Narciso Anasui

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O personagem presente neste artigo também pode ser referido como "Narciso Anastasia".
Para um personagem parecido, veja Spoilers da Parte 6Anakiss
Eu te amo... Estive morrendo de vontade de vir aqui por você... (愛してるぜ……ここに来るのがとても楽しみだった……)
—Anasui conhecendo Jolyne, SO Capítulo 68

Narciso Anasui (ナルシソ・アナスイ, Narushiso Anasui) é um aliado primário presente na sexta parte de JoJo's Bizarre Advenure, Stone Ocean.

Anasui é um condenado da Prisão Green Dolphin Street que se apaixona por Jolyne Cujoh e decide ajudá-la a derrotar Enrico Pucci. Anasui é um Usuário de Stand que maneja Diver Down em batalha.


Anasui Appearance Anime.png

Anasui é um homem de estatura acima da média e compleição de média a atlética, apresentando uma aparência andrógina na maioria de suas representações. Ele sempre é visto com um chapéu fino e achatado na cabeça e usa uma malha justa na parte superior do corpo e na parte inferior das pernas, expondo a maior parte do peito. A malha é composta por listras diagonais que se assemelham a um padrão de rede de pesca com lacunas extremamente grandes entre as linhas da roupa. Uma das características mais proeminentes de sua camisa (ou falta dela) é a presença de desenhos de pegadas que vão desde a saia da cintura até o peito. Isso talvez reflita um dos usos de seu Stand, já que Diver Down exibe a habilidade de estender seus braços e pés de dentro do corpo de outra pessoa.

Em representações mais antigas de Anasui, havia seis fios de cílios localizados abaixo de cada um de seus olhos. No entanto, eles são omitidos em capítulos posteriores.

Em sua primeira aparição, Anasui foi primeiramente retratado como uma mulher com cabelo curto e colares ao redor do pescoço. Na Lucca Comics and Games 2019, Araki revelou que a razão por trás da aparente mudança de sexo de Anasui após sua primeira aparição era que ele queria retratar um personagem com uma imagem andrógina que fosse além das definições padrões de gêneros.

Esquema de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoAll-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
Pele(Clara, batom cor-de-rosa)
(Roxo escuro com acessórios prateados e dourados)
(Veste roxa com rede de pesca azul e pegadas rosas, aquecedores de braço magenta, cinto e botas brancas, saia marrom)
Pele(Clara, batom salmão)
Chapéu(Magenta com acessórios dourados)
(Veste magenta com rede de pesca verde e pegadas salmão, aquecedores de braço e saia magentas, cinto salmão, botas verdes e salmão)
Pele(Clara, batom azul)
Chapéu(Azul com acessórios dourado escuro)
(Veste azul com rede de pesca amarela e pegadas brancas, aquecedores de braço e saia azuis, cinto amarelo, botas brancas)
Clara(Clara, batom cor-de-rosa)
Chapéu(Roxo com acessório dourado-amarelos)
(Veste e saia marrons com rede de pesca verde-azulada e pegadas magentas, aquecedores de braço roxos, botas brancas)


ALERTA DE SPOILERS: Spoilers da Parte 6 podem estar presentes abaixo.
Anasui declara seu amor por Jolyne

A característica mais significante da personalidade de Anasui é o seu amor obsessivo por Jolyne. Tendo se apaixonado com ela a primeira vista,[1] ele explica que são seu foco e determinação[2][3] que o inspiram e o dá esperanças para seu futuro.[4][5] Mais especificamente, ele acredita que poderia ser "purificado" através de seus sentimentos por ela.[6]

Como um auto-declarado sinal do afeto de Jolyne, o objetivo princial de Anasui é agir como seu protetor, esperando que ele se torne indispensável o suficiente para que Jolyne o ame e dependa dele mais do que de Jotaro Kujo e Weather Report.[3] Ele publicamente declara que ele vai proteger Jolyne com toda sua força[1] e está disposto a sacrificar a si mesmo por ela, como quando ele pede que Foo Fighters tome seu corpo em leito de morte para salvar o DISCo de Jotaro.[7] Para isso, Anasui ira tomar qualquer oportunidade para absorver o dano inflingido em Jolyne através de sua habilidade de Stand, demonstrando quando ele absorve a reversão de gravidade do C-Moon em seu braço para dar tempo para Jolyne atacar.[8] Seu desejo por se tornar o protetor de Jolyne pode ser excessivo e ele uma vez ordenou que F.F. fizesse Jolyne tropeçar para que ele pudesse pegá-la.[9]

O único objetivo de Anasui é proteger Jolyne

Na superfície, Anasui parece confiante e ousado quando ele tenta seduzir Jolyne. Ele confessa seu amor por ela imediatamente ao encontrá-la pela primeira vez[10] e até tenta sorrateiramente pôr um anel caro em seu dedo como uma declaração indireta de amor.[11] Ele também é mostrado invadindo o espaço pessoal de Jolyne ao morder uma flor crescendo em seu rosto,[12] e parece agir como se ela já estivesse apaixonada por ele quando ele engana seus avisos sobre o Yo-Yo Ma por uma estranha tentativa de beijo.[13] Entretanto, Anasui ainda sente a necessidade de buscar a permissão de Jotar para se casar com Jolyne e permanece em silêncio quando Jotaro taticamente recusa ao puxá-la para seu lado.[5] Apesar de sua ousadia, Anasui é na verdade ciente de que Jolyne não irá facilmente se apaixonar por ele[5] e é até talvez inseguro sobre ela compartilhar os mesmos sentimentos[14] mas isso não o impede de tentar.

Fora de Jolyne, Anasui raramente mostra afeto algum por seus aliados. Ele é apático com seu destino, alegando que ele só está lá para proteger Jolyne e mesmo em geral, ele é descrito por Emporio como 'o tipo de pessoa que não ajuda outras pessoas'.[15] Ele, por exemplo, estava pronto para deixar F.F. morrer[16] e disse a Emporio o mesmo contra C-Moon, apenas poupando tempo para levá-lo até um corrimão.[17] Ele até conta a Weather Report que ele o acompanham para fora na esprança de que ele o levaria até Jolyne.[18] Anasui também diz que ele não possui amor por sua família e não os protegeria pois ele não os ama[19] como ele ama Jolyne. Ele também é um pouco ciumente de Weather Report pois Jolyne parece próxima dele, e insultou F.F. ao dizer que ela era 'só um plâncton'.[4] Ele também considerou sua promessa com F.F. ser um juramento e a pressionou em várias ocasiões em ajudá-lo a fazer Jolyne cair independente da situação[4] embora isso nunca houvesse funcionado.

Anasui reconhece que é um assassino que não ama sua própria família

Anasui é introduzido como um assassino sem remorso que concorda com os jornais que o descrevem como tal.[19] Ao encontrar sua namorada com seu amante, ele literalmente os separou para que eles nunca ficassem juntos novamente.[1] Ademais, Emporio diz para F.F. que 'se Weather Report não estivesse lá para acalmá-lo, não se sabe o que Anasui faria'.[20] Enquanto Anasui não é mostrado ser tão violento quanto ele é dito ser, ele pode ser extremamente brutal e não tem escrúpulos em modificar seus oponentes de maneiras horríveis. Ele notavelmente modificou as pernas de Kenzou para agirem como molas[21] ou fazer com que o torso de Guccio se tornasse uma armadilha de urso com suas costelas.[22] Ele também facilmente tenta matar qualquer coisa que ele considera um inimigo, demonstrando quando ele esmaga a cabeça de Yo-Yo Ma com o Diver Down,[23] expressa a intenção de matar o Bebê Verde já que ele sentiu maldade nele apesar dos protestos de Jolyne[24] e até destruiu o Pinocchio embora ele não fosse um inimigo e fosse meramente suspeito.[25] Emporio diz que como uma criança, Anasui já tinha a compulsão de desmontar embora ele só fizesse isso com objetos durante sua infância mas seus resultados psiquiatricos disseram que ele não havia nada.[1]

Anasui alude várias vezes ter alguns problemas psicológicos dificéis de se resolver. Por exemplo, ele busca uma forma de purificação através de seu amor por Jolyne,[6] diz que ele "costumava estar morto" antes de conhecer Jolyne[19] e diz que "seu coração poderia colapsar a qualquer momento".[5] Essas confissões sugerem algum tipo de depressão e que ele se apegue a Jolyne como a única coisa positiva em sua vida para mantê-lo vivo.

Durante a batalha contra Kenzou, Anasui parece ser observador e analitíco, observando de perto o estilo de luta de Kenzou e contando isso a Jolyne para confirmar as forças do velho.[12] Ele também observou o poder do Green, Green Grass of Home e conseguiu entender como ele funcionava.[26] Anasui também demonstra uma habilidade estratégica. Por exemplo contra o Bebê Verde, ele deliberadamente jogou uma garrafa para perto do bebê para ver se ele se interessaria pelo objeto mas também para pôr uma armadilha para o Stand que eventualmente lutaria contra Jolyne e para matar o Bebê Verde quando dito Stand fosse preso.[27]



Main article: Diver Down

Diver Down é um Stand de curto alcance com a habilidade principal de imprimir um ataque em qualquer superfície e liberá-lo. Ele também é capaz de passar por materiais sólidos e mudar os materiais que os compõem.

Diver Down (ダイバー・ダウン)Link para essa seção
Armazenamento de Energia & Reestruturação



Anasui como uma criança

Obsecado por desmontar objetos, Anasui cresceu um pouco desajeitado em sua infância. Ele meticulosamente dissecou um relógio de bolso, seus brinquedos, e quaisquer outras coisas que ele sentisse vontade. Aos dez anos, ele teve que ser posto em uma instituição por seis meses após desmontar o Porsche de seu vizinho.[1]

Certo dia, quando ele tinha 21 anos, ele encontrou sua namorada o traindo com outro homem enquanto a visitando depois do trabalho. Em resposta a isso, ele metodicamente os rasgou ao meio para que eles "nunca mais ficassem juntos". Apesar disso, sua análise psiquiatrica mostrou que ele era uma pessoa normal.[20] Ele foi enviado para a prisão e encaru uma sentença de doze anos por homicídio de primeiro grau.

Algum tempo durante sua sentença, Anasui viria a conhecer Weather Report e Emporio Alnino.

Stone Ocean (2011-2012)

Adesivo de Ermes

Anasui aparece pela primeira vez no quarto fantasma observando a conversa de Emporio e Ermes Costello sobre investigar Whitesnake junto de Weather Report, mas não intervêm.

Em certo ponto, Anasui conhece Jolyne e se apaixona por ela.

Seu Nome É Anasui

Anasui aceita ajudar F.F. para ajudar Jolyne

Embora ele fosse brevemente visto ao lado de Weather Report por Ermes Costello, Anasui não se envolve com Jolyne até F.F. vir à Emporio para ajuda. Aparentemente encantado pela coragem de Jolyne quando ela foi para a ala de punição por seu pai, Anasui concorda em se tornar o guarda-costas de Jolyne por causa de seu amor ardente por ela e sai do quarto fantasma de Emporio. Usando o Diver Down, ele abre uma porta ao pôr energia nela e lançar a energia como um chute em dois guardas que ali vinham.

Entre no Sonho do Dragão

Anasui defende Jolyne com o Diver Down

Anasui then appears coming up the stairs of the Ultra-Security Punishment Ward just as Foo Fighters and Jolyne are about to face Kenzou. At first, he doesn't engage in the battle, instead expounding on Kenzou's history and confesses his love to Jolyne. He then explains the concept of 'feng shui', which Kenzou's stand Dragon's Dream relies on. When Jolyne presses him to go and protect Foo Fighters, he replies saying that his promise was to only protect Jolyne, Foo Fighters not being included, as well as the fact that Foo Fighters specifically told him not to help her. As Foo Fighters is flung into the electric chair through Kenzou's attacks and Jolyne drops down the stairs, Anasui springs into action in order to protect Jolyne from being the next target of Kenzou's 'feng shui assassination'. He phases Diver Down into Jolyne's body and upon Kenzou's kick coming into contact with her body, he changes the structure of Kenzou's legs to resemble that of a spring. This causes him to be put out of commission, crumpled up in a bucket. Upon finding her and connecting with her, Anasui keeps true to his word and protects Jolyne to the point of self-sacrifice at times.

Um Nascimento "Verde"

Anasui mordisca uma flor no rosto de Jolyne

After the fight with Kenzou, Anasui attempts to convince Foo Fighters to make Jolyne trip down the stairs in order for him to stop her from falling and have her fall in love with him. Foo Fighters, still preoccupied by the remaining enemies, refuses at first, but caves and trips Jolyne. She uses Stone Free to grab onto the arm of the small prisoner holding DIO's bone, leaving Anasui in favor of her goal. He then notices the strange effects of the Green Baby's birth on the prisoner, shocked at the metamorphosis. Anasui warns Jolyne to stop, noticing the plants on her face and inspecting her before concluding that the roots and plant-like things appearing in the Ultra-Security Punishment Ward are the cause of DIO's bone. Anasui then uses Diver Down to remove most of the flowers that grew out of Jolyne's body after she went to give chase to the bone. He lightly nibbles on one of the flowers to confirm that they are living things, while also warning Jolyne to stay out of the sunlight in order to prevent further growth. However, he is unable to stop her from taking the Green Baby.

Yo-Yo Ma Está Chegando!

Anasui hurries and leads Jolyne and Foo Fighters out of the Ultra-Security Punishment Ward, but is informed of the actual direction of the exit by Foo Fighters. It's here that they meet Guccio, who is cowering and whimpering in a corner. Anasui approaches him casually and asks his name and if he's an enemy, Guccio responding without really understanding and pleading for his life. Anasui gestures for him to come closer, and uses Diver Down to transform Guccio into a walking, mindless trap that mutilates D an G's left arm using his ribs. Anasui ultimately decides to use Diver Down to climb up a wall and out a window, escaping to the eastern side of the building.

While escaping, the three are accosted by Yo-Yo Ma, who swallows the Green Baby's egg. While they try to kill him, Yo-Yo Ma reacts to the group's attacks (including Anasui's phasing of Diver Down's fist into his stomach) with pleasure. Anasui notes the awful stench of his body, making it impossible to focus and retrieve the Green Baby out from Yo-Yo Ma. While Jolyne and Foo Fighters figure out the situation, Anasui reminds them that Jolyne is still in danger in the sunlight and states that they need to be further east, opposite of the setting sun. Following Foo Fighters being unknowingly taken out by Yo-Yo Ma, Jolyne and Anasui steal an anti-wetland use boat. Anasui is taught how to drive it by Yo-Yo Ma, and he tells Jolyne to get on.

After a short while, Anasui hides the boat in a mass of leaves and grass to hide from patrolling guards. Yo-Yo Ma then comes up with a plan to camouflage the two of them and their boat, Anasui and Jolyne being covered in roots and leaves. The guards' propellers, however, reveal them. Anasui lets the guards sink their ship, telling Yo-Yo Ma to fetch another boat. He sends Yo-Yo Ma flying into one of the boats and then neutralizes the second boat's guards with Diver Down. They steal one boat. He then leaves piloting the boat to Yo-Yo Ma.

O cérebro de Yo-Yo Ma é enxertado no de um sapo, tornando-o inofensivo

Anasui takes notice of Jolyne's whistling, and then notices her stressed movements trying to tell him that there are holes in her tongue. He, however, interprets it as her confessing her love to him and almost kisses her before being punched by Jolyne. She attempts to get him to understand what she is saying, but he continues thinking that she wants to kiss him. However, he eventually realizes that something is wrong when Jolyne's face starts melting from Yo-Yo Ma's acidic spit. He notices her message, reading 'BE ALL EYES', and immediately attacks Yo-Yo Ma, ignoring the holes in his body and ordering Yo-Yo Ma to empty his pockets. Anasui gains more holes in his body while obtaining more information about the stand, including about its 'target sensor', by attacking it. In the process, he connects one of Yo-Yo Ma's frog's brains to its 'target sensor', making it have the wants and impulses of a frog and neutralizing it as a threat. Anasui picks up Jolyne and the two wait for Foo Fighters to kill D an G.


Anasui demonstra os efeitos de Green, Green Grass of Home para Jolyne

Following Yo-Yo Ma's disappearance, Anasui and Jolyne find the empty shell of the Green Baby on the deck of the boat. As the Green Baby starts to fall into the water, Anasui goes to catch it and obtains a hand-shaped burn on his hand. The Green Baby ends up falling into the water and Anasui panics before Jolyne repairs her tongue and points out its next location. As Jolyne goes to run for the baby, Anasui stops and shows her the anomalous effects around the Green Baby, such as a rock getting bigger the farther away it rolls, or Anasui growing larger as he is father away from the baby. Anasui and Jolyne experiment somewhat with the effects before Anasui explains how the Green Baby's powers work by drawing in the sand with a stick, hypothesizing that they'd never be able to reach the Green Baby.

The two notice guard dogs barking in the distance, and after Jolyne rushes in, Anasui ruminates on her attitude and follows after her. He prevents her from fully unraveling herself, but is unable to stop her from jumping down onto the Green Baby and shrinking exponentially. He arrives near her just in time to save her from the Green Baby's stand, Green, Green Grass Of Home's grasp. The two cling onto a microscopic cliff, but soon they are attacked by falling pebbles and make a run for it. The two start to slide off of the cliff, their fingers being bloodied from the friction, but Anasui reveals that he was leading the stand into a glass bottle that he had rolled when Jolyne first jumped down onto the Green Baby, trapping the stand and by extension, the user.

White Snake: Perseguidor

Anasui plans to kill the Green Baby, and phases the entrance of the bottle over to him and Jolyne so that they are able to escape while trapping Green, Green Grass Of Home by putting the cap back on the bottle. However, the stand starts to roll the bottle towards the two of them and almost crushes Anasui before the Green Baby calls off the attack, intrigued by Jolyne's birthmark.

Anasui golpeado por Whitesnake disfarçado

The guard dogs, however, are still prowling the wetlands, as Anasui comments in addition to the fog rolling in. Anasui once again confesses his love for Jolyne after she questions his motivations, mentioning how he was even married once before in prison. Meanwhile, the Green Baby starts eating his hair. Anasui notices people coming and orders the two of them to get down. The two people coming are revealed to be Weather Report and Foo Fighters, and as Weather Report and Jolyne hug, Anasui reacts negatively and orders Foo Fighters to tear them apart, claiming that Weather Report is getting his scent on Jolyne. He goes as far as to say that Foo Fighters is nothing more than plankton. Anasui announces his plan to kill the Green Baby, which is met with backlash, especially from Foo Fighters. Anasui insults Foo Fighters again and asks Weather Report for his opinion, who then punches a hole through Anasui's chest and chops Foo Fighters' head in half. 

Weather Report is revealed to be nothing more than one of Whitesnake's illusions as Anasui lays dying on the ground. During a tense fight between Jolyne and Whitesnake's user, Enrico Pucci, Pucci throws Jotaro Kujo's memory disc into Anasui's dying body as he starts to fade away. Jolyne is unable to pull it out of Anasui before he starts to have his final thoughts. He thinks about how Jolyne looks sad, and asks Foo Fighters to use his body as a vessel in order to retrieve the disc. Foo Fighters uses the last of her strength to keep Anasui alive and heal his wounds, ejecting the disc but sacrificing herself in the process. 

Anasui is then taken back to the men's ward of Green Dolphin Street Prison with Weather Report.

Bohemian Rhapsody

In the men's ward of the prison, Weather Report states that Jolyne has left the prison, able to sense her due to the Joestar birthmark. He forces Weather to take him to her.

Following their off panel escape, Anasui admonishes Weather Report for helping up an old man, fearing it would make them stand out. He asks Weather about his history, and Weather responds that he simply wants to kill Pucci, forgetting the reason due to having his memory disc stolen. They hide in the bathroom as they figure out a way to avoid the cops. Weather uses his stand to aid the old man enough for him to give them a ride past the cops.

Pinóquio é trazido à vida

As Anasui thumbs through the magazines in the back of the old man's car, he bemoans the lack of Disney characters on the Disney amusement park guidebook. Then, he notices something scurrying past and uses Diver Down to grab it, pulling out a twisted version of Pinocchio. He threatens Pinocchio with violence, and when Pinocchio lies about working alone, his nose stabs Anasui in the cheek. He interrogates the puppet further before being interrupted by the Seven Dwarves, who emerge after Anasui picks up an apple from the floor. Anasui becomes confused, recognizing the characters, and becomes angry when he notices Weather eating the apple and reading a book. However, when Weather starts asking where Anasui is, he realizes that what he is is nothing but his 'soul': His body has fallen under the truck and is being run over. 

He tries to use Diver Down to pull his body up, but is unable to. The truck crashes, but Anasui and Weather land safely with the help of Weather's stand ability. Anasui interrogates Pinocchio further, ultimately destroying him. He wakes up back in his own body, but notices that the old man driver is acting strangely. He questions the driver's bloody mouth, chipped nail, tail, and Glasgow smile. The driver attacks him as a wolf, and Anasui is unable to summon Diver Down, unknowingly having separated once more. Anasui, from a passing bus, uses Diver Down to cut off the wolf's head, and sees himself once again.

Bohemian Rhapsody torna Anasui vítima da Mamãe Cabra

Anasui's soul runs through Orlando looking for its body, being accused by a chocolate shop owner of trashing the store. In truth, his body had ran past just earlier, and despite Anasui's bribe (that he stole from the cash register), he is forced to change his appearance using Diver Down to avoid the police by phasing chocolates into his face. However, when he spits them out, they turn into small goats that tell the story of a wolf who ate many baby goats and subsequently had his stomach cut open and filled with rocks by the mother before drowning him. Anasui then finds himself turning into a wolf.

He goes to punch the goat reading the story, but attracts the attention of the mother unintentionally via the pleas of the goats inside his stomach. He tries to punch it into the ground, but the mother unfolds itself, being made of paper. Anasui runs down the alleyway and slams a heavy iron door, using Diver Down to change the inner workings so that it wouldn't open. The goats, however, simply open it as if it was paper. He attempts again, but fails, the mother goat cutting open his side. In order to escape, he has Diver Down phase into the wall and pull himself along to the door, momentarily escaping and hijacking a cop car. However, the car door opens to the alleyway from before, the goats jumping out and cutting open his stomach with rocks at the ready. 

Anasui, stuck in a wildly veering cop car, falls out on top of Weather Report, in the middle of re-enacting Vincent Van Gogh's suicide. Anasui starts to melt, his own flesh drowning him. However, Weather's 'Put-Back Hero' returns things to the way they were before, the enemy stand's effect ceasing afterwards.

Heavy Weather

Anasui and Weather Report end up outside the hospital where Jolyne and Ermes fight against Donatello Versus' stand, Under World.

After Versus uses Under World to deliver Weather Report's memory disc to Weather Report inside the hospital, he regains his memories and activates Heavy Weather. Anasui is shocked by Weather's new attitude, but follows him nevertheless in order to find Jolyne. 

Anasui passa a luta controlado por Pucci

Following the subliminal effect spreading across the city, Anasui confronts Weather Report, who asks Anasui to kill him. Anasui is more upset about Weather not taking him to Jolyne than anything, but quickly gets serious when Weather informs him that Pucci is nearby. Anasui checks for him in the sewers, but only sees snails. Anasui suggests the car as a possible hiding spot before Weather gets his right leg chopped off by Pucci. He deflects a batch of snails coming towards him using Diver Down, and starts turning into a snail. However, he uses Diver Down on Weather to give him a makeshift leg and allow him to attack Pucci. Pucci reflects the sunlight on Anasui to make him turn into a snail faster, making him unable to focus enough to use his stand. He tries to attack once more, but is beaten into the asphalt by Whitesnake. As Whitesnake prepares the killing blow, Weather Report creates blood spikes on the ground that Pucci must use Anasui's vision to see due to his own blindness. He lists off the blood spikes and tells Pucci the way out, but fails to tell him about the spike forming on his shoulder. Anasui watches as Weather Report almost kills Pucci, but a car crashes into the one they were by, carrying Jolyne, Emporio, Ermes, and Versus. Jolyne is about to attack what she believes to be the priest, but Anasui uses Diver Down to reveal it as Donatello Versus' corpse. 

As the others notice Weather's dead body, Anasui talks about his own callousness and lack of feeling, stating that the time Weather had with Jolyne and the others were the happiest times in his life. Anasui then reveals that he left behind the stand disc for Weather Report.


On the car ride to Cape Canaveral Space Station, Anasui notices Jolyne asleep on his chest and comments on how cute she is. He then produces a wedding ring that he bought from the prison merchant, softly placing it on her finger. However, Ermes startles her by pointing out a large alligator and she unknowingly throws it at the alligator. Anasui repeatedly asks her to open her hands when he notices, weeping. 

Anasui se torna indefeso contra C-Moon

Anasui resolves to find Pucci as soon as possible and not wait for Jotaro to arrive, and as gravity turns 90 degrees away, he uses Diver Down on the road to hold on to everyone and keep them from falling. He motions that if they continue climbing a rail, they could get to the space station, and Jolyne makes up her mind to kill Pucci. Anasui thinks to himself about how in love he is with Jolyne. As they are on the sideways space station, Anasui watches as Jolyne is attacked by C-Moon, Pucci's new stand, shouting warnings for her and eventually using Diver Down to attack C-Moon. He is pelted with inside-out tiles and starts to fall, but Jolyne uses Stone Free to hold onto him and wrap around C-Moon's neck at the same time. Anasui warns her not to be reckless, and when C-Moon puts Jolyne's string in danger of turning inside-out, he phases Diver Down into it to have his own arm turn inside-out. 

When Jolyne herself turns inside-out due to a direct attack, her strings dissolve and he uses Diver Down to anchor himself to the floor. He springs off towards Pucci after Emporio tells him that Jolyne is still alive in order to protect her. When he meets Pucci, he creates a decoy version of himself out of a civilian's corpse using Diver Down and tries to attack him. However, Pucci turns himself inside out and avoids the attack, countering and just barely missing Anasui, who floats off and grabs a pole to keep himself from falling.

Made In Heaven

Os heróis percebem que o tempo está acelerando

As Jotaro and Ermes return, so does Anasui, the group surrounding Pucci. However, as Pucci floats into the air and starts to attain 'heaven', Anasui climbs onto the space shuttle and attacks Pucci with Diver Down. Pucci's new stand, Made in Heaven, emerges out of his arm. As Anasui tries to attack Pucci, a bright light fills the area and the group wakes up in Cape Canaveral with normal gravity. Anasui is touched by Jolyne worrying about him, but is soon confused by the effects of Made In Heaven when he accidentally drops a heavy rock on Ermes. Suddenly, Pucci begins to attack the group using the abilities he gained after attaining heaven.

Morte de Anasui

Anasui takes this moment to ask Jotaro for Jolyne's hand in marriage, and gets frustrated without his permission. Jolyne inadvertently clings to Anasui explaining their plan, but is grabbed by Jotaro right afterward protectively. Despite this, Anasui still takes a blow that would have been fatal for Jotaro by phasing Diver Down into Jotaro's body. He gets wounded again shortly after on the hand by Pucci. As the group flies through the air through Kiss' ability, Anasui celebrates the possibility of marrying Jolyne to Emporio, prompting Jolyne to motivate him by telling him he could ask for her hand in marriage, finding his plan as their hope. Anasui posits that there is one way they could kill Pucci as he directs Emporio towards the marshes.

He tells Jotaro that since Pucci has no choice but to pick them off one by one, when Pucci goes in to kill him, he'll give Jotaro a signal for him to stop time and kill Pucci. He states that he is able to phase into anyone when they're as close together as they are, allowing him to take fatal blows. He states he will take the first blow, and the signal will be transferred through his stand, specifically mentioning for Jotaro to stop time after Pucci's blow to finish Anasui off, sacrificing himself.

As they land in the marshes and Anasui prepares himself, he is punched through the chest by a Stand. He gives the signal, but it is revealed that Pucci used his Stand to take Jolyne's Stone Free and used Stone Free to pierce through Anasui's chest. Anasui falls into the water, dead.

He is seen amongst the rest of the Stone Ocean protagonists in the clouds in the final panel.

Universo Alternativo

Contraparte de Anasui

No universo alternativo, Anasui possui uma contraparte chamada Anakiss. Quando Emporio se aproxima do carro, sua namorada e contraparte de Jolyne, Irene, diz ao garoto que eles estão indo ao pai dela para que assim ela possa se casar com Anakiss. Eles também oferecem carona a uma agustiada estranha, contraparte de Ermes Costello, em troca de dinheiro para gasolina. O grupo mais tarde pega outro estranho na estrada, que parece ser a contraparte de Weather Report.


Book Icon.png Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição


Quote.png Frases
Mostrar tudoPortuguêsJaponêsRomanizado
  • Celebrate us. (祝福しろ)
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui
  • I've fallen for her. From the first time I saw her, completely. And now, to go to the punishment ward for her father... her determination completely won me over. If I can protect her until the end... I'm going to marry her. (気に入ったんだよ。彼女を初めて見た時から何もかもな。父親のためにわざわざ「懲罰房」まで今回のその覚悟がさらに気に入った。彼女を守りきったなら…オレは彼女と結婚する。)
    —Narciso Anasui, regarding Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui
  • Diver Down. I stored it inside her body. If the attack towards Jolyne has already been decided... all I had to do was protect her, right when he delivered his kick!
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 7
  • That's how I like it. I want you to look at me more... those eyes... just keep looking at me...
    —Narciso Anasui to Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 7
  • I suggest that you get ready... get ready to regret that you were ever created!
    —Narciso Anasui to Yo-Yo Ma, Stone Ocean Chapter 82: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 5
  • You're constantly giving me hope... I can see hope for myself through you, and I've never felt this way... not in a prison, not in the outside world. That's why I'm here.
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 92: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 4
  • If there's no Mickey, this shit ain't Disney!!
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 104: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
  • Listen, Jolyne. People have called me a murderer. The papers called me that, and I can't say I disagree with them. When people asked me if I would sacrifice myself for the sake of my family, I answered "no". I'd probably answer that way now. My heart was never moved by them. But I know I'd be willing to risk my life for something that was able to revive me. I used to be dead. Weather was that way, too. Weather came back to life when he left that prison. I can tell. So don't think too deeply about what happened to him. These past few days, Weather was happy. Weather was already saved.
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 137: Heavy Weather, Part 13
  • In order to protect Jolyne... I gotta kill that priest!
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 144: C-MOON, Part 4
  • Jolyne's strong will and pure heart, that she inherited from you her father, is the light that shines on the darkness of my heart... my heart, which could collapse at any moment!
    —Narciso Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3


All Star Battle (PS3)

Anasui makes his game debut as a DLC character in the PS3 title. He was confirmed for the 4th campaign, alongside Vanilla Ice. He is the only playable male ally for Part 6. For the English localization of the game, he was given the name "Narc Anastasia".

As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Anasui can turn Diver Down on/off, changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand. Anasui has 1000 HP.

Anasui is a tricky fighter with a reliable trap move, a playstyle not unlike Mariah in Heritage for the Future. Diver Down's abilities lend Anasui a well-rounded and varied set of skills in the form of powerful command throws, an anti-air move, an aerial attack, and a special move with modular attack height. In addition, despite lacking a true projectile, Anasui can attack from long distances with Diver Down's diving power, giving him the ability to challenge his opponent from midrange, if not farther. Utilizing Anasui's dedicated trap is key to his combo structure, set-ups, and mix-ups; he strings together strong combos from normally non-combo moves with clever use of his trap and command throws. With all this in mind, Anasui can be an unpredictable and versatile character, though he requires a level of creativity to utilize well, and many of his moves tend to leave him vulnerable.

Stand On/Off

Anasui can summon or recall his Diver Down, altering his available moveset.

Shut yer trap!

Anasui turns around and performs a downward reverse kick. A middle attack that must be blocked standing. Anasui's skills can be performed instantly following this move.

Special Moves (Stand Off)
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

By consuming 1/8th of the Heart Heat Gauge, Anasui summons Diver Down to punch the ground, leaving a trap. If the opponent steps on it, they'll be knocked into the air. A low attack that must be blocked crouching. The attack can be charged to increase its damage and the upward distance the opponent flies. (Comboable)

You're in range!
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Anasui summons Diver Down to punch at an upward angle. This move doubles as an anti-air. If it hits, DD enters the opponent, beats them up from the inside, and comes out of their back to launch them directly into the ground.

Meat and Bone Suspension
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

A Throw. Anasui summons Diver Down to fly forward. If it connects, DD rearranges the structure of the opponent's legs into a spring, before delivering a downward punch that sends them bouncing extremely high into the air. (Comboable)

Special Moves (Stand On)
How awful...
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

A Throw. Diver Down reaches outward, and if it connects, enters the opponent, beats them up from the inside, and comes out to kick them to the ground.

ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Diver Down dives into the ground and resurfaces to assault the opponent, the resulting attack depending on the attack button inputted. A Stand Rush skill that Anasui can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing.

  • Light - DD pops out to punch the opponent's legs, tripping them. A low attack that must be blocked crouching.
  • Medium - DD leaps out to deliver a downward punch that knocks the down hard enough for them to bounce. A middle attack that must be blocked standing. (Comboable)
  • Heavy - DD comes out to deliver an advancing barrage of punches that knock the opponent into the air on the final hit (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel).
Go to hell!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png IN AIR OK

This move can only be used in mid-air. Diver Down swings downward while suspending Anasui's downward momentum. It is both a middle attack that must be blocked standing, as well as a Stand Rush skill that Anasui can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing.

Didn't see it coming!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Anasui yanks the opponent toward him before delivering a back-handed punch.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Give me your blessing!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Diver Down rapidly punches the ground before entering it, resulting in a barrage of uppercuts at the opponent's feet from that spot on the floor that sends them flying backward. DD then reappears from behind them and pummels them again, knocking them to Anasui's feet. The HHA can be delayed for a few seconds.

Diving in
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Diver Down sinks into the ground, reappearing in front of the opponent to lunge at them, regardless of range or orientation. If the attack connects, DD dives into the opponent's body, before destroying them from the inside with a relentless combo of punches and kicks in all directions. The opponent is flung around by the internal force into the air as Anasui expresses DD's ability to kill them from the inside-out. As he finishes talking, DD ends the attack with a powerful kick strong enough to pierce through the target's back and send them flying.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Anasui was confirmed for the game alongside Pucci with C-Moon, Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion), and Joshu Higashikata. As a Stand User, Anasui is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.

  • Style Action - And... RELEASE!: Diver Down performs a single kick forward, leaving the energy of the kick in the form of a trap. If it hits an opponent, they will become a carrier of the energy, damaging and blowing back both themselves and their partner if they make contact with each other. If it hits a wall, the energy will be left as a trap, damaging and blowing back any opponent that gets too close. If Style Action is held, Diver Down can charge its power in order to increase the damage dealt and the number of stored kicks up to 15, and eventually make the traps unblockable. Anasui may have up to 3 traps active at a given time, including any affecting his opponents.
  • Trait - Wall!: Anasui can perform a second jump off a wall by sending Diver Down into it and vaulting off its leg.
  • You're in range!: Anasui summons Diver Down to punch at an upward angle. If it hits, DD dives into an opponent, beats them up from the inside, and comes out of their back to launch them directly into the ground. Anasui is invincible from the beginning of the dive until the last punch is thrown.
  • Go to hell!: Anasui and Diver Down leap into the air before landing with a roll. If DD hits an opponent during this period, it will make them bounce high into the air and dive into the ground when it lands. From the ground, DD will unleash an upward barrage of 14 punches on the falling target, the last hit launching them into the air.
  • Diver Down! Dive!: Diver Down moves at high speeds through the ground as Anasui rides along, and can steer left and right. This move can be used for traversal or closing the distance on his targets, assisting in evasion through the former. The activating input can be held to increase the time and therefore distance covered. While active, Anasui's stamina gauge quickly drains, and he will damage opponents he makes contact with but will stop immediately upon doing so. He may instantly cancel the skill by jumping the instant he stops moving.
  • I dove into your body itself.: Anasui sends Diver Down to protect either himself or his partner. If held, a green circle will appear at Anasui's feet indicating the range he must be in to have DD protect his partner, as well as the maximum range from Anasui the ability will persist for them. While active, DD will automatically counterattack any non-projectiles and non-DHA attacks with a barrage of 15 punches. Anasui will be unable to use any skills that require the use of DD, and attempting to use Normal or Powerful Attacks will result in the ability canceling. If DD is protecting Anasui himself, he may also cancel the skill at any time by reinputting the skill. If his partner is attacked while protected by DD, Anasui will absorb a portion of the damage.
  • EX - Go to hell!: Anasui is invincible until he lands.
  • EX - Diver Down! Dive!: Anasui is invincible to projectiles while moving, will now knock opponents he makes contact with into the air without stopping, and can freely cancel his movement with a Normal Attack, his Style Action, or any skill.
  • Dual Heat Attack - I dove in.: Identical to its performance in All Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.


  • Give me your blessing!: Anasui must use a fully charged Style Action. (200 Points)
  • Ready to regret the day you were born?!: Anasui must execute 3 Combo Breakers. (200 Points)
  • First, Diver Down receives the initial damage...: Anasui must use "I dove into your body itself." 3 times. (300 Points)
  • If I manage to survive this...: Anasui must perform a Dual Combo Finish. (500 Points)
  • Give me your blessing! I can't get married without it!: Anasui must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)

As with other Stone Ocean characters returning from All Star Battle (except Pucci), Anasui's default and secondary alternate costumes swapped their places; his default costume in ASB is now his secondary costume and vice versa.


He is paired with Josuke Higashikata 8 in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, having been placed in the F Block series of battles to be incorporated into the main Tournament. They were eliminated in the first round by Part 4 Jotaro and Diego Brando (Parallel World).


HistóriaCapas de CapítulosCapas de VolumesEsboços
Arte PromocionalFolhas de Design
All-Star BattleEyes of Heaven



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui
  2. Stone Ocean Chapter 87: Awaken, Part 3
  3. 3.0 3.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 140: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 2
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Stone Ocean Chapter 92: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 4
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Stone Ocean Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3
  6. 6.0 6.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4
  7. Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  8. Stone Ocean Chapter 143: C-MOON, Part 3
  9. Stone Ocean Chapter 76: Birth of the "Green", Part 1
  10. Stone Ocean Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 2
  11. Stone Ocean Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  12. 12.0 12.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 77: Birth of the "Green", Part 2
  13. Stone Ocean Chapter 81: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 4
  14. Stone Ocean Chapter 153: Made in Heaven, Part 5
  15. Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui, p.6
  16. Stone Ocean Chapter 71: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 5
  17. Stone Ocean Chapter 142: C-MOON, Part 2
  18. Stone Ocean Chapter 133: Heavy Weather, Part 9
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Stone Ocean Chapter 137: Heavy Weather, Part 13
  20. 20.0 20.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui, p.8
  21. Stone Ocean Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 7
  22. Stone Ocean Chapter 78: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 1
  23. Yo-Yo Ma is Coming! story arc
  24. Stone Ocean Chapter 89: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 1
  25. Stone Ocean Chapter 106: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 3
  26. Stone Ocean Chapter 86: Awaken, Part 2
  27. Stone Ocean Chapter 88: Awaken, Part 4

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