滑刀, Kisai Kattō) pour éblouir ses ennemis.

Manipulation corporelle: Commes tous les Hommes du Pilier, Cars a certainement des capacités de manipulation extraordinaires sur son corps, même s'il ne les montre pas.

Cars, l'Etre Ultime

Pouvoirs d'Etre Ultime: En devenant l'Etre Ultime (究極生命体(アルティメット・シイング), Arutimetto Shiingu, lit. "Chose Ultime"), Cars acquiert une multitude de pouvoirs :

  • Super-Intelligence: Cars était déjà très intelligent et avait créé les Masques de Pierre en étudiant l'anatomie des Hommes du Pilier pour déboquer plus de pouvoir. Au combat il était très observateur, méthodique et impitoyable, utilisant tout ce qu'il avait sur la main pour prendre l'avantage même si ses actions pouvaient être déshonorables. Même en tant qu'Etre Ultime, Cars a su utiliser le potentiel de son pouvoir en se transformant en multiple type d'êtres vivants pour pouvoir combattre Joseph et renverser la situation à son avantage.K
  • Super-Sens: Cars pouvait senter la chaleur humaine et la pression atmosphérique dans une pièce à travers un mur. Sa vision est précise comme celle d'un télescope astronomique et il peut entendre dans une large bande, des chants de baleines jusqu'aux cris de chauve-souris.
  • Super-Force: Cars a une force de 900 kg/cm2.
  • Régénération: Cars peut régénérer des blessures les plus graves rapidement.
  • Immortalité: En devenant l'Etre Ultime, il devient véritablement invincible, indestructible et immortel. Il ne vieillit pas, peut ne pas se nourrir et possède un corps digne d'un dieu grec (qu'il avait déjà).
  • Manipulation corporelle ultime: En tant qu'Etre Ultime, Cars contient l'ADN de toute forme de vie sur Terre et manipule son corps au niveau cellulaire pour gagner les traits de n'importe quel animal. Il peut transformer ses bras en ails, créer des organismes séparés de son corps (ex : un écureuil) et les contrôler, pousser des plumes puis les transformer en carapaces pare-balles, en pirahnas et en tentacules de poulpes. Il pouvait même créer une carapace à multiples couche et remplie de bulles d'air qui lui permettait de résister à la lave.
Cars utilise l'Onde
  • Onde (波紋): En tant qu'Etre Ultime, Cars est capable d'utiliser l'Onde avec une puissance des centaines de fois plus intense qu'un humain comme Joseph serait capable de produire. Stroheim décrit son Onde comme étant comparable à l'intensité du Soleil lui-même[13]. D'ailleurs, son Onde est capable de faire fondre la chair au simple contact.




AC/DC: Déjà durant la préhistoire, Cars et AC/DC étaient des camarades et ils partageaient les mêmes idéaux. Ils ont tué leur peuple ensemble et ont voyagé ensemble pendant des milliers d'années. Cars avait assez confiance en AC/DC pour le le laisser traquer la Pierre Rouge d'Aja seul. En apprenant sa mort, Cars jura de la venger et il essaya de le faire juste après sa transformation en Etre Ultime.

Wham: Cars avait recueilli Wham avec Santana alors qu'il étaient des bébés. Cars respecta Wham pour son génie au combat mais n'avait que faire de son honneur et pensait que ceci était une faiblesse. Il était attaché à Wham, le respectant assez pour s'excuser alors qu'il a marché sur son ombre, tue une bande de Vampires qui ont osé le moquer après sa mort, et jura de le venger en devenant l'Etre Ultime. Wham était loyal et obéissant à Cars en retour.

Santana: Cars avait recueilli Santana avec Wham alors qu'ils étaient des bébés. Cependant, Santana était plus faible et Cars l'a comparé à un chien de garde. Cars l'a laissé derrière au Mexique quand il fut clair qu'il ne pouvait pas se mesurer au reste des Hommes du Pilier.


Joseph Joestar: Cars est initialement un ennemi à vaincre pour Joseph, qui n'a rien à penser de lui. Cars est agacé par les tactiques imprévisibles de Joseph tandis que lui pensait qu'il était un adversaire difficile car il était obsédé par la Super Aja et ne se laisse pas facilement distraire. Cars révèle sa traîtrise en poignardant Lisa Lisa par derrière en utilisant un double durant son duel, et Joseph commence à le détester. Cependant, Cars commence aussi à considérer Joseph comme le plus grand des obstacles. En devenant l'Etre Ultime, il décida d'essayer de tuer Joseph pour s'enlever une épine du pied, célébrer l'occasion, mais aussi venger la mort de ses camarades. Joseph a réussi à envoyer Cars dans l'espace et Joseph a prétendu avoir tout prévu pour l'énerver.

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli: En tant que créateur des Masques de Pierre, Cars fut responsable de la mort de son père, grand-père et arrière grand-père.




Kars using the first Stone Mask

Kars was born 102,000 years before the events of Battle Tendency. His people lived underground and survived off the essence of other living things, failing to reproduce due to their long and worthy lifespans. Despite living in a peaceful, well-supplied society, Kars was dissatisfied; in his eyes, his race could easily rule over the Earth if not for their lethal weakness to sunlight. Consumed by ambition, he began seeking a way for his race to "tame the sun" and leave the underground.

Kars massacring his race

In time, Kars created the Stone Masks and began to test their effects on himself. However, their spines were unable to penetrate his own skin deeply enough to unlock his full potential - instead, he gained increased body manipulation powers at the cost of greatly increased hunger.

Eventually, his race began to fear Kars for his obsession, as the increased hunger caused by the mask would threaten their way of life if its use became widespread. Soon, Kars found himself under attack from the rest of his people, who sought his execution despite his protests. Unable to sway them to his side with promises of godhood, he slaughtered his people himself, including his own parents. Along with Esidisi, one of the only members of his race who agreed with his ideals, he took two children, who were presumably the Pillar Men to be known as Santana and Wamuu.

Kars began to experiment on humans, turning hundreds of thousands of them into Vampire and feeding on them for sustenance. However, Kars couldn't use the Stone Mask alone to tame the sun. Kars eventually discovered the Red Stone of Aja and quickly found out that it could focus the power of light to empower the Masks. Still, it wasn't enough to push them beyond their limits because the Aja stones he had were too small and imperfect. He developed a modified version of the mask that could combine with a flawless "Super Aja", leaving Santana behind while he and the others traveled across the sea to Europe. It is also known that the Pillar Men travelled to China. There, during the time of the Roman Empire, Kars heard about a Super Aja in the possession of a Roman Emperor, only to be blocked from his goal by a tribe of Ripple users. At one point, Kars commanded Wamuu to kill a boy from the clan, but Wamuu was reluctant about killing a defenseless child. Knowing that this boy would grow and seek to take revenge, Kars killed him before he'd become a hindrance[14]. While successful in the tribe's decimation, he and his comrades were forced to hibernate under the Roman Colosseum.

Battle Tendency (1938-39)


The Pillar Men hibernate
In the present, Kars is introduced as the leader of the Pillar Men, getting attacked by Wamuu after stepping on his shadow and apologizing for having forgotten that trait. He witnesses Wamuu confronting two new Ripple warriors, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar. Caesar was easily defeated and the Pillar Men scoffed at his meaningless determination to avenge his comrade. When Joseph appeared to not pose too much of a challenge either, Kars left their cavern. He later observed Wamuu sparring Joseph to have a better fight one month after, but was otherwise uninterested and left.

Kars and the other Pillar Men set off to find the location of the Red Stone of Aja, eventually settling in an abandoned mansion in Saint-Moritz, Switzerland. Having found a lead to the stone, Esidisi had planned to contact Kars after retrieving it, but was promptly defeated by Joseph instead. At the appointed time of Esidisi's call, Kars finds himself unable to reach his fellow Pillar Man and worries about his companion's fate. On the way home, Kars saves a stray dog from being run over by a car by slicing the car in two, along with its drunk occupants.

Fighting for the Super Aja

Kars finds the trail of the Super Aja, who is in the hands of the Nazis. At night, Kars approaches the chalet where the nazis have made their local headquarters. He chooses a room from which he'll enter and senses five soldiers inside. Using his blade, Kars kills all of them through the wall and enters the chalet, but is confronted by Rudol von Stroheim, who has become a cyborg, and Joseph Joestar. He quickly deduces that the latter was responsible for Esidisi's death, and vows to kill Joseph in return once he secures the Red Stone of Aja. Although briefly caught off-guard by Stroheim's new cyborg body - designed to surpass the Pillar Men, based off of Santana's data - he soon regains the advantage and cuts the German down, revealing that Santana was easily the weakest of the four. Kars takes the Super Aja from Stroheim but the German reveals his eye laser, which makes Kars drop the stone. It starts to slide towards a cliff, prompting a race between Kars and Joseph Joestar. With his superhuman constitution, Kars has no hesitation running towards the cliff and predicts that Joseph will try to kick him when he picks up the Aja. Kars easily evades the kick and snatchs the Super Aja with foot, but Joseph also kicks snow at Kars' face, allowing him to take back the Aja. Using one of his leg blades, Kars still hooks Joseph and drags him down the cliff. Joseph grabs a stalactite but Kars still drags him down. He kicks Joseph into the wall to make him rebound and attack him with his blade, but Joseph then uses the Super Aja as a shield. Joseph then uses the falling stalactites to create a makeshift rope, allowing him to hang on while Kars drops to the bottom of the cliff. In there, Kars purposefully avoids a patch of flowers and recognizes his defeat. He leaves, for now.

Kars travels back to his abandoned hotel Saint-Moritz, where Joseph Joestar and Lisa Lisa eventually find him. However, he ambushes them with an army of 100 Vampires. Against Wamuu's wishes, Kars wants to kill the Ripple users with as little hassle as possible. Lisa Lisa then pretends that she's set a time bomb near the Super Aja, which would break it if the heroes didn't return in time. Kars is forced to accept her request that the Pillar Men and Ripple users fight one-on-one to decide whoever gets the Super Aja. All parties agree to meet at the Skeleton Heel Stone to observe a chariot race between Wamuu and Joseph. Kars and Lisa Lisa then comment the race, rooting for their respective students. At one point, Kars snidely offers poison to Lisa Lisa so that she can kill herself instead of fighting him, sure of Wamuu's victory. However, it is Joseph who ultimately wins the battle.

After Wamuu's demise, Kars finally steps in and kills three Vampires who insult Wamuu after his death. He also kills several Vampire who attack Lisa Lisa and Joseph against his orders. Kars and Lisa Lisa thus fight in the ruins of the Piz Bernina Temple, on a stone beam placed above the ground. However, Kars ultimately tricks Lisa Lisa during their fight by using a disguised Vampire as a decoy and steals the stone from her, leaving her unconscious. Kars sics his Vampires on Joseph but the Speedwagon Foundation and the Nazis intervene with anti-Vampire weaponry to battle the Vampires.

This allows Joseph to confront Kars one-on-one on the temple. However, Kars uses Lisa Lisa to his own advantage. He pierces Lisa Lisa's feet and strings a rope through the wounds, forcing Joseph to grab the rope to stop her from falling. An overconfident Kars approaches as Joseph lights his scarf on fire and attacks, but falls from the beam clutching the rope as Kars severs it to finish off Lisa Lisa. However, this is revealed to have been Joseph's intentional setup, as he drew Kars' attention to his upper body while he arranged the loop of rope with his legs below, tricking him into stepping into the loop and forcing him to keep his opponents above the spikes below. Kars faces Joseph in a final standoff with his arm blade, but is soundly beaten as Joseph's Ripple breaks the blade and wounds his arm, knocking him off the railing and into the spikes below. Stroheim and his Nazi troops arrive along with Speedwagon, Smokey and the Speedwagon Foundation Special Forces. Stroheim gloats over Kars before ordering his troops to finish the Pillar Man off.

The Ultimate One

Kars, the Ultimate Being.

As the Nazis unleash ultraviolet light upon him, Kars unexpectedly dons a modified Stone Mask with the Super Aja in place; the light activates the mask and enables him to enter his ultimate form. The humans can only stand in horror as Kars displays his new-found power by briefly transforming his hand into a flesh-eating squirrel and then standing in the sunlight while his remaining vampire minions are instantly destroyed. To cap his victory, Kars decides to kill Joseph. Growing wings, Kars pursues Joseph, who uses a plane to fly away. Kars pursues him to the Adriatic and shoots hardened feathers at the plane. The feather then turn into squid tentacles and pirhanas that wreck havoc on the plane. Kars spots Joseph jumping with a parachute and approaches to kill the man, but he sees that it is a dummy. Joseph, who is still piloting the plane, rams him with the intention of putting him into the volcano's lava. Kars tries to escape but Stroheim, who was hiding in the plane as well, shoots his rocket fist at Kars. Kars is driven inside the lava lake.

Kars drifting through space for eternity

Inside the volcano, Kars tries to create a carapace but it melts. As he sinks into the lava, Kars finally creates a sufficiently heat resistant armour that allows him to dig his way out. He takes Joseph by surprise and slices his left arm off. A desperate Joseph tries to use the Ripple to attack, but Kars then develops his own Ripple, the energy potent enough to melt human flesh. Deciding to use it to kill Joseph out of poetic justice, Kars sends a powerful Ripple at Joseph. Joseph unconsciously defends himself by using the Super Aja to redirect Kars' Ripple into the ground, causing an eruption that blasts the land the two fighters are on into the air. Kars attempts to escape, but is briefly distracted by Joseph, allowing volcanic debris and the latter's severed forearm enough time to knock Kars out of Earth's orbit.

Kars prepares to return to Earth after being thrown out of orbit by ejecting the built-up air within his body, but the air freezes on its way out. His vital body begins to freeze from the near-absolute zero temperature and he becomes trapped in the void of space for eternity as half-mineral, half-animal. Unable to die even though he wishes for it, Kars eventually stops thinking.

Chapitres / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Geez... have humans devolved since the past?
    —Kars about Joseph, Chapter 68: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 4
  • Foolish... we are immortal, it's lonely without an enemy. Life is only worthwhile with an opponent. I understand your feelings, but our first objective is to gain the power of the Red Stone of Aja. Don't forget that you two!
    —Kars berating Wamuu and Esidisi for sparing Joseph, Chapter 70: An Engagement with Death: The Wedding Ring
  • The Red Stone of Aja! I have waited four, no, five millenia for this, and now it is before me!
    —Kars, Chapter 86: Light Mode Kars, Part 1
  • It seems I, Kars, am the only one left... but only one can stand at the top!
    —Kars, Chapter 104: The Warrior Returns to the Wind
  • Heh! A one-on-one fight... ludicrous! My only goal is the Red Stone! To become the ultimate lifeform! I don't have any romantic spirit, nor do I want to become a warrior like Wamuu, because the method isn't important, all that counts is to get the final victory!
  • All that matters is that I get a hold of the Red Stone. Move your pieces one at a time on the board, making them effortlessly reduce the risks to a minimum! Chance has nothing to do with it! That's a "true fight"!!
  • Hehehehe HAHAHAHAHA! The ultimate lifeform! It is the one gathering all the power... from the living world, all the lives... And this beauty! How gorgeous! I've never seen anything as wonderful as this! Finally!! The sun... Finally, I have tamed the sun!!
  • You fools! Don't you wish to tame the sun?! Don't you wish to dominate creation!? Don't you wish to not fear anything!?
    —Kars to his former tribe, Chapter 112: The Man Who Became a God

Video Games

All Star Battle (PS3)

Kars makes his first appearance as a playable character in the PS3 title; he was confirmed alongside Rohan Kishibe. In the English release of the game, Kars' Light Blades are called "Shining Sabres" (keeping the alliteration of the Japanese name). Since Kars never exactly fought extensively in Part 2, most of his normal attacks consist of regular punches and kicks. Along with Wamuu and Esidisi, Kars uses the Mode style as part of his moveset, which allows him to temporarily boost his strength and performance among other things, at the cost of the Heart Heat Gauge.

During a fight, Kars can use several different attacks that were featured in Battle Tendency.

  • Sabres from my feet?!: Kars kicks forward as a blade comes out of his foot. All of Kars' moves can be performed instantly following this skill. (Comboable)
  • Cruel and beautiful violence: Kars dives forward, arm blade extended, to slice through the opponent, and follows up by swinging upward to knock them into the air. (Comboable)
  • Behold, frozen brilliance!: Kars, in a single movement of his arm, unleashes multiple slashes at mid-range. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
  • Shatter against the wall!: Kars performs an airborne reverse kick that, if not blocked, sends the opponent flying into the stage wall. This move can be used in mid-air.
  • Victory is everything!: Kars utilizes light to disappear, with his subsequent reappearance depending on the type of button inputted.
    • If Light, he reappears above the opponent with foot blade extended to down them, knocking them to the ground hard enough for them to bounce. This move is a middle attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is crouching. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • If Medium, he reappears behind the opponent and strikes them upward. This move is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. (Comboable)
    • If Heavy, he simply reappears at a distance, or the move becomes a feint if he is already far enough.
  • Throw - I'll slice you in two!: Kars, using his arm blade, cuts the opponent down the middle before sending them away.

By spending his Heart Heat Gauge, Kars can activate Light Mode in order to not only increase the overall damage of his moves, but exclusive to him, make his Lightblade attacks unblockable. This mode lasts until the HHG empties, but can be extended through dealing or taking damage, as well as ended at any time in conservation.

Expending a stock of the HHG grants Kars access to Shining Sabres Mode, strengthening his abilities even further, increasing the range of Lightblade-based skills, and improving his ability to follow up on attacks. This mode is on a set timer, and will end when the stock is used up.

Kars' HHA, simply titled "Shining Sabres", has him lick his Lightblade before unleashing a large array of slashes done in a single movement of his arm. If they successfully hit, Kars moves past the opponent in a samurai-esque fashion and brings his arm down. After a short delay, the opponent suffers a final, gashing blow. Kars may perform his HHA while Shining Sabres Mode is active, regardless of how much of the Heart Heat Gauge he has left. Doing so however, will drop his HHG to zero.

Kars' GHA, "I am the ultimate life form!", has him use the Stone Mask (in combination with the Red Stone of Aja) to attempt to turn into the Ultimate Life Form. Kars, wearing the mask, will slowly rise to his feet. If the animation fully plays out uninterrupted by the opponent, the mask shatters, and Kars gains a completely new array of moves (it is also one of the longest and most difficult GHA to fully activate, taking about 5 seconds to complete).

Once his GHA is successful, Kars is dubbed as "Kars (Ultimate Life Form)" for the rest of the battle and gains a whole new moveset capable of dealing more overall damage than his previous state.

  • Predator Wings: Kars takes flight, and can attack while in the air, slowing draining the HHG.
    • Aerial Dash/Back Dash: Quickly moves forward or backwards. The forward dash can collide with the opponent and act as an anti-air to knock them down.
    • Aerial Combo Beat: Kars can chain together his normal attacks while in flight.
  • Shining Sabres: Kars charges forward and attacks with his Lightblade in one fell swoop. This move cannot be blocked, and Kars' skills can be performed instantly following it.
  • The power of supreme genes!: Kars launches projectile attacks from his body that can be used while flying and differ based on button input.
    • If Light, he fires off his hardened feathers in a straight line.
    • If Medium, he launches a piranha that quickly arcs downward but deals the most damage. This version is a middle attack that can only be blocked while the opponent is standing.
    • If Heavy, he sics a squirrel on his opponent, and while it does the least damage and is a high attack until it hits the ground, it is capable of tracking and chasing them, becoming a low attack.
  • Feast your eyes on my Ripple!: Kars attacks with Ripple-charged fists, the result depending on attack button inputted. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
    • If Light, he unleashes two punches.
    • If Medium, he slides forward to unleash a downward elbow. This version is a middle attack that can only be blocked while the opponent is standing.
    • If Heavy, he dashes forward to unleash a powerful swing. This version is a low attack that can only be blocked while the opponent is crouching.
  • This cannot be!: Kars turns his arm into a large octopus tentacle and swings it in a wide girth while maniacally laughing, capable of hitting the opponent at most ranges and sending them flying. If used while the opponent is in mid-air, he will swing in upward as an anti-air.
  • Throw - You worthless fool!: Kars grins as he grabs the opponent and smashes them between his elbow and knee, before shoving them away.

Ultimate Life Form Kars is not entirely infallible. If he falls victim to Kosaku-Kira's Bites the Dust GHA, Kars will revert back to his original form. He is also permanently unable to use his HHA, or enter Light Mode and Shining Sabres Mode.

Kars also appears on the stage "The Battlefield" as a background character along with Lisa Lisa. If Wamuu is one of the combatants ingame, Kars will brag about Wamuu's strength. This is assuming that Kars himself is not part of the fight.

Kars also possesses two alternate costumes, the first one being the attire he usually wears and is seen in for the first half of his presence in Battle Tendency (the veil that covers his long hair), and the second one being the overcoat and large hat he wore in Switzerland, in his fight against Stroheim.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Kars appears as one of the several Part 2 characters who possesses a Metal Striker. His Finish Move consists of him using his Light Blades and cutting the opponent's defeated Metal Striker.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Kars returns as a playable character in Eyes of Heaven, confirmed alongside Wamuu and Esidisi.

As a Pillar Man, Kars has the special ability Switch Mode, exclusive to the Mode style. His specific Mode is Light Mode. He is also able to stand and walk on the spike pit in the Air Supplena Island stage without taking damage (though he will still take extra damage if knocked down onto the spikes). Of special note is that he has the fastest movement speed of any character.

Kars (Normal Mode)

  • Style Action - Light Mode: Kars' body begins generating sparkles. All attacks involving his Light Blades become unblockable and receive a damage increase.
  • Victory is everything!: Kars utilizes light to disappear and reappear behind an opponent. The skill by itself will not deliver an attack, but a Powerful Attack can be inputted to do so. If not in range of an opponent or locked on, Kars will simply teleport forward, though he cannot teleport across gaps on through walls. In Light Mode, the skill executes quicker and the additional attack becomes unblockable.
  • Shining Sabres: Kars, in a single movement of his arm, unleashes multiple slashes, with the last strike sending opponents flying. In Light Mode, the skill deals more hits.
  • EX - Victory is everything!: The skill gains all of its benefits from Light Mode regardless of whether or not it's currently active.
  • EX - Shining Sabres: The skill executes quicker and Kars gains brief invincibility.
  • Dual Heat Attack - You don't stand a chance!: After landing a kick to the opponent's abdomen, Kars unleashes a rapid, alternating barrage of slashes from the Light Blades on both his arms, finishing with a single downward slice that successively rends them multiple times and sends them flying with the final hit as Kars turns around.
  • I am the ultimate life form!: Kars dons the Stone Mask (in combination with the Red Stone of Aja) to attempt to turn into the Ultimate Life Form. Kars, wearing the mask, will slowly rise to his feet. If the animation fully plays out uninterrupted by his opponents, the mask shatters, and Kars gains a completely new array of moves.

Ultimate Life Form

  • Style Action - Flight Mode/Ground Mode: Kars can switch between being on the ground and sprouting wings to take to the sky. While in Flight Mode, his stamina gauge slowly drains, and upon emptying, Kars is forced to land. Ascending will cause the stamina gauge to drain faster.
  • Dual Heat Attack - How fitting! I shall cast you into the dark abyss of death with your own precious Ripple!: Kars lunges at the opponent and deals two powerful slashes that leave them lying on the ground. Ecstatically reveling in the fact he can now use Ripple, Kars charges and unleashes an all-powerful Ripple blast straight into the downed opponent. This is a reference to the method he tried to finish Joseph off with during the final chapters of Part 2.

While in Ground Mode:

  • Victory is everything!: The maximum range and damage of the attack is increased, but the EX version is no longer available.
  • Shining Sabres: The skill gains a damage increase.
  • I have absorbed the abilities of every living thing. I contain all of existence.: Kars turns his hand into a squirrel that he then sics on opponents, automatically attacking any threat to him within range. Opponents caught crumple and are open to further attacks.
  • Arm yourself!: Kars creates a crustaceous shell layer over most of his body as he assumes a defensive posture to create a special guard. Opponents that attempts to attack him from the front with melee attacks are knocked off-balance, creating an attack opening. While active, Kars' stamina gauge slowly drains, and the skill will end if it empties or the activating button is released.
  • EX - Shining Sabres: The skill gains an extra damage increase.

While in Flight Mode:

  • You're like a butterfly in a spider's web!: Kars fires two hardened feathers downward. Once they hit the ground, the feathers transform into octopus legs that automatically attack any opponents in range. The attacks are unblockable and up to four octopus legs can be out at any given time.
  • Do you believe for a moment that you can escape from me, the mighty Kars?: Kars fires three hardened feathers downward. If they hit the ground, they will start shaking, and transform into piranhas to attack any opponent that gets too close. If they hit an opponent, they will transform instantly. The piranhas themselves latch onto opponents and deal damage in intervals whilst slowing them down.
  • EX - Do you believe for a moment that you can escape from me, the mighty Kars?: Kars fires five feathers.


  • Victory is everything!!: Kars must connect the additional attack that follows "Victory is everything!" 3 times. A glitch exists where attacks dealt by the tentacles created by "Do you believe for a moment that you can escape from me, the mighty Kars?" also fulfill this JoJolity. (200 Points)
  • What would life be without enemies?: Kars must Retire an opponent. (200 Points)
  • Finally... finally... I've conquered the sun!: Kars must successfully perform "I am the ultimate life form!". (300 Points)
  • Heh heh heh... I'm going to make you die slowly!: Kars must survive the first 20 counts of the battle timer without taking damage. (500 Points)
  • Kars used the Red Stone to become the Ultimate Life Form?!: Kars must succeed with a Dual Combo Finish while in Flight Mode. (800 Points)

Sa palette est désormais basée sur son apparence dans l'anime.


He is paired with Pet Shop in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament. In the preliminaries, they defeated Pannacotta Fugo and Noriaki Kakyoin in the first round, and Dio Brando and Joseph in the second. In the semifinals, they defeated Jotaro Kujo and Kakyoin in the first round, and Jotaro and DIO in the second. Ultimately, the team won the Tournament, defeating Jolyne Cujoh and Gyro Zeppeli in the final round.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Light Mode ver.
Skill: Light Slip Blades
Replaces panels in a horizontal line with Kars panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 75
Skill: This is the true battle!
Erases panels in a horizontal line. The Boost Lv increases when using the skill, increasing the number of erased panels (Up to Boost Lv 5 depending on Skill Lv)
Skill Lv 1
Maximum Boost: 3
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
Maximum Boost: 4
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
Maximum Boost: 4
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
Maximum Boost: 5
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
Maximum Boost: 5
Cooldown: 50
Boost Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 6
Boost Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Boost Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 16
Boost Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 20
Boost Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 24

Jorge Joestar

Main article: JORGE JOESTAR (Novel)

This section requires expansion.



  • Les lames de Cars sont inspirées des lames de Baoh de la série Baoh Le Visiteur, un autre manga de Hirohiko Araki.
  • Dans une inteview, Araki a dit que Cars resterait dans l'espace à jamais et ne retournerait pas pour une partie antérieure. Araki dit qu'il doit d'abord trouver une raison valable pour son retour, comme développer un pouvoir d'orientation comme une boussole ou qu'il écrase sur une autre civilisation[15].
  • Il y a des dessins de Cars dans JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future, impliquant qu'il aurait pu apparaître dans le jeu.



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